This may sound like a joke about a lazy person's dream job. Earn big money by staying in bed and watching TV. But this is really happening, and it's a project of NASA and two European space agencies the Institute of Aerospace Medicine at the Cologne-based German Aerospace Center and the European Space Agency. It's called Artificial Gravity Bed Rest Study, aimed at studying how the body adapts to weightlessness in space.

Scientists are seeking 12 women to spend two full months in bed in the fall at a German lab, plus an additional month there for preparation and recovery. The first 12 test subjects, all men, already have started the study.

Participants spend two entire months in bed and remain lying down even to do everyday things like eating, drinking and exercising. They also answer nature's call and shower, but it's unclear from the NASA website how those tasks are accomplished in bed.

"Daily routine showering, getting dressed, eating, exercising takes much time when you cannot stand up to do them," says the website, adding that there is "continuous data collection", including blood pressure, heart rate, nutrient absorption and also the participants' feelings. Study subjects will spend the 60 days with their heads tilted(倾斜)down six degrees, which imitates(模仿)conditions in space.

Participants are encouraged to pass the time by watching TV, taking online courses, reading and any other activities they can perform while lying down alone in bed to relieve what could be boredom. Family and friends are allowed to visit.

The high $ 18,500 payment for two months of lazing about is probably a major motivation for people willing to go through something this extreme. However, if you're an American who really needs the money, you probably can't afford it. Candidates need to travel to Cologne four times at their own expense for the employment process between April and July. Plus, they need strong German-speaking skills. Also participants need to be nonsmokers between ages 24 and 55, in good health, with normal body weight.

1.What are participants expected to do during the study?

A.Report their feelings regularly. B.Complete their daily routines in bed.

C.Keep their bodies tilted down six degrees. D.Record their physical responses every day.

2.What data about the participants will the researchers collect?

A.The changes in their weight. B.Their behaviors to weightlessness.

C.The ways they do their daily things. D.Their physical and mental reactions

3.What will be a challenge for the participants?

A.The language skills they need. B.The difficulty meeting family.

C.The possibility that they feel dull. D.The slow discovery of their health.

4.The requirements for potential participants are        .

A.challenging for Americans B.tailored to thin persons

C.easy for the youth to satisfy D.suitable for most people


    Has the volume(音量)in a restaurant ever nude you finish your meal early? If so, you're not alone. Restaurants handle diners in various ways to influence food choices and consumption, from lighting to menu to server presentation. Unfortunately for those headache-prone restaurant goers, some places also choose to turn up the tunes and the background noise.

Chef Mario Batali is often blamed for the phenomenon of ultra-loud or noisy restaurants in the 1990s, when he decided to flood the dining room with the same loud tunes he was playing in his kitchen. And other chefs followed suit. Some restaurateurs felt a "livelier" atmosphere encouraged more customers, but a side "benefit" was quicker table turnover, thus increasing the number of people who could dine in a specific evening.

A 1985 study out of Fairfield University looked at how chewing speed varied according to the type of music being played. Although the volume level was kept the same for both musical situations, it's important to note that fast-tempo(节奏)music often gives the impression of being louder than slower music.

"A significant increase in the number of bites per minute was found, and the effect was largest for fast music," the researchers wrote in the study. So, the faster, louder music gets people to down their food more quickly, relieving the table for future customers.

There're opinions about whether or not this is a sound practice. "A restaurant that places profit above dining experience often plays loud music with a fast tempo that puts diners under pressure to eat more quickly, even if that means they're less able to enjoy their meal," writes Dr. Neel Burton in Psychology Today, adding that loud, fast music reduces appetite.

What's more, some would-be repeat diners will shy away for fear of another ultra-loud meal. The non-profit group Action on Hearing Loss found in a 2016 survey of nearly 1,500 people that 91% of those who view a restaurant as too noisy would choose not to return.

1.Why did some bosses of the restaurants favour loud music?

A.It might help attract more customers.

B.It was the favorite kind of music of them.

C.It made the restaurants softer and sweeter.

D.It could increase the popularity of their restaurants

2.What plays the most important role in the effect of music on diners?

A.Its content. B.Its length.

C.Its speed. D.Its quality.

3.What is Dr. Neel Burton's attitude towards flooding restaurants with noisy music?

