In South Korea, students pay for classes in everything from K-pop auditions (韩流试镜)to real estate (房地产)deals. Now, top Korean firms are using artificial intelligence (AI) in hiring, and job-seekers want to learn how to beat the robots.

From his basement office in Seoul, career consultant Park Seong-jung is among those in a growing business of offering lessons in handling recruitment screening by computers, not people. Video interviews using facial recognition technology to analyze character are key, according to Park.

"Don't force a smile with your lips," he told students looking for work in a recent session, one of many he said he has conducted for hundreds of people. "Smile with your eyes".

Classes in dealing with Al in hiring, are still a tiny part of the country's multi-billion-dollar cram school (补习学校)industry. But classes are growing fast, operators like Park's People & People consultancy claim, offering a three-hour package for Up to 100,000 won ($86).

There's good reason to see potential. As many: as 8 out of every 10 South Korean students are estimated to have used cram schools, and high youth unemployment in the country—nearly one in four young people are not in the workforce—offers a motivation not present in other countries where cram schools are popular, like Japan.

One AI video system reviewed by Reuters asks candidates to introduce themselves, during which it spots and counts facial expressions including "fear" and "joy" and analyses word choices. AI hiring also uses "gamification" to judge a candidate's personality and adaptability by putting them through numbers of tests. Preparing for such tests doesn't necessarily involve simply memorizing answers. Some games don't even have a 'right answer', as they are aimed to spot the problem-solving attitude of the applicant.

Consultant Park said he gave Al firing talks to more than 700 university students, graduates and lecturers in 2019. In an online chat room monitored by Park, with more than 600 participants, numerous messages indicate thanks for the classes and success in AI interview quests. "Students are struggling from the emergence of AI interviews. My goal is to help them be fully prepared for what they will be dealing with," said Park.

1.What does Park Seong-jung do?

He gives students lectures about Al hiring.

He handles his company s recruitment.

He analyzes character by using Al technology.

He keeps an eye on an online chat room.

A.①④ B.②③

C.①② D.③④

2.Gamification is mainly used to judge the following EXCEPT candidates'         .

A.personality B.adaptability

C.problem-solving attitude D.memory ability

3.What's the main idea of this passage?

A.Smile with eyes is better than smile with lips.

B.Companies are increasingly using Al in recruitment.

C.Classes are available in dealing with Al in hiring.

D.Cram schools are popular in South Korea.

4.What may be discussed in the next paragraph?

A.People's attitude towards other types of cram schools.

B.Examples of struggling students who didn't take classes.

C.Companies' strategy against fully prepared applicants.

D.The next step of those who have passed the interview.


    Getting old might not be something that's yet to cross your mind. But ageing is unavoidably going to get the better of us one day. And that’s why scientists are constantly seeking out evidence that will show us what we need to do to achieve longevity.

We all know that regular exercise is good for us. In recent years, although we've been told to aim to walk 10,000 steps a day to remain healthy, other advice to do three quick and energetic 10-minute walks a day is thought to be even more effective. And the latest piece of research might put a spring in your step if you’re someone who walks at a fast pace. That’s because, according to scientists, the speed at which people walk in their 40s is a sign of how much their brains, as well as their bodies, are ageing.

Tests on 1,000 people from New Zealand born in the 1970s found that slower walkers tended to show signs of "accelerated ageing". Their lungs, teeth and immune systems were in worse shape than those who walked fester. And what’s worse, the study found not only did slower walkers' bodies age more quickly, their faces looked older and they had smaller brains.

This might be seen as a wake-up call for people with a slower pace who might feel it's time to work out get fitter. But it might be too late; researchers say they were able to predict the walking speed of 45-year-olds using the results of intelligence, language and motor skills tests from when they were aged three. They also suggest that even in early life, there are signs showing which people will go on to have a healthier life.

So, what's the point of knowing that a slower walking pace might mean a smaller brain? Well, researchers say measuring walking speed at a younger age, and understanding what this might mean, could be a way of testing treatments to slow human ageing. This might help us make lifestyle changes while we're still young and healthy. Any steps we can take to prolong a good mental and physical state is a no brainer!

1.Which of the following is considered to be a better choice?

A.Walking 10,000 steps a day. B.Doing three quick and energetic walks a day.

