
Senior citizens are the first to come to our mind when you think of hearing loss,  but in a recent report,  hearing professionals worry teenagers will soon outnumber aging adults 1. it comes to living with hearing loss.

The rise in popularity of personal audio devices from iPods to smart phones has had dangerous effect on the ears of those who use them most,  teenagers! A research 2. (conduct) by the World Health Organization finds that nearly 50% of teens 3. (fall) into the habit of exposing themselves to unsafe levels of sound so far.

A sound is considered unsafe when it goes beyond 85 decibels (分贝). At that level, it takes just 8 hours of listening over your lifetime to cause damage. The louder the sound is, the 4. (little) time it takes to cause damage. Because hearing loss is 5. (typical) considered a health problem for the elderly, it is difficult to convince already stubborn teenagers that they really are doing damage 6. their ears.

Young adults 7. have been exposed to loud noise over a period of time may have some hearing loss symptoms. Their 8. (able) to learn is compromised, and they may have difficulty developing social skills.

In an effort to help teens better protect their hearing, we suggest 9. (set) volume limits on personal audio devices. 10. is also good to limit the amount of time exposed to noise and to take listening breaks to give the ears a rest.


    My grandparents lived in a town in Michigan. Every summer I stayed with them as a young child. I came from the _______ but loved the small place where they lived. People there knew everyone else, their kids, their pets and their ancestors. The bond with them continued to grow _______ I grew older.

My grandma was _______ at making something exciting by hand. She would make little sandwiches and we'd have tea parties. She'd plant flowers and carefully _______ them. She'd _______ sweaters for her grandchildren as well as making beautiful _______ for each one. I remember the small thimble (顶针)she would use while doing her needlework. _______ her thimble on her finger, she'd remark, "I wouldn't want to sew without one."

A few years ago my grandma _______ at the age of 91. After attending her funeral, I realized how _______ our lives had changed. I missed her very much. When my birthday came, I was feeling ________ because there was no card from my grandma. But what happened later made me feel that she was ________ that special day with me. While I was arranging some ________ pillows that my grandma had made, I ________ felt something inside one pillow. It was small and ________ I moved the object to a seam (接缝)and I carefully opened it. To my delight, out ________ a tiny silver thimble!

How ________ it was to find something that had been a part of her. Not realizing it had fallen off her finger, my grandma ________ it in that little pillow for me. I carefully laid the thimble along with the other things I had ________ over the years, which reminded me of the pleasant ________ of her.

I heated the tea kettle and made some tea, using my best china, as my grandma always did, and enjoyed my tea and my grandma's __________. What a wonderful birthday that was!

1.A.building B.cottage C.city D.town

2.A.as B.though C.that D.if

3.A.mad B.angry C.good D.poor

4.A.watch B.tend C.pick D.cut

5.A.mend B.buy C.wash D.make

6.A.books B.houses C.quilts D.bikes

7.A.Buying B.Placing C.Collecting D.Removing

8.A.called on B.fell ill C.dropped in D.passed away

9.A.quickly B.shamefully C.slightly D.slowly

10.A.upset B.worried C.thrilled D.surprised

11.A.sharing B.thinking C.planning D.wasting

12.A.tiresome B.ugly C.colorful D.broken

13.A.eagerly B.carelessly C.suddenly D.gladly

14.A.neat B.difficult C.hard D.soft

15.A.went B.came C.took D.made

16.A.ashamed B.proud C.wise D.exciting

17.A.mixed B.sewed C.hid D.stored

18.A.learned B.designed C.collected D.saved

19.A.memory B.book C.letter D.clothes

20.A.kettle B.tea C.thimble D.coffee


Five biggest career mistakes young workers make

When you begin to dive into the working world, there are a few common mistakes you should try to avoid.


Whether it is asking for a raise or just voicing an opinion, it is important to stand up for yourself in the office. As long as you do it in a respectful and professional way, your colleagues will be impressed by your confidence.

Goofing off(混日子)

You may think no one is looking at what you are doing all day, but the fact is your computer screen can be seen by all who pass by.2.

Even though your boss may seem relaxed, he is not going to appreciate an employee who seems to care more about his friend’s status updates than his actual work.

Dressing inappropriately

One thing that can either help or hurt you is how you present yourself. If you dress too casually, you could be sending the wrong message to your coworkers. Just because you have it doesn’t mean the office is the place to wear it. 3.

Being late for work

You could be the hardest worker in the office or do extra work at home, but if you are consistently late for work, you give off the impression that you are lazy.4.Your professional reputation is a vital part of getting ahead in your industry and being late for work might be unimportant, but could result in all your hard work being gradually ignored.

