
Nobody knows for sure 1. the city of the future will look like and making predictions is a 2. (risk) business.In the future, care for the environment will become very important as earth’s natural 3. (resource) run out. Therefore, we will use lots of recycled materials. Besides, garbage ships will send the waste towards the sun, 4. (prevent) landfill and environmental problems. No smoking 5. (allow) within a future city’s limits.


    Yesterday, our teacher asked us when a man could be referred to as an old man. David stood up and said people with wrinkles could be called old people. However, Mary didn’t _________ for some people may gain wrinkles at an earlier age owing to their tough life. Then Lily expressed her idea that those reaching their 60s or more could be called old people. However, Emily expressed her _________ and said some old people may still be energetic and trying to pursue their dreams, which makes them appear young. The class was over and we still didn’t reach any _________, so the teacher asked us to think about it after class.

The question has reminded me of the saying of J. Barrymore that a man isn’t old as long as he is _________ something.

My grandma is such a woman who pursues her dream _________ when she’s 70 now. She has _________ her dream of being a painter since she was a little child. _________, because her family was poor, she had to _________ her dream and stepped into the _________ to raise money so as to support her family. Though she has __________ abandoned her dream, she could hardly find any time to realize it because of the tough work. __________, chance came when she retired from her work. She began taking her painting lessons __________ she had all-white hair and lots of wrinkles. At first, I was __________ her idea of attending school at so old an age, but after seeing her paint happily and enjoyably, I began feeling it a good choice. She seems __________ and looks fine.

So if we have our dreams and seek for them, we aren’t old. It’s when we don’t know what we want and let __________ be the center point of our lives that we can finally be regarded as the old.

1.A.respond B.agree C.identify D.understand

2.A.certainty B.wish C.doubt D.concern

3.A.conclusion B.contract C.decision D.destination

4.A.preserving B.seeking C.treasuring D.possessing

5.A.even B.nearly C.only D.hardly

6.A.realized B.changed C.promoted D.kept

7.A.Therefore B.Instead C.Moreover D.However

8.A.give up B.search for C.put aside D.stick to

9.A.society B.reality C.world D.office

10.A.seldom B.occasionally C.already D.never

11.A.Suddenly B.Eventually C.Soon D.Gradually

12.A.because B.once C.though D.unless

13.A.with B.for C.at D.against

14.A.energetic B.gentle C.optimistic D.wealthy

15.A.achievements B.regrets C.dreams D.difficulties


    Social distancing can impact mental health. How shall we handle it?

More than three billion people globally are living under lockdown measures. Many people in recent weeks have begun working at home, if they haven’t been laid off. Schools have canceled classes. 1.. Restaurants, retail stores, gyms, bars, theaters and other gathering places have all been shuttered (关门) in many countries.

Though these closures are all attempts to enforce social distancing, mental health experts still suggest scientific and handy measures to reduce people’s mental problems during isolation. Following are some of their tips:

2.. Engaging in activities that distract you from current events can also be helpful. You can watch your favorite movies and TV shows, pick up a new hobby like baking or DIY crafts, join an online fitness class or enroll in a free online university course. In addition, you can take virtual tours together of museums, national parks and other sites.

Make time for self-care. When stress heightens, please carve out some time for yourself every day, even when you’re hunkered down, to do something that makes you feel good. 3.. Also,don’t forget the critical self-care activities like eating healthy, getting adequate sleep and regular physical activity.

Stay connected with family and friends. Maintaining social networks can foster a sense of normality and provide valuable outlets for sharing feelings and relieving stress. 4.

Be there for others. 5.. In China, some people find self-value by organizing donation activities and volunteering to deliver food and other necessities for the quarantined. In Spain, group exercise classes are being conducted for quarantined residents on their balconies.

A.You won’t get infected with COVID-19 by talking on the phone, texting or chatting with your family members and friends on social media platforms.

B.Move around.

C.And some people will stay connected through phone calls, text message or joining an online community.

D.Helping others is also a good way to improve happiness.

E.Keep yourself busy.

F.Whether it’s journaling, reading a book, playing with your pet or listening to music.

G.Sporting events and religious services have been called off


    Today, getting information is as easy as opening a browser on your computer/phone, typing in a question and waiting a nanosecond for a long list of links to load. These websites will promise to answer your question. But actually, they may not be all that trustworthy. Figuring out which site is believable and which is false takes work. It isn’t impossible, though. Actually, it is what every good journalist does daily. And students and other non-journalists also can do it.

To check a new claim, good reporters contact experts on the topic. In journalism, such experts are known as “sources”. This may be a scientist who discovered something new in the lab. Or it could be the witness to a crime.

However, not everything is easy. For instance, if there’s a forest fire, how do you know where it started, when and how? You can ask government officials, but they may not know. You can talk to people near the fire shortly after it started. But unless someone spotted the fire as it happened, people may never know for sure. They may simply offer speculation. Saying something “might have” or even “probably” started that fire isn’t a fact. So you’d have to qualify any statement about the fire’s origins.

I describe such words as “weasel words”. These words and phrases include “might” “could have” “was likely to have been”, etc. Whenever something isn’t known for sure, journalists will highlight their uncertainty by using weasel words. They never over-blow claims to the readers.

A good reporter should be paid for the work he does. Some blogs and even news sites are authored by unpaid writers. Many of these writers are untrained in reporting, and their reports may not provide the depth. Thus, if the news you’re reading is free to the world online, consider what that may mean. Overall, you should be skeptical. That’s acting like a journalist.

1.What does the underlined word “it” refer to in the first paragraph?

A.Getting information. B.Checking information.

C.Writing information. D.Analyzing information.

2.How does the author show the difficulty in looking for sources?

A.by listing some facts B.by giving an explanation

C.by raising some questions D.by giving an example

3.What does the author think of weasel words?

A.They are annoying to the readers. B.They should be avoided in a report.

