
1. 写信目的;

2. 表达歉意,解释原因;

3. 期待明年造访东京。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:东京奥运会the Tokyo Olympics  订金deposit

Dear Mr. Abe,



Li Hua






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I used to go fishing with my father. Initially, I consider fishing is a piece of cake—sitting or waiting for fish to bite. I sat in there for almost one hour, yet I got nothing. Impatiently and annoyed, I intended to quit. “Be focused and wait.” said my father. Have nothing else to do, I followed his advise. I calmed down and concentrated on the fishing pole. Another two hour passed and I finally gained his reward. The experience has taught me what all things are difficult at beginning. As long as you make efforts and hang on, you'll succeed.



In the ongoing fight against COVID-19, gritting one’s teeth and carrying on has characterized much about life in Wuhan these past months. “Wuhan people experienced it first-hand.” said Hui Yan, a Wuhan native 1. recovered from the coronavirus. “Our friends got sick. Our friends and relatives died. Right before our eyes, one 2. one, they left us. They have a deeper understanding of this disaster in 3. (compare) with people in other cities.” In February, Ms. Yan 4. (spend) 15 days fighting the virus in Huoshenshan, one of the city's newly built coronavirus hospitals.

During the past two months, with the lockdown lifted, growing numbers of families 5. (be) out to take in the sunshine and fresh air in parks along the Yangtze River. Older residents have started gathering again in small groups 6. (chat) or play chess. Children are a rare sight and always appear to be under the careful watch of parents. More shops have reopened, often 7. (set) up street-front counters so that customers can buy vegetables, alcohol, and other goods without entering. Companies in Wuhan have been 8. (caution) about calling their 9. (employ) back to work, contributing to the revival of the city life. Yet there still remains 10. tough test for the city to balance pandemic (疫情) control and economic growth.


    My father died when I was nine, and I remember doing the household chores to help my mother. I hated changing the vacuum cleaner(真空吸尘器) bag and ___________ things the machine did not suck up.

Twenty years later, in 1978, I was doing chores at home alongside my ___________. One day the vacuum cleaner was screaming away, and I had to ___________ the bag because I could not find a new one to replace it. With this lifelong hatred of the way the machine worked, I decided to make a ___________ vacuum cleaner.

Easier said than done, of course. I didn't ___________ that l would spend the next five years perfecting my design, a ___________ that resulted in 5,127 different prototypes(设计原型). By the time I made my 15th prototype, my third child was born. By 2,627, my wife and I were really counting our ___________. By 3,727, my wife was giving art lessons for some extra cash, and we were getting further and further into ___________. These were tough times, but each failure brought me closer to ___________ the problem.

I just had a passion for the vacuum cleaner as a product, but I ____________ thought of going into a business with it. In the early 1980 s, I started trying to ____________ licensing agreements for my technology. The reality was very different, ____________. The major vacuum makers had built a business model based on the ____________ from bags. No one would license my idea, not because it was a (an) ____________ one, but because it was bad for business.

That gave me the courage to keep going, but soon after, the companies that I had talked with started making machines ____________ mine. I had to fight legal battles to protect the patents on my vacuum cleaner. However, I was still in ____________ difficulties until 1993, when my bank manager personally ____________ Lloyds Bank to lend me $1 million. Then I was able to go into production. Within two years, the Dyson vacuum cleaner became a ____________ in Britain.

Today, I still embrace risk and the potential for failure as part of the process. Nothing ____________ the excitement of invention. Go out and brainstorm your ideas. You are not ____________ to any rules-in fact, the stranger and riskier your idea, the better.

1.A.making out B.picking up C.holding onto D.noting down

2.A.porter B.designer C.dad D.wife

3.A.desert B.empty C.fill D.pack

4.A.waterproof B.silent C.cheap D.bagless

5.A.realize B.regret C.doubt D.recall

6.A.compromise B.process C.bargain D.choice

7.A.babies B.bags C.sheep D.pennies

8.A.debt B.success C.quarrel D.wealth

9.A.facing B.settling C.raising D.avoiding

10.A.also B.occasionally C.nearly D.never

11.A.sell B.break C.get D.conclude

12.A.though B.instead C.as usual D.in theory

13.A.information B.sufferings C.profits D.lesson

14.A.new B.realistic C.illegal D.bad

15.A.above B.like C.without D.beside

16.A.financial B.household C.technological D.moral

17.A.forbade B.ordered C.helped D.persuaded

18.A.failure B.joke C.hit D.patent

19.A.recovers B.beats C.arouses D.adds

20.A.open B.accustomed C.bound D.opposed


    Are you a bookworm? Is your head permanently stuck in a book? 1. There are many benefits to reading. Getting into a good novel improves our literacy. But who or what encourages us to pick up a book and start reading?

Of course, when we are young, our parents and teachers inspire us by introducing us to characters that we love or hate. As a child, I loved books written by Roald Dahl, such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The Twits. 2. They are popular with children even today, despite competition from contemporary authors.

One modern-day children's author is J. K. Rowling, who's known for her books about the wizard, Harry Potter. 3. The UK's National Literacy Trust awarded her the title for “turning a generation of children into readers”.

4. It can also help people in difficult circumstances. The author Pat Winslow worked as a writer in prisons and found reading and discussing stories helped prisoners reflect on their patterns of behavior. She says, “very often we would have discussions about the moral compass of a character. What was the motivation of somebody? Why did they behave that way?”

Today I like to read factual books such as biographies, where you get an insight into the lives of important and well-known people. I also enjoy looking at travel books and learning about journeys and new destinations. 5.

