




1.The firefighters had worked for two hours before the fire was finally under the control.

2.Cycling is of great benefit on health and the environment.

3.It is not typically of Thomas to be so particular about what to wear.

4.Andy was going to enjoy a film that night, but ended up work all night at home.

5.Planned tours were mostly canceled for lack bookings.

6.Which is known to all, this epidemic will have a lasting influence on every aspect of our society.

7.If I concentrated more on studies during on-line courses, I wouldn't be so nervous now about this examination.

8.He is nothing but stupid. In fact, he is rather smart but only too lazy.

9.In a circle of modern buildings lie our traditional style campus—Harbin No. 3 Middle School.

10.Why he has no interest in study is because he has been addicted to computer games.


Many things we benefit from now wouldn't be around _______ Albert Einstein.

A.aside from B.thanks to C.but for D.regardless of


As for his advantages, he has 20 years’ teaching experience to _______.

A.draw on B.draw back C.draw up D.draw in


It's said that our mental abilities begin to _______ from the age 27 after reaching the highest level at 22.

A.differ B.depress C.distribute D.decline


It was almost five years later _______ he brought back some happy memories.

A.since B.when C.that D.before


It was not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them _______ the value of life lies.

A.when B.where C.that D.how


Maybe all Americans realize that _______ will be the next president will face masses of problems.

A.who B.whoever C.whomever D.no matter who


Doctor Li Wenliang is reported to have been one of the first whistleblowers _______ the epidemic situation.

A.mentioning B.to mention C.mentioned D.mention


We can't imagine what great trouble the medical care personnel had _______ with the COVID-19.

A.fought B.for fighting C.to fight D.fighting


The president is committed to _______ the existing system of medical care.

A.reform B.reforming C.have reformed D.having reformed


The online game platform is crowded with teenagers, few of _______ enthusiastic about study.

A.whom B.that C.who D.them


The new treatment means, if _______ to the NCR will make all the difference for the general public.

A.applying B.to apply C.applied D.having applied


The anti-epidemic fight is like a time-limited race _______ all medical care personnel make every effort to people's lives.

A.that B.when C.which D.where


He felt a sense of relief _______ he got his medical examination report.

A.as long as B.so that C.the moment D.as if


_______ with the severe situation, the expert suggested the market referred to       at once.

A.Facing; be shut down B.Faced; being shut down

C.To Face; being shut down D.Faced; be shut down


The whole nation responds to the call _______ everybody shall wear masks wherever they go.

A.which B.that C.when D.because


    How many licks (舔)does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop (棒棒糖)?

The first time I heard this in the Tootsie Pop advertisement, I was five years old. I immediately started _______ and counting. After about two hundred licks or so. I stopped. The _______ of the chewy center had proven to be too great, and I _______ my way through the hard shell (外壳)to the very center. Besides, I _______ knew it took three licks to get to the center― that’s how many licks it took the owl (猫头鹰)in the advertisement to get to the center, so that, to me, it was the _______ answer.

In high school I held to the Tootsie Pop _______ . To me, the answer was still always three licks.

In my freshman year. I joined the Model United Nations _______ in my school. The Chair position had _______ the center of the Tootsie Pop and my _______ had become various other students. The first so-called was Eric who had luckily _______ the prestigious (有威望的)Chair position. So, I decided, _______ Eric reached the center in only one lick, that's how many licks it should take me. I went to the tryouts with a view to obtaining the position but _______.

At the end of my sophomore (崗二)year, a new owl named Iris had _______ achieved the chair position after trying twice. I began working hard again. But then again, I did not make a _______ of it.

Now, slightly frustrated after _______ two setbacks, I found a new owl. Evan. It had taken him three licks to get to the "center Three was all I could _______ . It was widely known that senior year was the _______ year to become Chair. I thought about _______ the program. but on second thoughts. I decided to continue.

Eleven years later, I visited the official Tootsie Pop website to find the real answer to the question that had _______ me my entire high school life. I finally understood. However many licks it takes to get to the center of the Tootsie Pop depends on however many licks I _______ to take—not how many the other owls take.

