
1. 介绍训练营的相关内容(例如:时间,地点,参加者等);

2. 说明你打算参加的原因;

3. 询问对方的意向。

注意:1. 词数不少于50

2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

提示词:龙舟训练营  Dragon Boat Training Camp

Dear Jim,



Li Hua



1. 栏目介绍。

2. 稿件内容;

3. 稿件长度:约400词汇

4. 交稿日期:6月28日前天


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯的;

3. 开头语已为你写好。


假如你是李华,计划和同学去敬老院(nursing home)陪老人们国重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)。请给外教Lucy写封邮件,邀她一同前往,内容包括:

1. 出发及返回时间;

2. 活动:包饺子、表演节目等。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 结语已为你写好。




Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua



“Planning is good ,but doing is better”是一句英国名言。请以此为题用英语写一篇100~120词的短文。







Planning Is Good,But Doing Is Better







某中学生英文报正举办“The Season I Like Best”的征文活动。请用英文写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:

1. 你最喜欢的季节;

2. 你喜欢该季节的两条理由(如:气候、景色、活动、感受……)。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 题目已为你写好;

3. 行文连贯,语篇完整;

4. 文中不得透露个人真实信息。






注意:① 词数不少于100;


Dear friends,





Thank you.








Dear Jim



Li Hua












假定你是李华,你校摄影俱乐部(photography club)将举办国际中学摄影展。请给你的英国朋友Peter写封信,请他提供作品。信的内容包括:









假定你是李华,暑假想去一家外贸公司兼职,已写好申请书和个人简历(resume)。给外教Ms Jenkins 写信,请她帮你修改所附材料的文字和格式(format)。


 1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,已使行文连贯。


假设你是李津,与你以前的外籍教师Mrs. Green 一直保持联系。近日她来信询问你的近况,请根据以下提示给她回复一封邮件。








参考词汇:第十三届全运会  the 13th National Games

Dear Mrs. Green,

I’m glad to hear from you.





Li Jin










世界青少年机器人技能竞赛 the World Adolescent Robotics Competition

Dear Chris,

I have good news to tell you. ______________________________________________________________





I’m looking forward to your reply.


Li Jin


阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短 文。续写的词数应为150左右。

I was in a rush as always, but this time it was for an important date I just couldn't be late for! I found myself at a checkout counter behind an elderly woman seemingly in no hurry as she paid for her groceries. A PhD student with not a lot of money, I had hurried into the store to pick up some flowers. I was in a huge rush, thinking of my upcoming evening. I did not want to be late for this date.

We were in Boston, a place not always known for small conversation between strangers. The woman stopped unloading her basket and looked up at me. She smiled. It was a nice smile—warm and reassuring(安慰的)-and I returned her gift by smiling back.

''Must be a special lady, whoever it is that will be getting those beautiful flowers," she said.

''Yes, she's special," I said, and then to my embarrassment, the words kept coming out. ''It's only our second date, but somehow I am just having the feeling she's the one'' jokingly, I added, ''The only problem is that I can't figure out why she'd want to date a guy like me. ''

''Well, I think she's very lucky to have a boyfriend who brings her such lovely flowers and who is obviously in love with her," the woman said. ''My husband used to bring me flowers every week-even when times were tough and we didn't have much money. Those were incredible (难以置信的)days he was very romantic and-of course-I miss him since he's passed away. ''

Para. 1 There was no doubt in my mind as I walked up to her.


Para. 2 It took her a moment to realize that I was giving her the flowers I had just purchased.



假如你是李华,在英国一个月的文化体验活动即将结束时,你准备给你的接待家庭 布朗夫妇送上你从中国带来的一个有中国文化特色的小礼物并附上一张卡片,表达对 他们的感谢并对你的小礼物作一个简单说明。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头、结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Brown,



Li Hua



Most rain forests lie close to the equator, where the climate is often mild and there 1. (be) long hours of sunshine. The warmth of the land heats the air above, causing it to rise and tiny drops of water 2. (fall) as rain. The rainfall can reach at least 98 inches a year. This wet, warm world with plenty of sunlight is perfect for plants to grow, so the trees grow fast with green leaves all the year round. The trees 3. (they) also have an effect on the climate. They gather water from the soil and pass it out into the air through their leaves. The wet air then forms clouds, 4. hang over the treetops like smoke. These clouds protect the forest 5. the daytime heat and night-time cold of nearby deserts, 6. (keep) temperatures fit for plant growth.

