





参考词汇:汉字听写大会 a Chinese Character Dictation Competition

四大名著套书 a set of the Four Great Classical Novels










The Student Union


假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下短文。短文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(^, 并在此符号下写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用(\ 划掉。




There are many differences in eating habits among China and western countries. Firstly, Chinese people ate rice, noodles, vegetables and meat when western people prefer bread, milk, salad and steak. Secondly, westerners used to eating with a knife and a fork, but the Chinese eat with chopstick. Thirdly westerners usually eat quiet instead of making a loud noise during meals. They think it is very much impolite. However, this is common for the Chinese to talk with family members and friends while have dinner. Anyway, it is considering bad manners in both China and western countries to talk with our mouths full.



Despite many laws and national parks to protect tigers, their habitats continue to be destroyed and they are still hunted.1.(sad), tigers are among the most endangered species in the world nowadays. Altogether, there are no more than 5,000 tigers 2. (leave) in the wild. Some think that the tiger is already to the point of3.(die) out in the wild. There are many reasons 4.  this, like habitat loss and hunting.

Over the years, a number of steps 5. (take) to help preserve the tiger population. The Wildlife Conservation Society ( WCS) protects wildlife and habitats. Today WCS is carrying out work in 53 nations across the world, protecting 6.great variety of species from butterflies to tigers. In 2010, WCS started Tigers Forever, 7. aim was to increase the number of tigers in the world by 50 percent in the next 10 years. To achieve their goals,they are working together with governments and other8.(organize) which are willing to take strong and effective measures to protect tigers and other wild species

Right now the tiger population 9.(increase) under this program in India and in Far East Russia. Thanks to the hard work of WCS, these large cats have a chance of survival in their 10. (nature) environments and not just in zoos years.


    As the saying goes, roses given, fragrance in hand. I am always in the ________ of giving money to every beggar or homeless person I pass by. My friends say it is not good to ________. We may come across beggars or homeless people begging every day and all beggars have their ability to survive. It _______ them that I never listen.

On a _______day, my friend and I were walking to the bus stop ______ I passed a beggar lady. I had seen her several times before and had always given her a few ________. That day, I gave her 2 Euros. I was waiting for the bus and reading a book when I _______ to see that lady standing in front of me. She ________ me a piece of paper covered in a plastic bag to prevent it from getting _______. She stood there, looking at me ______. Putting away my book, I took the paper, which _______ she and her family had to _______ their country because of floods, and she was ________ to support them. She had got a bit of money, but she needed five _______ Euros to get home. I ______ into my pockets and found 20 cents. My friend _______ a 5 Euro note. I asked her to give it to the lady, and said that I would ________ the next day. When she got the money, the lady hugged us and said thanks again and again, and went on her way. Later on the bus, I wondered where her home was and _______ she had gotten to this country. In her story, I felt that my friend and I would always remain part of it as the _______, who helped her get home on a rainy day. But for me, helping a stranger did bring me happiness, giving me a pleasant ________ .

1.A.time B.way C.trend D.habit

2.A.evaluate B.expose C.encourage D.envy

3.A.delights B.annoys C.interests D.attracts

4.A.rainy B.dry C.sunny D.cloudy

5.A.while B.as C.where D.when

6.A.cents B.suggestions C.books D.roses

7.A.turned around B.looked up C.looked down D.stood up

8.A.asked B.handed C.bargained D.begged

9.A.wet B.burnt C.lost D.dirty

10.A.cheerfully B.clumsily C.eagerly D.silly

11.A.said B.spoke C.wrote D.told

12.A.miss B.blame C.leave D.support

13.A.hesitating B.exploring C.searching D.struggling

14.A.many B.much C.another D.more

15.A.touched B.reached C.watched D.looked

16.A.took out B.gave out C.handed in D.made out

17.A.take back B.come back C.pay back D.get back

18.A.why B.how C.where D.whether

19.A.lookers-on B.passers-by C.foreigners D.strangers

20.A.situation B.spirit C.position D.mood


    Challenges are regular visitors in our life, and nobody is immune (不受影响) to them. 1. However, we can use these challenges to make positive changes in our life. For instance:

Develop your passion. 2. When you are setting your goals, you always want to be passionate about those goals, because if you love what you do, you will be driven by the desire to achieve success.

