
To many Chinese, playing traditional Chinese musical 1. (instrument), such as the guzheng or erhu, may seem a bit old-fashioned. But there are musicians who take these instruments and combine them 2. modern sounds.

One of these artists 3.(be) Brad Seippel. He is a 33-year-old music producer from the US city of New Orleans. Seippel 4.(play) music since he was just 12 years old. But it was not until he was 24 and living in China 5. he learned to play the pipa.

“When I was young, my father encouraged me to play the bass guitar. A bass guitar has four strings, and so 6.(do) the pipa, so for me it was natural,” he said. Seippel’s music is 7.(main) electronic and sounds quite modern.But the pipa lets him add 8. unique element to his music.

Chinese musicians are bringing back 9.(tradition) music as well. Nine Treasures is a heavy metal band from Inner Mongolia. They use Mongolian throat-singing and a horsehead fiddle to add a folk flavor to 10. rock songs. I’ve seen them live many times myself — it is truly a powerful mix.


    A scientist _______ several monkeys in order to study animal psychology. He took a glass bottle, _______ its cork (瓶塞) and put two peanuts inside it. The peanuts dropped to the bottom and were easily seen from the outside. He then passed the bottle to a monkey, who shook it _______ for a long while and was able to get the peanuts when they _______ fell out. The scientist then put some peanuts into the bottle again _______ he had done before and showed the monkey that it only needed to turn the bottle upside down for the peanuts to drop out. _______ the monkey always ignored his _______. Each time it just shook the bottle frantically, with great _______ but without necessarily achieving _______ result.

Now the question is why the monkey was unable to understand ________ the scientist instructs. ________ because all its attentions was focused on the peanuts. Instead, it must take its eyes off the peanuts and quickly ________ its attention to the ________ movement of the scientist and the way the bottle was turned upside down. To achieve this, it had to calm down and not be ________ by the impulse (诱惑) of its appetite. Yet the monkey was not able to understand this. It is the instance like this that reveals the monkey’s some psychology is just like ________ of human beings.

1.A.kept B.rose C.fed D.caught

2.A.moving B.removed C.discovered D.covered

3.A.happily B.anxiously C.hurriedly D.instantly

4.A.suddenly B.accidentally C.occasionally D.quickly

5.A.as B.that C.what D.until

6.A.But B.When C.Therefore D.Thus

7.A.directions B.explanations C.performances D.instructions

8.A.effort B.strength C.power D.force

9.A.expecting B.interesting C.satisfying D.desired

10.A.what B.how C.why D.which

11.A.Probably B.Likely C.Simply D.Nearly

12.A.put B.send C.pay D.shift

13.A.gesture B.mouth C.hand D.eye

14.A.taken away B.taken off C.taken over D.taken on

15.A.that B.the C.those D.this


    In the middle of the Pacific Ocean lies the tiny island nation of Tuvaluthe fourth smallest country in the world. This group of four islands and five atolls (islands made from coral) is famous for its sandy beaches and turquoise (蓝绿色的) waters and has long been a popular tourist destination for nearby New Zealanders. However, the nation of Tuvalu is at risk of soon no longer existing; not because of war or political change, but because it will be covered by the rising ocean.

Tuvalu is experiencing the harmful effects of global warming. As global temperatures rise, so does the ocean temperature. Due to the scientific law of “thermal expansion,” when water heats it get bigger. 1. Most experts claim that the effects of climate change will make Tuvalu uninhabitable within the next 50 years. Problems are already emerging. As sea levels rise, ocean water containing high levels of salt is travelling further and further inland destroying the little amount of soil Tuvaluans have to grow crops.

Even before Tuvaluans began to suffer from the effects of climate change, lift on Tuvalu was tough. 2. Most of the land on an atoll is rock-hard arid any soil that exists on it is usually thin and poor for growing crops. The nation has always had to import food apart from fish.

More serious than Tuvalu’s lack of home-grown food has been its lack of drinking water.3. Therefore, Tuvaluans depend almost entirely on rainwater for their water needs. Unfortunately, due to a geographical phenomenon known as La Nina, Tuvalu often suffers from long periods of drought. In autumn 2010, after seven months of no rain, the Prime Minister had to declare a state of emergency riot only because of a lack of drinking water, but also because the water left was polluted with cholera (霍乱) 4.

Tuvalu’s problems have led some of its 11, 000 inhabitants to consider migrating to Australia or New Zealand.5. They know they’ll have to someday, but for as long as possible, they want to remain and make the world aware of what is happening to their homeland due to chimate change.

A. It was a desperate situation and, but for emergency shipments from New Zealand and Australia, many Tuvaluans would have died.

B.This is largely due to the geological makeup of atolls.

C. Unlike normal islands, atolls have no rivers or streams, which means that most of Tuvalu has no groundwater to use for drinking.

D. Tuvalu’s representatives demanded that nations should take a more responsible rote in reducing gas emissions.

E. Therefore, sea levels are rising and for low-lying Tuvalu, this spells disaster.

F. However, they ate not willing to abandon the land of their forefathers so easily.

G.And as a member of the United Nations, they are doing just that.


One step too far

Scientists have been trying to figure out how to alter the genes of humans for many years now, and it looks like they've finally cracked (破解) the code. But while this may seem like a great step forward in science, some also believe that it's one step back when it comes to ethics.

In August, a group of scientists from the US and South Korea worked together to successfully edit a human embryo and remove a genetic mutation (突变) that would have led to heart disease, reported The Guardian.

This was achieved with the help of CRISPR, a gene-editing tool that allows scientists to “cut and paste” human DNA.

Although this was the first example of an embryo's genes being changed successfully, the benefits of gene editing have already been tested in living patients.

In 2015, a five-month-old girl from the UK was saved after doctors used edited cells to fight off her cancer. As of today, she's alive and well.

And in the US last year, scientists managed to remove HIV cells from several patients by editing the genes inside their bodies.

