The executive committee of the World Anti-Doping Agency(WADA,世界反兴奋剂组织) agreed to a series of tough measures against Russia on December 9. According to The Washington Post, it is the most severe punishment to date in the years-long Russian doping saga (兴奋剂事件).

Russia is prohibited from participating in all major international sports events in the next four years, including the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, and the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar. The country will also be banned from hosting any major sports events.

The reason for such severe punishment is that WADA believes the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) did not actively cooperate with its investigation. WADA also claims that the sample data submitted by the Moscow laboratory in January 2019 was incomplete and untrue. A great deal of data was deleted and changed.

Under the four-year ban, the Russian flag and anthem (国歌) are also prohibited from being displayed at major events. Only ''clean'' Russian athletes will be allowed to participate in international competitions under a neutral flag if they can provide the necessary proof.

Several countries and organizations have already upheld (支持) WADA's decision. The International Olympic Committee states that the decision is binding (有约束力的) and will also support the ruling (裁决) of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (国际体育仲裁法庭) in the future if Russia appeals. Norway said it would refuse Russia's participation in the Ski World Cup in2023.

The head of the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency said the ruling against Russia was “too moderate” and that the failure to ban Russian athletes from participating in any sports event was a blow to international sports. Although RUSADA will have three weeks to appeal against WADA's decision, according to the reaction of other organizations, there is a high possibility that the penalties will be carried out.

Russian president Vladimir Putin said the country had every reason to appeal against the decision. ''The key thing, and everyone is in agreement here, any punishment has to be individual, has to be targeted based on what a particular individual has done. We can't have collective punishment, '' Putin stressed. ''We cannot punish people who have nothing to do what so ever with violations.''

Despite the ban, Russia will be able to compete at Euro 2020 — in which St. Petersburg will be a host city — as European football’s governing body UEFA is not defined as a ''major event organization. ''

1.What does the underlined word prohibit in paragraph 2 mean?

A.To forbid. B.To force. C.To encourage. D.To urge.

2.Which of the following statements is true?

A.In 2021 Russian can host some major sports events.

B.Under the ban, the Russian flag and anthem can be displayed at major events.

C.No Russian athletes will be allowed to participate in international competitions.

D.Russian president Vladimir Putin is against the punishment.

3.Where can you find this passage?

A.In a guidebook. B.In a madcine journal.

C.In a science news report. D.In a sports news report.

4.What is the author's attitude to the ban?

A.Supportive. B.Objective. C.Indifferent.  D.Puzzled.


    Art and culture is lived and breathed in every corner of Canada. Due to a racial and immigrant(移民的) population, the variety and richness of art and sports is very evident.

Since World War , Canada has produced an impressive amount of writing. From novels to poetry, the selection is wide. Native writers are also becoming better known across Canada in recent years.

Musicians are reaching a higher level of recognition in the world music scene. Everything from country to pop, classical to heavy rock can be found across Canada and across the globe performed by Canadian artists.

The National Film Board, a film crew in Canada, is the most famous producer of movies in Canada. However, many Hollywood studios are turning to Canada as an alternative(供替代的选择) to the more expensive US. Many well-known actors, directors, screen writers and movies come from Canada and often scoop awards for their work.

French art was the first to appear in Canada along the St Lawrence in and around Quebec. Since then the volume of art and artists has increased. Canadian photography as well as painting by Canadians is not well-known outside of Canada but recognition is increasing.

Sport is a major part of today’s society in Canada. Hockey is the most popular sport with more participants taking part in curling(冰壶). American-style football and baseball are also very popular and all of these sports are played across Canada.

1.Canada has many forms of art and culture because it has ___________.

A.a long history B.a large area

C.a large population D.a variety of immigrants

2.What does the underlined word scoop mean in the passage?

A.Expect. B.Set up.

C.Harvest. D.Ignore.

3.Which group of Canadian artists is well-known all over the world today?

A.Native writers and screen writers. B.Photographers and actors.

C.Painters and writers. D.Musicians, actors and directors.

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Brief Introduction to Canada

B.Canadian Arts, Culture and Sports

C.Canadian Artists

D.Canadian Arts and Culture Are World Famous


When I was three, my parents took me to have an operation in India, which stopped my eyesight from deteriorating(恶化). Several years later we moved to Pakistan, where I received 12 operations within one year and went completely blind. Later, I realized that the doctors used me as an experiment.

