假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。为提高学生的生活技能,你们班上周组织了一次厨艺秀。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文周记, 记述整个过程。



假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的英国好友Jim即将来京,并打算 利用周末时间游览一处北京古代建筑。他发来邮件询问相关信息。请你给他回复邮件,内容包括:



Dear Jim,



Li Hua


    One major reason Americans don’t get enough exercise is that they feel they don’t have enough time. It can be difficult to squeeze in the 75 minutes of aerobic (有氧的) exercise per week that federal guidelines recommend.1..

In a new analysis of 14 studies, researchers tracked deaths among more than 232,000 people from the U.S., Denmark, the U.K. and China over at least five years, and compared the findings with people’s self-reports about how much they ran. People who said they ran any amount were less likely to die than those who didn’t run at all.2. This was true even for those who didn’t log a great deal of time. The analysis divided people into groups, with 50 minutes or less per week representing the group that ran the least―but still ran. ‘‘Regardless of how much you run, you can expect such benefits,” says Zeljko Pedisic, one of the authors of the new analysis published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

The analysis is the latest to illustrate the benefits of running on the human body. It’s what we evolved (进化) to do. 3. But as leisure-time exercise, running keeps us healthy. “One of the best ways to avoid having to see a doctor,” Zeljko says, “is to stay physically active.”

4. Running is good at guarding against cancer partly because it uses up blood sugar, starving the cancer cells that rely on it for fuel. And it protects you in other ways not necessarily measured in the latest research: by decreasing inflammation (炎症), for example, which is at the root of many diseases, and stimulating the production of a protein that improves brain health.

5. Neither were how often people ran and the pace they kept. As long as you’re running, more isn’t always better, especially given that the risk of injury increases with repetition.

A.People may no longer hunt wild animals for their next meal.

B.The physical demands of running affect our body in a beneficial way.

C.Some people run to prevent disease, and others run because it makes them feel better.

D.Runners were 27% less likely to die for any reason, compared with nonrunners.

E.But researchers point out, to infer something like that, they need the whole population measured.

F.But new research suggests people may be able to get life-lengthening benefits by running for far less time.

G.The good news is that running more than 50 minutes per week wasn’t linked to additional protections against dying.


    Scientists often complain that people are not rational (理性的) in their opposition to technologies such as nuclear power and genetically modified (GM) crops. From a statistical perspective, these are very safe, and so peopled fear can be explained only by emotion, strengthened by ignorance. Electricity from nuclear power has led to far fewer direct deaths than has coalfired power, yet many people are afraid of it, and hardly anyone is afraid of coal plants. Similar arguments can be made about GM crops, which studies have shown are generally safe for most people to eat.

Scientific illiteracy (无知) may be part of the problem. Most of us are afraid of things we don’t understand, and studies have shown that scientists tend to be more accepting of potentially risky technologies than laypeople. This suggests that when people know a lot about such technologies, they are usually reassured.

But there’s more to the issue than meets the eye. It is true that many of us fear the unknown, but it is also true that we don’t care enough about routine risks. Part of the explanation is complacency: we tend not to fear the familiar, and thus familiarity can lead us to underestimate risk. The investigation into the Deepwater Horizon blowout and oil spill (原油泄漏) in 2010 showed that complacency—among executives, among engineers and among government officials-was a major cause of that disaster. So the fact that experts are unworried about a threat is not necessarily reassuring.

Scientists also make a mistake when they assume that public concerns are wholly or even mostly about safety. Some people object to GM crops because these crops facilitate the increased use of chemicals. Others have a problem with the social impacts that switching to GM organisms can have on traditional farming communities or with the political implications of leaving a large share of the food supply in the hands of a few corporations.

Geoengineering (地球工程学) to lessen the impacts of climate change is another example. Laypeople as well as scientists are more concerned about oversight (监管) than safety. Who will decide whether this is a good way to deal with climate change? If we undertake the project of setting the global temperature by controlling how much sunlight reaches Earth’s surface, who will be included in that “we” and by what process will the “right” global temperature be chosen?

Can we say which group’s view is closer to an accurate assessment?

1.The underlined word “complacency” in Paragraph 3 probably means ________.

A.overconfidence B.prediction

C.underestimation D.carelessness

2.The example of geoengineering is used to argue that ________.

A.safety is not the whole concern of the public

B.geoengineering is highly recognized by scientists

C.the public are unnecessarily troubled by climate change

D.lessening the impacts of climate change is a great challenge

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Scientific illiteracy is a major cause of disasters.

B.The safety of technologies can be accurately assessed.

C.Scientists misjudge people’s opposition to technologies.

D.People are unworried about risks with proper oversight.

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.Ignorance or Safety

B.Who Is Rational About Risk

C.Why Can’t People Trust Technology

D.Should Scientists Have a Say in Risk


    Turtles have an unfortunate habit of eating plastic objects floating in the sea. These cannot be digested and may ultimately kill them. It is widely assumed that this fondness for plastics is a matter of mistaken identity. Drifting plastic bags, for instance, look similar to jellyfish (水母), which many types of turtles love to eat. Yet lots of plastic objects that end up inside turtles have no similarity to jellyfish. Joseph Pfaller of the University of Florida therefore suspects that the smell of marine microorganisms (海洋微生物) which grow on floating plastic objects fools turtles into feeding.

The idea that the smell of floating plastic objects might lure animals to their death first emerged in 2016. Researchers at the University of California noticed that certain chemicals, notably dimethyl sulphide (二甲基硫), which are released into the air by floating plastics, are those which many seabirds sniff () to track down food. These chemicals mark good places to hunt because they indicate plenty of the algae (海藻) and bacteria (细菌). The researchers also found that birds which pursue their food in this way are five or six times more likely to eat plastic than those which do not.

Since turtles are known to break the surface periodically and sniff the air when finding the way to their feeding areas, Dr Pfaller theorised that they are following these same chemicals, and are likewise fooled into thinking that floating plastic objects are eatable.

