Welcome to West Lakes Institute of Technology.You are strongly advised to adhere to the following three basic rules on your first day of the second semester:

1.Wear your pre-admission student number on your lapel(衣服的翻领)at all times.

2.Do not enter any classroom where classes are already in progress.

3. When asked to provide,basic information about yourself,be ready to show your green enrollment acceptance advice slip.

Students who have pre-paid the enrollment fee

9:00 10:00 a.m.(no later)you should visit the foyer of the Old Chapel building to receive your new student information kit.Once you have your kit,you are not required until 10:30 a.m.,so you can relax in the Student Centre until you are called over the PA system.

Students who are yet to pay the enrollment

Go directly to the Admissions Centre and be prepared to pay your enrollment fee($150 cash only)to the New Admissions Officer.You will be asked for your address and your preadmission student number(the number on your green enrollment acceptance advice slip).Note that this is NOT the number which is later displayed on your student card.Once you have paid your enrollment fee, follow the instructions above for students who have pre-paid their fee.

Student Cards

Student cards will not be issued until Thursday.Photographs,however,will be taken on Monday afternoon.Make your way to the Library at the following times:

1:00 p.m.-Film and Photographic Arts

1:45 p.m.-Marketing

2:30 p.m.-Travel&-Tourism

3:15 p.m.-Hotel Hospitality

4:00 p.m.--Fashion&Design

4:45 p.m.-all other Art students

Photographs of students in all other courses will be taken Tuesday afternoon.

Welcome Address

The Director of the college will address all new students in the Main Hall at around 10:45 a.m.When you hear the announcement that directs you to assemble in the Main Hall,make your way swiftly past the canteen area,through the courtyard and into the Hall.No food or drinks are allowed in the Main Hall.


The canteen is situated on the ground floor of the student building.Since the canteen is also used by members of the public,you will be asked to produce your enrollment acceptance advice slip.Failure to do this will result in all purchases being charged for at non-discount prices.Cooked lunches,are,served only between 12:15 p.m.and.1:30 p.m.

Student Information Kits

The latest student information kit contains a 52-page booklet which tells you where you should go in the afternoon.Look on page three to find the course you have enrolled in,and follow the instructions given.Areas designed for the various tutorial sessions for each course are listed on page 4 to 6.If you are required to have your photograph taken during a group tutorial session,quietly excuse

yourself,and return to the session as soon as possible.

1.According to the passage,students who have already paid the fee

A.should give their address and student number to the New Admissions Officer

B.can enter any classroom to have a rest

C.are required to receive their kit before 9 o'clock

D.can have a minimum of 30 minutes to relax after getting the kit

2.We can learn from the text that"students' enrollment acceptance advice slip_____”

A.displays the same number as that on the student card.

B.allows students to buy things in the canteen at a lower price only essential to students who haven't paid the fee in advance required when taking the pictures used for the student cards

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

A.Marketing students can get their 'student cards at 1:45,Monday afternoon.

B.Students are allowed to have their lunch at 12:30 the Hall.

C.The assembly call will be made before the welcome address begins.

D.Students can get their student cards from the Library.

4.We can learn from the last paragraph that during a group tutorial session, can take a picture can do anything you like can leave for the photograph requirement can read a 52-page book


    When I was a child my father taught me five words that I've used all my life- in my acting career,as a mother,in my business activities.If I _______ that I was afraid of the dark,or if I seemed worried about meeting new people,Dad would say, Stand porter to your_______."

A porter is a gatekeeper,who stands at a door _______ people in or out.Dad would get me to _______myself stopping destructive things--such as fear-at the door,_______ saying“Come in"to faith,love and self-assurance.

As an actress,before I went on camera,I'd make sure anxiety_______ and confidence in my ability came in.As a mother,when I was _______about my children, I would try not to let worry in but would _______my mind with trust in them.

Of course,there were always times I'd_______ those words.

In 1972 my husband,Fillmore Crank,and I opened the doors to our own ________in North Hollywood.This was a new business venture for us,and it was a lot more ________and complicated than we had ________.

We were on call 24 hours a day.Something was always going ________. Electricity went on the blink,food wasn't delivered,employees called in sick.Once, a flu epidemic ________ left us with no maids.Fillmore gave me a ________:scrub floors or do the laundry.For 10 days I folded enough king-size sheets to________ the whole state of California.