But the main benefit of reading is the improvement it brings to our literacy. The more we do it, the better we get and who knows—one day you may become the next Tolstoy, Jackie Collins or even William Shakespeare.

A.If so, that's a good thing for you.

B.It's a good substitute if you can't visit in person.

C.Good writing can really capture our imagination.

D.Reading books is more than an enjoyable leisure time.

E.These fictional stories were funny, twisted and slightly evil.

F.Who are your favorite authors and which are your favorite books?

G.She was named as a “literacy hero” for improving people's love of reading.


    Schools are under constant pressure to make budget cuts, and music programs are often first on the chopping block. However, a recent study from the University of British Columbia in Canada has shown that students who took music lessons in high school performed better in subjects such as English, science, and math.

The researchers collected data from over 100,000 students at public high schools across the province of British Columbia. Some of them took music lessons during high school while others never attended them. Checking the test scores of students who took music classes with those of their peers, the study found that the musicians got higher grades in a range of different school subjects.

Research like this has been done before, but as for the number of respondents, this study is much larger, and it took into account other factors that may have affected the results. For example, perhaps students who took music classes were encouraged to do so because they already had good grades. This UBC study rules out a number of other factors that could explain why music students performed better academically, and the researchers still find a clear effect of music lessons on academic performance.

Not only did music students perform better than non-musicians, but students who played an instrument did even better than those who sang. “Learning to play a musical instrument and playing in an ensemble(乐团) is very rewarding,” says Martin Guhn, one of the researchers, “A student can learn to read music notes, achieve eye-hand-mind coordination, develop keen listening skills and establish interpersonal relationships.”

What this study doesn't tell us, though, is why music makes these students perform better academically, but the research paper mentions a few possible explanations. Music practice is linked with neurological(神经系统的) changes that improves certain brain functions, affecting memory and planning skills. Besides, there is a possible motivational factor. Students who take music lessons see a tangible result from practice—they get better—and they might apply that to their other work. And the non-competitive team aspect of making music together could strengthen students' social development, which would also help them in other alias.

1.How did the researchers find the result of the research?

A.By conducting tests. B.By analyzing causes.

C.By making comparisons. D.By building models.

2.How is the recent study different from previous ones?

A.It covered more school subjects.

B.It allowed for students who sang.

C.It was carried out nationwide.

D.It produced a more convincing result.

3.Why did the author mention Martin Guhn's words in Paragraph 4?

A.To speak highly of music students.

B.To explain why music helps students perform better.

C.To present the benefits of playing instruments.

D.To encourage students to join an ensemble.

4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.Music practice can make an overall improvement in students’ brain.

B.Progress made in music may motivate students to work harder in math.

C.Singing can't make any difference in improving students' memory.

D.Playing in an orchestra could make students less competitive in other fields.


    Native woodlands can resist the spread of invasive species by blocking daylight reaching the forest floor, researchers have suggested.

The team, consisting of researchers from US universities, decided to focus its attention on common buckthorn(沙棘), which is all invasive species in North America. It out-competes native plants and degrades soils and forests, doing harm to humans and other wildlife. In order to create environments that resist invasion by buckthorn, and thus avoid those costs, it was necessary to understand which forest characteristics offered the greatest influence on the success or failure of buckthorn plants becoming established.

In their experiment, the team grew buckthorn under a variety of different levels of shade and measured the light available to the buckthorn. These included one made up from deciduous species, such as birch, another from evergreen species, such as pine, and another from a mixture of both species.

Dr. Schuster observed: “Results showed that forests that are able to block out 96% of incoming light in the spring or autumn can successfully resist buckthorn invasion.” He added that, in general, evergreen species were much more capable of creating this level of shade compared with deciduous species.

“We anticipated that buckthorn would fail in areas with extremely low light levels, since having some light is necessary for most plants to live,” he said. Yet the team were surprised by how much the buckthorn depended upon light availability in spring or autumn.

He added that if forest managers were seeking to improve the long-term resistance of their forests to buckthorn invasions, then it might be necessary to introduce species that helped reduce the amount of light reaching the forest floor, such as evergreens.

But this approach was not risk-free, warned Dr. Schuster. He added: “If we change forests to get rid of buckthorn, we may push out some desirable native species at the same time. So, the question becomes whether we can select plant communities both to have the species we want and to produce ample shade in spring and autumn to keep buckthorn out.”

1.This experiment was carried out to study ________.

A.why soil conditions matter to plants B.how to help native plants grow better and faster

C.the impact invasive species have on humans D.the factors influencing the growth of buckthorn

2.What kinds of trees were chosen for the experiment?

A.Trees providing different amounts of shade. B.Trees growing and declining at different rates.

C.Trees of different heights. D.Trees of different origins.

3.What does Dr. Schuster imply in the last paragraph?

A.We must get rid of buckthorn whatever the cost.

B.Keeping native species ought to be the top priority.

C.We should be careful about selecting species of plants.

D.Communities need to work together to fight the alien plants.

4.You may likely find this article in a ________.

A.psychological and behavioural paper B.travel guide

C.nature and environment journal D.fashion magazine


    Two motorists saved the life of a good man who had moments earlier helped them.

Victor, 61, stopped his pickup along an interstate highway in western Wisconsin to help two stranded women change a flat tire. Minutes later, his life was in their hands.

Sara Berg, and her cousin, Lisa, were headed home Saturday night on Interstate 94 when they heard an awful noise. They were somewhere between Menomonie and Eau Claire when they pulled to the side of the road with a flat tire-something neither knew how to fix. Ann showed up and asked whether they needed help. “We were so grateful.” Berg said. “Nowadays, nobody ever really stops to offer their help. It's kind of scary sometimes, because you really don't know what you're getting into.”

