Scientists say only enlarging the world’s nature reserve to help protect plants and animals may be useless. The main reason is that levels of human activity are rising in and around the nature reserves. In fact, recognizing spaces as protected areas is not reducing human activity there.

The researchers found that a lack of money to pay for land conservation (保护) is affecting conservation efforts. And it is a lack of communication between people who live in protected natural areas and outsiders. About 17 percent of the world is within protected areas, including the national parks, nature reserves and wilderness areas. Protected areas are important for supporting environments with many different kinds of plants and animals.

The researchers again found increasing human activity in most protected areas in every country. However, they said that human activity appeared to be more of a problem in nations with fewer roads and lower life standards on the Human Development Index (指数). The index uses information about life length, education and earnings to grade countries on human development.

Across the northern Australia, protected areas often proved effective at slowing human activity when compared with unprotected areas. But in South America, Southeast Asia and African countries, pressure from human activity inside protected areas was higher.

Experts say governments need to provide fund support to help protected areas. Simply recognizing a place as a protected area can’t be the beginning and the end of a conservation effort. Working with local people to take efforts is also important. If they’re not partners in the protected areas, then wildlife conservation is much more difficult.

1.What are protected areas mainly affected by according to the text?

A.Human activity. B.Climate change.

C.Population growth. D.Environmental pollution.

2.What’s the Human Development Index used to do?

A.Record more roads in the world.

B.Improve education in all countries.

C.Grade countries on human development.

D.Lead more people to make money.

3.What do experts advise governments to do for protected areas?

A.Enlarge protected areas.

B.Offer extra money and work with locals.

C.Attract more people to travel there.

D.Allow local people to farm there.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.People May Cause Harm to Plants and Animals

B.Local People Should Focus on the Natural Environment

C.Nature Reserves in the World Should Be Increased

D.Nature Reserves May Not Protect Wildlife Safely


    For the first time since my open-heart operation, I have the energy to take my harp (竖琴) to the hospital rooms and play for anyone who likes it.

I checked in with two nurses and they gave me a list of rooms. The first man I played for was a patient who found it difficult to sleep. He smiled and with his eyes closed, he reached out to my harp. He was not interested in my voice, but he appreciated the harp. In the next room was a woman patient. I played some soft music for her and then she slept soundly.

Then I found a lovely elderly woman who was awake. There were flowers everywhere and photos of her and her husband at her bedside. She held my hand and talked for some time and was pleased to receive harp music. Playing for her was a special pleasure. She asked me how long I had been playing the harp, how much the harp weighed, how I learned it and why I wanted to learn it and so on.

We talked about books for a bit as well. I played until her grandson came in and he came back from overseas to see her. This woman was deeply loved—you could see that. She was beautiful and kind. I learn so much from these beautiful people who are brave to face their illnesses. It is always such a great honor to play for them.

1.What do we know about the first man mentioned in the text?

A.He disliked the harp.

B.He was not interested in music.

C.He had some difficulty in sleeping.

D.He played some soft music for the author.

2.How did the author feel when playing for the elderly woman?

A.Sad. B.Worried.

C.Amazed. D.Pleased.

3.What did the author say about the elderly woman?

A.She had no relatives. B.She was loved by her family.

C.She would recover soon. D.She had many hobbies.

4.How many patients did the author play the harp for according to the text?

A.Two. B.Five.

C.Four. D.Three.


Canals in Europe

Gascony, France

Much of the canal is lined with trees, making it perfect for bicycle rides along the two banks. The Saint Louis boat is a great choice for this route. It’s specially driven by a woman. Plus, Captain Wendy used to be a designer. Her eye for design is on the boat, from the hand-painted furniture to the little Flower Festival she prepares every morning.

Canal du Midi, France

The Canal du Midi, the most famous of the French canals, was built in the 17th century. It took 12,000 workers 14 years to dig the 150-mile canal. Today, it’s one of the oldest working canals in the world. It offers a truly historical experience, with visits to the Roman ruins and weekly market at Narbonne.

Dutch Waterways, Holland

For those who prefer a quiet place and want to travel on waterways more frequently by tourist boats, the Netherlands is the perfect choice. The Dutch Waterways are often lined with shops and homes, and you will get the chance to see plenty of people going about their lives as you float by. The best time to visit it is spring.

The Caledonian Canal, Britain

It’s perfect for people who would prefer to sit on the boat drinking and watching the loud water go by. Speaking of lakes, the famous Loch Ness is on this route. You’ll also get to look at castles like Cawdor Castle and Eilean Donan, the latter of which appeared in the James film The World Is Not enough.

1.What is special about Gascony?

A.Few men ride bikes there.

B.a boat there is driven by a woman.

C.It is a place used to shoot a famous film.

D.It is the oldest working canal in the world.

2.What can travelers do when touring Canal du Midi?

A.Learn to build ancient boats.

B.Help workers dig the cave.

C.Visit the Roman ruins.

D.Watch lakes in front of Cawdor Castle.

3.Which of the following is best for those who enjoy quietness to travel?

A.Dutch Waterways. B.Canal du Midi.

C.Gascony. D.The Caledonian Canal.



注意:1. 词数不少于100

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

词汇:four-word Chinese idiom

Dear Jack,

I admire your passion for the Chinese language and I’m more than happy to give you some help.