Then there was the________ crisis.The price of gasoline doubled,and tourism in California ________.How could we fill our beds?What if we kept losing money? What if we failed?Fear and worry were sneaking in.But I caught them just ________.I stood porter.

I stood in the door of my mind and sent fear packing.

These days at the hotel,whenever fear tries to________,I just smile and point to the sign that reads No Vacancy.

1.A.complained B.announced C.recalled D.decided

2.A.future B.find

3.A.letting B.urging C.inviting D.observing

4.A.busy B.involve C.send D.picture B.for C.but D.or

6.A.showed up B.stayed out C.cut in D.broke down

7.A.serious B.curious C.anxious D.cautious

8.A.fill B.change D.ease B.twist D.forget B.hotel C.laundry

11.A.promising B.demanding C.convincing D.boring

12.A.figured B.confirmed C.deduced D.suggested

13.A.sour B.missing C.wrong D.pale

14.A.hardly B.regularly C.specially D.suddenly

15.A.warning B.command C.choice D.solution

16.A.serve B.touch C.decorate D.blanket C.identity

18.A.ceased B.recovered C.dropped D.boomed time B.on purpose random chance

20.A.split B.shelter C.withdraw D.register


— Here you are.You can do it by six o'clock.

—By six o'clock?______I'm not superman.

A.Beats me B.Allow me C.Lend me a hand D.Give me a break


____to the students at home, the textbooks enabled them to study more efficiently.

A.Distributing B.Having distributed

C.Being distributed D.Distributed


Group activities can help children gain the concept_______team spirit is crucial to more achievements.

A.that B.where C.what D.which


Regular exercise,along with proper diets,_________our health in the long term.

A.Benefit B.are benefited C.benefits benefited


I ______ go to the supermarket to purchase daily necessities, for it is far away from my house.

A.eventually B.constantly C.occasionally D.frequently


The book tells stories of the earthquake through the eyes of those               lives were affected

A.whose B.that

C.who D.which


Last night, there were millions of people ______________ the opening ceremony live on TV. watch

C.watched D.watching


— I need to talk to someone who knows Baltimore well.I'm told you _______there.

—Oh,but I was really young at the time. B.lived C.have been living D.had lived


— Where_____Mary have put the empty bottles?

—She _____them away.They must be somewhere.

A.can;mustn't have thrown

B.must;needn't have thrown

C.could;couldn't have thrown

D.should;might not have thrown


— How do you find your first visit to your net friend Jane?

— Oh,wonderful!Her warm welcome left me completely______. ease B.under attack C.beyond doubt tears


— If everyone asked for information like you,we would be so busy we would die.

— But I wouldn't need to ask if you actively_________the information.

A.reviewed B.released C.restored D.registered


Modern science has found that _______ one is using chopsticks, over 30 joints and over 50 muscles are used, which is a favorable stimulation to the brain.

A.since B.although C.unless D.while


— As we know, keeping positive is beneficial to the process of our work and study.

—You can say that again.Struggle not to let negative ideas____.

A.take over B.come down C.drop out D.give in


Competition for entry to these programs is keen, and applicants need above-average grades to gain___________.

A.ambition B.preference C.admission D.competence


—So you think I’m not honest?

        .That’s not what I mean.

A.Just forget it B.You’ve really got me there

C.Don’t get me wrong D.Don’t beat around the bush




I wanted to do something special for my 15-year-old son, who has always been a perfect boy. He worked all summer to earn enough money to buy __1.__(he) a new racing-bicycle instead of asking for money from me. Then he spent hours and hours on it. I loved my son so much __2.__I bought him a pair of sunglasses and gloves. When my son rode the racing-bicycle with them, he looked very cool. He dreamed _3.__ taking part in a race and winning.

On November 10th, my birthday, when I went to the kitchen to start the milk and bread in the morning, I found  _4.__  beautiful guitar on the table, beside which was a card, __5.__(say), “Happy birthday to my wonderful mother.” I was surprised and then began to sob. I remembered once I __6.__(joke) to my family that I wanted to learn playing the guitar to make my life colorful. I had __7.__(forget) it, but my son remembered. He took it __8.__(serious), and bought me one as a birthday gift. When I wondered _9.__ my son could buy this expensive gift, soon I realized that my son had sold his racing-bicycle __10.__(get) me the guitar.