To test that idea, he and his colleagues set up an experiment. They arranged for 15 turtles to be exposed to four smells: the vapour from deionised water; the smell of turtle-feeding balls made of shrimp and fish meal; the smell of a clean plastic bottle chopped up into ten pieces; and the smell of a similarly chopped bottle that had been kept in the ocean for five weeks to allow algae and bacteria to grow on it.

Two of the smells proved far more attractive to the animals than the others. When sniffing both the smell of food balls and that of five-week-old bottles, turtles kept their nostrils out of the water more than three times as long, and took twice as many breaths as they did when what was on offer was the smell of fresh bottle-plastic or deionised-water vapour.

Though they have not yet tested whether dimethyl sulphide is the culprit, Dr Pfaller and his colleagues think it is the most likely candidate. In an unpolluted ocean, pretty well anything which had this smell would be eatable— or, at least, harmless. Unfortunately, five-week-old plastic bottles and their like are not.

1.Paragraph 1 mainly tells us that turtles ________.

A.mistake plastic objects for jellyfish

B.are fooled into eating plastics by a smell

C.are dying out as a result of plastic pollution

D.break down plastics without much difficulty

2.What can we infer from the research on seabirds?

A.Seabirds eat plastics for the taste.

B.The algae and bacteria grow well on plastics.

C.Researchers got the idea from the study of turtles.

D.Some seabirds pursue food in a similar way to turtles.

3.Dr Pfaller’s research shows_______.

A.turtles prefer the smell of plastics

B.turtles live on marine microorganisms

C.dimethyl sulphide may be to blame for turtles’ death

D.plastics release the same chemicals as microorganisms

4.What is the purpose of the passage?

A.To propose a new way to study turtles.

B.To stress the importance of improving ecosystem.

C.To introduce the findings on the cause of turtles’ death.

D.To explain the effects of plastic pollution on sea animals.


    Something strange was happening inside LeeAnne’s home. During the summer of 201414-year-old J.D. had stomach severe pains, but his CT scan found nothing wrong. LeeAnne and her husband lost hair and suffered dizziness and headaches. LeeAnne even lost her eyelashes.

In January 2015, the city of Flint sent out a notice that the water supply, switched from the Detroit water system to the Flint River to cut cost, contained high levels of trihalomethanes (三卤甲烷). The notice warned that people with poor immune (免疫的) systems might be at increased risk for liver, kidney, and nervous system problems but emphasized that the water was otherwise safe to drink.

Alarmed, LeeAnne researched the water supply and searched the Internet. Then she distributed a fact sheet to city officials, listing the side effects of exposure to trihalomethanes. Then she urged her neighbors to attend city council meetings, where they shared their health problems. Still, officials insisted the water was safe to drink. So LeeAnne demanded that the city test her water.

The results were disturbing. The trihalomethanes were the least of her problems. The lead levels in her water were nearly seven times the legal amount. But the city maintained her plumbing (管道) was the cause.

LeeAnne immediately had her children tested for lead. All the kids showed lead exposure. She read Flint’s water quality reports and discovered the city wasn’t applying the proper corrosion (腐蚀) control standards to its pipes; the standards prevent the metal in pipes from leaching into the water.

In March, a follow-up test of LeeAnne’s water showed lead levels nearly 27 times higher than the EPA’s threshold. LeeAnne’s pipes could not be responsible for the high lead levels, since they were plastic.

In September, Virginia Tech lab released a report that concluded the Flint River water was 19 times more corrosive than the Detroit water.

The governor eventually admitted the water was unsafe. He ordered that Flint’s water supply be switched back to Detroit’s. In Washington, President Barack Obama declared a state of emergency in Flint and ordered federal aid to help the city recover.

1.How did LeeAnne react to the city notice?

A.She had her children tested for lead.

B.She asked the city to replace her pipes.

C.She urged the officials to test Flint’s water.

D.She collected side effects of trihalomethanes.

2.What is the leading cause of the family’s health problem?

A.The lead in their water.

B.Corrosion to their pipes.

C.Their poor immune systems.

D.Exposure to Trihalomethanes.

3.City officials’ attitude toward the water issue was _____.

A.unconcerned B.cautious

C.doubtful D.objective

4.What does the story mainly tell us?

A.Revealing the truth takes time.

B.Nothing can stop a determined heart.

C.It takes courage to challenge authority.

D.Joint effort is the key to solving problems.


    As an excellent international organization to deliver both camping and an academic opportunity, Eagles Landing International ELIoffers school-aged students the opportunity to experience targeted academic programs, global leadership development, and exposure to an authentic camping experience.


At ELI, we create global leaders by integrating camping with personalized academic activities designed around our two learning streams.

English Language Immersion--We believe that the best way to learn a language is to live that language. Personalized activities prepare campers to be as successful as possible in achieving their language goals. Daily interactions with our American campers give campers the opportunity to apply newly acquired language skills.

Global Leadership--For those who have a more advanced English language level, we design activities that teach the skills based on cultural intelligence,communication strategies, as well as critical thinking that are necessary in today’s modem, global society.


With a focus on the development of social-emotional and physical well-being, ELI campers will grow as global community members and leaders.


Our International Village provides the ultimate security and peace of mind in an environment beneficial to learning and social interaction. Male and female campers will be housed on separate floors with on-duty supervision (监督)24 hours a day.

Meal plan

Student-campers will be provided with breakfast, lunch, and dinner as well as a morning fruit break. Special dietary needs can usually be accommodated with advanced notice.

To truly appreciate the way it inspires our student-campers to learn, perform, and compete at the highest levels every day, join us in South Florida for an unforgettable experience.

ELI Typical Weekly Schedule






Friday &Saturday







Short trips: Beach, Disney, Universal, Water Park, etc.



Fruit Break

Fruit Break

Fruit Break

Fruit Break









Water Slide











Science &



Science &Nature




Ice Cream

Ice Cream

Ice Cream

Ice Cream


Rest Hour

Rest Hour

Rest Hour

Rest Hour

Weights, Gym, Field







Evening Program

Evening Program

Evening Program

Evening Program

Evening Program




1.What does ELI offer its campers?

A.Overseas trips.

B.A flexible schedule.