1.A.dreaming B.admiring C.licking D.chewing

2.A.appeal B.appearance C.power D.discovery

3.A.fought B.followed C.made D.bit

4.A.seldom B.never C.already D.nearly

5.A.brief B.right C.random D.temporary

6.A.advertisement B.plan C.philosophy D.custom

7.A.program B.conference C.title D.activity

8.A.become B.changed C.determined D.explored

9.A.shell B.hope C.owl D.companion

10.A.noticed B.shifted C.improved D.landed

11.A.unless B.if C.before D.until

12.A.failed B.quit C.survived D.struggled

13.A.yet B.even C.still D.also

14.A.promise B.success C.point D.joke

15.A.interacting with B.frightening away C.going through D.working out

16.A.afford B.buy C.admit D.expect

17.A.middle B.gap C.last D.initial

18.A.winning B.criticizing C.quitting D.arranging

19.A.motivated B.troubled C.attracted D.instructed

20.A.learn B.offer C.refuse D.choose


    Reducing class size has traditionally been seen as an important way to improve a student’s  educational experience. Many often believe that smaller classes would permit teachers to give more personal attention to their students. 1..

But one recent study suggests there's not much research-based evidence to support this idea. The research was collected by a team from Denmark's Danish Center for Social Science Research.

The study notes that one of the main problems with reducing class size is that it can have very high costs. 2.. Financial limitations make it very difficult for many schools to reduce the number of students in the classroom.

The new study began by examining 127 studies on classroom size. Its goal was to examine the major research studies already completed on the subject. 3.. In the end, the research centered on 10 main studies with possible sampling (采样)problems.

The researchers concluded that there's some evidence to suggest that reducing class size may lead to some improvement in a student 's reading achievement. 4.. They found just a 53-percent chance that a randomly selected test score from a student from a small class would be higher than the selected score of a student from a larger class. 5.. This led the researchers to conclude that there would be no benefit at all to math students in a smaller class size.

A.But they said the effect is very small

B.For mathematics achievement, the result was 49 percent

C.This can theoretically lead to improved academic results for students

D.Many public opinion studies have shown teachers favor smaller class sizes

E.The effects of larger class size can stay long after the students complete their education

F.Increasing class size is one of the most common ways school systems control education spending

G.They especially centered on those trying to measure if smaller class size led to greater academic success


    People generally see themselves through achievements. In doing that, they end up caring more about their image than the reality of who they actually are. Rather than their performance at work, they end up defining themselves by external markers that they hope will earn them respect.

The problem with this is that it encourages both themselves and other people to judge their worth based on some relatively unimportant measure. For example, one day, their educational diploma may overshadow what they actually learned. Therefore, a better way to know a person, I think, is to ask a different set of questions: What motivates them? What makes them ache? What do they long for?

It’s in this spirit that I want to publicly share my values. They are the compass(罗盘) that guides my life. The kindest and most sincere thing I can do is to see, recognize, and understand another person before I make judgments. From there, I can learn to treat others appropriately, depending on the context, learning from my mistakes with time and experience. It's just a reminder that life is hard for all of us, while at the same time accepting that it's important we are all also held accountable for our actions.

I have learned that we are all deeply self-interested. I hope to be self-aware enough to check out of the power and status games. That means I'm not competing with anyone for a shiny object; I'd rather compete with myself. It's about becoming so uniquely different that it would be an insult for me to measure myself against someone else. I believe if I do the work to be internally free from the pull of the power and status games, then I can add value to others based on my unique knowledge and experience.

If this resonates with(与……共鸣) you, I invite you to join me on this journey in understanding and relating to this complex world. It's a wonderful mystery, and I think together we can better define it—not just personally, but also collectively.

1.According to the article, which of the following is TRUE?

A.People generally judge others' worth by what they have achieved.

B.The external markers are better ways to know a person.

C.The author is someone who is keen on power games.

D.Learning from mistakes is the first step of treating others kindly.

2.What does the underlined word “overshadow” probably mean?

A.be relatively similar to B.cause something to be stronger than

C.make something less important D.block off light from something

3.Which of the following might the author agree with?

A.People should be self-aware enough and compete with themselves.