Victor is the type of person who gives you 100 percent and worries about himself later. When Victor finished, Berg thanked him and they shook hands. Berg recalled Victor's farewell words to her: “Someone up above always puts me in the right place at the right time.”

And then they parted. Victor and his wife puffed back onto the interstate. Seconds later, Berg followed. Less than a quarter mile down the road, Berg noticed Victor's red truck pulled over. She passed it and then pulled over herself, figuring the couple may have forgotten something. No sooner had she gotten out of her car when she saw Victor's wife waving anxiously at passing motorists. She called out to Berg that her husband was having a heart attack. Berg, a certified nursing assistant trained in CPR, jumped into the truck. Victor had no pulse and wasn't breathing. Berg began chest compressions. Lisa called 911. Emergency personnel arrived in about five minutes, “but it always feels like forever at a time like that,” Berg said.

“It was a nice twist of fate.” said the doctor who is treating Victor at the Eau Claire hospital.

“We know for sure that the CPR the woman did increased his chances for survival.”

Ann, who was also part of her husband's good luck when she guided their vehicle to the shoulder during his heart attack, is grateful.

1.The underlined word “stranded” in Paragraph 2 means ________.

A.trapped B.exhausted

C.frightened D.threatened

2.What do Victor's farewell words mean?

A.Victor and Berg share a common religious belief.

B.Victor feels it his mission to lend a helping hand.

C.Victor happens to be expert in changing flat tires.

D.Victor expects Berg to do him a favor in return.

3.What happened to Victor shortly after they parted?

A.His pickup broke down and had to stop on the shoulder.

B.His heart was badly injured due to a terrible accident.

C.He pulled over to collect something left in Berg's car.

D.He suffered a sudden heart attack and lost his consciousness.

4.Which can be the best title?

A.A Twist of Fate B.A Lucky Man

C.An Adventurous Journey D.An Instant Rescue


    Feb. 29, or Leap Day, arrives on your calendar once every four years—and 2020 is one of them. The reason there are 366 days every four years instead of the standard 365 is that the calendar doesn't precisely line up since the Earth orbits the sun in approximately 365 days and 6 hours. Hence, every 4 years a leap day, February 29th, has to be added to correct for the difference.

It's not a federally recognized holiday, but Leap Day is a special occasion, so retailers typically offer many sales, deals and discounts. From food to travel deals, here are 29 Leap Day 2020 discounts.

●Hard Rock Café: Customers with a Leap Day birthday receive a free entrée from the restaurant's Leaplings Eat Free menu with a valid photo ID.

●Dog Hans: Enjoy a free upgrade from a single to a double burger on Feb. 29, which will save you $2.49.

●Legal Sea Foods: Get two 1-pound lobsters and two sides at any of the East Coast eatery's 30 non-airport locations for $29(over a $50 value) on Feb. 29.

●Big Frog Custom T-Shirts More: Get a free Leap Year 2020 T-shirt at any of the retailers participating locations on Feb. 29—no purchase required.

●Foot Locker: Save 15 percent on purchases of $70 or more through Feb. 29.

●Expedia: Save up to 29 percent off select hotels worldwide with reservations made on the Expedia mobile app on or before Feb. 29. Some restrictions apply.

●Avis: Take $25 off the cost of a weekly car rental with code MUWA169 through March 30.

●Marriott: Enjoy up to 20 percent in savings when you use code ADP to book a room in advance through March 19.

1.Why is there an extra day in February 2020?

A.To remain in line with the true astronomical year.

B.To officially celebrate a special occasion.

C.To pass down a time-honored tradition.

D.To offer a business promotional opportunity.

2.How much will you pay for a pair of shoes priced at $100 on Feb. 29?

A.$15. B.$85.

C.$75. D.$70.

3.Which of the following offers discounts beyond Feb. 29?

A.Dog Hans. B.Legal Sea Foods.

C.Expedia. D.Marriott.








Dear Charlie,









Basketball fans around the world are mourning the dead of American superstar Kobe Bryant. Bryant killed in a helicopter crash last Sunday in California, along with her l3-year-old daughter Gianna and seven other people, Bryant was an 18-time All-Star player. He won five NBA championship and two Olympic gold medals. He was wide considered one of the great basketball players of his generation during his 20-year career with the Los Angeles Lakers. The helicopter carry Bryant and the others crash into a hilly area in foggy conditions outside Los Angeles. The cause for the crash is under an investigation.



Dressed in n flowing long robe 1.decoratewith floral embroidery(花卉刺绣)from a past era, stylist Xiao Hang looks like she surfaced from a time machine. She walks across the noisy Beijing subway, 2.attractcurious glances and questions.

China 3.welcomewestern fashion and futuristic technology during the last decades, 4. a growing number of young people like Xiao are looking to the past for their dressing choices. 5.obvious, they prefer to put on traditional “hanfu”, or “Han clothing”.

These historic 6.costumeof the Han ethnic majority are enjoying a renaissance because the government is promoting traditional culture. Period dramas have also contributed to a 7.greatinterest in traditional Chinese clothing and a higher demand for it.

Xiao, who used to work at a state-owned machine manufacturing companynow runs her own hanfu business,8. she dresses customers for photo shoots and even plans hanfu-style weddings. However, there is some way before the style reaches wide 9.acceptin China. Many people say their hesitation is due to the odd looks they get when wearing hanfu 10. public.


    A back injury drove Briton Rose Oliver to tai chi, which led her to her husband and then took both of them to China. Twenty years ago, Oliver’s back injury _________ her childhood dream of becoming a ballet dancer. But the injury did _________ her to tai chi, a martial art _________ practiced in slow motion. Her initial hope was to improve her _________, however , it turned out to bring her more. She later married her _________, Rey Nelson, who taught her how to play tai chi , and founded a school with him, _________ the martial art to more than 10,000 students over eight years.