C.Safe accommodation.

D.Meals from different countries.

2.What makes ELI different from other camps?

A.It provides programs by age group.

B.It focuses on developing social skills.

C.It creates a new way of learning languages.

D.It combines camping with academic programs.

3.According to ELI Typical Weekly Schedule, campers _______.

A.are free in the evening

B.can enjoy a variety of sports

C.are quite busy with academics

D.are expected to plan their weekends


    I was a boy of nine in 1960. I used to mow the lawn for Mrs. Long. She paid me little for the job, but _________ to give me a Christmas present.

I spent much time _________ what it would be. Many boys had baseball gloves or ice skates and I was _________ to have any of these. “It would _________ be a baseball glove,” I _________ with myself. She wouldn’t know much about baseball. So I was _________ that she would give me ice skates. I even _________ myself upon the skates.

As Christmas approached, it was with _________ that I stopped myself from reporting to Mrs. Long and demanding my present. On December 22, I _________ myself at the door of the house. Mrs. Long sat me in a chair and handed me a small box which under no circumstances could __________ a pair of skates. I was __________. When lifting it from her, I was curious about the __________ of the present. It weighed almost nothing.

“What is it?” I asked.   

“A kind of magic,” she said. Her words were enough to set my mind dancing with new __________ . There were other presents of normal dimension and weight. But Mrs. Long’s box dominated all, for it had to do with __________ .

On Christinas morning, before the sun was up, I had this box on my knees. With great __________ I opened the box to find inside ten sheets of black paper, each labeled in colorful letters, Carbon Paper Regal Premium. “What is it?” I asked. Mum took two pieces of white paper, placed between them one of the black paper, and wrote my name on the upper sheet. Then she handed me the second sheet, which her pencil had in no way touched. There was my name!

It was a miracle to my __________ mind. In that one moment, I __________ the ideas about the duplication (复制) of words and the printing and the mystery of spreading ideas. Thank Mrs. Long for her __________ to guess that a boy might profit from a present totally outside the realm (领域) of his __________ experience.

The average present __________ satisfies a temporary desire; the great one lights up all the years of life that remain.

1.A.allowed B.promised C.attempted D.reminded

2.A.asking B.recalling C.proving D.wondering

3.A.eager B.generous C.amused D.determined

4.A.possibly B.usually C.hardly D.definitely

5.A.reasoned B.inquired C.checked D.complained

6.A.shocked B.convinced C.delighted D.satisfied

7.A.prepared B.expected C.taught D.imagined

8.A.anxiety B.patience C.difficulty D.confirmation

9.A.presented B.forced C.urged D.employed

10.A.cover B.hold C.include D.involve

11.A.angry B.regretful C.awkward D.disappointed

12.A.value B.shape C.lightness D.meaning

13.A.features B.proposals C.experiences D.possibilities

14.A.magic B.interest C.love D.belief

15.A.surprise B.energy C.excitement D.confidence

16.A.sharp B.childish. C.brilliant D.creative

17.A.spread B.understood C.remembered D.practiced

18.A.wisdom B.kindness C.privilege D.encouragement

19.A.rich B.precious C.ordinary D.unforgettable

20.A.even B.still C.once D.merely



Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck. Injury, 1. (ill), love, and lost moments of true greatness all occur to test the limits of your soul. 2. these small tests, life would be like a straight flat road to nowhere. It would be safe and comfortable, 3. dull and completely pointless. The success and downfall you experience helps to create who you are and decide 4. you go.



Confucius (孔子), born in the district of Zou, near today’s Qufu city in Shandong province, was an educator and philosopher (哲学家) 1. founded Confucianism, a school of thought that deeply influenced later generations. He was the first Chinese to set up private schools and enroll students from all walks of life. Confucius 2. (regard) as a symbol of China’s traditional culture. Nowadays, Qufu holds memorial events every year 3. (honor) him and popularize his theory to the younger generations.



Esias Bedingar always knew he wanted to study medicine. After 1. (decide) to experience a new culture, he came from Africa to the USA. There was one challenge: He 2. (speak) no English. But within just four months, he completed the ESL program. Three years later, he finished his undergraduate degree and was accepted to Harvard University, where he is pursuing a master’s degree in public health. He said it was 3. (he) dream that got him to Harvard.



Anthony Ant had hundreds of friends, but sometimes he still felt alone. Anthony lived in an anthill in the crack of a sidewalk. All of his friends looked just like Anthony: small, and brown, with six legs and two wiggling antennas (触角). Every day, Anthony and his ant friends lined up to march out of the anthill and across the sidewalk to the tall grass. There they looked for crumbs and seeds to bring back to the anthill for supper.

“Why do we always have to stay in line?”Anthony asked. “I want to go into the grass on my own and see what there is to see.”

“I don’t know,” said Abby, a friend of Anthony. “This is the way we’ve always done it.”

“That doesn’t seem like a very good reason,” Anthony said. “I’m going to turn left up here at the maple root.”

And he did.

None of the other ants came with Anthony, because they always did what they were told.

On his own, Anthony had a much nicer view of the maple root. He could see all the way to a distant flower bed, where colorful blossoms towered over the grassy space.

Anthony decided to walk to the flowers, but after an hour of walking, they seemed just as far away as ever. He had never been so tired. He decided to turn around.

When he did, Anthony couldn’t see the path home. The grass had closed in around himand he was lost. Usually he just followed the ant line in front of him to find the way, but now he was all alone.

Anthony walked in the direction he thought was home, but he was starting to feel scared. A bird flew overhead. Should he ask the bird for help, or should he hide? Anthony knew that some birds ate ants, but he couldn’t remember which ones were nice and which ones were hungry.


Para 1: He hesitated, wondering what to do.