C.Doing irregular exercise every day. D.Frequently doing sports in spring.

2.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Faster walkers will get fitter, be younger and have bigger brains.

B.People's health condition can be predicted from their walking speed at 45.

C.This study found that slower walkers age more slowly.

D.People who walk faster are more brilliant than slower walkers.

3.What does the underlined word "prolong" in Para.5 mean?

A.give something up B.transfer something at random

C.make something last longer D.put something off

4.What would be the best title?

A.Walking to Stay Young B.Getting Old and Doing Exercise

C.Having a Happy Life D.Slow Walking and Ageing


    In January 2020, as I watched the news about the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, I kept thinking, “This is not good.” As the situation stepped up, I knew it was only a matter of time before it came to my hometown in Cornwall. And, on February 15, it did.

That day, we found out the government was sending over 100 Canadians citizens who were aboard the Diamond Princess, an infected cruise ship, to a hotel here for a 14-day quarantine. Suddenly, things got very real. As a nurse in the emergency department at Cornwall Community Hospital, I’d be treating any passengers with the virus. I didn't even have time to fully absorb the news—I just grabbed my scrubs (手术衣)and sprang into action.

There are times when it feels like the whole department is on fire. There are moments when we have multiple critical patients hanging in the balance, incoming trauma (创伤)patients, and an overflowing waiting room. After all, in the ER (emergency room), we're still treating car accident injuries, heart attacks, strokes—anything you can think of, and a dozen things you can't. And it's all complicated by this virus.

I’ve been a nurse since 1994, so I’ve helped prepare for my fair share of outbreaks. I've worked through the rise of Ebola, H1N1, and SARS. But COVID-19 is a sneaky virus. This outbreak is scarier because patients can spread the virus while symptom-free. With SARS, it was clearer who was infected. With COVID-19, we have fewer clues that someone might be a carrier.

I felt so bad for the first cruise ship patients we treated—we were the first people they'd seen in a while, and our equipment made us look like aliens? But they were very kind and patient. They were just eager to get home. Luckily, they didn't have the virus. In the end, we prevented disaster.

I don't think we've yet seen the full extent of this situation. However, I believe my hospital will get through this and we will eventually win the battle.

1.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The author thought the coronavirus would not break out in the hometown.

B.The author managed to put out the fire of her department.

C.Only patients with coronavirus were dealt with in the ER.

D.The author was busier because of the outbreak of the coronavirus.

2.What does Para.4 mainly talk about?

A.The prediction of COVID-19. B.The seriousness of COVID-19.

C.The influence of COVID-19. D.The symptoms of some deadly diseases.

3.What can best describe the author?

A.Positive and determined. B.Emotional and bad-tempered.

C.Pessimistic and warm-hearted. D.Overcautious and aggressive.

4.Which section of a website is the passage probably from?

A.News B.Blog

C.Arts & Culture D.Science &Tech


    Canada is a land filled with fascinating places and amazing adventures. The only problem: Narrowing down your choice of destinations. Here are several of the best places to visit in Canada for any traveler determined to discover the true north.

Churchill, Manitoba

Set on the shores of Hudson Bay, this subarctic(靠近北极的)town has earned international fame as the polar bear capital of the world. So plentiful are the bears that the town actually has a polar bear prison,” which holds bears that are resistant to people's instruction and wander into town until they can be released back into the wild. Encountering a polar bear in the wild is no doubt an unforgettable experience.

Banff and Lake Louise, Alberta

Set inside the borders of the vast Banff National Park, Banff and Lake Louise is one of the best places to visit in Canada. Here you'll find a Rocky Mountain wonderland; a place of electric blue glacial lakes, waterfalls, and abundant wildlife (from elk to bighorn sheep). Stay either in Banff, the busy center of the area and home to classic hotels like the Fairmont Banff Springs (one of Canada's greatest hotels), or hike trails up into the mountains—and unparalleled(无与伦比的)silence-are just steps away.

Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick

Recently shortlisted in a massive international competition to name a new seven wonders of the natural world, the tides on this big bay, make it truly one of the best places to visit in Canada. The most extreme tides on earth, they rise and fall more than 50 feet in some places. These can be seen most dramatically at a place like Hopewell Rocks, unique stone formations that, at low tide, form towers on dry land but become islands as the water rises.

