

注意:1. 词数100左右;

 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

 3. 不要提及学校名称;

 4. 开头语和结束语已经为你写好,不计入总词数。

Dear Tom,

How I miss you! I’d like to introduce the layout of my school to you. ___________________





Best wishes!


Li Hua






Dear Mandy,

I’m not doing well in my lessons at school especial in maths. My dad says must try hard because he wants me go to university. He thinks I’m lazy, but it’s not true. I work really hard, often study late into the night! I’ve tried to talk to my mother, but she always said I have to work as hard like my brother does. My brother doesn’t study very hard, and he always gets excellent grades. It’s not fair!

The only thing I like it is art. My teacher says I’m the best student she’s had for year. When I told my dad, all he said was, “You mustn’t waste your time in art. You must focus your mind on your lessons!”

I’m feeling quite puzzling as to what to do now. Would you please help me out?

Thanks lot!

Yours sincerely,





How Learning Habits Influence on Learning Results

It's useful and necessary to discuss learning habits. There is a famous saying “ Good habits lead to good endings”which shows the1.important ) of habits.

“ An apple a day keeps a doctor2.” also shows how a healthy everyday habit helps3.(buildup our body. Thus good learning habits can help us gain great learning results4.(include) high scores and abundant(丰富的) knowledge. At firstlearning habits form our ways of thinking and attitudes to the content of our learning.5.( obvious)a good habit can help us to speed up to reach our destinations. As we can seedeveloping a good habit is so important6.I would like to introduce one kind of good learning habits — keep a learning diary every day. We can start the habit by7.(write) learning summaries and remember to record something8.(impress) and meaningful. Keep9.in mind, we can gain this good learning habit and benefit from it.

What's moreI find out that I still have some bad learning habits as well. I can only concentrate on reading for a short time and I will conquer this problem by spending more effort10.concentra tion practice in future.

I believe that through my effortsI can gain good learning results by having good habits.



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(ABC D),选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

I loved working with my dad, but I hated a summer job he gave me. He owned a small____in Bank Street. In his shop, the most recently____person got the worst job, and the boss’ son was also____.

I didn’t want to spend hours____the frost on the ceiling of the walk-in freezer, and it was the Saturday afternoon’s job that I hated most. We received fresh____every day. Chicken sat in wooden boxes and was____with crushed ice. During the week, the ice and the blood of the chicken slowly leaked into the container____the chicken, creating its bloody smell.

There was only one____to get rid of the blood and wash the container: hold my____and carefully slide the container from under the chicken, as I tried not to____the contents over my clothes, and then____into the drain(下水道).

Soon, students who have cut lawns, painted houses, worked in offices,____maybe even worked in the butcher’s will____to school. Some will have great memories____others will come back with____ones.

Looking back, I think my father could have____me from my weekly hell. However, my dad, who’d dropped out of school to help support his family after his father died, was a teacher for me____He knew treating me____from his other employees would be an unfair thing. Most importantly, he taught me to       those who do the hard and____tasks in life.

For the next six summers, I returned not as the boss’ son, but as one of other guys, and I cleaned the dirty container every Saturday afternoon.

1.A.grocery B.butcher’s C.chain D.book

2.A.hired B.invited C.received D.trained

3.A.interested B.included C.affected D.offered

4.A.looking into B.tearing up C.cleaning up D.carrying on

5.A.fruit B.vegetable C.chicken D.grain

6.A.surrounded B.impressed C.accompanied D.cooked

7.A.above B.beside C.below D.under

8.A.chance B.way C.place D.reason

9.A.arm B.nose C.breath D.head

10.A.touch B.notice C.find D.splash

11.A.break B.divide C.empty D.allow

12.A.and B.so C.but D.or

13.A.adapt B.go C.return D.apply

14.A.while B.when C.since D.because

15.A.exciting B.good C.amazing D.unpleasant

16.A.forced B.spared C.treated D.pushed

17.A.at heart B.in fact C.in case D.at home

18.A.kindly B.carefully C.differently D.warmly

19.A.witness B.appreciate C.hurt D.influence

20.A.vital B.dirty C.easy D.funny


How to Study for a Test or Final

The end of the term is drawing near, and that means final exams are on the way. 1.

The most important thing you can do is give yourself plenty of time to prepare. Then follow this plan:

Start early.

Gather all the material you’ve received during the term. Read through your class notes twice. Some things will sound familiar and some things will sound unfamiliar. That’s normal.

Establish a study group or find a partner.

Schedule at least one meeting with a study partner or study group. If you can't completely get together, then exchange email addresses.2.

Use old tests.

