It's not just an old wife's tale-studies have demonstrated that eating breakfast helps kids  succeed at school.Plus,it can help them control their weight and get the nutrients they need.1.In that case,making as convenient and delicious breakfast as possible will help them

build good eating habits.

2. Kids who eat breakfast have higher test scores than kids who skip breakfast.Eating breakfast helps kids concentrate,think creatively and get along with classmates.Eating breakfast makes kids less likely to be absent,and decreases the frequency with which they visit the school nurse.

Skipping breakfast will cause many bad consequences.Skipping breakfast has many consequences besides a few unpleasant hunger pains.Skipping breakfast can lead to weight problems.Kids who skip breakfast tend to eat about 100 more calories per day,and they're more likely to be overweight.3.

Making breakfast convenient is necessary.Make breakfast more convenient for your kids by preparing breakfast essentials,such as whole grain toast,yogurt,fresh fruit,string cheese and so on.Keep breakfast foods in highly visible locations,and cut up fruit the night before.4. And helping them pack their backpacks and set out their clothes and school supplies the night before can make mornings easier.

You can convince unwilling kids to eat breakfast.Don't force your kids to eat a specific item for breakfast.5. If they aren’t hungry when they wake up or if the idea of too makes them sick,help them pack something healthy they can eat in the car or when they go to school.You can also offer easy-to-digest breakfasts.After getting in the habit of eating breakfast,kids will begin feeling hungry in the morning.

A.There are some benefits of eating breakfast.

B.Maybe your kids are unwilling to eat in the morning.

C.Skipping breakfast may sometimes seem like a good idea. give them a selection of healthy eating choices.

E.Skipping breakfast can also make kids easily annoyed and tired.

F.Encouraging your family members to eat breakfast as much as possible.

G.Make sure kids get up early enough to spend ten minutes eating breakfast.


    If you sit down to play an old-school board game like chess this holiday season, it might be surprising to keep in mind just how bad you'd be against a computer. In fact, computers have shown they're capable of taking humans' lunch money at board games for a while now. Remember Deep Blue versus Gary Kasparov in 1997 or AlphaGo against Lee Sedol, in South Korea, at the game of Go(围棋), in 2016?The computer won.

Now, the same team that created the Go-playing robot is celebrating something more powerful: an artificial intelligence system that is capable of teaching itself and winning at three different games.

They call it AlphaZero, and it knows two kinds of chess and Go. All of these games fall into the kind of “full information” or “perfect information” contests-each player can see the entire board and has access to the same information. That's different from games like poker, for example, where you don't know what cards an opponent is holding.

“AlphaZero needs to be told the rules of the games first, and after that, it learns by competing with itself in the games,” says Julian Schrittwieser."It suggests that we have a good chance to extend this to even more real-world problems that we might want to solve later."

And board games have historically been a good way to test computers' abilities. “It took us decades of work on these games to reach the point where AlphaZero can perform them better than people,” Campbell says. “I think they've served the field very well. They've allowed us to explore techniques such as the ones used in AlphaZero, which will be helpful as the field aims at more complex tasks.” Campbell adds. “And that is the whole point in the first place of solving games-it isn't for their own sake, but for it is a limited kind of environment where we can make progress in many other branches of science and technology.”

1.What's the author's main purpose in mentioning the two games in paragraph 1?

A.To show computers are bad at playing board games,

B.To prove computers can defeat humans at board games.

C.To emphasize humans are capable of playing computer games.

D.To demonstrate people can earn money by playing board games.

2.What is paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.The operating principle of AlphaZero. B.The differences between chess and Go.

C.The information about hi-tech contests. D.The features of the games AlphaZero knows.

3.How can AlphaZero learn in the games?

A.By playing the games against itself. B.By playing multiple online games.

C.By being programmed by humans. D.By setting the rules of the games.

4.What does Campbell say about board games?

A.They help solve computers' problems.

B.They are used to test people's abilities.

C.Their techniques can be applied to other fields.

D.Their technology can be merely limited in games.


    When students walk into Jenny Umland’s class, they don’t automatically go to the same seat they sat in the day before. In her classroom at Riverdale Heights Elementary School, Iowa, students are allowed to sit wherever they want. Umland doesn’t assign seats. In fact, she has done away with most of the regular desks and uses beach chairs, standing desks, and rocking chairs instead.

Riverdale Heights is one of a growing number of schools that have ditched assigned seats. Many teachers say letting kids choose where to sit helps them learn how to make good choices.Some teachers point out that students are often more comfortable speaking up when they’re sitting near kids they like the most.