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

More and more students are doing part-time jobs today. There are many advantage in students doing part-time jobs. Except earning some money to support themselves, they can learn stuff what cannot be learned from textbooks. We will learn to get along with different kinds of people, get useful working experience and to learn the value of labor.

Therefore, there are also some disadvantages. For example, too much work may take up much of the students’ study time and affected their studies. Another disadvantage is that money earned, if not proper used, may lead to some bad habits, or even greed.

Good or bad, it is not easy for students to getting part-time jobs in China now. To change the situation, people should develop fresh look at students doing part-time jobs and provide them with opportunities.



Wild elephants that destroy crops and damage trees 1.(be) a serious problem in many parts of Africa. But there could be a simple and 2.(relative) safe way to stop them in their tracks, by 3.(employ) the talents of the tiny African honeybees.

The number of elephants in Kenya 4.(rise) over the past ten years, with some disastrous results. Not only do these huge animals attack local farms 5. they step someone to death an average of once every two weeks. Now a biologist has discovered a possible threat: the elephants are extremely aware 6. trees that house honeybee hives.

''I am 7.(puzzle) why nobody has thought of this before, ''says Fritz Vollrath at the University of Oxford. ''When an elephant knocks a beehive he runs and the bees will follow him for miles. '' He says that placing hives of the honeybees around local farms could be 8. effective way to threaten the animals. Vollrath put 30 unoccupied and 6 occupied 9.(beehive) in some of the trees growing on a bush frequently damaged by elephants. On average the elephants attacked 9 out of 10 trees that didn’t have hives. But 10.(them) avoided all six trees with occupied hives. The elephants also left along one–third of the trees with empty hives, suggesting that some had learnt not to take the risk.


    What were you like as a teenager? I was a _______. I was rude to my parents, always stayed out late, never did my homework, hung out with the wrong people and made many _______ decisions. Apparently, this is the age when teenagers are out of control and _______ badly. If you're a teenager now, you think this is _______ criticism or it's not your fault. Well, you might be _______!

Experts have found that it's a teenager's brain that is to _______. Between the ages of _______ 13 to 19 the brain is still developing in areas that _______ behaviour. This has an/a _______ on learning and multitasking, stress and memory, sleep, addiction, and decision-making. This is quite a new ________, according to Professor Sarah, ''when I was at university, the dogma (教条) in the text books was that the vast brain ________ goes on in the first few years of life and nothing much ________ after mid-childhood. That dogma is completely ________.''

So our brains are still developing much later than was originally thought. Is this the perfect excuse for teenagers to ________ and not get their homework done on time? It's something to do with our prefrontal cortex (前额皮层). It's involved in many high-level cognitive (认知的) ________ such as decision making and planning. This region is undergoing large amounts of development during the adolescent years. For an/a________, this hasn't developed yet. So getting organized to do their homework, for example, can be a bit ________.

I wish I'd known about this because instead of telling my ________ I'd left my homework on the bus or that the dog had ________ it. Now I could say, ''Sorry sir, my ________ isn't developed enough for the cognitive task of planning my homework''.

1.A.prince B.nightmare C.fool D.joke

2.A.real B.wise C.bad D.good

3.A.dress C.react D.behave

4.A.unfair B.practical D.reasonable

5.A.dull B.right C.wrong D.precise

6.A.praise B.blame C.wake

7.A.appropriately B.alternatively C.frequently D.approximately

8.A.control B.use

9.A.touch B.impact C.role D.advantage

10.A.way B.invention C.discovery D.job

11.A.exploration B.experiment C.progress D.development

12.A.changes B.stays C.remains D.leaves

13.A.true B.unknown C.false D.satisfying

14.A.get over B.hang around C.look around D.take off

15.A.interests B.results C.drawbacks D.tasks B.scientist C.teenager

17.A.exhausting B.simple C.challenging D.late

18.A.boss B.teacher C.trainer D.colleague

19.A.eaten B.seen C.passed D.recognized

20.A.knowledge B.body C.identity D.brain


    People express their personalities in their clothes, their cars, and their homes. Because we might choose certain foods to ''tell'' people something about us, our diets can also be an expression of our personalities. For example, some people eat mainly gourmet foods, such as caviar (鱼子酱) and lobster (龙虾), and they eat only in expensive restaurants. 1.

Human beings can eat many different kinds of foods, but some people choose not to eat meat. 2.Their personalities might be similar too. For example, vegetarians in the United States and Canada may be creative people, and they might not enjoy competitive sports or jobs. They worry about the health of the world, and they are probably strongly opposed to war.

3. One study shows that many fast food eaters have a lot in common with one another, but they are very different from vegetarians. They are competitive and good at business. 4. Many fast food eaters might not agree with this description of their personalities, but it is common picture of them.

Some people also believe that people of the same astrological sign (星座) have similar food personalities. Aries (born under the sign of Aries, between March 21 and April 20) usually like spicy foods, with a lot of onions and pepper. People with the sign of Taurus (April 21 to May 22) prefer healthful fruits and vegetables, but they often eat too much. 5. Aquarius (January 21 to February 19) can eat as much meat and fish as they want, but sugar and cholesterol (胆固醇) are sometimes problems for them.

A.They are also usually in a hurry.

B.Some people eat mostly fast food.

C.They know about the “better things in life”.

D.Vegetarians often have more in common than just their diet.

E.People's personalities have something to do with their parents.