Collect your old exams from the year (or semester) and make a photocopy of each one. Write out the test answers and copy each one again.


To get the best results, you should make several copies of each old exam and keep taking the tests until you score perfectly on each one.

Build up your class notes.

Organize your notes by date and make note of any missing dates/pages. Get together with a study partner or group to compare notes and fill in any missing material. 4.Everybody zones out once in a while. After you organize your new set of notes, underline any key words, formulas, themes, and concepts.

Make yourself a new practice test with term definitions and others. Print out several tests and practice several times. 5. Then exchange.

Make use of old assignments.

Gather some old assignments and redo the exercises. Review those exercises until you can answer every question easily.

A. Instant messages will work well, too.

B. Have a set of practice tests.

C. How can you give yourself a chance to improve your scores?

D. You might find one that makes something clear for the first time.

E. Ask the members of your study group to make practice tests as well.

F. Don’t be too surprised if you missed key information from the lectures.

G. Have your friend or study partner raise questions and compare them.


Cursive (手写体)is about to become extinct. Do we raise the red flag? To teach or not to teach cursive is the question that several state education departments are struggling with.

Before you read this write-up $ do a simple exercise. Pick a pen and paper and start writing in cursive. Yesthat fancy handwriting that you learned in grade school. You may not have forgotten the good times you had while writing loopy Ps and Gs as well as curly Ms and Ns. Howeverthe chances are that you won't be able to write it as excellently as you used to. Some people are good at making the perfect loops and curlswhile some are bad. I am still terrible at it.

Cursive is hardly used by kids anymore as even adults don 't write in this styleunless they are using it for their signature. Learning this handwriting was a usual practice in school for several dec­ades. Howeverin 2011, the Indiana Department of Education made it optional (可选择的)for schools to teach cursive writing to the students. In fact, there were 46 more states who have done the same. There are some who believe that it is high time for cursive to retire from school curriculum. After allif we don ’ t leave the past behindwe cannot make way for new things. If you walk into any classroomyou would find children using keyboards to communicate in written form. On the other handfans of this cursive insist on its usefulness. They remind us that if we stop teaching and learn­ing cursive in schoolsvery soon most of our historical documents will become hard to us.

Where do we stand on this subject? Is it the right time to erase an almost forgotten handwriting and live in the keyboarding world? Or can we do both without compromising (妥协)on our school curriculum? Let me know your thoughts on this matter by leaving a comment in the section below.

1.People use cursive when they

A.give their signature B.are in Indiana

C.grow up as adults D.are at school

2.In Indiana school, children

A.must learn cursive

B.are interested in cursive

C.can choose to learn cursive

D.learn cursive everyday

3.It can be inferred that the author

A.prefers to learn cursive

B.is a cursive teacher

C.welcomes people to show their opinions

D.is a very famous expert in education

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Is Cursive Writing Necessary?

B.Is Keyboarding World Good?

C.A Keyboarding World

D.Advantages of Cursive


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We reserve the right to edit submissions — although as they are personal to the writer, we endeavor not to do this.

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1.Which is a necessary requirement to contribute a book?

A.One photo of you and your book.

B.A book never published.

C.Answering some questions.

D.An expert in your field.

2.What does the underlined part “we endeavor not to do this” in the sentence mean?

A.We try not to be personal.

B.We try not to change your writing.

C.We try not to reserve the right.

D.We try not to delay the publication.

3.Where does the passage come from?

A.A magazine.

B.A textbook.

C.A website.

D.A newspaper.


While I will explain a bit about the science of stress and relaxation a little later simple way to think about it is that our body 's stress response works like a car alarm. Keep us safe by warning us of the presence of danger in our immediate environment.

But instead of warning us with a loud and annoying soundour body alarm system lets us know that something is wrong by creating changes in our neurochemistry (神经化学).If you've ever expe­rienced pain in your stomachperiods of extreme anger, inability to focus or even insomnia (失眠),chances are your body was paying the price in those moments for the brain chemistry of stress.

So if it's so uncomfortablewhy not just get rid of stress altogether?

This is not only impracticalit would be dangerous. Let's go back to the metaphor (比喻说法)of the car alarm. If the alarm is turned off altogetherthe car is exposed to continual danger without there being any way of your knowing about it until it is too late. It would be like walking through the jungle without any fear signal in the presence of a poisonous snake or other dangerous animals — while it might feel “nice” to be so relaxedyour body actually needs the stress response not only to remind you of danger but also to offer extra adrenaline (肾上腺素) for your heart and extra blood  and oxygen for your arms and legs.

