1. One of the best things you can possibly do is to start your own club. It’s great fun especially if you are the sort of person who feels there is nerver anything to do during the school holidays.

The first thing you need to come up with is an idea for your club 2..Pets, clothes, pop music or dancing groups, sports, making things? The list is endless.

Next you need some friends to be in your club with you.3.All you need is three or four other people who are interested in the same things as you.

4.You should all sit down somewhere together with lots of pieces of paper and write down every name you can think up. That’ll keep you busy for ages.

At your first meeting you should make up a rule book. And the very first rule should be no grown-ups or little/big brothers/sisters! The best clubs are always secret!

Now you have just about everything you need, except membership cards. These are very important and again you can spend a lot of time making them.5.Why not leave some space for a photo of yourself? That will make the membership card really look like it.

So there you are, get clubbing! Once you get started you will think of loads of more interesting things to do!

A. That’s easy!

B. Easy conversation

C. Enjoy your own club!

D. Invite a designer to join you.

E. The summer vacation is just around the corner.

F. Then you need to pick a name for your club.

G. Use bright thick pens to make a special design.


    Forgiving someone who has hurt you or let you down is never an easy thing. Several new studies, however, say that it could have a lot of health benefits. When you think of forgiveness, you probably don't think of it as being a health or medical problem. Studies from Stanford University, on the other hand, show that something like anger can change your well-being.When cartoon book characters like the Incredible Hulk get angry, they change colours and often gain special power. In the real world, anger is less obvious and may be more dangerous. That's why Professor Fred Luskin, founder of the Stanford Forgiveness Project and author of Forgive for Good, says holding on to anger and hatred can harm your physical and mental health. Two new studies seem to show the same idea.

The studies find that people who are able to forgive feel less stress, less back pain, and less depression(抑郁). They also have fewer headaches, lower blood pressure, and fewer problems on sleeping.

So it doesn't matter if your anger is caused by the traffic or other things. Learning to let it go is important. Techniques such as deep breath or thought can help. Or just ask yourself if it's worth hurting yourself by staying angry with someone else.

Forgiveness does not mean that you simply accept what happened and say it's OK. Instead, it's a way of making peace with yourself about what happened in the past.

1.The author of the passage tries to make his viewpoint clear______.

A.by raising his own examples

B.based on his own experience

C.by mentioning some studies

D.by mentioning some typical patients

2.The example of the cartoon book characters is taken in the passage to______.

A.tell us that anger is more obvious and may be more dangerous in the real world

B.support the viewpoint that anger and hatres harm physical and mental health

C.let the readers know the different colours of cartoon faces

D.show how to control one’s temper

3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in this passage?

A.People who are able to forgive feel less stress.

B.People who are able to forgive feel less depression.

C.People who are able to forgive have fewer problems on sleeping.

D.People who are able to forgive feel less tired.

4.The best title for his passage is probably______.

A.Forgiveness Is Good for Health

B.Forgiveness Is Never Easy

C.A Secret to Keeping Healthy

D.Anger Is Bad for Health


    There have been a number of occasions through the years that I had to sit at the feet of a theologian (神学家).Some of those times, I came away wondering what on earth the man was talking about. That was not the case when I heard Dr. Randy Harris. He suggested that a lot of our day-to-day problems in the world be solved by simply keeping our promises. Too many people do not take such matters seriously. Are you serious in keeping your promises?

Some of my most anxious moments in over a half-century of ministry have come as a result of carelessness in failing to keep my word. Preachers (传道士) can say a lot of requests on any given Sunday. I have been asked to make hospital visits, write letters of recommendation(推荐), put people’s names on the prayer list, read books, make telephone calls, remember birthdays and anniversaries, come to special events, and put announcements in the church bulletin (公告).There was a time when I would foolishly agree to fulfill each request. I had the best of intentions, but I could not remember all I had agreed to do, much less find a way to do them all! Did I think I was “Super-Preacher”? The sad look of disappointed faces taught me that I was not. I hurt people, and they deserved better.

The Hebrew word of covenant (契约) means primarily “a cutting”. It refers to the custom of cutting an animal in half and having the parties making promises pass between the two halves. They were saying to each other, “If I don’t keep my word, may I be as this animal--be cut in two.”

If butchering (屠宰) were the result of breaking our word today, how many of us would be headed for the death? I think that, although we are not cut like animals for our failures to keep promises, there are serious results connected with our carelessness. It ruins our character and our reputation.

What can we do? It is simple. Stop making promises we cannot keep. Reduce promise lists, and be sure to carry out the commitments that remain on it. If after giving our word, we are unable to keep the appointment or whatever, inform and apologize as soon as possible.

Last weekend, I stood with a dressed-up couple at a wedding in another county. They made some serious promises to each other in a covenant of marriage. They made vows to be faithful to each other for as long as they live. I pray God that they will keep those vows and be an example for others to follow.

1.From the second paragraph we can learn that the author________.

A.lives a life of religious service B.dislikes making any promise

C.is a famous and busy theologian D.likes to recommend jobs for others

2.The author mentioned the custom of cutting an animal in half mainly to ________ .

A.show butchering is cruel

B.explain the meaning of covenant

C.express his disappointment with old customs

D.show breaking one’s promises is terrible

3.The author was a bit ________ about the new couple’s vows.

A.upset B.concerned

C.sad D.uneasy


JoshuaHelmutand Bethlehem

Michelle O. Donovan

ISBN 9781462058679

Life is not easy for nineyearold Joshua during World War . Because of his family's Jewish backgroundthey are sent to live in the concentration camps(集中营). Scared and aloneJoshua one day makes friends with a little mouse he calls Bethlehem who becomes his closest friend.

Encourage Me!

Inspirational Poetry

Gloria Coykendall

ISBN 9781412027854

It is an easytoread collection of poems originally written to encourage in faith and to be a cure for chronic depression(长期抑郁).. cure to strengthen identity and purpose.

