As tech gets ever more clever, it opens possibilities - not just for business but for cybercriminals(网络罪犯).Companies are being kept on their toes to find the most up-to-date security. 1. However, the real question is, "How can we use this securely?"

AIs may make it easier to attack company systems. They also give security experts new ways to detect problems and free them up from repetitive(重复的)work. 2.

AIs also provide new solutions for security operation centers. 3. This job used to be done by skilled analysts(分析师). But machine learning can now spot 80 percent of false positives, leaving the analysts to work on the potentially harmful 20 percent.

AIs are very good at recognizing new things which are potentially a problem.4.They spot new threats because they've learned what looks normal and what doesn't. You have to accept you will be attacked and deal with it like an immune system would. The next step is to allow Al systems to take action in real time, so you have self-defending networks.5.

A.So they can focus their efforts where they are needed most.

B.This includes old and new tech working side by side.

C.They're a bit like the human immune system.

D.For example, it is very good at identifying misleading security alarms.

E.It's vital to have a right view of how technology is actually used.

F.Then you will have an Al reacting to attacks and you'll never even know it.

G.When they adopt new technology, they often ask themselves, "Is this secure?"


    Long long ago, some have predicted there would be robots on the earth. Nowadays we are familiar with a variety of robots that have some special skills in some science fiction movies and some real robots in our daily life. Some may dream of owning one or two or more robots to free them from something dangerous or tiring, challenging... Here's some good news for them.

Zhejiang Aishida Electric Co, also known as ASD, announced plans on Monday to invest at least 500 million yuan (US $ 71. 4 million) to build an industrial robot factory which will help the company establish "a smart manufacturing ecosystem" in the Yangtze River Delta region.

"Besides the new plant in Zhejiang Province, ASD also plans to build ASD Shanghai Intelligent Valley and related logistics(后勤)and research facilities in the region. This ecosystem will cover robotics, smart manufacturing, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things,” said Chen Helin, chairman of Shenzhen-listed ASD.

Despite mounting economic uncertainties, China's robot demand will continue to grow thanks to digitalized and artificial intelligence upgrade trends, industry insiders said. China's annual sales of industrial robots will hit 150,000 units in 2020, and 260,000 units in 2025, according to the Shanghai Robot Industry Association. The new ASD factory, located in Wenling, Zhejiang Province, will produce 20,000 industrial robots annually. About 1 ,000 robots manufactured at the new factory will be used in ASD's production line for cooking pots and other devices.

"ASD will join other industry players to attend the China International Industry Fair, which opens on Tuesday in Shanghai. ASD is "still interested in” being listed on the new Shanghai STAR market through spinning off its robot or smart manufacturing business," Chen said on Monday.

1.What is the function of the first paragraph?

A.To present an argument. B.To introduce some science fictions.

C.To inspire the readers to read more. D.To draw a conclusion about robots.

2.What does the underlined word " invest" in paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Put in. B.Take in.

C.Bring in. D.Look in.

3.What did ASD intend to do in Zhejiang Province?

A.Build a factory in which workers are all robots.

B.Establish an industrial robot factory and related system.

C.Plant trees to make sure its factory has a good ecosystem.

D.Invest at least 500 million yuan to do research into the robots.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.China needs more industrial robots.

B.The China International Industrial Fair is opening.

C.ASD will build an industrial robot factory in Zhejiang.

D.The development of China's industrial robots is speeding up.


    Getting old might not be something that's yet to cross your mind. But aging is going to defeat us one day, so it's something we'd all like to control.

It would be great to have a long, healthy and happy life, and that's why scientists are constantly seeking out what we need to do to achieve it. We all know that regular exercise is good for us. But the latest piece of research might put a spring in your step if you're someone who walks at a fast pace. That's because the speed at which people walk in their 40s is a sign of how much their brains and their bodies are aging.

The BBC's Philippa Roxby writes that tests on 1,000 people found that slower walkers tended to show signs of "accelerated aging”. Their lungs, teeth and immune systems were in worse shape than those walking faster. The study also found not only did slower walkers bodies age more quickly, their faces looked older and they had smaller brains.

This might be seen as a wake-up call for people with a slower pace to work out and get fitter. But it might be too late researchers say they were able to predict the walking speed of 45-year-olds using the results of intelligence, language and motor (运动)skills tests from when they were aged three. They also suggest that even in early life, there are signs showing which people will have a healthier life.

So, what's the point of knowing that a slower walking pace might mean a smaller brain? Researchers say measuring walking speed at a younger age and understanding what this might mean could be a way of testing treatments to slow human aging.

1.Why do scientists keep on studying?

A.To help people live a better life. B.To achieve their goals.

C.To find ways to stop aging. D.To find out who can live longer.

2.How did the researchers get the result?

A.By analyzing data. B.By doing experiments int he lab.

C.By doing surveys. D.By carrying out tests on people.

3.The findings can be used to .

A.treat certain illnesses B.find ways to slow aging

C.make people work harder D.urge people to walk slowly

4.Where is the text most likely from?

A.A diary. B.A guidebook.

C.A novel. D.A magazine.


    An attractive and talented actress who is as comfortable in historical dramas as in modern day thrillers and comedies, Emily Mortimer was born in Great Britain in 1971.

Mortimer's father is author John Mortimer, best known for his series of Rumpole of the Bailey mystery novels, and she seems to have absorbed her father's literary influence—before her career as an actress took off, Mortimer wrote a column(专栏)for the London Telegraph, and she's served as a screenwriter for an screen adaptation of Lorna Sage's book Bad Blood.

Mortimer was a student at St. Paul's Girls School when she first developed an interest in acting, appearing in several student productions. After graduating from St. Paul s, she moved on to Oxford, where she majored in Russian. Mortimer found time to perform in several plays while at Oxford, and while acting in a student production she impressed a producer who cast her in a supporting role in a television adaptation of Catherine Cookson's The Glass Virgin in 1995 Several more television roles followed, including the British TV movie Sharpe’s Sword, before she won her first film role, playing the wife of John Patterson (Val Kilmer) in 1996 s The Ghost and the Darknass.