“If kids are happy and comfortable, they are more willing to learn,” says Umland. After 19 years of teaching, she tried non-assigned seating for the first time this year. She says she’ll never go back.

But not all teachers are ready to do away with their seating charts. Some say having assigned seats helps students focus on their work, instead of where they’ll sit. One teacher from Texas thinks letting students sit wherever they want can create chaos. Assigned seating helps keep classrooms under control. Without specific seats to go to, students may argue over who gets to sit in the best spots. He often finds it hard to work in that environment.A more controlled classroom leads to better learning. Maybe what he says is reasonable. A 2012 study by Montana State University found that high school students did better on tests when a teacher assigned their seats.

A student, Jack, from Lowa, thinks he and his classmates should be comfortable when they learn. He says, “My teacher, Mrs. Umland, allows us to choose our own seats, and it’s great! I used to be terrified of sitting in the same seat every day, which made me uncomfortable all over. Being allowed to sit wherever I want makes me more enjoyable, because I can sit where I’m most comfortable.” And Umland says, “The setup in my class helps kids get along better. If two students want to sit in the same spot, they have to talk it out and compromise.”

1.What do we know about Umland?

A.She insists on arranging regular desks. B.She is strongly against non-assigned seating.

C.She has failed in teaching in the past 19 years. D.She lets students in her class choose their own seats.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “ditched” in paragraph 2?

A.Got rid of. B.Looked forward to. C.Tried on. D.Prepared for.

3.What does Jack think of the Umland’s seat setup in her class?

A.It is controversial. B.It is uncomfortable. C.It is cozy. D.It is terrifying.

4.What’s the best title for the text?

A.What Role Do Students Play in Class? B.Should Students Have Assigned Seats?

C.Students Are Required to Listen Carefully in Class D.Assigned Seats in the Classroom Are Popular Now


    Before she could even talk, Ellie Heath spent hours drawing pictures. When she grew older, the 15-year old girl discovered the joy of sewing and found it calming, She started out to make small objects, like jewelry and soft toys. Over time, she began making clothing.

Her love for the creative work led her to open a business. Three Blue Bunnies is the name of her company, which produces what she calls “wearable art”. “My definition of ‘wearable art’ is something often handmade, designed to make you feel unique,” she explains. She sells her creations in farmers markets, at sales for local churches, and other places.

All the pieces Ellie creates are made of used or donated fabrics. She says there are 21 billion tons of cloth material in waste landfills(垃圾填埋场) in the United States. The teenager hopes to reduce that amount through her work. She works a lot with jean jackets, renewing them with artistic additions. The process starts with finding cloth material that looks good with the jackets.

Ellie's mom. Amy Heath, is a former school art teacher. “Creativity feeds kids' brains. I  think it's very important for children to have as many opportunities as possible and be inspired by as many objects and people,” Amy says.

Ellie sharpened her creative skills at school. Cheryl Crow was one of her teachers early on. Crow called Ellie “a dream student”. Ellie worked hard and was always very creative, but also very kind, helpful to the other students. Students learned the basic sewing skills in Crow's class. Over the last three years, Ellie has created clothing for theatrical productions at Severna Park High School. Last year, Ellie designed several pieces for actors to wear in the school musical drama.

Ellie has many dreams. She wants to be a teacher and spread the joy of creativity among students. She also dreams her business will grow and become a model for other young people who have a dream they want to come true.

1.What is Ellie's goal of designing “wearable art”?

A.To help the poor people. B.To let people wear costly.

C.To collect unique clothing. D.To make wearers look special.

2.Which of the following best describes Ellie's clothing?

A.Ridiculous. B.Environmentally friendly.

C.Dirty D.Long lasting.

3.What is Amy's attitude towards Ellie's career?

A.Doubtful. B.Uncaring.

C.Supportive. D.Disapproving.

4.What does the author intend to express in paragraph 5?

A.Ellie donated lots of things to her school.

B.Ellie had various dreams over the last three years.

C.Great changes took place at Ellie's school last year.

D.Education contributed to Ellie's creativity in clothing.


    Welcome To Create With Joy

Create With Joy is an inspirational lifestyle blog that celebrates faith, family and creativity in all its aspects!Inside you'll find crafts to inspire you, Create recipes to attract you and books to enrich you.You'll also find lots of stories With Joy about our precious cats!

Connecting readers from all corners of the world is important to us too! Each week,we build community,empower bloggers to focus on their creativity,and connect people who share common interests through our popular blog parties!

So come to this website—look around—make yourself at home.We hope to light your passion and inspire your potential creativity!