Seeking the Edge

Dr. Joseph L. Rose

ISBN 9781462031795

Seeking the Edge provides the tools and techniques to find that edge in one's lifedriving readers to achieve success whether in your current jobfinding a new jobin educationfamilyor even hobbies.

More Things in Heaven

Bill Bosworth

ISBN 9780595433582

In his More Things in HeaveBill Bosworth presents the highlights of his 83 years of lifeincluding his trips to India and the study of the writings of several great spiritual leaders. More Things in Heaven will appeal to anyone who insists on finding the deepest meaning for their existence based on their own experiences.

Creation or Evolution

Michael Ebifegha

ISBN 9781450289023

Were humans createdor did they evolve? How old is the Earth? The debate between science and religion continues to be heated. In Creation or EvolutionMichael Ebifegha examines these two opposed world views within the structure of empirical(实证的) science.

1.Who wrote the story about a little boy and a little mouse?

A.Bill Bosworth. B.Michelle O. Donovan.

C.Dr. Joseph L. Rose. D.Gloria Coykendall.

2.The ISBN for the book of poems is________

A.9781462031795 B.9781412027854

C.9780595433582 D.9781462058679

3.What kind of readers will probably like reading More Things in Heaven?

A.Those who are searching for the meaning of life.

B.Those who are trying to be spiritual leaders.

C.Those who study the art of writing.

D.Those who like traveling abroad.

4.Which of the following books explores the origin of humans?

A.Seeking the Edge. B.Creation or Evolution.

C.JoshuaHelmutand Bethlehem. D.More Things in Heaven.


King Midas used to love gold. One day he met a fairy who allowed him to make a wish for something. The king replied at once, ‘‘I love gold. I want everything I touch to change into gold”. ‘‘Very well, tomorrow morning, everything you touch will turn into gold.” Saying this, the fairy disappeared.

The king waited excitedly till the next morning. To his joy, everything he touched changed immediately into gold. ‘‘I’m the richest man in the world now.” He shouted.

Soon Midas became hungry. He sat down at his table. All the foods and drinks turned into gold in his hand. ‘‘I’m dying of hunger.” He cried.

Just then his daughter came running in. ‘‘Why are you so sad , dad ?” she asked, putting her arms around him. There and then she became a golden statue. The king loved his daughter very much. Seeing this, he began to cry. He looked up and suddenly saw the fairy before him. ‘‘Don’t you like the golden touch?” asked the fairy. ‘‘Please take it away,” begged the king, ‘‘give me back my daughter.” ‘‘Well, you have learned your lesson. Go and wash in the river. Then the golden touch will be gone.” The king ran quickly to the nearby river.

1.The fairy allowed the king to make a wish because ________.

A.she hoped to make the king the richest in the world. B.She loved gold too.

C.She wanted to teach the king a lesson. D.She wanted to turn the king’s daughter into gold gold.

2.When the foods and drinks turned into gold the king was ________.

A.excited B.hungry C.worried D. happy

3.Which of the following might have happened afterwards?

A.The king died in the river.

B.The king’s daughter changed back from gold to a lovely girl.

C.All the things the king had touched changed back into real ones.

D.Both B and C

4.What do you think the story tries to tell us?

A.Gold makes people unhappy.

B.More gold , more happiness.

C.Gold is not the thing that makes life happy.

D.People feel happy if they have not gold.






注意:1. 词数80-100 之间;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头已经给出,不计入总数。

参考词汇:千佛山 Thousand Buddha Mountain;趵突泉 Baotu Spring;大明湖 Daming Lake

Dear David,

How is everything going? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Li Hua


根据给出的英文释义和词性,在空白处填入正确的单词(注意:所有答案均须来自于课本Welcome UnitUnits12&3四个单元的黑体词汇)

1.____________ adj. making you feel embarrassed; difficult to deal with

2.____________ ad. towards a place or position that is in front

3.____________ vt. to advise sb. to do sth.

4.____________ n. / v. a person who offers to do sth.without being paid; to offer help willingly

5.____________ n. somewhere to live or stay, often also providing food or other services

6.____________ v. to respect sb. for what they are or for what they have done

7.____________ n. a person whose job is designing buildings

8.____________ n. a large sports field with rows of seats all around it

9.____________ n. a thing that happens, especially something important

10.____________ v. to behave in a particular way, in order to make other people believe sth. that is not true



As a freshman in high school, Adam faced many challenges. First, he had difficulty 1. (choose) courses. Luckily, his adviser helped him choose the 2. (suit) one. Then, he was refused when he tried 3. (join) the school football team. Now, Adam decides he will work 4. (hard) than before and be well prepared for the future.

Peru is a country on the Pacific coast of South America. Unluckily, Spain 5. (take) control of it in the16th century and ruled until 1821. It is for this reason 6. Spanish is the official language of Peru. As the center of the powerful ancient Inca Empire, Peru is known to  the world. Tourists today are greatly 7. (amaze) by the culture and buildings there.

Known as “Air Jordan”, Michael Jordan changed basketball with his graceful moves and jumps, but the mental 8. (strong) that he showed made him unique. When asked his secret 9. success, he says it is learning from his 10. (failure).


    I like growing kinds of plants. Once, I ______ two seeds (种子) side by side in the soil in my backyard. The first says, “I want to ______! I want to send my roots deep into the soil, and ______ to come up. I want to feel the ______ of the sun on my face!” and it grew. The second seed says, “I am ______. If I send my roots into the ______ below, I don’t know what I will meet in the dark. If I ______ my way through the hard soil, I may damage my small sprouts (). What if a small child may ______ me up from the ground? No, it is much better for me to ______ until safe. ” A hen walking around for ______ found the waiting seed and ______ ate it.