3. When you have doubts about yourself, you are doing damage to your progress. Therefore, you are supposed to see yourself as a winner, and trust yourself. Feeding your mind with positives will reinforce your beliefs and sweep any doubts out of your system.

Track your progress. It is important that you take note of every improvement you make. 4. Every step forward will give you a boost, and accelerate your efforts to the achievement of your ultimate goal.

Learn how to control your emotions. It is important that you use your emotional intelligence when you encounter problems in your life. You are a product of your thoughts and feelings. Any negative emotions that show up can negate (否定) the positive forward movement you enjoyed earlier. So approach any challenge with a positive attitude. 5. Instead, strongly believe that you have all the tools you need in order to make positive changes in your life. It is in your hands to make the changes necessary and to take your life to new heights.

A.Practice makes perfect.

B.Consider confidence as a must for Success.

C.This will motivate you to work even harder.

D.They can make us lose hope and even give up.

E.Don’t feel negative when you meet with difficulties.

F.There is nothing to be gained from delaying decisions and thoughts.

G.Having an enthusiasm for something will inspire you to achieve your goals.


    Imagine your clothing could release enough heat to keep you warm and cozy, allowing you to stay comfortable in a cooler room. Or, picture a car windshield that stores the sun's energy and then releases it as heat to make the ice on the windshield disappear.

According to a team of researchers at MIT, both cases may be possible before long, thanks to a new material that can store solar energy during the day and release it later as heat. This transparent polymer film could be applied to many different surfaces, such as window glass or clothing.

Solar energy is only available about half the time we need it — during daylight. For the sun to become a major power provider for human needs, there has to be an efficient way to save it up for use during nighttime and stormy days. Most such efforts have focused on storing and recovering solar energy in the form of electricity, but the new finding, by MlI professor Jeffrey Grossman, Postdoc David Zhitomirsky and graduate student Eugene Cho, could provide a highly efficient method for storing the sun's energy through a chemical reaction and releasing it later as heat.

The key to enabling long-term, stable storage of solar heat, the team said, is to store it in the form of a chemical change rather than storing the heat itself. But heat will disappear over time no matter how good the material around it is, so the team set up a chemical storage system that can keep the energy in a stable molecular configuration. When exposed to sunlight, the molecules can stay that way for long periods Then, when triggered (触发)by a very specific temperature or something else, the molecules return to their original shape , giving off heat in the process.

Such chemically-based storage materials, known as Solar Thermal Fuels(STF), have been developed before. But those earlier efforts were designed to be used in liquid solutions and not able to make durable (耐用的) solid-state films. The new approach is the first based on a solid-state material, in this case a polymer, and the first based on inexpensive materials and widespread production technology.

1.What is the main purpose of Paragraph 1?

A.To show the main idea of the passage.

B.To practice readers' imagination.

C.To interest readers in the passage.

D.To introduce a new kind of material.

2.According to the passage, what can the polymer film do?

A.It can be made into window glass.

B.It can make necessary electricity.

C.It can store energy and release sunshine.

D.It can absorb sunshine and give off heat.

3.According to the passage, what is STF based on?

A.The chemical reaction.

B.The movement of heat.

C.The form of electricity.

D.The physical reaction.

4.What is the advantage of the molecular configuration?

A.It is less expensive.

B.It is very powerful.

C.It is easily available.

D.It is less changeable.


    Every time a new year is coming, people set out to better themselves. They promise they will lose weight, find a new job, or maybe even take that vacation they’ve always talked about. But why do we make these promises to ourselves, and where did this tradition come from? Why does this tradition live on when so many people fail to keep the resolutions(决定) they made? Well, we can start by blaming the ancient Babylonians.