Howeverif the car alarm goes off at any timesomeone just looks at the car with a bit of an attitudeand it becomes equally useless. Not only do we stop paying attention to itbut it begins to drive us and everyone around us becomes a little bit crazy. In the case of our bodieswalking around in a constant state of alarm also has some pretty alarming health consequenceswhich we will explore in greater depth in the next chapter.

1.Our body's stress response is compared to a car alarm in that    .

A.they work all the time B.they both give a signal

C.they work in the same way D.they both produce a sound

2.When our body alarm system works     .

A.we feel calm

B.we feel excited

C.some changes happen in our brain

D.some changes happen in our heart

3.What would happen if stress were got rid of completely?

A.We'11 be free of worries.

B.We'11 achieve a sense of safety.

C.We'11 reach a perfect state of mind.

D.We'11 fail to realize the possible danger.

4.What's the purpose of giving the example of walking through the Jungle in Paragraph 4?

A.To show the harm of stress.

B.To show the effect of stress.

C.To explain the function of stress response.

D.To explain the necessity of stress response.


So many of us hold on to little complaints that may have come from an argument a misunderstandingthe way we were raisedor some other painful events. Stubbornlywe wait for someone else to reach out to us — believing this is the only way we can forgive orrekindlea friendship or family relationship.

A friend of minerecently told me that she hadn't spoken to her son in almost three years. She said that she and her son had had a disagreement about his wife and that she wouldn't speak to him again unless he called first. When I suggested that she be the one to reach outshe said“ I can't do that. He’s the one who should apologize. ” After a little gentle encouragementhowevershe did de­cide to be the first one to reach out. To her amazementher son was grateful for her willingness to call and offered an apology of his own. As is usually the casewhen someone takes the chance and rea­ches outeveryone wins.

Whenever we hold on to our anger, we turn“ small stuff”问题)”into  really“ big stuff” in our minds. We start to believe that our positions are more important than our happiness. They are not. If you want to be a more peaceful person you must understand that being right is almost never more important than allowing yourself to be happy. The way to be happy is to let goand reach out. Let other people be right. This doesn't mean that you're wrong. Everything will be fine. You'll experience the peace of letting goas well as the joy of letting others be right.

You'11 also notice thatas you reach out and let others be “right”they will become less defen­sive and more loving toward you. They might even reach back. Butif for some reason they don'tthat's okay too. You '11 have the inner satisfaction of knowing that you have done your part to create a more loving worldand certainly you'11 be more peaceful yourself.

1.The underlined word “ rekindle” in Paragraph 1 probably means “     ”.

A.recover B.develop

C.accept D.replace

2.In the author's opinion, we hold on to our anger often because we think   .

A.we can turn small issues into big ones

B.our positions are higher than others

C.our own opinions matter most

D.others will be less defensive

3.The best thing to do after a quarrel is to .

A.let go of our own rights

B.realize that you are wrong.

C.expect others to give in

D.apologize to others first.

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.People should keep peaceful when facing small stuff.

B.Reaching out and apologizing wins one peace and happiness.

C.We should tell apart small and big stuff in our daily life.

D.It's necessary to enjoy our friendship and family relationship.


假定你是校学生会主席李华,你校将于下个月举办校园歌曲比赛(a Campus Song Competition)。请给你校外教Lisa写封邮件,邀请她做评审,内容包括:


2. 比赛时间、地点、要求和意义;

3. 希望她可以表演节目。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Lisa,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Once there were an old woman. She had a lot of money. She was kind and generously. She always did something help the poor. At Christmas, she handed out food, that was made by herself, to the poor. She handed out a turkey leg but a potato to every homeless person he saw. The homeless people love her very much. One homeless men even wanted to give a penny to her as for a gift. She felt good. She was determined to do more, so she gave $50 with every homeless person she saw.



Chinese New Year, 1. starts on the first day of the Chinese lunar calendar (阴历), is considered as China’s most important holiday. It 2. (know) as the Spring Festival.

The Spring Festival starts at the beginning 3. the new moon. It often happens between January and February. It 4. (last) until the Festival of Lanterns (元宵节), which gives everyone plenty of time for celebration.

5. (traditional), red envelopes with money in are gifted during the Spring Festival celebrations. It’s 6. custom which goes back to ancient times. However, when the tradition 7. (start) is unknown. Whatever the reason is, the red envelope is an important part of Chinese New Year to this day.

The firework is another big part of Chinese New Year. A 8. (write) shared the following story on a website. An old man saved a town from a terrible monster (怪兽) by throwing bamboo 9. (stick) into the fire. The explosion (爆炸声) caused by the bamboo frightened off the monster. As a result, Chinese people set off fireworks during Chinese New Year celebrations 10. (avoid) the evil spirits of the past.