I sometimes ______ myself — what if I stop focusing on the ______ and go for the best? Most people can do unusual things ______ they have the confidence to take the risk. ______, most people don’t. There are lots of people sitting on the ______ saying: I’m going ... They will do it when they are rich and when they get married.

The ______ is that your life can never be perfect. Step away from the sofa sitters who are waiting for a single perfect day to begin ______ their dreams.

Believe in yourself and know you can do ______! However, those who refuse to take the ______ get controlled by life finally.

1.A.planted B.bought C.found D.carried

2.A.improve B.hide C.grow D.leave

3.A.dare B.try C.agree D.refuse

4.A.warmth B.kindness C.energy D.position

5.A.disappointed B.interested C.excited D.scared

6.A.farm B.ground C.rock D.sand

7.A.lose B.push C.find D.change

8.A.pull B.put C.make D.lift

9.A.wait B.check C.move D.develop

10.A.fun B.company C.food D.exercise

11.A.long ago B.later on C.at first D.right away

12.A.remind B.call C.ask D.punish

13.A.worst B.best C.hardest D.safest

14.A.until B.if C.since D.though

15.A.Again B.So C.However D.Besides

16.A.sofa B.floor C.bed D.roof

17.A.news B.question C.truth D.message

18.A.collecting B.realizing C.breaking D.sharing

19.A.anything B.nothing C.neither D.both

20.A.advantage B.risk C.time D.order


    Do you want to be excellent in study? Add these tips to your life and you should be on your way to being an excellent student!

Pay attention to everything the teacher says. I cannot stress how important it is to pay attention to what your teacher is teaching you. Take part in class discussions if you have something worthwhile to add. 1..

Taking notes is important. You don’t need to write down every single word your teacher says but write down what he/she writes on the board, or any special fact you think you might need for a test. 2.. This way it will help you learn more effectively by actually thinking about what you are writing.

Don’t skip school. You will be missing out on stuff(东西). 3.. However, you will have more work and you have missed lectures and in-class movies. Also, try not to be late for class. It’s most likely that your teacher won’t appreciate it and you will get yourself behind.

Keep a good attitude towards things. 4., then teachers will be less willing to help you with problems or offer you extra credit. The same goes for lazy attitude. Have a respectful attitude to the teacher and other students. Try not to laugh when other students make a mistake.

5.. There is no shame in needing some help. If you don’t understand, ask someone. Read your textbook and notes, and then if that fails, seek help. Ask a teacher, friend, classmate, parent, etc. Get a tutor if you are really a poor learner.

A. Enjoy your class

B. Always ask questions

C. Write in your own words

D. When you do poorly in your study

E. It is true that you could make up the work

F. If you have an “I don’t care about study” attitude

G. Pay attention during class, especially during lectures


    Life affects (影响) friendships. As we grow, marry, fight in wars, move across the country or change jobs, old friendships fall away and new ones form. As long as we live, the things around us change, and as long as things change, friendships are affected.

When we were children, we had best friends. No matter what happened we were still friends.  We live our lives, however, and do what life calls for us to do, and as we got older, memories fade, faces blur, and even friend’s names from childhood are forgotten.

Do you have a question about friendship? Do you wonder what to do with a friend who is no longer friendly? Perhaps you will see that you can’t control others. If someone wants to be your friend, it is their choice. All you can do is treat them well and do the best for them when you are with them. Then you wish them well when they leave.

You can talk to old timers (老前辈) and they will tell you that life is full of joy and sorrow, and that what bothers you today will one day becomes a memory and the pain will be gone. Seniors might tell you that you will learn more as you get older. They will tell you that friendships come and friendships go. Sometimes when they go, it will hurt, but you will be okay with it. It’s the way life works, after all.

1.What doe the text tell us about friendship?

A.It may change with time.

B.It affects our life deeply.

C.It is easy to build a friendship.

D.It is wrong to forget a friend.

2.What does the underlined word “blur” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Get recognized more easily.

B.Become less clear.

C.Turn less attractive.

D.Grow more beautiful.

3.What may be the author’s advice on friendship?

A.Make good choices about friends.

B.Stop old friends from leaving.

C.Learn to accept new friends.

D.Take good care of friends.

4.What do old timers and seniors have in common?

A.They have a positive attitude to life.

B.They believe friends hurt each other.

C.They regard friendship as a treasure.

D.They stress the importance of memory.


    A hobby is a regular activity that is done for enjoyment, typically during one’s leisure (空闲) time. By continually taking part in a particular hobby, one can acquire practical skill and knowledge in that area. Is travel a good hobby? Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education and, in the elder, a part of experience. Some may think otherwise. To them, visiting churches, castles, libraries, etc. is an absolute waste of time. They may further say that one can read the account of these or see the films of the important places of the world. They forget that touch of actuality gives a different type of satisfaction.

Travelling may be an expensive hobby but it makes up for the financial loss. If a traveller has interest in life, one can find much to keep oneself absorbed and happy. A student of any stream can definitely find something of his own interest and studies. One can definitely find everything that satisfies his desire for knowledge and feelings.

As a hobby, travelling keeps us busy during leisure time; it is the best method to make use of time. Till a person breaks from dull routine, physically and mentally, one cannot find satisfaction. Travelling helps us to achieve this break. At a new place, one is curious to know and eager to gather all the unknown information about the place which he has neither read nor heard before and he gets thrills and surprises which keep the interest and enthusiasm alive and encourage us to keep our journey on.

While travelling, one comes across a number of people from varied backgrounds and places. By interacting with them, he also comes to know about their traditions. One increases one’s experience and power to understand others. Understanding human nature is, perhaps, the best part of education. Travelling satisfies all demands of a good hobby — it is absorbing education and fun to the mind, body and soul.

1.What is Paragraph 1 intended to do?

A.To introduce the topic of travel.

B.To encourage people to travel.

C.To compare a hobby with travelling.

D.To stress the importance of travelling.

2.What can be learnt from Paragraph 2?

A.Taking up a hobby is necessary.