Some people hope that in the future, diseases or birth detects could simply be “edited out”. However, others believe this could lead to so-called designer babies, giving parents the option to choose everything from eye color to intelligence.

“You could find wealthy parents buying the latest ‘upgrades’ for their children, leading to even greater inequality than we already live with,” Marcy Darnovsky, director of the San Francisco Center for Genetics, told BBC News.

In spite of these ethical concerns, experts say it’s not possible to create the “perfect” human being. Despite the progress scientists have made, we don’t understand human genes enough to give all unborn child great brainpower or amazing singing abilities.

“Right now, we know nothing about genetic enhancement,” Hank Greely, a director of sciences at Stanford University, US, told The New York Times. “We’re never going to be able to say, honestly, ‘This embryo looks like it would score high on the two-part SAT.’”

So it looks like if we want good exam results, or to impress people with our piano skills, we’ll have to stick with the old fashioned method of plain hard work — at least for now.

1.The underlined word “alter” in Paragraph 1 probably means ______.





2.Why do some people consider human gene editing a step backwards ______

A.They don't think it is an effective way to light diseases.

B.They are concerned that it could lead to genetic mutations.

C.They think it could lead to designer babies and increased inequality.

D.They worry that it could make parents abandon children with birth defects.

3.What was the first successful example of human embryo gene editing ______

A.A genetic mutation related to heart disease was removed by scientists

B.A newborn baby with cancer was saved by edited cells.

C.HIV cells were removed from patients’ bodies.

D.Some birth defects were simply edited out.

4.What can we conclude from the text ______

A.Gene editing is regarded as the perfect way to treat birth defects.

B.There is still a long way to go to fully understand human genes.

C.Gene editing could help enhance human intelligence in the near future.

D.Scientists are pessimistic about the future of gene editing.


    Morgan Holmes had taken part in Boy Scouts of America activities for a few years, but she only became a full member recently.

This was because the Boy Scouts began accepting girls from fifth grade to 12th grade into a new program called Scouts BSA. It brings girls the opportunities boys have, including becoming Eagle Scouts, the highest rank of the Boy Scouts.

“I'm loving it,” Morgan, now 17, said. “I finally get to wear the uniform now.”

Six middle school girls have joined Morgan in Troop48 in Scouts BSA. Some were members of Girls Scouts, and some have brothers in the Boy Scouts.Now brothers and sisters can take part in activities.

Morgan knows Boy Scouts activities well. Starting when she was 14, Morgan went on high-adventure outings like hiking 100 miles and shooting guns. But she’d never been able to progress to become an Eagle Scout.

Now Morgan’s goal is to reach the top rank of Eagle Scout.

She regularly runs a mile to build up her body. Now, she’s planning on camping in the snow.

“The journey to get there is really exciting,” she said.

Since Boy Scout activities are led by the Scouts themselves, Morgan, as the oldest girl, will be organizing activities and teaching the girls to tie knots and other skills.

One of those girls in Troop48 is Nicolette Ulrich, who is also in the Girl Scouts.

Her mother, Sasha Ulrich, said she sees, the Boy Scouts as more leadership oriented and the Girl Scouts as more culturally oriented.This will be shown by all upcoming gathering where girls will learn about different food and cultures from around the world.

“Girl Scouts is a great group and she’ll continue to do that.” Sasha said. “But she also wanted the opportunities provided by the Boy Scouts.”

1.What did Morgan want to do after becoming a full member of Boy Scouts ______

A.She wanted to join in the activities with her brother.

B.She wanted to challenge herself to become all Eagle Scout.

C.She wanted to compete with boys in all activities.

D.She wanted to hike long distances and shoot guns with boys.

2.What is the best word to describe Morgan ______





3.What does Sasha Ulrich think of Boy Scouts ______

A.It is more culturally oriented.

B.It helps to build teamwork.

C.It helps to improve leadership.

D.It is more interesting than Girl Scouts.


    People back in the United States are always asking me, “What's it like to live in China?” They hope to hear strange stories about weird food and cultural conflicts. Instead, I tell them that living in China is like being a baby.

Please don’t misunderstand me. I don’t think that Chinese people are babies. I am a baby. Or at least, I become one when I leave my house. That’s because babies can’t read, and when I leave my house in Beijing, I’m illiterate (不识字的).

This can be dangerous. If a sign says, “Watch out for big angry bears,” in Chinese, I will continue walking, completely ignorant of my peril (危险). Then a bear will eat me for breakfast.

I have started to recognize a few characters, but they seem impossible to ever learn without a lifetime of study. When I see a character I like. I give it a name. There is “The Square,”“The Octopus(章鱼) ,”“The-upside-down Octopus,” and my favorite, “Upside-down Octopus on an airplane.” However, I still don't know their sounds or meanings.They are just beautiful mysteries to my eyes.

Because I can’t read, city streets present an endless series of enigmas. If I see a business, I wonder, “Is that a restaurant? A dentist? A lawyer’s office?” Once, while hungry, I saw a big colorful sign. I walked in and asked a realtor (房屋中介) to see the drink menu.

Speaking of menus, eating at restaurant is a daily misadventure. Many places have photos of food, which is helpful. But if they have no photos, I walk from table to table and point at whatever looks delicious. I apologize if I’ve ever interrupted your dinner to point at your plate. I didn’t mean to be rude. I was just a hungry baby!

1.Why does the author think living in China is like being a baby ______

A.Some Chinese people behave like babies.

B.It’s comfortable to be a baby in China.

C.He is as curious as a baby about Chinese things.

D.He is like a new-born who can’t read at all.

2.What do we know about the author ______

A.He can order food in simple Chinese.

B.He doesn't know many Chinese Characters.

C.His spoken Chinese is better than his written Chinese.

D.He memorizes Chinese words based on their sounds.

3.In Paragraph 5, what does the underlined word “enigmas” mean ______





4.What is the passage mainly about ______

A.The author’s love for Chinese food.

B.The language barrier the author meets in China.

C.Cultural conflicts the author faces in China.

D.How the author overcomes difficulties in learning Chinese.