F.Many people avoid alcohol, which makes the body lose too much water.

G.Sagittarius (November 22 to December 22) like ethnic foods from many different countries.


    Since the Second World War, there has been an obvious trend, especially among the growing group of college students, toward early marriage. Many youths begin dating in the first stages of adolescence, ''go steady'' through high school, and marry before their formal education has been completed. In some quarters, there is much shaking of graying heads over the ways of rebellious youth. However, emotional maturity does not grow with age; it does not arrive automatically at twenty-one or twenty-five. Some achieve it surprisingly early, while others never do, even in three-score years and ten.

Many students are marrying as an escape, not only from an unsatisfying home life, but also from their own personal problems of isolation and loneliness. However, any marriage entered into as an escape cannot prove entirely successful. The sad fact is that marriage seldom solves one's problems; more often, it merely worsens them. Furthermore, it is doubtful whether the home is capable of carrying all that the young are seeking to put into it; one might say that they are abandoning one idol only to worship another. Young people correctly understand that their parents are wrong in believing that success is the ultimate good, but they themselves are wrong in believing that they have found the true center of life's meaning. Their expectations of marriage are essentially unrealistic and therefore incapable of fulfillment. They want too much, and tragic disillusionment (幻想破灭) is often bound to follow.

Shall we, then, join the chorus of those against early marriages? One cannot generalize: all early marriages are not bad any more than all later ones are good. Satisfactory marriages are determined not by how old one is, but by the emotional maturity of the partners. Therefore, each case must be judged on its own merits. If the early marriage is not an escape, if it is entered into with relatively few illusions or false expectations, and if it is economically practicable, why not? Good marriages can be made from sixteen to sixty, and so can bad ones.

1.From Para. 1 we can learn that     .

A.emotional maturity automatically grow with age

B.some old people disapprove of early marriage

C.growing group of college students are against early marriage

D.the emotional expectations of young lovers are too high

2.The author's attitude to marriage as an escape is     .

A.negative B.unsure

C.indifferent D.acceptable

3.It can be implied from the last paragraph that     .

A.early marriages should not be encouraged

B.later marriages are always better than early marriages

C.each marriage should be looked at differently

D.young people can benefit a lot from early marriage

4.What's the best title of the passage?

A.Disillusionment in Marriage B.Expectations for Marriage

C.Marriages and Emotional Maturity D.The Trend of Early Marriages


    For many in the UK, if the New Year means anything, it means starting with a clean beginning and turning over a new leaf. And to do this, many of us make New Year's resolutions—a list of ways that we intend to improve ourselves in the year ahead. We reflect on our past transgressions and decide not to do them again. Stopping smoking is ever popular, as is a vow to take up more exercise or spend more time with family. But where does the idea of a New Year's resolution come from?

The answer might lie 4,000 years ago in ancient Babylonia (巴比伦王国), according to The Babylonians are believed to be the first to hold recorded celebrations for the New Year. The 12-day-long celebration, allowed them not only to reaffirm (重申) their loyalty to the king, but also to promise to the gods to pay their debts and return borrowed objects. For their good behavior, they believed the gods would cast favor upon them for the year to come.

The Romans too had similar traditions. New Year's Day was a time when senators would swear they had maintained the laws and city leaders and soldiers would take an oath (宣誓) of loyalty to the emperor. Incidentally, the month of January, is named after the Roman god Janus. He is the god of beginnings, transitions and time, among other things and is described as having two faces—one looking to the past and the other facing forward to the future.

The Romans may be long gone, but their legacy lives on. Come the turn of the year and we look at self-improvement, review our past mistakes, confess our wrongdoings and try to sharpen up in general. Ultimately, much like the Babylonians and Romans, we seek to reaffirm the best parts of ourselves, while leaving the worthless behind.

Whether you're looking at a quick behavioral change, or huge personality improving, you're taking part in an old tradition. I wish you all the best sticking to your resolutions. Happy New Year!

1.The underlined word ''transgressions'' in the first paragraph means ''    ''.

A.childhood B.wrongdoings D.achievements

2.What did the Babylonians do during the 12-day-long celebration?

A.They strengthened their loyalty to the king again.

B.They borrowed objects from gods.

C.They took up more exercise.

D.They kept the laws and stayed with families.

3.What physical feature does the Roman god Janus have?

A.Janus is the god of beginnings. B.Janus is the god of transitions and time.

C.Janus has two faces. D.Janus looks to the past.

4.The main idea of the passage is     .

A.the way to celebrate New Year B.the origin of the New Year's resolution

C.the old story of Romans D.the approach to changing people's behavior


    From my hotel room window, I see an oversized billboard with his face on it: Jason, the Great Magician.

I absent-mindedly turn the pages of the phone book and come across a city map. Sipping my iced latté, I run my fingers along the streets from the hotel to the opera hall. Not more than a half-hour walk.

I glance at the clock. The show starts in one hour. Plenty of time! I gulp the last three sips of my latté and hop in the shower. Soon I’m on my way to the show, carrying a fancy black handbag and a genuine smile.

The billboard looks even more impressive from outside. The Great Jason's eyes seem to be glancing through me. I shiver and walk faster. I feel like a child about to open her birthday presents.

The hall is dark when I come in; the show is about to begin. I make my way backstage just as the great magician puts on his top hat.

