
As of Tuesday, Chinese box office hit “Wolf Warrior 2”  has earned more than 3.4 billion yuan ($507 million),1.(break)China’s all-time box office record,which 2.(set) last year by Hong Kong comedy “The Mermaid.”

The leading character is Leng Feng, played by Wu Jing, the film’s writer and director. Leng is a 3.(fear) former special forces soldier of the People’s Liberation Army. During a military rebellion(反叛) in4.African country, Leng almost single-handedly helps Chinese workers and African locals escape the war-torn nation. But the fighting scenes alone don’t explain the movie’s 5.(succeed)--it’s also the patriotism(爱国主义)and spirit of the film projects 6. have impressed Chinese audiences.

Tong Yemeng, a 32-year-old office worker from Beijing, “I felt so proud of7. ( I )country when I saw Wu Jing waving the national flag in the war zone,” she said. “It showed our8.(increase) national power.”

The movie’s patriotic reaction can be attributed to its timing. “Wolf Warrior 2” hit cinemas as India and China were involved 9. a border dispute, as the central government is promoting its international Belt and Road Initiative(倡议), 10. as the People’s Liberation Army celebrated its 90th anniversary.


    Devon Gallagher, a college graduate from Philadelphia, wants the world to know where she’s been during her great worldwide vacation in a(n) ______way.

The traveler, who was ______ with a bone disease, had her right leg ______ at the age of four. ______ the amputation (截肢) caused hardships for Gallagher early on, she, at the age of 22 now, _____ it as an inspiration for making the ______ of her life.

To spread that ______, Gallagher has ______ to social media, ______ she shares photos of her travels across the world, but instead of ______ using a geotag (地理标签), she draws her location across her artificial leg before taking a picture.

Now she has been taking pictures ______ Europe. “I get a new leg every two years and I can choose the design on it. One day I had a sudden ______ that my new leg could be used as a blackboard,” Gallagher said. “My mum and grandmother weren’t too ______ the idea, but my friends thought it was great and told me to go for it, so I did.”

Gallagher said people often stare when she’s ______ on her leg, but once she shares the photos, she ______ only praise and encouragement. “My leg hasn’t ______ me from doing anything I’ve wanted to do,” she said. “I don’t know ______ it is my determination to prove to myself that I can do it, but anyhow, I’ve been able to ______ up with my peers and lead a pretty great life.”

Gallagher shows us that you should never let anything stand in the ______ of your dream. And if you meet with an obstacle (障碍), get ______ with it— if life gives you an artificial leg, make art.

1.A.common B.right C.simple D.special

2.A.born B.charged C.filled D.linked

3.A.cured B.treated C.cut D.kept

4.A.Unless B.Although C.Once D.Since

5.A.considers B.thinks C.treats D.looks

6.A.coolest B.best C.worst D.fullest

7.A.evidence B.news C.message D.schedule

8.A.applied B.belonged C.stuck D.turned

9.A.which B.that C.as D.where

10.A.simply B.officially C.enthusiastically D.reasonably

11.A.across B.through C.about D.for

12.A.attitude B.thought C.belief D.opinion

13.A.curious about B.fond of C.patient with D.afraid of

14.A.walking B.reporting C.writing D.standing

15.A.accepts B.takes C.likes D.receives

16.A.protected B.preserved C.stopped D.defended

17.A.why B.that C.if D.what

18.A.make B.come C.put D.keep

19.A.way B.corner C.course D.bottom

20.A.satisfied B.creative C.familiar D.connected


    1. You probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessarily so, however. Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. Here’s how:

Plan your time carefully. When planning your work, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making this list, you should make a schedule of your time. First set your time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then decide a good, regular time for studying. 2. A weekly schedule may not solve all your problems, but it will force you realize what is happening to your time.

Find a good place to study. Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this space, which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room, free of everything but study materials. No games, radios, or television. When you sit down to study, concentrate on the subject.

Make good use of your time in class. 3. Listening carefully in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says.

Study regularly. When you get home from school, go over your notes, review the important points that your teacher is going to discuss next day, read that material. 4. If you do these things regularly, the material will become more meaningful, and you’ll remember it longer.

Develop a good attitude towards tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. They help you remember your new knowledge. The world won’t end if you don’t pass a test, so don’t be over worried.

5.You will probably discover many others after you have tried these.

A. Don’t forget to set aside enough time for entertainment.

B. There are other methods that might help you with your studying.

C. Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teacher says.

D. No one can become a top student unless he or she works hard.

E. This will help you understand the next class.

F. Make full use of class time to take notes of what the teacher says in class.

G. Maybe you are an average student.


    Imagine a town with crosswalks but no pedestrians, cars and trucks but no drivers. Welcome to Mcity, a fake “city” built by researchers who are testing out the driverless cars of the future.

The controlled test environment, which opened today (July 20, 2015) at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, covers 32 acres (the size of about 24 football fields) and contains all the trappings of a real suburb or small city. There is an entire network of roads lined with sidewalks, streetlights, stop signs and traffic signals. There’s even a “downtown” area complete with fake buildings and outdoor dining areas.

The idea behind Mcity is simple: test out new driverless car innovations in a human-free environment before these technologies are unleashed in the real world.

"Mcity is a safe, controlled, and realistic environment where we are going to figure out how the incredible potential of connected and automated vehicles can be realized quickly, efficiently and safely," Peter Sweatman, director of the Mobility Transformation Center at U-M, said in a statement.

The roads of Mcity are built to stand up to “rigorous, repeatable” testing, according to MTC officials. While Mcity drivers don't have to compete with real pedestrians, there will be one mechanical foot-traveler (a robot-like machine named Sebastian) that steps out into traffic to see whether the automated cars can hit the brakes in time. The fake city also features a traffic circle, a bridge, a tunnel, some unpaved roads, and even a four-lane highway with entrance and exit ramps, according to a report by Bloomberg Business.