Acting too confidently

It is a common problem with young professionals. It is sometimes hard for recent college graduates to change from top-of-the-food-chain seniors to professional “freshmen.” 5.In addition, you must know your place in the company.

A.If you want to be taken seriously, dress seriously.

B.Talking unprofessionally.

C.So it is important to limit the amount of time you spend on non-work-related sites.

D.Being afraid to speak up.

E.Sometimes, it can be difficult to be taken seriously as a young professional.

F.Now that you are out of the college, you must remember to be modest.

G.People notice who stays late and who comes in early and will form an opinion about you.


    Differences in time zones complicate international phone calls. But even more important are different concepts of time and approaches to time in different cultures.

People from the USA as well as other North Americans believe “Time is money”. This value of time is rooted in their ancestors. Early in the 17th century, their ancestors arrived on the Atlantic coast, a new, undeveloped land. To survive in the tough environment, they had to struggle day and night. Time meant so much to them that they had not even one second to waste. After decades of struggle, they developed the value of efficient use of time and passed it down. Thus far, the Americans are still eager to finish things quickly and are impatient with too reflective(深思熟虑的) people.

In some countries, the American work style of speeding everything up will have no significance. In the Arab East, the more important you are, the faster service you get. Close relatives take absolute priority; non-relatives are kept waiting. In the Middle East, a deadline, which is often established to show the degree of urgency or importance of work, will do nothing but stop the Middle Easterners from working, because they consider it rude and overly demanding.

Another aspect reflecting different concepts of time is the classification of monochronic-time and polychronic-time by Edward T Hall. People from monchronic(共时性的) cultures, such as the Germans, the Austrians, the Swiss and the Americans, do only one important thing at a time. In polychromic(多元时间模式的) cultures, people such as Arab, Asians and Latin Americans take an entirely opposite approach. They do several things at once. Time commitments, e.g. deadlines, schedules, are taken rather casually and changed often and easily. Miscommuication will arise when people from two cultures contact. Charlies Hawkins, a U.S. teacher, told me that many a time his appointments with Indians were interrupted constantly, not only by private phone calls, but also by long conversations with other people and even the neighbor’s children, which displeased and even annoyed him.

1.Why did the ancestors of the North Americans believe “Time is money”?

A. They had to work efficiently to survive. B. They got the idea from their past generations.

C. They didn’t like to deal with reflective people. D. They formed the habit of finishing work ahead of time.

2.What can be concluded from Paragraph 3?

A. Deadlines will make American people angry.

B. In the Arab East, you’d better speed everything up.

C. Middle Easterners can’t deal with demanding work.

D. People from the Arab East attach importance to relationship.

3.What can we learn about people from monochronic cultures?

A. They tend to interrupt others constantly.

B. They can’t tolerate lateness or interruptions.

C. They are more likely to change their schedules.

D. They like to schedule several activities at the same time.

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A. The importance of the diversity of culture

B. The relationship between efficiency and culture

C. Different time values in different cultures

D. Monochronic culture and polychronic culture


    Disease spread in many ways. An infected person can cough or sneeze on someone nearby, or they can spread germs through a handshake. But sometimes we pick up germs indirectly. A sick person might leave behind bacteria or viruses when they touch a door handle, for example. But what if those surfaces could clean themselves?

Two teenagers from Hong Kong asked themselves the same question. Now they’ve developed a door handle that can kill germs on contact.

The idea is simple. Every time the door is opened, the movement creates power that starts a germ-killing reaction on the handle. In lab tests, their system killed about 99.8 percent of the germs that they spread onto lab dishes covered with their material.

Research by others has shown that door handles in public areas are often home to lots of bacteria and viruses, notes 17-year-old Sum Ming(“Simon”Wong. He and schoolmate Kin Pong ( Michael ) Li, 18, wanted to design a covering for door handles that would kill germs.

After doing some research, they learned that a mineral called titanium dioxide(二氧化钛)is known to kill bacteria. It’s already used in many products, from paints to desserts. To make their covering, the teenagers made the mineral into a very fine powder.

Titanium dioxide kills bacteria best when lit by ultraviolet(紫外线的)light, says Simon. UV light is found in sunlight. But UV light does not naturally shine on indoor handles or any used at night, so the teenagers light their door handle from within.

To make sure the light reaches the coated surface, the teenagers made their door handle out of clear glass, Each end fits into a bracket (托架).Inside one of the brackets is a strong light-emitting diode(LED). From it comes UV light.

And here’s the interesting part: The power that makes the UV light shine comes from opening and closing the door. The power from the door is then carried by wire to the LED inside the door handle.

The door handle system, Michael and Simon say, might cost no more than about $13 (about 81 yuan) to build.

1.The ways diseases spread are mentioned at the beginning of the text to .