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Para 2: He walked on and on.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


假如你是英语课代表李华。你们班每节英语课都轮流由一位同学做“One-minute Class Report”,活动坚持了一年。学期末,英语老师要求你作一个报告,总结此活动。请你用英语写一篇稿子,内容包括:

1. 活动情况;

2. 对英语学习的帮助;

3. 你的建议。





On 31 October 2003, 13-year-old Bethany Hamilton went for a morning surf along Tunnels Beach, Kauai. She had just laid 1. (she)on the surfboard with her left arm in the water when suddenly a tiger shark attacked and had her left arm 2. (bite)off just below the shoulder. By the time she was transported to Wilcox Memorial Hospital, she 3. (lose) 60 percent of her blood and felt numb.

Initially the doctors told her parents that her chances of survival were very slim. Luckily, she bravely fought on and survived. She stayed in the hospital for a week to recover 4. eventually being released.

Within weeks of the shark attack, she made her comeback to surfing with a custom—made board that was longer, 5. (thick), and equipped with a handle for her right arm. But with time she learned to use standard 6. (equip).

Determined not to let her disability get in the way of her professional ambitions, Bethany entered her first major competition on 10 January, 2004 since 7. shark attack. Later in 2004 she wrote her autobiography ‘Soul Surfer’,8. soon became a best-seller. In 2011, a film based on her autobiography 9. (release) and was well received by the audience.

Today, as well as 10. (spend) time with her family, Hamilton works with World Vision to help raise money for disabled children. Bethany has also become an inspirational speaker.


    As night approached, we sat around the campfire laughing and teasing one another. Suddenly there came a strange sound. We _______ beyond the fire, into the darkness. My heart began to pound _______. Maybe the cougar(美洲狮)spotted a few days earlier had returned.

Silence took over as we were _______ to see anything beyond the edge of firelight. There was a plopping sound, then a grey _______ moved across the gravel(碎石), just beyond the light.

What was it?We held our breath as the thing again dropped onto the gravel and moved quickly out of _______ .

“Maybe it’s a flying squirrel.” someone said.

There was another plop and _______ near our car. Something seemed odd. What was it?

A friend _______ his camera and waited for the creature to return. It landed again and just as quickly vanished. “It seemed to be _______ too fast,” said our camera fan, “and I was unable to get a _______ of the strange animal.”

He moved to the edge of the firelight, ________ himself for a better shot, then began to laugh. There was a crunching of gravel and from ________ the car’s darkened end emerged Rogers, who camped with us every summer. He carried a fishing rod. On the end of the fishing line was a grey sock, giving it a head and ________. We had all been ________ by a flying grey sock.

All the people burst into laughter. We sat long into the evening ________ past years and other funny stories. Yes, the camping ________ differed every summer but the friendship remained the same as a chosen summer family.

1.A.fell B.rushed C.stared D.jumped

2.A.deeply B.secretly C.lightly D.wildly

3.A.desperate B.critical C.cautious D.accurate

4.A.sock B.creature C.squirrel D.wood

5.A.reach B.date C.sight D.curiosity

6.A.disappearance B.excitement C.birth D.shock

7.A.charged B.grabbed C.examined D.fixed

8.A.growing B.moving C.changing D.sweeping

9.A.greeting B.signal C.picture D.meeting

10.A.catching B.pushing C.positioning D.relieving

11.A.across B.beyond C.through D.over

12.A.fish B.end C.cut D.body

13.A.touched B.attracted C.controlled D.tricked

14.A.regretting B.recommending C.recalling D.interpreting

15.A.experiences B.instructions C.situations D.results


    Every year, groups of tourists travel to central US states like Oklahoma, Texas and Nebraska for their summer vacation. 1. They’re going to chase storms.

Once an activity only for scientists and adventurous types, storm chasing has now become an increasingly popular pastime for people from all over the world. 2. Storm chasers analyze weather reports and maps to locate an incoming storm before driving hundreds of miles toward it to witness a tornado in action.

The people going on these tours vary from curious first-time chasers looking for something different to storm chasing “addicts” like Nicholas Lee, a weather forecaster from the UK. 3. Now he saves up his vacation days to go storm chasing for three weeks every summer in the center of the US. It is the place well known for producing massive storms.

4. Since then the activity has continued to grow in popularity. Considering its potential dangers, it possesses, it is obviously not for everybody. And yet, more and more people are coming out doing the storm-chasing tours.

The real dangers of storm chasing are not just being swept up by a tornado. When a large tornado is predicted for the day, a number of storm chasers will drive to that high-risk area, causing serious traffic jams, which makes it harder to access the perfect spot to witness a tornado. The escape routes will be too congested as well. 5. Take the tornado that touched down near El Reno, Oklahoma in 2013. More than 150 people were injured, and 20 killed in it, including Tim Samaras, an experienced storm chaser plus his son and another partner.

Despite the increasing interest in storm chasing, it is still a very non-mainstream hobby.

A.Sometimes it can be life-threatening.

B.He went on his first storm-chasing tour in 2015.

C.But these people are not looking for sunshine or sightseeing.

D.He cannot wait to see that happening at any time soon.

E.Storm chasing was first popularized by the 1996 film Twister.

F.It means going to“high risk areas”where severe weather occurs.

G.How did potentially deadly weather become a popular tourist attraction?


Where the streets smell like cheese: Milwaukee tries dairy waste as de-icer

In response to the winter storm striking the area last weekend, street crews of Milwaukee, a city in Wisconsin, will be spreading cheese brine(卤水)along its ice-covered streets this winter as an alternative of normally used rock salt, which serves as an essential road de-icer despite its damaging impact on the environment.

The trial was inspired by a successful experiment in rural Polk County. In addition to being a more effective de-icer due to a lower freezing point, the cheesy liquid prevents rock salt from bouncing and scattering off roadways, which means less has to be used and less of it ends up entering the surrounding environment.

Milwaukee can make good use of the difficult-to-dispose type of organic waste found in great abundance across the state: salty leftover cheese-making juice. Sometimes you just have to get creative and work with the type of waste byproduct and turn it into something beneficial. When the first cheese brine salt trucks of the city appeared in the street last week, Tom Barrett, Mayor of Milwaukee, compared the act to “thinking outside of the cheese box”.