Quebec City

The oldest walled city in North America, Quebec City holds both British charm and culture alongside its unmistakable French-Canadian character. It also bears the distinction of being the place where, as every good Canadian history student knows, Wolfe defeated Montcalm on the Plains of Abraham, securing Canada for the British Empire.

1.Why are the polar bears put into prison in Churchill?

A.Because there are a large number of bears.

B.Because the government wants to attract more tourists.

C.Because they don't follow people's guidance.

D.Because they resist living in town.

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A.When traveling in Canada, people have narrow choices of destinations.

B.You can enjoy neither busy life nor unparalleled silence in Banff and Lake Louise.

C.Hopewell Rocks stand like islands on dry land but turn into towers when the tide comes.

D.Britain and France once had a war to secure their own rule over Canada in Quebec City.

3.The author writes the text with the intention of        .

A.showing the most worth-visiting country B.helping tourism boost in Canada

C.providing information for travelers to Canada D.proving how knowledgeable the author is


假定你是李华,为了弘扬中华传统礼乐文化,传承古代礼仪仪式和歌舞音乐,你们城市将举办第七届中华礼乐大会(The 7th Chinese Ritual Music Conference),你打算邀请外教Flora和你一起参加。请给Flora写一封邮件,内容包括:








假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\ )划掉。


注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Growing up in Jamaica, Luis didn't know about basketball until he arrived in the US at the age of twelfth. At his new school in the new country, he showed no interest in play basketball at all. One day, he met the boy named Tom at his school, but soon they became good friends. Tom was fond of playing basketball and ask Luis to do that with him. At first Luis wasn't interesting. But he finally decided to give it a try after he watched Tom to play several time. As soon as he started playing, he found it was actually fun. Now he plays the sport regular.



My aunt Carmeleta was the wife of my mother's youngest brother Fred. Although my uncle Fred died many years ago and Aunt Carmeleta is now married to Ken, she 1. (consider) my aunt by me.

Everyone should have 2. wonderful aunt like Aunt Carmeleta. When I was a teenager, I lived with them for 2 years. Like a lot of teenagers, I had problems with people who talked 3.( negative) about me. If you have ever had this happen, you'll understand how 4. (pain) it is.

I'd talk to Aunt Carmeleta about these hurtful 5.(thing) and she would always say, "Just be yourself. " This was great advice! In fact, it's been some of the best advice 6.( receive) since I could remember. I learned not everyone is going 7.(like) you and that's okay. Just be yourself.

When my husband Bill met Aunt Carmeleta 8. the first time, he questioned, " How could anyone be so nice and so real?" But he has found out the 9.(true) through the years. I've never forgotten Aunt Carmeleta's advice "Just be yourself." We need more people in this world 10. give great advice and are kind and caring like Aunt Carmeleta.


    How do kids behave when there are no grown-ups around? Donette Mabes says you never really know. “Because you're not _______ them at that moment," she said.

She had always believed her son was good. He never caused _______ to her. Recently 13-year-old Gavin got _______ on tape, which showed he was better than what his mother had thought.

Gavin and his friends arrived at a skate park. The park was _______ except for little Carter, who was there with his mother celebrating his fifth birthday.

Carter has autism(自闭症).Big groups of older kids can make him _______ so his mom, Kristen, was _______ to get him out of there. She didn't _______ to see something unpleasant happen.

“They really _______ me. It was unlike any _______ I had ever had,” she said. “You know how middle school kids behave when they're in a ________ ?  That's  exactly what happened there. Gavin ________the way and the others followed. ________ , he didn't start ________He started a friendship. "

They then started singing Happy Birthday to him,” Kristen said. “That really blew me away because you just wanted to see the ________ in the world.”

“A group of middle school students made ________ with a young boy with autism at a New Jersey skate park,” a report said.

But here5s the ________ part: since their first meeting, Gavin and the middle schoolers have ________ to go out of their way to play with Carter. They usually meet at the park.

This is a(n) ________ moment because the only thing better than seeing your kid ________ kindly is knowing your kid is treating others kindly even when you5re not watching. "I am just so ________ of him," Donette said.