C.They are a sign of a good journalist. D.They make a difference to a report.

4.What should be the best title for the text?

A.Gain Believable Information B.Learn from a Good Journalist

C.Check Facts You Can Trust D.Keep in Doubt like a Good Reporter


    Being in the midst of a pandemic lockdown can make people feel worried. But nothing has exemplified this panicky behavior more than stockpile (囤积), specifically toilet paper.

Seemingly transcending (超越) borders and cultures, people from all over the world, including the US,UK and Japan, have been clearing supermarket shelves primarily for this necessity. But what’s the reason for this sudden toilet paper fixation? You can understand panic buying food, but do we really need this much toilet paper?

Steven Taylor, author of the book The Psychology of Pandemics, told the Independent that our toilet paper hoarding is a product of our disgust. During a pandemic, people’s sensitivity to disgust increases, like when you flinch (躲避) if someone nearby sneezes.

“Disgust is like an alarm mechanism (机制) and what better tool for eliminating (消除) disgusting material than toilet paper. I think this is how it became a conditioned symbol of safety,” he said.

Writing for The Conversation, Niki Edwards of The Queensland University of Technology said, “When people hear about the novel coronavirus, they are afraid of losing control. And toilet paper feels like a way to maintain control over hygiene (卫生) and cleanliness.”

Another one of the most obvious reasons behind this toilet paper trend, according to the BBC, is the snowball effect. Due to its noticeable coverage, both in the news and social media, people naturally ask, “Will there be enough toilet paper for my family and me?” This invariably leads to more people following the crowd and buying toilet paper because of their fear of missing out.

“Fear is very easy to spread among people. So when those sorts of things go viral (走红), when you see people around you buying things in a panicky way, it’s going to make you feel more anxious,” wrote American psychologist Baruch Fischhoff for CNBC.

While there are, of course, selfish people who stockpile just because they can, it’s worth keeping things in perspective. Remember, just as countries are cooperating to find a Vaccine, we must cooperate to ensure that everyone has their share of necessities.

1.What is the main idea of this text?

A.To discuss people’s different attitudes towards the toilet paper hoarding.

B.To explore the negative effects of the toilet paper hoarding.

C.To criticize those people who hoard toilet paper.

D.To explain why people tend to stockpile toilet paper.

2.What kind of feeling does the underlined word “disgust” want to show?

A.dislike B.comfort

C.calm D.anxiety

3.According to Baruch Fischhoff, what does this toilet paper trend result from?

A.The desire to get rid of disgusting material.

B.The fear of losing control over cleanliness.

C.The frequent reporting on toilet paper.

D.The infectious fear making you feel more anxious.

4.What is the author’s attitude towards the toilet paper hoarding?

A.favorable. B.doubtful.

C.disapproval. D.neutral.


    Many millions of tonnes of televisions, phones, and other electronic equipment are abandoned each year, partly because it’s cheaper to replace them than fix them, but also because we lack the skills to repair them. A UN report claims the 50 million tonnes of e-waste generated every year will more than double to 110 million tonnes by 2050, making it the fastest growing waste stream in the world.

However, there’s a growing trend for repair events and clubs which could be part of a solution to the growing amount of electrical and electronic junk. The BBC visited a Restart Project in London and one of its volunteers, Francesco Calo, said that “this project allow you to reduce waste, extend the life of objects, and it helps people who cannot afford to get rid of items that are developed a fault.”

As many electrical items contain valuable metals, another idea is e-waste mining. An experiment at the University of New South Wales involves extracting these materials from electronic gadgets. It’s thought that doing this could be more profitable than traditional mining. With phones typically containing as many as 60 elements, this could be part of the solution to our appetite for new technology.

These projects make total sense-collections of e-waste for recycling are “stagnating or even decreasing” according to Ruediger Kuehr, of the United Nations University. And in countries where there is no legislation, much of it just gets dumped. However, the European Union, for example, is trying to tackle the problem by insisting manufacturers have to make appliances longer-lasting and will have to supply spare parts for machines for up to 10 years.

1.What does the underlined word “generate” in paragraph I mean?

A.kept B.invented

C.produced D.introduced

2.Which of the following statements is true?

A.We must fix electronic equipment instead of replacing them.

B.Many electronic items contain more than 60 elements.

C.A Restart Project helps people learn to repair electronic items..

D.E-waste is the fastest growing waste stream in the world.

3.Which is the following is the best title for the passage?

A.Solving the problem of e-waste B.Reducing the use of electrical items

C.Recycling electronic equipment D.Getting rid of electrical and electronic junk

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Repairing electrical items is the main solution to e-waste.

B.Longer-lasting electronic products will appear in the future European Market.

C.E-waste generated every year has doubled to 110 million tonnes.

D.E-waste mining will gradually take the place of traditional mining.


Need a Job This Summer?

The provincial government and its partners offer many programs to help students find summer jobs. The deadlines and what you need to apply depend on the program. Not a student? Welcome to the government website and learn about programs and online tools available to help people under 30 build skills, find a job or start businesses all year round.

Jobs for Youth

If you are a teenager living in certain parts of the province,you could be eligible (符合条件) for this program, which provides eight weeks of paid employment along with training.

Who is eligible: Youth 15-18 years old in select communities (社区):

Summer Company

Summer Company provides students with hands-on business training and awards of up to$3,000 to start and run their own summer businesses.

Who is eligible: Students aged 15-29, returning to school in the fall.

Stewardship Youth Ranger Program

You could apply to be a Stewardship Youth Ranger and work on local natural resource management projects for eight weeks this summer.

Who is eligible: Students aged 16 or 17 at time of hire, but not turning 18 before December 31 this year.

Summer Employment Opportunities (机会)

Through the Summer Employment Opportunities program, students are hired each year in a variety of summer positions across the Provincial Public Service, its related agencies and community groups.