    After growing up in the foster care system (寄养制度), Shante Elliott is working to help others come out of it. Shante Elliott is no _________ to the foster care system. _________, it was a system Elliott once moved around. She was forced to change schools, because she had to _________ with different homes over and over again before she finally _________ a long-term family at the age of 13.

After such a(n) _________ start in life, Elliott became the first member of her family to graduate from college. She _________ a foundation (基金会). She made use of her personal _________ to help others within the foster care system.

Elliott knows the teenagers in the foster care system face _________. “Often, these teenagers are not _________ as children but as adults,” said she. “Most __________ want to adopt a baby child.” Finding a long-term family is still what foster children __________ most. And for those who age out of the system without finding those forever homes, there are __________ challenges to face. These kids are at greater __________ of homelessness, health problems and dropping out of school, all of which can make them __________ more difficulties.

Elliott wants to see that shame __________. It’s a reality that Elliott wants to help others. The need for protection, love, chance and safety has no __________ limit. If more teenagers were adopted, youth would have more __________ results after foster care. And it’s why Elliott has devoted much of her life to __________ these kids and cleaning out the __________ that may prevent themselves from getting a chance.

Although she feels good about the work she is doing, she said she wanted to do more. “I am interested in creating a long-term __________ for children in the foster care system,’’ said Elliott.

1.A.relative B.stranger C.neighbour D.designer

2.A.Actually B.Finally C.Gradually D.Usually

3.A.share B.talk C.debate D.live

4.A.attacked B.lost C.found D.praised

5.A.swift B.difficult C.important D.practical

6.A.judged B.explored C.charged D.created

7.A.experience B.beauty C.forecast D.humor

8.A.competitions B.calculation C.disaster D.challenges

9.A.employed B.remembered C.treated D.described

10.A.organizations B.families C.adults D.managers

11.A.agree B.need C.hate D.learn

12.A.reliable B.national C.additional D.rare

13.A.performance B.practice C.risk D.request

14.A.face B.stop C.ignore D.admit

15.A.begin B.continue C.keep D.end

16.A.culture B.wealth C.interest D.age

17.A.unfair B.successful C.cheerful D.useless

18.A.disturbing B.punishing C.helping D.following

19.A.shame B.pain C.fear D.anger

20.A.change B.design C.show D.company


How to Keep Long-Distance Friendships

Don’t let distance keep you away from your friends. 1.

Schedule time to chat. Because of kinds of reasons, you and your friends might not be able to chat on the phone every day or even every week.2. My best friend from high school is a new mom and we are in different time zones. But she makes an effort every few weeks to call me on her drive home from work. When I go back home our friendship feels like I’d never left.

3. Texting (发短信) your friends can be a good way. It can help you know about each other. My friends and I text each other about the small things like having to work late or losing an earring.

Use social media. Social media is a good way to keep my long-distance friendships going. It allows you to keep up with your friends’ lives. 4. That makes you feel more deeply connected to them.

Vacation together.5. One friend and I haven’t lived in the same state for 5 years, but I can see her on trips. By going on trips, we can not only stay in touch, but also can create new memories together.

Not every friendship is a friendship that can survive long distance. The thing we can do is do what we can to keep it.

A. Share small things.

B. Schedule time to eat together.

C. Why not plan a trip with your friends?

D. Use these tips to stay close with your friends.

E. It can also help you learn more about their other friends.

F. I drove three hours from Kentucky to spend time with her.

G. Anyway, you should try to find suitable time to chat with your friends.


    Since smart phones were invented, more and more people are obsessed (痴迷) by them. The obsession with phones has spread to running. They’re perfectly used during a running outside. Smart phones can provide music for you and track your route. But experts warn that it’s not a good idea to hold your phone in your hand while you go out for a run because it could cause hip (臀部) and shoulder injuries.

The habit could make the body lose balance. The same goes for water bottles, or anything else you might carry in one hand while on a run.

Professional UK Athletics running coach, Alexa, asks runners to carry phones in a waist belt instead. “When you hold something in our hands, there are slightly indirect influences on your pace. It influences the balance of muscle (肌肉), affects the weight of some body parts, and makes you run less fast,” she tells Cosmopolitan UK. “This could be happening every time you train, week after week, month after month.”

And as mobile phones get bigger and heavier, the more injuries are likely to occur. People like to always hold their phones in the same hand. It’s a force of habit. With one arm heavier, your body will try to compensate for the imbalance by working certain muscles harder than others.

The other risk of running phone-in-hand, of course, is damaging the screen of your phones if you fall. It’s very expensive to change a screen. Some of the latest phones can cost close to £ 300.