We Are All Creative

Creativity is not necessarily a special gift from God for most people.It is not a ability of birth but an acquired ability.The real question is,"How will you develop creativity in life?"


Create With Joy features original writing,art and photography.All contents are shared merely for your personal inspiration.This website is copyrighted;all rights are reserved.You may not save,download,copy or reproduce any part of this website in any way or form,without prior written permission.

1.What do we know about Create With Joy?

A.It covers a wealth of contents. B.It is aimed at keeping precious cats.

C.It's a magazine of changing people's lifestyles. D.It's a chat room connecting all walks of life of the world.

2.What are the visitors of this website expected to do?

A.Feel free and be creative. B.Stay at home and tell stories.

C.Be free to do anything they like. D.Join parties with people of different hobbies.

3.What can the visitors do on this website?

A.Save photos. B.Enjoy contents.

C.Copy writing. D.Download articles.



It was Saturday afternoon. Martin and his sister Pam were looking at the beautiful old buildings of Cambridge for the day. Pam had a camera with her. She likes taking photos.

“Let’s have a last photo of you,” said Pam. “It’s the last one. I want to finish the film in my camera.”

“Oh, all right,” said Martin. He stood in front of the flowers.

“Look at me.” Said Pam and took a photo. A man with a big rucksack(背包) and a tent on his back walked between Pam and Martin.

“Oh no,” said Pam. “Now I’ve got a picture of that man, not of you, Martin.”

The man looked at Pam. He was angry. He went across the road without a word.

“That man isn’t very nice, is he?” said Martin.

“No,” said Pam. The man with the rucksack on his back went into the bus station. He had got sunglasses and a blue hat.

“Come on,” said Martin. “Let’s find our bus.”

They went into the bus station. “Look,” said Martin. “There’s that man again. He’s getting into that bus. He’s going to Aberdeen. That’s in Scotland.”

“Good,” said Pam. “Far from here and far from me!”

Three days later, Pam had got her photos from the shop. “Look at these photos of us in Cambridge,” she said to Martin. “They are all very good but this last one. Look, it’s that man with the rucksack.”

“Wait a minute,” said Martin. “I know that face. It’s in the newspaper. Have you got it?”

“Today’s newspaper?” said Pam. “Yes, it’s here. Why?”

“Yes, here he is. Look at this picture,” said Martin.

Pam looked at the picture in the newspaper. “Who’s that?” she asked.

“It says in the paper that his name is Alan Rook,” said Martin. “And he works in a bank in London. But on Monday morning - no Alan Rook! The people at the bank don’t know where he is. And they say he’s got a hundred thousand pounds with him. The police are looking for him, too.”

“Come on,” said Martin. “Let’s take the photo and the newspaper to the police.”


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

    At the police station Pam and Martin met a policeman.


Paragraph 2:

    The next day the police in Aberdeen found Alan Rook in a tent in the mountains near Aberdeen.



假定你是李华,你班同学打算本周日去远足。 请你用英语给班里新来的交换生Anna写一封邮件,邀请她到时间一同前往,内容包括:

1. 活动时间及地点;

2. 注意事项;

3. 远足的益处。






Instead of just using their billboards (广告牌) for marketing, McDonald’s is putting their signs to good use by 1. (attach) “bee hotels” to the backs of roadside ads. As 2.means of helping decreasing honeybee populations in Sweden, the restaurant chain 3. (start) drilling holes into their own billboards since July so that the structures can provide shelter 4. honeybees. 5.(addition), the Swedish branch of the company has partnered with outdoor advertising firm JCDecaux in order to attach small honeybee 6. (house) to the backs of other unused roadside billboards as well.

This is not the first time that McDonald’s has used tiny structures to help  7. (struggle) honeybees. In addition to several of the Swedish branches building beehives (蜂巢) on the rooftops of their restaurants, the company sold a fully-functioning beehive that was built inside of “the world’s  8. (small) McDonald’s” back in May. The “McHive”9.(design) by award-winning artist Nicklas Nilsson sold for more than $10,000, all of 10. was donated to charity. Now, McDonald’s has partnered with the same designer in order to produce as many of the “bee hotels” as possible.


    “It’s time to celebrate!”

Hundreds of volunteers who _______ the search and rescue of Amanda Eller will celebrate at a barbecue _______ by the “Findaman da” Facebook page. The party reflects the _______and joy being expressed by the friends and family of Eller, who _______ walked into a Hawaiian forest on May 8 and was not _______ again for more than two weeks.