In addition to evaluating fully automated, or driverless cars, the researchers also hope to test out so-called connected vehicles within Mcity’s limits. Connected cars can either communicate with one another (vehicle-to-vehicle control, or V2V) or with pieces of equipment, such as traffic lights, that are located near roadways (vehicle-to-infrastructure control, or V2I).

Even the smallest details of Mcity have been planned out in advance to copy the conditions that connected and automated vehicles could face in the real world. For example, there are street signs covered up with graffiti, and faded yellow and white lane markings line the streets.

Mcity is just one part of a much larger project that MTC and its partner organizations are establishing in an effort to get a whole fleet of connected and driverless cars on the road in Ann Arbor by 2021. In addition to the fake city, MTC is also continuing to launch connected and semi-autonomous(半自动) cars on real roadways. Eventually, the University of Michigan and the Michigan Department of Transportation said they hope to put 20,000 connected cars on the roads of southern Michigan.

1.According to the passage, Mcity ________.

A.is a real town used to evaluate the function of future cars

B.is a fake city with transportation system but no pedestrians

C.covers an area of 32 acres with as many as 24 football fields

D.owns a downtown area with a bridge and some unpaved roads

2.Why did researchers build Mcity?

A.To test new driverless cars.

B.To make a real suburb or small city.

C.To control road environment.

D.To build an entire network of roads.

3.It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

A.some connected and semi-autonomous cars have been put into use

B.the researchers plans to create a robot-like machine to direct the traffic

C.the widespread use of driverless cars will soon come into reality in America

D.MTC is attempting to make connected and driverless cars available on real roads

4.How does the passage mainly develop?

A.By presenting descriptions of the design.

B.By describing a cause and its effects.

C.By providing the time order.

D.By comparing the opinions.


    Working up a credit score for Walter Cavanagh has got to be a mathematical nightmare the man has nearly 1500 valid credit cards to his name and holds the Guinness Record for the most credit cards Mr Plastic Fantastic a title given to him by Guinness World Records is also the proud owner of the world's longest wallet which can hold about 800 cards But he uses it only to carry a few cards while the rest are safely kept in bank safedeposit boxes

Cavanagh started collecting credit cards in the late 1960s "One of my best friends and I made a silly bet the guy who could collect the most credit cards by the end of the year would win dinner" he said " I got 143 cards by the end of the year and my friend gathered 138" After winning that bet Cavanagh decided to simply keep going with his unusual collection He got credit cards from gas stations airlines bars and even ice cream stores

If there's one card missing from Cavanagh's collection it's that from the Newberry Company They repulsed his application for a card in the early 1970s even though he'd collected over 100 by then They said he had too much credit Therefore so far he hasn't had a Newberry card in his collection

Cavanagh hasn't stopped applying for new cards he's held the Guinness Record since 1971 and has no intention of letting go of it He copies whole pages from a US directory of businesses and keeps sending applications If he receives a rejection he writes back to the company explaining his goal and ambition But he doesn't count useless cards in his total collection

Thanks to all the cards to his name Cavanagh has access to about 1.7 million at any moment Despite this privilege he has managed to maintain an excellent credit score

The 72yearold retired financial planner and credit expert has only one piece of advice to share "Never use a card to buy anything you can't pay off in a couple of months If you don't have the discipline you shouldn't have the cards"

1.Cavanagh began to collect credit cards when he    

A. owned a very long wallet

B. made a bet with his friend

C. wanted to create a Guinness Record

D. was treated to dinner by his friend

2.What does the underlined word "repulsed" in Paragraph 3 probably mean

A. Rejected

B. Recalled

C. Repeated

D. Recognized

3.What do the underlined words "the discipline" in the last paragraph probably refer to

A. Having many cards to your own name

B. Buying things by card and paying off in time

C. Managing to own more privileges for your card

D. Using a card to buy things as many times as possible

4.What do we know about Cavanagh's cards

A. Some of them are useless

B. They are safely kept in his long wallet

C. They have brought him fame and privilege

D. Fewer new cards are added to his collections


    Most people can't live to 100 Those who do live so long can hardly walk let alone take part in any activities A few people however take part in dangerous activities even though they are more than 100 years old They keep going and going! There is a great grandmother who likes challenging herself although she is 101 years old this year

Mary Hardison believes that people should always be cheerful and more importantly take on all kinds of adventures while they physically still can So instead of celebrating her 101st birthday with a boring party she decided to go paragliding(滑翔跳伞)﹣ an idea she got from her 75yearold son who recently took it up as a hobby

So on her birthday cheered on by her big family she tied herself up together with expert instructor Kevin Hintze and jumped down fearlessly from the sky near her home in Ogden Utah And it was not just a simple jump either According to Kevin Hintze the grandmother encouraged him to turn around as they made their way down

This is not the first time that Mary has done something "wild" and "crazy" For her 90th birthday she rode all the adult rides at Disneyland And she is not done yet For her 102nd birthday she hopes to go down the 3000 feet Alpine Slide at Utah's Park City Mountain Resort!

Not surprisingly this great action has made Mary Hardison very famous and also earned her a place in the Guinness World Records where she broke a 2007 record set by a 100yearold British woman What an amazing lady!