B.Travelling costs too much money.

C.People can learn much by travelling.

D.Only travelling can make people happy.

3.What does the author think of travelling?

A.Interesting and cheap.

B.Beneficial but boring.

C.Interesting and educational.

D.Disappointing but encouraging.

4.How is the text developed?

A.By raising and answering questions.

B.By giving opinions and examples.

C.By sharing experiences and stories.

D.By making comparisons and definitions.


    Another person’s enthusiasm (热忱) was what set me moving toward the success I have achieved. That person was my stepmother.

I was nine years old when she entered our home in the countryside of Virginia. My father introduced me to her with these words, “I would like you to meet the fellow who is well known for being the worst boy in this town and will probably start throwing rocks at you no later than tomorrow morning.” My stepmother walked over to me, raised my head slightly upward, and looked at me right in the eye. Then she looked at my father and replied, “You are wrong. This is not the worst boy at all, but the smartest one who hasn’t yet found a way to give out his enthusiasm. ”

That statement began a friendship between us. No one had ever called me smart. My family and neighbors had built me up in my mind as a bad boy. My stepmother changed all that. She changed many things. She persuaded my father to go to a dental school, from which he graduated with honors. She moved our family into the county seat (别墅), where my father’s career could be more successful and my brother and I could be better educated.

When I turned fourteen, she bought me a secondhand typewriter and told me that she believed that I could become a writer. I knew her enthusiasm, and I saw how it had already improved our lives. I accepted her belief and began to write for local newspapers and finally reached the goal she set for me. I wasn’t the only beneficiary (受益人). My father became the wealthiest man in town. My brother and stepbrothers became a physician, a dentist, a lawyer, and a college president.

1.What can be learnt about the author from Paragraph 2?

A.He was the worst boy in the town.

B.He liked throwing rocks at people.

C.His father had a low opinion of him.

D.His stepmother praised him for his kindness.

2.What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?

A.Stepmother’s influence on the family.

B.Friendship between mother and son.

C.Changes in the family relationship.

D.Reasons for receiving education.

3.Why did the stepmother buy the author a typewriter?

A.To congratulate on his success.

B.To encourage him to write.

C.To help him find a good job.

D.To teach him to read and write.

4.What may be the best title of the text?

A.Enthusiasm changes life

B.Success lies in education

C.A stepmother’s amazing life

D.The secret of a good writer


    March, April and May are months full of festivals and events all over the world. Here are four wonderful festivals around the world that happen in spring.


Dates: 13th-15th, April

In Thailand, it’s time to celebrate the coming monsoon season, which will bring the rain many people have been looking forward to. They celebrate it with a festival called Songkran, when people head out to the streets with water guns to spray (喷洒) everyone who walks past.


Dates: Every Saturday from April to May

Every year, villagers come together to celebrate the harvest of yams, a kind of root vegetable popular in Vanuatu. The festival is most famous for its “land diving ceremony”. During the ceremony men and boys dive to the ground from high wooden towers with only two thin vines (葡萄藤) attached to their ankles.

Cherry Blossom Viewing ---Japan

Dates: The cherry blossom season is different from year to year depending on the weather forecast.

The cherry blossom season has huge importance to the people of Japan, who celebrate the days when the flowers finally blossom. In Japan, almost everyone has picnics in the parks to view the flowers.

Sinhalese New Year--Sri Lanka

Dates: 13th or 14th, April

Just like in many other countries in South or South East Asia, this is the time when the Sinhalese celebrate the traditional New Year, an ancient celebration which marks the end of the harvest season and is one of two times of the year when the sun is straight above Sri Lanka.  There are a lot of delicious foods during the celebration.

1.What does the underlined phrase “monsoon season” probably refer to?

A.Windy season. B.Rainy season.

C.Dry season. D.Foggy season.

2.Who may be most interested in Naghol?

A.A gardener. B.A sports lover.

C.A woodcutter. D.A music fan.

3.What can people enjoy during Sinhalese New Year?

A.Summertime sunshine.

B.Ancient Architecture.

C.Traditional dances.

D.Excellent foods.


DirectionsWrite an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 外国学生来我校访学,要求了解汉语成语典故。请你从刻舟求剑坐井观天两个成语典故中选取一个,用英语向他们介绍。


1. 引出你要介绍的成语;

2. 说出它的字面意义和寓意;

3. 用一个具体的实例,对它加以应用。



DirectionsTranslate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.


2.他的观点是我们不能孤注一掷。(hold; eggs

3.直到期末考试临近,迈克才意识到他的复习时间不够了。(Not until…

4.作为一名教育工作者,你应该牢记在日常教学中要注重学生的身心发展。(suppose; mind; value


DirectionsRead the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

There are various means consumers can do if they find that an item they bought is faulty or in some other way does not live up to the manufacturer’s claims. A simple and common method used by many consumers is to complain directly to the store manager. In general, the“higher up”his or her complaint, the faster he or she can expect it to be settled. In such a case, it is usually settled in the consumer’s favor, assuming he or she has a just claim.

Consumers should complain in person whenever possible, but if they cannot get to the place of purchase, it is acceptable to phone or write the complaint in a letter

Complaining is usually most effective when it is done politely but firmly, and especially when the consumer can demonstrate what is wrong with the item in question. If this cannot be done, the consumer will succeed best by presenting specific information as to what is wrong, rather than by making general statements. For example,“The left speaker does not work at all and the sound coming out of the right one is unclear”is better than“This stereo does not work.”The store manager may advice the consumer to write to the manufacturer. If so, the consumer should do this, stating the complaint as politely and firmly as possible. If a polite complaint does not achieve the desired result, the consumer can go to a step further. She or he can threaten to take the seller to court or report the seller to a private or public organization responsible for protecting consumer’s rights.