1.A.stopping B.guiding C.correcting D.watching

2.A.pity B.fear C.concern D.shame

3.A.hurt B.caught C.lost D.cheated

4.A.lively B.quiet C.empty

5.A.crazy B.nervous C.angry D.unhealthy

6.A.ready B.afraid C.glad B.wait C.need D.want

8.A.surprised B.interested C.excited D.satisfied

9.A.suffering B.introduction C.experience D.conversation B.hurry D.row

11.A.tried B.led C.showed D.shared

12.A.Therefore B.Otherwise C.Besides D.However B.discussion C.disagreement D.trouble

14.A.happiness B.politeness C.kindness D.thankfulness

15.A.friends B.promises C.decisions D.changes D.last

17.A.prepared B.expected C.learned D.continued

18.A.heart-warming B.funny C.common D.important

19.A.served B.treated C.comforted D.protected

20.A.tired B.fond C.proud D.terrified


    The Internet, as we know, is probably one of the greatest inventions of human history. Never before has the access to the collection of the world’s knowledge ever been more available. 1. Some people look to make use of the information you are providing to the Internet. Everything you do online leaves a small footprint.

There are a couple of steps you can take to make your adventures online a little safer and more secure. Let’s take a look at them.

Cover your tracks.

Whenever you visit a website, a small file is marked in your browser(浏览器), which is called a “cookie”. 2. This enables the webserver to know if you have been there before and it can tailor the presentation to your personal tastes. They are also how Facebook knows to serve you ads based on stuff you looked at on Amazon.

So what’s the harm in the cookie? Well, hackers can use the information stored in your cookies to edit a browsing history or with less secure cookies, take your passwords for some sites. If you want to protect yourself from your information being available to sites then you can turn off the generation of cookies in your browser. 3.


The major browsers, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari are all built to be secure from snooping(窥探), but the people who write the code for the browsers are human and they make mistakes.   5. These are usually addressed very quickly, but it is important that you make sure your browser is up to date. Just like your operating system, new security patches are being applied all the time, you need to make sure you have them. Turning on automatic updates is something I highly recommend.

A.Use the latest browsers.

B.Change browsers frequently.

C.This will help protect you online.

D.That’s how the cookie works on our computer.

E.This great invention and resource is not without its dangers.

F.It is common for a security problem to pop up with a browser.

G.These cookies store information about who you are and what you looked at.


    Fancy a trip down a wormhole? Calculations suggest that this might be possible, because these entrances through space-time could stick around forever.

Wormholes are essentially a pair of connected black holes. Two types could theoretically exist. A non-traversable wormhole is like a room with two doors that can be used only from the outside—the doors are black holes through which things can enter, but never escape. “These are not very interesting, as any astronaut who is brave enough to venture in won’t be able to make it back to tell the story,” says Diandian Wang at the University of California.

Traversable(能横过的) wormholes are also possible, but until now we didn’t know whether they could exist for long enough for anything to pass through them. For such a wormhole to form, space-time needs to naturally change shape. In classical physics, this can’t happen. But the rules of quantum mechanics(量子力学) allow space-time to do so for brief periods.

Wang worked on a scenario(设想) involving string theory, in which the fundamental ingredient of reality is tiny strings. If one of these strings breaks, it can create a traversable wormhole with black hole-like entrances either end that allow both entry and exit.

Although researchers had shown that this was a possibility before, it seemed that the energy involved would always break the wormhole.

Now, Wang and his team have calculated that the curvature of space-time could counteract this acceleration, keeping the fake black holes still and allowing the throat of the wormhole to remain open. This scenario is extremely unlikely, and becomes even more unlikely, the longer the wormhole is and the larger the black holes are. Thanks to quantum mechanics, though, the probability of it happening isn’t zero. Wang’s team also calculated that, once a traversable wormhole exists, it could remain stable for at least as long as the universe has been around.

“The work shows how wormholes could be created from scratch,” says Aron Wall at the University of Cambridge. But he points out that they couldn’t be used to time travel or move faster than light.

1.What are wormholes in the text?

A.Real worm holes on the earth. B.Tunnels through space and time.

C.Rooms with two doors. D.A pair of strings.

2.What does “this” refer to in Paragraph 5?

A.The wormhole. B.The black hole.

C.The scenario. D.The calculation.

3.Which theory supports Wang’s scenario?

A.String theory. B.Quantum mechanics.