In 1998, Mortimer appeared as Kat Ashley in the international hit Elizabeth. In 2000, Mortimer was cast as Katherine in Kenneth Branngh's ill-fated musical adaptation of hovers Labour’s Lost, but the experience had a happy ending for her—she met actor Alessandro Nivola, and the two soon fell in love and have been together ever since. That same year, Mortimer took on her biggest role in an American film to date.

1.What did Mortimer do before she turned actress?

A.She worked in the London Telegraph .

B.She did some writing and adaptation.

C.She was the author of some mystery novels.

D.She was a co-writer of the book Bad Blood .

2.When did Mortimer show her interest in acting?

A.Before she went to school. B.When she majored in Russian.

C.After she graduated from Oxford. D.When she was studying in St. Paul.

3.In which of the following did Mortimer play her first movie role?

A.The Ghost and the Darkness. B.Sharpe's Sword.

C.The Glass Virgin . D.Elizabeth.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Mortimer's Master Pieces B.Mortimer's Acting Career

C.Mortimer's Studying Experience D.Mortimer's Father Influenced Her Deeply



Mo’orea is a place to relax and appreciate the quietness and beauty o£ nature. Experience

the island's authentic Tahitian(塔希提的)) culture and explore tropical nature on foot. Pass  by white churches and sleepy fishing villages and stop along the way to buy some tropical fruit or an ice cold coconut.

St Lucia

Saint Lucia is the ideal destination for adventurers. The island has volcanic origins and if you like hiking, you will love “The Pitons”. The best beaches are in St Lucia, the most famous ones are “Sugar Beach” and “Marigot Bay”. “Grande Anse” is the place to go if you want to see sea turtles get out of the water and lay their eggs on the sand.


Bali is the favorite destination for surfers and divers, but there is more to discover. Temples and palaces set against surprising landscapes make the island an experience of its kind. Pick wisely where to stay on the island as each city offers a different experience. Seminyakis Bali's beach resort area and night birds will enjoy its nightlife. “Ubud" is very quiet and the ideal place for nature lovers.

Easter Island

Easter Island draws visitors to see the super-sized statues that have stood on its shores since the 13th century. There are more than 900 of them, with over-sized heads. While it is these that bring most tourists to this remote spot, there's far more to see and do here. Visit vast volcanic craters, take a trip to a preserved stone village or spend some time on the beaches. The choice is yours.

1.Where can visitors see sea turtles?

A.St Lucia.  B.Bali.

C.Easter Island. D.Mo'orea.

2.What is Easter island's main attraction?

A.Beaches. B.Tropical fruit.

C.Temples and palaces. D.Stone statues.

3.What is the purpose of the text?

A.To entertain. B.To educate.

C.To introduce. D.To inform.









4.参考词汇:外国留学生foreigh students;绕口令tongue twister









On Sunday afternoon, I am reading my favorite book when the doorbell rang. It was a package delivering to Mum. After thanking the courier(快递员), I helped Mum carrying it in. Mum asked me to leave the work to Dad. But I decided to do it myself. Immediately, I opened the package, inside what there were some wooden boards, iron parts, and an instruction manual.

Had read the manual carefully, I began to work. With a screwdriver(螺丝刀), I fixed the frame first, and then put the boards on it piece by piece. After two hour of hard work, a lovely flower shelf appeared at front of my eyes. Mum and I were both pleased and we started putting the potted plants onto them.

When Dad came back, hearing it was I who had assembled the flower shelf, and he gave me a thumbs-up with a broadly smile. At that moment, my feeling of content and pride was beyond description.



Finding a New Spring

A tradesman was leading a caravan(商队)to another country1.sell his goods. Along the way they came to the edge of a severe hot-sand desert. They learnt that during the daytime the sun heats up the fine sand until it's as hot as charcoal, so no one can walk on it--not even bullocks(小公牛)or camels! So the caravan leader hired a desert guide, one who could follow the stars, so they could travel only at night when the sand cools down. They began the dangerous night-time journey across the desert.2.couple of nights later, after eating their evening meal, and waiting for the sand to cool, they started out again.

Later that night, the desert guide,3.was driving the first cart, saw from the stars that they were getting close to the other side of the desert. He had also overeaten, so that when he relaxed, he fell asleep. Then the bullocks who, of course, couldn't tell4.directby reading the stars,5.gradualturned to the side and went in a big wide circle until they arrived at the same place they had started from! By then it was morning, and the people realized they were back at the same spot. They lost heart and began to cry about their condition. Since the desert crossing was supposed to be over by then, they had no more water and were afraid they would die of6.thirsty. They even began to blame the caravan leader and the desert guide.

However, the leader7.hedidn't lose courage. He began walking back and forth,8.tryto think out a plan. Remaining alert, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a small clump of grass. He thought,“9.water, no plant could live in this desert.” So he asked his fellow travelers to dig up the ground on that very spot. They dug and dug, and after a while they got down to a large stone. He got down into the hole, put his ear to the stone, and heard the sound of flowing water.

A spring10.find. All the people were overjoyed.


    I have some students who are in a difficult stage of life. One student called Susie_________.

It was in October and an after-school_________I started teaching in September was well_________. I was in my_________when Susie came in. I could see something was_________. “I can’t stay after school today because I have to _________my little sisters,” I assured her that it would not be a problem for her to_________it. Five minutes later, Susie walked back in. I thought she had left something behind and asked if she was okay.

She said she was_________and would like to sit in while she was waiting for her mother to pick her up. I asked Susie if she would like to_________it. Susie answered she preferred not to. Susie____________sitting in with us for the entire activity____________.