A.demonstrate how most diseases are spread indirectly

B.remind readers of the importance of cleaning their hands

C.explain how to kill bacteria or viruses effectively

D.help to describe a new invention that prevents diseases from spreading

2.Michael and Simon’s door handle      .

A.is too expensive for ordinary families

B.is powered by the movement of its users

C.works better at night than in the daytime

D.is made of a metal that can take in UV light

3.The LED is placed inside the brackets to     .

A.supply enough power to the handle system

B.produce titanium dioxide to kill bacteria

C.provide UV light to help titanium dioxide work better

D.direct the UV light in sunlight to the coated surface

4.What is the author's attitude toward Michael and Simon s door handle system?

A.Cautious B.Critical

C.Enthusiastic D.Disappointed


    Pamela Simpson is 53,“not sporty” and has suffered from asthma(哮喘) all her life. Two years ago her son Jay-Teale, now 10, took up BMX(自行车越野赛).“I enjoyed watching him and thought I'd like to try it,” Simpson recalls. “But I didn't want to embarrass myself. I hadn't ridden for over 40 years.”

Then she noticed a session for women and girls at Burgess Park BMX Track in Peckham, south-east London, where Jay-Teale trained. This season Simpson raced at the London BMX series and finished third in her category.

“It was the most worrying experience of my life. But it was also exhilarating,” she says cheerfully. “My son is proud of me. We now share a real love for the sport. It has brought us closer together.”

Since becoming part of the Olympic Games in 2008, the popularity of BMX has risen. A program introduced in London in 2011 by the sports development charity Access Sport has seen tracks built in several London regions, backed up with investment in coaching, and the program is being rolled out to Bristol.

Mavolwane Wright's children Skye,11 and Xander,10 are sponsored riders who have represented Great Britain in every world championship since 2014. Mavolwane Wright says she was motivated to start BMX herself out of an interest aroused by watching so much of it. “It's an eye-opener to share your children's interests,” she explains. “You comprehend what they go through in a much more direct way. It adds another dimension to your relationship.”

It is also a high-impact sport and the risks are fairly obvious. “I totally get the fear,” says Emma Budgens, 51, a BMX exercise coach and cycling instructor. “It's the fear of doing something new, of getting hurt. But I say, ‘Come and give it a try.’ The chance of having an accident is slim, and you can spend time on the flat to improve your confidence.”

1.What can we learn about Pamela Simpson from the first two paragraphs?

A.She tended to be inactive. B.She performed poorly in the race.

C.She used to feel awkward in public. D.She trained at Burgess Park BMX Track.

2.What does the underlined word “exhilarating” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.Annoying. B.Inspiring.

C.Thrilling. D.Challenging.

3.What benefit did Simpson and Wright get from BMX?

A.More life skills. B.Stronger will.

C.More confidence in themselves. D.Better parent-child relationships.

4.What does Emma Budgens think of BMX?

A.Risky but actually secure. B.Demanding but open to all.

C.Competitive but instructive. D.Pleasant but time-consuming.


    The most famous war movies reflect the American public's continuous fascination with World War II and the Vietnam War. Many movies of this kind have been well-received when they were first shown, but few of them have enjoyed lasting fame and popularity. The films on the list of the five most famous war movies still remain fresh and are popular among many people.

The Longest Day

An all-star cast recreates D-Day and the Normandy attack, the greatest landing and aerial(空中的) invasion in history. This is probably the most famous war movie because of the large number of big stars who have roles in the film.

Apocalypse Now

This is a famous war movie because of its description of the Vietnam War and excellent performance from Marlon Brando, Martin Sheen and Robert Duvall. The film, full of memorable scenes and quotes, is widely viewed as a masterpiece of movie making.

The Dirty Dozen

Lee Marvin, playing an officer who thinks and acts independently, is appointed to train twelve prisoners, most of whom have been sentenced to death, to go on a suicide mission to kill several Nazi generals. If any of the men makes it back, they may get a pardon. This is one of the most popular war movies ever made.


This famous war movie is the fictional account of a platoon() in Vietnam that is divided into two competing groups. The plot is partly based on the director Oliver Stone's real life experience.


This is probably the most famous war movie ever made about navy. It's based on the battle between Japanese and American aircraft carrier groups near Hawaii in World War II that resulted in a decisive American victory.



1.What are the most important themes of the movies mentioned above?

A. World War II and the Vietnam War.

B. Competitions in the Vietnam War.

C. Fights between Nazi generals and soldiers.

D. D-Day landing and the Normandy attack.

2.The text is meant to ________.

A. describe five most famous movie posters

B. choose the best war movie among the five

C. introduce five masterpieces of American films

D. celebrate the success of the five American films

3.What can we infer from the underlined sentence?