    The Breakfast Club

Starred by John Hughes, 1985

Five high school students with nothing in common are forced to spend an entire Saturday together in detention (拘留). At seven a.m. they had nothing to say, but by four p.m, they had bared their souls to each other and became good friends — the Jock, the Brain, the Criminal, the Princess, and the Kook.They were finally able to talk about themselves while they were forced to stay together.

Pretty in Pink.

Starred by Howard Deutch, 1986

Pretty in Pink looks at the central dilemma of adolescence where one’s dreams are much larger than one's confidence. Molly Ringwald plays Andie Walsh, a poor girl living with her father and working in a downtown record store. The school she attends is full of wealthy snobs (势利小人) and she likes a rich kid Blane.There is nothing new about the plot-rich boy and poor girl love each other and snobbery nearly destroys the romance.


Starred by Amy Heckerling and Alicia Silverstone, 1995

Cher, played by Alicia Silverstone, is one of the most popular girls at Beverly Hills High School where rich kids hang out, talk to each other on cell phones and occasionally attend classes.

At 15 going on 16, Cher has it all — a white Jeep, an extensive wardrobe with a computer to help select the perfect dress, and an unbelievable ability to charm, cajole and whine (哄骗和哭诉) until others obey her requests.The dialogue is wiry and entertaining.

1.The Breakfast Club is about ______ .

A.a prince and a princess

B.several criminals

C.several students

D.some tourists

2.we can conclude from Pretty in Pink that ______ .

A.the love between Molly and Blane aren't going smoothly

B.Molly and Blane eventually get married

C.Molly’s and Blane’a parents quite agree to their love

D.the love between Molly and Blane defeats snobbery

3.Which of the following is starred by Howard Deutch ______

A.The Breakfast Club.

B.Pretty in Pink.


D.Beverly Hill Schoo1.

4.We can infer that the Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink and Clueless are three ______ .

A.world-famous paintings about religion

B.Disney’s cartoons about love stories

C.films about teenagers

D.ancient Roman fairy tales



1. 申请缘由;

2. 你的优势;

3. 旅游建议。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I’m more than delighting to know you are going to explore the Yangtze River, one of the Mother Rivers of Chinese civilizations.

In my view, only if you take the trip to the Yangtze River can you have better knowledge of the history of China. Naturally, along the river is many attractive scenic spots, all of them are heavy with legends. Every rock looked like a person or animal, and every stream joins the great river carries its legends. Taking advantage of the trip, and you will not only have a good view of the surrounding sceneries but also broaden your horizons.

I really hope we’ll get a kick out of the trip to the Yangtze River, which will definitely impress on you.



Traditionally, robots have been hard, made of metal and other rigid material. But a team of scientists at Harvard University in the US has managed to build an 1. (entire) soft robot — the “Octobot”.

2. (describe) in science journal Nature, the “Octobot” could pave the way for 3. (intelligent) robots that could be used in search, rescue and exploration than the traditional ones. “The Octobot is a minimal system which may serve 4. a foundation for a new generation of completely soft, autonomous robots,” the study’s authors wrote.

Researchers 5. (work) on building soft robots for decades. They’ve taken 6. (inspire) from nature, looking to animals from jellyfish to cockroaches, which are often made up of more flexible matter.

However, creating a completely soft robot 7. (remain) a challenge. Even if engineers build a silicone(硅酮)body, 8. is still a grand challenge to construct flexible versions of essential parts, such as a source of power.

9. soft robotics is still in its early stage, it holds a great promise for several applications, such as search-rescue operations and explorations,” Barbara Mazzolai of Technology, Center for Micro-BioRobotics, wrote in a comment. “Soft robots might also open up new approaches to 10. (improve) wellness and quality of life.”


    Christmas was near a season that we took seriously in our house. And a week or so before the 25th, my father would give each of his children $20. This was the 1970s, and $20 was quite a bit of money.

But I saw it _________ . My father trusted me to have the _________ to spend money well. Even

better, he gave me the _________ to get it. On a very basic level, my father was giving me a shopping spree (狂欢) every year. But he was also giving me charge over my own fun, trusting my ability to _________ money and making me feel like a/an _________ . He didn’t buy me Sherlock Holmes, but he gave me the means to walk into the bookstore and choose it for myself, so it felt like a gift from him.

My mother had a/an _________ for giving me what I needed, usually _________ at the moment I needed it most. This was when I was 25, I _________ at being an adult on my very first try. I had quitted my _________ job but had no new one. But when my mother __________ me a visit, I __________ a good show, telling her I had started my own company.

My mother knew that I was trying hard and failing at that time. It wasn’t until __________ she left that I noticed at the foot of my bed an envelope thick with __________ . She knew how __________ I needed it. She knew that had she just shown up with groceries, or __________ to pay my rent, she would have made me feel much __________ . The cold, hard cash meant she was helping me. And, funnily enough, the __________ with which she gave the gift made me feel she was giving me space to __________ my life and preserve my dignity. My mother and father both did the same thing. One was giving me the means to take my own __________ , and the other was giving me a second __________ when those decisions had cost me dearly.

1.A.positively B.differently C.naturally D.originally

2.A.wisdom B.passion C.power D.talent

3.A.courage B.suggestions C.discipline D.means

4.A.spend B.carry C.manage D.use

5.A.grown-up B.teenager C.adventurer D.pioneer

6.A.habit B.gift C.approach D.tradition

7.A.approximately B.direct C.right D.slightly

8.A.failed B.fooled C.dropped D.fell

9.A.important B.creative C.challenging D.previous

10.A.brought B.suggested C.paid D.gave

11.A.put on B.put away C.put off D.put forward

12.A.before B.after C.when D.as

13.A.credit B.loans C.receipts D.cash

14.A.desperately B.hardly C.eventually D.accurately

15.A.attempted B.offered C.promised D.refused

16.A.better B.more C.less D.worse

17.A.decoration B.love C.distance D.means

18.A.defend B.equip C.fix D.develop

19.A.actions B.choices C.risks D.decisions

20.A.solution B.opportunity C.visit D.assistance


    Anger is a common emotion when we experience, see, hear, and feel someone or something is not right or contrary to our views. But people easy to get angry should learn about anger management to control their anger. 1.