1.What do we know about Mary Hardison

A. She took up paragliding as her hobby at the age of 75

B. She is a 101yearold lady who likes challenging herself

C. She was recorded in the Guinness World Records in 2007

D. She is the oldest woman in the Guinness World Records

2.From whom did Mary get the idea of going paragliding

A. A 100yearold British woman

B. Kevin Hintze

C. Her grandson

D. Her 75yearold son

3.How does the author feel about Mary's action

A. Amazed

B. Supportive

C. Doubtful

D. Worried

4.The text is likely to appear in ________

A. a news report

B. an advertisement

C. a novel

D. a science report


What I like to advise people is to find out what it is that makes them happy. What do you love to do? If you truly love what you do just go ahead and try to make a living by doing it. People will throw money at you to do it. But you will always have to work hard at it. I have to draw every single day of my life. I have to draw about 20 ideas. My advice is to put aside a certain amount of time every day and make you draw or whatever, especially when you don’t feel like it. Only in this way will you be able to perfect your talent.

The first step you take is to go to your local library and ask for the publications issued in the current years. When you get these publications, try to find the names of the top people concerned and their presidents. After you find these, write down their names and addresses. Keep this list and update it every year. Next thing you want to do is to create at least 40 cartoons. Get a grid(格子) from one of the strips in the newspapers, enlarge it to whatever size you wish and draw inside this grid. Now take the best 20 of your ideas and make them into finished pieces. To do this, you would want to copy them in ink because if you were a professional cartoonist, that was what you should do. Now you can reduce the size of the finished cartoons to fit onto a regular comic’s page. By comparing yours with the others already in print, it gives you a good idea of clarity to your cartoon.

The next step is to write letters to presidents of the publication. In the letters, explain who you think would read your work, or in other words, what group do you think you would target. After you complete these, send all of your information enclosed with letters in the appropriate envelope.

Now as soon as you send out these letters, start to create a brand new strip with all new characters. Don’t___________because if your idea gets turned down then you will give up. And always remember. If you receive a rejection from any of them, keep in mind that you are working on something better. You will be working on something new and more exciting and the rejection letter will not have any impact. With this in mind…

1.What is the advice from the writer in the first paragraph when you want to succeed in your life?

A. Stop doing anything until you find something quite suitable for your future career.

B. Put aside a certain amount of time every day to consider how to make a living.

C. Make a living by something that you truly like to do as your profession and work hard at it.

D. Perfect your talent only by drawing some cartoons.

2.The purpose of writing a letter to the president was to ____.

A. get some money to support the later career

B. enclose the information on how to become cartoonists with the letter

C. focus his attention on the work

D. explain who would be the readers of the work

3.The underlined phrase “get married to one idea” in the last paragraph probably refers to ______.

A. having a strong desire to get married

B. fixing all attention on one idea

C. marrying someone is a good ideas

D. refusing one idea to get married




It was a rough week. The price of oil skyrocketed as the temperature dropped sharply in Maine. We were looking at a high of eight degrees that week, and I had missed three days of work so my paycheck was going to be lower than normal. I was stressed, to say the least. I shopped strategically, looking for every possible way to cut pennies so I could buy groceries and keep the house warm.

My eight-year-old son didn't understand when I told him we were struggling that week. He wanted a special kind of yoghurt, but I didn't have the extra three dollars to buy it for him. It was the kind of yoghurt with a cartoon kid riding a skateboard on the front of the box, and a mere two spoonfuls in each cup. It was the kind of product that wastes a parent's money and makes me hate advertising.

I felt guilty as a parent when those big eyes looked at me with confusion, as if to say, “It's just yoghurt. What's the big deal?” So I found a way. I put something back as single mothers often do. He got his yoghurt.

On the way driving back from the grocery store, I noticed a homeless man holding a sign by the side of the road. My heart hurt, and I tried not to look at him. I watched people stay away from him on the street and walk by without even meeting his eyes. My son didn't seem to care much, either. I looked at the man closely then — bare hands grasping a piece of cardboard, snot (鼻涕) frozen to his face, a wornout jacket. And there I was struggling because I had to buy oil and groceries. But I decided to help. I pulled over to the man and handed him a five-dollar bill.

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

3. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

Seeing this, my son became confused and surprised.


Paragraph 2:

On that day, my son performed an act that most adults wouldn’t have done.




1. 表示祝贺;

2. 赠送名家字帖。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:字贴 calligraphy copybook




People love the view of old buildings in Paris, especially Notre Dame Cathedral(巴黎圣母院). 1.(fortunate), on April 16, a fire destroyed the spire(尖顶) of the 850-year-old cathedral, and two-thirds of the roof. Flames could be seen 2.(rise) through the top of the monument. The citizens in Paris gathered around the cathedral, praying 3. the hundreds of firefighters who fought the flames. 4. was no wonder that people felt sad. The church itself after all, is a historical and artistic treasure. 5.(build) in 1163, it is one of the world’s most famous tourist sites, attracting about 12 million 6.(visit) every year.

Notre Dame Cathedral is home to many 7.(religion) artworks, paintings and sculptures. Despite its long history and many treasures, the cathedral 8.(need) the help of a writer to become truly famous. Victor Hugo’s 1831 novel, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, presented the building to 9. wide audience of readers. He wrote the book to remind people of it, with the hope 10. they would protect the beautiful old buildings of Paris.


    Just a few months earlier, I would never have pictured myself acting in a play in front of two hundred people. If not for my ________, Mrs. Sather, I might never have found that opportunity.

In the first and second grade, I was extremely ________ It just wasn’t in my personality to be very outgoing. I would escape in my writing. Mrs. Sather, always ________ me to write more. I think she was one of the first people to see my inner _________

One day, she announced our class was going to ________ a play, a take off on The Wizard of Oz. “I need someone to play the lead part of Dorothy.” A few excited hands ________ Mine, of course, was not one of them.

After school, Mrs. Sather said to me, “Dallas, I was ________ you didn’t raise your hand. You’re great at memorizing things, and you have such a sweet personality. Perfect for Dorothy! I had you in ________ for Dorothy while writing the play! If you ________ don’t want to, though, I won’t make you. It’s your ________.”

