
书写示例:改词:例如 if→unless;删词:例如 that;加词:例如 livein (: live 为原文,in 为加的词)

Dear Mike,

Knowing from your letter that your class team lose the basketball game last week and you have been feeling rather depressing, I am writing to cheer you up.

Everybody loses sometimes, and that doesn’t mean they will never win. I know your feeling now, but hopeful, you can take it easy. In your life you can’t avoid failure, but it is your attitude towards failure really counts. Cherish failure, as it makes me stronger and wiser.

I advise you communicate to your teammates and reflect on this game, finding your problems, making adjustments and train harder. With determination and hard works, you will win in the time.


Li Hua


    An incident that happened last month has always made me think deeply.

One day our eleven-year-old son came back home from school _________. A couple of the older kids had _______ him at the bus stop. Rob wanted to stay home from school so he wouldn’t have to_________ the boys.

We called the school. We were told, “We’ll be_________ to call the boys’ parents, and you should call the_______. ”

“We don’t know what we will do yet.” I said.

I felt that calling the police was a_______ to be used when everything else failed, and I wanted first to_______ other ways of dealing with the situation. I asked him to put off calling the boys’ parents.

The next day was Saturday. Rob happened to look out of the window and said in_______, “There are the boys who_________ me up!” Two older boys were standing in front of our ____________, as if they were waiting for Rob to step outside.

My wife Bev opened the door and said with a smile, “Hi guys. Would you like some ice cream?” They looked at each other in__________. But they were teenagers after all, so one of them said, “Sure. Why not?”

Bev quickly introduced herself, Rob’s younger brothers and me. She even introduced Rusty, the__________.   “And I think you’ve already ____________  Rob,” she said. Her idea was to help them to see that Rob was a person, not a target. He had a family and____________ owned a family pet.

Bev________ the boys into chat while we ate ice cream. After a few minutes, she said, “I know there’s been   some trouble at the bus stop. I think there may be a misunderstanding. ” They nodded that there had__________ been trouble at the bus stop. She continued, “Maybe we can talk about the misunderstanding, so you can be friends.” We talked until the ice cream was finished. Finally the boys____________.

Understanding is a__________ task. It may be easier to control conflict by force than to find a way to__________.

Force can calm a situation. But understanding leads to__________ .

1.A.at ease B.in tears C.with hope D.with joy

2.A.bullied B.forced C.amused D.punished

3.A.greet B.watch C.meet D.disturb

4.A.sorry B.concerned C.anxious D.glad

5.A.police B.boys C.parents D.teacher

6.A.tool B.sign C.process D.choice

7.A.consider B.stress C.cause D.occur

8.A.excitement B.fear C.doubt D.astonishment

9.A.met B.beat C.held D.called

10.A.car B.street C.house D.garden

11.A.fear B.silence C.puzzlement D.pleasure

12.A.friend B.baby C.toy D.dog

13.A.known B.beaten C.recognized D.remembered

14.A.already B.even C.finally D.therefore

15.A.drove B.entertained C.drew D.urged

16.A.otherwise B.specially C.exactly D.indeed

17.A.apologized B.left C.laughed D.understood

18.A.meaningful B.difficult C.quiet D.significant

19.A.relax B.comfort C.explain D.cooperate

20.A.happiness B.communication C.peace D.education


    Have you ever picked a job based on the fact that you were good at it, but later found it made you feel very uncomfortable over time? If you don’t know about your personality, it will hurt you in the long term regardless of your skills or the job’s pay. There are several areas of your personality that you need to consider to help you find a good job. 1.

Do you prefer working alone or with other people?

There are isolating jobs that will drive an outgoing person crazy. 2. Most people are not extremes in either direction. But they do have a tendency that they prefer. There are also positions that are sometimes a combination of the two. This may be the best for someone in the middle who adapts easily to either situation.

How do you handle changes?

Most jobs these days have some elements of changes to them, but some are more than others. If you need stability(稳定) in your life, you may need a job where the changes don’t happen so often. 3.

What type of work environment do you enjoy

This can range from being in a large building with a lot of people you won’t know immediately to a smaller setting where you’ll get to know almost all the people there fairly quickly.


Some people are motivated(激励) by the pay they get, while others feel too stressed to be like that. The variety of payment designs in the sales industry is a typical example for this.

5. I’ve seen it over and over again with people that they make more money over time when they do something they love. Finding out about your personality may take you a little longer, but making a move to do what you have a passion for can change the course of your life for the better.