To be clear, Milwaukee won’t completely replace rock salt with thousands of gallons of salty cheese juice. The project, which will first be tested in Bay View neighborhood, will involve a mixture of rock salt and cheese brine. The brine will be sourced from a production plant owned by F&A Dairy in Polk County. Milwaukee will save in rock salt costs while F&A Dairy, which transforms 900, 000 pounds of milk into cheese every day, will save cash in the brine disposal.

While it is noted that the cheese brine solution has a “distinctive odor.” Emil Norby, the gentleman who originally thought of using cheese brine to treat ice-covered roads, explains that Milwaukee residents can expect to experience the slight bad milk smell once the cheese brine is applied to streets. He smiles, “I don’t really mind it. Our roads smell like Wisconsin!”

1.Why does the cheese brine become an option as a road de-icer?

A.It increases the consumption of cheese. B.It decreases milk byproducts.

C.It is from experiences of Polk County. D.It’s more effective and eco-friendly.

2.What can the underlined idiom in the 3rd paragraph be used to describe?

A.A test with an expected result. B.A trial made creatively.

C.A company benefiting the locals. D.A volunteer who protects environments.

3.What do people think of the project of the city and F&A Dairy?

A.It will make a fortune for the city. B.It will change the life of local people.

C.It will attract more investment. D.It will be a win-win co-operation.

4.How do the locals respond to the smell of cheese brine according to Norby?

A.It will lead to bad appetite. B.It may make them sick.

C.It is still acceptable. D.It cannot be noticed.


    It’s generally acknowledged that raising a child has geographic features. A recent survey, for example, looked at the personalities parents wanted their children to have in different countries. The finding was fascinating: Dutch parents focused on rest, cleanliness and routine; Italian parents preferred their children to be even-tempered, well-balanced and likeable; American parents, meanwhile, were more likely to want their kids to be intelligent or cognitively advanced.

The US preference represents the shift in the way American parents raise their children, a transition from the so-called latchkey kids of the 1980s to the helicoptered children of today. With more parents adopting the kind of intensive parenting style common in the US, parenting in European nations, traditionally more relaxed, is changing.

Intensive parenting is a type of parenting that requires a significant amount of time and money, including scheduling children for additional activities, as well as advocating for their needs and talents in communications with schools. It’s not limited to a small circle of parents but the dominant cultural model of parenting in the US.

The increasing fear of inequality makes parents feel the need to help drive their children’s education. The inequality, in their opinions, is making it critical for the kids not to be left behind. And so they will assume a parenting style that is more intense and more success-oriented. Thus the intensive parenting approach has become a parenting style influencing the overall parenting culture in Europe.

The intensification of parenting has consequences for nations, parents and children. One of the problems is that it increases economic inequality. In the 1960s, for example, when there was less emphasis on developing children’s talents and interests, parents across social classes spent similar amounts of time and money on their kids.

Experts also point to the large volume of parenting books, blog posts and articles now available to those raising families. Even if parents are skeptical of expert advice, they are still influenced by it. Turning kids into well-rounded and successful personalities is naturally becoming their life-long pursuit.

1.What does the study mentioned in the first paragraph indicate?

A.A well-balanced child is more 1ikeable in Dutch.

B.How kids are brought up varies from area to area.

C.A kid’s cognitive ability is fixed by geographic features.

D.Being clean is preferred by American parents.

2.What can be concluded about intensive parenting?

A.It needs much involvement of parents. B.It makes kids more relaxed than before.

C.It has been criticized. D.It is out of date in the US.

3.What a possible result can intensive parenting bring?

A.Weakening the ties between parents and their kids.

B.Intensifying the inequality among the people economically.

C.Relieving the depression and anxiety of parents.

D.Meeting a strong protest from most European parents.

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.American Parenting Mode Swings Back B.Returning to the Traditional Parenting Mode

C.Parenting Makes Parents over Stressed D.Intensive Parenting Is Sweeping through the US


    My mother always told me, “You should explore your own country before stepping out into the world. ”However, it seems like a tough mission to travel all across its expansive surfaces. But luckily for me, Via Rail Canada offered youths between the ages of 18 and 25 the chance to ride the train across Canada for the month of July. The ticket was a bargain $150. My best friends Trevor, Joel and Jeremy and I immediately jumped at the opportunity and secured four tickets on the great Canadian railroad.

For a group of 20-year-olds, this was like the first flight of young birds from the nest. When we approached the train station in the morning, our 22-day adventure from Sudbury to Vancouver was to begin. Eyes baggy from lack of sleep, we jumped on board as if it was the train to Hogwarts in Harry Potter. Although the thought of three full days on those tracks covering close to 3, 000 kilometres crushed our spirits a little, what happened next caught us by surprise.

The three days on board turned into a summer camp on rails. At night, we would climb up the glass-domed train car, which gave us a scenic view of the starry night sky, untouched by the harmful light pollution. Before we knew it, the warm sun rays beating down on our faces woke us up for another day on the rails. To my surprise, a sea of golden grain fields dominated the landscape we were in the Canadian Prairies.

Another day slipped away and we set up for another night in the dome. And this time we were greeted by night sky painted by a fantastic thunderstorm. Lightning was striking at an incredible rate. The spectacular and memorable light show left everyone in the glass bubble in complete disbelief.

Arriving in the Rocky Mountains was one of the most surreal experiences of my life. Before the train adventure, if I could have skipped the travel and arrived at the destination, I would have. That is no longer true. I’ve learned that the journey can be more enjoyable than the destination.

1.What has made the author’s train adventure across Canada a reality?

A.The encouragement given by his mother. B.The appeal of the scenic views in the country.

C.The discount ticket offered by Via Rail Canada. D.His great courage to challenge a tough mission.

2.What can we infer about the young people from Paragraph 2 ?

A.They were excited about the coming train journey.

B.They left their parents for the first time in their life.

C.They never thought of having a train adventure.

D.They were hooked by the magic story of Harry Potter.

3.What does“the glass bubble”in the fourth paragraph refer to?

A.A brain in lack of imagination. B.The glass-domed train car.

C.A summer camp on the train. D.The sightseeing bus.

4.What did the author learn from the train adventure across Canada?