The rain forest is the ideal place for the growth of a wide 7. (vary) of trees. Most of them depend on animals to eat their fruits and spread their seeds. When the fruits 8. (eat) , the seeds inside them go undamaged through 9.(animal) stomachs and are passed out in their droppings. 10. seeds lying on the forest floor then grow into new trees.


    When I was born there was already another youngster in the family—a collie dog just three months old.

Laddie _______near me, ate with me and played with me. I _______ dressed him in my clothes. We _________ almost everything and we cuddled for comfort and _________ I had no brothers or sisters, so he was my brother.

Years passed and when I returned from school one day and opened the _______, there was no Laddie. Believing he was playing "hide-and-seek", I searched all his favorite _______ places. Meanwhile my parents were trying to _______ to me, but I was not listening, I was searching and calling madly for my _______ .

The blow was more than I could bear, and as a result I was _______ and off school for many weeks, suffering from extreme sadness.

Many years passed before I got a dog of my own. He was my son's ________, Yogi. The two would get up to all kinds of mischief (顽皮). When Yogi's ________ came we all went with him to the vets and hugged him, petted him and ________ him for his company and love. That way it ________ the blow for us.

The loss of an ________ is heartbreaking, but we have the option of providing that final release with dignity and relieving  ________ It's what must be done.

1.A.jumped B.slept C.came D.shouted

2.A.never B.even C.quickly D.then

3.A.tried B.knew C.enjoyed D.shared

4.A.friendship B.fun C.warmth D.strength

5.A.cupboard B.window C.box D.door

6.A.drinking B.feeding C.hiding D.playing

7.A.explain B.cry C.joke D.sigh

8.A.father B.mother C.brother D.sister

9.A.moved B.upset C.ill D.relieved

10.A.tool B.toy C.caretaker D.companion

11.A.owner B.festival C.friend D.time

12.A.admired B.thanked C.praised D.rewarded

13.A.increased B.softened C.received D.caused

14.A.pet B.relative C.animal D.treasure

15.A.suffering B.misunderstanding C.danger D.embarrassment


    "Old wives' tales" are beliefs passed down from one generation to another. For example, most of us remember our parents' telling us to eat more of certain foods or not to do certain things. 1. Some of them agree with present medical thinking, but others have not passed the test of time.

Did your mother ever tell you to eat your carrots because they are good for your eyes? Scientists now report that eating carrots can help prevent a serious eye disease called macular degeneration. Eating just one carrot a day can reduce the possibility of getting this disease by 40%. 2. It can kill the type of virus that causes colds.

3. For example, generations of children have been told not to go swimming within an hour after eating. 4. Do sweets cause tooth problems? Well, yes and no. Sticky sweets made with grains tend to cause more problems than sweets made with simple sugars.

Even though science can tell us that some of our traditional beliefs don't hold water, there is still a lot of truth in the old wives' tales. 5. We should respect this body of knowledge even as we search for clear scientific support to prove it true or false.

A. Garlic is good for you, too.

B. Is there any truth in these teachings?

C. Who can decide whether they are right or wrong?

D. But research suggests that there is no danger in doing so.

E. Unfortunately, not all of Mom's advice passed the test of medical studies.

F. After all, much of this knowledge has been accumulated from thousands of years of experience in family health care.

G. They are just the guesses and imaginations of people in the past when people's scientific knowledge was quite limited.


    The school was founded in 1959 by Sisters of the Roman Union of the Order of Saint Ursula (established in 1535), at the invitation of Archbishop Verineux of Hualien diocese(教区)and the local government. At that time, economic conditions in Taiwan were still undeveloped. Hualien, at the ''back of the mountains" suffered from an inconvenient location and lacked resources to develop its local economy. Thus, the Sisters followed the spirit of the Gospel(信条)to make a "preferential option for the poor" and invited the Ursulines worldwide to cooperate. Many Ursuline school children in Europe saved their pocket money just to help establish an Ursuline school in Taiwan, which was very far away from them.