Travelers to new cities are often told to start their trip with a bus tour. The thinking is that they can then return to the places that ____ them. Its not true! What you see from the ___ of a moving bus is ____ . Its different from the real sights, sounds, and ___ outside.

Be adventurous (冒险的)! The best ____ to experience any place is on foot and with completely no travel plan. ____ go wherever your feet and your interests ____ you. You finally will get to the ____ places that are on the bus tour—the museums, city hall—but you will have seen much more. You will have ____ the present life of the city.

“But what if I get lost?” people might ask. No one ever gets ____ lost in a big city. At last, you can find your way back to a(n) ____ place. If it makes you afraid of being____”,  just find a taxi and go back to where you started. However, the ____ things can happen if you are lost. You ____ at a café to sit and relax. You can ask the local (当地的) people at the next table for directions. And ____ they don’t speak your language, your trip becomes more interesting because of the ____. Here are two more ways to help you. Know before you go. ____ a few hours before your trip learning about the history and culture of your destination (目的地).

Move around like a ____. Use the subway and buses of the city that you’re ____. You’ll not only ____ money, but you’ll also learn how people really live.

1.A. helped      B. concerned      C. interested   D. satisfied

2.A. inside   B. front        C. back                 D. center

3.A. real       B. true        C. unreal                 D. common

4.A. views     B. cities        C. towns                D. smells

5.A. use     B. way        C. group   D. voyage

6.A. Just          B. Never          C. Hardly      D. Especially

7.A. lead    B. move        C. tell    D. help

8.A. different   B. wrong     C. right                 D. same

9.A. left      B. felt         C. lived    D. led

10.A. terribly     B. possibly   C. hopelessly     D. finally

11.A. unknown       B. well-­known   C. strange    D. familiar

12.A. lost      B. decided    C. left        D. went

13.A. worst    B. hardest      C. nicest                 D. happiest

14.A. reach    B. get         C. rise        D. stop

15.A. in case     B. as a result   C. in fact   D. even if

16.A. experience    B. conversation  C. talk     D. trip

17.A. Take     B. Spend       C. Pay                  D. Use

18.A. graduate   B. tourist      C. native    D. foreigner

19.A. seeing   B. visiting      C. going                 D. walking

20.A. organize    B. bend     C. save   D. flow


    My mum is always at work and my sisters are never around, so I have nothing to do. My house is boring. The train lets me escape and explore.

I have been taking the train for five years. I've learned that it's fast and convenient. I live about two miles from the Blue Line Imperial Station. I like taking the train because it gives me freedom.

My favourite place to go is downtown. I take the train to Macy's Plaza in front of the 7th Street Station to do some shopping at Borders or Victoria's Secret, or to get something to eat at the food court. With 25 cents, you can take the DASH bus from the station to get to the Fashion District. Since I like making accessories(首饰) like earrings, love going there because of all the deals on jewelry supplies.

I take the train to the Museum of Contemporary Art with friends on the first Sunday of every month since we can get in for free. We tour around the museum and get to do an art project at the end. like going to the museum because there are a lot of wonderful things.

The cool thing about the train is that it connects to other train lines, which lets you see different parts of the city. The Gold Line runs from Union Station northeast to Pasadena and now east to East LA. The Red Line goes from downtown to Hollywood. The Green Line goes from Norwalk to several beaches. When I don't know how to get somewhere, I go to mta. net, type in my starting point and end point and get times and routes. I hardly ever get lost.

1.We can infer from Paragraph 1 that________.

A.the writer's sisters are always busy with their work

B.the writer doesn't get along well with her family

C.the writer doesn't know how to kill time

D.the writer doesn't like staying at home alone

2.What does the writer often go downtown for?

A.To do some shopping.

B.To eat pizza.

C.To visit her friends.

D.To make accessories.

3.The writer seldom gets lost because

A.she often takes a map with her

B.she is familiar with every line

C.she often has a travel guide with her

D.she often refers to a website for bus and train lines



Wang WeiMr. Chen I hear that you  1.(travel)a­long the Mekong River. Have you got everything ready?

Chen HuaOf course.

Wang WeiSo when 2. you 3. (leave)?

Chen Hua Next Sunday.

Wang WeiHow far 4. you 5. (cycle)each day?