A. The prisoners will be punished if they fail.

B. The prisoners might be willing to have a try.

C. The prisoners might be scared and run away.

D. The prisoners have to take Nazi generals back.


    In our modern world, when something wears out, we throw it away and buy a new one. The _________ is that countries around the world have growing mountains of _________ because people are throwing out more rubbish than ever before.

How did we _________ a throwaway society? First of all, it is now easier to _________ an object than to spend time and money to repair it. _________ modern manufacturing and technology, companies are able to produce products quickly and inexpensively. Products are plentiful and _________.

Another cause is our _________ of disposable(一次性的)products. As _________ people, we are always looking for _________ to save time and make our lives easier. Companies __________ thousands of different kinds of disposable products: paper plates, plastic cups, and tissues, to name a few.

Our appetite(胃口)for new products also __________ to the problem. We are __________ buying new things. Advertisements persuade us that __________ is better and that we will be happier with the latest products. The result is that we __________ useful possessions to make room for new ones.

All around the world, we can see the __________ of this throwaway lifestyle. Mountains of rubbish just keep getting bigger. To __________ the amount of rubbish and to protect the __________, more governments are requiring people to recycle materials. __________, this is not enough to solve our problem.

Maybe there is another way out. We need to repair our possessions __________ throwing them away. We also need to rethink cur attitudes about __________. Repairing our possessions and changing our spending habits may be the best ways to reduce the amount of rubbish and take care of our environment.

1.A.key B.problem C.project D.reason

2.A.debt B.gifts C.products D.rubbish

3.A.become B.change C.face D.observe

4.A.control B.hide C.replace D.withdraw

5.A.As to B.Except C.Regardless of D.Thanks to

6.A.cheap B.funny C.powerful D.safe

7.A.division B.lack C.love D.prevention

8.A.brave B.busy C.kind D.sensitive

9.A.friends B.jobs C.places D.ways

10.A.donate B.preserve C.produce D.receive

11.A.adapts B.contributes C.responds D.returns

12.A.ashamed for B.addicted to C.tired of D.worried about

13.A.higher B.larger C.newer D.stronger

14.A.hold onto B.pay for C.pick up D.throw away

15.A.advantages B.consequences C.functions D.purposes

16.A.decrease B.measure C.record D.show

17.A.brands B.consumers C.environment D.technology

18.A.However B.Meanwhile C.Otherwise D.Therefore

19.A.in favor of B.instead of C.or rather D.other than

20.A.advertising B.collecting C.repairing D.spending


假定你是李华,从互联网上得知一个国际中学生组织将在绵阳举办夏令营, 很多外国学生都会来参加。请写一封电子邮件申请参加。内容要点如下:




注意: 1.词数100左右;



Dear Sir or Madam,


Looking forward to your reply!


Li Hua






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Andrew,

I’d like to invite you take part in the Christmas party in the dining hall. It was the celebration for the Christmas Eve. But you are welcome to make the short speech. After that we will enjoy us. Then we will have a candle light dinner, which are our favorite part. Finally, members of the English club will exchange gift. I am sure it will be a warmly get-together. I would appreciate it if you could join us. The party will start at 6 pm and we’ll meet you at the school gate at 5:50 pm on this evening. We look forward to receive your earliest reply.



Chinese are the first people to have tea. One thousand and two hundred years agoLu Yu wrote a book called“The Classic of Tea”which is honored 1.“The Bible of Tea”The book gives a detailed 2. (explain) of the originthe processing skills and the classification of tea.

However, Chinese tea culture goes far beyond tea 3. (it)Take green tea for instancethe ideal temperature of the water should be around 80. If the water is too hot, nutrients (营养) in the tea will 4. (destroy)On the other handif the water is not hot enough, the tea 5. (leaf) won’t open and you will miss the pleasantly fresh flavor. So Chinese people are used 6. drinking hot tea. When you visit a Chinese friendyour friend will 7. (constant) add hot water to your empty cup of tea. It is polite 8. (offer) the tea cup to guests with both hands. Of coursethe guests should pay respect as well, 9. (take)the cup with both hands.

Talking about adding water to the tea cupthere is 10. saying: Wine fullfull cup. Tea halfhalf cup. For winethe full cup symbolizes whole heartiness. For teathe half cup means modesty.


    I work as the reception manager at my hotel. A ______came in a few weeks ago with a note saying that the guest would be travelling with her________ father. His daughter wanted to make his trip to Ireland as ______as possible.

Upon seeing this note, I ______I would be the one to check them in as I was scheduled for their arrival time. I ______to learn some very basic sign language. I ______ the guest in my usual fashion, asking for the surname on the booking. Once I heard the name I ______ immediately who was standing in front of me.