''Daddy, I'm so glad to see you, '' I say in a half-whisper. ''I'm in town for the writer’s workshop, but I just couldn't miss your show. '' I give him a quick hug and go back into the seating area, leaving him with a startled smile. I settle down in the darkness, and the curtains open.

Magically, that show remains the Great Jason's best performance to this day.

1.The underlined sentence indicates the writer is     .

A.embarrassed and hesitant B.brave and determined

C.nervous and excited D.surprised and frightened

2.Why was the writer in town?

A.To go to the workshop. B.To visit the magician.

C.To enjoy the performance. D.To help people in need.

3.Who is Jason?

A.The person the writer will work with. B.The father of the writer.

C.The greatest performer ever. D.The unknown magician.


Phuket, Thailand

With its dry season stretching from November to April, there are few more reliable destinations for a sunny escape than Phuket in winter. Thailand's biggest island is a holiday icon, starting as a backpacker get-away and now a mainstream favorite. Besides blue water, fine beaches, palm trees and massage, the sunsets from Phromthep Cape at the southern tip are marvelous.

Sicily, Italy

Winter in Sicily means fewer crowds, bright blue skies, and almond trees in full bloom. It also means you'll have the island's stunning Baroque towns and extraordinary archeological (考古学的) sites all to yourself and that you'll be able to ski on Mount Etna, indulge in delicious cuisine, and enjoy beautiful Taormina at its most relaxed.

Xishuangbanna, China

Xishuangbanna in Yunnan province is one of the most-visited spots in China. As the country's only tropical rainforest nature reserve, it has surprising biological diversity. The climate is humid and warm here, and the temperature gap between the coldest month and the hottest month is only 10 degrees Celsius, which makes it one of the ideal places to enjoy pleasant temperatures during the cold months.

Quy Nho'n, Vietnam

Sitting between the busy coastal cities of Nha Trang and Hoi An, Quy Nho'n is a relatively unknown, quiet beach town. The intense resort development seen in the country's more popular seaside locations has yet to reach this region, making for a perfect place for a relaxed getaway. Besides fresh seafood, there lies a pretty cove beach around a dozen kilometers south of Quy Nho'n, where there is a collection of fine hotels popular with independent travelers.

Alaska, the United States

Alaska has a natural landscape that seems at times untouched by humanity. Anchorage, the state's largest city, has the typical Iditarod Dog Race, which alone is worth a trip to see. Head over to the city of Fairbanks, to witness the amazing spectacle of Northern Lights and to take a dogsled tour. Don't forget to explore the incredible Mendenhall Ice Caves, located near the capital of Alaska, Juneau.

1.If you are interested in ancient places, you can go to     .

A.Phuket B.Sicily

C.Xishuangbanna D.Quy Nho'n

2.At Alaska, people can enjoy     . water and fine beaches B.pleasant temperatures

C.Northern Lights D.delicious cuisine

3.We can learn from the passage that     .

A.there are a good many people in Sicily in winter

B.Xishuangbanna is the most-visited spot in China

C.Phuket is the biggest island in Vietnam

D.Quy Nho'n hasn't highly developed

4.In which section of a website can you find the passage?

A.Travelling. B.Finance.

C.Sports. D.Transportation.



1. 活动时间、地点;

2. 参加人员;

3. 活动感受。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 文中不能出现与本人相关的具体信息;

4. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。


建国70周年 the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the People’s Republic of China

Dear David,

How is everything with you?


Best wishes!


Li Hua



1.When the team came in, everyone rose and c_______(欢呼).

2.Present at the conference are many t_______(顶级的)scientists.

3.It was beautiful beyond any p________(能力)of language to express.

4.My father likes to r________(放松)with music when he gets home from work.

5.The m________(标志)of a civilized society is that it looks after its weakest members.



When it comes to Anhui province, the first thing that 1.(come) to mind might be the Yellow Mountain. In fact, this mountainous province is 2. birthplace of Anhui cuisine(徽菜), also called Hui cuisine. It is 3. (know) for its special tastes and cooking methods.

To Chinese people, food is like medicine. Hui cuisine is not an exception to this belief. 4. (achieve) this, local people use herbs(药草), whether wild 5. grown by people, and add them to their dishes,  6. (make) them healthy and delicious.

Anhui people value celebrations very much. These celebrations require different dishes, 7. have greatly encouraged the 8. (develop) of Hui cuisine. It is said that Huizhou traders liked to show their respect to their business 9. (partner) or friends with a big table of Hui dishes. So wherever they went, they 10. (build) Hui cuisine restaurants.


    A man was spending his holiday in Africa. One day he ______ the elephants passing by on the road. To his great surprise, these large strong animals were being held only by a small rope, tied to their front leg. Clearly, they could ______ run away any moment. However, they did not.

Then he saw a trainer and asked him how that could happen that not a single elephant made an ______ to break free. The trainer explained, “When the elephants are very young, we use the ______ size rope to tie them, and at that time it is enough to hold them. Gradually they grow up, get ______, but they never try to get away, as they believe that the ______ will still hold them.”

The man was ______. These strong animals could break free any time, but they did not, because they believed that that was impossible.

Sometimes people ______ like elephants. They give up after the ______ failure. Remember that failures are part of ______. If we want to succeed, we should never give up, but try and try again, no matter how many failures we have experienced in the past.