In 2000, the couple moved to Shanghai. They taught _________ in universities and happily _________ tai chi under various masters to enhance their skills in playing. After years of practice, Oliver found her occasional _________ had disappeared amazingly. But her greatest pain __________ when her husband died in 2003, leaving her alone to follow their __________ passion for tai chi. She thought of __________. But she finally determined to carry on to __________ her husband.

With the __________ of her tai chi “family” — the masters and students, Oliver spent her time outside tai chi teaching English as she did before and __________ cultural-exchange events. She founded the Double Dragon Alliance, which __________ Chinese kung fu masters to teach martial arts to westerners and organizes seminars and events for them to __________ Chinese massage, acupuncture, traditional medicine, and calligraphy.

Because of her __________ to cultural exchange, Oliver was given he Shanghai Magnolia Award, an award given to foreigners who have made __________ contributions to the city. And she has been officially __________ as a Member of the Order of the British Empire by Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II-one of the highest honors to a citizen.

1.A.realized B.destroyed C.promoted D.decreased

2.A.limit B.cheat C.lead D.devote

3.A.typically B.rarely C.immediately D.simply

4.A.figure B.appetite C.appearance D.health

5.A.instructor B.colleague C.supervisor D.classmate

6.A.supplying B.explaining C.guaranteeing D.teaching

7.A.sports B.language C.music D.art

8.A.watched B.suspected C.learnt D.accepted

9.A.backaches B.headaches C.toothaches D.stomachaches

10.A.strengthened B.faded C.came D.worsened

11.A.previous B.separate C.shared D.temporary

12.A.coming off B.standing up C.turning away D.giving up

13.A.honor B.accompany C.comfort D.understand

14.A.influence B.support C.education D.agreement

15.A.collecting B.attending C.analyzing D.covering

16.A.enables B.orders C.promises D.reminds

17.A.exchange B.experience C.sponsor D.explore

18.A.inspiration B.suggestion C.adaptation D.contribution

19.A.natural B.professional C.significant D.hopeful

20.A.required B.celebrated C.respected D.announced


    Empathy(共情), the ability to understand other people, has dropped sharply among college students over the past 10 years. 1. Turn on the TV, and you’re showed with news and reality shows full of people, fighting, competing, and generally treating one another with no respect. Human beings learn by example and most of the examples on TV are anything but empathetic. 2.

Having relationships with other people is an important part of being human and having empathy is decisive to it. Researchers have also found that the empathetic teenagers are more likely to have high self-respect. Besides, empathy can be a cure for loneliness, sadness, anxiety and fear.3. Many top companies report hut empathy is one of the most important things they expect from new managers. 4. Apparently, empathy is n kind of “emotional intelligence” that will help us achieve it.

Then, 5. For starters, let down your guard and really listen to others. One doesn’t develop empathy by having a lot of opinions and doing a lot of talking. To really develop empathy, you’d better volunteer at a nursing home or a hospital, join a club or a team that has a diverse membership, have a “sharing circle” with your family, or spend time caring for pets at an animal shelter.

A.How can we take advantage of empathy?

B.Empathy is even an indication of a good leader.

C.What’s the best way to improve empathy?

D.There are good reasons not to follow those bad examples.

E.Today, people spend more time alone rather than join clubs.

F.That might be because so many people have replaced face time with screen time.

G.Academics are vital but without emotional intelligence , you won’t be successful in life.


    Do some kinds of video games cause violence? Scientific studies do not suggest a link. But the idea that there is a link between violent video games and violent acts reappeared following the mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, last weekend. An online statement thought to be written by the El Paso gunman mentioned the video game “Call of Duty”.

On Monday, President Donald Trump said that “terrifying video games” contribute to a “glorification of violence”. American politicians have long made similar statements. Benjamin Burroughs is a professor of media at the University of Las Vegas. He said that there is no linkage to gun violence, when mentioning video games. Burroughs pointed out that some studies show a short-term increase in aggressive thoughts and feelings after playing video games, but nothing that rises to the level of violence. “Plenty of gamers get upset when they lose or feel the game was ‘cheating’, but it doesn’t lead to violent outputs,” Burroughs stressed.

In 2006, a small study by researchers at Indiana University found that teenagers who played violent video games showed higher levels of emotional arousal(激发)—strong emotions like anger or fear. The teenagers also showed less activity in the parts of the brain associated with the ability to plancontrol and direct thoughts and behavior.

Patrick Markeythe psychology professorfound in his research that men who commit severe acts of violence actually play violent video games less than the average male. Another study by Markey and other researchers showed that violence tends to go down when a new violent movie or video game comes out. One possible explanation is that people are at home playing the game or in theaters watching the movie. Markey believes that video games might excite people, but they do not change who people are. “It is like going to see a sad movie,” Markey said of playing video games. “It might make you cry but it doesn’t make you clinically depressed,” he said.

1.Why is the mass shooting in EI Paso, Texas mentioned in the first paragraph?

A.To show the necessity of scientific studies.

B.To support the writer’s own viewpoint.

C.To show the seriousness of violent acts.

D.To serve as evidence for the assumption.

2.What are the similarities between Benjamin Burroughs and Patrick Markey?

A.Both are specialists in psychology in the USA.

B.Both acknowledge video game roused emotional change.

C.Both present their ideas through doing research.

D.Both worry about the potential dangers caused by video games.

3.What can be learned about the research in 2006?

A.Teenagers tested in it become more emotional.