I had been learning for two weeks how to say "welcome to Ireland. My sign language is ______, but please if you need anything during your stay just let me know and we will help you".

I ______ at the father and daughter and greeted him in the sign language I had learned for him. His daughter broke down ______ and called me sweet when she learned about the truth. But the father just smiled and was so ______. Honestly, seeing his ______ was enough for me. It was so worth the last few weeks of learning basic sign language.

On check-out, I ______ wasn't working, but they had ______ a gift for me---a small box with some chocolates and a book on sign language. Inside was a ______ saying "Thank you very much for what you did on check-in. You have no idea how much this ______ to my father and me. We can't ______ you enough. You've made his trip home to his family after 50 years very ______ with one simple gesture".

They wrote a letter to the general manager, ______ to give me a raise, which I really ______. I cried for 5 minutes when I came into work today to find this gift in my locker.

1.A.stranger B.woman C.booking D.call

2.A.deaf B.retired C.lonely D.blind

3.A.exciting B.cheap C.smooth D.long

4.A.worried B.knew C.thought D.hoped

5.A.pretended B.preferred C.had D.decided

6.A.greeted B.eyed C.helped D.attended

7.A.recognized B.realized C.wondered D.remembered

8.A.excellent B.helpful C.terrible D.useless

9.A.smiled B.stared C.pointed D.shouted

10.A.laughing B.singing C.complaining D.crying

11.A.entertained B.embarrassed C.happy D.encouraged

12.A.presence B.disability C.appearance D.reaction

13.A.fortunately B.sadly C.hopefully D.recently

14.A.left B.made C.posted D.ordered

15.A.book B.poster C.proverb D.note

16.A.showed B.meant C.happened D.explained

17.A.help B.pay C.give D.thank

18.A.useful B.special C.meaningless D.important

19.A.asking B.offering C.promising D.demanding

20.A.needed B.cared C.appreciated D.deserved


    Are you always embarrassedat social eventsOr do you often struggle (挣扎)to enter into conversations because you are shyIf soyour social life and career may have been influenced in some way. 1.Thenyou’ll be able to enter into conversations with confidence.

Behave like a social person. You can behave like a more social creature even if you don’t feel like it. Don’t allow anxiety to hold you back. Make the decision to talk to new people andenter into conversations even when you’re feeling nervous about it.2.

Create goals for yourself.3.Perhaps you want to practice one particular skill or maybe you want to attenda social activity in your community. Set a goal and begin to work on skills that will improve your social life.

Offer compliments (赞美)generously.4.Offer your colleague a compliment on his presentation at a meeting or compliment your neighbor on his new car. Compliments can show others that you are friendly.

5.There are many books on the market that can help you learn specific social skills and ways to start conversations. Howeverkeep in mind that reading about these skills won’t make you an expert. You’ll needto practice them over andover again.

A.Ask open-ended questions.

B.Read books about social skills.

C.You can set some small goals for yourself at first.

D.Good manners go a long way in improving social skills.

E.It can be a great way to open the door to a conversation.

F.You will findit easier to start a conversation with others over time.

G.Howeveryou can improve your social skills by following the tips below.


    Making beers on the moon might seem like a pipe dream to many, but for a group of students from the University of California at San Diego, there is a chance to take their research beyond Earth’s surface.

The Lab2Moon competition, held by TeamIndus, is offering students the chance to secure a spot on the TeamIndus rocket this year.

Taking craft beer to the next level, the students want to test whether it’s possible for yeast(酵母) to work and create beer on the moon. However, they believe the experiment is not just a creative concept for astronauts, it’s also important for the development of drugs and yeast-containing food, like bread.

“The idea started out with a few laughs among a group of friends,” said Neeki Ashari, a fifth-year bioengineering students at UC San Diego. “We all appreciate the craft beer. When we heard that there was an opportunity to design an experiment that would go up on India’s moonlander, w e thought we could combine our hobby with the competition by focusing on the practicality of yeast in outer space.”

The preparation work for the beer — up to the stage of adding yeast — will all be done on Earth, and rather than separating the fermentation ( 发酵) and carbonation stage of making beer, the team plans to combine them.

This removes the need to release CO2 accumulated in the process, which may result in cleanliness and safety issues out in space.

If selected, Team Original Gravity will be the first to make beer in outer space, and the fermentation will take place in a container no bigger than a soda can.

All teams competing for the place will showcase their ideas in Bangalore, India, in March.

Sadly, you won’t be enjoying moon beer in your local craft beer bar anytime soon, as no samples will be brought back. However, this small experiment could provide important data on just how practical it is for us to make and create our own resources on other planets and moons by learning how consumables (消耗品) behave in different environments.

1.How did the students feel when they got the chance to design the experiment ?

A.Excited. B.Nervous.