A.Doubtful. B.Disapproving.

C.Positive. D.Uncaring

4.What could be a suitable title for the text?

A.What People Think of Loud Restaurants

B.Are Customers Made to Eat Quickly?

C.Why Loud Restaurants Are Popular Today

D.Does Loud Music Really Benefit Restaurants?


    As I was leaving the gym last week, I greeted a friend who was coming in. He responded without looking up from his phone. I stood there for a few awkward seconds, hoping for eye contact. He finally looked up briefly, apologetically, before returning to the screen. I walked on, feeling shaken.

It turns out I was phubbed, which is a term for snubbing(冷落)someone in favor of a phone. And research has found that phubbing does have negative (消极的)impacts on personal relationships, reducing the quality of communication and level of satisfaction.

Recently I've noticed that it's impossible to go out with friends and have their attention for the whole time, There're always phones on the table, and they're constantly being checked. When the slightest pause in conversation arises, or if someone gets up from the table briefly, people seize their phones to check in with the rest of the world to see what else is going On.

It used to be that going out together was confidence-boosting solid reassurance(安慰)that another person enjoyed your company, otherwise they wouldn't accept but not now. Now, you're constantly attracting attentioncompeting with a portable supercomputer. When someone is looking at their phone, you're never sure if they actually want to be with you.

The modern-day equivalent of this is scrolling(滚屏)and texting. Although I didn't realize it at the time, I was trying for connection with the friend, who was attracted by it refusing to put away his phone and made me feel awful.

I don't want to be that person. I don't want my actions to make anyone feel the way I did that day. So from now on I'm going to make a point of not letting digital distractions damage the relationships I hold so dear. It's not worth it. Nothing on that screen is ever more important than the person standing right in front of me.

1.Why does the author describe his greeting with a friend in the gym last week?

A.To introduce what phubbing is. B.To show the misuse of phones.

C.To draw the readers' attention. D.To voice his opinion about phubbing.

2.What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A.Phones are bad for communication. B.Phones are used widely in the world.

C.Phubbing is making people suffer. D.Phubbing is a common phenomenon.

3.What will happen when you're snubbing someone according to the author?

A.People will enjoy your company. B.You will lose the trust of others.

C.You will damage others' confidence. D.People will feel truly connected.

4.What does the word "it" underlined in paragraph 5 refer to?

A.Being companied. B.Scrolling and texting.

C.The table. D.The phone.


Four Citizen-science Projects

Climate change is difficult to handle. but this doesn't mean people are just sitting on the sidelines waiting for the unavoidable. Everyone can join in fighting climate change. Scistarter and Zooniverse are two websites that list citizen-science projects in which you can take part. Here are some of them:


This project, out of the University of Washington, is looking at how climate change is affecting wildflowers on Mount Rainier. Volunteers collect data along hiking tracks about when wildflowers bud. flower, fruit and produce seeds. The project is also collecting photos of wildflowers from across Mount Rainier National Park.

·Great Backyard Bird Count

For four days every February, volunteers around the world count birds in 15 minutes. These observations can be made anywhere, including your own backyard. The counts provide scientists snapshots of data on where birds are found and how many there are. Since the count has been going on for over 20 years, researchers can now answer questions about how these patterns may be changing with time.

·Water Monitoring in Minnesota

Residents(居民)of Minnesota can sign up to be a volunteer water monitor for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Volunteers are arranged to a lake or stream. Twice a month during the summer, they take measurements of water clarity. Those data let the government see whether water clarity has been changing over time as well as assess the health of those waterways.


Gretta Peel is a marine(海的)ecologist in Australia at the University of Tasmania in Hobart. She studies where marine species(物种)are moving in response to climate change. She set up a program called Redmap. It asks people to report "uncommon" marine species they've seen in Australian waters. "We wanted to have an early indication of what species were moving where they live,” she explains.

1.Which project should be most appealing to people interested in wildflowers?

A.Redmap. B.Meado Watch.

C.Great Backyard Bird Count. D.Water Monitoring in Minnesota.

2.What are you required to do if you take part in Water Monitoring in Minnesota?

A.Educate local people on bird behavior.

B.Explore causes of your local climate problems.

C.Collect relevant data and even report them.

D.Protect the local water from pollution.

3.What is the similarity among the four projects?

A.They are started by famous universities.