A.How do you like to get paid?

B.Here are a few of those main areas.

C.But other people might be bored with the same daily routine(常规事务).

D.How will you be motivated?

E.There are also interactive jobs that will make a shy person uneasy.

F.Most people are not extreme in choosing a job.

G.All in all, knowing yourself is a great starting point for you.


    At a time when crossborder(跨境) travel is strictly limited, China Hour,a program on Sky TV, has hit record high viewings in Britain, offering a window on the eastern country and its culture under COVID-19 lockdown( 活动限制).

Jointly run by China International TV & Film Corporation and Dove Media Ltd UK, the program has grown rapidly since the end of March when Britain began its lockdown. Its March viewings saw a dramatic increase of nearly 70 percent compared to that of February. Figures in April again went far beyond average, 2. 5 times higher than the previous month.

“Thanks to its enhanced efforts for promotion( ) and adapted contents, China Hour seized the opportunity when its British audience were staying home,” said Sui Songyan, CEO of Dove Media. “It is true that the lockdown contributed to a longer TV watching time among the public, however, the increase was also owed to the program contents and schedules,” he added.

Sui introduced, “China Hour’s performance remains consistent in 2020, like it was in the second half of last year. ” While some classic programs stay popular, new shows along with new themed schedules have all been well received, including the Chinese New Year series, Silk Road series and some other cultural and travel programs, like History of Great Wall, Furniture Chinese Style, the Legend of Bruce Lee, Chinese Garden, Tea: Story of a Leaf.

Thanks to the team efforts in scheduling, promotion, translation and dubbing, the Chinese New Year special shows aired in January and February have achieved satisfactory figures, reflecting the audience's keen interest in Chinese folk culture.

1.When did the increase begin?

A.From January and February. B.From the end of March.

C.From the beginning of April. D.From the second half of last year.

2.What can you infer from what Sui Songyan said?

A.He thought the program had succeeded by chance.

B.He showed his thankfulness to the British audience.

C.He thought highly of the team efforts on the program.

D.He thought it was the lockdown that decided the success.

3.Which of the following is not a factor that has promoted the viewings?

A.The contents and schedules.

B.The joint efforts of the team.

C.The COVID-19 lockdown.

D.The audience’s keen interest in culture.

4.Which is the best title for this passage?

A.China Hour Offers a Window on Chinese Culture.

B.China Hour Hits Record High Viewings Globally.

C.COVID-19 Lockdown Limits Crossborder Travel.

D.COVID-19 Lockdown Contributes to China Hour.


    Picking pineapples can be hard, heavy work often with little reward. The price paid for each individual fruit is a small part of a penny.

The leaves from pineapple plants are usually thrown away. A use for them has now been found, turning the leaves into fabric, which provides some extra income for workers.

“I think everybody is quite surprised that the fabric is made of pineapple, because it doesn’t smell like pineapple, it’s not spiky, it’s got a nice texture( 质地) to it. So it’s quite an unusual thing to be working with. ” said Ben Patton, designer for Material Products.

To make the fabric, fibers are extracted(提取) from the leaves. These get sent from the Philippines to Spain.

Once there, machinists complete the process of turning them into a material which has been named ‘Pinatex’.

An online shop based in Cambridge has begun using Pinatex to create handbags, satchels and purses.

And these are the finished bags. If you want one, they’ll charge you around 137 pounds. The texture is slightly crinkled – not too different to some leathers.

As manufacturers become more confident using the material, it’s hoped that more items will be made out of it in the future, making use of pineapple leaves that were otherwise destined to be wasted.

1.What is the function of the first paragraph?

A.Giving the main idea. B.Bringing in the topic.

C.Raising the problem. D.Introducing the background.

2.Why are Ben Patton’s words quoted here?

A.To show that the pineapple is a useful fruit.

B.To show that pineapple leaves are comfortable to feel.

C.To show that the new material is surprisingly good.

D.To show that the product is profitable.

3.What does the underlined word “fabric” in the fourth paragraph mean?

A.Cloth. B.Leather. C.Bag. D.Money.

4.What is the writer’s attitude towards this use of pineapple leaves?

A.Favorable. B.Negative. C.Concerned. D.Doubtful.


    One day, when I was working as a psychologist(心理学家) in England, a young boy showed up in my office.

It was David. He kept walking up and down restlessly, his face pale, and his hands shaking slightly. His head teacher had introduced him to me before. “This boy has lost his family,” he wrote. “He is understandably very sad and refuses to talk to others, and I’m very worried about him. Can you help?”