Stay away for a while and give yourself time to think. When you feel someone did something wrong, don’t respond to the situation immediately. 2. If necessary, walk away from the source of your problem. After you feel relaxed, face it.

3. It is often that people get angry because they didn’t evaluate the problem deeper. Maybe they haven’t realized the real cause of the problem. For example, you get mad with your boyfriend because he is late to pick you up. In that case, instead of judging him for being irresponsible, ask him “Why are you so late?” The reason may be that he had to take care of something important before. If you can get to the root of your problem and overcome it, you won’t be an ill-tempered person.

Think through your responses and the consequences. There are countless people who feel regretful because they aren’t able to control their temper. Usually, persons who can’t control their temper, tend to hurt others’ feelings, and even harm others physically. 4. If you have already shown your anger excessively, apologize sincerely, and tell your true purpose.

Be mature in thought and action. People who are closely associated with anger, usually have a serious problem with their maturity. Teenagers tend to be more explosive in emotions because they are not yet mature in thinking and don’t have a stable emotion. But that doesn’t mean all adults are mature people. 5. When you’ve finished reading this article, whether you are teenagers or adults, try to always think before you act.

A. Do your favourite activity.

B. Get to the root of your problem.

C. Think again the consequences of your anger.

D. Anger on its own does not offer us a solution.

E. There are some general tips to control our anger.

F. Age levels are not always directly related to the level of maturity,

G. Instead, take some time to think, calm yourself, and take a deep breath.


    It started during a yoga class. She felt a strange pull on her neck, a feeling completely foreign to her. Her friend suggested she, rush to the emergency room. It turned out that she was having a heart attack.

She didn’t share similar symptoms with someone who was likely to have a heart attack. She exercised, watched her plate and did not smoke. But on reviewing her medical history, I found that her cholesterol (胆固醇)level was sky-high. She had been prescribed a cholesterol-lowering statin medication, but she never picked up the prescription because of the scary things she had read about statins on the Internet. She was the victim of fake medical news.

While misinformation has been the object of great attention in politics, medical misinformation might lead to an increase in deaths. As is true with fake news in general, medical lies tend to spread further than truths on the Internet----- and they have very real bad consequences.

False medical information can also lead to patients experiencing greater side effects through the “nocebo effect (无安慰剂效应)Sometimes patients benefit from an intervention (干预)simply because they believe they will — that’s the placebo effect (安慰剂效应).The nocebo effect is the opposite. Patients can experience harmful effects because they anticipate them. This is very true of statins. In blinded trials, patients who get statins are no more likely to report feeling muscle aches than patients who get a placebo. Yet, in clinical practice, according to one study, almost a fifth of patients taking statins report side effects, leading many to discontinue the drugs.

What else is on the fake news hit list? As always, vaccines (疫苗).False concerns that the vaccine may cause side effects have greatly reduced coverage rates.

Cancer is another big target for pushers of medical misinformation — many of whom refuse alternative therapies. “Though most people think cancer tumors are bad, they’re actually the way your body attempts to contain the harmful cells,”, one fake news story reads. It warns that prescription medications lead to the uncontrolled cell mutations (变异).

Silicon Valley needs to face this problem. I am not a free-speech lawyer, but when human health is at risk, perhaps search engines, social media platforms and websites should be held responsible for promoting or hosting fake information. Meanwhile, journalists should do a better job of spreading accurate information.

1.We can learn from Paragraph 2 that ________.

A.the woman paid little attention to her daily diets

B.the woman didn’t take the prescription due to fake medical news

C.the symptom of the heart attack was familiar to the woman

D.the unhealthy lifestyle might lead to the woman’s heart attack

2.According to the passage, the placebo effect functions because patients_______.

A.receive proper treatment B.discontinue the harmful drugs

C.believe the benefits of an intervention D.are relieved from more side effects

3.What does the author mean by claiming that “I am not a free-speech lawyer” in the last paragraph?

A.He is a lawyer not easy to speak to.

B.He is very cautious when speaking something.

C.He is available to give a speech on the law.

D.He is good at speaking because of his job.

4.The main purpose of the passage is to_______.

A.remind us to take medication as prescribed

B.teach us how to distinguish fake medical news on the Internet

C.encourage journalists to report more positive news events

D.warn us against fake medical news on the Internet


    We have heard some interesting ways that 5G wireless technology might change our lives in the future.

5G, short for the 5th generation mobile communication technology, promises Internet speeds between 50 to 100 times faster than current 4G systems. While 5G is set to be used in some limited areas of America this year, much of the world is not expected to receive widely available service until 2023.

One project in Britain, however, is already testing this superfast technology on an unlikely group of Internet users-cows. The project was developed by American technology company Cisco Systems. It also receives money from the British government. Cisco says the program seeks to explore the future of 5G connectivity in rural areas around the world.

Testing areas were set up at farms in three rural areas of England. The cows are equipped with 5G-connected devices (装置) that link up to a robotic milking system, which uses sensors and machine learning to fully automate the process. System designers say technology takes over after a cow feels ready to be milked and walks toward an automatic gate. The device is designed to recognize each individual cow. It then positions equipment to the right body position for milking. During the process, machines release food for the cow as a reward.

Other 5G technology tools include automated brushes that turn on when the cow rubs up against them. Sensors also control the amount of light to the cows’ living areas depending on the weather. And, an automatic feeding system makes sure the animals always get enough to eat.

Duncan Forbes, head of the project, told Reuters that the project shows the farm’s cow operations can be greatly improved with 5G technology and that the experiment provides strong evidence that 5G technology can be widely used in the future, not just on farms in Britain, but in rural communities across the world.

1.What is the purpose of Cisco Systems’ program?

A.To win financial support from British government.