Who is eligible: Students aged 15 or older. Some positions require students to be 15 to 24 or up to 29 for persons with a disability.

1.If you are 15, which program can’t you apply to?

A.Jobs for Youth

B.Summer Company

C.Stewardship Youth Ranger Program

D.Summer Employment Opportunities

2.What is special about Summer Employment Opportunities?

A.It requires training before employment.

B.It offers the disabled job opportunities.

C.It provides awards for running new businesses.

D.It allows one to work in the natural environment.

3.Where can you probably find the passage?

A.Magazine. B.Textbook.

C.Newspaper. D.Website.


假定你是李华,某中学国际部学生会主席,在新型冠状病毒( the novel coronavirus)肆虐期间,学校委托你给外国留学生写封邮件告知他们新学期的学习安排,内容包括:







Dear Friends

How time flies!


Best wishes to you.


Li Hua








Flying a kite is one of the Chinese traditional activity but I didn't experience it until last weekend. It was beautiful Sunday. My little brother begged me to fly a kite with him. We bought a kite shaping like an eagle and went to the Times Square, which many people were flying their kites happily. Saw the lively scene,we couldn't wait to join them. After some attempts, therefore, I found flying a kite wasn't as easily as imagined. About half an hour later, the kite flies into the sky slowly. My brother watched to it jumping and cheering. I was pride that I had made it.



Most of the food we eat today has been processed in some way, from salad mix to frozen dinners Some processed foods have ingredients(成分)added, Some 1. (prepare)for convenience, and some are packaged to last much 2. (long). Even foods labeled"natural"or "organic"can be processed. If you eat a lot of highly processed foods, you risk 3. (get) too much sodium(), added sugars and unhealthy fats. Highly processed foods contribute almost 60%, of calories and 90%6 of added sugars in the American diet according to a research study.

So 4. can you do if you want to eat more healthily? While it's 5. (wonder)to throw all processed food"under the bus, the reality 6. (be)that you can't avoid it entirely …… nor should you! The key is knowing how 7. (recognize) healthier processed foods and make smart 8. (choice) in the grocery store and restaurants.

Choosing healthier processed foods should start with reading food labels. 9. is the best way to know exactly what's in a processed food. Choose products without a lot of sodium, added sugars, or unhealthy fats. What is more, replace highly processed foods 10. less-processed options


    "If you could have any three things, what would you want?"Eleven-year-old Ruby Kate Chitsey loves asking that question. She asks it at __ homes in Harrison, Arkansas. Even more amazingly, helping the residents(居民) to realize to realize __ has become her hobby.

Ruby Kate has long been __ to older folks because her mother, Amanda Chitsey, often takes her o work at nursing homes in northwest Arkansas, Last May, Ruby Kate noticed a resident named Pearl __ out of a window. She seemed ___, watching her dog being led away by his new __ .

Ruby Kate and Amanda asked around and __ the nursing home forbade residents to have dogs and Pearl couldn't __ to pay anyone to look after hers. The Chitseys also found many residents there can't cover even the smallest luxuries. So Ruby Kate __ to take action.

She started by asking residents what three __ they wanted most. Using their own __ ,the Chitseys granted the wishes of about 100 people in three months. Then they began seeking __ from the public.

The good people of Harrison responded __, so much so that Amanda __ a GoFundMe page, Three Wishes for Ruby 's Residents, hoping to __ $5,000. They hit their goal in a month. After GoFundMe __ Ruby Kate's story internationally this past January, funds were raised __ and in quantity.

Ruby Kate doesn't plan to stop the __ of kindness there. Earlier this year, Three Wishes for Ruby's Residents became a nonprofit and __ its first nationwide branches. "I consider __ to be my bobby, "she says, "and I'm very good at it.

1.A.boarding B.hosting C.nursing D.retiring

2.A.hobbies B.wishes C.prayers D.interests

3.A.friendly B.important C.unique D.close

4.A.staring B.glaring C.knocking D.jumping

5.A.sad B.angry C.awkward D.thankful

6.A.trainer B.owner C.companion D.doctor

7.A.announced B.understood C.discovered D.felt

8.A.help B.offer C.prefer D.afford

9.A.continue B.decided C.promised D.called

10.A.things B.goals C.destinations D.plans

11.A.money B.happiness C.health D.energy

12.A.suggestions B.approaches C.donations D.efforts

13.A.obviously B.enthusiastically C.deliberately D.typically

14.A.pick up B.set off C.take on D.set up

15.A.contribute B.consume C.cover D.collect

16.A.promoted B.imagined C.invented D.checked

17.A.finally B.equally C.normally D.quickly

18.A.theory B.quality C.act D.feeling

19.A.declined B.started C.sought D.noticed

20.A.confidence B.bravery C.kindness D.success


    Have you ever seen a teenager or an adult riding a small bike? Perhaps it had posts sticking out from both sides of the wheels. 1.

BMX(自行车越野) bikes have a lightweight frame and smaller wheels than other bikes. 2. The sport of BMX began when kids wanted to copy off-speed motorcycle race that were very popular. Today it is a sport with multiple disciplines.

3. It is an exciting, fast-paced event with off-road tracks, jumps and bends. Up to eight riders race at a time. BMX street riding takes BMX off the competitive stage, and into the city for some fun. The goal is to do as many creative tricks as possible in the environment. BMX park riding originated when people started using skate parks, empty pools or parking lots, discovering new ways to ride. Later, the style was recognized as a sport and parks were created specially for riders to practise in. Lastly, BMX flatland riding differs from all the rest. Flatland uses nothing but a flat surface where the rider balances and does dance-like tricks on the bike. 4. The posts are called pegs and they enable the rider to do more tricks. They can stand on them in flatland BMX or use them to grind(摩擦)or stall in other styles of BMX.