A.Opportunities are hard to get. B.Enjoying a journey counts a lot.

C.Splendid scenery attracts young people. D.The traveling experience is not real to him.


3rd Walk the Talk: The Health for All Challenge 2020


World Health Organization(WHO)is taking the 3rd Walk the Talk: The Health for All Challenge virtually this year. In the context of COVID-19, WHO, through several online platforms, will host exercise moments, information sessions, and live chats with experts on topics from physical and mental health to nutrition and healthy ageing.

While the first two editions attracted thousands of participants in Geneva, we hope to reach more people during the virtual edition. We look forward to working with the many partners who have supported the first two editions, including governments, civil society organizations, and scientific and academic bodies.

The event will also celebrate health and be a platform to promote the need for all people to have access to health services and for health champions to demonstrate how they are striving to promote and protect the health of people in their own way.

What is on offer?

The Virtual Walk the Talk will be held over 16-17 May 2020, people invited to join in from their homes wherever they are globally.

It will offer opportunities for people to participate in a variety of virtual, timed events yoga, exercise classes for all ages and abilities, meditation, walking in place(or in locations within the guidelines of your national authorities). The aim is to get people moving for their own health and that of others.

Purposes of the event

●To encourage healthy lifestyles, not only in the context of COVID-19, but as a long-term strategy for good health.

●To recognize the sacrifice of health workers caring for us in our whole life. 2020 has been designated as the Year of the Nurse and Midwife, and we are seeing the global importance of health workers in the current response to COVID-19.

1.What is special about the 3rd Walk the Talk compared to the first two editions?

A.It appeals to many participants. B.It offers various events.

C.It is an online virtual event. D.It promotes health services.

2.Who is the 3rd Walk the Talk intended for?

A.Health experts from WHO. B.Governments fighting COVID-19.

C.Scientific medical organizations. D.Ordinary people around the world.

3.What does the event aim to do apart from advocating a healthy lifestyle?

A.To collect more financial supports.

B.To give special recognition to health workers.

C.To set up an organization for the COVID-19 issue.

D.To encourage the sacrifice of health workers.



1. 描述工艺品外形、材料等;

2. 介绍工艺品的特点;

3. 告知工艺品的价格。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处语言错误。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10 处,多者(从第11 处起)不计分。

After shopping, Mother and I went to a restaurant for lunch. I notice Mother looking at a nearby table occupy by an elderly woman and young couple. They were silent, and it was clearly that things were not going well. As we left, Mother stopped on their table. “Excuse me,” she said, put her arm around the unhappy old woman. “You remind me so many of my mother. May I hug (拥抱) you?” The woman smiled happily as she accepted to it. After we left, I said, “That was very nice of you, Mother. So I didn’t think she looked like Grandma.” “Neither did me.” said Mother cheerfully.



The national college entrance examination, or gaokao, will be postponed for a month to July 7 to 8 due to the novel coronavirus outbreak, the Ministry of Education said. Authorities in Hubei province and Beijing can come up 1. their own gaokao schedule based on the epidemic situation 2.will be published after consulting with the ministry, it said in a notice on Tuesday.

The gaokao, widely 3.(consider) one of the most important exams in the country,4.(hold) every year from June 7 to 8 since 2003. The country resumed(恢复) gaokao in the winter of 19775.it was suspended(暂停) for 10 years during the “cultural revolution” (1966-76). The exam was held every year in July from 1979 to 2002. In 2001, the ministry decided to move the gaokao dates forward a month from 2003 due to hot weather and frequent natural 6.(disaster) in summer. 7. total of 10.31 million students participated in the gaokao last year, up 560,000 from 2018. Chinese people often compare the 8.(high) competitive exam to 9.(cross) a narrow bridge, because for many students, especially those from rural areas, enrollment at a university is an opportunity 10.(change) their future.


    Cassandra was in a rush with work and planning her 200-person wedding. As she was _______invitations for her wedding in the mail one day last year, she addressed one_______to her aunt and uncle. They were 20 minutes’_______from where she lived.

A week later, the_______came back. She had mistakenly _______the wrong address. A handwritten note was _______ to the return envelope: I wish I knew you. _______-go have dinner on me. I’ve been married for 40 years — it gets better with_______. A $20 bill was _______inside.

Cassandra was at a professional crossroads and had been having a(n)__________day. In fact, she was talking to her fiancé Jesse Jones about her difficulties just as she opened the __________envelope. Then she read the note.

“It was kind of perfect __________,” says Cassandra. “I was really grateful for it.” And the __________envelope wasn’t finished with its __________. Cassandra looked closer and saw that the person had written “Live long and prosper” on the envelope.

Cassandra and Jesse have no idea who the __________note writer is, but they went out to dinner the following night with a friend who was going overseas on army __________. They happily added the $20 to their __________. Then Cassandra stopped by a store and bought a thank-you card. She wrote her aunt and uncle’s incorrect __________ on the envelope again-this time on __________ — and sent it to “Kind Stranger.”

Inside, she wrote, “Thank you for the note and __________ the time to send it. I’m thankful for people like you still being in the world.”

1.A.replacing B.offering C.sharing D.sending

2.A.worriedly B.hurriedly C.carefully D.automatically

3.A.drive B.delivery C.check D.march

4.A.comment B.invitation C.plan D.appointment

5.A.brought about B.brought down C.set about D.set down

6.A.attached B.distributed C.devoted D.exposed

7.A.Connections B.Cheers C.Congratulations D.Directions

8.A.age B.belief C.shelter D.weight

9.A.trapped B.included C.saved D.caught

10.A.smooth B.casual C.tough D.average

11.A.misdirected B.expected C.unloaded D.ignored

12.A.lighting B.drawing C.charging D.timing

13.A.optimistic B.imaginary C.special D.primary

14.A.disappointments B.surprises C.memories D.qualifications

15.A.similar B.popular C.complex D.mysterious

16.A.service B.support C.experiment D.application

17.A.form B.ticket C.routine D.bill

18.A.address B.name C.certificate D.guidance

19.A.approval B.demand C.purpose D.principle

20.A.affording B.sparing C.advising D.demanding


    Food feeds the soul. To the extent that we all eat food, and we all have souls, food is the single great united across cultures. With food, there are more opportunities to connect to memory and family and place. 1.