Around 4,000 years ago in Babylon, the earliest recorded celebration honoring the coming of a new year was held. Calendars weren’t as they are today, so the Babylonians did it in late March during the first new moon after the Spring Equinox(春分). The festivities were meant for the rebirth of the sun god, but the Babylonians made promises in order to please their gods. They felt this would help them start the new year off well.

Resolutions continued on with the Romans. When the early Roman calendar no longer synced(同步) up with the sun, Julius Caesar decided to make a change. He consulted with the best astronomers and mathematicians of the time and introduced the Julian calendar, which more closely represents the modern calendar we use today. Caesar declared January 1 the first day of the year to honor the god of new beginnings, Janus. The Romans celebrated the New Year by offering sacrifices to Janus.

To this day, the traditions of the ancient Babylonians and Romans continue  around the world. So much that Google launched a Resolution Map in 2013 where people could add resolutions and see others adding theirs in real time. However, no matter how many people participated in Google’s project, the numbers are bleak when it comes to the number of people who maintain their resolutions----only eight percent of people are successful in sticking them out.

1.Why did the ancient Babylonians make promises to their gods?

A. To honor the god of new beginnings.

B. To observe the rebirth of the sun god and please him.

C. To honor the coming of a new year and satisfy their gods.

D. To please their gods and hope for a good start of the year.

2.What can we know about the tradition of the New Year’s resolutions?

A. The tradition of making New Year’s resolutions will soon die.

B. A lot of people don’t feel like making New Year’s resolutions.

C. Julius Caesar made January 1 the first day of a year on his own.

D. The history of making New Year’s resolutions is not well known.

3.What does the underlined word “bleak” in the last paragraph mean?

A. Large. B. Unpleasant.

C. Encouraging. D. Hopeful.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. How Making New Year’s Resolutions Came Into Being?

B. The Ancient Babylonians and the Romans

C. The Change of Roman Calendars

D. How People Better Themselves


    I'm not much of a gardener. I love having beautiful flowers-but I don't have a good track record when it comes to making them grow.

A few months after our son left for the Middle East, my friend gifted me a box of tulip bulbs (郁金香球茎). She explained that these bulbs were put into the ground in the fall and lay sleeping all winter. They had all the nutrients they needed inside the bulb and would come out in the spring. ''When you see the leaves of the tiny flowers pushing toward the sun, you'll know that it's almost time for your son to come home. They'll give you what you need most.'' She walked me through the process of planting them. I thanked her — trying to show my gratitude for her gift.

It was a long winter — cold and dark. I endured both the weather and the loneliness and fear I felt with my son away. Dead leaves, frost and finally a heavy snow covered the area where I'd planted those flowers, and I soon forgot they were there.

Finally the weather began to warm. One day, as I walked down my front steps, I noticed an area of green. I bent down to inspect the situation more clearly and saw that those tulips had begun to grow, their tiny leaves forcing their way to the sun.

Day after day I noted the flowers' progress. And day after day, the time approached when my son would finally be home. Now with spring just around the corner, nothing could keep either of us from marching toward the light. Almost all of those bulbs bloomed. And with each brightly colored flower, I marked off one day closer to getting to hold my son in my arms again.

1.What can we know about the author?

A.She is a professional gardener.

B.She is not good at growing flowers.

C.She never plants flowers at home.

D.She often sends friends flowers as gifts.

2.Why did the writer forget the tulip bulbs soon?

A.The bitter winter reminded her of her son far away.

B.She was discouraged from making another attempt.

C.They failed to live through the cold and long winter.

D.She had no hope for beautiful flowers indeed.

3.What were those flowers mentioned in the last paragraph referred to?

A.A physical representation of the hope.

B.Things deep inside her heart and soul.

C.A lesson she will never forget completely.

D.The trouble she had in making them come out.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.A dark winter with hope. B.Planting hope in winter.

C.An area of green in spring. D.Living a changeable life.


    Want to fit the best of London in your two-week vacation? Here is a list of the best places you must visit in London. Without visiting these, a trip to this city is no more than just incomplete.