B.Its findings set alarm for young video game players.

C.Teenagers mentioned in it mainly come from Indiana.

D.Its researchers are strongly for banning video games.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Violence—a by-product of video games.

B.Video games—the cause of violence or not.

C.Video games—the promoter of the mass shoot.

D.Violence—a threat for game players or not.


    Chocolates, syrup(糖浆), cream on top, many of the hot drinks we consume even more at this time of year certainly sound sugary, but just how much sugar they contain might come as a shock.

The health campaign group Action on Sugar has found that Starbucks hot chocolate made with milk has almost 94 grams of sugar. That equals 23 teaspoons. At Caffe Nero, the salted hot chocolate packs in almost 60 grams of sugar, about 15 leaspoons. And Casta’s cream latte(拿铁)has 32 grams of sugar, that’s 8 teaspoons.

The drink makers won’t have those details listed next to the price. If known, it would be quite alarming. That’s how capitalism works. The capitalists have to get people addicted to certain things to keep selling it more. If told the amount of sugar containedmany would take hot drinks just as a treat not on a daily basis. Some drinks have actually reduced in sugar over the past few yearsbut many more haven’t. The most sugary seasonal drink was from Starbucks with more than 14 teaspoons of sugar. Other companies like breakfast cereal manufacturers and yogurt manufacturers are reducing sugar. And so is soft drinksyet the milk based drinks, milk shakeshot chocolates and lattes just don’t seem to have changed in the same way.

And while some companies are actually being really responsible reducing their sugar, some have actually increased that in the last two years which just seems ridiculous. Coffee chains do offer low-calorie alternatives. But Action on Sugar are still calling for more tax on hot coffee drinks. Not much of a Christmas present for the coffee chains, but maybe a gift in the long term for our health.

1.What does the first two paragraphs mainly talk about?

A.Consumers favor sugar contained hot drinks.

B.The amount of sugar in some hot drinks is frightening.

C.Famous hot drink makers prefer hot chocolate series.

D.Cream latte is the signature hot drink for Starbucks.

2.What can we learn about hot drink makers?

A.Most of them are trying to reduce sugar in certain drinks.

B.Chocolate and syrup are irreplaceable part of their products.

C.They won’t show the consumer how much sugar a drink contains.

D.Four of them have been investigated by the health campaign group.

3.What’s the writer’s attitude toward the hot drink makers?

A.Supportive. B.Doubtful.

C.Objective. D.Reserved.

4.How can the sugar-originated hot drink problem be eased?

A.Taxes can be raised on hot drink makers like coffee chains.

B.More official groups like Action on Sugar could be founded.

C.Sugar content can be labeled in place of the price for hot drinks.

D.Warnings can be given to those enjoying weekly hot drinks.


    This is the colourful waste created by a Swedish city with a unique recycling system. Like many cities in SwedenEskilstuna has an impressive recycling record. It met the EU 2020 target of recycling 50%of waste many years ago. But almost everyone who lives here follows a strict recycling policy at home. People are expected to sort their household waste into seven separate categoriesincluding foodtextiles, cartons(纸板箱)and metal. But what really makes the system stand out is the bright colour code.

The reason for this becomes clear at the city’s recycling plant. The bags arrive all jumbled up because they’re collected altogether in a rush, once a fortnight from outside people’s houses. But thanks to those bright colors, scanners can select the bags and separate them efficiently. The food waste in green bags is processed on site into a certain thick liquid to make burnable gas, which powers the city’s buses. One of the benefits of this method of recycling is that there is less cross-pollution, so more of the recycled waste can actually be used to make new things. Like the rest of SwedenEskilstuna is committed to sending zero waste from its citizens to landfill. Waste that cannot be recycled is burnt at a local plant to generate electricity. This reduces reliance on fossil fuels, but does create greenhouse gases.

As countries around the world try to improve their recycling rates, some may look to Eskilstuna as an example to follow as long as they think they can persuade their citizens to get busy sorting at home.

1.What can we learn about Eskilstuna?

A.It is flooded with colorful waste.

B.It is best-known for waste-recycling.

C.Waste there is painted into seven colors.

D.Rubbish recycling is handled seriously there.

2.What does the underlined word “jumbled” in paragraph 2 mean?

A.Mixed together. B.Collected orderly.

C.Sealed cautiously. D.Piled purposefully.

3.What may the new recycle-system bring about?

A.The increase in the efficiency of waste recycling.

B.The convenience to the citizens in waste dropping.

C.The avoidance of rubbish related environmental problems.

D.The decrease of profit for waste plants.

4.Where is this text most likely from?

A.Parents. B.In style.

C.Fortune. D.The New York Times.


    When film was first invented in the late 1800s and early 1900s, movie-goers could actually see images of far-away places, like China, and that fueled interest in the area. Throughout history, many Chinese Americans are devoted in this area. Now, the back room of the Formosa Cafe looks like a museum that honors the works of Chinese Americans and their contributions to Hollywood.

Chinese stereotypes(刻板印象)

Stereotypes of the Chinese in America were strengthened by the otherness of U.S. China towns in the late 1800s and early 1900s.There was an idea that the Chinese was the “yellow peril”, who you couldn’t trust. And that resulted in the character called Fu Manchu. Fu Manchu was an evil character who wanted to destroy the western world. He appeared in movies and in a television series. In 1926 , Charlie Chan, a Chinese investigator from Hawaii, appeared for the first time in a movie. This created a different , yet still problematic Asian stereotype.