I met my husband when he came over from India to study. I wanted to go to India to marry him, but it was almost impossible to emigrate. I made a crazy plan to cross the borders of several countries to get to India. I was arrested in the first country I escaped to. Back in Pakistan, I lost my job and was asked to sign a “never-to-escape” promise. Instead, when I got home, I made a cup of coffee and decided to make a formal application for emigration. The chance was slim, and people who applied to go to India found it hard to find a job in Pakistan while they were waiting. In the end, my husband managed to smooth the way for my emigration. We got married and had children. But after nine years, he died of brain cancer. I was helpless for a while, and then I learned to face reality optimistically. He taught us happiness came from inside us.

Six years ago, I brought home a dog called Moritz from the seeing-eye dog centre. He was short with long ears. No one liked him because of his pathetic(可怜的)appearance. We were almost always together. Moritz could not leave me for even one minute. Now when I walk down the street, not like before, people will come up and say, “What a good seeing-eye dog!”, and have a little chat with me as a normal creature.

I’m now working for the Association of the Blind and I have many good friends, and a special friend in Hamburg. It is a wonderful feeling to speak freely with someone I can’t see, to trust one another.

1.The author went blind just because _______.

A. she was born completely blind

B. she received an operation in India

C. her parents didn’t pay attention to her illness

D. she was unluckily put to the test

2.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. It was full of hope to unite with her husband.

B. Emigrating to India was never easy at that time.

C. She was very thin and weak at that hard time.

D. There was little chance to find a job in India.

3. When the author walked down the street before, people may _________.

A. look down upon her and view her as a poor being

B. chat with her with great warmth

C. criticize how ugly her dog looked

D. respect her for her independence

4. From the text, we learn the author is ________.

A. a burden not only for her family but also for the society

B. a kind-hearted lady protecting wretched pets

C. not an obedient citizen

D. a determined and optimistic person


    Ottawa is located on the south bank of the Ottawa River, east of Southern Ontario. It borders the cities of Quebec and Gatineau.

How to Reach Plane --- Ottawa is served by its main international airport, Ottawa Macdonald -Cartier International Aiport, which services several Canadian and American cities, with international flights to some European cities, such as London and Frankfurt.

Bus--- the city has easily accessible buses with their public transport system named OC Transpo, which serves areas around the city. The Greyhound offers long-haul trips to neighboring cities.

Boat--- water shuttle taxis that are eco-friendly can take passengers through the Ottawa and Gatineau River.

Train--- there is a major train station in Ottawa located downtown.

Taxi --- taxi services are easily accessible in Ottawa's downtown districts.

Bike --- Ottawa has more than 200 km of bike paths and tourists and visitors can rent bikes all around the city.

When to Visit

The best time to visit Ottawa is between March and May. This is when temperatures start to rise and the city is in bloom. The summer season is the most popular time to visit the city, as the good weather coincides with Ottawa's celebration of special events.

1.Where cannot you arrive directly from Ottawa by plane?

A.South Africa. B.Canada. C.America. D.England.

2.Which is the best means of transport friendly to the environment?

A.By plane. B.By bus. C.By boat. D.By train

3.When will a person interested in celebrations visit Ottawa?

A.In March. B.In spring. C.In June. D.In winter.


请阅读下面文字,并按照要求用英语写一篇 150 词左右的文章。

Dear editor,

I was shocked by the news that neighbors of a German university protested to the government that some students often gathered and shouted at night, disturbing local residents. They demanded if the students were not dismissed, they would move out of the area.

I want to ask those young people: When you were letting off screams, were you aware that you were damaging other people’s normal life?

This doesn’t happen by chance. I often witness similar things in our country, too. For example, throwing waste water onto the streets and spitting in public places can frequently be seen. Some tourists litter casually or even carve their names on ancient scenic spots! Many young people are fond of jumping queues and never offer their seats to the elderly.

All over the world, people are beginning to worry that civilized behavior is a thing of the past. In fact, civilized behavior can help bring trust from others and success in the fierce world market competition. Therefore, increasing the quality of citizens is becoming urgent.