I looked at David and showed him to a chair. How could I help him? There are problems which psychology doesn’t have answers to, and which no words can describe. Sometimes the best thing one can do is to listen openly and silently. And I would do in this way.

The first two times we met, David didn’t say a word. He sat there, only looking up to look at the children’s drawings on the wall behind me. I suggested we play a game of chess. He nodded. After that he played chess with me every Wednesday afternoon — in complete silence and without looking at me. It’s not easy to cheat in chess, but I admit I made sure David won once or twice.

Usually, he arrived earlier than agreed, took the chess board and pieces from the shelf and began setting them up before I even got a chance to sit down. It seemed as if he enjoyed my company. But why did he never look at me?

“Perhaps he simply needs someone to share his pain with,” I thought. “Perhaps he senses that I respect his suffering. ” Some months later, when we were playing chess, he looked up at me suddenly.

“It’s your turn,” he said.

After that day, David started talking. He got friends in school and joined a bicycle club. He wrote to me a few times, about his biking with some friends, and about his plan to get into university. Now he really started to live his own life.

Maybe I gave David something. But I have also learned that one — without any words — can reach out to another person. All it takes is a hug, a shoulder to cry on, a friendly touch, and an ear that listens.

1.What was David like when the writer first met him?

A.He was very nervous. B.He was in deep sorrow.

C.He was mentally troubled. D.He was frightened by the writer.

2.What do we know from the third paragraph?

A.The writer didn’t know what to do. B.The writer had a plan to help David.

C.The writer decided to keep silent. D.The writer couldn’t solve the problem.

3.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The writer cheated when playing chess. B.David never looked at the writer.

C.Chess healed David’s wounded heart. D.The writer gave his chess to David.

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.A boy fixed his mental problem by playing chess. B.A psychologist should be good at listening.

C.A calm mind helps solve problems. D.A listening ear matters in helping others.


    International Children's Day is around the corner and we have selected some children’s movies for you to enjoy this special day with your kids. Free online access to these films will be available for a limited period of time (from June 1st-June 7th), feel free to pick them up. The films are all provided by www. 1905. com.

Good Boy and Kung Fu (2019)

The film follows Li Le, a boy deeply in love with Chinese martial arts who has been learning it from his grandfather since childhood. He tries to win a martial arts contest to get a free family tour in Macao to bring together his divorced parents. He and his grandpa try to fake a “kidnapping”, but the consequences are beyond their original plan.

A Journey to the Seaside (2019)

A driver receives an order sending an 8-year-old boy and his dog from Beijing to Zhoushan in Zhejiang Province. He reluctantly accepts the order just for the payment. On the way, he and the boy go through many experiences together, which changes their attitudes. This is a journey that heals two lonely hearts — one of an adult, the other a child.

Running Like Wind (2017)

Adapted from a true story, this inspirational film tells a tale of a group of girls from the Li ethnic group who never encountered soccer before, but who manage to fulfill a soccer dream with tears and laughter after overcoming all sorts of difficulties.

1.Who is this passage intended for?

A.Film lovers. B.Children. C.Holidaymakers. D.Parents.

2.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Viewers must download the films from a website.

B.Li Le has been learning Kung Fu from his grandpa.

C.The driver is asked to send the boy to Beijing.

D.The girls realizes their dream without difficulty.

3.Which of the films is inspired by real people?

A.Good Boy and Kung Fu. B.A Journey to the Seaside.

C.Running Like Wind. D.None.


假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Jane来信询问你校近期举办的以中国传统服饰 文化为主题的活动情况,请你给她回信,内容包括:

1. 时间、地点;

2. 活动内容;

3. 你的感受。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 文中不能出现与本人相关的具体信息;

4. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

参考词汇:中国传统服饰文化       Traditional Chinese Clothing Culture

Dear Jane,

Glad to hear from you._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Best wishes!


Li Hua



1.Work hard and you'll f _______________(飞翔)high in the future.

2.We feel it our d_______________(责任)to help the people in need.

3.The smartphone made in China looks quite c_______________(酷的).

4.The satellite was successfully sent up into s_______________(太空).

5.Arriving home, she removed the protection and w_______________(冲洗)her hands.


    One day, a colt (小马驹)took a bag of wheat to the mill (磨坊).When he came to a small river, he could not _______ whether he could cross it. Just then, he saw a cow nearby and asked, “Aunt Cow, could you tell me if I can cross the river?” The cow said, “Of course, you can. The river isn't very _______, just knee high.”