5. But in reality, it is a sport over 65 years old. Contests such as the X Games and the Summer Olympics are putting BMX back in the spotlight.

A.where did the thrilling sport start?

B.BMX racing is the original form of BMX.

C.They are designed to be fast and user - friendly.

D.It is more than a sport with multiple disciplines.

E.Today BMX is known as a sport for the risk-takers.

F.What you saw was likely not a children's bike, but a BMX bike!

G.Riders of this style of BMX use posts sticking out of their bike wheels.


    Guilt is one of the most painful emotions that humans experience but also one of the most common .Nobody enjoys feeling guilty, but this emotion serves an important purpose: it alerts (使警觉)a person when he or she has done something wrong. This enables the person to compensate and work to heal relationships that were damaged by their actions. It can also motivate people to avoid making similar mistakes later.

Nevertheless, guilt can be destructive if it is not dealt with in the right way. It can cause people to avoid others because they are too embarrassed to apologize for their actions or inaction. Some try to avoid the pain of guilt by turning to other worse habits. Others try to cover up their guilt by blaming others or becoming angry.

What makes it more complicated is that sometimes people feel guilty about things that happen out of their control. One example of this is survivors’ guilt. People who survive a disaster feel guilty because they escaped death when others didn’t. Otherwise, some people may experience false guilt because of excessively high expectations for themselves that they cannot live up to.

The proper response to guilt depends on what kind of guilt you’re dealing with. For false guilt, it’s important to recognize that the guilt does not reflect an actual ethical (道德的)failure. For example, some false guilt focuses on failing to meet expectations you had for yourself. In this case, it’s important to remind yourself that you have limits. No one is perfect, and no one can do everything, so admitting your limits in actually a sign of humility(谦虚).

It’s possible that you feel guilty because you actually did something wrong-or didn’t do something you should have. If so, don’t try to hide it. Apologize and ask for forgiveness. Learn from your mistakes, and try to avoid committing the same acts again. Making up with the person you hurt should make your guilty feelings fade.

Guilt is painful, but it can serve a good purpose if you use it well.

1.What is the function of feeling guilty according to Paragraph 1?

A.It can prevent people from making mistakes.

B.It can perfect the damaged relationship.

C.It can warn people of their mistakes.

D.It can make people refreshed.

2.Why do some people experience false guilt?

A.The situation was beyond their reach. B.They want to prove their kindness.

C.They can’t face up to a disaster. D.They are ethical failures.

3.When you do something wrong, you should          .

A.remind yourself that no one is perfect B.cover up your guilt in your mind

C.make your guilty feeling fade naturally D.admit your mistake and make up for

4.What’s the best title for the text?

A.A Common Painful Emotion B.The Positive Use of Guilt

C.Different Kinds of Guilt D.How to Deal with False Guilt


    If we planted a lot more trees in just the right places, they could reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere to levels not seen since the 1920s, said study leader Jean Francois Bastin, an ecologist from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. After examining more than 70,000 high-quality satellite photos of trees from all over the planet, ecologists concluded that the earth could support 900 million additional hectares (公顷) of tree cover.

Bastin and his colleagues developed a computer program that estimates how much forested land could be restored both now and in a future warmer world. The team members combed through 78,774 satellite photos of a variety of ecosystems- everywhere from the thick Amazon rainforest to the dry Sahel in Africa-that had been protected from human influence. They counted every tree in every photo to assess the current tree coverage in natural environments. The researchers combined that information with data about the climate, temperature and soil conditions for each ecosystem. Then they taught their program to put it all together to determine how much tree coverage a particular area could support.

The result shows trees currently cover 2.8 billion hectares of land- but they have the potential to populate as much as 4.4 billion hectares. Right now, much of the additional 1.6 billion hectares is being used for agriculture or urban spaces. The researchers took those areas off the table and saw that the earth still has 900 million hectares ready and waiting to be restored with trees an area roughly the size of Brazil. When those trees mature, they could remove 205 gigatonnes (兆吨) of carbon from the atmosphere, the study calculated, That represents about two-thirds of the roughly 300 gigatonnes of atmospheric carbon that can be traced to human actions, they said.

Even if trees are planted in the most mindful way, other actions are still needed to fight climate change, Bastin said.

1.Why did Bastin develop a computer program?

A.To reduce air pollution in Africa.

B.To determine carbon dioxide in the air.

C.To assess the potential forested land.

D.To calculate the area of forest in the world.

2.What does the underlined phrase “combed through” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Looked into. B.Put away.

C.Brought back. D.Took in.

3.What can we infer from what Basin said in the last paragraph?

A.Brazil has large areas to plant trees.

B.The tree cover is not enough to control greenhouse gases.

C.Trees removed two-thirds of carbon in the atmosphere.

D.Other actions are equally important compared to planting trees.

4.What is the author’s attitude towards the research result?

A.Disapproving. B.Doubtful.

C.Supportive. D.Objective.


    Festivals are about fun in large helpings(一份食物), and science festivals should be no exception There should be plenty of it at the second Edinburgh Science Festival, which runs from 2 April to 16 April, But there really does seem to be something to cater for all tastes in the impressive listing of more than 300 events.

For starters, what about a tour of tropical crops in the Botanical Gardens- tastes and smells included? You can follow that up with a course of lectures and tastings of Italian food and wine given by the finest Italian delicatessen(熟食) in the country. No trip to Scotland would be complete without a trip to a distillery(酿酒厂) to see how the" water of life" is made.

Besides food and drink "practicals", you can try something in the medicine section.There are also plenty of events designed for kids, such as the Discovery Dome and the "hands on"science tent. OK,you might say, but where is the high-tech physics, the computer science and the space technology? Well, it is all in Edinburgh, but room is unavailable here to list the entire programme: including the daily diary and A map of venues. It covers 20 pages! There is also a host of specialist conferences on a range of topics including statistics, computing and urban planning. The idea seems to be to make Edinburgh a focus of science at all levels during the festival.