C.Confident. D.Casual.

2.What does the underlined word “This” in Paragraph 6 refer to?

A.The mixing of two stages. B.Adding yeast on Earth.

C.The preparation work on Earth. D.Fermentation and carbonation.

3.What can we learn about the experiment from the passage?

A.It has been designed based on similar experiments.

B.It’s quite competitive compared with other designs.

C.It’s design has already been approved by TeamIndus.

D.Its process was adapted to make it safer and greener.

4.What does the author think of the students ’ idea?

A.It seems like a pipe dream. B.It’s extremely complicated.

C.It’s meaningful and hopeful. D.It’s creative but impractical.


    Albert was an ordinary worker in an oil company in America. His workmates gave a nickname (绰号) “Four dollars a bucket ()” to him, for he was always used to leaving an advertisement of his company “Four dollars a bucket of oil” below his name whenever and wherever he wrote down his name.

As time went by, people forgot his real name. Later, when Rockefeller, the board chairman of the oil company, heard of it, he was very surprised, so he invited Albert to come to his office.

“Some people give you a nickname for ‘Four dollars a bucket’. Why aren’t you angry?” asked Rockefeller with some puzzlement in his eyes.

“Oh! Mr. Rockefeller! I like this nickname very much, because ‘Four dollars a bucket’ is our company’s advertisement. As long as someone calls me ‘Four dollars a bucket’ once, I think it’s a free advertisement for our company. I have no reason to get angry. Don’t you think so, Mr. Rockefeller?”

“Oh! What a fantastic man!” Rockefeller said excitedly when hearing Albert’s words. “Young man, work harder! You must succeed in the future! I believe in you!”

Five years later, Albert became the second board chairman after Rockefeller.

Later Albert said in one of his reports, “I don’t think we should feel frustrated when we have no way to do the world-shaking things. We should treat every thing actively because maybe our future success will begin from a small thing!”

1.What was Albert in the oil company at the beginning?

A.A chairman. B.A worker. C.A manager. D.An assistant.

2.Why wasn’t Albert angry at his nickname?

A.He could become famous.

B.He liked to have a nickname.

C.It could make his workmates happy.

D.It could advertise for his company for free.

3.How did Rockefeller feel after hearing Albert’s words?

A.Surprised. B.Puzzled. C.Excited. D.Interested.

4.What would be the best title for this passage?

A.Ways to Make Advertisements B.Albert and Rockefeller

C.Four Dollars a Bucket D.The Second Board Chairman


I was telling my boy Sonny the story of the hare and the tortoise. In the end ,I said, “ Son, remember: Be slow and steady, and that will win the race. Don’t you think there’s something to learn from the tortoise?”

Sonny opened his eyes wide, “Do you mean next time when I’m entering for the 60-metre race I should wish that Billy, Tony and Sandy would all fall asleep halfway?”

I was shocked, “But the tortoise didn’t wish that the hare would fall asleep!”

“He must have wished that,” Sonny said, “Otherwise how could he be so foolish as to race with the hare? He knew very well the hare ran a hundred times faster than he himself did.”

“He didn’t have such a wish,” I insisted. “He won the race by perseverance (坚忍不拔的), by pushing on steadily.”

Sonny thought a while. “That’s a lie,” he said. “He won it because he was lucky. If the hare hadn’t happened to fall asleep, the tortoise would never have won the race. He could be as steady as you like, or a hundred times steadier, but he’d never have won the race. That’s for sure.”

I gave up. Today’s children are not like what we used to be. They’re just hopeless.

1.The writer argued with his son because ______________.

A.he liked tortoises while his son liked hares

B.they disagreed about whether the tortoise was foolish

C.he tried to teach his son a moral (品德) lesson but the son had totally different opinion

D.he liked the story of the hare and the tortoise while his son didn’t.

2.Sonny believed that the tortoise ______________.

A.won the race by his own hard working

B.took a risk by agreeing to run a race

C.was not given a fair chance in the race

D.in fact did win the race luckily

3.Billy, Tony and Sandy must be_______________.

A.boys who were unknown to Sonny’s father

B.boys who Sonny has run races with before

C.boys who Sonny has never raced with before

D.boys who Sonny did not expect to race with again

4.According to the passage, who do you think learnt a lesson?

A.The tortoise B.Sonny

C.The hare D.Sonny’s father


    If you are looking for part-time jobs at the Penn State University Park campus, you’ve come to the right place! Chances are that we have right jobs for you. So, where should you begin? Just look through the jobs below and you’ll immediately find the part-time jobs you like.