B.To test the effects of 5G technology on animals

C.To promote its technological development in Britain

D.To expand the future use of 5G in rural communities.

2.What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.The project. B.The company.

C.The technology. D.The group.

3.What can we learn about 5G according to the text?

A.It is no worse than 4G in terms of speed.

B.It is already widely available in the world.

C.It enables cows to control their own milking.

D.It is based on sensors and machine learning.

4.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

A.Entertainment. B.Lifestyle.

C.Education. D.Technology.


    Lady Gaga’s latest film became an instant hit over the weekend, helping push theaters to an October ticket-selling record.

A Star Is Born, actor-turned-director Bradley Cooper’s remake of a Hollywood classic in the late 1930s, went beyond the previous expectations of movie analysts by roughly 30 percent.

The original production is such a great Hollywood myth that it’s no wonder Hollywood keeps telling it. Whatever the era, the director or the headliners, it tells the story of two lovers on dramatically different paths: a famous man who’s racing to the bottom and a woman who’s soaring to reach the top.

Mr Cooper does a lot right in this movie AStarLsBorn, beginning with the casting of Lady Gaga, whose relaxing, naturalistic performance is the key to the movie’s force.

A post-Madonna pop artist was known for her elaborate (精心制作的)makeup and costumes, which she adopted no more here.

This unmasking of Lady Gaga makes her character seem genuine or say natural, a quality that the movie is in favor of and that serves as a kind of everlasting first principle.

1.What does the author think of the new movie?

A.Boring. B.Recommendable.

C.Ridiculous. D.Amusing.

2.The underlined word “soaring” in the third paragraph probably means ________.

A.rising B.competing

C.advancing D.performing

3.What can we learn about the movie?

A.The remakes of the movie adopt different plots.

B.The movie tells the story of two friends on different paths.

C.Natural performance is considered as the only principle in this movie.

D.The movie is more impressive than what movie analysts expected.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.A Hollywood Movie—A Star Is Born

B.Lady Gaga Is on the Edge of Potential Oscar Glory

C.A Latest Film of Lady Gaga Won the Oscar Award

D.The Box Office of Bradley Cooper’s New Movie


    Bookstores are a traveller's best friend: they provide convenient shelter in bad weather, and they often host readings and other cultural events. Here is a look at world’s six greatest bookstores.

Adrian Harrington—since 1971. Rare books; rare first editions; leather bound sets and general antiquarian (古玩). Address: 64A Kensington Church Street, Kensington, London, England, U.K.

Another Country—Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany. Another Country is an English Language second hand bookshop which is mostly used as a library. They have about 20,000 books that you can buy or borrow. Some regular events are held at the shop, such as readings, cultural events, social evenings and film nights.

Atlantis Books—Oía, Santorini, Greece. Atlantis Books is an independent bookshop on the island of Santorini, Greece, founded in 2004 by a group of friends from Cyprus, England, and the United States. Throughout the year it has hosted literary festivals, film screenings, book readings, and good old fashioned dance parties.

Bart’s Books—Ojai, California, U.S.A. “The World’s Greatest Outdoor Bookstore”, a bookstore founded by Richard Bartinsdale in 1964. Shelves of books face the street, and regular customers are asked to drop coins into the door’s coin box to pay for any books they take whenever the store is closed.

10 Corso Como—Milan, Italy. Extensive selection of publication on art, architecture, design, graphics and fashion, along with a strong emphasis on photography. It was founded in 1990 in Milan, Italy, by Carla Sozzani.

The Bookworm—A bookshop, library, bar, restaurant and event space, now with four divisions in three cities—Beijing, Suzhou and Chengdu. The interconnecting rooms with floor-to-ceiling books on every wall are light and airy in summer, yet warm and comfortable in winter.

1.Which of the following bookstores has the longest history?

A. Adrian Harrington. B. Atlantis Books.

C. Bart’s Books. D. 10 Como Bookshop.

2.What can you do in Atlantis Books?

A. Attend a festival. B. Learn photography.

C. Enjoy rare books. D. Buy books anytime.

3.How is The Bookworm different from the other bookstores?

A. It is used as a library. B. It hosts all sorts of activities.

C. It focuses on photography. D. It has branches in different cities.


Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words. The composition must be based on the information given below.

随着网络的发展,信息化已经成为教育改革的一种趋势。本学期初,上海市高中名校慕课平台正式上线运行。全市中学生可登录该网络平台浏览课程信息并选择感兴趣的课程学习。随着慕课(MOOCs: massive open online courses)的兴起和流行,你认为它会取代传统的学校教育模式吗?为什么?



Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1.你上周推荐的那本书很值得一读。 (worth)











    Global Positioning Systems are now a part of everyday driving in many countries. These satellite-based systems provide turn-by-turn directions to help people get to where they want to go. But, they can also cause a lot of problems, send you to the wrong place or leave you completely lost. Many times, the driver is to blame. Sometimes a GPS error is responsible. Most often, says Barry Brown, it is a combination of the two.

We spoke to Mr. Brown by Skype. He told us about an incident involving a friend who had flown to an airport in the eastern United States. There he borrowed a GPS-equipped car to use during his stay. Barry Brown: “ And they just plugged in an address and then set off to their destination. And, then it wasn’t until they were driving for thirty minutes that they realized they actually put in a destination back on the West Coast where they lived. They actually put their home address in. So again, the GPS is kind of ‘garbage in garbage out’.”

Mr. Brown says this is a common human error. But, he says, what makes the problem worse has something to do with some of the shortcomings, or failures, of GPS equipment. Barry Brown: “One problem with a lot of the GPS units is that they have a very small screen and they just tell you the next turn. Because they just give you the next turn, sometimes that means that it is not really giving you the overview that you would need to know that it is going to the wrong place.”