1. 用约 30 个单词概述上述信息的主要内容;

2. 以约120词就文明礼仪这一话题谈谈你的认识,内容包括:

(1) 从和谐社会建设和个人成长发展的角度论述文明礼仪的重要性;

(2) 联系实际,谈谈你打算如何做一个文明守礼的中学生。


1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 不必写标题。





请认真阅读下列短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单 词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。请将答案写在答题纸上相应题号的横线上。

What makes us laugh?

Why do we laugh? Well it’s funny you should ask, but this question is a very interesting one to investigate. For what at first seems like a simple question turns out to require a surprisingly complex answer –– one that takes us on a journey into the very heart of trying to understand human nature.

Most people would guess that we laugh because something is funny. But if you watch when people actually laugh, you’ll find this isn’t the case. Laughter expert Robert Provine spent hours recording real conversations at shopping malls, classrooms, offices and cocktail parties, and he found that most laughter did not follow what looked like jokes. People laughed at the end of normal sentences, in response to unfunny comments or questions such as “Look, it’s Andre”, or “Are you sure?”. Even attempts at humor that provoked laughter didn’t sound that funny.

So if we want to understand laughter, perhaps we need to go deeper, and look at what is going on in the brain. The areas that control laughing lie deep in the sub cortex(下皮层), and in terms of evolutionary development these parts of the brain are ancient, responsible for primal(原始) behaviors such as breathing and basic reflexes(反射). This means laughter control mechanisms are located a long way away from brain regions that developed later and control higher functions such as language or even memory.

Perhaps this explains why it is so hard to control a laugh, even if we know it is inappropriate. Once a laugh is started deep within our brains these “higher function” brain regions have trouble interfering. And the opposite is true, of course. It is difficult to laugh on demand. If you consciously make yourself laugh it will not sound like the real thing – at least initially.

But this does not fully answer the original question. To answer this, perhaps we need to look outwards, to look at the social factors at play when people laugh. Provine’s study suggests that it isn’t just some independent process that happens to us while we are talking to someone. He also found that laughter was most common in situations of emotional warmth and so-called “in-groupness”.

Perhaps “transmission” is another most important feature of laughter. Just listening to someone laugh is funny. You can even catch laughter from yourself. Start with a forced laugh and if you keep it up you will soon find yourself laughing for real.

What these observations show is that laughter is both fundamentally social, and rooted deep within our brains, part and parcel of ancient brain structures. All these things are true. And biologists say each time we get closer to an answer for a fundamental question, it deepens our appreciation of the challenge remaining to answer the others. And there is a long way to go.

What makes us laugh?


Studying laugh is closely understanding human nature.


●The popular not true that we laugh because something is funny.

●The study of real conversations reveals that laughter didn’t 4. follow funny comments.



● Ancient areas 5.for primal behaviors control laughing.

● “Higher function” regions can’t 6.with laughing.


● Situations of emotional warmth and in-groupness give laughing.

●Laughter can be 9., which is another most important feature.


The origin of laugh is associated with both brain structures and 10.factors.






    In five minutes Buck had made fourteen hundred dollars for Thornton and his friends. The money made it possible for them to travel east, where they wanted to look for a lost gold mine. Men said that this mine had more gold than any other mine in the north. Many had looked for it, and some had died looking for it. The only men who knew where it was were now dead.

Thornton, Pete and Hans, with Buck and six other dogs, started off to the east in the spring. They travelled up the Stewart River and crossed the Mackenzie Mountains. They did not move quicklyThe weather was good, and the men shot animals for food when they needed it. Sometimes they travelled for a week, and sometimes they stopped for a week and searched for gold in the ground. Sometimes they were hungry, and sometimes they had lots of food. They spent all the summer in the mountains, carrying everything they needed on their backs, sometimes making boats to go down rivers or across lakes.

In the autumn they came to a strange, flat country, with many lakes. They travelled on through the winter and met nobody, but once they found an old wooden house, with an old gun in it.

When the spring came, they found, not the lost mine, but a lake in a wide valley. Through the shallow water the gold showed like yellow butter, and here their search ended. There was gold worth thousands of dollars in the lake, and they worked every day, filling bag after bag with gold.

The dogs had nothing to do except watch the men and eat the food which the men shot for them. Buck spent many evenings sitting by the fire.

As he sat, he saw again his dream world, where the strange hairy man sat next to him. He also heard something calling him into the forest. Sometimes, in the middle of the day, he lifted his head and listened, and then ran off into the forest.