Chen Hua It’s hard to say. If the weather is fine I think we’ll be able to ride 75 km a day.

Wang Wei What about the weather in Qinghai Province?

Chen HuaThe weather forecast is not good so we  6. (take)a large pack of warm clothes with us.

Wang Wei Where 7. you 8. (stay)at night?

Chen Hua Usually in our tent but sometimes in the villages along the river bank.

Wang Wei What happens if you have an accident?

Chen Hua Don’t worry. I 9. (have) some medical training at my college. Besides we  10.(take) out insurance to cover any problem. Oh a taxi 11. (come)over. Sorry.

Wang Wei Well I hope you'll have a pleasant journey. Thank you for the time.



1.I think it is necessary for my 19-year-old son to have his own mobile phone, for sometimes want to make sure if he comes home for dinner.


2.When my boss returns hasn't been decided. Wait and I will inform you of it.


3.My money has run out. I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I've none in hand.


4.I've won a holiday for two to Florida. I have taken my mum to Florida.


5.Don’t worry. Their flight is about to leave in half an hour.


6.Whatever may happen, go on until you succeed, and you know what life is about.


7.— Can I join the club, Dad?

—You can when you will get a bit older.


8.Look at the chimney. Its base has come loose. It has fallen, I think. Keep away from it.


9.—Are you still busy?

—Yes I am going to finish, and it won’t take long.


10.I wonder if you apply for the post. After all, you are out of work now.




1.Would you like to ________(远足) with us this week­end?

2.The grass­covered ________(小路) reaches as far as the foot of a hill.

3.Don't worry about your ________(膳宿) there. We will arrange it for you.

4.There were many famous ________(建筑师)who were born in this small town.

5.When she first ________(联系) me over the telephone I was deeply impressed by her voice.

6.________(士兵) have gathered in the playground waiting to set off.

7.Their products will be ________(运送)to New York by ship.

8.In the ancient times the earth was considered ________ (平的).









2.________n.包裹;包装盒 vt.将……包装好

3.________ n.建筑设计师________n.建筑设计;建筑学

4.________ n.小路;路线;道路

5.________ vt.联络;联系 n.联系;接触

6.________ n.士兵;军人

7.________ n.公寓;单元房办 adj.平坦的;扁平的

8.________ vt.运输;运送________ n.交通运输系统

9.________n.远足;徒步旅行 vi.徒步旅行 vt.去……远足


假设你是李华,你想参加剑桥大学(University of Cambridge)的夏令营活动。请写封信向夏令营负责人Smith教授咨询相关事宜,要点如下:





Dear Mr. Smith,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua








Last summer holiday, my mother and I visited Xi’an that she grew up. It was a well-planned trip, so we had great time for the most part. But one night, something strange was happened. My mom wan playing games on her mobile phone in bed and I was lying nearby. Tired and boring, I was kicking the bed to pass the time. A few minutes later, my mom had enough of it and asked her, “Could you stop it?” I stopped, so she asked me to stop kick again only a few moments later. I complained, “I’ve already stopped.” My mom quickly glanced at my still leg and then she suddenly jumped up and shouted, “Earthquake!” With lightning speed, she rushes to me, grabbed my hand and took me to a safe place outside. By then, I was widely awake.



It’s nice to go out 1.a meal at a restaurant. But what makes it extra special — apart from the food — is to receive attentive service from the staff. Seeing a service charge 2.(add) in your bill can leave a bad taste in your mouth. You 3. (face) with the dilemma of deciding to pay it, and whether you should add a tip on top.

Putting your hand in your pocket to reward good service is a 4. (person) choice, but it also depends on where you are in the world. What is the norm in one city is not 5. (necessary) the norm in another. In some 6. (place) a tip is expected; but in 7., good service should be expected and ought to be included in the price.

In the UK, people tending to be too polite 8.(complain), the service charge might be paid despite the quiet complaint 9. the service they received was not up to the standard! In the US, however everybody 10. (offer) 20% more as a tip. Maybe we should fallow Japan’s approach, tipping under any circumstance may seem rude because good service is standard and expected.


    We were five minutes into the worst disorder. That was the worst experience — approaching Boston Airport in a severe winter _______. I turned to the woman next to me and said, ''Hey, would you mind _______ with me for a few minutes? I'm really nervous."