B.Life is hard, so we shouldn't criticize others when they are not responsible.

C.Everyone is unique, so showing off uniqueness is an insult to others.

D.One should see and understand another person using a real compass.

4.What is the writer's purpose of writing the article?

A.To promote harmonious living.

B.To ask people not to judge others.

C.To call on readers to learn his values.

D.To share his values of understanding the world.


    China has long been tipped to be the next Silicon Valley, but now the  finances  and support are in place to make it happen.

There  is a growing consensus  ( ) that while Silicon Valley  is not  about  to  disappear anytime soon, its next biggest rival is already on the verge of bursting onto the international  scene — not in the US, nor in the EU, but in Asia. More specifically, China.

This is not just an observation based on the rise of companies like Alibaba, Baidu  and Tencent. It is grounded in a more widespread move to fund start-ups in Asia to the point where more money is being invested there than in Europe. Just five years ago, Europe and Asia are neck and neck in terms of investment.

In 2013, Europe made slightly more deals, 1550 compared to Asia’s 1071, but the total value  of investment was $7bn. Just five years later, Asia is now four times the size of Europe with twice as many deals carried out.

Between 2013 to 2018, the number of deals in Asia increased nearly fivefold, and their value leapt to $81bn, compared to the $21bn raised in Europe. The Asian figure also shows that the continent is closing the gap on the US which saw $105bn worth of deals.

One of the main reasons that makes the country so attractive is not just the huge growth in investment and high education standards, but also local and national governmental support benefiting tech companies.

In fact, one of the conclusions of a recent Fortune tech conference was that China’s tech companies will soon be beating American companies on their home turf. One of the reasons is that investors believe US immigration policy is making it more difficult for the best talent around the world to find work there. Plus, Chinese companies are now able to start paying salaries that can keep pace with those on offer in Silicon Valley.

Hence, when Ian Roger, Chief Digital Official at luxury group LVMH was asked where he thought the next Facebook or Google would come from, he suggested it would be a close call between Silicon Valley and China. The latter had the investment that is needed as well as a hard work culture of a six-day week. It also has a superb education system and a huge population.

As Silicon Valley appears to be heating up a little too hard for some people, China would appear to be warming up at just the right pace.

1.What does the expression “on the verge of ” in paragraph 2 refer to?

A.on the way of B.on the list of

C.on the condition of D.on the point of

2.Which of the following is NOT a reason why China attracts foreign investment in tech companies?

A.High education standards. B.Huge growth in investment.

C.Support from the government. D.Higher salaries than those in Silicon Valley.

3.It can’t be inferred from the passage that ________.

A.the US immigration policy is strict but talent-friendly

B.Ian Roger believes the next Google might come from China

C.employees of Baidu might be accustomed to overwork

D.Chinese tech companies can provide highly competitive salaries now.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.The total value of investment in Asia is four times that in Europe.

B.Finances, high education standards and support make it possible for China to become the next Silicon Valley.

C.Asia attracts worldwide best talents to tech companies.

D.American tech companies will soon be beaten by those in China.


    We’ve all heard the stories of an actor’s struggles before a career breakthrough: living a hard life, working part time, being a couch potato before getting that major role. Shelby, the star of “A Dog’s Way Home,” has a hard-luck tale that could top them all. Before her big break, she was living in a landfill, rooting through garbage for her next meal.

Shelby’s big break came in April 2017, when animal-control officer Megan Buhler was driving in Cheatham County. Tennessee. Out on an unrelated call, Buhler spotted and approached what she recalled was a noticeably scared puppy emerging from the dump. “I knelt down and just said, ‘Oh, come here, baby,’” said Buhler. “She was so scared, but she came right up to me, and I was able to put her in my truck.” The pair headed to the county animal shelter, where the staff began calling the new resident Baby Girl.