DirectionsRead the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

A team of engineers at Harvard University has been inspired by Nature to create the first robotic fly. The mechanical fly has become a platform for a series of new high-tech integrated systems. 1. Its mini wings allow it to stay in the air and perform controlled flight tasks.

“It’s extremely important for us to think about this as a whole system and not just the sum of a bunch of individual components,” said Robert Wood, the Harvard engineering professor who has been working on the robotic fly project for over a decade. 2. “The added difficulty with a project like this is that actually none of those components are off the shelf and so we have to develop them all on our own,” he said.

They engineered a series of systems to start and drive the robotic fly. “The seemingly simple system which just moves the wings has a number of inter-dependencies on the individual components, each of which individually has to perform well, but then has to be matched well to everything it’s connected to,” said Wood. The flight device was built into a set of power, computation, sensing and control systems.

While this first robotic flyer is linked to a small, off-board power source, the goal is eventually to equip it with a built-in power source, 3. “Basically it should be able to take off, land and fly around,” he said.

Wood says the design offers a new way to study flight mechanics and control at insect-scale. 4. “You can start thinking about using them to answer open scientific questions, you know, to study biology in ways that would be difficult with the animals, but using these robots instead,”

A. Yet, the power, sensing and computation technologies on board could have much broader applications.

B. A few years ago, his team got the go-ahead to start piecing together the components.

C. There used to be few ways like this to study how insects fly.

D. There are a lot of technologies and open interesting scientific questions that are really what drives humans on a day-to-day basis.

E. Thus, it might some day perform data-gathering work at rescue sites, in farmers’ fields or on the battlefield.

F. Designed to do what a fly does naturally, the tiny machine is the size of a fat housefly.


    Edgar Degas, J. M. W. Turner and other painters captured centuries of atmospheric records as they decorated canvases with sunset scenes.

Greek Scientists worked with an artist to confirm that the ratio of red to green in sunset painting, both old and new, increased when particles filled the air, such as after major volcanic eruption(火山喷发)or dust storms. The atmosphere physicists also found a gradual shift in artistic sunset hues over centuries, possibly due to ever-increasing air pollution during the Industrial Revolution.

An earlier study, led by atmospheric physicist Christos Zerefos of the Academy of Athens in Greece, discovered that the amount of red relative to green in sunset descriptions increased after eruptions, including Tambora, Indonesia in 1815, Coseguina, Nicaragua in 1835 and Krakatau, Indonesia in 1883.

Zerefos’ team analyzed 554 paintings created between 1550 and 1990. For up to three years after eruptions, sunsets reddened as sunlight bounced off dust and gas from the volcanoes. The latest study, also by Zerefos, used improved scanning and analysis techniques to confirm the earlier results.

A modern painter, Panayiotis Tetsis, unknowingly repeated the artistic atmospheric observations of classical masters. In the artists’ description of sunsets light over the Greek island of Hydra, the color ratio shifted towards red in paintings done both beforeJune 19,2010and afterJune 20,2010a dust cloud from Sahara Desert filtered the sunset’s light.

Zerefos’ team connected the timing of classical paintings’ red shift to other records of the atmosphere trapped in ice cores from Greenland, in the recent study published in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. The ice cores recorded spikes(尖刺)in sulfur-containing chemicals likely from volcanoes. These spikes corresponded in time to artists’ increasingly dark red sunsets.

The comparison of ice and art also revealed a slow shift in the coloring of the sunset. As the factories of Europe roared into production in the 19th and early 20th century, painting described a steady increase in the red to green ratio. The ice cores recorded a steady rise in airborne particles from industrial pollution during the same time.

1.The underlined word“hues”in the second paragraph probably means_____.

A.angles B.colors

C.locations D.times

2.What do we know about Zerefos’ research from the passage?

A.Both modern and ancient artists describing sunset are involved in the research.

B.It confirmed an obvious increase in the ratio of green to red in sunset paintings.

C.The shift from green to red also existed in the records of ice cores trapped items.

D.The team used traditional techniques to confirm the earlier results of the research.

3.How did Zerefos’ team confirm that atmospheric records kept by painters were reliable?

A.By analyzing classical paintings.

B.By connecting time to color.

C.By comparing art with ice.

D.By working with an artist.

4.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A.A modern research of ancient art and ice with pollution.

B.Art Masterpiece and pollutants trapped in ice cores.

C.An increase in the ratio of red to green in paintings.

D.Art Masterpiece Recorded Centuries of Pollution.


Your True Stories

On the Wing

My husband had passed tragically and unexpectedly the night before. I returned home the next morning with my sister-in-law, my emotional support. We sat in the upstairs loft, sharing stories about a man who’d left us too young. I glanced out the window and noticed a woodpecker on the roof. It appeared to be watching us. A member of a species rarely seen here, the bird sat for almost 20 minutes as we reminisced(追忆). I affectionately named it after my late husband. It has been five years he passed, and a woodpecker continues to appear at my weakest moments.

Shannon Rozewicz

Like Son, Like Father

Caught in a sudden downpour on the last day of a bike-packing trip, I ducked(躲避)into the lobby of a nearby supermarket for cover. As I waited out the storm with my bike and gear, a teenage boy invited me to spend the night with his family, I gladly accepted, and he went to find his parents. While I waited, an older man made me the same offer. I thanked him and said I already had a place to stay. Shortly after, the boy returned with his parents. The man who had approached me was his father.

Philip Wood

Color Me Proud

When my granddaughter Bethany was four years old, she visited my home for a few days. I gave her some crays and pictures for coloring. When I looked down, I saw she had used a crayon to draw purple marks all over her legs. “Bethany, what are you doing?”I asked.“Why, Grandma,”she said,“you have such pretty purple lines up and down your legs, and I wanted mine to look just like yours.”Since them, I have worn my varicose vein(静脉曲张)with pride, and they got prettier each year.

1.From the stories, we can learn that _____.