1.A.asked B.noticed C.warned D.raised

2.A.terribly B.hurriedly C.sadly D.easily

3.A.apology B.attempt C.excuse D.effect

4.A.large B.wrong C.same D.different

5.A.prettier B.crazier C.happier D.stronger

6.A.rope B.animal C.leg D.road

7.A.excited B.shocked C.satisfied D.frightened B.dream C.act D.walk

9.A.first C.perfect D.serious

10.A.envying B.refusing C.learning D.desiring


    Clara Daly was seated on the flight to Beijing when an air hostess spoke over the loudspeaker: “Does anyone on board know sign language?”

Clara, 15, pressed the call button. The air hostess came by and explained the situation. A passenger, who was blind and deaf, seemed to want something, but he was traveling alone and the air hostess couldn’t understand what he needed.

Clara had been studying sign language for the past year and knew she’d be able to finger spell into the man’s palm(手掌). So she walked toward the front of the plane, and knelt by the seat of Tim Cook. Gently taking his hand, she signed, “How are you? Are you OK?” Cook asked for some water. When it arrived, Clara returned to her seat. She came by again a bit later because he wanted to know the time. On her third visit, she stopped and stayed for a while.

“He doesn’t need anything. H e is lonely and wants to talk.” Clara said. So for the next hour, that was what they did. She talked about her family and her plans for the future. Even though Cook couldn’t see her, Clara looked attentively at his face with kindness. Cook told Clara how he had gradually become blind over time and shared stories of his days as a traveling salesman. He said he was very excited to have someone he could speak to and that it was the best trip he’d ever had.

All the passengers on board said that Clara was an angel(天使).

1.What happened on the flight to Beijing?

A.The air hostess turned blind.

B.A passenger suddenly got sick.

C.A disabled person needed help.

D.Clara spoke over the loudspeaker.

2.How did Clara communicate with Cook?

A.By whispering. B.By writing a note.

C.By drawing pictures. D.By finger spelling.

3.How many times did Clara come to Cook?

A.Once. B.Twice.

C.Three times. D.Four times.

4.Why was Clara called an angel?

A.Because she was kind to help others.

B.Because she was hopeful for the future.

C.Because she was careful about her plans.

D.Because she was gifted for sign language.

5.What is the best title for the next?

A.Fly in the Air B.Sign the Friendly Sky

C.Shape a Better Future D.Give First Aid on the Plane


    Your morning can determine the rest of your workday. It’s no wonder that so many successful business people keep strict morning habits. If you want to do your best work and be a more productive person, try to follow these four common morning habits.

Wake up early

Successful business people wake up early. Early risers have many advantages. They tend to delay(拖延) less compared with people who stay up late at night. They are also less stressed because, instead of rushing out the door, they take time for themselves and prepare for their day.

Get moving

Successful business people attach importance to their health. After all, a healthy body and mind go together. Morning exercise appears to be best for reducing stress by lowering blood pressure. It also helps you burn more fat throughout the day and lose weight.

Recharge your motivation(动力)

Successful business people understand that motivation doesn’t last forever and needs to be constantly recharged. Reading encouraging sayings is a good way. Thinking about where you are and where you want to go can help you focus on your larger goals.

Eat your frog

Mark Twain once said, “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” In other words, handle your day’s hardest job early when your mental energy is at its highest. Choose only one “frog” of the day and complete it before your normal workday begins.

1.The writer got his ideas by studying many ________.

A.employees B.novelists

C.sports athletes people

2.According to the text, what can morning exercise do?

A.Reduce stress. B.Increase weight.

C.Reduce delays. D.Increase blood pressure.

3.In the writer’s opinion, how can people recharge their motivation?

A.By staying up late. B.By reading encouraging sayings.

C.By burning more fat. D.By eating heavily in the morning.

4.What does the underlined word “frog” in the last paragraph refer to?

A.Alive animal. B.A life goal.

C.A normal weekday. D.A hard job.

5.What is the main topic of the text?

A.Morning habits. B.Business advantages.

C.Healthy diets. D.Office tips.


    This year is the year of the pig. Many people believe that pigs are naturally fat, lazy and dirty. But are any of those things true?

It is true that pigs eat a lot and are very fat, but they are useful to us. We get more than just pork from pigs. We can use their skin to make shoes. We can use their hair to make brushes. Pigs also provide us with something that can be used for drugs.

People sometimes say: “You are as stupid as a pig.” But pigs are not stupid. In fact, pigs are one of the 10 smartest animals. They have a good memory and can tell different shapes apart.

When you see pigs, they are usually in dirty water or mud. That’s because pigs have no sweat glands(汗腺). On hot days, they have to cool themselves in water or mud. This keeps insects off them as well. Mud can also protect their skin from sunburns.

These stereotypes of pigs often make us dislike the animal. For example, if someone eats a lot, we say that they have “pigged out”. If someone’s room is very messy, we might say his or her room looks like a pigsty(猪圈).

But people in China and many other countries really like pigs. In China, people think the pig’s big head and ears are a symbol of good luck. They also believe the animal stands for wealth, as humans use every part of the pig. Piggy banks are a symbol of this. Most children have a piggy bank that they can use to save money.

1.Paragraph 2 mainly tells us that pigs are of great ______.

A.use B.quality

C.patience D.influence

2.Contrary to many people’s ideas, pigs are ______.