When the activity was over and the students were____________gone, I asked Susie why her mother hadn’t come yet. She told me, “My dad went out drinking two nights ago and hasn’t been home yet. It’s my____________to take care of my sisters, and I think my mom is out looking for dad.” I wanted to make sure that Susie was really okay. After I was____________that she was, I told her. “It’s okay to be tired of being strong for the adults in your life. It’s okay to be angry because you are expected to do adult things now. It’s okay to be____________that your dad may not be all right. You are allowed to be frustrated because you are____________a mess you can’t get out of.” Susie began to____________.

That Susie’s family was failing her didn’t mean Susie would____________. I allowed her to know a little of my childhood. She saw I’d____________ in my own life and realized that there was a good____________for her.

1.A.grows up B.stands out C.drops out D.breaks up

2.A.interview B.tour C.celebration D.activity advance vain C.under way D.on display B.home

5.A.unfair C.significant D.wrong

6.A.look after B.turn to C.take over for

7.A.admit B.understand C.miss D.avoid B.pleased C.embarrassed D.fine

9.A.keep up with B.participate in about D.take advantage of

10.A.focused on B.put off C.put up with D.ended up

11.A.argument B.meal C.class D.conference

12.A.finally B.nervously C.abruptly D.cautiously

13.A.policy B.request C.attempt D.responsibility

14.A.confused B.satisfied C.annoyed D.astonished

15.A.confident B.grateful C.patient D.afraid

16.A.stuck in B.curious about C.fond of D.frightened at

17.A.move B.escape C.shake D.cry

18.A.laugh B.leave D.complain

19.A.stayed B.succeeded C.survived D.struggled

20.A.symbol B.reason D.future


    After nearly a decade of being in love with yoga, I made a courageous decision. I decided that I wanted to become a yoga teacher. Meanwhile, I made a list for those who will chase or are chasing a dream.

Remember that it’s meant to challenge you.

1.The only way that growth can occur within you is that you can find something that challenges you, and work through it. You may feel overwhelmed by challenge at some point, but the reward of achieving your dream is a way more fulfilling than never going after what you want to achieve at all.

Be careful who you ask for advice.

While chasing your dream, you will get to a point where you want to give up. You’ll question the cause of your dream and question whether you should continue.2.Find wisdom from those who are encouraging of your dream, and who understand what it means to you.

Believe in yourself.

The only way you’ll be able to follow through with your commitment to your dream is by believing that you can do it.3.However, their opinion only goes so far if you believe that you are capable. In addition, if you believe in yourself, when others doubt you, it isn’t worth being concerned about because you have found faith in yourself, and that’s all that matters.


It takes a lot of courage to give everything that you have to achieve a goal when it might be criticized, judged or rejected. Many see failure as an ending, when it could be a beginning of another journey that leads to your dream.

Starting trying today.

In a year, you’ll wish you’d started today what you hope to achieve. If you don’t try today, how will you feel in a year? Time passes quicker than we can sometimes grasp, and today will eventually lead to the following year.5.

A.Be open to failure and rejection.

B.Yes, your dream needs to be big.

C.Others can tell you that you’re capable.

D.Everything begins in the heart and mind.

E.Don’t just sit around and think about what you want.

F.During this time, be cautious with where you seek advice.

G.Growth doesn’t happen by living in stability, comfort or at ease.


    HONG KONG—The government said early Thursday(today) that its first charter flight will take home at least 92 Hong Kong passengers who have been quarantined aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan since early this month. The number of passengers to be evacuated via the first flight that was scheduled to arrive in Hong Kong on Thursday morning was higher than the 45 announced on Wednesday, The 45 are among 52 Hong Kong passengers who were allowed to disembark from the ship and chosc to take the flight, according to Under Secretary for Security Sonny Au Chi-kwong, who is in Japan to handle the issue.

Under the HKSAR government's arrangements, all of them will be required to stay at quarantine centers for 14 days on their return to Hong Kong. The Diamond Princess has been quarantined at Yokohama port since Feb 4. So far, 621 people on board have been infected by the novel coronavirus, including 53 from Hong Kong.

The SAR government has arranged two chartered fights to take Hong Kong passengers stranded on the ship back to the city free of charge. The second flight is also expected to leave Tokyo on Thursday, according to Au. He said about 230 among the 352 Hong Kong passengers on the Diamond Princess have indicated thev would like to take the chartered flights home. Secretary for Security John Lee Ka-chiu told the Legislative Council on Wednesday the government may arrange a third chartered flight to Tokyo to take back the rest of the passengers.

Meanwhile, the tally of confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Hong Kong reached 65 on Wednesday, while the fatality toll rose to two following the death of a 70-year-old patient in Princess Margaret Hospital.

In Shenzhen, the authorities have set up a green channel for processing Hong Kong visa applications to visit family members or relatives, study, work or for training programs amid the epidemic. The Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau said the green channel will keep human-to-human contacts to the minimum in processing the applications.

1.How will the SAR government deal with the passengers who are to arrive in Hong Kong?

A.They are required to stay at home for two weeks.

B.They must stay at quarantine centers for a fortnight.

C.They ought to be quarantined in a hotel for two weeks.

D.They should receive medical treatments in hospital for fourteen days.

2.How many HONG KONG passengers aboard the ship have been infected by the novel coronavirus so far?

A.45. B.52.

C.53. D.92.

3.What is the possible meaning of the underlined word “tally” in Para. 4 ?

A.Notice. B.Signal.

C.Feature. D.Record.

4.What is the best title for the news report ?

A.92 stranded HK passengers due back Thursday

B.HK passengers quarantined aboard Diamond Princess cruise ship

C.92 stranded HK passengers would like to take chartered flights home

D.HK may arrange third chartered flight to Tokyo to take back rest of passengers


A super-reflective cooling coating

A team of Columbia University researchers thinks that painting buildings with a new type of coating could help. Some cities already use white roofs to try to cool buildings by reflecting sunlight. But the new coating developed by the scientists can help buildings even cooler.