Buckingham Palace Perhaps the most famous palace in the world, Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the British monarch (君主). State rooms are open to visitors only during the Palace's Summer Opening, which takes place in most of August and September. However, if you are heading to the palace at a different time, you can witness "Changing of the Guard'', where the guard is changed daily from April to July, and on alternate days from August to March.

British Museum This museum showcases works from the birth of human civilization to the modern age, and has contributions from all continents of the world. The main attractions include the much-debated Parthenon Marbles (Elgin Marbles), Mummy of Cleopatra from Thebes, and the Rosetta Stone. Entry to the museum is free.

London Eye The 32 capsules on the London Eye carry many visitors every day. Due to its 360 rotation ability, you can almost see the entire city of London, when you reach the top. Until the Shard's privately-operated deck opened in 2013, the London Eye was the tallest public viewing point.

London Zoo The world's oldest scientific zoo, the London Zoo consists of many different types of animals. This is also one of the best places for children, as you can book a VIP encounter with the animals for them. And what's more? You can also stay overnight at the zoo in Lookout Lodge.

1.When should you go if you want to visit a state room in the Buckingham Palace?

A.In April. B.In September.

C.In July. D.In January.

2.Which of the following is NOT included in the British Museum?

A.Parthenon Marbles. B.the Rosetta Stone.

C.Royal Ceremonial Dress Collection. D.Mummy of Cleopatra from Thebes.

3.Which statement will the author disapprove of?

A.You can visit the British Museum free of charge.

B.You can witness "Changing of the Guard" every other day in December.

C.You can see the almost entire city of London on the top of the London Eye.

D.You needn't buy a ticket for your kid to enter London Zoo.



One day, when I was a freshman in high school, I saw a kid from my class walking home from school. His name was Kyle. It looked like he was carrying all of his books. I thought to myself: “Why would anyone bring home all his books on a Friday? He must really be a nerd (书呆子).”

As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids running toward him. They ran at him, knocking all his books out of his arms and tripping him so he landed in the dirt. His glasses went flying, and I saw them land in the grass about ten feet from him. He looked up and I saw this terrible sadness in his eyes. So, I jogged over to him and as he crawled around looking for his glasses, I saw a tear in his eye. As I handed him his glasses, he said, “thanks!” There was a big smile on his face. It was one of those smiles that showed real gratitude. We talked all the way home, and I carried his books. He turned out to be a pretty cool kid. The more I got to know Kyle, the more I liked him.

Over next four years, Kyle and I became the best friends. When we were seniors, he had the highest marks in the class and was chosen to give a speech at the graduation ceremony. I teased him all the time about being a nerd. He had to prepare a lot, and I was so glad it wasn’t me having to get up there and speak.

Graduation day, I saw Kyle. I said, “Hey, big guy, you’ll be great!” He looked at me with one of those looks, the really grateful one, and said “Thanks,” smiling.

As he started his speech, he cleared his throat, and began. “Graduation is a time to thank those who helped you make it through those tough years. Your parents, your teachers, your siblings, maybe a coach...but mostly your friends. I am here to tell all of you that being a friend to someone is the best gift you can give him or her. I am going to tell you a story.”


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

I just looked at my friend with disbelief as he told the story of the first day we met.


Paragraph 2:

I smiled back in tears.











When you think of robots, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Do you think of science fiction movies like Star Wars, 1. robots of all shapes and sizes are part of daily life? Robots were once just a product of fiction. The word itself comes from the play Rossum’s Universal Robots, 2.(write) in 1920 by Karel Capek.

Today most robots don’t look human. They appear in many forms and 3. (program) to perform a wide variety of things, from working in factories 4. exploring the surface of Mars. But there is a surprising problem in the world of robots: What humans find easy is 5.(extreme) complicated for a robot. For example, picking up clothes in a messy room is simple for humans, 6. it is difficult for robots to do that. 7. problem is programming a robot to pick up some objects of different shapes and sizes without damaging them.