One night he woke up and heard the call again, a long howl. He ran into the forest, following the sound, and came to an open place in the trees. And there, his nose pointing to the sky, sat a wolf.

The wolf stopped howling and Buck walked slowly towards him. The wolf ran, and Buck followed. After a time, the wolf stopped and waited, watching Buck, ready to attack. But Buck did not want to fight, and soon the wolf realized this, and the two animals became friendly. Then the wolf started to run again, and he clearly wanted Buck to follow him. They ran for hours through the forest, and Buck remembered again his dream world where he, and others like him, had run through a much older forest.

Then they stopped to drink, and Buck remembered John Thornton. He turned and started to run back. The wolf followed him, then stopped and howled, but Buck ran on and did not turn.

Thornton was eating dinner when Buck returned. Buck jumped all over him, and for two days never left his side. He followed him everywhere, watching him while he ate and while he slept. But after two days the call of the wild came again, and he remembered the forest and the wolf who had run beside him.

He started to sleep out in the forest at night, sometimes staying out for three or four days. Once he was away for a week, fishing and killing animals for food. He ate well, and he grew stronger and quicker and more alive. His golden brown coat shone with health as he ran through the forest, learning its every secret, every smell, and every sound.

“He's the finest dog that I've ever seen,” said Thornton to his friends one day as they watched Buck walking out of camp. “There’11 never be another dog like him,” said Pete.

They saw him walking out of camp but they didn't see the change that happened when he was inside the forest. At once he became a thing of the wild, stepping softly and silently, a passing shadow among the trees.

1.How long did it take them to find gold?

A.About a year. B.About two years.

C.About six months. D.About three months.

2.What is the best title of this chapter?

A.The call of the wild.

B.The wolf in the forest.

C.The dog’s dream world

D.The lost gold mine.

3.This excerpt is a part of______?

A.a documentary novel.

B.a biography.

C.a fiction.

D.a news report.

4.In this excerpt(节选)we can clearly see that the author is good at______?

A.describing mental activities.

B.visualizing vivid scenes.

C.doing psychological analysis.

D.expressing personal belief.

5.What can we infer from the last four paragraphs?

A.Thornton and Pete noticed the change in Buck.

B.Thornton and Pete thought Buck was the best dog.

C.Buck became more and more obedient.

D.The wild life made Buck become stronger.

6.Which of the following about Buck is right?

A.Buck's hidden wildness was slowly awakened.

B.Buck liked to fight with the wolf in the forest.

C.Thornton and Pete didn't treat Buck well at all.

D.Buck didn't make any money for Thornton and his friends.


    My whole career is about clothes – but I have no interest in fashion. What I love doing with clothes is using them to tell a story. That’s what costume design is all about. I wasn’t one of those little girls always dressing up dolls. My parents were musicians, so there was never any money, but our household was artistic.

As a child in the 1950s there was no TV, so we drew, painted and made things out of cardboard boxes. My parents encouraged me and my younger sister to be creative – making a mess was fine, and we were even allowed to draw on one of the walls at our home in Kensington, west London. After school I studied at Central Saint Martins School of Art, where I learned how to draw patterns and cut fabric. Back then it was set design, not costumes, that most interested me.

Thanks to a childhood friend, Nick Young, I was offered some unpaid work on early Merchant Ivory film productions. For a 1978 movie called Hullabaloo Over Georgie And Bonnie’s Pictures, I was asked to put together clothes for its star, Dame Peggy Ashcroft, to wear in India. After a meeting with her, Peggy took me aside. ‘My dear, we’re getting on quite well,’ she said. ‘They’ve given me a first-class ticket to India, now if I change it for two economy flights, will you come with me?’ Of course I said yes! No question.

It was before The Jewel In The Crown and A Passage To India, and Peggy had never been to India. At 70, she was a little nervous, but great fun. We shared a room and I looked after her in every possible way. At night we sat up in our little beds, having a brandy or whisky and discussing our day. After the shoot we went on holiday to Goa together. Peggy rode around on the back of my motorbike!

I became part of the Merchant Ivory team and went on to work on many other period films, including 1996’s Sense And Sensibility. I’ve known Emma Thompson for 30 years and she’s hilarious and wonderful.

I had won an Oscar before, in 1987 for A Room With A View, and have been nominated a further eight times. I keep my Oscars on a desk that belonged to my mother in my study, so they are very much on display but off the beaten track. Not in the living room and certainly not in the downstairs loo!