Food as identity. French, Mexican, Chinese, and Italian cuisines each involve dozens of distinct regional foods. Every single culture and religion uses food as part of their celebrations.

2. Every season, every harvest, and every holiday has its own food, and this is true in America as well.

3. Sometimes food means living on. While the Chinese cooks who exported “Chinese” food around the world ate authentic cooking at home, the dishes they served, thus creating new cuisines entirely, were based on economic necessity.

Food as pleasure. Things have changed dramatically in the past 20 years when it comes to food in France. Some of the ideas of French food life may be a performance. France is this pastoral nation where people are spending five hours a day going to 12 different markets to get their food. 4.

Food as status. The introduction of global foods and brands has compounded food as a status symbol for some Chinese. 5. In China, people eat food not necessarily for taste, but for texture. You can find food from all of the provinces of China in Shanghai, as well as every kind of global food style imaginable.

A.Food as survival.

B.Food as community.

C.It’s the hardest to give up.

D.The celebratory nature of food is universal.

E.It is an accumulation, a function of your experiences

F.How and why you eat your food, is, of course, also very cultural.

G.But food in Italy is love, then nutrition, then history, then pleasure.


    The term “multitasking” originally referred to a computer’s ability to carry out several tasks at one time. For many people, multitasking has become a way of life and even a key to success. In fact, some excellent mental aerobic exercises (大脑训练) involve engaging the brain in two or more challenging activities at a time. Although checking e-mail while talking on a phone and reading the newspaper may be second nature for some people, many times multitasking can make us less productive, rather than more. And studies show that too much multitasking can lead to increased stress, anxiety and memory loss.

In order to multitask, the brain uses an area known as the prefrontal cortex (前额叶脑皮层). Brian scans of volunteers performing multiple tasks together show that as they shift from task to task, this front part of the brain actually takes a moment of rest between tasks. You may have experienced a prefrontal cortex “moment of rest” yourself if you’ve ever dialed (拨电话) a phone number and suddenly forgotten who you dialed when the line is answered. What probably occurred is that between the dialing and the answering, your mind shifted to anther thought or task, and then took that “moment” to come back. Research has also shown that for many volunteers, job efficiency (效率) declines while multitasking, as compared to when they perform only one task at a time.

Multitasking is easiest when at least one of the tasks is habitual, or requires little thought. Most people don’t find it difficult to eat and read the newspaper at the same time. However, when two or more attention-requiring tasks are attempted at one time, people sometimes make mistakes.

We often don’t remember things as well when we’re trying to manage several details at the same time. Without mental focus, we may not pay enough attention to new information coming in, so it never makes it into our memory stores. That is one of the main reasons we forget people’s names---even sometimes right after they have introduced themselves. Multitasking can also affect our relationships. If someone checks their e-mail while on the phone with a friend, they may come off as absent-minded or disinterested. It can also cause that person to miss or overlook key information being passed on to them.

1.Why are some mental aerobic exercises designed to engage people in multitasking?

A.To reduce their stress and anxiety.

B.To develop their communication skills.

C.To help them perform daily tasks more easily.

D.To make them more productive.

2.According to Paragraph 2, why may a person suddenly forget who has called?

A.He may leave his prefrontal cortex temporarily damaged.

B.He is probably not very familiar with the person he has called.

C.He is probably interrupted by another task.

D.He may need a rest between dialing and speaking.

3.People tend to make mistakes when ____.

A.new messages are processed one after another

B.their relationships with others are affected

C.the tasks require little thought

D.they perform several challenging tasks at a time.

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Multitasking has become a way of life.

B.Multitasking exercises need to be improved.

C.Multitasking often leads to efficiency decline.

D.Multitasking enables people to remember things better.


A Letter to My Younger Self

Dear 17-year-old self,

When your Laker (洛杉矶湖人队球员) dream comes true tomorrow, you need to figure out a way to invest in the future of your family and friends. This sounds simple, but you have to take some time to think it over.

I said invest.

I did not say give.

Let me explain.

Purely giving material things to your siblings (兄弟姐妹) and friends may appear to be the right decision. You love them, and they were always there for you growing up, so it’s only right that they should share your success and all that comes with it. You buy them a car, a big house, and pay all of their bills. You want them to live a comfortable life, right?

But the day will come when you realize that as much as you believed you were doing the right thing, you were actually holding them back.

You will come to understand that you were taking care of them because it made you feel good to see them smiling. That was extremely selfish of you. While you were feeling satisfied with yourself, you were slowly eating away at their own dreams and ambitions. You were adding material things to their lives, but taking away the most precious gifts of all: independence and growth.

Understand that you are about to be the leader of the family. This involves making tough choices, even if your siblings and friends do not understand them at the time.

Invest in their future; don’t just give.

Use your success, wealth and influence to put them in the best position to realize their own dreams and find their true purpose. Put them through school, set them up with job interviews and help them become leaders in their own right. Hold them to the same level of dedication (全身心投入) that it took for you to get to where you are now and where you will eventually go.

I’m writing you now so that you can begin this process immediately and don’t have to deal with the struggle of getting rid of the addiction you caused. That addiction only leads to anger and jealousy from everybody involved, including yourself.

As time goes on, you will see them grow independently and have their own ambitions and their own lives, and your relationship with all of them will be much better as a result.

There’s plenty more I could write to you, but at 17, I know you don’t have the attention span (注意力持续时间) to sit through 2,000 words.

The next time I write to you, I may touch on the challenges of mixing blood with business. The most important advice I can give to you is to make sure your parents remain PARENTS and not managers.

Before you sign that first contract, figure out the right budget for your parents - one that will allow them to live beautifully while also growing your business and setting people up for long-term success. That way, your children’s kids and their kids will be able to invest in their own futures when the time comes.

Your life is about to change, and things are about to come at you very fast. But just let this sink in a bit when you lay down at night after another nine-hour training day.