I realized it was time to show the world who I really was. I ________ the role. Fast-forward through five months of ________, line memorizing, and costume creating, we were ready.

At the end of the play, when the audience stood and applauded, I knew they were not just ________ for my performance that night, but for the ________ that they knew would come in later years because of my newfound _________

1.A.partner B.teacher C.parent D.classmate

2.A.shy B.weak C.energetic D.ambitious

3.A.recommended B.allowed C.encouraged D.accompanied

4.A.drawback B.peace C.character D.strength

5.A.perform B.watch C.write D.enjoy

6.A.put down B.reached out C.shot up D.drew back

7.A.excited B.amused C.afraid D.surprised

8.A.store B.mind C.memory D.comparison

9.A.initially B.really C.finally D.spiritually

10.A.turn B.choice C.luck D.fault

11.A.accepted B.played C.created D.remembered

12.A.practicing B.learning C.observing D.communicating

13.A.celebrating B.chatting C.cheering D.congratulating

14.A.praises B.efforts C.beliefs D.performances

15.A.skill B.confidence C.interest D.hobby


    The dictionary isn’t forever. What happens to a word when its popularity starts to decline? Here’s how the process of deleting a word from the dictionary works.

The dictionary is actually a steadily enlarging volume. 1. New words arise from emerging and expanding disciplines. Definitions also change and shift, so common words gain new meanings. On the other hand, there are also words that become outdated. 2.

Who decides which words to delete? 3. While adding a word to the dictionary is a precise process, it’s even more difficult for a word to get deleted. Editors maintain and study vast language databases to keep up-to-date on the words in circulation across various media.

The Oxford English Dictionary covers the English language over the last 1,000 years, and it’s considered definitive and authoritative. 4. And each has its own process for additions and removals.

5. A 2019 petition(请愿)with 30,000 signatures calls for the Oxford English Dictionary to remove sexist language and definitions, especially those terms under the word “woman.” And Merriam-Webster recently changed definitions of identity-related words to reflect new cultural meanings around fairness.

A. Some new words might be out of date one day.

B. As a result, words get removed from the dictionary.

C. Dictionary additions and deletions reflect social changes.

D. It’s up to the dictionary editors to make the final decision.

E. That’s because the English language constantly develops and changes.

F. These are often the types of words that will make it into dictionaries.

G. However, there are many other dictionaries that are reliable and trustworthy.


    Mosquitos can infect you with Malaria, yellow fever, and dengue. All can kill you. So we spray large areas with pesticides (杀虫剂) .But this negatively affects the whole ecosystem and your health. Now there’s a new device, which claims to keep you and your loved one’s mosquito free.

The device was designed by two German engineers who were fed up with being bitten while camping. They found solutions containing ‘DEET’ — a damaging chemical which could be both harmful to us and the environment — worked best, but still only for 45 minutes maximum and that the traditional anti-pest devices didn’t work well! So, they designed the brand new type of bug killer, Moskinator.

Instead of trying to keep the mosquitos away, it actually attracts them, then catches and kills them! It lures (引诱) the flies and mosquitos near using a safe, completely harmless LED light. The flying pests (害虫) can’t resist the UV-PT light! Next to the LED light is a powerful, yet efficient reverse fan that sucks () the insects through a one-way trapdoor. Once trapped in the drying basket they are dried to death by the fan a matter of 2 minutes. You can simply empty the dead bugs into the trash, without even touching them.

Does Moskinator really work in real life? We had some of our customers try it out in their homes. The results speak for themselves:

“My wife would complain she had a headache in the mornings whenever we used chemical pesticides. Now we use our Moskinator, and we wake up bite and headache free!”— Shane Maguire

“This Moskinator really works and you don’t have to worry about breathing any harmful chemicals.”— Jake Shearer

1.What is the name of the new device?

A.DEET. B.Moskinator  C.Malaria. D.UV-PT.

2.What is the function of the LED light?

A.It gives off natural light. B.It attracts flying pests.

C.It sucks pests inside. D.It dries pests to death.

3.Which of the following best describes the new device?

A.Innovative and effective. B.Traditional and cheap.

C.Power-saving and portable. D.Chemical free and soundless.

4.What is the purpose of writing the text?

A.To educate the readers. B.To entertain the readers.

C.To introduce a new device. D.To evaluate a new device.


    Literature reflects life. So in ageing Japan there are a large number of hit books by aged authors. “Age 90: what’s so great about it?” is a humorous essay on the difficulties of the elderly, by Aiko Sato, who is 95. It sold one million copies in 2017, making it Japan’s bestselling book that year.

In 2018 the Akutagawa literary prize went to Chisako Wakatake, 63 at the time, for her first novel “Live by Myself”. The books talk about how to live in old age. “Going to Die Soon”, also by Ms Uchidate, features 78-year-old Hana, a former alcohol-shop owner trying to make the most of her remaining years. The novel has been called a book for shukatsu, or preparing for death, making readers think more deeply about what it means to age.

Japan’s population has the world’s highest percentage of over-65s. People are living longer, so many have at least 20-30 years of retirement, for much of which they are energetic.

And although the Japanese have been spending less on books, that is least true for the over-60s. Lawson, a convenience-store chain, recently decided to stock books with the older generation in mind.

But the wrinkly writers’ books are attracting younger readers, too. Some are preparing for their own old age or want to understand the increasing number of old people they see around them. Others find relevance in the themes explored, such as loneliness, a problem that stretches well beyond the silver-haired.

The most notable feature of the new trend is that the vast majority of authors, and main characters, are women. Especially popular, are the ara-hun (“around-hundred” years-old) writers like Ms Sato, whose book, readers say, helps them be more positive. Their popularity also reflects support for strong women who are passionate about their work, a phenomenon that is all too rare in Japan today.