Barry Brown formerly served as a professor with the University of California, San Diego. While there, he worked on a project with Eric Laurier from the University of Edinburgh. The two men studied the effects of GPS devices on Driving by placing cameras in people’s cars. They wrote a paper based on their research. It is called “The Normal, Natural Troubles of Driving with GPS.” It lists several areas where GPS systems can cause confusion for drivers. These include maps that are outdated, incorrect or difficult to understand. They also include timing issues related to when GPS commands are given.

Barry Brown says to make GPS systems better, we need a better understanding of how drivers, passengers and GPS systems work together.

1.In Para. 2, Mr. Brown mentioned his friend in the conversation to ______.

A.laugh at his stupid friend B.describe an example of human error

C.build up his own reputation D.prove the GPS system is only garbage

2.Which of the following statement would Barry Brown be most likely to agree with?

A.GPS units are to blame for the most GPS service failure.

B.We should introduce higher standard for the driving license.

C.Cameras are urgently needed to help improve GPS systems.

D.Some shortcomings of GPS equipment are more likely to result in service failure.

3.According to Barry and Eric, which of the following is NOT among the areas of GPS systems that may confuse drivers?

A.Wrong maps. B.Out-dated maps.

C.Difficult instructions. D.Timing of GPS commands.

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A.Driving with GPS Can Be Difficult.

B.Driving Confusions Can Be Caused By Small Screen.

C.Driving without GPS Should Be Much More Convenient.

D.GPS Equipment In Driving: To Be Deserted Or Improved.


    Beginning college is exciting: new ideas to explore, new challenges to meet and many decisions to make.Your future begins here.

However,you will find college life is different from your previous school environment.Many of us can be easily overwhelmed(压垮)by the details of running a well-balanced life.While some of us may have the know-how, I guess there are more of us who can benefit from learning about the experiences of others who have walked the college halls before you.

The following you may find of use about life on campus.

* Plan well.There are so many new things to do at a new college or university.Give yourself time to make new friends and become familiar with the campus, but don’t forget why you are there.Give some time for social activities and manage your time wisely.

* If you don’t have a “system” for planning your time now (like a day timer, a computer data book), get one.Most of all, don’t depend on your memory.

* Don’t miss the guidelines.The restrictions, rules and regulations of all kinds can usually be found in your student handbook.Consider them well-balanced food for thought.What dates are important? What pieces of paper need to be handed in? What can/ can’t you do in class? What can/ can’t you do in your student residence(住处)? Who has right for what? What do you need to complete to graduate?

* Write the word “STUDY” on the walls of our bedroom and bathroom, and maybe it will help to write it on a piece of paper and stick it on the telephone, TV and the kitchen table.Consider this—you are paying thousands of dollars for your courses.You pay every time you have to repeat or replace a course.

* Build your identity.This is the time for you to decide what to do and what not to do.Take as much time as you need to explore new ideas.Do not be afraid of the beyond.This is learning to make good choices.

1.What is the main purpose of the passage?

A.To offer advice on college life.

B.To explain why college life is exciting.

C.To describe the importance of college life.

D.To persuade you to go to college.

2.According to the passage, why is it exciting to begin college life?

A.Because you will have more freedom at college.

B.Because you will no longer be afraid of the beyond.

C.Because you prepare for your future career and life there.

D.Because professors there will provide you with many new ideas.

3.The underlined word “know-how” refers to    

A.an understanding of how things are going at college

B.practical knowledge about how to behave and what to do at college

C.college halls where rules and regulations are presented

D.an environment completely different from the one you’re used to

4.According to the passage, college students ________ .

A.needn’t learn from those who went to college before them

B.spend as much time as possible on social activities

C.should know what they have fought for on campus

D.are supposed to repeat or replace at least one course


During the school year many parents take on the role of driver as they drive their children from one lesson to another .Understandably so. Many of us want our children to have a little taste of everything, from organized sports to music, dance and more. But we can overdo it, leaving our children feeling a little burnt out, and according to parent educator Diane Loisie ,it’s their school work which suffers the most. “After school, if they’re busy in a number of sporting events, besides they need to do their homework, then the time they’ll feel sleepy is in the classroom. Your child needs free time. So if you’re filling up that after school time, then it’s during the day that they’re going to be taking a break.”

Professor Claire McDermott agrees that there’s a lot to be gained from sometimes putting those scheduled lessons and activities away. “Relaxing time is important for children. It’s time just to do the things they want to do. A child can go up to their room, or they can play around. It doesn’t look like productive time; parents certainly wouldn’t be saying ‘Wow, are they ever learning things now?’ But this relaxing time gives both the body and the brain just a wonderful chance to relax after a day. It helps a child prepare for sleep, but it also helps to understand the learning that’s gone on that day.”

It’s hard to prevent signing our kids up for some activities and lessons. After all, many of us want our children to have a head start in life and the chance to join in great activities in the arts or sports is a part of that. However, Loisie feels that in the long run most children feel better with just a few key activities because it gives them an opportunity to master them. “When we get our children in too many activities because we want our children to experience everything, then what we’re doing is setting them up not to be good at one thing or gaining a skill.” So choose your children’s activities wisely. It may be one of the best things you’ve ever done for your kids… and for the family drivers!

1.What is the biggest disadvantage for children to attend too many lessons after school?

A.They can get bored easily about everything.

B.They might have no time to do the homework.

C.They might not pay much attention to learning.

D.They cannot easily focus on learning during the day.

2.What should we think of children’s playing around aimlessly?

A.It is productive. B.It is helpful. C.It is a bad habit. D.It is a waste of time.

3.Why should parents limit the activities our children attend?

A.Because children have no time.

B.Because children cannot learn many things.

C.Because children do not have enough sleep.

D.Because children cannot focus on too many activities.

4.What is the main idea of this passage?

A.Don’t be children’s drivers after school.

B.Choose activities for your children wisely.

C.Make your children learn as much as possible.

D.Let children learn something from various subjects.


    The United States is well-known for its network of major highways designed to help a driver get from one place to another in the shortest possible time. Although these wide modern roads are generally ________ and well maintained, with ________ sharp curves and many straight sections, a direct route is not always the most enjoyable one. Large highways often pass ________ scenic areas and interesting small towns. Furthermore, these highways generally ________ large urban centers, which means that they becomes crowded with ________ traffic during rush hours and the “fast, direct” way becomes a very slow route.