The programme of the festival is well arranged and subdivided, making it easy to pick out interesting events to suit your tastes, whatever they may be. Venues and the target audience (children, adults or specialists)are all clearly coded and the maps posted along the road should make it easy to get around.

1.What do we know about the second Edinburgh Science Festival?

A.It lasts for 14 days. B.It includes 300 events.

C.It has much fun about food. D.It is the largest festival in Edinburgh.

2.What does the author strongly recommend for a trip to Scotland?

A.Tasting the delicious local food. B.Visiting the famous Botanical Gardens.

C.visiting a factory where the wine is made. D.Seeing how the drinking water is made.

3.Why can't we find information about the entire high-tech programme?

A.The information is too much to list

B.There are more important events.

C.The visitors are not interested in it.

D.The information concerned has appeared in the poster.

4.What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?

A.The events suit all the tastes.

B.It is convenient for tourists to visit the festival.

C.Tourists have to buy a map for the festival.

D.The target audience are restricted to certain events.


4 Study and Homework Apps for Android!


PriceFree/$15 per 3 months/$24 per year

Brainly is a social network for learners. You sign up, ask questions, and get answers (usually).Additionally, you can browse the site, answer other people's questions, and help them out as well. There They charge on a quarter basis ($15)or a yearly basis($24).


Price: Free/Up to $1.99

Forest is a different type of app. One of the biggest distractions during study is your smartphone.Forest helps put a stop to that. You open the app and a tree grows, The tree dies if you leave the app.Thus, there is a little motivation to leave the thing alone while you study or do homework.

Google Play Books

Price: Free app, book costs vary

Google Play Books is an excellent source of learning material. Sometimes your textbook just isn't enough and apps like this have plenty of additional resources. Books cost money obviously. However, you only pay for them once. Books are available offline on your smartphone or tablet.


Price: Free/$19.99 per year

Quizlet is one of the most popular flashcard apps for language learning. You can create flashcards play memory games, and even share flashcards with classmates. It also supports 18 languages for about any subject or topic. The free version should work just fine for simple uses, though. The premium version costs $19.99 per year, which isn't expensive for a study aid.

1.What is special about Forest?

A.It helps keep you focused. B.It answers your questions.

C.It provides textbooks for your study. D.It motivates you to plant more trees.

2.Which app can you choose to learn languages?

A.Brainy. B.Forest.

C.Google Play Book. D.Quizlet.

3.What do these apps have in common?

A.They have no advertisements. B.They charge for some services.

C.They have enough learning resources. D.They are designed to do homework quickly.








Dear Tony,



Li Hua








I remember clearly that when I was on my eighteen birthday, my father gave me a present-a picture book. The colorfully pictures and the stories in the book make me excited. “My dear son,” he said, “to be a great man, you have to read a plenty of books.” From now on, I started to make friend with all kinds of books.

Books opened a window to the beautiful world in front of my eyes. In books, I met a variety great people. Now, I have grown up. My bookshelf is filling with books, among that is the little picture book given to me by my father. I’ll continue finding books to read. Read books is for me just like chatting with my best friend.



During Major Cold (大寒), as the cold current moves southward, the weather is very cold. Although modern meteorological (气象的) observation shows that in some regions of China the weather during Major Cold is not colder than Minor Cold, the 1. (low) temperatures of the whole year still occur in the Major Cold period in some coastal 2. (area).

During Major Cold, People in Beijing have a habit of 3.(eat) “dispelling cold cake”, a kind of rice cake. Sticky rice, the cake’s main ingredient, is rich 4. sugar. It can make people feel warm all over their bodies. In Chinese the word “rice cake” has the same 5. (pronounce) with the word “higher in a new year”, 6. symbolizes good luck and continual promotion.

In Anqing of Anhui province, people 7. (traditional) eat fried spring rolls during Major Cold. They use a round, 8. (cook) and thin pancake to wrap stuffing () in a thin roll. Then it is fried in a pan with oil until it turns yellow and 9. (float) to the top. The stuffing inside the spring roll contains meat or vegetables and the flavor can be salty 10.  sweet.


    Kemira had just taken a shower when she found her 12-day-old daughter, Ryleigh, was choking. The 24-year-old new mother _______ the bathroom and began patting her daughter on the back. But the baby _______ was hesitating to breathe. She _______ that Ryleigh needed to get to the hospital quickly.

She had hardly made it out of her neighborhood when she was _______ by Kimbro, a police officer, for speeding. Kemira _______ over to the roadside. Desperate for _______ , she handed the baby to Kimbro. He put a hand on her little _______ gently. Ryleigh’s heart was barely beating.

Kimbro _______ for an ambulance-it was seven minutes out, and the hospital was ever further away. But Ryleigh couldn’t _______ seven minutes, her lips already a shade of blue.

The fact that Kimbro was there was something of a ________ . He is a school resource officer who ________ spends his days patrolling (巡逻) the middle school ten miles away. But he travels farther when ________ is out in the summer. Even ________ : he had recently completed a CPR class and knew exactly how to treat a baby. Kimbro used one ________ to clear the baby’s airway. That was the magic touch. 20 seconds later, Ryleigh began to ________ .

“As long as she’s crying, she’s ________ .” Kimbro said. He worried that Ryleigh would ________ again, so he continued pressing her chest ________ and periodically clearing her airway with his finger. “The whole time I was thinking, ‘Do not let this baby by ________ in front of h mother’” he later told Inside Edition. “Just don’t.”

At the hospital, Ryleigh ________ quickly, thanks to a determined school police officer who was in the right place at the right time.