1.“Going to Die Soon” is a book ________.

A.about how to stay positive in old age

B.which won the Akutagawa literary prize in 2018

C.which helps people live the rest of the life to the fullest

D.written by a 78-year-old Hana, an alcohol-shop owner

2.The books by aged authors are popular with younger readers because ________.

A.young readers now have more elder relatives

B.young readers face similar problems as the elderly

C.young readers are worried about becoming old

D.young readers are as lonely as the elderly

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Aged writers might be more successful than younger writers.

B.An aging society brings more chances for women writers.

C.People have to work after their retirement in an aging society.

D.Ambitious career women might not be popular with the Japanese.


    I was excited to take my rescue Beagle (比格犬) to the river the other day, as it’s within walking distance of our new home. Having spent her first six years in a cage, Georgie had never seen a body of water, and I wanted to get there before sunset to watch her experience it.

I was growing increasingly impatient about all the stops her little Beagle nose required. She inspected the grass, dirt, and trees, and licked () whatever was stuck to the road. These were all new discoveries for her, and she took her time studying them.

When I accepted that it was fruitless to hurry her along, I whipped out my cell phone and began texting. I thought that I needed something to do while Georgie was slowing us down. Then, for some reason, I heard the cicadas () ,and I remembered that the sound of cicadas is my favorite sound in the world. That awakened something buried within me that longed for the simple pleasures that had been replaced by technology.

I made a conscious decision to be present, and to enjoy the journey to the river Just like Georgie. Now, I admired the flowers and the winding ivy on our path. I smelled the grass and the flowers, and the dirt and the air. I treasured each one equally, as if discovering them for the first time.

As we neared our destination,1 realized something even more important: It didn’t matter if we even reached the river. Why must there always be a destination? Georgie had no idea that we had a destination. She was present for the journey, and she savored every bit of that sweet experience. There was no race and no finish line.

Now I’m not sure who rescued whom.

1.Why did the author take out the cellphone?

A.To kill time. B.To awaken the simple pleasures.

C.To hurry the dog along. D.To record the sound of cicadas.

2.What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?

A.How I enjoyed the journey. B.What I saw on the way.

C.Why I traveled to the river. D.Whether I reached my destination.

3.What does the underlined word “savored” in the fifth paragraph mean?

A.Smelt. B.Expected. C.Enjoyed. D.Deserved.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Say Goodbye to Cell Phones B.Think like a Dog

C.Learn to Get along with Pets D.Travel toward Destinations


    Got 48 hours to relax yourself? You’ll maximize your time and fun at "these amazing destinations.

Alabama: Gulf Shores

For relaxing weekend getaways in Alabama, head south to the white-sand beaches of Gulf Shores. Get on the water for some deep-sea fishing. History lovers can get a lesson in the Civil War along a 90-mile path with more than a dozen historic sites.

Alaska: Homer

How does fresh seafood sound? You’ll find it in Homer, located in south-central Alaska, which is either a short flight or a great four-hour scenic drive on the Seward Highway from Anchorage. Get your fill of fishing in Kachemak Bay, explore local trails and enjoy exceptional birding in this remote natural setting.

Arizona: Sedona

Adventurous types can get their fill in the magical red rocks of Sedona, which is said to be the location of healing centers of energy. People flood to the area to meditate, practice yoga and more. Sedona also offers fantastic hiking, off-roading, biking, and even climbing.

Arkansas: Hot Springs

Relax and renew in Arkansas, hot waters in Hot Springs, an art community with Art Deco architecture that is also the home of Hot Springs National Park. Make time for a visit to Bathhouse Row, a National Historic Landmark of eight bathhouses, and Superior Bathhouse Brewery, which produces beer made of the hot spring water inside the National Park. Don’t miss these National Parks that are off the beaten path.

1.Which activity can be found in both Gulf Shores and Homer?

A.Going fishing. B.Taking a flight.

C.Enjoying beautiful birds. D.Visiting historic sites.

2.Which destination is popular with hikers?

A.Gulf Shores. B.Homer. C.Sedona. D.Hot Springs.

3.What is Superior Bathhouse Brewery known for?

A.Its self-made beer. B.Its architecture.

C.Its bathhouses. D.Its paths.

4.Where is this text most likely from?

A.A diary. B.A survey. C.A novel. D.A magazine.



1. 学校的体育场馆;

2. 主要的运动项目;

3. 你喜欢的项目。

注意:1. 词数100左右:

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。












I have planned an autumn outing for my class the next week, and I’m writing to ask your permission.

First, the place where we’ve decided to visit – the Forest Park is not far away from the city. We can take a bus and ride a bike to get there. Second, the trip would provide us with a great opportunity to get closely to nature. Third, we need to spare some times to take some physical exercise. Some teachers will join us to make sure of our safe.

We are all looking forward to receive your permission. We would appreciate you if you can kindly give us an immediate reply.



One day, about ten years ago, while 1.(work) at the cash register in the gift shop at my University Museum of Natural History, I saw an elderly couple come in 2.a little girl in the wheelchair. As I looked closer at this girl, I found that she 3.(fix) on her chair. I then realized she had no arms or legs, just a head, a neck and her upper body, dressed in a little white skirt. As the couple wheeled her up to me, I turned my head towards the girl. When I took the money from her grandparents, I looked back at the girl, who was giving me the most optimistic smile I had ever seen. All of 4.sudden, her handicap(障碍) was 5.(go) and all I saw was this beautiful girl, 6.smile just melted me and almost instantly gave me a completely new sense of 7.life is all about. She took me from a poor, unhappy college student and 8.(bring) me into her world: a world of smiles, love and 9.(warm).