Date Announced: 04/03/2019 Job Number: 84944

Work Unit: University Libraries and Scholarly Communications

Department: Common Services

Process library materials and staff service desks in the Pattee/Paterno Library. Duties include circulation (借出) of course reserves (课程参考资料) and computers; processing, sorting and shelving materials; and assisting with opening or closing library areas. Service desk duties include checking out materials, assisting users with accessing various types of library resources, providing user reference services and safe entrances to the equipment. Successful applicants (申请人) must be dependable, flexible, and willing to provide excellent customer service for library visitors. Weekend and evening availability (可用) preferred. Your cover letter and CV listing scheduling availability (days and times) should go with your completed online job application.


Date Announced: 03/31/2019 Job Number: 84218

Work Unit: College of Engineering

Department: SEDTAPP

The College of Engineering, School of Engineering Design, Technology, and Professional Programs (SEDTAPP) seeks to hire numerous Penn State students at University Park to fill part-time positions in each of its programs, which include Engineering Design programs, Engineering Leadership Development programs, and Entrepreneurship (企业家精神) programs. These positions may include undergraduate teaching assistants, graduate teaching assistants, SEDTAPP Make Space assistants, or staff assistants. Hours and payments for these positions will vary and working time will be not over 20 hours per work week. Positions open until filled.

1.What is required for the library staff assistant?

A. Professional competence. B. Working experience.

C. Available working time. D. Having various hobbies.

2.What do we know about assistants working for SEDTAPP?

A. They work mostly at weekends.

B. They are likely to get paid differently.

C. They work for at least 20 hours per week.

D. They are required to be good at engineering.

3.What is the purpose of the text?

A. To offer advice to job seekers. B. To compare different jobs.

C. To encourage students to do part-time jobs. D. To provide job information.


假定你是李华,你居住的社区将举办包粽子(wrapping zongzi)活动。请给你的外教Smith写封信。邀请他参加,内容包括:

1. 活动的时间和地点;

2. 活动的目的和意义;

3. 表达你的期待。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Sometimes 1 feel that living in a city makes people lonely than before. People always feel strangers cannot trusted. They think this is not normal to start talking to anyone or even smile at anyone. I desire to change that. Last week, while I was skate, a man ran by, smiling at me. He said something to me about doing sports or he hoped to be able to finishing his run. I smiled back and said that he certain would. And then a family cycles by when I was in the park. One of the girl waved at me with a big smile, and I waved back enthusiastically. I do believe such small gestures can change into the world we live in.



Since the beginning of the year, a mystery donor in the German city of Braunschweig 1. (give) away several “miracle (奇迹) bags” containing over 200,000 euros in cash to 2. (differ) charities.

The bags, each 3. (fill) with banknotes worth between 20,000 and 100,000 euros, started appearing at the Braunschweiger Zeitung newspaper headquarters earlier this year, with specific instructions of which local charities the money should go to. The recent one, a bag which contained 100,000 euro bills, 4. (receive) last Monday along with instructions that it should be donated to a local hospice (收容所), but other “miracle bags” have gone to 5. (church), organizations and several other causes.

“To make it easier for seriously sick people is a sign of human warmth and earns respect and recognition,” a letter attached to 6. latest “miracle bag” read. Employees at the local hospice are 7. (obvious) delighted to have received their largest donation ever, 8. will help them look after even more patients.

What’s even more special about this mystery donor 9. (be) that he seems to have been donating since 2011. That’s when local newspapers started receiving “miracle bags” along with instructions of where the money should go, but no one can say for sure 10. it’s the same person or not.


    I wasn’t particularly great at school. And 1 wasn’t the _________ boy because was quiet and shy. Mrs Kerswell was my English teacher. It’s hard to _________ her exact age. When you’re a child, every adult is _________. She must be past middle age, with grey hair and a(n) _________ face. Her lessons were in a totally stress-free environment. However, I was really _________ because I went from a _________ school with 28 people up to the sort of bigger town junior high school.

I didn’t _________ anyone. No one from my _________ school went there because we all went to different schools. I really struggled in my first year to _________. Thanks to Mrs Kerswell she was really the sort of humorous teacher you could have chats with, who read materials that weren’t on the syllabus (教学大纲) just for ____________.

She managed to make Beowulf interesting to a number of ____________. She was key in keeping my love of reading going. It certainly wasn’t a ____________ thing for a boy of that age to love ____________ as an entertainment. Actually, I just treated it as a learning task. But she reminded me that books were fun and they weren’t just about learning or the ____________.

When I was 13, I wasn’t excellent at writing. But she allowed and ____________ me to write in a natural way. Unlike my other teachers, she told me not to use the fanciest ____________. “Writing is not about flowery language but about real communication. ____________, you’re having a conversation on a page,” she said. So it made me realize that I didn’t have to ____________ about it too much.