1.A.got rid of B.settled down to C.held on to D.burst out of

2.A.always B.even C.still D.once

3.A.admitted B.realized C.explained D.required

4.A.stopped B.arrested C.tracked D.fined

5.A.pulled B.turned C.took D.went

6.A.money B.help C.advice D.relief

7.A.face B.head C.chest D.nose

8.A.radioed B.searched C.wished D.sent

9.A.live B.get C.offer D.wait

10.A.battle B.symbol C.choice D.miracle

11.A.actually B.recently C.usually D.eventually

12.A.time B.school C.patience D.fire

13.A.luckier B.worse C.easier D.funnier

14.A.hand B.stick C.finger D.tool

15.A.smile B.cry C.move D.play

16.A.struggling B.returning C.changing D.breathing

17.A.sleep B.hurt C.hesitate D.choke

18.A.firmly B.quickly C.gently D.simply

19.A.starve B.die C.weep D.suffer

20.A.recovered B.adjusted C.behaved D.managed


    Chefs typically toss(抛)the frying food into the air from deep, rounded pans or woks before catching it again. Launching rice and its fixings allows a chef to cook it over really hot flames without burning. At times, temperatures in a pan can reach 1,200 Celsius. 1.

Scientists found that the chefs relied on a specific pattern of motion. And they repeated those motions about three times a second. 2. At the same time the wok was rocked to and fro. The chefs used the edge of the stovetop as a fulcrum(支点)on which to balance as they rocked it.

Cooks use similarly complex patterns of movement to cook up other foods. 3.

Scientists used a computer to simulate(模仿)the tracks of rice that would occur in a wok moved in various ways. Along the way, the scientists hit on some key coo king tips. The wok moved in various ways. Along the way, the scientists hit on some key cooking tips. The rocking and sliding motions shouldn’t be done at the same time. 4. Also, the wok’s movements should repeat rapidly. Moving the wok even faster could launch the rice higher. That might allow cooking at higher temperatures and perhaps a quicker meal.

5. Chefs at Chinese restaurants can struggle with shoulder pain, studies have shown. Rapidly shaking their heavy woks could be part of the problem. One solution might be a stir-frying robot. It could be built based on their new found results to take the weight off chefs’ shoulders.

A.But faster shaking may be hard on a cook.

B.To make fried rice like a professional, use science.

C.If they are, the rice won’t mix well and could burn.

D.Each repetition included sliding a wok back and forth.

E.Cooking is hard work that needs patience and perseverance.

F.The high temperature helps create the tastiest stir-fried food.

G.They will turn the pan quickly, for instance, to get smooth, flat egg cakes.


    Now, according to a recent Brigham Young University study, the amount of time between sunrise and sunset is the clear winner among other weather variables when it comes to improving your mental and emotional health.

In this unique study-which brought together a psychologist, physicist and statistician-the researchers explored how someone’s mood is linked to weather and associated factors such as sunshine, cloudy days, temperature, rain and pollution. The study found that people are more likely to report mental trouble during shorter days with less sunshine.

It is generally believed that hot days, rainy days or days with thick pollution would make one feel more down and depressed. But the study came up with a surprising finding. It found that more than any other factor, reduced sun hours could increase mental distress(痛苦)while soaking up in sun makes things all right.

The results highlighted that the duration(时长)of the daylight was more significant in influencing people’s moods than the amount of sun rays being absorbed.

“On a rainy day, or a more polluted day, people assume that they’d have more distress. But we didn’t see that. We looked at solar irradiance(太阳辐照), or the amount of sunlight that actually hits the ground. We tried to take into account cloudy days, rainy days pollution… but they washed out. The one thing that was really significant was the amount of time between sunrise and sunset,” said professor Becker in a press release.

Many studies have attempted to explore the link between the weather and its effect on one’s mood, but the results were not conclusive. For this study, many important reason were taken into account-making the research an improvement to the previous ones.

The study concluded that public health should plan on effective strategies that can prevent emotional distress during periods when the sun time is less, such as in winter months.

1.What will affect your emotion most according to the new study?

A.The surroundings. B.The amount of sunshine.

C.The weather conditions. D.The duration of sunlight.

2.Why does the author think that the new finding in paragraph 3 is surprising?

A.Because it is a conclusion of three scientists.

B.Because it is different from the general belief.

C.Because it is too difficult to understand.

D.Because it is affected by so many factors.

3.Which season benefits people’s emotion more according to this study?

A.Spring. B.Summer.

C.Autumn. D.Winter.

4.What is the purpose of this new study?

A.To find ways to prevent depression.

B.To know more about the weather.

C.To provide strategies for public health.

D.To find how the weather affects mood.


    The place of exposure to the greatest amount of allergen(过敏原)for the longest time is in the bedroom. Up to 60% of the dust mites(螨虫)found in the home are actually living in your bed and you spend about one-third of your life in the bedroom! And, bedrooms are the easiest area to control as an allergen free zone. Your cleaning professional will first vacuum the mattress(垫子), carpeting and furniture using a vacuum cleaner.

The mattress is then thoroughly cleaned on all surfaces using the Responsible Care cleaning agents and a special low moisture cleaning tool designed to leave the mattress as dry as possible. Following cleaning, Allergy Relief Treatment is applied to all mattress surfaces using a fine mist application. The mattress is then placed in a drying position and a special air mover used to speed the drying process, which, depending upon temperature and humidity, normally takes about an hour.

The same safe cleaning agents are used to clean the bedroom carpeting and if desired, any furniture or rugs. This is also followed by an application of Allergy Relief Treatment. Once again, a speed drying system is set up to dry the cleaned items as quickly as possible and bring the humidity down to normal levels. Baseboards and windowsills are cleaned as well. While the cleaning and treatment service is being performed it is highly recommended that the bedding and pillows be washed in hot water and that two cups of Allergy Relief Treatment be added to the washing cycle.

While servicing the bedroom is the highest priority(优先), significant benefits may also result from cleaning and treating other areas where allergy sufferers spend lots of time. These areas include the furniture and carpeting in rooms where time is spent watching television, reading and so on. Also, carpeted areas that pets have access to should be cleaned and treated.