B.They aim to raise environmental awareness.

C.They are mainly open to environmentalists

D.They focus on fighting climate change.



注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:社区 community

Dear guests




Have you had a headache during a test? Have you ever been so worried about something that you have a headache or even can't sleep at night? If so, then you know what stress is. Stress is what you feel when you are worried about something. This worry in your mind can make your body feel bad. You may feel angry, sad, scared, or afraid — all these can give you a stomachache or a headache.

However, there are different kinds of stress. Some kinds of stress are good and others are bad. Good stress might happen when you're called to answer questions in class or when you have to give a speech. This kind of stress can help you to get things better done. For example, you may do a better job on your test if the stress pushes you to prepare better before the test.

On the other hand, bad stress can happen if the stress lasts too long. You may not feel well if your parents are fighting, if a family member is sick, if you're having problems at school, or if anything else makes you unhappy every day. That kind of stress isn't going to help you. And it can actually make you sick.

The best way to fight the stress is to have a balanced life. Make sure you keep yourself in mind: sleep, exercise, leisure (休闲), and food. If you get enough sleep and eat properly, and if you exercise and leave time for fun, you'll probably feel less stressed.

1.What is stress according to the text? (No more than 15 words.)

2.Why are some kinds of stress good? (No more than 15 words.)

3.What’s the main idea of paragraph 3? (No more than 10 words.)

4.List four things that can keep you away from stress according to the text? (No more than 8 words.)

5.How do you solve it when you are very stressed? (No more than 15 words.)


    Earlier this month, 6-year-old Isaac went on vacation to Fort Walton, Florida, with his family. While there, his mother Garrett learned about LuLu, a restaurant that offers food to customers with food allergies (过敏症).

At LuLu, Isaac could eat a salad and roast chicken with rice. ''Isaac looked at me as if he was asking me, 'Is this OK? ''' Garrett said. Once his mom gave the OK, Isaac enjoyed for the first time the experience of ordering and eating at a restaurant. ''That look on his face seemed to show that this was the coolest thing he had ever done. '' Garrett said.

Garrett and her family hardly go out to restaurants because of Isaac's food allergies. When they go out, she cooks something for Isaac at home before they leave and brings it with her to the restaurant. ''It's not fun and it feels unfair.'' Isaac said.

Their night at LuLu marked a celebration for Isaac. Isaac felt terribly fulfilled because of eating at the restaurant. Garrett shared the moment on the restaurant's Facebook page to thank them for helping her son. ''Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving him this experience.'' she wrote in her post.

Barnett, the restaurant's manager said, ''When customers tell the staff that someone in their group has a food allergy, I help with the order by passing it to the kitchen, ensuring it's cooked in a separate station and offering the finished food to the guests. We have been improving this process over the last 10 years since our allergy program was started.''

On Garrett’s Facebook post, LuLu thanked Garrett for sharing her story. ''Thank you for sharing your experience with us. '' the restaurant wrote in a comment. ''We are excited to see your son so happy!''

Garrett is hoping her post's popularity will make other restaurants, especially the places near her family's home about 30 minutes away from Mashville, provide such a service. ''LuLu offers quality services to the guests with food allergies. Nothing would make us happier than that.'' She said.

1.Why do Garrett and her family hardly eat out at restaurants?

A.Because they are on a low income.

B.Because Garrett likes cooking herself.

C.Because Isaac easily suffers from food allergies.

D.Because they consider the food in restaurants unhealthy.

2.What does Garrett usually do when her family go to eat at a restaurant?

A.She leaves her son alone at home.

B.She orders some special food for her son.

C.She lets her son choose his favorite dishes.

D.She prepares some food for her son ahead of time.

3.What does the underlined word ''fulfilled'' in Paragraph 4 most probably mean?

A.Satisfied. B.Disappointed.

C.Moved. D.Embarrassed.

4.What will Barnett do when guests with allergies come to dinner?

A.He will help them order food.

B.He will offer services to them first.

C.He will provide private room for them.

D.He will introduce their allergy program.

5.What moved Garrett deeply?

A.LuLu's response to her post.

B.Her son's experience at LuLu.

C.LuLu's concern for the guests with allergies.

D.More restaurants' following in LuLu's steps.