Trust me, setting things up right from the beginning will avoid a ton of tears and heartache, some of which remains to this day.

Much love,


(节选自the Player’s Tribune)

1.According to Bryant, “giving” could make ______.

①him feel satisfied with himself

②him stand out from other players

③his siblings and friends live a comfortable life

④his siblings and friends depend on him

A.①②③ B.①③④ C.①②④. D.②③④

2.According to the article, Bryant probably ______.

A.had never dreamed of playing for the Lakers

B.spent a large sum of money buying houses for himself

C.had trouble handling family relationships

D.has a circle of supportive friends

3.According to the article, Bryant should have ______ when he was younger.

A.shared his success with others

B.inspired his siblings to achieve their goals through hard work

C.looked for well-paid jobs for his siblings

D.refused to live with his siblings

4.Bryant’s purpose in writing this letter was to ______.

A.criticize his siblings for wasteful spending

B.give advice to young people about how to treat their family if they become rich

C.complain about feeling tired of looking after his friends

D.remind young people to use every means to take good care of their family


    After 21 years of marriage, my wife wanted me to take another woman out to dinner and a movie. She said, “I love you, but I know this other woman loves you too, and she would love to spend some time with you.”

The other woman that my wife wanted me to visit was my MOTHER, who has been a widow for 19 years, but the demands of my work and my three children had made it possible to visit her only occasionally. That night I called to invite her to go out for dinner and a movie. “What’s wrong, are you well?” she asked. My mother is the type of woman who suspects that a late night call or a surprise invitation is a sign of bad news.

“I thought that it would be pleasant to spend some time with you,” I responded. “Just the two of us.” She thought about it for a moment, and then said, “I would like that very much.”

That Friday after work, as I drove over to pick her up, I was a bit nervous. When I arrived at her house, I noticed that she, too, seemed to be nervous about our date. She waited in the door with her coat on. We went to a restaurant that, although not elegant, was very nice and cozy. My mother took my arm as if she were the First Lady. After we sat down, I had to read the menu. Her eyes could only read large print. Halfway through the entries, I lifted my eyes and saw Mom sitting there staring at me. A nostalgic smile was on her lips.

During the dinner, we had an agreeable conversation--nothing extraordinary but catching up on recent events of each other’s life. We talked so much that we missed the movie.

As we arrived at her house later, she said, “I’ll go out with you again, but only if you let me invite you.” I agreed.

A few days later, my mother died of a massive heart attack. It happened so suddenly that I didn’t have a chance to do anything for her. Some time later, I received an envelope with a copy of a restaurant receipt from the same place mother and I had dined. An attached note said: “I paid this bill in advance. I wasn’t sure that I could be there; but nevertheless, I paid for two plates one for you and the other for your wife. You will never know what that night meant for me. I love you, son.”

At that moment, I understood the importance of saying in time: “I LOVE YOU” and to give our loved ones the time that they deserve. Nothing in life is more important than your family. Give them the time they deserve, because these things cannot be put off till “some other time”.

1.When the mother heard it was the son’s call, she was _______.

A.surprised B.worried C.suspicious D.puzzled

2.What did the mother mainly talk about to the author during the dinner?

A.Her life after the author’s marriage. B.Her memory about the author as a child.

C.Her life since the author’s last visit. D.Her expectation about future reunions.

3.What’s the purpose of the author’s writing this passage?

A.To teach us how to cherish our family.

B.To tell us to enjoy the present life.

C.To convey the importance of showing respect for our parents.

D.To warn us not to put off what we should do till some time later.

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.Mother’s love B.Love is Something You Should Never Put off

C.Precious union D.A special date


    The New York See It All Tour is exactly what it sounds like: an all-inclusive guided tour of New York City.

Central Park

One of the most famous parks in the world, Central Park is a man-made wonder. Not only is it the first public park built in America, but it is also one of the most frequently visited parks, with over 25 million guests per year. Set in the middle of busy Manhattan, its grounds serve as a safe harbor, not only for athletes, and musicians but also for lots of migratory birds each year. One can spend an entire peaceful day wandering its grounds, gazing upon nearly 50 fountains, monuments, and sculptures or admiring its 36 bridges.

Hudson River Park

Hudson River Park is a waterside park on the Hudson River that extends from 59th Street south to Battery Park in the New York City district of Manhattan. Bicycle and pedestrian paths, including the Manhattan Waterfront Greenway, span the park north to south, opening up the waterfront for the public to relax. The park includes tennis and soccer fields, children’s playground, dog run, and many other features.

Washington Square Park

Washington Square, located in the heart of Greenwich Village, is a very popular and often crowded square. People from all backgrounds gather to this large square dotted with trees.

Central Park Zoo

The Central Park Zoo is a small 6.5-acre zoo located on Central Park in New York City. The zoo began in the 1860s, making it the first official zoo to open in New York. The zoo was improved in 1934, with the addition of many new buildings ranged in a quadrangle around the sea lion pool. Finally, the zoo was repaired in the mid-1980s and reopened in 1988, replacing the old-fashioned cages with naturalistic environments.

1.Which park is set in the heart of Greenwich Village?

A.Central Park.

B.Hudson River Park.

C.Central Park Zoo.

D.Washington Square Park.

2.What can we learn about Central Park?

A.It is primarily an artificial park.

B.It is the first public park built in the world.

C.It was the most crowded park when first built.

D.It especially attracts pedestrian and artists.

3.When was the first official zoo in New York repaired for the first time?

A.In the 1860s. B.In 1934.

C.In the mid-1980s. D.In 1988.



1.Which brand held the first place in the smart phone market in India in Q4 2019?

A.Xiaomi. B.Samsung. C.Vivo.

2.How many more Samsung’s smart phones were sold in India in 2019 than in 2018?

A.158 million. B.45 million. C.13 million.

3.What mainly helped Vivo beat Samsung in the Indian smart phone market?

A.Its sales channel. B.Its high popularity. C.Its low-priced phones.

4.How were Xiaomi’s smart phones sold before in India?

A.In physical stores. B.Through online channels. C.Online and offline as well.


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