C.Classical physics. D.Modern research.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Wormholes: A New Possibility for Human Being

B.It Is Possible for People to Go Back

C.How Amazing It Is to Travel in Space

D.A New Space-time Study Is Going on


    The term "quiet stress” is gathering pace among experts, who say it's an often overlooked form of the more widely known version, which is characterised by visible outbursts: losing tempers, swearing, shouting, and anger.

"We quietly hold our stress within: we don't speak up about how we feel. And very importantly, we become inactive. We stay in unhappy relationships and unfulfilling jobs. We feel overwhelmed(被压倒的), yet ignore important administration tasks. Quiet stress creates a form of emotional paralysis (麻痹)that keeps us ' stuck' in unhappy situations, says Jillian Lavender, who runs the London Meditation Centre.

Cary Cooper, a professor of psychology and health at the University of Manchester, likens the effects of quiet stress to shrapnel(榴弹):“You can learn to quieten your stress responses, but eventually the stress will emerge: as well as a suppressed immune system, you may withdraw socially, isolate yourself and begin to engage in unhealthy habits like comfort eating or drinking too much. Despite getting a bad rap over the years, expressing anger or frustration is far healthier than smiling sweetly while feeling quietly stressed."

A recent study from Stanford University in the US backs this theory up. The researchers found that seeing stress as a helpful part of dealing with life's challenges, rather than as something to be avoided, was associated with better health, emotional well being and productivity at work.

“Stress isn't always harmful,” said Kelly McGonigal, a business school lecturer at Stanford who worked on the study. "Once you appreciate that going through stress makes you better at it, it can be easier to face each new challenge.”

1.Which behavior belongs to “quiet stress”

A.Reacting slowly. B.Speaking up.

C.Smiling sweetly. D.Scolding others.

2.What is the best way to relieve from quiet stress according to Cary Cooper?

A.Developing a good habit. B.Eating much junk food.

C.Finishing tasks on time. D.Making your feelings known.

3.According to Paragraph 4 stress is.

A.something beneficial sometimes B.something harmful to health

C.something to be kept D.something affecting work

4.Which of the following statements can describe stress according to the text?

A.Silence is gold. B.Life is not easy.

C.One coin has two sides. D.Stress is everywhere.


    A trick question: Can you name the only three writers who have won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction twice? Faulkner, yes Updike. And? Hats off if you came up with Booth Tarkington.

And yet his two prize-winners——"The Magnificent Ambersons" and " Alice Adams”, just reissued in one volume by the Library of America—are not even the most commercially successful novels of his extraordinarily successful career. Nine of his books were ranked among the top ten sellers of their year, and the strangely dissimilar The Turmoil and Seventeen were the No. 1 sellers in consecutive(连续的)years. And then there's Penrod, probably the most beloved boys' book since Tom and Huck, though I can't recommend a stroll down that particular memory lane.

There are thirty or so novels, countless short stories and serials, a string of hit plays. And there were countless honors: Tarkington was not only commercial but literary—not just the Pulitzers but in 1933 the gold medal for fiction from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, which Edith Wharton and William Dean Howells had won previously. As early as 1922, the Times had placed him twelfth on a list of the twelve greatest contemporary American men.

As for booksellers, in 1921 they voted him the most significant contemporary American writer. Nothing ever changes. How to explain this remarkable career—the quick rise to fame, the unaffected reputation over several decades, and then the pronounced fall into shadowiness? If you read all his fiction, you find a steady although uninspired hand at the helm. Slowly, painstakingly (费力地),Tarkington had taught himself to write reliable prose (散文)and construct appealing fictions he was modest—always literate but never showy. You could count on him to catch your interest even if he failed to grasp your imagination or your heart. And he was always a gentleman.

1.What does "Hats off" underlined in Paragraph 1 mean?

A.Show respect. B.Feel nervous.

C.Throw away hats. D.Take off hats.

2.Which book is possibly popular among boys?

A.The Magnificent Ambersons. B.Alice Adams.

C.Penrod. D.Seventeen.

3.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.Tarkington's works and honors. B.Tarkington's personality.

C.Tarkington's social position. D.Tarkington's achievements.

4.What's the authors attitude to Tarkington?

A.Doubtful. B.Objective.

C.Negative. D.Admiring.


    The following books have been published recently, and maybe you would like to read them.