    A year ago, we bought our son a bike for his birthday. In this way he could stay more active. Plus, we didn't have to push a tricycle around the neighborhood.

I thought he even wanted to sleep with his bike. He got on, rode, and had a huge smile on his face. When we went out for a walk, he would ask me politely if he could ride his bike. I said yes. Then he would play for a long time and didn’t want to go home. He rode in every season: winter, spring, summer and fall.

This year, we had him join in a program called SprocKids started by our local mountain bike club. As you can imagine, my little mountain biker showed great interest in it. On the first night, he tried riding over the obstacles (障碍物), which made me worried and frightened. One obstacle was even taller than me, but he persisted.

Later, one day, he found an old bike in the storeroom. It was mine. He called me out and said, ''Mommy, will you go biking with me? '' I was surprised because I hadn’t biked since high school, but I decided to cycle with him.

I was highly rewarded for my efforts. On the one hand, I took part in an activity with my child. And I didn't have to do all the work by pushing or carrying him. It was an activity he loved and he told me about every path and every move excitedly. On the other hand, we developed a closer bond (关系).

In my opinion, it's very important for kids to stay active. And parents' encouragement is very important for them to stay active. But words of encouragement are not enough. It's better if parents can do a physical activity together with their kids.

1.Getting a bike for his birthday, the author's son ________.

A.loved it very much

B.wanted a better gift

C.just rode it for fun at times

D.spent much time learning to ride it

2.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.He never gave up.

B.He hardly succeeded.

C.He changed his mind.

D.He became frightened.

3.What do we learn about the author ?

A.She wasn't active in high school.

B.She hasn't ridden her bike for many years.

C.She bought a new bike to cycle with her son.

D.She once dreamed of becoming a mountain biker.

4.What does the author probably think of cycling with her son?

A.It takes her too much time.

B.It completely changes her.

C.It greatly benefits her.

D.It is very tiring.

5.What does the writer intend to tell us through this passage?

A.Kids love to spend time outdoors.

B.Encouragement is very important to kids.

C.Children should be encouraged to ride a bike.

D.Parents should do physical activities with their kids.


    If you are interested in art, there are four art activities to be held in Beijing.

Paintings of Xu Beihong

Over 100 paintings by modern China's painting master Xu Beihong are on show at the National Art Museum, including his oil and ink () works.

Xu is skilled at describing birds and animals. His works creatively combine Western methods with traditional Chinese art, which has a big influence on modern Chinese artists.

If you go:

9:00am-5:30pm, from September to November (closed on Mondays). 1 Wusi Avenue, Dongcheng district, Beijing. 010-6403-4951

Musical performances for Japanese anime (动漫) lovers

Music Fans Classical Orchestra will provide a performance for Japanese anime and music lovers, bringing together great works by famous Japanese writer Joe Hisaishi, including melodies (旋律) in Hayao Miyazaki's Castle in the sky and director Takeshi Kitano's film Kikujiro.

If you go:

7:30pm, November. Beijing Concert Hall, 1 North Xinhua Street, Xicheng district. 010-6605-7006.

Opera Film Carmen

The French opera film Carmen will be shown in Beijing on Saturday. It will be played in French, with English and Chinese subtitles (字幕).

Based on the novel of the same name by Prosper Merimee, Carmen was the last work of the famous French writer Georges Bizet, telling stories of the working class and ordinary people. It's also one of the popular operas in the world.

If you go:

1:30 pm, September. National Center for the Performing Arts, 2 West Chang'an Avenue, Xicheng district. 010-6655-0000

The Merchant of Venice

Beijing Comedy Theater will put on William Shakespeare's work The Merchant of Venice. It will be played in Chinese.

If you go:

7:30 pm, Dec 15-17; 2:30 pm, Dec 16. Beijing Comedy Theater,11 Chaoyangmen North Street, Dongcheng district, Beijing. 400-610-3721

1.Where can you go if you are free in October?

A.Beijing Concert Hall B.National Art Museum

C.Beijing Comedy Theater. D.National Center for the Performing Arts

2.Which number should you call if you're interested in works by Joe Hisaishi?

A.010-6605-7006. B.010-6403-4951.

C.010-6655-0000. D.400-610-3721.

3.What can we learn about the film Carmen?

A.It's a British film.

B.It's about to be played on Sunday.