A.fat B.lazy


3.What does the underlined word “stereotypes” in Paragraph 5 mean?

A.象征 B.偏见

C.记忆 D.性格

4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.Pigs stand for wealth. B.Pigs are popular in banks.

C.Pigs bring us bad luck. D.Pigs are children’s friends.

5.What will probably be talked about in the paragraph that follows?

A.Pigs in China. B.The truth about pigs.

C.Pigs in other countries. D.Wrong ideas of pigs.


    Summer is coming. How will you spend your summer holidays? Will you go camping, do sports or go on with your studies? Why not try some part-time jobs during the summer?

When I was in senior high school, many of my friends held part-time jobs. The most common jobs for teenagers were restaurant jobs. Working in the kitchen, waiting tables and washing dishes were a few of the most typical ones. But my first part-time job was working at a bookstore. I went to the bookstore every day after school to look for new books and hang out with my friends, so I thought, why not work there and make some money?

One of the reasons why these jobs are often worked by teenagers is that they pay low wages. But the wage is still ok. When I worked at the bookstore, I spent my entire salary in the same store buying books. It was almost like my boss paid me in books instead of money. But at the time, that was perfectly fine by me. By doing the part-time job, I made some money, met different people and became independent and responsible.

1.What does the writer advise us to try in the summer holidays?

A.Studying. B.Doing sports.

C.Going camping. D.Doing part-time jobs.

2.What was the most common job for teenagers according to the second paragraph?

A.Selling books. B.Washing dishes.

C.Paying wages. D.Mending tables.

3.Where did the writer start working?

A.In a school. B.In a library.

C.In a bookstore. D.In a restaurant.

4.What can be inferred in the last paragraph?

A.Teenagers often got high pay.

B.The boss paid the writer in books.

C.The writer benefited a lot from the job.

D.People became independent by reading.

5.What is the main purpose of the text?

A.To persuade. B.To amuse.

C.To compare. D.To argue.



The meeting had come to an end. Bob started to stand up, spilling his coffee over his notes. ''How embarrassing. I am getting so clumsy in my old age.'' Everyone had a good laugh, and soon we were all telling stories of our most embarrassing moments. Someone said, ''Come on, Frank. Tell us your most embarrassing moment.''

''My embarrassing moment? '' I said and began to fall into the memory of the past, ''Honestly, it is the most regretful one for me in my life.''

I grew up in San Pedro. My Dad was a fisherman, and he loved the sea. He had his own boat, but it was hard making a living on the sea. He worked hard and would stay out until he caught enough to feed the family.

I wish you could have met my Dad. He was a big man, and he was strong from pulling the nets and fighting the seas for his catch. When you got close to him, he smelled like the ocean. He would wear his old canvas, foul-weather coat and his bibbed overalls. His rain hat would be pulled down over his brow. No matter how much my Mother washed them, they would still smell of the sea and of fish.

When the weather was bad he would drive me to school. He had this old truck that he used in his fishing business. That truck was older than he was. As he would drive toward the school, I would shrink down into the seat hoping to disappear. Half the time, he would slam to a stop and the old truck would belch a cloud of smoke. He would pull right up in front, and it seemed like everybody would be standing around and watching. Then he would lean over, give me a big kiss on the cheek. It was so embarrassing for me. I was twelve years old, and my Dad would lean over and kiss me goodbye.


第一段:Then one day when we got to the school with his usual big smile, he started to lean toward me. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

第二段:Tears began to well up in Frank’s eyes, as he spoke. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


假定你是学校学生会主席李华。你们计划举办一个“中国年”聚会,欢迎来学校访问的澳大利亚学生。请你给领队Mr. Smith写一封邀请邮件,内容包括:

1. 发出邀请;

2. 聚会的时间和地点;

3. 简要介绍活动内容。

注意:1. 词数80左右;开头已经给出,不计入总词数。

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Mr. Smith,

Welcome to our school and I have some good news to tell you.



Li Hua



Café Yeonnam is a uniquely-designed café in Seoul which makes visitors feel like 1. (step) into a world of comics (漫画). Located in one of the most 2. (fashion) neighborhoods in Seoul, the café recently became famous all over the world for its original 3. (decorate). It was inspired by ''W-Two Worlds'', 4. popular fantasy drama series that aired in South Korea in 2016 and 5. (focus) on the conflicts between the real world and a fantasy one. It was this drama series 6. inspired the interior design of this super café.

Ever since its opening 2017, the café 7. (consider) one of the most popular cafes in Seoul. From the walls and the floor to the furniture and tableware, everything seems taken out of a comic. When a Korean magazine visited the Café back in April, they found it a small room capable 8. sitting around 20 people. Even so, café-goers could expect 9. (wait) a while for their orders as the café only had a staff of one, the owner. 10. that may change soon with hundreds of tourists coming here especially.


    Occasionally, I long to be lost in a ''memory meal, '' biting into one of the nostalgic foods I enjoyed as a child. As a vegetarian, some tasty food like fried bacon is no longer my _______, but old memories die hard. One day, after a meal of locally grown organic food, I found myself _______ something fatty, crisp — bacon.

Back then, bacon came _______ into our household. When it did, it was an event. I would stand excitedly in the kitchen, watching mum complete the _______ work with a strong woody scent. When it was ready, I always slowly took every _______ of the little fatty curls and wanted more. It would be months before the next bacon _______ entered our household.