The colt was about to cross the river _______ a squirrel (松鼠)jumped down a tree and stopped him, _______ , “Colt, stop! You'll get killed in the river! One of my friends _______ his life yesterday in the river" The colt was _______ at what to do, so he went home to ask for his mom's opinion.

His mother said, "Don't always _______ others. You'd better go and try yourself. Then you'll know what to do."

He returned to the river “Little horse, it's too _________ !” The squirrel shouted again.

“Thanks, but I want to try myself.”

After crossing the river successfully, the colt _______ that the river was neither as shallow as the cow said nor as deep as the squirrel told him.

This story tells us the ________: Real knowledge comes from practice.

1.A.decide B.think C.discuss D.argue

2.A.wide B.deep C.long D.narrow

3.A.why B.until C.when D.though

4.A.shouting B.nodding C.singing D.joking

5.A.led B.lost C.saved D.earned

6.A.excited B.puzzled C.ashamed D.satisfied

7.A.laugh at B.pick out C.listen to D.fight with

8.A.clean B.safe C.dirty D.dangerous

9.A.realized B.insisted C.wished D.begged

10.A.lie B.news C.name D.truth


    I've loved my mother's desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it as mother sat doing letters. Seeing what Mother was doing, I thought that the act of writing must be the most wonderful thing in the world.

My mother was a kind person, who always showed her love on me in action. However, as a little girl, I only wanted heart-to-heart talks between mother and daughter. But such talks never happened. I was sad about it and often rude to her, eager to start a new life somewhere else.

When I had my own family, I came to understand mother's love. So I wrote to mother and asked if she'd forgiven my rudeness. Then, I posted the letter and waited for her answer, but it never came. I felt disappointed and slowly didn't care too much about it.

Years later, during mother's final illness, she left some things for my sister and brother. "But the desk," she said in a weak voice, "is specially for Elizabeth." When I cleaned the desk---her present for me, I found a one — page letter inside, folded many times. It was the letter that I wrote years ago.

Then, tears came down, “Oh, dear mom, you've chosen the silent act to show you did forgive me and always be proud of my writing. Thank you for your silent love. I love you forever!"

1.According to the author, the most wonderful thing in the world must be the act of_____________.

A.reading B.cooking C.writing D.dancing

2.What kind of communication did the little girl want?

A.Arm-in-arm walks with her mother. B.Face-to-face talks with her mother.

C.Hand-in-hand walks with her mother. D.Heart-to-heart talks with her mother.

3.Who did the mother leave the desk for?

A.Elizabeth. B.Elizabeth's son.

C.Elizabeth's sister. D.Elizabeth's brother.

4.How did the mother show her love on her kids?

A.In words. B.In action. C.By music. D.By painting.

5.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Silent Love. B.Brave Love. C.Selfish Love. D.Extreme Love.


    We all need Vitamin (维生素)D because it helps to build and keep strong bones. A lack of it can lead to some bone diseases. As studies show, sunlight is great for making Vitamin D. When you're outdoors, your body will create the Vitamin D you need from direct sunlight on your skin.

In order to get enough Vitamin D, you should get 10-30 minutes of sunlight at a time, several times a week. However, people with darker skin may need a little more time than this. Besides, your exposure (暴露)time in the sunlight should rely on how sensitive your skin is to sunlight. Too much sunlight can be dangerous, for it may cause some bad results, including sunburn, eye damage, and skin problems. If you have to stay in the sunlight for a long time, you should be careful not to let sunlight hurt your skin, so take care to protect your skin with sunscreen before it starts to turn red.

In a word, your ability to make Vitamin D from sunlight depends on the time of day, your skin color, where you live and so on. Keep those in mind when you go out for Vitamin D from sunlight.

1.Why do people need Vitamin D according to Paragraph 1?

A.To keep their hair healthy. B.To make their teeth white.

C.To make their faces pretty. D.To keep their bones strong.

2.We can infer that our body creates Vitamin D by______________.

A.doing some exercise B.losing much weight

C.staying in the sunlight D.walking in the moonlight

3.What is the bad result if you stay in the sunlight too long?

A.Lung diseases. B.Skin problems.

C.Heart diseases. D.Breath problems.

4.What does the underlined word "sunscreen'' in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.防晒霜 B.防水服 C.防尘罩 D.防腐剂

5.Where is the text probably taken from?

A.A story book. B.A telephone book.

C.A health magazine. D.A music magazine.