Women's education is part of the mission of the Roman Union of the Order of Saint Ursula. Through its belief that “Life transmits life; love nourishes(滋养)love", the Institute seeks to fully educate young women fitting in well with the society, capable of taking up the responsibility of becoming a stable force in society and promoting family life as the basic strength of that society. The early establishment of Stella Maris Girl's Junior High School was a response to the inadequacy and inequality of women's education. A High School was added to it three years later, and the school was renamed Stella Maris Girl's High School. In 1970, in correspondence with the social and environmental trends and the request of the Archbishop the school started to recruit (招 收)boys, and changed its name to the current one: Stella Maris High School.

With its focus firmly placed on whole person education concepts, respect for Catholic educational goals, and educational concepts of respect, freedom, and love, the school makes every effort to fulfill students' potential and develop their personality. Gradually, with the development of Taiwan's economy, the school adjusted its structures. It established a Kindergarten Teachers5 Department and Dress and Fashion Department in 1976, Arts and Craft Department in 1987, and the Information Systems and Integrated(集成)High School in 1996. The range of Stella Maris High School has gradually grown to completeness.

1.Why was the school founded?

A.To spread Christianity.

B.To help with local economy.

C.To cooperate with local people.

D.To promote the quality of education.

2.The Roman Union of the Order of Saint Ursula believes young women should do the following EXCEPT .

A.adapting themselves to society

B.placing value on family life

C.acting as a stable force in society

D.supporting their husbands' careers

3.Which of the following is most likely to be the feature of the school today?

A.Being single-sex. B.Being complete.

C.Being traditional. D.Being modern.

4.What is still NOT known after you read the passage?

A.Where the school is.

B.When the school was founded.

C.What are the majors in the school.

D.How much school fees are needed.


    In the 1990s Vietnam faced a terrible problem: many children in their country were malnourished(营养不良的).The government approached Jerry Sternin, who was at the time working for Save the Children in the USA, to set up an office in Vietnam. Jerry moved his family to Vietnam but when he arrived he discovered that not everyone in the government saw hope and appreciated his presence. He was told by his sponsor in the Foreign Affairs Department that they had 6 months to make a difference.

Now Jerry had read the research and it was clear that big issues such as poverty and water cleanliness were major factors. Jerry put these findings into a bucket(桶)he called ''true but useless". He wasn't about to change poverty or how clean Vietnam's water was. Instead he set about finding examples where things were working.

Jerry set off to visit villages across the country. He asked people whether they knew of families who had children of a healthy weight even though they had access to the same resources as everyone else. And the answer was always ''yes". They all seemed to know of some families where the kids were doing much better than most. So he visited these families and observed how the mothers fed their children. Over time a pattern came into view. Mothers of children with a healthy weight did four things differently from the rest.

What happens next illustrates Jerry Sternin's talent. Instead of racing down the street screaming about his findings and advocating everyone with malnourished kids adopting these four behaviours, Sternin identified 50 families in 14 villages who could benefit and then took groups of 10 mothers to cook with the mothers with the healthy kids. They practiced together and learned a new way of behaving.

After 6 months 65% of the children were better nourished and stayed that way. Throughout the 90s this approach benefited 2. 2 million children in 265 villages and became the standard approach to fixing child malnutrition in Vietnam.

1.From the passage we can see that when Jerry got to Vietnam .

A.he found the problem was too difficult for him to solve

B.he felt some people in the government doubted his ability

C.he spent 6 months staying with families of the unhealthy children

D.he brought with him the treatment for malnourished children there

2.What did Jerry believe was the key to solving the problem?

A.Changing poverty.

B.Reading about research.

C.Cleaning drinking water.

D.Finding a healthy pattern.

3.In what way were families with healthy children different from others?

A.How they were fed. B.How they were educated.