A.The woodpecker is Shannon’s emotional support

B.Shannon has been crazy for the death of her husband

C.Purple is Granddaughter’s favorite color

D.Grandma used to be proud of her varicose vein

2.When Philip Wood says“Like Son, Like Father,”he means the father and the son _____.

A.resemble each other in many ways B.are both helpful and considerate

C.like to socialize with strangers D.are fond of accommodating strangers

3.What is the general tone of the three stories?

A.Warm and optimistic B.Sad but positive

C.Humorous and ironic D.Hopeful and idealistic


    For some people,music is no fun at all. About four percent of the population is what scientists call “amusic.” People who are amusic are born without the ability to recognize or reproduce musical notes(音调). Amusic people often cannot tell the difference between two songs. Amusics can only hear the difference between two notes if they are very far apart on the musical scale.

As a result, songs sound like noise to an amusic. Many amusics compare the sound of music to pieces of metal hitting each other. Life can be hard for amusics. Their inability to enjoy music sets them apart from others. It can be difficult for other people to identify with their condition. In fact, most people cannot begin to grasp what it feels like to be amusic. Just going to a restaurant or a shopping mall can be uncomfortable or even painful. That is why many amusics intentionally stay away from places where there is music. However, this can result in withdrawal and social isolation. “I used to hate parties,” says Margaret,a seventy-year-old woman who only recently discovered that she was amusic. By studying people like Margaret, scientists are finally learning how to identify this unusual condition.

Scientists say that the brains of amusics are different from the brains of people who can appreciate music. The difference is complex, and it doesn't involve defective hearing. Amusics can understand other nonmusical sounds well. They also have no problems understanding ordinary speech. Scientists compare amusics to people who just can't see. certain colors.

Many amusics are happy when their condition is finally diagnosed(诊断). For years, Margaret felt embarrassed about her problem with music. Now she knows that she is not alone. There is a name for her condition. That makes it easier for her to explain. “When people invite me to a concert, I just say,” No thanks, I'm amusic,'“says Margaret. “I just wish I had learned to say that when I was seventeen and not seventy.”

1.Which of the following is true of amusic?

A.Listening to music is far from enjoyable for them.

B.They love places where they are likely to hear music.

C.They can easily tell two different songs apart.

D.Their situation is well understood by musicians.

2.According to Paragraph 3, a person with “defective hearing” is probably one who ___________.

A.dislikes listening to speeches

B.can hear anything nonmusical

C.has a hearing problem

D.lacks a complex hearing system

3.In the last paragraph, Margaret expressed her wish that __________.

A.her problem with music had been diagnosed earlier

B.she were seventeen years old rather than seventy

C.her problem could be easily explained

D.she were able to meet other amusics

4.What is the passage mainly concerned with?

A.Amusics' strange behaviours.

B.Some people's inability to enjoy music.

C.Musical talent and brain structure.

D.Identification and treatment of amusics.


    Over the last 15 years, digital communication has ushered(引入)in more changes than the printing press did in 1570. And the stand-out early adopters in this world are teenagers, whose brains appear to have an extraordinary _____ to adapt to the world around them, according to Dr Jay Giedd, an adolescent brain expert.

We are now proving that as a species, our brains are still flexible and _____during adolescence. Having a more flexible brain means that some _____ of it, such as impulse control and the ability to make long-term decisions, haven’t developed yet, which may also explain why we spend a/an _____ period living under the protection of our parents rather than leaving home at the age of 12 or 13. This also means that the adolescent brain can adapt to new technology, allowing teenagers to _____ the accelerating pace of digital technology and giving them a multitasking advantage.

In the US, teenagers are spending 8.5 hours using computers, mobiles and other devices to learn, interact and play. This jumps to 11.5 if you take into account all of the _____ that goes on, such as talking on the phone while you’re watching TV. Australian teenagers were found to be spending an average of 7 hours and 38 minutes using these devices in 2009.

There are _____as to how social media is affecting the way in which the brain learns to _____ , as one of the most important skills that we learn as children is how to make friends and interact with people around you. Geidd says that from a biology standpoint, a lot of what goes on inside our brains is social.“A lot of the brain changes are sort of set up to develop these social skills. ” These interactions are now being _____ by technology—you could have hundreds of friends, all of whom are real people that you interact with—and scientists aren’t sure whether we’ll be able to develop the same _____using Facebook.

There is possible _____ of the growing digital trend: Youtube indicates that teenagers all over the world are watching the same clips and laughing at the same jokes, indicating that they are more _____ than their predecessors. Sharing the same jokes could possibly go a long way to breaking down some of the prejudices out there. They may be _____ to texting their friends and posting updates on Facebook, but teenagers today are probably going to have access to technology and _____ social and educational opportunities that anyone with a less flexible brain might have trouble imagining. _____, there is a cut off and by the age of 30, our brains become more set in their ways, making it harder for us to adapt and cope with new technologies.

1.A.activity B.capacity C.responsibility D.opportunity

2.A.operating B.promoting C.adjusting D.establishing

3.A.functions B.options C.restrictions D.positions

4.A.opposed B.imposed C.limited D.extended

5.A.keep up with B.come up with C.put up with D.end up with

6.A.entertaining B.multitasking C.interacting D.gossiping

7.A.curiosities B.criticisms C.concerns D.shortcomings

8.A.memorize B.internalize C.realize D.socialize

9.A.changed B.controlled C.troubled D.interrupted

10.A.attitudes B.prospects C.trends D.skills

11.A.advantage B.distraction C.indication D.tuition

12.A.narrow-minded B.global-minded C.absent-minded D.quick-minded

13.A.keen B.addicted C.obsessed D.enthusiastic

14.A.however B.hence C.moreover D.instead

15.A.Consequently B.Additionally C.Nevertheless D.Thus


DirectionsAfter reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

If you used the term“business echics”in the 1970s, when the field was just starting to develop, a common response was: Isn’t that an oxymoron(矛盾修辞法)?”That jump(妙语)would often be followed by a recition of Milton Friedman’s famous quotation 1. corporate executives’ only social responsibility is to make as much money for shareholders 2. is legally possible.