I’m a successful businessman now and 10.I think about the troubles of the world, I think about that little girl and the remarkable lesson about life that she taught me.


    As an adult, several happy moments often come to mind. But one of my happiest _______ is the thing that happened when I was young. I _______remember it because of the total happiness I felt.

It was our second grade class picnic day. I _______ that we wore play clothes. That would _______pants for little girls when in those days we were required to wear uniform on _______ school days. We were taken by bus to a local park where we_______. On the way home, I got off the bus at a corner a few blocks_______ the bus reached the school. Nobody was home when I got there, so I _______ to clean up the living room to surprise my mommy. Those are the unremarkable(平凡的) _______of that memorable day. When I think about it now, I can understand why it was so ________ to me.

First, on that day I ________fear and truly enjoyed playing at the park. Before the day was out, I was confident about ________ the heights of the sliding board(滑梯) and soaring ________ and about swinging(荡秋千) high on the huge swings. I had always been________ about the two things before. Because of my new ________ and my ability to do what the other children were doing, I was ________by them. When my teacher told the________ to drop me off near my home I ________ the respect from her knowing I was strong enough to go home alone. I also cleaned the living room and received my mother’s ________ as a result.

Those were the simple elements that made me happy ________ that bright day sixty years ago and that make me happy today.

1.A.memories B.harvests C.achievements D.successes

2.A.still B.also C.hardly D.even

3.A.guess B.imagine C.recall D.predict

4.A.mean B.offer C.take D.bring

5.A.normal B.regular C.common D.ordinary

6.A.competed B.studied C.worked D.played

7.A.until B.after C.before D.when

8.A.decided B.managed C.agreed D.failed

9.A.results B.struggles C.customs D.details

10.A.familiar B.special C.strange D.important

11.A.understood B.discovered C.overcame D.avoided

12.A.climbing B.turning C.pointing D.leading

13.A.up B.down C.in D.out

14.A.brave B.honest C.kind D.fearful

15.A.knowledge B.opportunity C.confidence D.information

16.A.refused B.accepted C.stopped D.educated

17.A.driver B.teacher C.friend D.assistant

18.A.remembered B.followed C.collected D.experienced

19.A.advice B.punishment C.praise D.blame

20.A.on B.through C.for D.beyond


    No one likes being disorganized. Acquiring organizational skill is a worthwhile goal. Then how can you become an organized person?1.

Keep a to-do list

Notebooks are good tools for managing your time. Organized people do not keep things in head.2. Write the to-do list on a whiteboard and keep it somewhere you can see it. Cross out items as you complete them so you feel productive and motivated to solve more items on the list.

Never put things off

Procrastination(拖延) is typical of those who are irresponsible and careless. Organized people do everything on time.3. They would rather stay up late and do what they are supposed to do. That’s not an easy task to do yet it is worth it for sure!


Organized people will always know what is most important and act accordingly .So do not waste  your time trying to do 100 things ,Spend your time and energy on something that is really worth it . Smaller things can wait .The things that are necessary should always be done .

5. But once you’ve got the hang of them, life will become much easier for you. Wait for what? Get off the fence and try to get started!

A. Focus on something that counts .

B. They do not want to put things off .

C. Divide the things into different parts.

D. Developing organizational skills can take time .

E. In a word ,organizational skills can better many aspects of your life .

F. The following things organized people always do will help you a lot .

G. Instead , they keep a list of things to do and then check them off once they get done .


Some people are so rude!

Who sends an e­mail or a text message that just says “Thank you”? Who leaves a voice mail message rather than texts you? Who asks for a fact easily found on Google? Don’t these people realize that they’re wasting your time?

Maybe I’m the rude one for not appreciating life’s little politeness. But many social agreed standards just don’t make sense to people drowning in digital communication.

In texts, you don’t have to declare who you are or even say hello. E­mail, too, is slower than a text. Voice mail is a now impolite way of trying to connect.

My father learned this lesson after leaving me a dozen voice mail messages, none of which I listened to. Exasperated, he called my sister to express his dissatisfaction that I never returned his phone calls. “Why are you leaving him voice mail?” my sister asked. “Just text him.”

In the age of the smartphone, there is no reason to ask once­acceptable questions about: the weather forecast, a business’s phone number, or directions to a house, a restaurant, which can be easily found on Google Maps. But people still ask these things. And when you answer, they respond with a thank­you e­mail.

How to handle these differing standards? Easy. Consider your audience. Some people, especially older ones, appreciate a thank­you message. Others, like me, want no reply.

The anthropologist (人类学家) Margaret Mead once said that in traditional societies, the young learn from the old. But in modern societies, the old can also learn from the young. Here’s hoping that politeness never goes out of fashion but that time­wasting forms of communication do.

1.What does the underlined word “Exasperated” mean in the fifth paragraph?

A.Worried. B.Surprised.

C.Annoyed. D.Tired.

2.Why didn’t the writer reply to his father?

A.He liked text messages better.

B.He enjoyed checking his voice mail.

C.He didn’t receive any voice mail messages.

D.He didn’t want to talk with his father.

3.Which of the following does the writer agree to?

A.People needn’t learn from one another in traditional societies.

B.Dealing with voice mail should vary with each individual.

C.People needn’t turn to Google for help when in trouble.

D.Declaring who you are or saying hello in texts is necessary.

4.What’s the best title for this passage?

A.Nowadays: what should we do with text messages?

B.Nowadays: do you like leaving others a voice message?

C.Nowadays: what means should we use in communication?

D.Nowadays: do you need a thank­you message?


    Young people in the United States do not have a strong understanding of the world and their place in it.