Eller, 35, survived on wild fruit, water,  _______and determination. On Friday, searchers in a helicopter  _______ her near a river, and she was airlifted _______ safety about two hours later. Eller was sunburned and hungry, and had a broken leg, but was _______ in good shape.

Eller, from her hospital bed, thanked the hundreds of volunteers who conducted  ________  searches. She said her 17 days in Maui’s Makawao Forest Reserve were the most ________  of her life. “There were times of total fear and ________  and wanting to die,” she said. “It did ________ to life and death, and I had to choose. I chose life-I wasn’t going to take the  ________ way out.”

Eller’s mother, Julia, said her daughter ________ into the woods, stopped to meditate (冥想), then couldn't find her way back to her car, which was ________ in the parking lot, her wallet and phone inside.

Eller lost 15 pounds. She broke a bone in her ________ and lost her shoes in a flash flood. But she did not ________. “I often heard this  ________ that said, ‘If you want to live, keep going’,” Eller said.

“It’s just a miracle (奇迹),” Julia said. “Miracles do happen ________ you believe in yourself.”

1.A.aided B.reported C.discussed D.guided

2.A.indicated B.accomplished C.updated D.promoted B.relief C.hope D.regret

4.A.again B.seldom C.alone D.never

5.A.served B.mentioned C.recognized D.seen

6.A.kindness B.preference C.courage D.freedom

7.A.placed B.attached C.seized D.spotted B.with C.beyond D.under

9.A.therefore B.instead C.otherwise D.besides

10.A.practical B.apparent C.thorough D.energetic

11.A.interesting B.difficult C.satisfying D.peaceful

12.A.loss B.disappointment C.shame D.confidence

13.A.get across B.come back C.come down D.get down

14.A.tough B.accurate C.original D.easy

15.A.hiked B.jumped C.rode D.flew

16.A.painted B.controlled C.repaired D.found

17.A.arm B.leg C.foot D.hand

18.A.give off B.give up C.give away D.give out

19.A.voice B.comment C.forecast D.noise

20.A.whether B.if C.what D.that


    Weight is defined as the quantity of matter contained by a body or object. 1. So many girls are struggling with the numbers associated with their body image and it’s really sad seeing such beautiful girls become discouraged over a few numbers that don’t measure anything of true significance.

Yes, it is important to live a healthy lifestyle.2. Neglecting either your mental or physical health will cause problems for the other. It’s very easy to get caught up in the idea that you’re too heavy or too thin, which results in your mistreating your body in some way.

3. It harbors all of your thoughts, feelings, characteristics, and ideas. Without it, you wouldn’t be you. If you wish to change it in a healthy way, then, by all means, go ahead. With that being said, don’t make changes to impress or please someone else.4.

5.. You are more than the number on the scale (磅秤). You are more than the number on your jeans and dresses. You are way more than the number of pounds you’ve gained or lost in whatever amount of time. So, as hard as it may seem sometimes, understand that the number doesn’t measure the amount or significance of your contributions to this world. The fact that a dress doesn’t fit you like you had hoped doesn’t mean that you’re any less of a person.

A.Overweight and obesity may increase the risk of many health problems.

B.Your body is your special, beautiful temple.

C.You are the only person who is in charge of your body.

D.Your physical health may play an important part in your life.

E.Weight does not define your self-worth, ambition or potential.

F.Taking care of yourself includes your mental health as well, however.

G.It’s not about the size of your jeans, but the size of your heart, soul, and spirit.


    Ever called a movie theater to find out showtime? Or called a customer service center for help? Chances are you didn't speak to a human being. You probably gave commands to an Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) system. These types of systems are efficient money-saving tools that allow companies to address many customer concerns with minimum human intervention.

The technology for such a system has advanced greatly since its appearance in the 1950s. One significant recent achievement is the launching of virtual personal assistants (VPAs) on mobile phones. The most well-known of these is Apple’s iPhone VPA, Siri. If you tell Siri that you want to schedule lunch with a friend, “she” can set the appointment on your phone in seconds. The VPA can also hold a basic “conversation” with a sense of humor. However, it can only be set off when the human user speaks certain key phrases or words.

While the potential for communication between a human and a machine may seem exciting, this possibility concerns some people. Some experts worry about people’s attachment to these machines and fear that the art of successful human-to-human conversation will be undeveloped in younger generations. They worry that people won’t be able to display the right emotion or tone in conversations because they haven’t been practicing those skills. Others fear that machines will take over functions that were traditionally performed by humans, such as customer service.

Another concern often associated with the development of new technology is the invasion of privacy. When people use certain speech recognition applications, they leave behind an audio track of their speech. When you ask a VPA for directions, your speech is often sent and saved to a remote server for processing. This digital information may lead to data mining, or the collection of large quantities of personal data.