“Yellow face” actors

Charlie Chan and Fu Manchu may have been Chinese characters, but the actors were usually white men made up to look like Asian. Actors Sidney Toler, Roland Winters and Ross Martin all played Charlie Chan. Yellow face meant they actually yellowed up their skin. White actors just played the lead characters in The Good Earth, a 1937 film about Chinese farmers. Asian actors had parts in the film, but they needed bankable actors , however , there were no Asian American bankable actors.

China factors

Over the years, Asian and Chinese Americans did find work in Hollywood, and a few earned a star on the Hollywood Walk for Fame. Hollywood is also changing the way it presents the Chinese culture. As the biggest market for movies outside the U. S, Hollywood has been making films that will not offend movie goers in China or the country’s government. The industry has been careful not to show the Chinese as evil. Co-productions between Hollywood and Chinese companies put Chinese characters and China in a favorable or satisfactory way.

1.Why is the back room of the Formosa Cafe mentioned?

A.To show appreciation for Chinese American filmmakers.

B.To display the richness of Chinese American films.

C.To attract more customers to enjoy coffee in the Formosa Cafe.

D.To recommend a place to mover goers to learn Chinese American films.

2.What can be known about Charlie Chan?

A.He could be found in a TV series.

B.He was an actor bearing evil reputation.

C.He represented investigators from Hawaii.

D.He wasn’t much appreciated by movie-goers then.

3.What can be concluded about Chinese American films?

A.Chinese actors were preferred in casting Chinese roles.

B.They focused on evil Chinese eager to ruin America.

C.China factors are positively viewed in them.

D.They have been introducing Chinese stereotypes.


假定你是李华,你的外国朋友Catherine听说中医(Traditional Chinese Medicine)在预防和治新冠肺炎(COVID-19)方面效果良好,想作更多了解。


1 .中医的历史

2 .中医的作用。

3. 你的看法

注意:1 词数100词左右

2 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

Dear Catherine ,








注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Hello! Welcome to my hometown. Firstly, we would go to the Guandi Temple. It has more than one thousand years old. It is a gathering place for young man on Friday and Saturday nights. Two streets lead to the temple, which have wide sidewalks and are lining with trees. Front Street contain all the food stores. Back Street is a place all the government offices are housed. Finally, we come to the Green Hill. And there is the primary school on the hill. In spite of only one hundred pupils, it was well known. After visiting to my hometown, I'm surely you'll love it better.



I was in Shenzhen, China, and a family stopped me and my wife and asked us if they could have their children take a photo with us. They were 1.(tour) from the inland of the country, and had never seen an American before.

2. similar thing happened in Shanghai. This time I was alone wandering across the Waibaidu Bridge, and a group of teenage girls asked me3.I could pose with them for a photo. I was happy, and I returned them all my smiles as the photo4.(take)

Another surprise: I was in Pudong and I couldn't find the entrance to the subway. I approached a man 5. (walk) near me, showing him the ride ticket, and he nodded6.(smart). Then he indicated I should follow. We went about 4 blocks. He pointed to the entrance, smiled, turned and walked away. I had no time7. (offer) him a trip, which was a good thing because it might have been taken 8. an insult (侮辱). I couldn't believe that he had taken so much trouble for a stranger.

Again, similar experiences repeated 9. (them) across China. The friendliness of the people, their kindness, and their eagerness to help was10. (condition). I don't know if that should be classified as "cultural shock", but it made me think about the Us, and how I rarely experience such kindness in my own country.


    Chase and Nicole McKeown are both police officers in Elizabeth town in Kentucky. One night, the two off-duty officers ____ a robbery at a restaurant chain.

When they were eating dinner in the restaurant, a man came in______a mask and went up to the counter.

“I think we both saw him at the same time,”Nicole said during a news conference.______ she thought the man may be sick, given _____ season, but soon she knew the mask was for a less innocent _____, according to CNN. Nicole added they saw the employees behind the counter______their hands and that' s when we both ____ what was happening.

The monitor video ____ what happened next. The officers drew their weapons and _____the suspect. On the video, the suspect can be seen _____ his weapon and running out of the door, CNN reported. The couple_____ to pursue (追赶) him a few blocks away from the restaurant and ._____him at gunpoint until the Louisville Metro Police arrived and______ him .

"It is my belief that if not for the_____ actions of these two officers, the robber's actions inside the _____would have escalated (升级), they acted_____ , ”said Deputy Dan Mason of the LMPD 's robbery unit.

The couple said the officer instinct (本能) just________as the situation worsened.“We both looked at each other and said‘Let's go, '"Chase said.“When it _____people's life in danger, any other officer would have done the _____thing," Nicole said.

The suspect is now in________ in Louisville, according to the police.

1.A.acted B.made C.found D.prevented

2.A.waving B.wearing C.holding D.carrying

3.A.Later on B.Right away C.At first D.Once more

4.A.flu B.peak C.harvest D.holiday

5.A.aim B.result C.victim D.reason

6.A.put up B.drew back C.took off D.turned over

7.A.decided B.feared C.realized D.wondered

8.A.spread B.showed C.copied D.changed

9.A.left B.asked C.seized D.chased

10.A.hiding B.ruining C.dropping D.returning

11.A.agreed B.started C.continued D.offered

12.A.held B.killed C.punished D.searched

13.A.hurt B.arrested C.examined D.threatened

14.A.heroic B.extra C.sudden D.final

15.A.game B.fight C.business D.situation

16.A.crazily B.luckily C.surprisingly D.honorably

17.A.took in B.joined in C.moved i D.kicked in

18.A.goes for B.comes to C.deals with D.fights against

19.A.same B.opposite C.common D.different

20.A.mercy B.prison C.silence D.hospital


    Good gift giving is an art. The perfect present can lift mood or improve a relationship. It can repair a wrong

doing, or simply remind a loved one that you care.1. ? We spoke to some experts to help us make a simple guide to gifting.