For a career I somehow fell into, it’s provided me with a wonderful life, really.

1.Why did Peggy and the author make friends with each other?

A.They were of the same age. B.They worked in the same theater.

C.They were both good actors. D.They got along very well.

2.Which of the following works’ location was not mentioned?

A.The Jewel In The Crown.

B.A Room With A View.

C.Hullabaloo Over Georgie And Bonnie’s Pictures.

D.A Passage To India.

3.Why did the author mention her parents when she was a child?

A.To show she was not talented in designing clothes.

B.To amuse the readers with a funny story.

C.To show her parents inspired her creativity.

D.To share a precious memory in her childhood.

4.Which of the following best describes the author as a designer?

A.Ambitious B.Dedicated

C.Caring D.Demanding


    Researchers from Pennsylvania University suggest that loud snoring can be caused by having a fat tongue. Scientists have long known that losing weight can help the condition, but now they know why. It explains why losing weight reduces the risk of obstructive sleep apnoea (阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停).

Improved symptoms are linked to slimming down the unexpected part of the body - opening the door to better treatments. Professor Richard Schwab, chief of sleep medicine at Pennsylvania University, said: "Most clinicians, and even experts in the sleep apnoea world, have not typically focused on fat in the tongue for treating sleep apnoea."Having a large neck was previously believed to be the culprit(引起问题的事物). Prof Schwab said: "Now we know tongue fat is a risk factor and sleep apnoea improves when tongue fat is reduced, we have established a unique therapeutic target that we've never had before.

In sleep apnoea the airways become blocked - leading to snoring . It blights the lives of four and two percent of middle aged men and women, respectively, in the UK. Long term, sleep apnoea is linked with a number of chronic diseases, including high blood pressure , heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke and depression.

Analyzing MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans of the throat and nose of obese patients, the researchers found reducing tongue fat is the key. They found that a reduction in tongue fat volume was the key factor. Weight loss also resulted in a smaller pterygoid - the jaw muscle that controls chewing. This is irrespective of whether they appear to fall into the typical "high-risk" obese categories, said Prof Schwab.

He added: "Primary care doctors, and perhaps even dentists, should be asking about snoring and sleepiness in all patients, even those who have a normal body mass index, as, based on our data, they may also be at risk for sleep apnoea."

Twenty-two million Americans suffer from sleep apnoea, in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts, causing patients to wake up randomly throughout their sleep cycles. One of the recommended treatments is CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), which has been free on the NHS since March 2008.

1.What can we learn from Prof Schwab?

A.People with high tongue fat must be at high risk of obesity.

B.Sleep apnea improves when tongue fat is reduced.

C.Patients with a normal body mass index won’t develop sleep apnea.

D.Most clinicians focus on the fat on the tongue to treat sleep apnea.

2.What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?

A.The shape of tongue fat.

B.The harm of tongue fat.

C.The feature of tongue fat.

D.The cause of tongue fat.

3.What does the underlined word “blight” in the third paragraph most probably mean?

A.harm B.affect

C.benefit D.cost


    Back in November, we did a study that found (surprise) that Babbel ranks as one of the most efficient ways to learn a language. The independent study was conducted by researchers at the City University of New York (CUNY) and the University of South Carolina, and evaluated the overall efficacy(功效) of Babbel Spanish courses, examining the progress of 391 randomly selected learners and assessing participants’ knowledge of Spanish at the beginning

STUDY FINDING #1: “Truly novice users(初学者) with no knowledge of Spanish need on average 15 hours of study in a two-month period to cover the requirements for one college semester of Spanish.”

STUDY FINDING #2: “The average study time for the final study sample was about 19 hours, or a little over two hours a week.”

STUDY FINDING #3: “The Babbel app works similarly well for people with different gender, age, native language, education, employment status, etc.”

Learning a language is about speaking a language, and with the help of Babbel, our novice challenge participants were able to start having conversations in just three weeks’ time, proving that Babbel is, indeed, the shortest path to a real-life conversation.

1.How does the writer recommend Babbel to readers?

A.By listing research findings.

B.By introducing some of its contents.

C.By telling stories at the beginning.

D.By comparing it with other apps.

2.What is the purpose of the last paragraph of the text?

A.To introduce Babbel .

B.To appreciate Babbel.