For now, however, the continuing evolution of ASR software is thrilling to behold. Asking for and acquiring information from an automated source has never been easier. Leading companies in the speech recognition world will make human communication with machines as seamless as possible - in other words, just like communicating with another human.

1.What can we say about Apple’s Siri?

A.It’s a helpful VPA. B.It first appeared in the 1950s.

C.It’s the most advanced ASR system. D.It has the same sense of humor as humans.

2.What are Paragraphs 3 and 4 mainly about?

A.The broad definition of ASR. B.Potential problems with ASR.

C.The fast development of ASR. D.Movements against using ASR.

3.What is the author's attitude towards the future of ASR?

A.Worried. B.Doubtful. C.Hopeful. D.Indifferent.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Talking to Technology B.The Application of Siri

C.The Art of Conversation D.VPAs on Mobile Phones


    More than one billion people currently live in environments where water is in short supply, making water one of the most highly prized natural resources. Scientists are always searching for ways to increase access to this valuable resource. They may have found a solution in an unlikely area: one of the driest places on Earth.

The Namib desert in Africa is one of the world’s driest places, while Namib beetle is a unique organism that grows in this environment because of its amazing physical adaptation. The wings on the Namib beetle are filled with bumps and grooves() that help it collect water from the air. The top of each bump is smooth like glass and attracts water. But the slopes of each bump and the grooves in between the bumps have waxy (带蜡的) surfaces that repel water . Each time the fog occurs, the beetle positions its body at a 45-degree angle to the wind. As the wind pushes the fog across the desert, each bump on the beetle’s back collects water. When enough moisture has been collected from the fog, a drop rolls off the bumps into the waxy grooves and then into the mouth of the beetle.

Scientists are using the Namib beetle’s wing design as a guide for creating their own water-collection surfaces. They have inserted dozens of glass globes into thin layers of wax. Similar to the bumps and grooves on the wings of the beetle, the smooth glass bubbles collect water, while the wax repels it. By placing the glass-and­wax panels in environments with high-moisture air, the scientists think they will be able to collect water.

The Namib beetle’s wing design may also provide unexpected solutions to other problems. In areas where thick fog causes chaos, panels of these water-gathering surfaces may be able to remove the fog. This could potentially reduce travel delays at airports and prevent fog-related accidents on roadways. It seems that studying this little beetle may lead to a variety of benefits for humans.

1.What will the Namib beetle do when fog appears in the desert?

A.It will release a waxy substance to cover its back.

B.It will place its body in a particular way to collect water.

C.It will create bumps and grooves on its wings.

D.It will open its mouth to drink the water in the air.

2.The author focuses on a unique feature of the Namib beetle in order to highlight how the beetle ________________.

A.could serve as a source of water for desert travelers

B.struggles to survive in the dry part of the world

C.uses its wings to stay cool in a dry environment able to get access to water in the absence of rain

3.What’s the writing purpose of this passage?

A.To prove that water can be obtained from moist air.

B.To explain how the Namib beetle adapts to living in a hostile environment.

C.To show how people can apply designs from nature to create solutions to global problems.

D.To stress that water is a valuable resource in many areas on Earth.


    Kieron Graham always knew he had an older brother. His adoption papers, signed and sealed when he was three months old, listed a sibling named Vincent but no last name. Though Kieron spent years thinking about Vincent, he could never track him down.

That changed in December 2017, when Kieron’s adoptive parents gave their four adopted children AncestryDNA tests as Christmas gifts. Kieron, now 21, sent his saliva sample in for analysis. When his results came back, he was stunned to find he had a slew of DNA matches for relatives who had also taken the test. Most were distant connections, but one match was so strong that it was labeled “close family”. His name was Vincent Ghant. Kieron looked for him on Facebook and soon made a possible connection. “This is going to sound so wild … but I think you’re my brother,” Kieron wrote on Facebook’s Messenger app.

“I was given up for adoption in 1997 and it says on my paperwork that my mother has a son with your name and your birth date. Her name is Shawn.”

“OMG do you know your real name?” wrote Vincent, now 30.

“I think it was Tyler.”

“OMG YES!!! You are my brother.”

“Wow,” wrote Kieron.

“This is crazy,” said Vincent.

The craziness was just beginning. As they talked, the brothers realized they lived about 20 minutes from each other, outside of Atlanta. More mind-blowing, they attended the same university and majored and minored in the same subjects: political science and legal studies.