1.Why do experts think it unsuitable to run with a smart phone?

A.It affects people’s hearing.

B.It makes people lose eyesight.

C.It does harm to parts of people’s bodies.

D.It has a bad effect on people’s mental health.

2.What does Alexa suggest people do?

A.Carry smart phones in a bag.

B.Avoid touching smart phones with your hands.

C.Watch smart phones when running.

D.Carry smart phones in a waist belt.

3.What does the underlined phrase “compensate for” in paragraph 4 mean?

A.Meet up with. B.Make up for.

C.Face up to. D.Come up with.

4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.Running phone-in-hand is good for people.

B.It’s time to warn people not to use cell phones.

C.Changing a phone screen may cost much.

D.There are mobile phones falling into pieces every day.


    We’ve learned bees can understand zero and do basic math. Now a new study shows their tiny insect brains may be able to connect symbols to numbers.

Adrian Dyer, a professor in the RMIT University, said the research showed brains far smaller than humans’ could know numbers. “Humans learn numbers as children, but being able to recognize what numbers really represent needs a certain level of cognitive (认知的) ability,” Dyer says, “Studies have shown primates (灵长类动物) and birds have this ability, but this is the first time we’ve seen this in insects.”

It’s important for humans to do the research. There are 86 billion neurons (神经元) in humans’ brains. Bees only have less than a million. If bees have the ability to learn something difficult to understand like human-made symbolic language, this will open up exciting new paths for future communication between humans and animals.

Studies have shown that a number of animals have been able to learn symbols of numbers, including parrots and monkeys. Monkeys were taught Arabic numbers and could order them correctly. An African grey parrot called Alex was able to learn numbers and could do simple calculation.

Understanding how tiny brains of bees manage information opens paths to technology, which is good for the future design of computing (计算) systems.

1.What does Adrian Dyer say about the research?

A.The finding of the research is first seen in insects.

B.Humans’ brains are the biggest on the earth.

C.Birds can be as clever as primates.

D.Bees are cleverer than birds.

2.What do we know about the research?

A.Humans may find a new path to communicate with animals.

B.Bees have more neurons than monkeys.

C.Insects have the ability to communicate with humans.

D.Bees can solve basic math problems.

3.Who is Alex according to the text?

A.A child. B.A monkey.

C.An expert. D.A parrot.

4.What’s the main idea of the text?

A.Bees can communicate with other animals.

B.Bees can attach symbols to numbers.

C.Some animals can do math problems.

D.Bees can make communication with humans.


    I was born in Bombay, India. When I was about 6 months old, my legs became paralyzed (麻痹的). My birth mother deserted (遗弃) me. I was adopted (收养) by an American family. I was taken to Spokane, Washington. It took me a long time to be able to walk, because I had to accept a number of operations.

When I was in the business school, one of my friends was training for a marathon. One day, she introduced me to an organization called Achilles International, which was a club for athletes with disabilities. It took me four months to get the courage to make the phone call. Dick Traum, the founder of Achilles, answered the phone. He asked me to show up on Tuesday and would lend me his bike. That was the first time that I had been able to feel the wind in my long hair. I rode really slowly, but it was the coolest feeling to ride a bicycle for the first time.

Later, I decided to take part in the Ironman World Championship. I was in a lot of pain, because I had to practice swimming, biking and running for over nine months.

On the day of the marathon, it took me 14 hours and 39 minutes to finish the Triathlon. After I crossed that finish line, I cried. I made it. It was my determination that made my dream come true.

1.Who took the author to America?

A.Her birth father. B.An Indian family.

C.An American family. D.Her birth mother.

2.Where did the author know about the organization?

A.From a book. B.From her friend.

C.From the Internet. D.From a magazine.

3.What is paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.Her hard exercising experience.

B.Her wish to be successful.

C.Her attitude towards the painful life.

D.Her dream of becoming a champion.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Disability Is the Key to Success

B.A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed

C.Success Depends on Whom You Meet

D.Determination Makes Everything Possible


    Taj Mahal (泰姬陵), one of the Seven Wonders of the World, was built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan for his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal. Exploring the beauty of this cultural relic along with the first rays of the sunlight, you’ll find yourself in a fantastic view. People have described the entire relic as a polished (抛光的) jewel in the morning sunshine.

Here is a route for you to enjoy the beautiful relic. The lowest price guarantee (保证) is $29.00.

Stop at: The hotel in New Delhi

Pick up from the hotel in New Delhi at 3:30 am and drive to Agra.

Duration (时长): 4 hours

Stop at: Taj Mahal

Note: Taj Mahal remains closed on Friday.