It turns out that one of 8.(difficult) things to improve in robots is their flexibility. Exciting 9.(develop) in making human-like hands and legs are underway. But the biggest advancements are to teach robots to guess what they can do and 10. they help us with daily tasks.


    My brother Ken was born with a brain disease. Though Mama was extremely _______, she never babied Ken. She _______ him to do whatever we did.

I remember once we got a slide in our backyard. Ken was _______ at first sight. But unable to _______ the steps with the braces (支架) on his legs, Ken could only looking up at the rest of us from the _______.

One day, Mama put Ken in the backyard, this time without his braces, and watched him _______ with great difficulty right over to the slide. For the next three hours, Ken climbed the ladder and fell, climbed the ladder and fell, _______. He skinned his knees, and his head was _______.

Our neighbor _______ at Mama, “What kind of woman are you? Look at the blood. Get that boy off that ________________!” Mama told her kindly that if it ________________ her, she would have to close her curtains. Ken had ________________ to go down the slide, and down the slide he would go. It took a couple of days of ________________ before he could go up the ladder and down the slide as well as the rest of us, and another week before he could do it with his braces on.

Ken was not supposed to make it to his tenth birthday but he has ________________ his disease and is now a 42-year-old man who lives ________________ and even holds down a job. He ________________ everything the way he did that slide so many years ago. What a(n) ________________ Mama gave him that day by expecting him to be the ________________ he could be.

Though I often feel I fall short when I compare my ________________ to hers, it gives me great comfort to know that her spirit is ________________ me, somewhere — preparing me to make “mothering magic” of my own.

1.A.loving B.generous C.selfless D.considerate

2.A.forced B.persuaded C.invited D.expected

3.A.addicted B.annoyed C.attracted D.astonished

4.A.manage B.see C.remove D.reach

5.A.room B.ground C.window D.slide

6.A.run B.move C.jump D.D. ride

7.A.once in a while B.step by step C.time and again D.here and there

8.A.lowered B.covered C.bleeding D.spinning

9.A.laughed B.glanced C.nodded D.yelled

10.A.tree B.chair C.roof D.ladder

11.A.disappointed B.scared C.failed D.bothered

12.A.decided B.agreed C.pretended D.hesitated

13.A.walking B.trying C.training D.observing

14.A.treated B.prevented C.suffered from D.lived with

15.A.simply B.painfully C.independently D.hopelessly

16.A.loses B.approaches  C.accepts D.misses

17.A.promise B.gift C.award D.suggestion

18.A.healthiest B.happiest C.best D.first

19.A.mothering B.schooling C.sufferings D.belongings

20.A.within B.beyond C.for D.from


    Putting children in daycare helps working parents take their minds off childcare. 1.

How daycare negatively affects children is related to many factors. One study has suggested that some children who spend long hours in daycare centers experience more stress than those who spend more time in a setting with a mother.

Another study has shown that children who are shy have a higher level of the hormone cortisol (皮质醇) which is released when an individual shows signs of stress. 2. And as a result the child may not mix well with the other children and the teachers at the daycare center, a situation that can cause stress.

Another negative impact of daycare is that there is less communication between a mother and her child. 3. So it is essential for a child to develop a deep bond with his or her mother, since this will lay the foundation for all the relationships he or she will form later on in life. Children who spend a lot of time with their mothers experience healthy social and emotional development, while long hours in daycare can disrupt this bonding. Children who lose out on precious mother-child bonding are observed to have behavioral problems as they grow older.

Children in daycare centers also feel unprotected compared to children at home. In a daycare center, when one caregiver attends to more than one child at the same time, she may not be able to look deeply into why a child is mixing well or not. 4. Another negative aspect of daycare is that children there are more likely to fall ill if they come in contact with sick children.

5. Well-maintained daycare centers contribute a great deal to the overall development of a child by providing a structured environment. Children become more social by interacting with other children of the same age, and learn new activities that are not always available if they arc brought up only at home.