“We were like, what are the odds we’re separated our entire lives and then end up at the same school with the same interests?” says Kieron.

Vincent was nine when Kieron was born and remembers caring for his baby brother. But times were tough, and Shawn, who worked 15-plus hours a day as a nurse, decided that placing Kieron for adoption would give him the best chance to succeed.

Now the brothers had the chance to make up for lost time. They decided to meet at a local tea shop that week. “I was really nervous,” says Kieron. “I was wondering what I should say, what I should do.” As he waited outside the shop, he heard someone call his name, and he suddenly found himself in a hug with the brother he’d thought about his entire life.

The men went inside and talked. “We connected,” says Vincent, “like we already knew each other.”

1.The underlined word “mind-blowing” is closest in meaning to “_______”.

A.desperate B.grateful C.ridiculous D.surprising

2.Which of the following statement is true about the two brothers?

A.Kieron was given up for adoption as soon as he was born.

B.They grew in different environment but had a similar educational background.

C.Kieron had met Vincent before as they lived quite close to each other.

D.It was rather difficult for Kieron to track down his own brother after the AncestryDNA test.

3.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Adopted children usually show deeper affection for their birth family.

B.Vincent lives with his mother all the time.

C.Kieron’s mother was unwilling to give him up but she had no choice.

D.The four adopted children have found their birth family after the AncestryDNA tests.



1.What problem will the motorway bring to the village?

A.Children will find it hard to go to the Streeve Beach.

B.The well-known beauty spot will be destroyed.

C.Fewer villagers will live there.

2.What will be built on farmland?

A.A swimming pool. B.A steel factory. C.Houses.

3.Where will the high-tech park be built?

A.In the north of the village. B.In the south of the village. C.In the west of the village.

4.What is most villagers’ attitude towards the government plans?

A.Fully satisfied. B.Rather worried. C.Quite unexpected.



1.What are the speakers discussing?

A.How to form clouds.

B.How to present their research.

C.How to explain different types of clouds.

2.Why does the man suggest having small cards?

A.To make the presentation more interesting.

B.To remind him of what to say.

C.To organize all the research.

3.What will the man do?

A.Prepare the cards.

B.Make the presentation slides.

C.Look for pictures of clouds online.

4.What part will the woman do?

A.The low-level clouds part.

B.The medium-level clouds part.

C.The high-level clouds part.



1.Why does the man want to get a summer job?

A.To save money for a course. B.To pay his brother back. C.To save for a trip.

2.How will the woman get money?

A.By borrowing from her brother.

B.By doing a part-time job.

C.By asking her parents.

3.What does the man decide to do in the end?

A.Study in Spain.

B.Get a job in Portugal.

C.Go to Latin America with the woman.



1.What problem does the woman have?

A.She’s lost. B.Her shoes are broken. C.Her feet are uncomfortable.

2.Why did the speakers come to the city?

A.To attend a meeting. B.To buy some shoes. C.To make a tour.



1.How will the woman send the package?

A.By air. B.By sea. C.By express mail.

2.How much should the woman pay?

A.£20. B.£23. C.£26.


Why does the man call the woman?

A.To ask for a sick leave.

B.To ask about English classes.

C.To discuss tomorrow’s schedule.


Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In a library. B.In a bookstore. C.In a teaching building.


How does the man feel about the article in the end?

A.Satisfied. B.Annoyed. C.Bored.


Which floor is the Committee Room on?

A.The second floor. B.The third floor. C.The fourth floor.


Where did the man put the woman’s bike?

A.Under a street lamp. B.In a garage. C.In a backyard.



1. 庆祝春节的传统方式;

2. 目前庆祝方式的改变。

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Dear Frankie,



Li Hua




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2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I was so proud that I heard my team won the ice hockey competition. It made me feeling like I could achieve anything. Only three years before, I was terrified of walking or skating on ice. To deal with this, I decided to join skating club. My teacher was great but before I knew it, I was able to skate. He then persuades me to try ice hockey. I loved it and was soon practising with my local team on almost every evening. We’re now training hardly for national competitions and hope to be champion one day, but his ultimate goal is to be an ice hockey teacher and help people learn to play this game.



A female Arctic fox traveled nearly 2, 200 miles in 76 days—from Norway to Canada—and surprised Norwegian scientists in the process.

The fox 1. (equip) with a satellite transmitter by scientists at the Norwegian Polar Institute, where scientists wanted 2. (survey) just how far Arctic foxes travel from their birthplace. They found their answer: In less than three months, it went from Spitsbergen, 3. island in northern Norway, to Ellesmere Island in the northeastern part of Canada.