A test for the presence of dust mites in quantities requiring treatment is also available from our company. But we will only test dust mites and will not provide information on pet allergen.

1.Which place has the most dust mites in your room?

A.Bed. B.Carpet.

C.Furniture. D.Floor.

2.What is mainly talked about in paragraph 2?

A.The use of cleaning agents.

B.The surfaces of mattress.

C.Cleaning the mattress.

D.Drying the mattress.

3.What do we know about Allergy Relief Treatment mentioned in this passage?

A.It is a cure to allergy.

B.It is a tool to kill mites.

C.It is the name of a company.

D.It is a chemical to prevent allergy.

4.Where might this passage come from?

A.A magazine about furniture.

B.The website of a cleaning company.

C.The website of a hospital.

D.A newspaper on public health.


    In January, 2017, snow began to fall across the Apennines. For days it came down, and the enormous drifts(雪堆)on the mountain grew taller by the hour.

In spite of the bad weather, Matrone and his wife decided to make the trip to the mountain resort and have an overnight getaway. Unfortunately, a small earthquake broke out that night, which caused an avalanche(雪崩). The avalanche gathered speed and size, grabbing rocks and trees and anything else in its way as it roared down the mountain.

The snow-and the weight of everything it had brought down the mountain with it swept the hotel from its foundation and sent everything flying more than 100 yards away. Matrone was trapped 30 feet beneath the snow and ruins, unable to move. Every time he came to life from faint, he dreamed of walking alongside his wife.

Eight hours later, the rescuers arrived, The search work went on slowly. Finally, more than 30 hours after the search began, they heard something astonishing: a woman crying for help. Adriana and her son were the first to be rescued alive.

Finding the survivors electrified the rescuers. They tunneled quickly in the ruins. The rescue team had been working nonstop for more than two days when they heard a voice. It was Matrone. The angled beams had created a cocoon that prevented Matrone from being crushed(压)to death. Those near him had not been so lucky.

Rescuers raised the concrete beams off Matrone’s limbs and lifted him out. It was some 60 hours since the avalanche. He was one of 11 people out of 40 to have survived. Soon after, he was airlifted to a hospital in a nearby town.

Five days after his rescue, Matrone was given the heartbreaking news that his wife had died. Her body had been found near where Matrone had been trapped. The angel who had appeared in his dreams had never left his side.

1.What directly caused the hotel to be destroyed?

A.The snowfall. B.The earthquake.

C.The avalanche. D.The rocks and trees.

2.What is the probable meaning of the underlined word “electrified” in paragraph 5?

A.Made people feel satisfied.

B.Made people feel excited.

C.Equipped people with electronics.

D.Supplied people with electricity.

3.How long was Matrone trapped in the ruins?

A.More than 30 hours. B.About five days.

C.Less than 40 hours. D.About two and a half days.

4.What can be the best title for this text?

A.A Narrow Escape B.A Scary Night.

C.A Perfect Rescue D.A Dawn Avalanche.


Activities to enjoy with the kids in 2020

When you are stuck for ideas for things to do with the kids, look no further. There are many attractions and activities in North Devon, as well as on one of our Parks.

The Big Sheep

Open January to October 2020.

Meet the animals, feed the animals. Loads of them too. Like sheep, goats, ducks, dogs and more. Rides and attractions, whatever the weather, for the whole family. The Rampage Roller-coaster is great, ride the swans in the lake and enjoy the sheepdog show.

Air Extreme

Open all year round.

A unique trampoline(蹦床)park in North Devon. A fantastic area of interconnected trampolines in nearby Barnstaple. Air Extreme is filled with jump activities. Jump all day long or chill out and party in the cafe area.

North Devon Wake Park

All through the year

If you fancy venturing a bit further afield(遥远), then head across to Bideford to visit the Wake and Aqua Park. They have something for all of the family, from beginner to the experienced, if you don't mind getting wet! Race and slide and chase each other across the fantastic park.

The Milky Way

Open weekends off-season, daily most of the year.

Online booking is essential for this family-friendly theme park. They have North Devon's largest indoor play area, a typhoon roller-coaster, a gravity rider, a donut slide, as well as android destroyer dodgems(碰碰车)and a whole pile of other activities!

1.Which of the following is suitable if your kid is an animal lover?

A.The Big Sheep. B.North Devon Wake Park.

C.Air Extreme. D.The Milky Way.

2.What do Air Extreme and North Devon Wake Park have in common?

A.They both have jump activities. B.They are both throughout the year.

C.They both involve adventures. D.They are both far from Devon.

3.What is necessary for a visit to The Milky Way?

A.Coming on weekends B.Taking your family.

C.Booking online. D.Playing roller-coasters.









注意: 1.词数不少于50


Dear Jim,



Li Hua


    The world is full of distractions. Unfortunately, the world also requires us to work. Coping with the first while still doing enough of the second is … sorry, where am I?

Ah, yes, the world is full of distractions. If you work in an office, it might be emails, phone calls or colleagues with questions to ask. If you are at home, it might be the contents of the fridge or a sudden fixation on dust mites (尘螨) under the sofa. Sometimes it takes even less. If you are sitting and doing work and someone near you says something particularly interesting, that can pull your focus. 1.

So, how can we stay focused in our wandering minds? 2. And put your smartphone and other irrelevant screens away—they attract our attention even if they are off. If you tend to pop on headphones and use music to shut out distractions, avoid listening to anything familiar. Knowing the words or tune well will distract you even more.

3. If you are doing something repetitive like stuffing envelopes or laying bricks, being distracted by listening to music or a podcast or engaging in a conversation with a co-worker can ultimately boost productivity. 4. Jihae Shin, now at the university of Wisconsin-Madison, has found that when people played Minesweeper for five minutes before coming up with new business ideas, they were more creative than those who didn’t play.