Over the next 40 years, however, business people stopped 3.quoteFriedman and began to talk of their responsibilities to their companies’ stakeholders, a group that includes not only shareholders, but also customers, employees and members of the communities 4. they operate.

In 2009, an oath 5.circulateamong the first class of Harvard Business School to graduate after the global financial crisis. 6.who took it—admittedly, a minority—swore to pursue their work“in an ethical manner”and to run their enterprises“in good faith, guarding against decisions and behavior that advance my own narrow ambitions but harm the enterprise and the societies 7.serves.” 8.then, the idea has spread, with students from 250 business schools taking a similar oath. This year, all Dutch bankers, 90,000 of them, are swearing that they will act with integrity, 9. putthe interests of customers ahead of othersincluding shareholders),and behave openly, transparently, and in accordance with their responsibilities to society. Australia has a voluntary Banking and Finance Oath, which obliges those taking itmore than 300 people have so far),among other things, speak out 10.wrongdoing and encourage others to do the same.



Shoes can tell you a lot about a person. Winston was a firm believer in this, being someone who looked at many shoes himself. Although he had grown up hearing that eyes were “the windows to the soul.” he couldn't find anything they could expose. He just felt awkward when he had been caught staring into someone else's eyes for too long. On the other hand, staring at someone's shoes rarely made him awkward. Few people noticed a small man in the corner watching their feet, and Winston liked it that way.

Winston was able to judge a person by his shoes. He could fit most people into basic categories simply by the brand, color, and condition of whatever was on their feet. At this point- the worldcouldn't surprise him any more, he believed that he had seen it all.

Winston was seated in his regular spot, a bench in the back corner of the Alewife train station watching People pass by. No one was found wearing worn shoes. He sighed; a bit bored with the predictability of the station.

That's when he noticed something different two bare feet walked past, making anunfamiliar sound as they made contact with the floor. Strange. Winston looked closer with interest. In all his years sitting at the train station, he had seen many strange feet, but no bare ones. He wondered what kind of a man couldn't afford to buy himself shoes? A dangerous man, perhaps. A man who was of questionable intelligence. Certainly not the kind of generous and lovely man Winston wanted to be anywhere near shoes.

He moved a little on the bench and curled in on himself, turning his eyes downward and his shoulders in toward his body to avoid any possible social interactions. The stranger, however, took the space made free by Winston.

“Sorry. it has been a rough day,” the shoeless person offered apologetically, placing a plastic bag down on the bench. Without the man noticing, Winston glanced at the bag and noticed inside it was a birthday cake.

A really rough day. He seemed to be speaking to no one in particular. “Are you curious why I am not wearing shoes?”

1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Para. 1:

Winston didn't respond but the man continued.


Para. 2:

While staring at the man, a sense of shame washed over Winston.




1. 推荐一款APP、一个网站或一份报纸;

2. 说明推荐理由。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当添加细节,以使行文连贯。




If you are a film lover, you must be familiar1. IMAX cinemas, and the thrilling moments of having beasts jumping out of the huge screen, or explosions occurring in front of your face.

With a 26-percent 2. (big) screen than regular cinemas, IMAX claims they can enlarge your experience during the one or two hours of film watching.

IMAX is short for “Image Maximum”. It is far more than just a screen. In complete 3.system.

A standard IMAX screen, first of all, has a width of 22 meters and a height of meters. It features 70-millimeter films, 4. could provide a 10-times larger image than the 35- millimeter format. Meanwhile, it features a six-channel soundtrack system, 5.(provide) all moviegoers with the same experience, no matter in which corner of the theater they are sitting.

The design of the6. (theater) is different as well. All rows are within one screen height, and all seats 7. (set) at a steep angle so that everyone faces the screen  8.(direct).

All those design features serve only one purpose 9.(give) the audience the most shocking visual effect. But the “3D”, which usually appears together with IMAX in their ads, 10.(be) a different concept. Only the combination of the two can provide a complete IMAX experience.


    It was officially Christmas vacation. The whole family spent Christmas morning _______gifts. I had bought my baby sister Melissa a toy cat at the local dollar store. When she _______it, I was delighted that she liked it.

Melissa also had a gift for me. With a smile she tried to resist, she _______ the package to me. “For you,” she said.

I pulled back the paper to _______ the gift to the rest of the family — one red Barbie car — Melissa's favorite toy. Words _______ me. I looked back and forth between the gift she'd given me and the _______toy cat I'd given her. Melissa loved that car more than all her other toys. I was wondering _______ she was parting with what she treasures.

Realizing Melissa was _______ her favorite toy, I pushed through the confusion I was feeling to said, “Melissa, really, you don't have to. This is nice of you, but you should _______it.”

She whispered, “I loved that car ...________ I want you to have it.”

In that ________ I knew Melissa wasn't giving me a ________; she was giving me her heart — ________it came in the form of a little red plastic car. Christmas wasn't about parties or presents or getting things, Christmas was about ________ and I would never be too ________ for that.

1.A.making B.sending C.purchasing D.exchanging

2.A.noticed B.found C.designed D.opened

3.A.lent B.handed C.carried D.delivered

4.A.offer B.show C.display D.expose

5.A.failed B.struck C.lost D.moved

6.A.lovely B.special C.small D.cheap

7.A.how B.why C.what D.when

8.A.looking for B.making up C.giving away D.turning down

9.A.remain B.change C.keep D.forget

10.A.since B.while C.and D.but

11.A.occasion B.moment C.period D.situation

12.A.cat B.surprise C.toy D.pleasure

13.A.now that B.even if C.because D.unless

14.A.love B.hope C.dream D.faith

15.A.casual B.permanent C.smart D.old


    Here’s a new reason to be an optimist. 1. Pessimists, of course, might have suspected this all along-but now there’s actual research behind it.