The fox moved 4. a rate of 29 miles a day. At its fastest, it traveled nearly 100 miles in a single day while 5. (cross) Greenland. It set a record for the fastest movement rate ever 6. (document) in an Arctic fox. ''This is among the longest 7. (event) ever recorded for an Arctic fox, covering extensive stretches of sea ice and glaciers, '' wrote Norwegian scientists Eva Fuglei and Arnaud Tarroux in a report.

The journey was among the longest recorded by scientists, 8. it also raises questions of the effects 9. climate changes have on sea ice and animals that navigate the Arctic. The Arctic 10. (current) faces ''its most excellent transition in human history'', said Emily Osborne of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.


    Facial expressions _______ meaning that is determined by situations and relationships. For example in American culture the smile is _______ an expression of pleasure. Yet it also has other uses. A woman’s smile at a police officer does not have the same meaning as the smile she gives to a young child. A smile may show love or politeness. It can also _______ true feelings. It often causes _______ across cultures. For example, many people in Russia _______ smiling at strangers in public to be _______ and even improper. Yet many Americans smile freely at strangers in public places (although this is less common in big cities). Some Russians believe that Americans smile in the _______ places; some Americans believe that Russians don’t smile enough. In Southeast Asian cultures, a smile is frequently used to _______ painful feelings. _______ people may tell a sad story but end the story with a smile.

Our __________ show emotions (情感), but we should not __________ to “read” people from another culture as we would “read” someone from our own culture. The __________ that members of one culture do not express their emotions as openly as members of another do does not mean that they do not __________ emotions.

__________, there are cultural differences in the amount of facial expressions permitted. For example, in public and in __________ situations many Japanese do not show their emotions as freely as Americans do. When with friends, Japanese and Americans seem to show their emotions __________.

It is __________ to generalize about Americans and facial expressiveness __________ personal and cultural differences in the United States. People from certain cultural backgrounds in the United States seem to be more __________ expressive than others. The key is to try not to judge people whose ways of showing emotions are different. If we judge according to our own cultural habits, we may make the __________ of “reading” the other person incorrectly.

1.A.speak B.carry C.expose D.bring

2.A.on the basis return C.on the contrary general

3.A.hide B.deliver C.convey D.escape

4.A.offence B.doubt C.confusion D.curiosity

5.A.claim B.admit D.consider

6.A.unusual B.normal C.common D.meaningless

7.A.public B.wrong C.certain D.proper

8.A.cover B.avoid C.ignore D.stop

9.A.Americans B.Germans C.Vietnamese D.Russians

10.A.bodies B.eyes C.faces D.gestures

11.A.manage B.attempt C.encourage D.advise

12.A.fact B.story C.truth D.habit

13.A.deserve B.survive C.suffer D.experience

14.A.Then B.Rather C.Therefore D.Instead

15.A.casual B.private C.hard D.formal

16.A.differently B.willingly C.similarly D.personally

17.A.easy B.difficult C.impossible D.important the risk of B.regardless of spite of D.because of

19.A.facially B.physically C.mentally D.psychologically

20.A.point B.difference C.mistake D.effort


    How would you feel if moving to a new town meant losing track of your friends? What if the only way of getting news from faraway friends was writing letters that took ages to be delivered? 1. Thanks to advances in technology, how we make friends and communicate with them has changed significantly.

Nowadays, we can move around the world and still stay in touch with the people that we want to remain friends with. Social media tools let us see what our friends are up to and maintain friendships. 2.

The digital age also enables us to find people who share our interests, such as collecting model cars or playing an unusual instrument. Whatever our hobbies, the Internet can connect us with others who also enjoy doing them, even if they live on the other side of the world.

But when you “friend” people online, does this mean that they really are your friends?


If people always exchange true personal information online, then yes, these friendships can be real and meaningful. But we need to keep in mind that what we see on social media is often not the whole truth about a person.

On social media sites, people tend to post only positive updates that make them appear happy and friendly. But smiling photos can hide real problems. 4. A young person could be old; a woman could be a man; we could even be sharing our information with criminals.

5. Although technology has changed the way we acquire friends, the meaning of friendship and our longing for friends remain the same. As Aristotle said, no one would choose to live without friends, even if he had all other goods.

A.It depends.

B.All you need is a Wi-Fi connection.

C.It’s a problem that’s getting a lot of coverage.

D.This was how things worked not very long ago.

E.Remember the saying: on the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.

F.But that doesn’t mean that a higher percentage of people feel lonely now.

G.But this doesn’t mean that we should throw the baby out with the bathwater.