    Wearing sports clothes, many Chinese people will go outdoors happily with their families or friends on March 12. They are just planting trees on this special day―China's Arbor Day (中国植 树节).

When it comes to China's Arbor Day, we can't help thinking of Mr. Ling Daoyang. He was born in 1888. When he worked as an English teacher in Beijing, he got a chance to study forestry (林业)at Yale University. After graduating in 1914, he returned to China and became a famous expert in forestry science. In 1915, he advised that the Qingming Festival should also be China's Arbor Day. His suggestion was welcomed by most people. In 1929, National Arbor Day was moved to March 12, the day Mi. Sun Yat-sen passed away, who did much to support forestry.

In 1979, March 12 was officially announced as China's Arbor Day. Since then, thousands of trees have been planted all over China, making our country much more beautiful.

China's Arbor Day is educational for all of us. It reminds us that we should protect our earth and thank our old generations, who planted green, hope and joy for us.

1.According to the text, people often go outdoors on March 12 to_______________.

A.do sports B.study English C.find jobs D.plant trees

2.What was Ling Daoyang in Beijing then?

A.A farmer. B.A student. C.A teacher. D.A worker.

3.Why was National Arbor Day moved to March 12, in 1929?

A.To show interest in the season. B.To show respect to Sun Yat-sen.

C.To make use of people's free time. D.To make progress in agriculture.

4.When did March 12 become China's Arbor Day officially?

A.In 1888. B.In 1914. C.In 1915. D.In 1979.

5.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A.The studies of China's Arbor Day. B.The activities of China's Arbor Day.

C.The demands of China's Arbor Day. D.The meanings of China's Arbor Day.


    A one-armed 13-year-old basketball player in a video moves China. He is Zhang Jiacheng, from Guangdong Province. In the video, facing a taller, stronger, and older opponent (对手),he isn't afraid at all.

Attracted by his good skills in the video, many people even fail to know that Zhang Jiacheng has only one arm. Although the young boy lost one of his arms in an accident, he became crazy about playing basketball at 12. "Work hard or just give up," he always says. Thus, he spent all of his free time on it without considering his body condition.

People's attention has encouraged him to work harder towards his goal---to become a top basketball player "I just keep practising every day to improve myself whether at home or in the playground, he says, "My biggest challenge is to control the ball much better." After only a year of hard practising, Zhang Jiacheng has improved his skills greatly. Through patience, confidence and determination, the young basketball player is getting closer to his life goal.

His effort and courage finally caught the attention of Yi Jianlian, a Chinese professional MR 业的)basketball player, who shared the video on his own Weibo.

1.Why do people fail to know the boy has only one arm?

A.Because his good skills attract people.

B.Because his life goal encourages people.

C.Because he jumps to an amazing height.

D.Because he hides the other arm carefully.

2.What is the biggest challenge for the boy?

A.Controlling the ball better. B.Keeping his balance.

C.Making some more friends. D.Getting closer to his family.

3.What is the boy's goal according to the text?

A.To live a comfortable life. B.To become a top basketball player.

C.To set up a basketball team. D.To build a large gym for his school.

4.Which of the following can best describe the young boy?

A.Humorous. B.Confident. C.Careless. D.Noisy.

5.What will probably be talked about in the following paragraph?

A.Yi Jianlian's cute pets. B.Yi Jianlian's courage.

C.The video's influence. D.The video's quality.



1. 安慰对方;

2. 分析原因;

3. 给出建议。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




1.I would like to apply for ___________(允许进入) to the English Department of your school.

2.We measured the __________(长度) and width of the living room.

3.They _________(拥抱) each other when they met at the station.

4.As I __________(接近) the house, I noticed a light upstairs.

5.To avoid being heard, they _________(低声说) to each other.

6.In my opinion, much of the research is ___________(令人信服的).

7.I can’t __________(作出评论) on your decision but you’d better consider it again before you start your project.

8.She is old enough to have the __________(自由) to do what she likes.

9.At present the government is taking __________(措施) to reduce the pollution.

10.The new owners have tried to give the restaurant a more family-friendly __________(气氛).


    The COVID-19 pandemic(疫情)has left many worrying about the future. However, I’ve found ____ in my mothers one simple self-care ritual(仪式)and I have decided not to keep ____ in a sort of uncertainty.

I was ____ by a single mom who had two kids, two jobs and a mile-long ____ of cleaning, cooking and bill-paying. ____, she was never seen with a hair out of ____. Every morning, shed head to a ____, lift her chin(下巴)up slightly, a gesture of confidence, and put on lipstick (口红)____ delivering a forced yet toothy smile. I was too young to ____ why.