This Atmosphere of Love

Franklin Bass Jr.



This Atmosphere of Love shares Franklin Bass Jr.’s poetry collection from 2008 to 2012 that speaks about his true feelings and experiences of love.

An Irish Girl

Marilyn Hering



Inspired by true events of the Irish famine(饥荒), An Irish Girl combines a tale of the famine with a heart-broken story of love and loss.

The Prison Planet


Denis Goodwin



Sometimes, the reality prescribed to us doesn’t explain what we experience. If you too know something isn’t right and want to see the bigger picture, the bottom line is here.

A Deadly Homecoming

Jane Bennett Munro



When her mother asks her to investigate a friend’s disappearance, Toni Day heads to her hometown to solve a complex murder case that leaves her own life hanging in the balance.

1.Who is a poet among the following writers?

A.Jane Bennett Munro B.Marilyn Hering.

C.Denis Goodwin. D.Franklin Bass Jr.

2.What kind of book is An Irish Girl?

A.A biography B.A storybook

C.A documentary. D.A reference book.

3.Which book will you read if you like a thriller?

A.The Prison Planet. B.A Deadly Homecoming.

C.An Irish Girl. D.This Atmosphere of Love.


I was responding to a call from a small brick flat(用砖做的公寓) in a quiet part of town. I assumed I was being sent to pick up some party-goersor someone who had just had a fight with a loveror a worker heading to an early shift at some factory for the industrial part of town.

When I arrived at 230 a.m., thebuildingwas dark except for a single light in a ground floor window. Under such circumstances, manydriversjust honk(按喇叭) once or twicewait a minutethen drive away. But I had seen too many weak people who depended on taxis as their only means of transportation.

Unless a situation smelled of dangerI always went to thedoor.

This passenger might be someone who needsmy assistanceI reasoned to myself. So I walked to the door and knocked. “Just a minute” answered a frailelderly voice. I could hear something being dragged across the floor. After a long pausethe door opened.A small womanin her 80s stood before me. She was wearing a print dress and a pillbox hatlike somebody out of a 1940s movie. By her side was a small nylon suitcase.

The apartment looked as if no one had lived in it for years. All the furniture was covered with sheets. There were no clocks on the walls, noequipmenton the counters. In the corner was a cardboard box filled with photos and glassware.

“Would you carry my bag out to the car” she said. I tookthe suitcaseto the cab, then returned to assist the woman. She took my arm, and we walked slowly toward the cab.

She kept thanking me for my kindness. “It's nothing,” I told her. “I just try to treat my passengers the way I would want my mother treated.”






Paragraph 1:

Having given me an address, a hospice, she asked. “Could you drive through downtown?” _______________________________________________________________________________






Paragraph 2: we drove in silence to the address she had given me , and it…








1. 表示理解并给予安慰;



Hi Worried

I’ m sorry to know that you’ re having such a had time at the moment.






1. 听说你进入高中后感觉不太好我很抱歉。你可以做些调整以改变现状。

2. 邀请一些同学一起参加课后活动,有助于你们通过交流互相了解。

3. 你们可以在彼此有困难时相互帮助。

4. 随着时间的推移,你与别人接触越多,他们对你就有更好的了解。

5. 我相信你会结交到很多朋友,拥有快乐的校园生活。





He was addicted to Internet games and didn’t pass the exam.(用分词短语作状语改写句子)



The Internet changed our life.At the same time it also brought us some unexpected had influences.(which连接两个并列句)___________________________________________________________


First of allthe Internet provides us with a more convenient and efficient means. We can address lots of daily affairs by these means.(用介词+which引导的定语从句合并句子)



We all know the saying that a life without a friend is a life without the sun.(as引导的非限制性定语从句改写句子)



They even fall ill simply because the new climate and food don’ t agree with then.(用非限制性定语从句,lead to加复合宾语改写句子)



It’ s said that most freshmen are confused by the sudden change of their environment and don’ t know how to deal with it.(be said to be/do和现在分词作结果状语改写句子)



The most important thing is to learn to control your temper in order not to do or say anything you’ ll regret.(what引导的主语从句及so that改写句子)



I think it is also important to develop a good habit.(用适当的高级词汇及结构改写为简单句子)




1.__________pay attention to

2.___________encourage do

3.___________can’ t stop doing

4.___________be difficult for do

5.___________suggest that

6.___________be shy and can’ t do

7.___________be worried about















While contact between adolescents(between the ages of fifteen and nineteen) and their peers(同龄人) is universal characteristic of all cultures the nature and the degree of such contact vary a great deal. In American contemporary society adolescents spend much more time with their peers than with younger children or adults.