Buhler and others didn’t know that 3,200 kilometers away, Hollywood was looking for a dog to play Bella in a film written by Cathryn Michon. The find-a-Bella job went to freelance trainer Teresa Ann Miler. Her mission was to search shelters nationwide for a dog that could play Bella. One day, Miller spotted Baby Girl’s adoption photo. “Honestly, it was a really good picture, and she was flat-out smiling,” Miller said. Then she met Baby Girl, and assessed her on personality and the ability to respond to simple commands. After assessment, she adopted Baby Girl from the shelter, renamed her Shelby and took her to California for training. Miller and Shelby trained for just over three months before filming began. Then they were together each day on the set.

Most of the film’s reviews have praised Shelby’s performance. Variety made the comments “an amazing dog, perfect performance!”

Shelby has come a long way from the dump. But Buhler said she saw Shelby recently had needed only a second to compare the movie star with the dog she found from piles of trash. “She’s exactly the same,” Buhler said.

1.Why does the author mention an actor’s struggle before a career breakthrough at the very beginning?

A.To make a sharp contrast between an actor’s struggle and a dog’s struggle.

B.To introduce a dog’s similar but even more striking experiences.

C.To attract reader’s attention by giving dramatic examples.

D.To clearly point out the main idea of the passage.

2.What finally helped Baby Girl get the big role in the film?

A.Her adoption picture. B.Her flat-out smiling.

C.her personality and ability. D.Her miserable experiences.

3.By saying “She is exactly the same” in the last paragraph, Buhler probably means _______.

A.the dog returned to the piles of trash where she found it

B.it took quite a lot of trouble for the dog to change her own fate.

C.she’s really excited to see the dog she helped live such a happy life

D.the dramatic change of the dog’s life hasn’t changed her inner quality

4.What do you think may serve as the best title of the passage?

A.The Success of “A Dog’s Way Home”

B.From a Landfill Puppy to a Movie Star

C.The Trainer and Her Star Dog

D.Shelby’s Hard-luck Story


Bilingual Secretary Wanted

Our International Exchange Department requires one part-time bilingual secretary for our office. He/She must be native Mandarin with excellent English competence better with Japanese. We ask for 8 hours a week from Monday to Saturday, and working schedule is negotiable. However, English corners are arranged on Thursdays, and therefore we need you to be on site from 3pm to 5pm. Attractive salary and good benefits package. including chances to exchange to foreign countries, are offered to junior and senior year students with excellent secretarial skills, the ability to communicate, an outgoing personality and a strong sense of responsibility.

Please hand in applications with photo, and email to uniied@gmail.com, or call 400-800-100 during office hours to get further information.

International Exchange Department

Advanced Math Teaching Assistants in Need

The Mathematics Department is looking for two Advanced Math teaching assistants. The job is mainly to help freshmen students to deal with math assignments and projects, as well as prepare them for final exams in Week 16.

We hope those applying for the position could meet the following requirements. First, it's necessary for the applicants to be skilled at math. Second, he/she should have at least 2 As in math-related courses with GPA no less than 4.0. Third, the job asks for excellence in both professional skills and patience.

For those who are interested in the position, please send your resume to unimd@gmail.com before September 15th.

Dr. Jessica Smith

Mathematics Department

Part-time Job Recruitment

Technology Support Department lacks several assistants to work at its help desk.

Contents: A customer service job—answering questions, helping people solve their computer problems, providing basic teaching to new users, elc.

Requirement: The Advanced Computer Test certificate; good interpersonal skills; enthusiasm. Work hours:

from 6 a.m. to 2 a.m.

early mornings (6 a.m-9 am.): 2 persons; mornings (9 a.m.- 12 a.m.): 1 person afternoons (12 p.m.- 6 pm): (full)

evenings (6 p.m. - 11 p.m.): (full)

late nights: (11 p.m.-2 a.m.): 2 persons; weekends: 3 persons

If you are interested, please come to Luking Library 2F (East Side) Room 213 and fill in the forms. An interview will be arranged afterwards. New position for the next semester will be released in December.

Mr. Luke Johnson

Technology Support Department

1.If you get the position as a secretary, you____.

A.have to assist in English comer

B.have a tight schedule during the week

C.have the chance to be an exchange student in foreign universities anytime during university

D.must be a native English speaker who can speak fluent Chinese

2.Why are there so many job vacancies in Technology Support Department?

A.Because the interview is challenging.