A. But daycare has its disadvantages.

B. Look for a daycare center that is well-maintained.

C. However, the advantages of daycare cannot be ignored.

D. This is because a shy child will not open up freely in public.

E. Babies become extremely attached to their primary caregivers.

F. In such cases, a child may become either completely quiet or aggressive.

G. You can cut the time in daycare centers by making alternative childcare arrangements.


    Every person has the same 24 hours in their day. While the majority of people end up complaining about not having enough time, or there being too much to do, the most effective individuals always manage their time in such a way that they are able to accomplish what they feel they need to do. Peter Drucker wrote, “Time is the scarcest resource, and unless it is managed, nothing else can be managed.” There are many ways in which effective leaders can more effectively manage their time. Among them: beginning with a clear vision and setting goals that have a date attached to them; using an agenda for each day’s activities as well as for meetings, and so on.

Creating a practical vision permits a leader to focus clearly on his or her goals and what needs to be done. This must be accompanied by the ability to control oneself to slay on topic. By organizing his or her goals, a leader can better manage the various aspects of leading, and this will lead to taking action in a clear-cut, less wasteful manner. When goals have a date attached to them, it both subconsciously and consciously creates urgency and improves focus and efficiency. A true leader will then invent a plan to decide what would be better handled by staff and what needs to be handled and needs the leader’s personal attention and touch. By creating assignments and deadlines, there are clear-cut expectations and responsibilities, and for less time is wasted when this is done properly.

Leaders who understand the significance of sticking to an agenda always achieve more in less time. For example, most committee reports can and should be sent to attenders at meeting in advance for them to be able to review the contents, and the people in the meeting can then spend their time on implementation (执行), questions and so on, and not simply on reciting committee reports, which is largely wasteful. In addition, using an agenda gives an efficient flow to the meeting, avoiding much of the digression (离题) and repetitiveness. When leaders are organized, they are quite simply more productive. Although this may seem like a rather simple and obvious statement, the majority of those in leadership seem to lack that organizational ability.

1.Effective leaders are likely to manage their time by ________.

A.completing multiple tasks at a time B.arranging things in advance

C.taking action without hesitation D.making the most of free time

2.What is the benefit of a leader attaching a date to a goal?

A.It refreshes a leader’s memory. B.It helps complete other tasks easily.

C.It urges a leader to manage the leading. D.It improves the focus and productivity.

3.What is the best title for this passage?

A.How Leaders Efficiently Manage Time

B.How Committee Reports Should Be Done

C.Why Some People Become Leaders

D.Why leaders Should Have a Practical Vision


    More than 30 million people were displaced last year by environmental and weather-related disasters across Asia, and the problem is likely to grow more serious as climate change exacerbates such problems, experts have warned.

Tens of millions of people are likely to be similarly displaced in the future by the effects of climate change, including rising sea levels, floods, droughts and reduced agricultural productivity. Such people are likely to migrate in regions across Asia and governments must start to prepare for the problems this will create, warned the Asian Development Bank.

The costs will be high — about US $ 40 billion — for adapting and putting in place protective measures — from sea walls to re-growing mangrove swamps (红树林沼泽) that have been cut down — that can help protect against the impacts of storm tides.

“While large-scale climate-related migration is a gradual phenomenon, communities in Asia and the Pacific are already experiencing the consequences of changing environmental conditions, including more frequent severe storms and flooding,” the bank said last week. This could lead to a widespread crisis across the region in coming years if preparations are not made to deal with the current and probable future consequence.

Robert Dobias, climate change project chief at the Asian Development Bank, said that, at present, climate change is still a relatively small cause of migration, as economic causes are the most worrying and frightening, and as environmental disasters happen independently of global warning.

The Asian Development Bank warned that governments must start to make preparations now, because more extreme weather has already started to take effect, though the changes so far have not been so great in their impact. The bank is working on a report that will set out in detail the likely problems and suggest a range of potential policy changes to help deal with them.

1.Which of the following is closest in the meaning to the underlined word “exacerbates”?