    They say that ''a picture is worth a thousand words'', but the briefest look at books and the movies based on them would have anyone questioning this common saying. All too often, great words end up being turned into cinematic ''turkeys''.

Good movies need good stories. If so, why has one of the earliest and greatest works in Western storytelling, Homer's The Odyssey, never had an equally great movie based on it? Movies need strong characters. So why have the movies based on The Great Gatsby never been praised as ''great''? Movies of course need impressive images, so why has Alice in Wonderland only resulted in movies best described as ''interesting''?

One of the key reasons behind this is that while a book usually takes a few days to read, a movie typically lasts under two hours. This means that great books can lose plot details and characters when they move to the big screen. This is something that even the highly successful Harry Potter movies can't escape from, with fans of the books disappointed not to see some of their favorite characters in the movie versions.

Movies also disappoint us when things don't look the way we imagined them in the books. Take, for example, the epic movie Troy, which is in part based on Homer's The Iliad and was met with mixed reviews from the audience. The most questionable issue was the actress chosen to play the part of Helen. Many people thought she didn't live up to Helen's title of ''the most beautiful woman in the world'', influencing opinions of the movie to some extent.

There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes. Furthermore, books and movies are two different forms of media and therefore have different rules. With this in mind, perhaps we should judge a movie in its own right, and not against its original source. Interestingly, audiences have in recent years turned to television series such as Sherlock or Mad Men, which can have many characters and gradual plot development. Perhaps, one day, readers of F. Scott Fitzgerald's most admired work will find themselves glued to their screens by episodes of The Great Gatsby.

1.Which of the following statements about the movie adaptation is true?

A.The characters in The Odyssey do not stand out.

B.The movie Troy doesn't look the way we visualized while reading the book.

C.The visual images are not as striking as the descriptions in the book The Great Gatsby.

D.Some parts of the story and characters are missing in the movie Alice in Wonderland.

2.One of the reasons why adaptations disappoint the audience is that ________.

A.they lack good storytelling

B.the images are not impressive enough

C.the characters in the movies are not strong and interesting

D.there is not enough time for movies to fully present the whole story

3.What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?

A.Every shoe fits not every foot.

B.Birds of a feather flock together.

C.Reading is a matter of personal taste.

D.Different people have different ideas about the books and movies.

4.What does the text mainly talk about?

A.People are dissatisfied with the current movies.

B.Reading books is better than watching movies.

C.Good books may not be adapted for great movies.

D.People are expressing their preference to reading books.


    Many animals move from one place to another at certain times of the year. This annual movement is called migration. They migrate to find food, seek a partner, or in search of warmer weather. One of the most wonderful migrations in nature is that of the North American monarch butterfly.

Every autumn, millions of these beautiful insects with fine black and orange wings begin a long and difficult journey. Somehow they manage to travel around 4, 000 kilometers south and find their way to California or Mexico. However, until recently no one knew how they did this.

A team of scientists led by Professor Eli Shlizerman at the University of Washington has now found the answer. They have found out that the monarch is able to tell the time of day. It uses its eyes to measure the position of the sun. These two pieces of information—the time of day and the point where the sun is in the sky—allow the butterfly to determine the way to go. Eventually, it manages to reach the places where it will spend the winter.

The solution to the mystery of the monarch’s amazing ability comes at a time when it is in serious trouble. Its population has crashed by as much as 90 per cent in the last few years. Sadly, human activity is the main reason why the number of monarch butterflies is falling. In many of the places where the butterfly can be found, people are destroying the natural environment. They cut down trees and use chemicals that kill the plants that monarch caterpillars eat.

The research on the monarch’s behavior has however led to a greater awareness of this creature. People have been working together to record its migration and make sure that there are enough plants for it to feed on. If this works, there may come a time when the number of monarch butterflies increases once again. The more we know about this lovely creature, the greater the chance it will survive and keep its place in the natural world for a long time to come.

1.Which is not the purpose of animals’ migration according to the text?

A.To search for food. B.To look for a partner.

C.To breed young babies. D.To stay away from cold weather.

2.What mainly caused the decrease in the number of the monarch butterflies?

A.Weather changes. B.Human activities.

C.Trees being cut down. D.The long migration every year.

3.What can we know from the text?

A.All the animals migrate at fixed times of the year.

B.The monarch has the ability to identify the time of day.

C.The population of the monarch is decreasing rapidly every year.

D.No one knows how the monarch butterflies make their way to their destinations.

4.What does the last paragraph imply about the research?

A.It is quite encouraging. is fairly complex.

C.It is very unacceptable. D.It is rather useless.


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