B.Because applicants have to fill in complicated forms.

C.Because applicants have to work irregular hours.

D.Because you have to help other people all the time.

3.Which of the following statements is correct according to the advertisements?

A.The advertisements can be found on the school website.

B.Call for further information of math teaching assistants before September 15th.

C.More job vacancies in the Mathematics Department will be available in December.

D.The International Exchange Department needs a communicative and responsible secretary.


假定你是李华,你校将于下周三下午举办一次以“保护野生动物(Protect the Wildlife)”为主题的英文演讲活动。请你代表学校学生会写封邮件,邀请美国交换生Lucy 参与该活动。


1. 写信目的;

2. 时间、地点:下周三下午3:00-5:00在学术报告厅;主题:保护野生动物;说明演讲意义;

3. 联系电话:84920740;截止日期:本周六;

4. 盼望回复;表达祝愿。

参考词汇:学术报告厅Academic Lecture Hall

注意:1. 词数100左右,内容包括主要要点;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Lucy,



Li Hua






2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

John and his 10-year-old son Chase search the streets of Salt Lake City every weekends for the perfect person take to lunch. That they require is that the person is homeless. They started it four years before to share a meal among someone, listen to them and figure out how they can help. Mike Campbell is one of the first people they took to lunch and we are still in touch. John or Chase know they can’t solve the homeless problem. They just hope the kindness will go on. “If we have the other people come out and help, people will have a happily life.” Chase said.



A landlord in Maine announced he would not be collecting rent from his tenants (租户) in April due to the COVID-19 virus outbreak.

Nathan Nichols, of South Portland, wrote on Facebook that the tenants 1. (live) in the two units he owns are service and hourly workers, who may be out of work in the coming months.

“Because I am 2. (fortune) enough to afford it and I have the privilege of being in the owner class, I just let them know I would not be collecting rent 3. April,” Nichols wrote. “I ask any other landlords out there to take 4. serious look at the situation and consider giving their tenants some rent relief as well.

Nichols’ post has more than 22,000 shares and 5. (hundred) of comments praising his 6. (decide). In an update post on Facebook, he revealed that it had inspired at least one other landlord to do the same.

He added: “Every so often, however, there is a comment from a landlord who would like  7. (help) the tenants, but 8. (simple) can’t, or from a tenant who really wishes the landlord would help him, but 9. (doubt) whether they will. To these people, I say: I don’t know your situation and I don’t want to judge that a landlord 10. is still collecting rent is somehow a bad person.”


    In today’s world, it is nice to know a simple act of kindness doesn’t go unnoticed. When 15-year-old Dontarius Caldwell was taken in a ________ showing him helping a blind woman cross the street, he wasn’t doing it for clicks (点击量) or ________

“I was just trying to ________. I really didn’t think I would be on camera,” he said. A photo of the Aiken High School freshman became ________ on Tuesday, showing the young teen helping the woman at Hamilton Avenue in College Hill.

“I was just helping the elderly, ________ a helping hand. Everybody needs a helping hand,” he said. Like any other day, Dontarius was on his ________ and playing games while waiting for his school bus with his younger sister Diamond.

“Diamond was ________ music on the smart phone, too, then she looked over ________ and I looked over to see what she was ________.” Dontarius recalled. Diamond saw a woman

 ________ to press the button for the crosswalk sign, so she ________ her brother to do something. “I told Dontarius that I think she loses her ________, he should get up and go help her ________ the street while I waited for the ________ to come,” said Diamond.

“I asked, ‘Madam do you ________ some help?’ And she answered, ‘Yes.’ She gave me her hand and I ________ it,” Dontarius said. Dontarius said he didn’t do anything ________ He was just ________ to do the right thing in the family. “If you are ________, what happens to them happens to you.” Dontarius was given a key to the school as a ________ for his kindness.