Don't add a small gift to a big gift

2.? Some flowers to go with a bottle of grand French champagne (香槟)? Don’ t .When we receive gifts, we tend to unconsciously average out their value, so a small gift attached to a big one will  hurt the latter’s influence.

Gift experiences rather than things

A brand new iPhone becomes old fast. But a dream vacation or seeing your favorite artist in concert will give you memories that last forever. “Experiences often have more thought gone into them.3.. We might remember the tablet that a friend or a loved one has bought us, but not as much as a two-week holiday to Florida- the memories and the emotional attachment are greater than to a physical object,”explained Farrelly.

Think like the receiver

Let s put it very simply: buy things that your receiver would buy for themselves. That might seem obvious.4.. People tend to use gifts as jokes, encouragements to change one's ways, or to signal something about themselves rather than providing happiness to the receiver.

The best way to get it right is to ask the frank question, "what would you like?"


The last rule is a no-brainer: remember the gift of giving. A study finds that spending money on others promotes happiness. The good feelings you may experience from giving someone a gift they love may also last longer than spending money on ourselves.

A.Be generous enough

B.Is that always the way people do

C.So are there a set of rules to follow

D.And they create more vivid memories

E.But it happens far less than we' d like

F.Spend more on others than on yourself

G.Do you attempt to add a tie to an expensive shirt


    If our bodies actually suffer from eating too much sugar, then why do we like it? And why don 't we have such a strong eager for food like, say, broccoli (西兰花)which is a great source of Vitamin C,Vitamin K iron, all things our body actually needs? If it's so bad for us, then why does sugar taste so good? There are hundreds of journal articles trying to answer that very question. Let' s take a look at what they' ve come up with.

Studies have shown that the love children have for sugar may be born with. In other words, kids may have a built-in love of all things sweet. The preference for sweet foods is found to be already evident in newborns, who prefer sweeter formulas (配方). It also seems to be shared by children globally across cultures and climates. There’s further evidence that kids’ taste buds (味蕾) are more sensitive to bitter-tasting foods, further pushing them to reach for the sweets. One study showed that adults tend to maximize their sugar preference at about the level of sugar in a can of soda, but older children still liked drinks that were twice as sweet. The scientists couldn't find a limit to the concentration of sugar younger children preferred. It turms out that the kids still liked the sugary drink even past the point where there was too much sugar to be dissolved (溶解) in water anymore.

Sugar gets a bad fame, but it isn't all bad. Sugar provides our bodies with calories, which we can then change into energy. Children, in particular, need this energy to fuel their rapid growth. Sugar also helps us store fat, which can be drawn on later if needed. Our body knows to pursue the things it needs as two way of signaling our brain to start eating what we’re missing.

As a vegetarian (素食主义者)I know that when I start thinking about stealing the peanut butter sandwich that's been floating around in my kid' s backpack, it' s probably not because the sandwich is so delicious. It' s more likely that I haven't gotten enough protein for the day.

1.What makes so many people study sugar?

A.High sugar intake.

B.Curiosity about Sugar.

C.The love for sugar.

D.The magic effect of sugar.

2.What do the studies show about eating the sweets?

A.Loving sugar is human's nature.

B.A vegetarian doesn't like sugar so much.

C.The older one is, the more sugar one needs.

D.The love for sugar depends on living habits.

3.How does sugar impress us according to the text?

A.Deadly but irresistible.

B.Beneficial but harmful.

C.Necessary but not welcome.

D.Useful but not nutritious.

4.Why does the author steal his kid's food?

A.To store more protein,

B.To treat his illness.

C.To avoid his kid eating more.

D.To meet body' s needs.


    One of the most critical roles forests play is relieving climate change. Trees suck enormous amounts of carbon dioxide out of the air and fix the carbon in their wood and the soil. A recent study found that planting new trees over an area the size of the US could suck away two thirds of all the carbon dioxide discharge that humans have pumped into the atmosphere.

“Without animals, it is harder for forests to absorb carbon, as tree species (种类) important for protecting the climate could be lost without animals", Susanne Winter, a program director said at the WWF.

In Africa, many of the tree species that absorb the most carbon rely on large birds and primates (灵长类动物) to eat their fruits and spread their large seeds, according to the report. Without them, those trees would have difficulty reproducing and forests would lose their best carbon-storing trees.

“Forests are our greatest natural ally in the fight against global warming, ”Winter said.“If we want to hold back the worldwide decline in biodiversity and prevent the climate crisis,s we need to protect the forests and the species living there.

Forests also filter (过滤) water-- as water makes its way to lakes or groundwater reserves, the roots and soil separate it from deposits and pollution that it collects along the way. What' s more, forests regulate the global water cycle, since trees' leaves, branches, and roots store or send out water vapor.

Climate models show that forest-cutting down in Central Africa could lead to a 15% drop in rainfall in the US Midwest, and Amazon deforestation (森林滥伐) could cut Texas rainfall by 25%.

Humans also get food, wood, and medicine from the abundance of plants and animals in forests. Worldwide, 1.6 billion people rely on forests for their livings, according to the United Nations. About 300 million people live in forests, according to WWF.

1.What's the purpose of Paragraph 3?

A.To tell where the large seeds go.

B.To show the tree species in Africa.

C.To draw reader' s attention to Africa.

D.To support Susanne Winter’s opinion.

2.What does the underlined word“ally" in Paragraph 4 probably mean?





3.How do forests change climate according to the passage?

A.By affecting air and water.

B.By feeding birds and animals.

C.By providing life necessities.