C.It's about stories of ordinary people.

D.It's based on Georges Bizet’s best work.

4.When can you see The Merchant of Venice?

A.7:30 am on Dec 15. B.2:30 pm on Dec 17.

C.7:30 pm on Dec 16. D.2:30 am on Dec 16.

5.What would a foreigner choose if wanting to improve his Chinese listening ability?

A.Carmen. B.Kikujiro.

C.Castle in the sky. D.The merchant of Venice.


    Ten years ago, my mom gave me a strange but welcome gift-a blood pressure monitor(血压监测仪). My _______ had told me I had high blood pressure during a medical exam, so she wanted to _______ that I was keeping track of it.

It really _______ me to suffer from such disease in my early twenties. I had long been _______nameless anxiety and stress, and that ended up being ten years' long pain. Through lots of medical care, exercise, and diet improvement, I've slowly got _______, day by day.

I was _______ to say that I no longer needed my blood pressure monitor. My mom was healthy and didn't need it either. But I knew she _______ a lot of money back then even though she didn’t have much, so I _______ to put it up for sale online. A woman said she wanted to _______it after I posted it on the website.

The other day, I met up with the woman and her mother, who looked weak, in a coffee shop. Neither of them seemed in good financial (财务上的)conditions. The woman carefully took some money from her wallet to give me. It ________ me then and there. I could find no ________ to let her pay me. She really needed the thing and I just had the thing in hand. Thinking for a while, I took out the blood pressure monitor and said, ''Here, just take it.'' She was ________ and attempted to hand me the money again. I insisted that she should take it. She was excited and then expressed her ________. I wished them good health and a happy life. ________ I didn't repay my mom in cash, I was more than happy that I repaid her by passing on her gift to someone who really ________ it.

1.A.mother B.teacher C.friend

2.A.prove B.remember C.make sure D.comment on

3.A.shocked B.ignored C.controlled D.encouraged

4.A.recording B.imagining C.describing D.experiencing

5.A.tired B.better C.braver D.hopeless

6.A.angry B.sorry C.pleased D.embarrassed

7.A.spent B.earned C.lent D.raised

8.A.failed B.decided C.afforded D.promised B.share C.donate D.borrow

10.A.hurt B.touched C.reminded D.disappointed B.chances C.methods D.excuses

12.A.curious B.confused C.afraid D.upset

13.A.regret B.anxiety C.confidence D.appreciation

14.A.Unless B.Before C.Although D.Because

15.A.needed B.valued C.admired D.respected


I crossed the street to avoid ______ him, but he saw me and came running towards me. B.meeting meet D.being met


______ the lights off, they wouldn't go on with the work.

A.With B.Until C.Because D.As


We went through a period ________ communications were very difficult in the rural areas.

A.which B.whose which D.with which


Tom was about to close the window    his attention was caught by a bird.

A.when B.if

C.and D.till


— Mr Smith was caught in a rainstorm yesterday.

— I have known that, and ______ his new car was completely destroyed.

A.fortunately B.hopefully C.thankfully D.unfortunately


Be sure to read the ______ in the guidebook before you begin to use the new computer.

A.instructions B.solution C.descriptions D.message


The English spoken in the United States is only slightly different from        spoken in England.

A.which B.what C.that D.the one


You ______ have been out last night, for all the lights in your room were not on.

A.need B.must C.may D.should


We are very proud of what our country ______ in the past seventy years.

A.has achieved achieving C.achieved D.had achieved


— Tom, we will play a football match against Class1 this afternoon.

— ______. I'm looking forward to your good news.

A.Congratulation B.Cheers C.Good luck D.Have fun



1. 周一至周五以学校活动为主;2. 周末安排了丰富的活动。

注意:1. 词数:100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

On the behalf of our group, I’d like to give a brief summary of our discussion on the topic “Are Recycling Textbooks a Good Suggestion?” As we know, when high school students graduated from school, their textbooks are throwing away, which are still in good condition. What a great waste it is!

A suggestion has been put forward we should recycle the textbooks. Some students in my group agree with this suggestion. For one thing, recycling textbooks can save a lot of natural resources, what are used to make textbooks. And it can also save plenty of family expenses. For another, in western countries, recycling textbook is very popular and it gives you a good example. But some have different opinions about it, for the content of the textbooks is often renewed. What’s more, it is not proper to make notes in the textbooks. In my opinion, this is a wonderfully idea because this will do good to both the government and the families.