My mother ____ her red lips until the very end. In hospital, she asked me to help walk her to the basin to brush her teeth. I stared at her from behind _____ she might fall. 1 was deep in sorrow and uncertainty, tears ____ down my face. Then suddenly, from behind, I sensed that ___ gesture. Chin up. Confidence. A second later I heard the click of the ____.

We don’t know what’s going to happen next. Yet one thing is ____. When the world falls apart, weve ____ got unbelievable power to choose. I'm not suggesting we ____ whats around us but focus on what we can control to ____ getting knocked around by uncertainty. Get up and shut the door on anything ____. Just be sure to keep putting that _____on.

1.A.beauty B.knowledge C.strength D.evidence

2.A.drowning B.dreaming C.praying D.working

3.A.praised B.greeted C.circulated D.raised

4.A.roll B.pile C.list D.chain

5.A.Otherwise B.Therefore C.Besides D.However

6.A.sight B.place C.reach D.balance

7.A.mirror B.table C.comer D.wall

8.A.when B.after C.before D.till

9.A.ask B.realize C.doubt D.advise

10.A.wore B.bit C.read D.rounded

11.A.convinced B.confused C.surprised D.worried

12.A.streaming B.getting C.pulling D.pointing

13.A.different B.familiar C.proper D.strange

14.A.camera B.door C.lock D.cap

15.A.easy B.subtle C.sure D.necessary

16.A.even B.still C.already D.also

17.A.ignore B.examine C.favor D.hate

18.A.practice B.accept C.avoid D.finish

19.A.challenging B.discouraging C.amusing D.terrifying

20.A.power B.coat C.mask D.lipstick


    Have you ever frequently put off things you should do for various reasons? If so, it is procrastination (拖延). Procrastinators often put off  doing things and leave them to the very last moment. 1.Lazy people simply don’t do anything and are just fine with it. Procrastinators, on the other hand, have the desire to do something but can’t force themselves to start.

You might think procrastination is a bit annoying but fairly harmless. However, long term procrastination has bad effects on your health. Not having seen the doctor when your illness was easier to treat may shorten your life. Just thinking about what you haven’t done may cause discomfort. 2.

Don’t place too much pressure on yourself. “This project has to impress everyone; I really can’t blow this opportunity,”  3. Overcome this mental block by simply allowing yourself to be imperfect with the next small task. You can always improve your work later.

4. Concentrating on the size and difficulty of a task will overcome you and promote procrastination. Any work can be broken into smaller steps. The trick is - with each step along the way to focus on the next achievable tasks. Make sure you can easily imagine the outcome of your small task. Don’t write a book; write a page.

Focus on starting, rather than finishing. For someone who’s having a hard time starting a task, imagining a hard-to-grasp future can be depressing. The solution in this case, then, is to focus on starting. 5. We all know that if we start, we’ll eventually finish the task.

A.Break a long project down into short tasks.

B.So procrastination is about managing the time.

C.So we should apply ourselves to overcoming it.

D.However, procrastination is different from laziness.

E.Focus on the negative effects of the procrastination.

F.Bring your focus from the future to what can be done right now.

G.Placing such high hopes on a project only adds anxiety and fear of failure.


    We know them when we see them: The TV shows and movies we love, even though we just know they’re bad. The worthless books we simply can’t put down.

Yes, these are our guilty pleasures — what some people consider the junk food in our media diets. But if we enjoy them, why should we feel guilty? As it turns out, these so-called “guilty” pleasures can actually be good for us, so long as they’re enjoyed in moderation.

According to Robin Nabi, a professor at the University of California, a guilty pleasure is something that we enjoy, but we know we’re either not supposed to like, or that liking it says something negative about us.

Studies suggest that guilty pleasures can bring back some psychological resources. Besides, giving ourselves permission to enjoy downtime is also an important part of self-pity, which is an effective way of fighting anxiety and sadness. Perhaps the most important value of a guilty pleasure is the bond it can create between people.

If that’s true, why do guilty pleasures get such a bad reputation? Actually, it’s not the indulgences themselves, but the attitudes we take when talking about them. “We have the cultural value of media consumption being instructive, and that what we do should be about growing and achieving,” Dr. Nabi said. “We don’t focus as much on refreshment and enjoyment, and these are such important aspects of being a human being.”