This pattern of age segregation(隔离) in American society did not become usual until the beginning of the industrialized society. Changes in the workplace separated children from adults with adults working and children attending school. The dramatic increase of mothers in the workplace has further contributed to the reduction in the amount of time adolescents spend with adults.

School reform efforts during the nineteenth century which resulted in age-segregated schools and grades have reduced the amount of time adolescents spend with younger children.

Finally the changes in population are considered a factor that may have contributed to the emergence of adolescent peer culture. From 1955 to 1975 the adolescent population increased dramatically from 11 percent to 20 percent. This increase in the number of adolescents might be a contributing factor to the increase in adolescent peer culture in terms of growth in size as well as in terms of its impact on society's other cultures(adults younger children).

Research supports the view that adolescents spend a great deal of time with their peers. Reed Larson and his colleagues examined adolescents’daily activities and found that they spend more time talking to their friends than engaging in any other activity. In typical week high school students will spend twice as much time with their peers as with adults. This gradual withdrawal from adults begins in early adolescence. In sixth grade adults excluding parents account for only 25 percent of adolescent social networks. Another important characteristic of adolescent peer culture is its increasingly autonomous(自治的) function. While childhood peer groups are conducted under the close supervision of parents adolescent peer groups typically make an effort to escape adult supervision and usually succeed in doing so.



假设你是李华,你打算利用假期出国旅游。请你就此给你的美国笔友 Michael发一封电子邮件,谈论你出国旅游的原因,并邀请Michael有时间来中国。要点如下:







Dear Michael.

How are you These days I am planning to travel abroad during the vacation.


Yours truly

Li Hua










1.The local people didn't know the secret until the under- ground treasure was unearthed.( until从句提到句首,用倒装结构)


2.Someone requested that a return ticket(should) be booked right away.( It is requested that句式)


3.What should we consider before we decide to travel abroad(用短语take...into consideration替换动词 consider)


4.Living with host families gives them the chance to learn more about the new culture. In the families there may be other college students.(用非限制性定语从句把两个简单句合并为一个复合句)


5.I came to live and study in a completely strange city for the first time.(It is the first time改写该句)


6.It is more meaningful to try getting around the world but not to say meaningless words.( instead of改写该句)




1.________ hope to do

2.________ want to do

3.________ plan to do

4.________ right away

5.________ be known as

6.________ can't be expressed in words



1.________ n.经济;节约

2.________ n.雕塑;雕像

3.________ n.景象;视野;视力

4.________ n.看法;景色;视野 v.看;考虑

5.________ v.宁可;更喜欢

6.________ n.财富;金银财宝 v.珍爱;重视

7.________ n.要求;请求 v.要求;请求



1. 表达谢意; 2. 个人感受; 3. 表达信心。



参考词汇:疫情epidemic situation  新型冠状病毒 novel corona virus

Dear Medical workers

I am Li Hua from an international school in Fuzhou.


Good luck and stay well!

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua






注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


During the travel back to my hometown, in the plane, I sat next to an old lady who looked very scary. She closed her eyes tight and grasped her red bag on her lap. I thought I might be nervous, so I planned to chat with her to make her to feel relaxed. We talk a lot about our families and experiences. When the flight over, I also helped her carry her luggages. She was so grateful about my help that she gave me the big hug when we were going to leave. On our way out, we waved good-bye. She kept on turning back to see me unless we couldn't see each other any long.


    Xinyang Mao Jian is a famous and ancient green tea produce in Xinyang, Henan Province. The name can be divided into two parts that are associated with two aspects: “Xinyang”, 1. first part, is the Xinyang city in Henan that produces this type of tea; “Mao Jian” are the words to describe the shape of the tea, 2. is small and needle like.

Xinyang has a tea history 3. (date) back to 2,300 years ago—in 1987, at Gushi County of Xinyang, tea 4. (discover) in an ancient tomb. In the past century, Xinyang Mao Jian has been considered one of the 5. (good) teas in China.