"It's like snow," says Yuan Yang, an assistant professor at Columbia. Snow, he explains, is filled with micron-sized(微米级的)crystals of ice that create tiny pockets of air that scatter light—the effect that makes snow white rather than transparent like ice, and highly reflective. The researchers created a polymer(聚合物)coating that also has nano to-micro-scale pockets of air that turn it white. "Our paint can be much more reflective than normal paint," he says.

Regular white paint might reflect 85% of the sunlight that hits it. The new coating, depending on its thickness, could reflect as much as 99%. If used with colored paint, it's less effective, but also keeps buildings cooler than they would otherwise be; the coating is also less effective in areas with high humidity(湿度). In a hot, dry city like Phoenix, the white coating could keep a building around 10 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than the outdoor air on a summer day. Most Arizonans have air conditioning, and in a city where temperatures regularly reach well over 100 degrees, the coating isn't likely to replace it. But it could help buildings use less energy to stay cool. For the small fraction of residents there who don't have air conditioning, the coating could potentially help protect their health on the hottest days. In 2018, more than 155 people in Phoenix died in heat waves.

In places where air conditioning is currently uncommon, such as Seattle, where there were a record number of hot days last July, but only one-third of residents have air conditioning, the coating might help stave off (延缓)the need to install new systems. In the developing world, the coating could potentially help those who don't yet have electricity or who can't afford an air conditioner. But the biggest impact of the technology—which the researchers hope to commercialize—is likely to be its ability to help air conditioners use a little less electricity and help cut emissions. Without changes, the emissions from air conditioners are predicted to almost double by mid-century.

1.What is the key information the author wants to give in Para 2?

A.Why snow is reflective. B.What makes snow white.

C.What the polymer coating is. D.How the new coating works.

2.What does the underlined word “it" in Para. 2 refer to?

A.The ice. B.The snow.

C.The new coating. D.The normal painting.

3.What's Paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.The necessity of air conditioners in cities.

B.The effectiveness of the new technology.

C.The widespread use of the white coating.

D.The influence the hot weather has on health.

4.What's the biggest impact of the new coating?

A.Reducing emissions indirectly. B.Helping keep buildings warm.

C.Assisting the poor potentially. D.Stopping using air conditioners.


    A man in Germany may not have been in danger when he called the police on a baby squirrel chasing him, but it all worked out for the best for the furry suspect.

Emergency services in the city of Karistruhe got a call on Thursday from a man afraid that the tiny animal wouldn't stop following him around, The Guardian reported. Police arrived at the scene, where the squirrel finally stopped running after him by lying down and going to sleep.

It turned out that the squirrel actually needed help, the police said, “It often happens that squirrels which have lost their mothers look for a replacement and then focus their efforts on one person,” the police spokesman Christian Krenz told The Guardian.

The squirrel, now named Karl-Friedrich, is in the care of an animal rescue center. Karlstruhe police posted a statement on Facebook about the animal, including several lovely photos. The department wished Karl-Friedrich the best.

The baby squirrel chase is the second police-involved squirrel incident to make international headlines this summer. Last month, a London woman called the police after she heard loud noises in her home and suspected a thief. The unwanted visitor turned out to be a “rogue squirrel”, according to the police who came for help.

Although authorities in the German case said the squirrel did need assistance, wildlife experts generally warn that before dealing with the case where you suspect a squirrel is orphaned, you should do your best to make sure the creature truly requires help. The Wildlife Center of Virginia, which gets hundreds of calls annually about supposedly orphaned squirrels, published this handy guide to help determine whether such an animal really needs help and what to do if so. When in doubt, contact a local wildlife rescuer, a rehab center on animal control.

1.Why did the man in Germany call the police?

A.A baby squirrel was asleep there. B.A baby squirrel tried to bite him.

C.A baby squirrel was lying down there. D.A baby squirrel kept running after him.

2.What does Karl-Friedrich in the passage turn out to be?

A.A woman from London. B.A lovely little squirrel.

C.An unwanted visitor. D.A local policewoman.

3.What do we know about the people making calls when they see squirrels?

A.They are very active in animal protection.

B.They are very eager to help disabled squirrels.

C.They think squirrels are endangered animals.

D.They think squirrels are in a hungry state.

4.What can we infer from wildlife experts' words in the last paragraph?

A.People should try to give first aid to injured or sick squirrels.

B.People should figure out whether squirrels actually need assistance.

C.People should help squirrels who are left alone as soon as possible.

D.People should contact a local wildlife rescuer when seeing orphaned squirrels,



As an online English teacher at EF Education First (英孚教育), you will be teaching English through our EF Online Classroom, which allows students to study English from all corners of Japan.


Teachers in this position play a key role in our mission — opening the world through education. Both full-time online teachers and free online teachers are needed. Full-time teachers work according to our schedule, with no less than ten classes per week, mostly at night. Free ones enjoy a high degree of flexibility in their role, teaching from the comfort of their homes with a wide rangeof class times available.


* Delivering lessons to students through our online learning platform

* Evaluating student's progress and providing individualized instructions

* Providing high-quality feedback (反馈) on students’ written assignments

* Operating the Internet, the slide presentation, EF-developed courseware (课件) efficiently and skillfully.


* High level of English fluency, and certificates are preferred

* A personal desktop or laptop, and a stable Internet connection

* Availability to actively deliver classes on a monthly basis

* Self-motivated, and be able to work independently


* Obtain TEFL certification at work

* Free travel around the country yearly

* Attend training conferences for ongoing professional development

* Learn from EF’s International Culture and chat with our foreign teachers

* Gain proficiency (熟练) in the constantly growing field of online education


Full-time teachers are on a salary of 1,071 yen to 1,836 yen, and free teachers between 612 yen to 1,224 yen per class, depending on how many classes are taught.