''Sure. My name is Suethe woman replied, _______ warmly. ''What brings you to Boston? '' I started to explain that I was on a business trip. Then the plane shook violently, and _______ slipped of my tongue. ''I might need to hold your hand too.'' Sue took my hand in both of hers, _______ it, and held tight. When Sue took my hand on that scary flight to Boston, I almost wept with relief. She was so calm, effective, and _______ —''Yep, this is a little bumpy(颠簸的), but we'll be on the ground safely soon,'' she told me — that I asked her what she did for a living. ''I'm a retired physical education teacher, and I _______  women's volleyball, '' she said. _______, I could see what an awesome coach she must have been.

Sue and I talked about our families, our vacations, our love of the ocean until the plane finally _______. Then the businessman sitting on the other side of her, who'd been silent the entire ________, remarked that he'd ________ our conversation. ''It ________ me and I was not scared any more.'' he said.

When we said goodbye, I gave Sue a big ________ and my card. A few days later, I received a/an ________with the subject line "Broken Hand on Jet Blue."

''I have to admit that I was just as ________ as you were but did not say it,'' Sue wrote. ''I just ________ your hand as hard as I could. Thank you for helping me through this very scary ________'' She added that when she'd told her friends about our conversation, they ________ her because they knew she loved to talk.

I told my friends about Sue too. I explained how kind she was to me, and what I learned: It's OK to ask for help from a________ if you need it. Now if I mention to my friends that I am ________ or worried, they respond, ''Just think of Sue''

1.A.night B.storm C.flood D.rain

2.A.singing B.running C.drawing D.chatting

3.A.embracing B.cheering C.smiling D.praising

4.A.words B.songs C.comments D.ideas

5.A.patted B.beat C.washed D.scratched

6.A.creative B.knowledgeable C.reliable D.brilliant

7.A.played B.made C.studied D.coached

8.A.Unfortunately B.Immediately C.Gradually D.Generally

9.A.crashed B.worked C.returned D.landed

10.A.activity B.adventure C.flight D.ceremony

11.A.hated B.enjoyed C.understood D.missed

12.A.disappointed B.distracted C.upset D.frightened

13.A.present C.hug D.hand

14.A.e-mail B.greeting C.service D.hand

15.A.energetic B.enthusiastic C.talkative D.nervous

16.A.shook B.seized C.kissed D.warmed

17.A.situation B.decision C.comment D.behavior

18.A.worried about B.took care of C.laughed at D.looked up to

19.A.friend B.passerby C.passenger D.stranger

20.A.stressed B.ashamed C.bored D.moved


    Earth Day is one of the world's largest environmental movements. Held every year on April 22, Earth Day turns 50 this year. It was created by US politician Gaylord Nelson, aiming to give a voice to people who wanted environmental protection. 1. Back then, it helped to bring clean air and water laws to the US. Now a global movement, it's facing even bigger environmental threats.

2. One of these is The Ocean Cleanup based in the Netherlands. It has successfully made a device that can gather and collect waste from our oceans and rivers, a majority of which is plastic. For us, plastic is an item we use and then throw away. But if you throw away a plastic bottle today, it is non-biodegradable (不可生物降解的).It will still be around for hundreds of years. Much of this plastic waste ends up in the sea, where it kills more than 100 million sea creatures every year. 3.

It is not just our oceans that are under threat. Over time, deforestation (滥伐森林)improper farming, and livestock grazing (放牧)can stop green areas from growing. 4. A Chinese non-governmental organizations (NGO) — The China Green Foundation — is working to change this by planting millions of trees. Another NGO that is making big changes is Welfare Togo. Togo is a developing country in Africa. It faces many environmental problems, including air and water pollution and desertification. To help, Welfare Togo opened 31 schools across the country that focus on teaching sustainable development. Its aim is using education to bring positive environmental changes to Togo.

5. However, through small everyday changes, such as recycling correctly, we can also bring about considerable changes to our natural world.

A.This is called desertification.

B.It aims to support environmental protection around the world.

C.His idea was so successful that more than 20 million people joined in Earth Day events.

D.However, because of high demand, we still make more than 300 tons of new plastic every year.

E.It challenges people to promote environmental education.

F.Not all of us can make such large contributions.

G.Fortunately, many NGOs are stepping up to promote positive changes.


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