Duration: 2 hours

Stop at: Agra Fort

After visiting Taj Mahal, go on to visit Agra Fort, which was built in 1565 A. D. by Great Mughal Emperor Akbar.

Duration: 1.5 hours

Stop at: Mughal Spicy Restaurant

After the end of Agra fort, move towards Mughal Spicy Restaurant to have lunch. It provide you with delicious food of this city.

Duration: 1 hour

After the trip, our assistant will drive you back towards Delhi.

For more information, you can visit our website www. viator. com.

1.Taji Mahal is closed on ________.

A.Friday B.Thursday

C.Wednesday D.Monday

2.How long does it take to visit Agro Fort?

A.4 hours. B.1.5 hours.

C.2 hours. D.1 hour.

3.Where does this text most probably come from?

A.A geography textbook.

B.A historical report.

C.A travel website.

D.A design magazine.


假定你叫李华,是红星中学的学生。你的笔友Tom 给你发来一封邮件,讲述了他在英国的日常活动,并询问你在中国的情况。请你给他回一封邮件,内容必须包括表格内的信息。













Dear Tom,

Thank you for telling me your daily activities in your letter.


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua








Last Saturday, my parents was very busy. They had no time to take care with my little sister. Therefore, they ask me to look after her. I took she to the supermarket first. I bought her a nice toy but she loved it very much. After that, we went to the park. When we arrived, we saw two girl there. My sister was so exciting that she played games with them. On our way to home, we bought some flowers for our parents. Seeing the flowers, they were very happily. We really had good time.



Yuan Longping was born1.1930. He graduated from college in 1953. Then he worked as a2.(teach) at an agricultural school. From then on, he tried his best to find ways to grow more rice. After years of research, he3.(final) made it. In 1973, he became the first person in the world to grow rice with a high output (产量). Thanks to his research, farmers are producing harvests twice4.(large) than before. Although he is one of China's most famous scientists, Yuan Longping considers himself as5.farmer, for he works the land to do his research.

Yuan Longping feels that being famous gives him less freedom to do6.(he)research. So he doesn't care about it. He prefers keeping time for his hobbies. He enjoys7.(listen) to music, swimming and reading in his spare time. Now he is more than eighty8.(year) old and he9.(be) satisfied with his life.

Such is Yuan Longping, a simple man10.has great achievements.


    When I was a little child, my mom always made delicious food for my dad and me. One evening, when we got home, she put a plate of cakes in front of us. To my surprise, the _____ were burnt! Nobody liked burnt cakes, and I didn’t want to ______ them at all. Then I turned to my dad. He ________ one of the burnt cakes and put it into his mouth. He smiled at my mom and thanked her. And as usual, he asked me how my day was at school. I didn’t _____ what I told him that night, but I remembered clearly that he ate all of the burnt cakes!

When I left the table, I heard my mom say sorry _______ my dad for burning the cakes. And I would never forget what he said, “Honey, it doesn’t matter. I don’t mind whether the cakes are burnt or not. I like the cakes ___ they show your love.”

Later, I asked Dad whether he really _____ the burnt cakes. He held me in his arms and said, “Your mom works very hard and she’s really _____. I don’t want to make her sad.”

You know, life is full of things that are not perfect(完美), and nobody is _______ . Since we all make mistakes, we should learn to accept each other’s ______.

1.A.Eggs B.cakes C.hot dogs D.hamburgers

2.A.hide B.buy C.eat D.make

3.A.picked up B.paid for C.gave up D.threw away

4.A.want B.remember C.decide D.discover

5.A.in B.for C.on D.to

6.A.because B.though C.so D.until

7.A.Cut B.cooked C.sold D.liked

8.A.excited B.interested C.tired D.surprised

9.A.perfect B.stupid C.important D.special

10.A.ideas B.gifts C.looks D.mistakes


How to Improve English Speaking Skills

With the development of society, the world has become a global village. It's necessary to Improve your English speaking skills to communicate with people around the world. Then how can you improve your English speaking skills? 1.

● Talk with native speakers, Talking with native speakers is the best way to improve your English speaking skills.2.

● Slow down. If you want to be understood, slow down.3.The more clearly you speak, the better your listeners can understand you.

● Speak English at home. 4.You can talk to yourself in English. You can also describe what you are doing. While you're washing the dishes, say what you're doing. thinking, or feeling. It keeps your brain thinking in English.

● Take part in speaking activities. It's good for you to take part in different English speaking activities. For example, you can go to the English Corner. You can also take English speech training classes and so on.