Eating enough fruits and vegetables is 1. most people associate with good health habits. But just as important to healthy living are frequent doses (剂量) of laughter and humor—both proven to have 2. direct effect on health.

According to Wendy Shepard, clinical nurse specialist at Hopkins Bayview, laughter has 3.(definitely) physiological effects on the body. Laughing is like inside jogging. It 4.(clean) the respiratory (呼吸的) system, stimulates the digestive tract, increases heart rate and blood circulation and lowers blood pressure.

5.(fortunate), many people don’t use humor enough when 6.(deal) with everyday life situations. Many wait for humor 7.(happen) to them instead of making it happen. “Humor is more than just laughing at a joke. It can become a way of life if you open yourself up to a new attitude,” says Shepard. “The greatest thing about play, creativity and laughter—all components (成分) of humor—is that you not only help 8.(you), you help others.”

Shepard suggests that everyone relax and lighten up. It can be as easy as focusing on fun things to pick up at a dollar store. Shepard often travels with a grab bag of things to help make people smile. Of course, making humor a part of your life 365 days a year doesn’t mean you have to carry a grab bag, put 9. a clown (小丑) nose or tell jokes 10. those things are fun in the right situation. Instead, look for ways to make the things you already do more fun, such as laughing with co-workers and smiling at people you don’t know.


    The other day, my friend Jane was invited to a 40th birthday party. The time printed on the _______ was 7:30pm. Jane went off with her husband, expecting a _______ evening of wine, _______, and song.

By 9:45, everybody was having great fun, but no food had _______. Jane and David were restless. Other guests began whispering that they, too, were _______. But no one wanted to _______, just in case some food was about to appear. By 11:00, there was still no food, and everyone was _______ off their heads. Jane and David left _______ and angry.

Their _______ suggests that the words on the printed invitations need to be made ____________. Everyone ____________ and understands the invitations ____________. Most of us would agree that 6:30-8:30pm means drinks only, go out to dinner afterwards; 8:00pm or 8:30pm means possible ____________, but 9:30pm and any time thereafter means no food, eat beforehand, arrive late.

But this is not always the case. If ____________ to a students’ party at 6:30pm, it is normal for guests not to appear before midnight, if at all, and no one cares. Being the first to arrive—looking ____________—is social death. When my mother is asked to a party for 6:30, she likes to be there, if not ____________, then no later than seven. My ____________ group (late thirties) falls somewhere between the two, but because we still think we’re ____________, we’re probably closer to student-time than grown-up time.

The accepted custom at present is ____________, sometimes annoying, and it often means you may go home hungry, but it does lend every party that precious element of ____________.

1.A.application B.invitation C.form D.surface

2.A.disappointing B.unexpected C.merry D.nervous B.people D.fruit

4.A.appeared B.equipped C.provided D.unloaded

5.A.dying B.sleeping C.enjoying D.starving

6.A.claim B.forget C.stay D.leave

7.A.happily B.completely C.urgently D.crazily

8.A.full B.foolish C.hungry D.sleepy

9.A.experience B.failure C.normality D.joke

10.A.simpler B.clearer C.cleverer D.prettier

11.A.prints B.expects C.reads D.receives

12.A.indifferently B.differently C.usually D.carefully

13.A.dinner B.lunch C.breakfast D.brunch

14.A.held B.forced C.hurried D.asked B.boring C.thankful D.eager

16.A.from time to time no time C.on time D.for the time being B.age D.job

18.A.important B.young C.demanding D.innocent

19.A.understanding B.promising C.confusing D.boring

20.A.surprise B.fear C.loss D.success


Taking care of unsolved issues of the past will free you to move ahead with confidence. The final step toward putting your past behind so that you can reach for whats possible is tying up your loose ends. Loose ends are the unsolved relationships that keep you from sleeping worry free at night. 1. You have a loose end if theres someone you dont want to sit next to at a holiday dinner. Loose ends are distracting and have an amazing way of biting you in the bottom at the worst times.

How to Tie up Your Loose Ends

1. 2.These could be past relationships, employers, business partners, friends, family, or coworkers.