C.How much they exercised. D.How wealthy they were.

4.What played a key role in solving the problem?

A.Jerry Sternin's devotion to work.

B.Jerry Sternin's team spirit.

C.Jerry Sternin's choice of the right method.

D.Jerry Sternin's wide range of knowledge.


    Before the exams began, God told me in my mind several times, ''Don't cheat. '' But I did not listen because I knew it was not easy for me to get good marks in exams. Taking out my notebook, I copied the answers from it and passed the exams with very good marks.

I felt guilty and ashamed and asked God to forgive me, which I thought was all I needed to do to give me peace. Using my good exam results I went on further with my education. Studying in Kwara State College of Education, I could not have peace in my mind, thinking, ''You have done wrong. The result is not yours. ''

At last I went to the leaders of my church to ask for help, who told me that it is not enough to say sorry to God. I must show that I am sorry by putting right what I did wrong. For me, that meant telling the principal(校长)of the college that I cheated in the exams and that I should not have got into the college. I wrote a letter to him, telling him what I had done and took the letter to the principal's office and gave it to his secretary, who read it first. '' If this gets to the principal you will go to prison," she said. ''Go away and think about it. ''

I went back to the church leaders and told them what the secretary said and they said I must still go to the principal. So the next day, I went back to the secretary, who took me to see the principal this time. To my surprise, he told me not to be afraid but to go to the person who was in charge of the exams. I did as required and that person let me take the exams again. I passed! Now I am back at the college, but, more importantly, God has taken away the feelings of guilt and I have peace in my mind.

1.What does the writer tell us?

A.Why he cheated in an exam.

B.Why he wrote to the principal.

C.How he recovered a peaceful mind.

D.How he prepared for the college entrance exam.

2.Which of the following played the most important part in correcting what the writer did wrong?

A.Working hard at his lessons.

B.Doing as the church leaders said.

C.Going to the church to say sorry to god.

D.Communicating with the school leaders.

3.How did the principal react when the writer saw him?

A.He was good to him.

B.He was angry with him.

C.He refused to accept his apology.

D.He thought he had done nothing wrong.

4.What finally helped the writer feel good again?

A.His honesty. B.His tolerance.

C.His hard work. D.His generosity.


The International Summer School of Scotland Welcomes You

Two sessions of the summer school:

• Session one July 4th—July 25th (This Session is now full)

• Session two July 28th-Aug. 18th (LIMITED PLACES STILL AVAILABLE)

If you would like our 2020 brochure please send us your details by going to the enquiries(咨询)page. The summer school program of The International Summer School of Scotland offers high school students from all over the world (aged 13 — 18) the unique opportunity to combine learning, creative enrichment and action-packed adventure in the historic and picturesque seaside town of St Andrews during the summer break. The International Summer School of Scotland is a three-week program and due to such a high demand we are offering two sessions in 2020: Session 1 (4th July — 25th July) and Session 2 (28th July—18th August).

Summer School Programs

The International Summer School of Scotland prides itself on providing high-quality academics and exciting electives. Students of the summer school create a personalized three-week program to suit both their academic needs and extra-curricular tastes. Each summer school student is able to choose one academic program and one elective course. Students at the Summer School will also benefit from a broad-ranging and all-inclusive activities program. Whether it is discovering Scotland's beautiful capital city or learning to kite board on the beach, our summer school activities program is designed to leave no one behind.

1.Whom does the above advertisement target?

A.Worldwide teachers.

B.Teachers in Scotland.

C.Worldwide high school students.

D.High school students from Scotland.

2.If you apply now, you are expected to start the summer school from .

A.July 4th B.July 25th

C.July 28th D.Aug. 18th

3.The summer school provides the following programs EXCEPT .

A.activities program B.academic program

C.selective course D.job training



The park bench was deserted as I sat down to read beneath an old willow tree. Not satisfied with life, I was upset. At this time, a young boy approached me. He stood right before me with his head tilting(倾斜)down, saying with great excitement, “Look what I found!”