Feeling guilty about activities we enjoy can diminish the benefits they offer us. But removing unnecessary embarrassment about our interests can enrich our social lives, which is why it’s time to get rid of “guilty pleasure” from our vocabulary.

While guilty pleasures benefit us in some cases, they can also push us to indulge in behaviors we feel guilty about. Therefore, it’s best to follow the age-old advice our parents taught us: Everything in moderation.

1.Which of the following might make us feel guilty pleasure?

A.Eating an entire bag of chips in one sitting. B.Telling an old bedtime story.

C.Staying up late doing your homework. D.Giving up seats to the elderly.

2.Why do people think poorly of guilty pleasures?

A.They take guilty pleasures too seriously. B.They dislike the behaviour of indulgence.

C.They ignore the benefits of guilty pleasures. D.They are influenced by their cultural value.

3.What does the underlined word “diminish” in paragraph 6 mean?

A.Reduce. B.Increase. C.Maximize. D.Destroy.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Guilty pleasure? Avoid it B.Guilty pleasure? No Such Thing

C.Everything in Moderation D.New Trend in Media Consumption


    Over a four-year period, Swiss researchers have developed a machine that can keep human livers ()alive outside of the body for one week.

Livers are among the most commonly transplanted (移植)human organs. Current technology can only keep human livers alive for up to 24 hours. It is reported that, in 2017, about 8.000 liver transplants were performed in the U.S., of which 360 used livers from living givers In addition, about 11,500 people were registered on a waiting list to receive a liver transplant. Keeping livers alive and functioning for longer periods could greatly improve the chances of survival for patients.

The researchers say the purpose of their “Liver4Life” machine is to perform what they call liver perfusion (灌注)operations outside of the human body. Perfusion is the process by which blood or other liquids are pumped through organs and tissue. The machine keeps the liver at the right temperature and moves it in a way that would be natural in the body. Using a pump to fill the liver with blood acting like a human heart, the machine also provides oxygen to the organ, controls red blood cell levels and removes waste.

The research team began their experiments with livers from pigs. After repeated testing and engineering development, they succeeded in getting the pig livers to survive for seven days with support only provided from the Liver4Life machine. They also discovered the system can work to repair damaged livers. The team is now planning its next step to transplant machine-treated organs into patients.

Pierre-Alain Clavien. leader of the research said in a statement. “This technology will greatly increase the number of livers available for transplant, improving the chances of survival for patients. The success of this unique machine opens the way for many new applications in transplantation and cancer medicine.”

1.What does the author intend to do in paragraph 2?

A.Introduce a brand new topic for discussion.

B.Provide some latest data about present liver transplants.

C.Show the urgency of tech improvement in liver transplants.

D.Remind readers concerned of the importance of a healthy liver.

2.What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 3 refer to?

A.The machine. B.The liver.

C.The temperature. D.The tissue.

3.What can we learn about the Liver4Life machine?

A.It is among the most commonly used machines for liver transplants.

B.It is aimed to carry out liver perfusion operations in the human body.

C.It can perform several functions to keep the liver working normally.

D.It can be used to keep the pig livers alive for more than one week.

4.Where is this text most likely from?

A.A biology textbook. B.A first aid brochure.

C.A social web page. D.A health magazine.


    A few weeks ago, I picked up my 14-year-old daughter and her friend from dance class. The two girls chatted happily until I reached her friend’s house. And then 1 began the drive home and my daughter, who had been talking nonstop a minute before, went completely silent. I assumed she was lost in thought.

When I came to a stoplight, I looked in the mirror. My daughter wasn’t looking out of the window or staring into space - she was on her phone. I felt my anger rise.

“Get off your phone. That is rude. You make me feel like an Uber driver.” I shouted.

“But I’m texting friends about biology homework!’’ she said.

“That can wait.” I was mad and she was angry.

Back home, she disappeared into her room, and I thought about how I was still trying to take control of my daughter’s growing independence, which was fruitless.

The next day I was thinking about my outburst when a parenting program on TV caught my eye, in which the hosts interviewed Dr. Ken Ginsburg, the author of a famous parenting book. It completely changed my attitude.

Ginsburg said. “Why are our teens pushing us away? It’s not because they hate us - it’s because they love us so much and yet they know they have to become independent. So this is a process of figuring out how to push away the things they love the most. It is crazy to fly from a comfortable nest, so teens get ready for it by temporarily pushing their parents away.”

I need to honor her independence and create space for both of us to face this monumental developmental challenge as teammates, not adversaries((对手).

1.What made the writer mad?

A.She served as an Uber driver.