1.A.photo B.notice C.post D.magazine

2.A.money B.feelings C.likes D.translation

3.A.remember B.help C.talk D.challenge

4.A.interesting B.outstanding C.comfortable D.popular

5.A.borrowing B.fixing C.washing D.giving

6.A.phone B.book C.computer D.bike

7.A.changing B.editing C.enjoying D.directing

8.A.naturally B.suddenly C.ridiculously D.particularly

9.A.hearing B.seeing C.doing D.considering

10.A.struggling B.touching C.jumping D.shouting

11.A.taught B.ordered C.begged D.urged

12.A.control B.direction C.sight D.job

13.A.cross B.return C.find D.leave

14.A.stranger B.bus C.teacher D.police

15.A.lack B.offer C.refuse D.need

16.A.held B.observed C.appreciated D.beat

17.A.common B.special C.suitable D.expensive

18.A.adopted B.praised C.trained D.raised

19.A.clever B.sensitive C.kind D.smart

20.A.punishment B.lesson C.reward D.position


How AI Protects Us

We should consider AI not as something competing with us, but as something that can strengthen our abilities. 1. And it might help keep us safe in the 21st century.

Predict infectious (传染性的) diseases

The AI in medicine is a system that combines the time and location of each new infectious disease. “These are all factors that determine how the disease will spread,” explains a researcher. 2. It will allow public health officials to take action early for locals.

Keep hunger from the door

Researchers develop an automated system aimed at fighting against diseases in crops. The Mcrops project allows local farmers to take pictures of their plants and use computers that have been trained to spot the signs of the four main diseases that are responsible for damaging crops. 3.

Fight cancer

Cancer causes more than 8.8 million deaths worldwide and 14 million people are diagnosed with some form of cancer every year. 4. Now Google and IBM have been applying their AI technology to this problem.


The task of balancing power supplies is getting harder. The spread of smart meters — digital energy monitors that automatically record usage - is also providing more data than ever about how and when consumers use energy. The EU alone plans to have 500 million smart meters in homes by 2020.

A.Record the locations smartly.

B.Keep the balance of power supplies

C.Thus, the farmers can have a good harvest.

D.The system can also help to predict the disease.

E.This is because AI has an ability that’s far beyond humans.

F.But now people have no ideas how to deal with the terrible problem.

G.Yet catching cancers as early as possible can greatly improve a patient’s chances of survival.


    Role models (榜样) are important for inspiring (鼓舞) scientists, but new research suggests that scientists who are known for their hard work are more motivating (激励人的) than scientists who are viewed as naturally brilliant.

In a series of studies, researchers found that young people were more motivated by scientists whose success was connected with effort than those whose success was because of born intelligence, even if that scientist was Albert Einstein.

Danfei Hu, a doctoral student at Penn State, and Janet N. Ann, an assistant professor of psychology at William Paterson University, said the findings — recently published in Basic and Applied Social Psychology — will help deal with certain secret about what it takes to succeed in science.

According to the researchers, there is concern in the science community with the number of students who run after careers in science during school only to drop out from those career paths once they graduate from college. To help solve the problem, Hu and Ahn wanted to research role modeling (行为榜样), which gives the students specific goals, behaviors or strategies (策略) they can follow.

The researchers performed studies with 176, and 162 participants (参与者) in each, respectively. In the first study, all participants read the same story about common struggles a scientist met in their science career. However, half were told the story was about Einstein, while half were told it was about Thomas Edison. Although the stories are the same, participants were more likely to believe natural brilliance (才华) was the reason for Einstein’s success. In addition, the participants who believed the story was about Edison were more motivated to complete a series of math problems.

“This proved that people generally seem to view Einstein as a genius, with his success commonly linked to extraordinary talent,” Hu said. “Edison, on the other hand, is known for failing more than 1,000 times when trying to create the light bulb, and his success is usually linked to his effort.” Hu added, “Knowing that something great can be achieved through hard work and effort, more students will step into science confidently. “

1.What kind of scientists are more motivating?

A.Those who are famous around the world.

B.Those who are famous for their hard work.

C.Those who are viewed as naturally brilliant.

D.Those who are viewed as great in ventors.

2.What is the concern in the science community?

A.Fewer students will work on science.

B.The students will drop out of school soon.

C.There are fewer role models for students to follow.

D.Some scientists can not give students specific goals.

3.Why were some participants motivated to complete a series of math problems?