1.What does EF Education First ask their teachers to do?

A.Use electronic media expertly.

B.Possess the spirit of teamwork.

C.Obtain a certificate in English.

D.Offer students lessons mostly in the daytime.

2.What can an online English teacher at EF enjoy?

A.Flexible working hours.

B.Opportunities to travel abroad yearly.

C.Guidance on professional development.

D.Being trained by professors to get a TEFL certificate.

3.How much will a full-time teacher at EF be paid a week at least?

A.1,071 yen. B.6,120 yen.

C.10,710 yen. D.18,360 yen.


假定你是李华,最近在某英文论坛上看到一名叫Jonah的澳大利亚高中生发的帖子,他提到自己想结交一位中国朋友以便学习川剧(Sichuan Opera)。请根据所给提示,用英语给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:








假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除。






I had a very special vacation last winter. A terrible disease calling COVID-19 struck Wuhan on December. The whole nation is under the shadow of the outbreak in a short time. Tens of thousand of people were infected with the virus. Thankful,the government took timely measures and called on ourselves to stay at home to avoid close personal contact. In the meantime,a plenty of medical experts and nursing professionals went to Wuhan voluntarily,who showed that the Chinese could unite firmly in the face of difficulties. The disaster did bring huge pain to China,and it pushed the country overcome difficulties and made us stronger.



If you have always wanted to become 1. astronaut, now could be your chance. Now the US space agency NASA is seeking candidates to be future astronauts.

The search comes after NASA 2.(announce) plans to send the first woman and the next man to the moon as part of its Artemis Program last year. Artemis aims to return humans to the moon by 2024. NASA’s next goal is to establish a long-term base on the moon, 3. NASA says it will be able to launch regular space operations, 4. ( include) tasks to Mars (火星). NASA says it expects to choose the final candidates in the middle of 2021. They will then 5. (immediate) begin training to become Artemis Generation astronauts.

So what exactly is NASA looking for in its crew of new astronaut? Two general 6.(requirement) are that applicants must be US citizens and hold a master’s degree in a field 7. (relate) to science, technology, engineering or mathematics. 8. additioncandidates should also have at least two years of 9. (profession) experience in their field. Of course, all applicants will have to complete a NASA physical 10. (examine) to test their fitness for long-term spaceflight.


    We had a tornado (龙卷风)touch down near the school, and as expected,we went into our emergency tornado procedures. It was a day we never wanted to happen, but _______ prepared for throughout the school year. I wasn't even in the _______ when it happened. I had taken a student with me to the workroom to help _______items for a project. When the alarm stared _______ ,I immediately took my student ’ s hand and _______ as fast as I could back to the classroom.

Never did I imagine needing to put our tornado_______ to use. I never imagined actually needing to _______ my students up against the wall, have them crouch ()down with their knees and heads_______ the ground, hands on the backs of their heads. Their hears were_______ so fast that they couldn’t catch their breathand the ________ filled their eyes looking up at me as they asked i their families and ________ were going to be okay.

In the midst of the very ________and dangerous situation, my students ________ themselves with the attitudes and mindset of children much ________ than them. Never in my life have I seen my students ________directions so quickly, and without hesitation. Even though some tears ________ down, and some hearts were beating fast, my students were brave. They had such a firm ________ in my assistant and me that they were able to be 100% ________ . They were brave beyond their ________ today and for that, I am very grateful.

Right now, I ________ the day and am thankful for our safetycourage, and bravery.

1.A.hardly B.continually C.safely D.suddenly

2.A.classroom C.workroom D.laboratory B.deliver C.gather D.swap

4.A.coming about B.blowing away C.sending up D.going off

5.A.called B.ran C.drove D.stepped

6.A.drills B.warnings D.details

7.A.get B.put C.line D.set

8.A.kicking B.hitting C.scratching D.touching

9.A.beating B.jumping C.trembling D.striking

10.A.courage B.fear C.hope D.disaster

11.A.brothers B.classmates C.teachers D.friends

12.A.vivid B.unique C.frightening D.practical

13.A.enjoyed B.handled C.provided D.injured

14.A.older B.smarter C.healthier D.luckier

15.A.announce B.describe C.recite D.follow

16.A.looked B.hid C.rolled D.turned

17.A.goal B.emotion D.conclusion

18.A.clear B.calm C.cautious D.honest

19.A.abilities B.grades C.memories D.years

20.A.look back on B.make up for C.look forward to D.take advantage of


    At times it can be difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle while traveling. Here are some healthy habits to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle while enjoying your travels.

Take driving breaks

When you are taking a long-distance trip, you may want to get to your destination as fast as possible. 1.. You will feel healthier and happier if you take advantage of your ability to stop wherever you want, and take a few breaks. Make sure you take time to get appropriate rest, for everyone needs adequate sleep.


Everyone needs to get some exercise, and fortunately you have the opportunity to travel to some extremely beautiful and fascinating destinations. You will find that you get the opportunity to explore the real beauty of your destination by hiking and walking. Take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to develop the healthy habit of getting regular exercise.

Drink water

If you are traveling to a warm destination, especially a desert destination, make sure to stay hydrated. Water is rare in the desert and the sun and heat contribute to easy dehydration.3.. Drinking enough water is also a good habit to practice even when you aren’t in the sun, so make sure to keep drinking water even after you leave the warm environs you travel to.

Stay sun safe

4.. While enjoying the beautiful weather in your vacation destination, make sure to stay sun safe. This means using enough sunscreen, of at least 30 SPF. You can also wear long-sleeved shirts and pants, which provide great protection from the harmful rays of the sun.5..