However, there is almost always another route to take if you are not in a hurry. Not far from the relatively new “superhighways”, there are often older, _________ heavily travelled roads which go through the countryside. Or of these are good two-lane roads; others are uneven roads curving through the country. These secondary routes may go up steep slopes, along high ________ or down frightening hillsides to towns ________ in deep valleys. Through these less direct routes, longer and slower, they generally go to places ________ the air is clean and the scenery is beautiful, the driver may have a chance to get a fresh, clean ________ of the world.

1.A.stable B.splendid C.smooth D.completed

2.A.little B.few C.much D.many

3.A.to B.into C.over D.by

4.A.lead B.connect C.collect D.communicate

5.A.large B.fast C.light D.heavy

6.A.and B.less C.more D.or

7.A.rocks B.cliffs C.roads D.paths

8.A.lying B.laying C.laid D.lied

9.A.there B.when C.which D.where

10.A.view B.variety C.visit D.virtue


Directions: Read the following two passages. Fill in each blank with one proper word or the proper form of the given word to make the passage coherent. Make sure that your answers are grammatically correct.

Athens----- the name brings to mind buildings with tall, white columns and statues of Greek gods and goddesses. Museums take visitors back to the time of ancient Greece. When 1. (visit) the city, visitors feel like they are in the middle of a history lesson.

The history of Athens is tied to mythology. The god 2. came up with the most valuable legacy for humans was to give the city its name. Poseidon and Athena each wanted the honor. Athena produced 3. olive tree------ the symbol of peace and wealth. Poseidon offered a strong horse needed for war. The gods decided Athena’s gift would better serve the people, and the city became 4. (know) as Athens.

The Acropolis, or “ high city”, stands on a hill overlooking the city. Western civilization’s most important ancient monument was built by Pericles, the leader of Athens from 461-421BC. He spared no expense when he constructed the buildings of the Acropolis. He used only the 5. (good) materials, architects and artists. His artists created huge statues of marble (大理石) and covered them 6. gold and jewels.

More treasure of ancient Greece lies in the National Archeological Museum. Opened in 1874, the museum contains the best collection of Greek art in the world. It is crammed with treasures ------ more 7. visitors can see in a single visit. Visitors can view treasures from all the ancient civilizations that controlled the city 8.history.


Directions: Read the following two passages. Fill in each blank with one proper word or the proper form of the given word to make the passage coherent. Make sure that your answers are grammatically correct.

The warm weather outside may look perfect for outdoor exercise. But for those who are not that sporty, 1. could be nicer than having a relaxing afternoon tea with a few good friends and taking a break from studying

But are you familiar with the culture of afternoon tea----its origins, what’s included, and the proper etiquette? We sum up a few things you need 2. (know) about this traditional English custom so that you can enjoy it more.

3. the tradition of drinking tea dates back to more than 3,000BC in China, it was not until the mid 17th century 4. the concept of “afternoon tea” first appeared in the UK.

In 1840, Anna Maria Russell, the seventh Duchess of Bedford, 5. (start) asking for a tea tray with butter, bread and cakes at 4 p.m. every day, as she found she was hungry at this time and the evening meal in her household was served fashionably late at 8 p.m. She found this new habit difficult to break and soon invited other ladies in society to join her.

This pause for tea quickly became a fashionable social event. During the 1880s, upper-class and society women 6. (change) into long gowns(礼服), gloves and hats for their afternoon tea. Traditional afternoon tea, 7. is typically served between 4p.m. and 6 p.m., is technically a small meal, not a drink. It consists of a selection of dainty sandwiches, freshly baked scones(松饼). Of course, tea or coffee, 8. (serve) with milk and sugar, is also provided.



My name is Chelsea Chowderhead. A chowder is a thick soup. My father says that our early ancestors(祖先)may have invented chowder. For methe last name teasing(戏弄)began as soon as I started school. So when my family moved to South Carolina, I decided that it was my chance for a fresh start. I asked my dad if I could change my name.

''But the Chowderhead name has a long and rich history--,'' Dad started.

''I know, I know. ''

''Why do you want to change it? '' he asked.

I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but I didn't want to go through another school year as a Chowderhead, either. ''I get teased all the time. ''

''I know it's not always easy being a chowderhead (傻瓜), '' Dad said. ''But you shouldn't change who you are. Let people get to know you first and your name later. ''

''How can people get to know me before they know my name?” I asked.

He said, “Ask good questions, ''

I looked at him blankly (茫然地). He went on, ''When you meet someone new, ask them a good question. Once people start talking about themselves, they don't judge you. They're just happy that someone is interested in what they have to say. ''

Two days later I headed to my school for the first day of class. As soon as I got to my classroom, a girl named Claire introduced herself. She was very nice and we soon became friends.

By lunch, I'd talked to lots of people and was getting the hang (窍门)of finding the right question. But there were two kids, twin brothers, who didn't seem to talk to anyone but each other. When they looked at me, I felt as if they already knew that I was a Chowderhead. Still, my dad's advice had worked out well, so I decided to give it one more try.





Paragraph 1:

I asked Claire if we should sit with the twins.


Paragraph 2:

I took a deep breath, and said“I’m Chelsea Chowderhead.”



假设你是李华,你们学校准备举办中国书法进校园的活动,请你给外教老师Robert 写封邮件,邀请他参加。内容包括:



注意: 1.词数80左右;




Dear Robert,

I'm Li Huaone of your students.





American government fined a man who made nearly 100 million robocalls (骚扰电话).A robocall is a telephone call 1. is made by a computer. The software can make thousands 2. calls at a time. The government fined the man $120 million because they said he made a threat to public 3. (safe). The government said the man’s calls were illegal because many of them disturbed others. The government said nobody wanted 4. (receive) that call. This meant the call was unwanted and 5. (bore).