5.Recording yourself is a good way to improve your English speaking skills. Though you hear yourself all the time, you don't quite know what you sound like. So record yourself What are the weak and strong points you hear in your speech. You might find them if you listen to your recording.

A. Record yourself.

B. Do sports regularly.

C. Here are some suggestions for you

D. When you slow down, you will speak clearly

E. You can do your history exercises at school

F. You'd better speak English at home as often as possible

G. Practice with native speakers, and you'll make progress


    Susan was a shy girl. She always had a hard time talking with new people. But when she grew up. she became a reporter. This job is usually for a person who likes to talk in front of people. But Susan thought that her shyness made her a better reporter. "Being shy makes me more believable people feel more comfortable around me. "she said.

It is reported that almost 50% of the people say that they are shy. Some people are not shy when they are with their friends. But when they are in a new place, they become quiet and shy.

Why are some people shy? Scientists did a study on two-month-old babies. They found that one of every five babies was very active. These active babies liked to make noise. And one of every five babies was always quiet. These quiet babies might be shy when they grew up.

Family also affects shyness. For example, children are more likely to be shy if their family always tell them that they are wrong. Studies show that if parents have fewer friends and fewer family activities. their children usually become shy.

In fact, shy people are often good at listening. They are good friends because they listen more than they talk. This can also make them successful.

1.What did Susan become when she grew up?

A.A nurse B.A reporter.

C.A writer D.A singer.

2.It is reported that almost ___________of the people say that they are shy.

A.30% B.40%

C.50% D.60%

3.What kind of baby might be shy when they grow up?

A.Naughty babies. B.Active babies.

C.Noisy babies. D.Quiet babies

4.What's the main idea of Paragraph 4?

A.Family also affects shyness. B.Shy people talk less.

C.Shyness can be an advantage. D.Babies are usually quiet.

5.Shy people are often good at____________.

A.Talking B.singing

C.listening D.working


    This is a story between a woman and a tree in America.

Julia Hill was born in 1974. As she grew up, she realized it was important to protect trees At the age of 23, she heard some bad news one day. A company wanted to cut down part of forest in California. In the forest there was a 1, 000-year-old redwood tree, which was 70 metres tall! Julia wasn’t happy about this. She thought, “If I sit in the redwood tree, the company can’t cut it down. ”

So she traveled to California to protect the redwood tree. In order to stop the company, Julia climbed up the redwood tree, built a small treehouse and lived in it. Her friends cooked food for her every day. Many news reporters came to interview her. Julia talked to those reporters by mobile phone.

Many people supported Julia, but other people were not on her side. They tried to stop her. The company used a helicopter to fly around her treehouse. It made a lot of noise and brought strong wind. But nothing could stop Julia. She stayed in the redwood tree for two years and eight days.

In the end, Julia was successful. The company agreed not to cut down the redwood tree Julia and her friends became very happy.

1.Where did the story happen?

A.In England B.In Canada

C.In Australia D.In America

2.Why did Julia travel to California?

A.To make a speech on TV. B.To visit her friends

C.To protect the redwood tree. D.To have a meeting

3.Julia talked to those reporters______.

A.by e-mail B.over the radio

C.on the Internet D.by mobile phone

4.What does “other people were not on her side” in Paragraph 4 mean?

A.Other people did not support her. B.Other people liked her idea

C.Other people did not talk to her. D.Other people agreed with her

5.What would be the best title for the text?

A.A Woman and a House B.A Woman and a Tree

C.A Woman and a Phone D.A Woman and a Helicopter



Robert and Henry were two friends in the same class. They always played together and went home together. One day Robert and Henry were going home from school, when, on turning a corner, Robert cried out, “A fight! Let’s go and see!”

“No,” said Henry. “Let us go quietly home and not meddle with(插手) this quarrel. We have nothing to do with it and may get into mischief(trouble). Also our parents are expecting to have dinner with us together at home and I don’t want them to worry about me. ”

“You are a coward, and afraid to go,” said Robert, and off he ran. Henry went straight home, and in the afternoon went to school as usual.

But Robert had told all the boys that Henry was a coward, and they laughed at him a great deal. From then on, they looked down upon Henry and didn’t want to play with him together.

Henry was sad but he wasn’t angry with Robert for his rude behavior, because he learned that true courage is shown most in bearing misunderstanding when it was not deserved, and that he ought to be afraid of nothing but doing wrong. Thus, he just ignored the other boys’ laughter and continued to go to school and study as well. However, Robert didn’t invite Henry to go home with him anymore. Instead, he had some other boys who also thought Henry was a coward. Every day after school, they didn’t go home directly but went to the river or somewhere to play games and had a lot of fun.