Boston-area scientists found the most optimistic people live an average of 11 to 15 percent longer than their more pessimistic peers.

In previous studies, researchers have found that more optimistic people tend to have lower risk of diseases and early death, said Lewina Lee, the lead researcher and a psychiatry professor at Boston University School of Medicine. “2.

Optimists generally expect good things to happen in the future and feel like they can control important outcomes. They tend to stay positive whatever comes their way.

3. There’s good news: The mind-set is about 25 percent hereditary (遗传的). Lee said, meaning people have some control over their level of good thoughts. She said people can become more optimistic by imagining a future in which their goals have been reached.

To conduct their research. Lee and the other scientists compared results from two independently conducted studies-one that followed nearly 70,000 women for a decade and another that followed about 1,400 men for 30 years. 4. They ranked themselves on statements including in uncertain times, “I usually expect the best” or “I'm always optimistic about my future.”

The conclusion that optimistic people tend to live longer holds true regardless of other factors, Lee said.

The study leaves one question unanswered: 5. Although it's unclear, the researchers believe optimists may be better at regulating stressors and bouncing (反弹) back I from upsetting events. Optimists also generally have healthier habits, like exercising more and smoking less.

A.Not a natural optimist?

B.Our study took it one step further.

C.Why are optimists likely to live longer?

D.Why do women generally live longer than men?

E.An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

F.People self-reported their optimism on questionnaires.

G.Those who see the glass as half full, according to a new study, live longer.


    Over the past year, companies have been rolling out electric scooters (踏板车) by the thousands in cities across the country from Milwaukee to Washington, D. C. to Lubbock, Texas. People download the app, find a nearby scooter and then just unlock and ride. But as these shared scooters have spread, so have concerns about safety.

Portland, Oregon in the middle of a four-month e-scooter pilot program. You see these scooters everywhere — parked on sidewalks (they don't require docking stations, which most shared bikes do), taking fast corners and going through traffic. But something you don't see much of helmets.

On a recent weekend, a 32-year-old woman who didn't want to give her name because she's breaking the city's helmet rule is riding for the first time with some of her friends. None of them are wearing helmets, which both the city and the scooter company require with good reason. “One of our friends almost just got run over. The brake lights on theirs don't work,” she says.

Part of the draw of these scooters is their flexibility — most riders we talked to jumped on a scooter on the spur of the moment. And, given the fact that most people would not want to share helmets with strangers they don't come with helmets attached. So people end up riding without any safety gear.

Yet this is against the rules, but many people just don’t want to carry around helmets. Data from bicycles suggest that people participating in share programs have lower rates of accidents than those using their own vehicle. And many transportation advocates point to the fact that helmet requirements deter bike usage.

Still helmets provide protection. Riding a scooter is very different from riding a bike.

And people on e-scooters are starting to show up in emergency rooms with injuries.” We've seen things from broken bones to punctured (刺穿) lungs.” says Catherine Juillard, a doctor at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital.

1.What does the 32-year-old woman want to convey?

A.Riding a scooter is difficult. B.Riding a scooter is dangerous.

C.E-scooters are of poor quality. D.E-scooters bring great convenience.

2.Why are e-scooters not equipped with helmets?

A.Because of high cost. B.Because of people's habit.

C.Because they are not effective. D.Because they are not necessary.

3.What does the underlined word “deter” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?

A.Limit. B.Allow. C.Decide. D.Promote.

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.To Wear or Not to Wear helmets? B.E-Scooters Do More Harm Than Good.

C.How to Reduce the Risk of E-Scooters? D.With E-Scooters Come Safety Concerns.


    New Mexico has announced a plan to make public colleges and universities free for all people in the state, a Proposal considered one of the most ambitious attempts in education these years.

The plan, if approved, would allow students, regardless of household income, to attend any of the 29 states public colleges and universities. State officials estimate that the program, officially called the New Mexico Opportunity Scholarship, will help 55,000 students each year attend college.

Calling the plan “the moonshot for higher education,” New Mexico Gov. Michelle LujanGrisham announced it on Wednesday at the New Mexico Higher Education Summit in Albuquerque. “It means better enrollment (注册). It means better students' success. In the long run, it means economic growth, improved outcomes for New Mexico workers and thinkers and parents,” Lujan Grisham said, “It means a better trained workforce.”

Twenty other states have set up tuition free education programs for two-year community colleges. And New York created a scholarship program to allow students to go to public colleges and universities without paying tuition. But there are household income requirements and other rules, including that receivers live and work in New York for several years after graduating. The New Mexico proposal has no such restrictions. And some experts wonder if the lack of program regulations is one of its disadvantages.

Wil Del Pilar, the vice president for higher education at The Education Trust, said there is a risk that wealthier students will benefit the most in the program, since there are no income requirements. “When you have limited state dollars, I would argue that we should target those dollars toward those who struggle the most to pay,” Del Pilar told NPR.

Like the New York s scholarship program, New Mexico's covers just tuition, not other living costs. To Del Pilar that is a problem. He said the promise of free college takes more than eliminating (取消) tuition. Paying for housing, meals, books and transportation are still challenges for many low-income students, he said.

1.What's the purpose of the New Mexico plan?

A.To reform the system of education.

B.To improve the quality of education.

C.To attract more students around the world.

D.To make higher education more accessible.

2.What was Lujan Grisham’s attitude towards the New Mexico plan?

A.A little doubtful. B.A little confused.

C.Full of curiosity. D.Full of confidence.

3.Compared with the New Mexico plan, the New York program               .

A.has fewer restrictions B.benefits more students

C.has more requirements D.covers more living costs

4.What is the problem with the New Mexico plan according to Del Pilar?

A.It is limited to tuition. B.It doesn't include tuition.

C.It opens to all college students. D.It's only available to poor students.


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