D.By increasing the variety of trees.

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Water should be filtered.

B.The more forests, the more rain.

C.Forests should be globally protected.

D.Half the carbon dioxide is sucked away by trees.


    In a world facing increasing conflict and instability, a Chinese Canadian is sending messages of love and peace through his artwork.

William Ho, 60, who arrived in Canada from Hong Kong 42 years ago, teaches Chinese brush-painting near Toronto. The United Nations invited Ho to exhibit his art and his masterpiece at its headquarters in New York in 2006, and he then became a UN global partner. Ho has been doing Chinese art and Chinese brush-painting for more than 50 years and teaching for over 30. He has more than 3, 000 students from around the world.

“I actually started in Western art when I was younger, working in pencil drawing, oil painting, water color, etc. However, after I met Chinese brush-painting a couple of years later, my eyes and mind were enlightened,”Ho recalled. Chinese and Western artists should respect, appreciate and learn from each other. Ho said one of his missions (使命) is to bring Chinese culture“back to”the centre stage of the world, as it had been for thousands of years.

So one of the themes in Ho' s speeches delivered at UN Headquarters was“position well China, and position well the world". Ho said that some countries demand special treatment from the world or the international court in the name of democracy (民主) and freedom.“This mentality is sick, selfish and bad. The people of the world and Mother Nature are saying no to the greedy. In fact, the whole world cannot afford these types of demands. We as a global family wouldn' t allow this to happen."Ho said. Contrary to greed, Chinese culture believes that“less is more'”.

“Chinese culture has been enlightening the world through our art, literature, philosophy, medicine, technologies in astronomy, navigation and four great inventions,”Ho said.

1.What did Ho wish to do when he learned Chinese art?

A.To be UN's partner easier and earlier.

B.To make his artwork more enthusiastic.

C.To regain its leading position in the world.

D.To combine Chinese and Western culture in art.

2.What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us?

A.Democracy and freedom.

B.Some country 's special demand.

C.A famous Chinese proverb.

D.Ho's opinion about cultural exchanges.

3.What does Ho think of artwork according to the passage?

A.A tool for glory and money.

B.The carrier of culture.

C.A way to the world center.

D.A stage for artists.

4.What's the best title for the passage?

A.An Artist Whose Heart Beats for World

B.A Chinese Painting Lover

C.A Pioneer Who Promotes Chinese Culture

D.A Famous UN Global Partner


    Jo Usmar is a writer for Cosmopolitan and co-author of the lifestyle books. Here she picks her top reads.

Frankly in Love by David Yoon

There are some books I would never pick up if it weren' t for review purposes and Frankly in Love is one of therm. I bad heard of this book and seen it all over Goodreads.

Within the first few pages of this book, I was all in. I think part of what was so engaging is that it's from he viewpoint of Frank Li, a teen of high school.

Game of Stars by Sayantani Dasgupta

Just like any 12-year-old girl, Kiran is just tying to figure out who she is. Unlike other 12-year-old girls, however, she has to0 deal with titles like "princess and "demon slayer (魔鬼杀手)”. She happens to be a princess from the Kingdom Beyond, a world where gods and demons existed. Now it is up to her to save the kingdom and be the hero.

Abraham Lincoln:Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith

This is a remarkable book. The depth of the story went far beyond my expectations. The author paints a picture of Lincoln, a portrait (肖像) of strength, determination, and sacrifice in the face of personal and national disaster. Although some readers may find it rude to use a great leader of the United States in a fictional action book for entertainment, Grahame Smith tries to preserve an air of dignity and honor in the character of Lincoln.

1.What does the book Frankly in Love probably show to readers?

A.A world in a teen's eye.

B.The building of a new country.

C.The life of a famous politician.

D.Ways of becoming a top student.

2.If you don't like to read about sex, which do you prefer?

A.Frankly in Love

B.Game of Stars

C.Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter


3.What is special about Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter?

A.It's about a romantic painter.

B.It is a collection of pictures.

C.It' s about a country leader.

D.It tells the true life of the author.



1. 写信目的;

2. 活动内容;

3. 活动意义;

4. 表达期待。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

3. 参考词汇: 劳动 labor

Dear James,



Li Hua






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


To raise students’ awareness of road safety, a traffic police officer were invited to give us lecture in the school’s hall on May 20th. At first, the officer present us with some cases of traffic accidents. It great shocked the students present. Then, the officer analyzed that led to the accidents and stressed the important of following traffic rules. Finally, he detailed some traffic regulation and instructed us not to breaking them.

The lecture was a valuable opportunity for them, from which all the students benefited a lot of. We realized that we should obey the traffic rules strictly.



The Dutch government has announced it will stop 1. (use) the nick name Holland in favor of its 2. (office) name the Netherlands. The €200,000 ($319,000) rebrand is part of an update of the country’s international image. The image includes a push to more sustainably manage large numbers of tourists 3. visit the country each year.

Holland refers to two of the 12 4. (province), North Holland, which includes Amsterdam and Haarlem, and South Holland, where The Hague, Rotterdam and Leiden 5. (situate). The tourism industry started promoting the nation using the nickname 25 years ago but now 6. (want) to present the commerce, science and politics of the whole country.

The change of image was part of a renewed tourism strategy that aims 7. (put) an end to large numbers of visitors on cheap flights, particularly to Amsterdam. Minister of Economic Affairs Eric Wiebes said the Netherlands had the 8. (much) competitive economy in Europe and the fourth in the world.

It said it expected the number of international visitors to reach 30 million in 2030, which will increase the pressure 9. the quality of life and the environment, and makes 10. necessary not only to promote the country, but also to emphasis a big development of the Netherlands.


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