I had not tasted bacon in years, but the moment I _______ my desire for it, my husband began _______ the grocery stores for the best ''fake bacon'' that could bring us back to the carefree eating of our childhoods. How could he cook that soy(豆制品)so that it would _______ the tatstes of our younger years? __________, Ron did the next morning.

After Ron __________ the bacon to me as if he were handing me a golden crown, I closed my eyes and took a big bite. The soy actually smelled and tasted like __________. I thought of my late parents. My mother was never a morning person, but she __________ to the cooking occasion when bacon was on the menu. My father would delay half an hour to work and share this __________ luxury with us. Suddenly I realized it didn't matter whether I was eating pork or soy: the __________ themselves were just delicious.

1.A.problem B.exception C.option D.condition

2.A.expecting B.resisting D.handling

3.A.frequently B.rarely C.roughly D.completely

4.A.eye-catching B.mouth-watering C.heart-breaking D.time-consuming

5.A.step B.grab C.idea D.bite B.treat D.purchase

7.A.forgot B.distracted C.mentioned D.reflected

8.A.adopting B.buying C.combing D.heading

9.A.shift B.hide C.influence D.resemble

10.A.Incredibly B.Probably C.Constantly D.Practically

11.A.threw B.preserved C.selected D.presented

12.A.fruit B.bacon C.vegetable D.sugar

13.A.rose B.failed C.objected D.meant

14.A.usual B.regular C.occasional D.normal

15.A.attempts B.memories C.benefits D.offers



We all agree that we should recycle more — at home, in the office or when out and about. But for materials to be recycled, they first need to find their way to the right waste stream. 1. This is what the process of sorting allows us to do.

For effective recycling we need effective sorting. And this needs to happen first, in our own home and second, in sorting plants to which waste collected from our doorstep is taken. When you put a plastic bottle in the right recycling bin, you are helping sort recyclables. So the right material can be fed into the right recycling process. 2. They can be a loss of valuable resources from our economy.

3. For instance, in Brussels, Belgium, consumers put plastic packaging, cans and beverage cartons in blue bags designed for recyclable packaging; paper in yellow bags for recycling; and glass needs to be taken to specific collection bins. Somewhat differently, in Vienna (Austria), citizens can expect their paper, metal, glass and plastic to be separately collected in different weeks of the year. 4. In this way, they can sort their recyclables at home more effectively.

Once recyclable materials are collected from your doorstep, they are further sorted in specialized facilities which ensure the quality of the recycling process. 5. Traditionally, sorting has been done either manually with workers sorting what can be recycled and picking out the materials to be discarded or mechanically. Today, however, new technologies are being developed in order to speed up the process of sorting but to also yield better results. Exciting technologies using magnets or optical systems are being used to effectively sort materials so more of it can be recycled.

A.If sorting doesn't happen, recyclable materials can end up in landfills.

B.This is where different sorting techniques come into play.

C.In Europe, collection systems vary from country to country.

D.So citizens need to be aware of their local collection system.

E.Then they can be collected and taken to the right place for recycling.

F.The rest, though they could be recycled and reused, were landfilled or burned.

G.In recent years, Europe has seen a 25% growth in recycling secondary raw materials.


    When Denis wants to relax at work, he steps into a quiet room, sits in a chair, slips on a virtual-reality headset, and escapes to the beach. For Denis, those minutes are a tool he relies on regularly to both relieve and prevent stress.

He's not the only one at his company to use the room, where workers can also use a headset to watch a moon walk, take a virtual roller-coaster ride or access a meditation (冥想) app.

Research shows VR can help reduce pain and anxiety. But it's not yet clear why it works. Experts believe it's related to the technology's power to distract.

''Whatever their problems are, whatever their stresses are, they can literally neglect them and have a different emotional pulse, '' Denis said.

Virtual-reality headsets haven't taken off with consumers, but they're now powerful and inexpensive enough for companies to consider investing in them to help make workers and customers happier.

The headsets may help people take a virtual break from their surroundings, but there are challenges to consider. Ramon Llamas, a tech market researcher, noted that there could be challenges in handing out headsets. Some people get sick or dizzy while using virtual reality, and the headsets may get dirty or broken. There's also the task of quickly familiarizing people with using the headsets, especially since VR adoption has been so limited and the ways they are controlled can vary.

For now, Llamas said, he's concerned about privacy and security. What if, for instance, someone manages to back into a headset and insert some content into what you're watching?

Another potential issue is the managing of the headsets and software that goes along with them. This is likely not a complication for an office like Umber Realty's, where people can simply take a headset off if they feel something wrong. But it could be more of a problem if you're stuck in a dentist's chair. ''The last thing you want is that in the middle of extracting a tooth something goes wrong.'' Llamas said.

1.What does Denis's company use Virtual Reality for?

A.Improving the customers' experience.

B.Displaying the schedule of his company.

C.Relieving the staff's work pressure.

D.Saving the trouble of transportation.

2.How can the VR devices help the users by Denis?

A.Ignoring reality for the moment. B.Improving their thinking.

C.Designing work for the company. D.Investing in a new industry.

3.What does the author focus on in the last three paragraphs?

A.The potential problems with VR.

B.The privacy policy available for VR.

C.The management of these devices in the market.

D.The standards the VR technology is to follow.

4.What is the best title of the passage?