In his hand was a flower, and what a pitiful sight, with its petals(花瓣)all worn. That’s because there was not enough rain or light. Wanting him to take his dead flower away and go off to play, I forced a small smile and then turned away. But instead of leaving, he sat next to my side and placed the flower to his nose and declared with certainty. He said, “It surely smells pretty and it’s beautiful, too. That’s why I picked it and it’s for you.”

The flower before me was dying or dead. But I knew I must take it, or he might never leave. So I reached for the flower and replied, “Just what I need.” But instead of placing the flower in my hand, he held it midair without reason. It was then that I noticed for the first time the boy was blind.

I heard my voice shake and my eyes were full of tears as I thanked him for picking the very best one. He smiled, and then walked off to play, unaware of the effect he had on my day.

I sat there and wondered how he managed to see a self-pitying woman beneath an old willow tree. Meanwhile, I felt confused about the reason why he tried to make me happy by showing the flower? Perhaps from his heart, he enjoyed the world with true sight.注意:





Paragraph 1:

Through the kindness of the blind child, I achieved some new awareness.


Paragraph 2:

Then I stood up and walked to the boy










Dear Peter,



Li Hua



It’s Global Youth Service Day, the largest youth service and citizen movement in the world and the only one that celebrates the contributions 1. (make) by all youth aging from 5 to 25 through service.

The Youth Engagement Team of United Way of Central Indiana is taking 2. (act) to advance the common benefits. When members found out that a small, rural town about 30 minutes northwest of Indianapolis, had the 3. (high) percentage of financially stressed households in the area, they decided to do something about it. Since the town doesn’t have a public library, the team built a Little Free Library, and prepared 100 snack bags with notes of encouragement words inside for kids 4. (involve) in the We All Matter after-school pro-gram. The 5. (child) will receive not only food for their bodies, but food for their minds as well, as the team is also donating books 6. (get) the library up and running.

Serving 7. a young age promotes healthy lifestyles and choices, teaches life skills, 8. (improve) the community and encourages lifelong moral rules of giving. Are you ready? to join youth like these in making 9. difference? Youth Service America offers excellent resources and your local United Way can point youth to the people and places 10. need your support.


    “In family life, love is the oil that eases friction (摩擦).” The words by Eva Burrows show the importance of ________ in my life. During my childhood many people came and went, but my grandfather ________ my life in several ways. He was loving and _________, following his dreams whatever difficulties he faced. The lessons I learned from his ________ have helped me battle through many struggles in my life.

Baseball has always been one of my favorite, ________, during my junior year of high school, I received very little playing time ________ I began to think about quitting baseball. Just then my grandfather’s ________ said in my head, “You can’t give up now, it has just begun.” I remembered his ________. He was tenacious(顽强的)in the restaurant business where many people ________ year after year. Although his business failed once, he never ________ but continued to follow his dreams of being a successful entrepreneur(企业家).Keeping my grandfather’s successful story in mind ________ my confidence, which gave me the ability to prove myself a ________ on the playing field.

Off the baseball field, my grandfather taught me many ________ about the importance of family ________. Everyday he’d call simply to say “hi, ________ the value of keeping in touch with the family. Like my Grandpa, I try to keep the family ________ by organizing family dinners. As my sisters and brothers now live at various places around the country, I try to hold my grandfather’s family values of love and communication by calling them several times a week. By ________ his traditions, I feel I am bringing everyone together emotionally as well as physically.

My sense of responsibility and adjustment are characters my grandfather has ________ to me. ________, on October 1st 2008 the great man I speak of passed away. He passed away but his ________ exists in me forever.

1.A.struggle B.work C.efficiency D.family

2.A.supported B.checked C.changed D.cared

3.A.available B.curious C.tough D.awkward

4.A.problems B.backgrounds C.responses D.examples

5.A.Also B.However C.Therefore D.Instead

6.A.so B.or C.for D.but

7.A.origin B.voice C.quality D.reputation

8.A.demands B.appearance C.stories D.function

9.A.cheered B.connected C.failed D.woke

10.A.gave up B.showed off C.turned up D.kept away

11.A.solved B.fueled C.protected D.tested

12.A.spot B.purpose C.project D.product

13.A.methods B.lessons C.skills D.sufferings

14.A.communication B.enjoyment C.education D.life

15.A.announcing B.discussing C.explaining D.stressing

16.A.wealthy B.confident C.considerate D.close

17.A.following B.joining C.hiding D.breaking

18.A.devoted B.promised C.passed D.added

19.A.Particularly B.Importantly C.Eventually D.Unfortunately

20.A.degree B.symbol C.potential D.influence


    When it comes to helping students learn and mature, there are several ways to increase their well-being. Although your children may be succeeding in the classroom, there are a few things that you still can do.