A few days later, Robert was bathing with his new friends in a river, and got out of his depth. He struggled, and screamed for help, but all in vain. The boys who had called Henry a coward got out of the water as fast as they could, but they did not even try to help him.






Paragraph 1:

Robert was fast sinking. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Paragraph 2:

Thus, Robert’s life was saved.




1. 欢度春节;2. 外出旅游;3. 复习功课。


1. 词数不少于100

2. 开头已给出,不计入总词数;

3. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Jack,

I’m glad to hear from you.


Sincerely your,

Li Hua



1.Zongzi are w__________() in bamboo leaves.

2.The company has p_____________(出版)all of that author’s works.

3.There are certainly b____________(益处) of suing a star in a film.

4.He admits that recently he has become a____________(入迷的) to playing online games.

5.As time went by, I gradually a__________(适应) myself to the school life.

6.I don’t really like the author, although I have to a_____(承认) his books are very exciting.

7.Dickens’ style of writing a_______(吸引) readers from all walks of life.

8.The study i________(表明) a connection between poverty and crime.

9.If you are not s_______________(满意) with the watch after you get it, you can return it within 30 days.

10.To keep healthy, we should keep a b____________(平衡) diet.



Chinese might be heard when you take a ride on the street. 1. (turn) to the right, you see a Sichuan-style restaurant. After walking into a store, you see that Huawei smartphones are on sale. But you're not in China — you're in Manchester in Britain. In fact, you might see similar things in many 2. cities. Chinese products have been going global.

In the past, most Western people thought Chinese products were cheap but not reliable. Things 3. (change) greatly, though. For example, Huawei, 4. is one of China's major smartphone 5. (make), overtook Apple in worldwide smartphone sales for the first time in the third quarter of 2018, only behind Samsung.

Some Chinese brands are also becoming more popular. In many cities in Europe, stores sell TCL televisions, Haier fridges and Lenovo computers. They're not 6.(simple) made in China, 7. designed in the country.

Western countries have been enjoying Chinese food for a long time. Chinese restaurants have made some changes to the dishes 8. (meet) local people's tastes.

With its rapid 9. (grow), China has been displaying an increasingly great influence when fitting in 10. the world.


    My wife Pat and I were having drinks outside our home, the weather was unusually_______for March in Mississippi, There was barely any breeze, after we finished the second cup, flashes of_______danced across the sky. When the first drops of rain drove us_______, the phone rang. Pat’s face_______on that gray and hot day. It was our son, David, a helicopter pilot who_______in the US Air Force in South Korea. David intended to sound_______, but we recognized the sign of homesickness from his voice._______, the power of conversation made us feel_______,until a crash shook the windows.

David wondered what it was, “Just thunder, “Pat said.

There were several seconds of silence,“David”,I asked, “are you_______there?”

“Yes…apart from the two of you, do you know what else I________most? Thunder, We have rain, wind, and________here, but it never thunders, Remember? Dad, when I was a kid, you laughed me out of fear of thunder? I wish I were there to________with you now.”

“Yes…”I said, trying to________my tears, On hanging up the phone, I told Pat, “I’m going to record our son some ________.”“Bob, the neighbors will think you’re crazy.”

“David won’t,” I said and went outside with a recorder, Later I ________the tape to David with a single line: A ________gift.

David called again, “Dad, “he said, “You won’t believe that some friends and I had a thunder party where we realized we were listening to the sounds of ________, Thanks, Dad! It was really a special present,” While David was in Korea, we found ourselves ________thunderstorms. ________feeling blue, we regarded the thunder as special which let us know that wherever we might be, we were ________together as a family.

1.A.wonderful B.fine C.hot D.unique

2.A.images B.lightning C.electricity D.clouds

3.A.over B.off C.outside D.inside

4.A.darkened B.lightened C.widened D.opened

5.A.served B.employed C.searched D.studied

6.A.miserable B.respectful C.comfortable D.Cheerful

7.A.Suddenly B.Gradually C.Increasingly D.Frequently

8.A.simpler B.less C.worse D.Better

9.A.still B.even C.instead D.yet

10.A.possess B.miss C.offer D.say

11.A.sky B.stars C.snow D.earth

12.A.play B.run C.Listen D.Work

13.A.gave out B.hold back C.took in D.Set off

14.A.music B.songs C.wind D.Thunder

15.A.gave B.presented C.mailed D.rushed

16.A.typical B.special C.common D.Strange

17.A.countryside B.city C.suburb D.home

18.A.expecting B.lacking C.trusting D.having

19.A.Other than B.Less than C.Rather than D.More than

20.A.established B.qualified C.linked D.pressed


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