A.VR, a promising business in future! B.Is VR always making us relax?

C.The adoption of VR needs investments. D.Are we saying ''goodbye'' to VR?


    Having hundreds of friends online is no substitute for a handful of close friends in real life. Researchers discovered that people with only a few friends were at least as happy as those with far more if many of theirs were online. The number of ''peripheral others'', someone connected with online — former classmates and coworkers, for example — had no connection with how satisfied they felt.

Scientists did their study using data from two online surveys conducted on 1,496 people by a non-profit research organization. People taking part in the study revealed their ages, the make-up of their social networks, how often they had different types of social interactions, and their own feelings of well-being. They included details of how often and how they interacted with family or neighbours, and whether they included people who provided services for them in their networks. The number of close friends someone had was the only thing that influenced how satisfied they were with their social life.

''Loneliness has less to do with the number of friends you have, and more to do with how you feel about your friends,'' said Dr Bruine, an expert of the study. ''If you feel lonely, it may be more helpful to make a positive connection with a friend than to try and seek out new people to meet.''

In the study, they found older people tended to have smaller social networks. Younger people's were larger but this was mostly made up of ''peripheral others'' — not true friends, just people they knew — and did not contribute to their happiness.

Even variations in the number of family members or neighbours somebody spent time with did not affect how happy they were with their social life. Dr Bruine said her research echoed other findings showing people would be happier if a larger proportion of their online friends were actually their friends in reality.

She added, ''Stereotypes of aging tend to paint older adults in many cultures as sad and lonely. But the research shows that older adults' smaller networks didn't weaken social satisfaction and well-being. In fact, older adults tend to report better well-being than younger adults.''

1.What has a good influence on one's happiness according to the study?

A.Having impersonal networks of friends.

B.Meeting with close friends face to face.

C.Helping familiar coworkers.

D.Keeping in touch with family members online.

2.What did the 1,496 people taking part in the study have to do?

A.Keep off using the Internet.

B.Show their attitudes to happiness.

C.Reveal their social life thoroughly.

D.Find ''peripheral others'' from their friends.

3.Who is more likely to be attacked by loneliness from the study?

A.Parents living with their children.

B.Older adults with fewer friends online.

C.Those having fewer relatives or neighbours.

D.Young people without friends in reality.

4.What does the underlined word ''paint'' mean in the last paragraph?

A.treat B.draw

C.describe D.criticize


    The year was 1999. I was 18, living with friends in a town about an hour north of Milwaukee. Desperate for adventure, we often talked about haunted (闹鬼的) locations, and even wandered around the woods near Rienzi Cemetery. So when a friend shared a story about an abandoned house just down the road from Rienzi, how could I possibly resist? The group of us jumped in the car and headed off into the wild unknown, completely unaware of the misfortune that would soon befall us.

The house was isolated, overgrown and barely visible from the road. Most of its windows were broken. It seemed completely neglected except the locked door and a NO ENTRY sign outside. How would anyone notice, or possibly even care, if we went in and looked around?

We stole inside, hoping for anything to prove the legend. Nothing valuable was found until an old letter, addressed to a Mr. J. Witherell, caught my eye. Its paper was stiff and yellowed. Excited by the physical evidence, I slipped the letter into my back pocket. I was about to exit the house when I noticed firetrucks and police cars lining up out on the road. While most of us were exploring the house, one of us managed to knock a fire detector off the ceiling, which triggered an automated alarm at the fire department. I quickly alerted the others, but there would be no escape.

After a moment of panic, we decided to go outside and face the music. To avoid a theft charge, I left the letter where it was before stepping outside.

The result? Not only did we all get fined for entering, we were required to pay for property damage totaling $1,500 each — too much for us to afford.

For so many years, I have been wondering: Why is the deserted house so heavily protected with detectors and other security measures? Why is the property regularly maintained? What's the story behind that mysterious letter?

1.What did the shabby appearance of the house seem to remind the kids?

A.They would have no trouble entering it.

B.Their entry would bring them a surprise.

C.Their entry would disturb the neighbours.

D.Their behavior would be noticed by its owner.

2.Why did the author attempt to take the letter away?

A.It might reveal who had been maintaining the house.

B.It might help uncover the mystery of the abandoned house.

C.It must have been written to disclose a tragedy.

D.It was an evidence of the house being heavily protected.

3.What led the police cars and firetrucks to arrive so quickly?

A.The police officers were checking there.

B.The house owner reported to the police.

C.The police cars were passing by accident.

D.Some boy started the fire alarm system.

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.The empty house has been under strict protection.

B.The author wonders why they got fined.

C.No maintenance to the house is conducted regularly.

D.There is much mystery about the abandoned house.


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1.Who is iD tech summer camp intended for?

A.The iD tech instructors. B.World-famous universities.

C.Students seeking success in STEM. D.Parents interested in iD.

2.Why is ''iD tech'' flexible for students?

A.Registration can be changed free.

B.It allows students to study online.

C.Instructors create a good environment.

D.It leads to more job opportunities.

3.The record of student success is used to make the ad more _____.

A.technical B.interesting

C.professional D.persuasive






Time: January 18th

Place: the school hall

Activities: ● learn to play Chinese instrumental music;

● see an exhibition of Chinese paintings;

Dear Jack,

I’m writing to tell you that our school will hold a Chinese Culture Day for the international students.


Best regards,

Li Hua


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