Encouraging physical activity is the first thing you can do. More and more children do not participate in sports after school. It’s important for you to encourage mobility with sports that are played after class. You should find sporting equipment, basketball courts and play areas where kids can increase their well-being. 1.

Secondly, you can provide proper nutrition for your children. It’s important for your children to receive proper nutrition both inside and outside of the home. 2. You’d better make it a point to provide enough nutrition for their proper development and growth.

3. Many parents fail to stop children from using smart phones and computers. There are some institutions that even encourage too much screen time as a way to teach children or keep them entertained. You should help the children remain excited without sitting in front of a screen throughout the day.

Last but not the least, monitoring bullying (欺凌)is also an essential part. Bullying continues to remain a common problem in some schools, making it important that the environment that your children grow in holds a high standard. 4.

It’s important to examine the school life as a whole to determine what factors are missing. 5.. You may determine how well they adjust to the world around them and succeed in life.

A. You should provide kids with fresh food.

B. Besides, you’d better limit their screen time.

C. It will encourage children to focus on their study.

D. In addition, try your best to give them more freedom.

E. This will reduce the risk of health conditions that include obesity.

F. You can advise teachers to keep a practice of looking for bullying.

G. Parents play a significant role in children’s growth and well-being.


    Light pollution is blocking a starry view of the night sky for more than half of people across England, a research has found.

Fifty-seven percent of stargazers(观星者)struggled to see more than 10 stars, while just 2% of participants said they experienced a truly dark sky making them be able to count more than 30,9 according to the research by the Campaign to Protect Rural England CPRE. People in the countryside were encouraged to count how many stars they could see with eyes within the constellation (星座)of Orion, which is visible only in the winter months.

Campaigners said the results of the star count, supported by the British Astronomical Association, showed the problem of light pollution and how it affected one of the countryside’s most magical sights—a dark, starry night sky. They said the results of the research to map England’s night skies suggested more could be done by the government, local councils and the general public to reduce the negative effects of artificial light from streets and buildings.

Emma Marrington, dark skies campaigner at the CPRE, said “We’re hugely grateful to the people who took the time to get out and take part in our star count. But it’s deeply disappointing that the vast majority were unable to experience the natural wonder of a truly dark sky blanketed with stars. Without any action, our night sky will continue to be lost under a covering of artificial light, ruining the health of the natural world.”

She added: “The star count results show just how far-reaching the light from street lights and buildings can be seen. Light doesn’t respect boundaries, and careless use can see it spread for miles from cities.”

She suggested better-designed lighting, street light dimming(暗淡)systems and part- night lighting where some street lights are turned off during the small hours should provide an opportunity to limit the damage caused by light pollution, reduce carbon emissions and save money.

1.What effect does the light pollution bring about to England?

A.It leads the stars to disappear.

B.It makes the countryside dim.

C.It makes the environment terrible.

D.It prevents the people seeing stars.

2.What causes the light pollution according to the text?

A.More and more buildings.

B.Less and less outdoor activities.

C.The overuse of artificial light.

D.The spread of light in the countryside.

3.How does Emma feel about the stargazers’ efforts?

A.Disappointed. B.Surprised.

C.Regretful. D.Appreciative.

4.What is Emma’s suggestion for dealing with the light pollution?

A.Using street lights wisely. B.Turning off lights at night.

C.Spreading light further. D.Changing the streets1 design.


    Are you wondering whether it’s worth going for a little jog? Don’t hesitate, and get your sports shoes on. A new study shows that proper running lowers the risk of death before the normal time.