Located in southern Henan Province, Xinyang is a place 6. a mild climate and good conditions for growing trees that produce the tea’s unique quality: Xinyang tea trees are planted at high altitudes where the weather is 7. (clear) divided by four distinct seasons. Moreover, the location is abundant(丰富的)with forests, clouds, rainfall, and with large temperature 8. (different) between day and night. These geographical 9. (advantage) help keep Xinyang’s soil healthy and rich, while trees more efficiently(高效地)absorb chemicals 10. (produce) quality green tea.


    Bullied(霸凌), bothered and mad, I became a troublemaker in school. In the tenth grade year, it came to a head. I _______ friends with a rough kid who well could have _______ the end of my future. A big fight was planned for that Friday night. My friend said, "Rudy, we're tough. Let's go." I _______agreed. I had a big head. It was a _______ to show off. I would _______those who had made me so mad.

I waited until the family was _______asleep. Quietly, I _______ out of bed, pulled on my clothes, and tiptoed(踮着脚走) to the back door. I was careful not to make a sound. However, Dad knew something was up. He _______ me off at the door.

With his hand on my shoulder, he _______ that we talk. I admitted where I was ________. The kids we would fight against had ________ us.

It was our ________ to teach them a lesson. That's when Dad ________ my future, and maybe my life. He replied, "You are no man when a ________fight is your way. You become a man by knowing when to walk away. Learn it now and remember."

I'm ________ that Dad stayed up to catch me that night. Bad ________ came the next day. Several were badly hurt in the fight. With a ________to the head, my friend was now dead.

It could have been me, or I might have been ________ and taken away. Either ________, that would have caused my end: Dad, you were the best: You taught me to stop the foolish ________and to know when to walk away:

1.A. found B. made C. met D. knew

2.A. caused B. prevented C. kept D. observed

3.A. disgustingly B. gradually C. foolishly D. sincerely

4.A. trick B. request C. habit D. chance

5.A. call in B. beat up C. fight for D. rely on

6.A. forever B. still C. sound D. half

7.A. jumped B. dropped C. rushed D. slipped

8.A. cut B. saw C. paid D. sent

9.A. insisted B. agreed C. declared D. promised

10.A. caught B. deserted C. headed D. lost

11.A. educated B. teased C. inspired D. rejected

12.A. duty B. pleasure C. task D. turn

13.A. ignored B. predicted C. ruined D. rescued

14.A. midnight B. meaningless C. successful D. deadly

15.A. astonished B. blessed C. defeated D. relaxed

16.A. kids B. ideas C. news D. decisions

17.A. blow B. disease C. flash D. shelter

18.A. arrested B. blamed C. killed D. robbed

19.A. crime B. man C. suggestion D. way

20.A. act B. dream C. friend D. theory


    Every year,thousands of students choose to study overseas.1. The following steps may prove useful in their preparations to study overseas.

● Get to know your new home before you land in it.

There is no substitute for good preparation.2. Learning about the history,culture,tradition,language and even details such as food,music,transport,weather and social activities of your new host country are all important.Thanks to the Internet,most of this can be found at the click of a button.

●Pack using your head and your heart.

3. Whatever you bring,make sure that it will be something that you think might help your chances of succeeding.This includes practical items such as study materials,old class notes,favorite textbooks or pens and even the contact details of previous teachers.


It is important to realize that while new and exciting things may be happening to you in your new environment,things and people back at home will also be changing.When you return home for a visit after a long period of time away,it is possible to feel isolated and experience “reverse(颠倒的) culture shock”.Therefore,with the ease and convenience of communicating via the Internet nowadays,there is no excuse not to keep in touch!

●Learn from all experiences.

Value both your achievements and disappointments as learning experiences that can be applied to future situations in life.Don't ignore negative experiences.5.

A.Talk to your close friends and family about your thoughts,dreams and fears.

B.Instead,learn from mistakes and turn them into opportunities for future improvement.

C.It's not easy being practical when deciding what to pack.

D.If you are fortunate enough to meet a foreigner,be sure to ask them as much information as possible.

E.Keep in touch with your roots.

F.At first thought,the task of preparing to begin life away from home can seem frightening.

G.Arm yourself with background knowledge by researching information about the country you are going to.


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