2. Contact each of these five loose ends. Invite each separately to a coffee shop or some other nonthreatening, non-alcohol environment. Tell each one that you want to apologize for allowing things to get crossways between you. Some may doubt your intentions, but tell them that you sincerely feel its time to clear the air. Ask those who agree to meet to write down any ways they think you wronged them, and you do the same. 3.

3. Show up on time and thank each for being forgiving enough to meet with you. Be an adult herefinger pointing only tears people apart. Remember, your experience may beand most likely istotally different from his. Listen to each issue each of them raises and try to see it from their perspectives (视角). 4. Seek to understand why they have bad feelings toward you. Apologize for each thing they think you did to wrong them (even if you dont completely agree with his view of the situation).

After you tie up your first loose end, youll want to solve them all. This is hard to explain until you have done it; but once you do, youll know what I mean. 5. Most of all, I think this process helped me become a more understanding and patient friend.

A.I learned so much about myself by tying up my loose ends.

B.Tell them to bring this list to your gettogether.

C.You have a loose end if theres someone you dont want to run into on a first date or at work.

D.Loose ends are very disturbing for everyone in our life.

E.Here is a guide on how to tie up your loose ends.

F.Dont interrupt them when they are sharing.

G.Identify the five people with whom you have the most unsolved issues.


    The noble tree house—all natural materials, strong construction, aloof from the troubles of the world. In a more dangerous time in human history, their position above the ground would protect the inhabitant against environmental difficulties and possible predators. As modern construction has improved, these arboreal places have become less of a practical housing and more of a children’s fun—a secret place erected in many a back garden. But now, these fun shelters are appealing to adults too and many are booking themselves in for a few nights among the treetops.

These tree house hotels can be found From Europe to Australia. Best of all, they come in a variety of interesting designs! From the traditional four walls and a roof habitation, such as at TreeHouse Point, in Washington, North America, to the more artistic Nothofagus Hotel in Chilean Patagonia, whose twelve-sided walls make it look like a beehive. If that doesn’t appeal, how about a tree container? The Free Spirit Spheres resort on Vancouver Island in Canada allows guests to stay in one of three yellow spheres (圆球), which are suspended from trees. The company was founded in 1998 by Tom Chudleigh, who hand built the container from cedar wood and fibre glass, and then added fixtures and fittings. Not only are they as safe as houses, they’re popular! Visitor numbers have probably doubled in the past five years, Mr. Chudleigh tells the BBC.

And how about an office? Microsoft, hoping to give its employees thinking space, has commissioned (委托) a three-building structure from Pete Nelson, designer and builder of tree houses. “Studies show people can work better in nature. They are more productive,” says Mr. Nelson. If you’ve no head for heights, then maybe a tree house getaway isn’t going to be your home away from home. But the sense of adventure, the freshness of the setting and the opportunity to return to nature has given an increasing number of tree house-staying adults something to write home about.

1.The underlined word “arboreal” in paragraph one means “    ”.

A.relating to history B.of or relating to trees

C.of danger D.of secret

2.The Free Spirit Spheres resort is mentioned to prove    .

A.the company has profited a lot from tree houses

B.tree houses come from interesting places

C.Tom Chudleigh has an eye for safety

D.tree houses are becoming fashionable

3.According to Pete Nelson, why is Microsoft building a tree house structure?

A.Because people are more productive working in nature.

B.Because the sense of adventure make people work harder.

C.Because the freshness of the setting make people cooperate well.

D.Because people need the opportunity to return to nature.

4.The passage is mainly about    . a tree house is built B.the trend for tree houses

C.peoples’ opinions about tree houses D.the history of tree houses


    Business meetings are, arguably, a necessary part of any organization where people work collectively to accomplish a goal. But badly managed, meetings can be unproductive, boring and feel like a complete waste of time. In a recent survey conducted by technology firm eShare, it was found that the average UK employee spends over 10 hours weekly preparing for and attending meetings—approximately 50% of which they consider unnecessary. However, there are theories that technology could improve things.

It’s very workable for an AI to be able to recognise when one person is controlling a meeting, or if a circular discussion keeps returning to a single issue. “If no new points are made after a while, the AI could suggest wrapping up a meeting,” says Cynthia Rudin, a computer science professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. But AI isn’t quite there yet.