A.Solves. B.Prevents. C.Worsens. D.Reduces.

2.Which question is answered in the passage?

A.Why climate change happens.

B.What preparations will be made as protective measures.

C.How local governments help people to migrate after climate change.

D.In which part of the globe climate-related migration is most likely to happen.

3.The Asian Development Bank helps deal with the migration problem by ________.

A.working on a report B.changing its migration policy

C.starting a climate change project D.lending money to the governments


    Growing up in Arizona’s rodeo (竞技) country, I was familiar with the events that come with traveling rodeos: bull riding, dressing and mutton busting. Mutton busting is like bull riding, but instead of bulls, they use sheep. And in place of the men, it’s children between six and ten years old who try to hang on for eight seconds.

It took me all of five minutes to say yes to the idea of riding a sheep. Being seven years old, my decision-making ability was pretty limited. I figured I could ride a sheep as well as the next kid. Little did I know that I was in for a world of pain and embarrassment.

My nerves were shaking the day of the rodeo. I hated being in front of crowds. I didn’t like getting dirty; I didn’t even like sheep, which I thought of as just dirty and smelly. Yet there I was, getting ready to ride one for eight seconds in front of hundreds of people. I wanted to run out of the field and hide in the hot car until it was over. But by the time this idea occurred to me, it was too late. I was lifted away from my mother by a rodeo trainer and placed onto a platform.

My feet went into the narrow pen (羊圈) first. I felt my shoes touch the dirty floor of the pen. Once I was balanced on the top of the sheep, the trainer let go and told me to lean forward. I did as he said. I could feel the animal’s heart beating faster than mine. I realized that the poor sheep was even more frightened than I was.

Then the gate opened, and I quickly discovered that my hold was too weak. Within three seconds I had fallen off the sheep, and found myself face-down on the sun-baked earth. The sheep thought this was its time to take revenge (复仇), and attacked me from behind. There I lay, hat down, covered in dirt, with tears streaming down my face. I looked behind me to see my mother running to comfort me. “Stand up and show them you’re okay,” she told me as she wiped the dirty tears from my face. I stood up, dirty and upset, waved my little hand, and walked out with my mother.

Sadly, I didn’t win anything, not even the respect of these rodeo animals. I did find a new admiration for those little balls of wool, though.

1.Which of the following is TRUE about “mutton busting”?

A.It is a dirty and terrible game. B.Only strong adults can ride a sheep.

C.It is intended to pick the fastest sheep. D.It’s a game for 6-to-10-year-old children.

2.The author decided to take part in the competition because ________.

A.it was part of growing up B.he thought he could do well

C.mother made him do so D.he found it very interesting

3.What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?

A.Why the author lost the competition.

B.Why a mother should comfort her child.

C.How the author failed in the sheep riding.

D.How the sheep hurt the author when it attacked.

4.We learn from the article that ________.

A.sheep riding is as difficult as bull riding

B.sheep riding is not popular because the pen is very dirty

C.the author wanted to give up before the competition

D.the author kept trying until he succeeded in riding a sheep



1.What is true about central Copenhagen?

A.There are 1.27 million bikes there.

B.There are more bikes than people there.

C.There are the most bike thieves in the world.

2.What percentage of people in Copenhagen ride bikes throughout the year?

A.75%. B.45%. C.36%.

3.Where are the free bicycles located?

A.Outside most offices.

B.Around major tourist attractions.

C.Near most schools.

4.According to the talk, what are Copenhagen’s citizens like?

A.Serious and active. B.Wise and in good shape. C.Content and healthy.



1.Why is the woman dressed in nice clothes?

A.She’s meeting her husband for dinner.

B.She’s going to see a performance.

C.She’s going to a special work event.

2.What do the speakers have in common?

A.They have both been to the opera house.

B.Neither of them has seen Romeo and Juliet.

C.They both did theater in high school.

3.What is the woman’s profession?

A.She’s an opera singer. B.She’s a teacher. C.She’s an actress.