In a survey of 14 previous studies from the US and Denmark, the group of researchers from institutes in Australia and Finland concluded that running would probably lead to improvements in population health and longevity(长寿).The studies involved 232,149 participants over time periods ranging from 5. 5 to 35 years.

On the whole, people running any distance were related with a 27% lower risk of death from all causes than those who did not, the study shows. Running was also related with a 30% and 23% lower risk of death from cardiovascular(心血管的)disease and cancer.

Previous studies had concluded “inconsistent findings” about whether running could lower the risk of death before the normal time, according to the researchers. Lead researcher Jim White, a professor at Victoria University in Melbourne, told CNN: “Our recent findings may encourage physically inactive individuals to take up running and those who already run to keep on doing it.”

He added that doctors may be encouraged by our findings to promote running as a part of “lifestyle medicine”. In their paper, which will be published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, the researchers say health professionals are sometimes wary of promoting running because vigorous(剧烈的)use of it has been linked with sudden heart death.

Jim and his team deny this by noting that the benefit of running outweighs the risk. However, they did say advice should be given on a case — by — case basis, as running might not be appropriate for everyone. Although running has a clear health benefit, the researchers point out that higher “doses” of running may not reduce the risk of death further. According to the WHO s guidelines, adults aged between 18 and 64 should take 150 minutes of gentle exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise each week.

1.What did the new study focus on?

A.The benefit of jog. B.People’s lifestyles.

C.People’s living conditions. D.The popularity of jog.

2.What will the study contribute to according to Jim?

A.Doctors’ quicker treatment. B.People’s losing weight.

C.People’s involvement in running. D.Researchers’ promotion of sport.

3.What does the underlined word "wary" in paragraph 5 mean?

A.Certain. B.Tired.

C.Cautious. D.Confident.


    Can robots be creative? British art gallery owner Aidan Meller thinks so. He hopes to begin answering that question with a robot called Ai-Da. Meller is watching the building of all Ai-Da’s parts by engineers at Engineered Arts, a company based in Cornwall, England. The engineers believe the robot will be able to make pictures of people from sight with a writing instrument in her hand. Meller wants the robot to perform like a human artist.

After seeing Ai-Da’s head being carefully brought to life by specialists who were connecting individual hairs to form eyebrows, Meller said, “She’s going to actually be drawing and we’re hoping to then build technology for her to paint.” But also as a performing artist, “she’ll be able to communicate with audiences and actually get messages across, asking those questions about technology today,” he added.

Ai-Da’s robotic head may still be separate from her body, but her movements are very alive. Cameras in each of her eyeballs recognize human body parts. Ai-Da will make eye contact and follow you around the room, opening and closing her mouth as you do. If you get too close, the robot will back away, closing and then opening her eyes as if in shock.

The specialists are using the company’s Mesmer lifelike robot technology to create her head. Once finished, Ai-Da will have a mixed-race appearance, with long dark hair and manmade skin. The teeth and skin inside her mouth will come from a 3-D printer. Marcus Hold works at Engineered Arts. He said Mesmer “brings together the development of software mechanics and electronics to produce a lifelike face with lifelike gestures in a small human sized package.”

Ai-Da will make her first public appearance at an exhibition called “Unsecured Futures” at the University of Oxford. Some of her pictures are expected to appear at another show in London later this year.

1.How will Ai-Da do when you get very close to her?

A.Keep still. B.Step back.

C.Run away. D.Speak aloud.

2.Which of the following is Ai-Da good at?

A.Taking care of the old. B.Communicating with persons.

C.Doing housework. D.Making up like humans.

3.What may be the best title for the text?

A.Ai-Da, a Creative Robot B.Meller, a Great Engineer

C.Ai-Da Makes Painting Easier D.Meller Helps Robot Cleverer


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1. 表示理解并给予安慰;

2. 提出建议并说明理由。(至少两条建议)


1. 词数100左右;

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Dear Miss Worried,

I’m sorry to know that you’re having difficulty falling asleep.


I hope you’ll find them useful.


Li Hua


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