C.To advertise Babbel.

D.To analyze Babbel.


    I’m from California, where I have the honor of serving as an ocean lifeguard. The ocean is _______ for its massive currents. If you want to _______ lives, that’s where you work.

One day, I was working in _______ Fifteen. Mike, working in Seventeen, _______ me over the phone and said, “Hey, I got a couple kids and got to give them a(n) _______. Keep an eye on us.” _______ you get out of your tower, you should let somebody else know, _______ a situation develops. As soon as he grasped his buoy (救生圈), a current was snapped under these two kids, and they were getting _______ into the currents. Mike saw it before it happened, and he ran toward the ocean. I _______ the water with my binoculars (双筒望远镜). ________, the mother of the kids had realized what was happening. She was on her ________ and screamed. Mike told me later that he got the boy first, and when he turned to the girl, he had to ________ down into the water and catch her by the hair to ________ her back. When I reached their mother, Mike was in waist-deep water. These kids were so exhausted, so Mike got one under each arm.

I saw the ________ start to drain out of the kids’ mother. Then she got her first look at Mike, I saw a new kind of panic ________ over her as though there was some new, equally dangerous ________ to her kids’ lives. She rushed up to Mike, ________ her kids and left the beach without a thank you.

Mike had a rough upbringing, and his shaved head showed the ________ he got from a broken bear bottle. Although he lacks something, he ________ it with lifesaving ability. As I jogged back, I promised I’d never let my own fear or ________ prevent me recognizing a hero when I see one.

1.A.mysterious B.known C.endless D.sacred B.enrich C.find D.cultivate


4.A.addressed B.emailed C.faxed D.called

5.A.explanation B.caption C.warning D.notice

6.A.Anytime B.Unless C.Anywhere D.While if case C.even though D.or else

8.A.drowned B.pressed C.sucked D.wrapped

9.A.identified B.noticed C.detected D.scanned

10.A.On occasion B.At present C.Until then D.By now

11.A.legs B.feet D.back

12.A.bend B.lay C.fall D.reach

13.A.pull B.push C.hug D.scratch

14.A.excitement B.terror C.calmness D.pain

15.A.get B.knock C.wash D.turn

16.A.threat B.challenge C.suffering D.struggle

17.A.protected B.scolded C.comforted D.grasped

18.A.stain B.scar C.wound D.injury

19.A.makes up for B.stands up for C.catches up with D.puts up with

20.A.conservation B.injustice C.prejudice D.definition


When the new employee started to speak with customers, his natural abilities as a sales man were __________. sharp as a spear plain as day stupid as a goose sly as a fox


— Learn from past mistakes or history is bound to repeat ________.

— Thank you for your reminding. B.that C.something D.itself


The setting of the film Zootopia may be limited in the city full of kinds of animals, but __________ it exposes about human nature is quite broad.

A.which B.that C.what D.whether


I __________ to give you just a surprise quiz but on second thought I chose to let you reflect on your exercises.

A.had intended B.has intended C.intended D.has been intended


Meeting all the ______applied to Earth’s seven other continents, Zealandia is on its way to becoming a new continent.

A.criteria B.curricula D.phenomena


What a pity! The parents could have survived the earthquake __________ to save their child.

A.hadn’t they come back B.have they come back

C.didn’t they come back D.did they come back


–– Can you tell me the subtle difference between the words “fragile” and “delicate”?

––______. Let’s refer to the dictionary.

A.You’ve really got me there. B.You bet.

C.You can say that again. D.You don’t say.


The youth like me mostly take a liking to pop music more than classical music, which really   ______us   .

A.turns...down C.turns...over


I hate to say this but you need to stop doing things like this because they __________ me all the time.

A.disturb B.have disturbed C.disturbed D.are disturbing


—Is nobody else going to_____?

—3.5 million $! B.charge C.bargain D.evaluate


—How did you find your way here

—It was by following the travel brochure _____ the route is clearly clarified.

A.that C.where D.which


Local police said a large number of civilians are among the victims and many of the bodies were reportedly burned __________.

A.beyond control B.beyond description

C.beyond repair D.beyond recognition


One afternoon, as I was sitting with a book in my hand, my eyes, __________ in abstraction to the window, caught sight of a figure just passing.

A.raising raise C.raised D.having raised


Be careful about the boundary between your work and your life, or your attitude and emotion in one area will  affect the other.