A.Go for a hike or two

B.Eat enough fresh foods

C.Many places you may travel to are warm and sunny

D.This may lead you to drive for many hours continuously

E.Make sure you always have an abundant supply of drinking water

F.You can also park farther away from your destination and walk more

G.Other sun safe prevention measures like wearing sunglasses can protect your eyes


    Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a new method that doesn't require any special equipment and works in just minutes to create soft, flexible,3D-prnted robots.

The innovation comes from rethinking the way soft robots are built : instead of figuring out how to add soft materials to a rigid robot body, the UC San Diego researcher started with a soft body and added rigid features to key components. The strictures were inspired by insect exoskeletons,which have both soft and rigid parts — the researchers called their creations

“flexoskeletons (柔性外骨骼)”.The new method allows for the construction of soft components for robots in a small bit of the time previously needed and for a small bit of the cost.

“We hope that these flexoskeletons will lead to the creation of a new class of soft robots, ” said Nick Gravish a mechanical engineering professor at the Jacobs School of Engineering at the UC San Diego and the paper ’ s senior author. “ We want to make soft robots easier to build for researchers all over the world. ”

The new method makes it possible to build large groups of flexoskeleton robots with little hand assembly (装配)as well as assemble a library of Lego-like components so that robot parts can be easily swapped.

Researchers detail their work in the April 7 issue of the journal Soft Robotics. The team plans to make their designs available to researchers at other institutions as well as high schools.

One flexoskeleton component takes 10 minutes to print and costs less than $1. Flexokeleton printing can be done on most low-cost commercially available printers. Printing and assembling a whole robot takes under two hours.

The final goal is to create an assembly line that prints whole flexoskeleton robots without any need for hand assembly. These small robots could do as much work as one massive robot on its own — or more.

1.What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?

A.The origin of the new method.

B.The function of the new method.

C.The advantages of the new method.

D.The cost of the new method.

2.What’s Nick’s attitude towards flexoskeletons?

A.Indifferent. B.Skeptical.

C.Curious. D.Hopeful.

3.What will researchers intend to do with flexoskeletons?

A.Benefit moss students.

B.Produce a lot of flexoskeleton robots.

C.Build robots by hand.

D.Create many larger ones.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.New Robos Made of Special Equipment and Materials

B.A New Method of Building Giant,Soft and Flexible Robots

C.Flexoskeletons Make Soft Robots Faster and Cheaper to Make

D.Flexoskeletons Create Lots of Soft Robots with Hand Assembly


    Legos have been a kind of popular toys for children for more than 60 years. When children get older, boxes of plastic Lego bricks often end up unused and stored in out-of-the-way places around the homes. Parents sometimes end up throwing the Legos away.

Now, the Lego Group toy company is testing a program to make sure the unwanted bricks do not go to waste. The program is called Lego Replay. It aims to make sure the unwanted building blocks continue to make children happy.

Tim Brooks is the Lego company’s vice president of environmental sustainability. He said, "Nearly all Lego bricks we see that are out there have lots more play value in them — multi-generation of play value. It’s a waste of energy and resources to grind them up (碾碎)and make new bricks. ”

Brooks said the idea came from parents who do not know what to do with the old bricks. Placing old Legos in waste containers is not a good answer. Birds and other wildlife may try to eat what looks like Colorful food — with deadly results.

With the Lego Replay program, parents load unwanted Legos of all shapes and colors into boxes. Then, they go to the program website and print out a mailing label. The boxes are sent to processing centers, where the bricks are sorted, cleaned and shipped to aid groups and donation centers.

The Lego Replay test program is set to last through March. If it is successful, the program may be expanded to include other Lego products.

The Lego Group is also looking at other materials to use in their toys. While plastic has proved to be the strongest material, Lego has begun making some bricks out of sugar cane(甘蔗).

1.What’s the main purpose of Lego Replay?

A.To entertain those children without toys.

B.To make unwanted Lego bricks reused.

C.To prevent parents to throw the Legos away.

D.To avoid using unwanted bricks by storing them.

2.Where are unwanted Lego bricks sorted and cleaned according to Lego Replay?

A.At processing centers.

B.At donation centers.

C.On the program website.

D.In the owners’ homes.

3.What does Brooks probably agree with?

A.Lego bricks waste too many resources.

B.Unwanted Lego bricks still have value.

C.We should store old Legos in waste containers.

D.Lego bricks are favorite food of some birds.

4.What does the Lego Group explore according to the last paragraph?

A.More other Lego products.

B.Proper use of plastics.

C.Similar products to sugar cane.

D.New materials of producing bricks.


    About 10 years ago,I sat in my office,struggling to write an annual progress report for my leader. I enjoy writing scientific papers that engage my creativity and further my research. But report writing doesn’t come with any reward apart from the momentary satisfaction of finishing something. Like other routine paperwork,I find it hard to get through. So that day,I offered myself a reward : When I finished the report,I'd give myself 2 hours to examine slides (载玻片)under the microscope — a task I've always loved but never had much time for as a staff member. It ’ s a strategy I call " just for fun".

The strategy was born out of challenges I experienced in graduate school. I usually delayed putting together reports for university administrators until threatening letters arrived. I never felt that paperwork was advancing my science, but rather sapping my energy and time for research. One of my committee members recognized and understood my difficulties. Then he told me about his strategy of rewarding himself with a fun project when he completed a task that he didn’t particularly enjoy. He advised me to think about doing something similar. I immediately liked the idea.

Over the course of my careerthis strategy helped me complete and move past the parts of my job that I didn’t particularly enjoy. The rewards I gave myself provided a way to relax and reminded me why I love being a scientist.

As for that annual report,I spent an ordinary morning on it but got it done. Then I hurried over to the microscope eager to inspect a series of slides that my collaborators (合作者) had sent a couple of weeks earlier. To others it may  have looked like work. But to me,it was just for fun.

1.Why does the author dislike report writing?

A.He receives too little from it.

B.It is extremely easy to finish.

C.It needs too much creativity.

D.He doesn’t major in writing.