4.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In an office. B.At a theater. C.In a taxi.



1.Where was the man born?

A.In Holland. B.In France. C.In England.

2.What is the woman’s favorite part of the 4th of July?

A.Having a barbecue. B.Eating watermelon at a picnic.

C.Watching the fireworks after sunset.

3.What does the man think of the celebration on the 4th of July?

A.It sounds fun.

B.He’s always loved it.

C.He’s never heard of it before.



1.How long will the woman’s course take?

A.7 weeks. B.12 weeks. C.19 weeks.

2.Where does the woman come from?

A.Mexico. B.Spain. C.Britain.



1.What was painted by George Anderson?

A.The Swiss mountains. B.Some summer flowers. C.Some lovely windows.

2.How old was George Anderson when the picture in the magazine was taken?

A.6. B.16. C.46.


Where would James probably like to go?

A.To historical buildings in Egypt. B.To a tropical beach. C.To the Amazon rainforest.


How is the man paying for college?

A.He is borrowing money from a bank. B.He has won a scholarship.

C.His parents are giving him money.


What’s the man’s probable job?

A.A delivery driver. B.An office manager. C.A professional chef.


How is the woman probably related to the man?

A.She’s his wife. B.She’s his colleague. C.She’s his cleaner.


Why won’t the man help the woman?

A.He has a dentist appointment.

B.He has to go to work.

C.He is visiting his sister.


阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为 150 左右。

One of my sisters who had worked abroad for 10 years returned home for her vacation.

All the family members were happy. My parents gave her a simple celebration and prepared food for us to share.

While staying with them, an idea came to me. We could have a family outing on the beach! All of my siblings (兄弟姐妹) agreed! It had been a long time since we went outing last time and it was the chance to do it again. We set off the next day.

The weather was nice and many people were enjoying the seawater. I ran towards the water and felt the coldness of it. My siblings placed our things in a big cottage (村舍). They brought many foods and planned to cook fish and pork meat. Everyone in the cottage was busy preparing for food while the children went to swim. I couldn’t swim though I was already a teenager. That was why I just played in the shallow part of the sea.

On the other side of the beach, I saw a small fishing boat. I never tried to ride on it, but while I was looking at it, I was eager to take a ride on the boat. Without a second thought, I went to the boat alone. I paid the fisherman for using his boat and started to push it towards the sea. In my mind, I would not go to the deep part. A few minutes later, I made it float on water and I enjoyed it! I made it move forward and kept it afloat for several minutes. Suddenly, the seawater became disturbing and large waves surrounded me. I couldn’t control the boat anymore.

Paragraph 1:

My boat was pulled towards the deeper part.


Paragraph 2

When I came to life, I was lying in hospital.



假定你是李华,你们学校昨天举办了汉文化活动。 请你给你的加拿大笔友 Tom 写一封邮件告知他此事,内容包括:

1. 活动目的、时间和地点;

2. 主要内容(汉代舞蹈表演及汉服介绍)

3. 你的感受。

注意:1. 词数 80 左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和落款已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Tom,



Li Hua


阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Last September, my daughter and I went on a beach holiday together. One afternoon during the holiday, we went to take1. walk on the beach.

It was a beautiful day and we really enjoyed the walk there. Then2. (sudden) my daughter let go of my hand. She looked at something on the ground. Before I could find out what she was doing, she had picked up a small crab (螃蟹). She observed it for a while, and then 3. (drop) it into the water.  After she did that, she smiled4. me and said, “I just  rescued it.”

I was really worried that she would be injured. I had read in books that one could easily get hurt by a crab. And I had never touched a crab. However,5.  I could say or do anything,  I found that there was already a small crowd around6. (we).  They were terribly7. (surprise)   at the courage of this cute three-year-old who could pick up a crab and return it    to the ocean before something bad caused its8. (die). And I became proud  of  my  daughter.

My fear has stopped me from doing many things. I’m glad9. (find) that my daughter isn’t afraid of10. (try) new things.


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