The man made a serious crime. This was one of the 6. (large) and most dangerous illegal calls that the police have ever looked into. The man 7. (make) 96 million robocalls during a three-month period last year. He used a technique 8. (call) “neighbor spoofing” to get people to answer the calls. This technique could cheat people into 9.(think ) the calls were from 10.local telephone number. The man also tricked people into believing that the calls were from well-known airlines and hotels. Callers were passed on to call centers that tried to sell them goods. The man thought he did nothing wrong.



I am so thankful that there are still kind and helpful people in the world. I _______ into the gas station to get gas and a drink on Thursday morning on my way to _______ Wellthen I noticed that my tyre was _______ The guy behind the counter was going to _______,but he  couldn't leave the store. I walked _______ and just asked a total _______. He jumped right into  _______. He also taught me how to change a tyre. We _______ when he changed my tyre. I told him that I was a preschool teacher at Head Start. He changed my tyre and I _______ him and then went to the school.

Later that morning, my supervisor (管理人)took a call for me. It was the __________gentleman that changed my tyre. He called Head Start __________ me! He said that he __________ about me all the way to work and worried. He found my __________, And speaking with my supervisor, he told  her that he wanted to buy me a tyre! It was __________ !

I was so thankful! My supervisor took the call and he said that he wanted me to __________ him at Walmart Today at 2 on Sunday. So, I got to Walmart Today on Father's Day. And this kind man was there. He kept his __________ ! It was an amazing __________ that he wasn't obligated (有义务的)to do, but did it out of the __________ of his heart! I thought he was __________going to get one tyre,but __________ getting four tyres!!!

1.A.ran B.sneaked C.walked D.pulled

2.A.study B.work C.relax D.play

3.A.old B.weak C.flat D.improper

4.A.help B.come C.request D.leave

5.A.inside B.ahead C.away D.outside

6.A.specialist B.stranger C.friend D.passenger

7.A.place B.response C.action D.consideration

8.A.chatted B.argued C.discussed D.shared

9.A.greeted B.called C.hugged D.thanked

10.A.handsome B.nice C.busy D.diligent

11.A.learning about B.looking after C.looking for D.researching into

12.A.thought B.knew C.cared D.heard

13.A.hometown B.situation C.position D.workplace

14.A.frightening B.amazing C.disappointing D.inspiring

15.A.join B.visit C.meet D.reward

16.A.word B.right C.chance D.decision

17.A.promise B.support C.schedule D.gesture

18.A.excitement B.kindness C.curiosity D.desire

19.A.just B.soon C.still D.almost

20.A.thought of B.gave up C.ended up D.wished for


    Winter isn't the easiest season to stay healthy. Darkness comes early, inspiring us to stay indoors instead of heading out to exercise, which is easy for you to become sick. 1..Here are several simple ways to stay healthy in winter.


1. Take advantage of daylight

Winter days are shorter with much less natural light.2.. Winter is also a great time to take a vacation in a sun- rich location, if you have the time and the resources.

2. 3.

It is harder to exercise when it's cold outside. If you're accustomed to walking, biking or running in the eveningsyour plans have to change when it gets dark by late afternoon. See if you can switch your outdoor exercise routine to earlier in the day so you can still take advantage of daylight and get all the benefits of being outdoors.

And remember, you don't have to get all your exercise in at once. You can sneak (溜走)in 10 minutes here and there by running up and down your steps at home or just jogging around your block when you have time. Put on some music and dance in your living room or walk while talking on the phone. 4. .

3.Eat healthy food

5.. But it's important to give your body healthy fuel to keep you energetic. Eat a  balanced diet with lots of fruit and vegetableshealthy whole grains, proteins and low-fat dairy.

A. Be active

B. Stay optimistic

C. But you can make a difference

D. It all adds up and will make you feel better

E. So try to get as much exposure to the sun as you can

F. You tend to turn to junk food when you stay indoors on a cold night

G. We often eat more in winter, which means we also tend to gain weight


    China was a latecomer to space exploration, and in the movies, it has been a latecomer to science fiction, too. That is about to change. The country's first blockbuster (大片)set in space, The Wandering Earth, opens Tuesday with great expectations that it will represent the dawning of a new age in Chinese filmmaking. The film also opens with the Lunar New Year, the beginning of an officialweeklong holiday that is traditionally a peak box-office period in China. It has a limited show in the United States, CanadaAustralia and New Zealand.

The Wandering Earth, shown in 3-D, takes place in a distant future in which the sun is about to expand into a red giant and destroy the Earth. The approaching danger forces the world’s engineers to make a plan to move the planet to a new solar system using giant thrusters (推进器).Things go very badly when the Earth has to pass the Jupiter, setting off desperate disturbance to save humanity from ruin.

The film comes as China reached a milestone(里程碑)in space : the landing of a probe (探测器)on the far side of the moon in January. Although decades behind Russia and the United States, China has now put astronauts in orbit and has ambitious plans to join or even lead a new age of space exploration.

''I think there is a very close connection between Chinese cinema and the nation's fortunes,'' said Sha Dan, a leader at the China Film Archive, ''When we have the ability to rescue our people abroad, we can make movies like Operation Red Sea. Only when China can enter the space age can we make works like The Wandering Earth. ''

The Wandering Earth takes for granted China's central role in future space explorationbut it also has a vision of the international teamwork necessary to deal with the threats facing the planet, a theme that runs deeply through the film.

1.What does the author think of The Wandering Earth?

A.It is a success in science-fiction films.

B.It is a hit in the oversea film markets.

C.It is the beginning of Chinese filmmaking.

D.It is only a present for the Lunar New Year.

2.What causes the Earth to wander in space?

A.A new solar system.

B.A new planet like the Earth.

C.The expanding sun in a distant future.

D.A deadly disease for people on the Earth.

3.What is reflected throughout The Wandering Earth?

A.The importance of heroes.

B.The threats from explorations.

C.The nation's power of China.

D.The international cooperation.


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