2.What does the underlined word " sapping" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Acquiring. B.Consuming.

C.Lacking . D.Providing.

3.How did the author get his strategy?

A.Through the inspiration of his report writing.

B.Through the reward of his collaborators.

C.Through the instructions of university administrators.

D.Through a committee member’s suggestion.

4.What can we learn from the author’s experience?

A.Choose a career you really like.

B.Seek fun when doing science research.

C.Motivate yourself to finish boring tasks.

D.Reward yourself with a new strategy.


    With summer break coming up for children across the United Statesnow it 's time to plan a fantastic summer trip for your family.Her are a few of the best places you can take your family to this year and any year for that matter.


Montgomery is an important site for learning about the history of the Civil Rights Move-ment. Children with their families can visit the Civil Rights Memorial Center to take a tour of the exhibits and learn about the hopes and dreams and the struggle for equality in the country.

Kenai PeninsulaAlaska

If you are looking for a wonderful outdoor adventurethe Kenai Peninsula in Alaska is a fantastic trip. While visiting this region of Alaskayou can explore the Kenai Mountains in Kenai Fjords(峡湾)National Parkwhere your kids can see  glaciersfjords and especially the Harding Icefield Fishing is another wonderful activity to enjoy at this destination.

Channel IslandsCalifornia

The Channel Islands are an amazing archipelago (群岛)) off the coast of California. Here visitors can enjoy the Channel Islands National Park. The Channel Islands National Park protects five of the islands. Within the protection of the park there is a wide variety of wildlifeas well as natural and cultural resources. You should keep an eye out for sealssea lionsdolphins,and many more.


Memphis is a fantastic destination for families that enjoy music. This city played a great role in the evolution of Blues music. You certainly won't want to miss out on a trip to Graceland while exploring Memphis.The home of Elvis Presley is open to visitors for tours,where you can travel through the life and rise of Elvis.

1.Where can you enjoy exhibitions during your trip?

A.Montgomery. B.Kenai Peninsula.

C.Channel Islands. D.Memphis.

2.What can you do in the Kenai Peninsula?

A.Listen to some music.

B.Explore various wildlife.

C.Try risking outdoors.

D.Watch all kinds of fishes.

3.What’s the main purpose of the text?

A.To give children some instructions.

B.To introduce some trip sites for families.

C.To advertise some famous attractions.

D.To encourage children to learn in summer.








参考词汇:净月潭Jingyuetan National Scenic Area

Dear John,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua








I'll have a long holiday before the final examination, but I have a fantastic plan. I'm so eagerly to get together with all my friends that I will visit them first. Then I planned to have a party with my family, which makes me really exciting. After that, I'll probably visit the place of interest both at home and abroad, and it will give me a chance experience different cultures. Last but not least, learn some skills is on my schedule as well. I'll ask my mom to teach me to cook just in case I have to feed me one day. I hope everything will turn out as being expected.



Many schools started online courses for students to study. at home on account of the spread of COVID-19.1., the outcome turned out to be not satisfying, because the online education required teachers to carry out live stream courses using mobile phone software and properly interact with students, which proved2.challenge for many teachers.

Some teachers discovered they left the microphones off before finishing the online courses, and others were frequently interrupted by3.(they) young children's shouting or crying. Sometimes they had to repeatedly reconnect to the platform due4.poor Internet connection,5.annoyed both the students and the teachers. Some schools offered online courses for each subject including sports. Teachers found it awkward6.(give) instructions online because many children did not have enough space to move. Some parents complained that they had to join several different chat groups of different7.(subject) . They also hated to accompany their children taking online courses just to make sure their children were8.(full) concentrated instead of9.(play) video games.

Schools should not put any unnecessary academic burden on primary and secondary students through online classes, the Ministry of Education said on Wednesday. It was recommended that online courses10.(link) to infection prevention and psychological health guidance.


    In American countryside, the message we hear is this; Go and get an education._________your small town and make something of yourself, Success and opportunity will be found elsewhere.

After_________from a high school in Helena, Arkansas, I did go.

I went to Colby College in Maine. I had visited the school before._________, I knew what I was getting myself into. I knew about the difference in weather. I understood the difference in_________atmosphere and I wanted to stretch myself and_________my comfort zone. You know what? I_________loved my time there. But one thing took me by_________, that is to say, the lack of countryside representation._________of the other students at Colby were from big cities: New York, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco... And when I had_________with these students in or outside of class—we almost focused on topics__________large American cities. In my education classes, it was always "urban this" and "urban that". It was like small towns didn't__________in the USA.

And this urban interest doesn't just happen in college. I__________an education conference a couple of years ago, and a professor—someone who had been__________to educational reform—was there to__________a speech. I was chosen to be part of a small group that got to meet with him. So there we were, five or six of us sitting in a room, and I asked him, "What are your thoughts on the state of education in the__________?" And this man was__________

I'll never forget that moment. It tells a larger__________. Towns like mine are forgotten.

This trend of__________talent and resources to our big cities—this mindset of leaving small towns and never coming back—I don't want to add to that movement. I want to make the__________ of that movement.

Now it's my turn to help people__________to me. And you know what? I'm a sixth grade teacher in a primary school in Helena now.

1.A.Love B.Miss C.Build D.Leave

2.A.coming B.benefiting C.graduating D.suffering

3.A.Besides B.Therefore C.However D.Instead B.political D.natural up to B.keep up with C.draw close to D.get out of

6.A.slightly B.absolutely C.lightly D.directly

7.A.surprise B.shame C.delight D.terror

8.A.Some B.None C.Most D.Few

9.A.lectures B.words C.conversations D.conflicts

10.A.settling B.involving C.leaving D.exchanging

11.A.exist B.return C.Appear D.approach

12.A.held B.attended C.enjoyed D.organized

13.A.occupied B.adjusted C.admitted D.devoted

14.A.deliver B.polish C.prepare D.rewrite B.cities C.countryside

16.A.annoyed B.wordless C.hopeless D.shocked

17.A.truth B.appetite C.lie D.relief

18.A.contributing B.paying C.exporting D.showing

19.A.follower B.project C.aim D.opposite

20.A.close B.familiar D.junior


    We just waved goodbye to this year's Mother's Day.1., but there are still things you might not know about Mother's Day.