Two U.S.­based groups,the Council on Foreign Relations and the National Geographic Society,commissioned an online survey earlier this year.They wanted to know what young people educated in American colleges know about geography,U.S.foreign policy,recent international events,and economics.

The survey was given to over 1,200 Americans between the ages of 18 and 26,all of them presently attending,or having previously graduated from,a 2­ or 4­year college or university.

The average test score,out of 75 total possible answers,was 55 percent.The study identifies a few important problems.For example,only 30 percent knew that the only part of the U.S.government that can declare war is Congress.Only 60% of those taking the survey could identify Brazil on a world map.

Part of the problem,argue the organizers of the survey,is the Internet.They say it is becoming harder to find high­quality information about world events among all the fake news and trivia(琐事)which swamp(淹没)the Web.Forty­three percent of those questioned said they read about the news on Facebook.

Another problem is that most college courses do not require students to learn about international issues.If such information is not required,Richard Haass from the Council on Foreign Relations said,then the United States could have leaders like Gary Johnson.He was a recent presidential candidate who did not know about the Syrian city of Aleppo when a reporter asked him about it.

The survey results were not all bad.The young people also demonstrated a good understanding of climate change and renewable energy.And the majority of them said that international issues were becoming more important to them.

Haass says these findings suggest the need to find ways to get good information to students,both in school and online.To help,the Council on Foreign Relations is creating a new program called CFR Campus,designed to help build knowledge about global issues.

1.What can we learn about the survey?

A.All the participants were recent university graduates.

B.It was given to over 1,200 American people aged from 18 to 26.

C.Its aim is to figure out what the young people know about America.

D.It was an online survey conducted by two US universities.

2.According to the survey,what topic did the young Americans understand best?

A.Environmental matters.

B.Geographic information.

C.Foreign relations.

D.Government organizations.

3.In which column of a newspaper could we find this article?






    Unlike China, where the majority of society belongs to the Han ethnic group, the United States is home to people from many different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, creating great diversity within its lively society.

However, historical events that created this diversity also led to racial disputes and prejudice that have lasted until today. Around days like Martin Luther King Day, people in the US are especially sensitive to racist comments and behavior.

Recently, a Facebook message posted by a white student at my boarding school started a wave of anger among African American students and started heated conversations about minority groups at the school.

The students posted an article written by someone else who stated that Robert E. Lee, a Confederate general during the US Civil War, should be commemorated(纪念). As the Confederates broke from the Union in order to keep slavery in their states, they were usually seen as racists. The post received a flood of comments from both white and black students within minutes, and conversation about the topic spread across campus quickly.

A fishbowl conversation was organized the evening the article was posted, and students and faculty (学院) members talked about their feelings and opinions. During the discussion, students from minority groups, including African American, Jewish, Asian and Indian students, spoke up about how they felt about living in a society mainly made up of people who are different from them. It turned out that many people felt isolated because of their differences from other people.

The diversity of society can open up interesting opportunities, but the great differences between people can also create huge gaps and misunderstandings if they are not treated carefully. Thus, effective communication is essential.

After the fishbowl conversation, the atmosphere in the school seemed to be changing, at least from my point of view. Students seemed to be talking and acting more freely than before, and the expressions of judgement were seen less on their faces.

1.The main purpose of Paragraph 1 is to ______.

A.draw attention to the fact that racial problems still exist in America.

B.show that the United States has a wonderfully diverse culture.

C.explain how sensitive people in the US are to racist comments and behavior.

D.point out the differences between American culture and those of other countries.

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE? ______.

A.The post was offensive to black students.

B.The post was aimed at African American students.

C.The author of he post was strongly in favor of slavery.

D.The author of the post held a negative attitude toward minority groups.

3.According to the article, the fishbowl conversation was held mainly to ______.

A.figure out whether the article should be posted or not.

B.educate students on how to express their opinions appropriately.

C.improve the lives of people who belongs to minority groups on campus.

D.get people to communicate how they felt and thought about the post.

4.What did the author learn from the incident? ______.

A.We should learn to live with others’ differences.

B.We should always feel free to share our feelings.

C.Effective communication is very important in a diverse society.

D.If there is no difference, then there is no misunderstanding.


WantedSomeone for a Kiss

We’re looking for producers to join us on the sound of London Kiss 100 FMYou’ll work on the station’s music programsMusic production experience in radio is necessaryalong with rich knowledge of modern dance musicPlease apply in writing to Producer VacanciesKiss 100

Father Christmas

We’re looking for a very special personpreferably over 40to fill our Father Christmas suit

Working daysEvery Saturday from November 24 to December 15 and every day from December 17 to December 24 except Sundays10∶ 30 16∶ 00

Excellent pay

Please contact the Enterprise Shopping CentreStation ParadeEastbourne

Accountants Assistant

When you join the team in our Revenue Administration Unityou will be providing assistance within all parts of the Revenue Divisiondealing with post and other general dutiesIf you are educated to GCSE grade C level we would like to talk to youThis position is equally suitable for a school leaver or for somebody who has office experience

Wealden District Council

Software Trainer

If you are aged 24—45 and have experience in teaching and trainingyou could be the person we are looking forYou should be good at the computer and have some experience in program writingYou will be allowed to make your own decisionsand to design courses as well as present themPay upwards of 15000 for the right personPlease apply by sending your CV (简历)to MrsROgliviePalmlace Limited

1.Who should you get in touch with if you hope to work in a radio station?

A.Wealden District Council B.Producer VacanciesKiss 100

C.The Enterprise Shopping Centre D.Mrs OgliviePalmlace Limited

2.We learn from the ads that the Enterprise Shopping Centre needs a person who             

A.is aged between 24 and 40 B.may do some training work

C.should deal with general duties D.can work for about a month

3.Which position is open to recent school graduates?