B.The two girls were chatting happily.

C.Her daughter was playing with the phone.

D.Her daughter forgot her biology homework.

2.What do we know about the daughter?

A.She is being under her mother’s control.

B.She is on the way to being independent.

C.She enjoys making friends using social media.

D.She hates making conversation with her mom.

3.Which of the following best describes the mother?

A.Open-minded. B.Hardworking.

C.Inspiring. D.weak-willed.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.I was pushed away by my teenaged daughter.

B.Life of a teenager is moving at its own slow pace.

C.Parents completely rely on parenting experts to educate children.

D.My relationship with my daughter was improved by a suggestion.


    While there is a slight chance that you touch down on the surface of the moon, there are some places you can visit that are tied to the Apollo 11.

The U.S. Space & Rocket Center; Huntsville, Alabama

Creating the Saturn V rocket that drove the crew of the Apollo 11 was the responsibility of a team of engineers in Huntsville. At the U.S. Space & Rocket Center, you can explore dozens of interactive exhibits, including “Space Craze “a look at the public’s strong interest in all things related to space through the pop culture.

Meteor Crater, Flagstaff, Arizona

Armstrong and his fellow were trained for moon exploration at a variety of places, including Meteor Crater, one of the most perfectly preserved impact craters on the planet. Today the Meteor Crater Visitor Center includes the 4-D ride “Collision Experience” and breathtaking tours around the edge of the crater itself.

The Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida

Every Apollo mission was started from the Kennedy Space Center, which remains an active launch site. Bus tours visit mission-critical areas of Kennedy Space Center and the Apollo/Saturn V Center, which houses a complete Saturn V rocket and a moon rock you can touch. Come during a scheduled launch, and you can purchase a special viewing package getting you a clear view of the launch.

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center; Houston, Texas

It’s here that every aspect of the Apollo 11 mission was monitored. Now fully repaired, the control center is open to tour via the official visitor’s center. Space Center Houston. View astronaut training equipment and the largest collection of moon rocks.

1.In which place are you required to tour in a bus?

A.The U.S. Space & Rocket Center. B.Meteor Crater.

C.Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. D.The Kennedy Space Center.

2.What can we learn about Meteor Crater?

A.It houses a complete Saturn V rocket and a moon rock.

B.It is one of the training places for astronauts of Apollo 11.

C.It allows one to view the largest collection of moon rocks.

D.It provides doze ns of interactive exhibits for visitors to explore.

3.What can you do in Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center?

A.Touch a moon rock. B.Enjoy the 4-D ride.

C.See astronaut training equipment. D.View a rocket launch.



1.Who is Emile Ratelbrant?

A.A television host. B.A legal adviser. C.A bank clerk.

2.When was Ratelbrant actually born?

A.In 1989. B.In 1969. C.In 1949.

3.Why did Ratelbrant submit(提交) such a legal demand to court?

A.To draw people's attention.

B.To be free of discrimination(歧视).

C.To save money for the government.

4.How does Ratelbrant feel about the possible result of his demand?

A.Hopeless. B.Confident. C.Uncertain.



1.On which side of the road should people ride in the mans country?

A.Right. B.Left. C.Either.

2.Why do people in Cambridge like riding bikes?

A.Cycling is safe.

B.Cycling is fashionable.

C.Cycling is convenient.

3.What is a cyclist of 12 required to do in Cambridge?

A.Wear a helmet. B.Flash two lights. C.Pass the traffic test.

4.What may happen to the bikes left casually?

A.They’ll be destroyed. B.They’ll be stolen. C.They’ll be locked.



1.What did the woman want to do at first?

A.Visit her mother. B.Refuse a job offer. C.Resign from work.

2.What does the man suggest the woman do?

A.Take an absence leave. B.Change her job. C.Hire a care worker.

3.What,s the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A.Doctor and patient. B.Boss and employee. C.Teacher and student.



1.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Sophias working performance.

B.Sophias new friends from work.

C.Sophias relationship with the woman.

2.How is the woman feeling now?

A.Ashamed. B.Disappointed. C.Excited



1.What did the man do yesterday?

A.He met his friends.

B.He bought some vases.

C.He sent some postcards.

2.Who will the man send postcards to?

A.Himself. B.His girlfriend. C.His sister


What day is it today?

A.Thursday. B.Wednesday. C.Tuesday


What is the man complaining about?

A.The weather forecast.

B.The bad weather.

C.The useless umbrella.


How will the man come back?

A.By air. B.By train. C.By ship.


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