The founder fought back.

Although Julia Ward Howe first suggested a day for mothers, Anna Jarvis campaigned for a national day for moms, in memory of her own mother, Ann Jarvis, who had spent years working to provide resources for poor mothers in West Virginia.2., but within a few years, Jarvis became annoyed with how commercial the day had become and started a petition(请愿)to cancel the holiday.That clearly didn't come to pass.

It is an active day on the phone lines.

3.. One study suggests that the more widespread use of cell phones has greatly increased the amount of contact adult children have with their mothers. So don't be lazy: your mom definitely expects to receive your call, and not just with a text message.


If you're thinking about taking your mom out to eat, you might want to consider which time of the day will have enough open tables. Mother's Day is the busiest day of the year for restaurants, with some 80 million adults dining out, which tops even Valentine's Day. Therefore, if you'd like to treat your mom to her favorite cuisine, go earlier on that day.

All in all, Mother's Day is set up to honor mothers' love and care for the family, so even a handmade card can show your appreciation.5.

A.Mother's Day became an official holiday in 1914

B.Their devotion deserves your attention and respect

C.Some of you may find that day not new to you at all

D.Some of you might have forgotten to send greetings

E.Many people honor more than one mother in their life

F.It is the busiest day of the year in the restaurant industry

G.Call volume in the US goes up 11 percent on Mother's Day


    A few weeks ago, scientists at Ukraine's Vernadsky Research Base in Antarctica found their usually white surrounds were covered in a shocking blood-red. For such a mess, the culprits behind this horrible scene are tiny.

“Our scientists have identified them under a microscope as Chlamydomonasnivalis(雪地衣藻),” said the National Antarctic Scientific Centre of Ukraine in a Facebook post.

These green algae, a type of seaweed, are common in all icy and snowy regions of Earth, from the Arctic to high mountain regions. They lie still during the freezing winter, but once the sunlight warms enough to soften their world, the algae awake, making use of the melt water and sunlight to rapidly bloom.

“The algae need liquid water in order to bloom,” University of Leeds microbiologist Steffi Lutz told Gizmodo in 2016. “The algal blooms contribute to climate change,” the center stated.

A study in 2016 showed that snow algal blooms can decrease the amount of light reflected from the snow by up to 13 percent across one melt season in the Arctic. “This will surely result in higher melt rates,” the researchers wrote.

In 2017 environmental scientists calculated that microbial communities contributed to over a sixth of the snowmelt where they were present in Alaskan ice fields. Their experiments showed that areas with more melt water led to the growth of 50 percent more algae and places with more algae melted further.

This Antarctic summer has certainly seen a lot more melt water than usual. Temperature records keep changing, leading to rapid melting previously only seen in the Northern Hemisphere.

1.What does the underlined word “culprits” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A.Risks. B.Chances.

C.Effects. D.Criminals.

2.What can we know about Chlamydomonasnivalis?

A.They can be found anywhere. B.They are sensitive to temperature.

C.They grow slower than before. D.They survive only one melt season.

3.What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?

A.Ice and snow will soon disappear in the Antarctic.

B.Microbial communities bring about extreme weathers.

C.The Southern Hemisphere is warmer than the other parts.

D.Climate change and algae growth interact with each other.

4.Which can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Why Snow Turned Blood-red. B.How Algae Began in the Arctic.

C.Why Climate Changes Greatly. D.How the Snow Reflects Sunlight.


    Nowadays, to work remotely, all you need are a computer and an Internet connection. According to a new study, employees who can work from anywhere else are generally happier than those who work onsite(现场的)in an office.

Video conferencing company Owl Labs surveyed 1,202 full-time US workers from the ages of 22 to 65, and discovered that 62 percent of the respondents worked remotely at least some of the time and 38 percent worked onsite. Of the remote workers, 49 percent worked remotely full-time.

As it turns out, working remotely—or the idea of it—makes people happy, 83 percent of the survey respondents agree that the ability to work remotely would make them happier, and 71 percent of workers who do get to work remotely said their job makes them happy, compared with 55 percent of office-only workers.

In the study, full-time remote workers said they're happy in their job, 22 percent more than people who never work remotely. The reasons why respondents said they decided to work remotely were better work-life balance(91 percent), increased productivity/better focus(79 percent), less stress(78 percent), and to avoid a commute(通勤)(78 percent).

One reason why remote workers might be happier is that they were more than twice as likely to earn more than $100,000 per year. And the higher they were on the corporate(公司的)ladder, the more likely survey respondents were to have the privilege of working remotely: The job levels with the greatest percentages of remote workers were founder/CEO-level(55 percent)and vice president(46 percent).

Loyalty is another factor: Remote workers are 13 percent more likely than non-remote workers to stay with their current job for the next five years—making remote work a win-win for employees and employers alike.

Not only are remote employees happier, but they are prepared to work longer hours, according to the report. Remote workers said they work over 40 hours per week, 43 percent more than on-site workers do.

1.What can he learned about the respondents in the survey by Owl Labs?

A.49 percent work remotely full-time.

B.55 percent are not satisfied with their work.

C.83 percent prefer to work in an office.

D.About 40 percent are office-only workers.

2.Compared with remote workers, onsite workers are         .

A.less loyal B.more productive

C.less creative D.more hardworking

3.It is more likely for those with higher job levels to          . freely B.have double income remotely less time

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.The choice of working sites. B.The benefits of working remotely.

C.The tendency of future jobs. D.The qualities of offsite employees.


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