5. In general, this is the enemy of productivity: it encourages mistakes, stops us from completing things, promotes forgetfulness and lowers the quality of writing. But when we are trying to come up with creative solutions, task-switching distractions can help prevent "cognitive fixation" on ineffective approaches. So if you are a creative type, try lining up two or more tasks and spend your day switching between them. Or if that doesn’t work, just go play with your phone.

A.Not all distractions are bad, however.

B.Switching between tasks can also help.

C.Creativity can benefit from distraction too.

D.Switching off email or messaging services helps.

E.But you are not good at dealing with distractions.

F.If you have trouble concentrating, I suggest you try the following ideas.

G.If you are not careful, you will end up your day with nothing accomplished.


Upskilling is the future—but it must work for everyone

Automation and job replacement will be one of the most significant challenges for the global economy of the coming decades. A 2017 Mckinsey report established that 375 million workers will need to switch occupational categories by 2030. The World Economic Forum suggests that by 2022, automation will replace 75 million jobs globally—but create 133 million new ones.

Research into the likelihood that a job will be impacted by digitization has largely focused on the “automatability” of the role and the following economic regional and political effects of this. What this research doesn’t take into account is something more important for the millions of taxi drivers and retail workers across the globe: their likelihood of being able to change to another job that isn’t automatable. Recent research suggests that the answer to this may be that the skills that enable workers to move up the ladder to more complex roles within their current areas might be less important than broader skills that will enable workers to change across divisions.

In July, Amazon announced that it would spend $700 million retraining around 30% of its 300,000 US workforce. While praiseworthy, it will be interesting to see the outcome. In the UK, the National Retraining Scheme has largely been led by employers, meaning that those on zero-hours contracts and part-time workers—often low-skilled—will miss out. Governance will be a crucial element of ensuring that such schemes focus on individuals and life-long learning, rather than upskilling workers into roles that will soon also face automation.

According to the Mckinsey report, “growing awareness of the scale of the task ahead has yet to translate into action. Public spending on labour-force training and support has fallen for years in most member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development,” which impacts more than just the low-skilled and poorly compensated.

The global impact of automation is also put into relief by research demonstrating that, between 1988 and 2015, income inequality increased throughout the world. Billions of people do not have the essentials of life as defined by the UN Sustainable Development goals.

Alongside climate change, automation is arguably tech’s biggest challenge. As with globalization, governments and employers—and us workers—ignore its potential consequences at risk to ourselves.

1.It can be known from Paragraph 2 that         .

A.recent research has found ways to face automation

B.broad skills are of great significance in changing jobs

C.regional economy can affect the automatability of a job

D.it is even harder for workers to move up the social ladder

2.What is the author’s attitude towards retraining programs?

A.Supportive. B.Critical.

C.Skeptical. D.Sympathetic.

3.According to the author, what is one consequence of automation?

A.Less spending on training. B.A slowdown of globalization.

C.Social unrest and instability. D.An increase in income inequality.

4.The passage is written to         .

A.argue the urgency of creating new jobs B.compare globalization with automation

C.analyze the automatability of certain jobs D.stress the importance of upskilling workers


    Chicken is America’s most popular meat. Many people assume chicken follows a simple rule-of-thumb: Pink chicken turned white means “done.” It’s similar to how we cook other meats. But is this true? To study how cooks at home follow safety recommendations, researchers filmed 75 households in five European countries. From a random but nonrepresentative sample, they also conducted an online survey of nearly 4,000 households in the same countries that say they cook chicken.

Worried that chicken would dry out, most home cooks determined doneness by color and texture (口感) inside the meat, they found. Few bothered with thermometers (温度计), claiming they took too much time, were too complicated to use, didn’t fit in the chicken or weren’t necessary (although easy-to-use thermometers are inexpensive and widely available).

In additional lab experiments, the scientists injected raw chicken breast with bacteria (细菌), which cause millions of sicknesses, thousands of hospitalizations and hundreds of deaths each year in the United States. They cooked the breasts until they reached core temperatures ranging from 122 to 158 Fahrenheit, and they discovered something surprising. At 158 degrees, but not lower, bacteria inside the chickens’ cores was reduced to safe levels, and when cut open its flesh appeared dull and fibrous, not shiny like raw chicken. But meat began changing from pink to white far below this, and most color change occurred below 131 degrees Fahrenheit. Sometimes, the chicken’s core would be safely cooked, but unsafe levels of bacteria still existed on surfaces that hadn’t touched the grill plate.

So what are you supposed to do?

Dr. Bruno Goussault, a scientist and chef, recommends buying and cooking breasts and legs separately. Bring the breast’s core to 165 degrees Fahrenheit, he said, and the leg to between 168.8 and 172.4 Fahrenheit. If you really want to safely measure temperature for a whole chicken, insert a pop-up thermometer into the thickest part of the leg before roasting it, Dr. Goussault suggests. By the time it pops, the breasts will have long cooked. They will likely be dry and far from his standards of culinary (烹饪的) perfection. But you’ll be sure to, as Dr. Goussault says in French, “dormir sur ses deux oreilles,” or, figuratively, “sleep peacefully.”

1.Why didn’t home cooks measure temperature with a thermometer?

A.They could not afford it. B.It affected the taste of the meat.

C.It was not available in supermarkets. D.They thought it was too much trouble.

2.In lab experiments, when the temperature reached 158 Fahrenheit, the meat         .

A.was free of bacteria B.still remained pink

C.appeared to dry out D.was reduced in size

3.What can be learned from the last paragraph?

A.The meat does not taste best when bacteria free.

B.The leg becomes fully cooked before the breast.

C.A whole chicken requires a higher temperature.

D.The thermometer should be placed inside the breast.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.Food safety. B.Simple lifestyle.

C.Cooking skills. D.Kitchen equipment.


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