A.Accountants Assistant B.Father Christmas

C.ProducerLondon Kiss D.Software Trainer

4.What kind of person would probably apply to Palmlace Limited?

A.One with GCSE grade C level

B.One having good computer knowledge.

C.One with some office experience

D.One trained in producing music programs
















To offer a chance for our students to keep in touch with society, last Saturday our class was organized some meaningful social practice activities. We were divided into second groups. One group went to the crossings near our school, intending to helping the traffic policemen. The another group went to collect rubbishes in Hongxing Park. Meanwhile, we introduced some simply ways of environmental protection and remind people not to destroy the beauty of nature. It was the memorable day because our behavior received praise the public and we benefited a lot from these activities.



Most of us complain(抱怨). Though we1.(tell) never to complain, it doesn't help. A thought that isn't said out is like a seed,2.. is being planted in the mud. It would eventually grow into a tree. Suppressing(压制)them, you will one day find that the thoughts once kept in3.dark will start exploding inside you.

But if you bring a seed into the light, eventually you will learn to manage the thoughts you once suppressed.

Complaints actually can help people improve. In that case, you aren't4.(real) complaining. You're giving feedback(反馈)to someone,5.(hope) they can find ways to make themselves better.

But the6.(differ) is that when we complain about something we are finding faults in it. When we are just finding faults in people and the situations we come across, we are just finding faults in7.(we). Ever heard the saying "The world is just a reflection of you"? Well, it's actually true!

So,8.(stop) this, try to consciously(有意识地)not to complain about what goes wrong. Instead, try feeling grateful9.what went right in your day.

Slowly, as you regain conscious control of your thoughts, you will find you are more likely to see the brighter side of10.(thing) whenever you want to complain.


    Celina Raddatz quit her job at a nursing home in 2014 to take care of her mother full-time who, 83, suffers from Alzheimer's.

Raddatz,57, and one of her sisters, Rosalia Lizarraga, 61, had been_________their mother together. But as the Alzheimer's_________, the task became too stressful for Lizarraga. The full_________fell on Raddatz, who was determined to perform a promise she and her siblings(兄弟姐妹)had made to their_________as children.

"When my mother was_________, she made us promise never to put her in a nursing home." Raddatz says. "But we never thought she would get_________like this."

Raddatz was born in Mexico. Her mother, a widow(遗婉),_________tune children as a food seller after they moved to America. "My mom was a very_________woman," Raddatz says. When Raddatz was growing up, her mother quit her_________so she could stay home and keep an eye on her children. "She would take us to school and bring us home. She wouldn't let us walk__________to school."

Raddatz and her siblings first began to notice their mother__________in 2005 after she had a bad fall while__________as a housekeeper. In 2006, Raddatz's mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.

"It's just__________work. I need to care for her around the clock." But anyhow, she__________her job at the nursing home and__________her mother in with her. They also share a bedroom,__________Raddatz can assist her mother when she wakes up throughout the__________.

"It's a__________responsibility because of the promise we made her when she was younger," Raddatz says. It used to__________Raddatz to see families leave their relatives with this disease in a nursing home. Now she has a personal__________for the emotional(情感上的)and physical sacrifices that caring for an elderly loved one takes.

1.A.caring for B.looking into C.arguing about D.agreeing on

2.A.existed B.returned C.disappeared D.progressed

3.A.trust B.request C.collection D.responsibility

4.A.daughter B.brother C.mother D.doctor

5.A.poor B.relaxed C.relieved D.healthy

6.A.sick B.angry C.hurt D.accustomed

7.A.served B.searched C.supported D.collected

8.A.patient B.strong C.straight D.positive

9.A.job B.study C.research D.circle

10.A.out B.back C.alone D.together

11.A.crying B.sleeping C.changing D.recovering

12.A.regarding B.working C.using D.functioning

13.A.private B.unique C.constant D.easy

14.A.did B.left C.enjoyed D.continued

15.A.moved B.called C.turned D.dropped

16.A.so B.and C.for D.but

17.A.track B.night C.orbit D.operation

18.A.personal B.national C.social D.family

19.A.warn B.pain C.comfort D.persuade

20.A.account B.purpose C.service D.appreciation


Why Radio Stations Always Start With a "K" or "W"

It seems that whenever you switch on the radio in the morning all you hear is "Time to wake up with K98.3," or "WBLS will be right back after this commercial break".1.The majority of radio stations start with the letter "K" or "W".

All radio stations have a four-letter identification code(代码). The hosts of the show typically come up with a more catchy(易记的)station name than just the four letters, but you still hear it sprinkled in with their morning announcements and other advertisements.2.In 1912, several countries attended a conference to discuss international radiotelegraphs. One of the things that came out of that meeting was the assignment(分配)or specific letters to identify each country's radio and television signals.3.

The letters "N" and "A" were given to military stations, but "K" and "W" were assigned out for commercial use.4.And stations west of the Mississippi started with "K".

5.Sometimes they represent the networks that own the radio station for example, WABC, KCBS, and WTBS. Sometimes it's the actual station number, like in KTWO or KFOR. And other times it's an acronym(缩写)such as WTTW for "Windows to the World." But the station that takes home the prize for the best four-letter combination is a sports radio station out of St. Louis that chose the name KRAP.

A. The United States was given the letters W, K, N, and A.

B. The three letters after the "K" Or "W" can mean a few different things.

C. If you listen closely you'll notice that they all have something in common.

D. Radio stations east of the Mississippi River had to start their stations with "W".

E. The two letters you consistently hear date back to when people used to send telegrams.

F. There is some inconsistency since radio stations weren't required to change their name.

G. Try decoding these common acronyms that you probably never knew and figure out what they stand for.


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