A.randomly B.negatively C.confidentially D.arbitrarily


––Why does Jack Ma still work so hard   he has already owned so much money?

–– Maybe he pursues more than money.

A.while C.when D.before


假如你是李华,你的美国笔友Daniel准备在他们学校组织一个主题为走进中国(Come Close to China)”的中国文化节,他写信请你帮忙策划一下活动内容并介绍一下有中国特色的元素,以便让他的同学更好地了解中国。请你用英文写封回信。


1.120 字左右;








注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last Sunday I went sightseeings with my friends in the Fair Lake park. The moment when I entered the park,the beautiful flowers and green trees came onto sight. The visitors enjoyed themselves very much that they all took pictures standing under the trees. I was enjoying the flowers in blossom while I noticed the young couple in a boat eating, talking and laughing loudly.What made me annoying was that they spat and threw rubbish such as banana skins into the lake,ignored the sign“Don't Litter!”near the bank. The way to improve our behavior in public places,I think, is we must promote the public's aware through various activities concerning morality.



People in Italy , where some medical supplies are running low due to the COVID─19 outbreakhave expressed their1.(appreciate) for China’s help after a planeload of needed supplies arrived. These medical supplies, including masks, 2. (deliver) to Italy a short time ago to help it deal with its growing crisis. “In this moment of stress, of great difficulty, we are3. (deep) relieved to have this arrival of supplies. This is for sure a really important donation for Italy, 4. is fighting against the virus,” said the head of the Italian Red Cross.

A team of nine5. (competence) Chinese medical workers arrived in Rome late on Thursday, along with 31 metric tons of equipment, on a flight6. (organize) by the Red Cross society of China.

Italy’s outbreak risks 7. (overload) the nation’s hospitals. Some key supplies are running low and the health care system is already8.stress. Reuters reported that none of Italy’s9. (partner) in the European Union responded to Rome’s requests for help with medical supplies. On10.contrary, China responded. An Italian man played Chinese national anthem (国歌) during the “balcony concert” on Saturday in Rome.


    It's fortunate for children to have siblings accompanying them. And the kids would be luckier to have a brother as_______as Christian Hamerter. The 11-year-old boy, attended a father- daughter dance with his 7-year-old sister Skylar after finding Skylar was_________by their dad.

In the days leading up to the_________in March, it was all Skylar was_________ for, talking about it all day. On the other hand, her mom Trelysia felt more and more_________.At this time of year, their father is always fully_________in official duties. He didn't attend last year's dance due to a conference,_________having made a promise. Then, she was right to be worried. On the big day,_________his father was sent abroad for business.“It was_________that he failed to go there for a second year. Skylar__________ because she had her heart set on going,”Trelysia wrote in a__________.“I felt so bad and also cried uncontrollably.”

That's when Christian __________! The big brother wanted his sister to feel loved and special.And he picked out a suit and gold tie, a perfect__________for Skylar's gold dress.“The action filled me with __________,”the mother wrote,“for I just know that I'm__________a kind man—and an amazing father one day. He has__________that he can be.” Skylar had a great time with Christian there without her dad's__________. Even better, now she knows her brother would always come to her__________.

The post warmed hearts of the people it__________and picked up more than 110,000 reactions__________the sweet gesture.

1.A.enthusiastic B.generous C.considerate D.intelligent

2.A.left behind B.misunderstood C.set apart D.cheated

3.A.result B.event C.opportunity D.scene

4.A.concerned B.competent C.ready D.eager

5.A.anxiety B.curiosity C.satisfaction D.confusion

6.A.caught B.skilled C.occupied D.disappointed

7.A.since C.without D.despite

8.A.worse still B.beyond expectation C.sure enough D.for example

9.A.unexpected B.uncertain C.unquestioned D.unlikely

10.A.complained B.wept C.argued D.apologized

11.A.magazine B.diary

12.A.moved on B.stepped forward C.took off D.backed away

13.A.substitute B.match C.symbol D.demand

14.A.relief B.appreciation C.pride D.confidence

15.A.seeking B.changing C.affecting D.raising

16.A.proved B.promised C.agreed D.explained

17.A.wish B.practice C.assistance

18.A.rescue B.notice C.knowledge D.defence

19.A.united B.reached C.convinced D.informed

20.A.evaluating B.instructing C.celebrating D.recording


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