A.They knew the problems were given by Edison.

B.They believed they were as intelligent as Einstein.

C.They believed they could solve the problems by working hard.

D.They knew they were to work together with Einstein and Edison.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Einstein’s Success Story

B.Edison’s Achievements Are Greater

C.How to Be a Great Scientist

D.Einstein Is Less Encouraging Than Edison


    The US film industry may have generated profits somewhere in the region of $40 billion last year, but it seems Hollywood still has plenty of work to do if wants to compete with the most popular American institution: the public library.

Yes, according to a recent Gallup poll (民意调查), which was the first such survey since 2001, visiting the local library remains by far the most common cultural activity American join in. As reported earlier today by Justin McCarthy:

“Visiting the library remains the most common cultural activity American join in, by far. The average 10.5 trips to the library US adults report taking in 2019 exceeds their participation in eight other common leisure activities. Americans attend live music or theatrical events and visit national or historic parks roughly four times a year on average and visit museums and gambling casinos (赌场) 2.5 times annually. Trips to amusement or theme parks (1.5) and zoos (0.9) are the least common on activities among this list.”

The results of the Gallup poll have been broken down in a range of different ways, all of which you can peruse (研读) at your leisure, but two of the more interesting, though unsurprising, findings are that women report visiting the library nearly twice as frequently as men do, and that libraries are visited most by adults in low-income households and least by adults in high-income households.

Congratulations to all you librarians out there; keep fighting the good fight. Pour one out for the zookeepers, though; it appears the zookeepers may be jealous and feel it not worth staying at the zoo.

1.What is the purpose of the first paragraph?

A.To lead to the topic of the text.

B.To display the great benefit of Hollywood.

C.To show the popularity of the US film industry.

D.To compare the film industry with the public library.

2.What does the underlined word “exceeds” mean in Paragraph 3?

A.Go with. B.Go after. C.Go against. D.Go beyond.

3.Who may often like to visit the local library?

A.An adult man from a rich family. B.An adult man from a poor family.

C.An adult woman from a rich family. D.An adult woman from a poor family.

4.What is the tone (语气) of the author in the last paragraph?

A.Serious. B.Optimistic (乐观的).

C.Humorous. D.Inspiring.


    Lee Spargo initially set up an outdoor trail camera at his home near Mount Holly in hopes of catching a wild fox that had been hunting his chickens. But he was aware of another danger Tuesday night when the camera caught footage of his house being swallowed in flames.

A fire inside Lee’s home triggered (触发) the camera and sent an alarm to his phone around 2:22 a.m. Lee woke up thinking he had caught the fox, but soon realized that his house was on fire instead.

“If I didn’t set up the equipment, we’d all be dead. It saved our lives,” he said. “I got up, Thinking ‘Oh, the fox is out there and I’m going to get him’. And then I saw a big reflection in the kitchen and I was considering, ‘What’s that?’”

Lee said he quickly jumped into action and got his wife Rhonda and his two kids Jonathan and Meagan out of the burning building. The family was also able to rescue two of their four dogs from the fire. Unfortunately, Lee’s 4-year-old Lulu and 2-year-old Sampson did not survive.

“We were yelling for them to get out, but the poor things were just so scared. They were just trying to hide,” Lee said.

Lee and his family also said they lost a number of personal belongings in the fire, including a treasured clock that had survived another fire at a relative’s home years ago. “We’ve been here for a long time. We raised our kids here,” he said. “We lost all in a couple hours. But at least I still have my family.”

1.Why did Lee set up an outdoor game trail camera?

A.To catch a fox. B.To prevent the fire.

C.To monitor his family. D.To help him feed the chicken.

2.What does the underlined word “It” in paragraph 3 refer to?

A.The alarm. B.The phone.

C.The camera. D.The wild animal.

3.Who is Lulu according to the text?

A.Lee’s wife. B.One of Lee’s lost dogs.

C.One of Lee’s friends. D.Lee’s daughter.

4.What can we learn about Lee from the last paragraph?

A.He lost faith in life.

B.He had survived in another fire.

C.He regretted living there for such a long time.

D.He was still positive towards life.


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