“If AI can do most of the dull work during meetings, that leaves more space for humans to think about strategy and vision,” believes Niki Iliadis at the Big Innovation centre. This seems to be true. Osaka in Japan started using an AI as a minute taker (会议记录员) to record and summarise the 450 annual meetings. It has halved the time needed to produce summaries and cut staff overtime. AI can also help with the matter of attendance. If a meeting with irrelevant subject matter is called, or if it’s an inconvenient time, an AI could be used to decide who should attend the meeting and when it should be. Finally participants can make open-ended responses, exchange comments or vote in multiple-choice quizzes. This has fundamentally changed the atmosphere of a presentation.

While tools that can create agendas, send meeting invitations and keep track of action items should improve effectiveness, they are still in development. Let’s hope that if or when they do arrive, they will meet our expectations.

1.The writer may agree with the fact that    .

A.surveyed UK employees believe that about 50% of meetings are unnecessary.

B.average UK employee spends over 20 hours weekly preparing for and attending meetings

C.all the meetings are fruitless, boring and a complete waste of time.’s impossible for an AI to know when one person is controlling a meeting

2.The underlined phrase “wrapping up” in paragraph two means “    ”.

A.cancelling B.beginning

C.completing D.organizing

3.According to paragraph 3, AI is able to    .

A.make open-ended responses B.decide when the meeting should be

C.think about strategy and vision in multiple-choice quizzes

4.What is the best title of the passage?

A.The Future Belongs to AI B.The Future of Business Meetings

C.What Will Become of AI D.Can AI Save Us from Bad Meetings?


    My first reaction was annoyance. It was Friday afternoon, and I was within an hour of finishing my work for the week. As I was leaving, a nurse brought me one more patient message. The statement read: “Mrs. Jones called to say that she has had blurred vision (视觉模糊) ever since her medical test this morning.” I smiled. Suddenly our tests were causing eye problems.

This week my patients had questioned everything. My patient with high blood pressure had stopped coming to her treatment on the advice of an Internet chat room. A woman who had a mental problem was substituting (……代替) St. John’s word for her medication. Now Mrs. Jones was imagining problems. I rolled my eyes.

My second reaction was worry. As I looked through her record, I tried to figure out why she would have blurred vision, but nothing in her record explained the new problem. She’s probably just anxious, I thought. Still, she wouldn’t have called if she had been all right. I picked up the phone.

What I next felt can only be described as delight. Before I made the call, the nurse ran in: Mrs. Jones called. Her vision is fine. Turns out she picked up the wrong glasses when she left the office. The X-ray technician has been having the same problem. I let out a laugh. Mrs. Jones had been right. Her vision had been blurred. Now we know why.

Finally I felt shame. I came to realize what Mrs. Jones had taught me. I had first known she was wrong, that her anxiety had clouded her judgment. Instead, my medical training had clouded mine. Now I feel thankful that Mrs. Jones figured it out before I made a mistake about our relationship. Patients come to me for my help. They pay me to listen, diagnose, treat and talk. That suggests trust; I must remember that, and trust them too.

1.I rolled my eyes because I was    .

A.delighted B.angry

C.worried D.anxious

2.Why did I pick up the phone?

A.Because I was told to by a nurse.

B.Because nobody cared about Mrs. Jones.

C.Because I wanted to point out Mrs. Jones’ mistake.

D.Because I was concerned about Mrs. Jones.

3.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.I felt embarrassed and ashamed.

B.Mrs. Jones would never trust doctors any more.

C.Mrs. Jones’ worry made her less able to think clearly.

D.I had made a mistake about my relationship with Mrs. Jones.

4.The purpose of writing the passage is to    .

A.share a story about trust between doctors and patients

B.inform people of the importance of medical science

C.teach people how to choose a good doctor

D.persuade people to trust doctors completely


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1.Where can customers make any change about their orders?

A.At Add to Basket. B.At My Shopping Basket.

C.At View Basket. D.At Secure Checkout.

2.If overseas customers order three or more books, they can    .

A.get books at reduced price B.choose gift-wrapping

C.receive an on-screen acknowledgment D.get reduced airmail charges

3.The purpose of the passage is to    .

A.persuade readers to read more books readers how to order books from Booksfirst customers apply for account numbers

D.inform readers of how to select books





参考词汇:scratch paper  草稿纸



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