I saw her once, over 10 years ago. My writing career was going well, and she was proud of my achievements and ____________ as a writer, and I really ____________ her for keeping the fame on.

1.A.fattest B.quietest C.naughtiest D.loneliest

2.A.leave out B.work out C.adapt to D.amount to

3.A.old B.friendly C.innocent D.lively

4.A.blue B.honest C.guilty D.kind

5.A.relaxed B.disappointed C.stressed D.relax

6.A.city B.league C.village D.town

7.A.assign B.accept C.acknowledge D.know

8.A.junior B.primary C.senior D.social

9.A.fit B.give C.break D.check

10.A.defense B.fun C.victory D.fame

11.A.writers B.teenagers C.celebrities D.teachers

12.A.cool B.flexible C.major D.painful

13.A.speaking B.writing C.reading D.learning

14.A.courses B.progress C.entertainment D.hobbies

15.A.commanded B.forbade C.warned D.encouraged

16.A.words B.means C.ways D.ideas

17.A.Gradually B.Basically C.Ridiculously D.Awkwardly

18.A.enquire B.bring C.doubt D.worry

19.A.habit B.interest C.privilege D.reputation

20.A.promoted B.criticized C.thanked D.dismissed


    If you’re enjoying a cup of tea while reading this, you’re supporting just about every organ in your body. Unsweetened tea can prevent some diseases and help repair cells in the body. The popularity of Chinese tea cannot be separated from its medicinal value.

Your heart will thank you. Tea’s properties can keep your blood vessels (血管) relaxed and clear, putting less stress on your heart, and thus slow down block formation in vital blood vessels. 1..

Your risk of the brain disease could decrease. 2.. It’s important to know the early warning signs and do what you can to prevent it. Green tea can help you develop resistance against stress and potentially Alzheimer’s disease. The special substance in it protects cells from damage.

3.. If you spend your nights turnings try relaxing yourself with a cup of east-Asian medicinal tea before bed, which can improve sleeplessness. 4., it can help improve sleep and quality of life in those with mild sleeplessness according to a study in Integrative Medicine Research.

Your attention may improve. The caffeine in tea can improve your attention and awareness. The unique acid to tea may also improve attention by relaxing the brain, but stimulating it when it is time to focus. 5.. try making a warm cup of tea just before it’s time to work or consider these reasons you may not be able to focus.

A.Your sleep could improve

B.Your body becomes more energetic

C.When you have the habit of getting up early

D.Once you have formed the habit of drinking that kind of tea

E.you ever find yourself having difficulty with concentration

F.So drinking a proper amount of black tea can be beneficial to your heart

G.The thought of you being diagnosed with the brain disease is very scary


    Using modern technology, archaeologists (考古学家) have recently discovered about 200 Mayan artifacts (玛雅古器) in Mexico, which surprisingly, appear to have been untouched for up to 1,000 years. The artifacts were found inside a cave in ruins of the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza on Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula.

The lead researcher on the project is Mexican archaeologist Guillermo de Anda. He called the cave a “scientific treasure”.

The findings included bone pieces and burnt offering materials. In addition, incense burners, vases, plates and other objects were discovered. Some items included the portrait of Tlaloc, the rain god of central Mexico.

The cave where the objects were found is so unique. It is part of a cave system known as Balamku. The cave is long, narrow and dark. It is about three kilometers east of the main pyramid of Kukulkan. It sits at the center of Chichen Itza which is the stone city described by the United Nations as “one of the greatest Mayan centers of the Yucatan Peninsula.”

The cave sits about 24 meters underground, with areas connected by passages. Some of the passages were so narrow that researchers had to climb in or pull themselves through. The team has so far explored about 460 meters of the cave, and is unsure how far it stretches. The team plans to continue exploring the cave. The found artifacts will not be removed, but studied inside.

The team accidentally found the artifacts while exploring Chichen Itza in an effort to learn more about its underground water system. The new discovery will help scientists better understand the history, culture, lives and beliefs of people who lived in Chichen Itza, especially in the boom years.

Archaeologists believe there may be another cave hidden under the pyramid of Kukulkan that could be connected to the latest find. “Let’s hope God will lead us there,” Guillermo de Anda said. “That is part of the reason why we are entering these sites to find a connection to the natural well under the Kukulkan.”

1.What’s amazing about the Mayan artifacts discovered in Mexico?

A.The long history and perfect state.

B.The digging time and location.

C.The current high price.

D.The variety of usage.

2.What is paragraph 4 mainly about?

A.The features of the cave. B.The findings in the cave.

C.The ancient cave system. D.The origin of Mayan centers.

3.What is the significance of the new discovery?

A.It can help scientists register cultural relics.

B.It can encourage archaeologists to form work beliefs.

C.It can help scientists further learn about Mayan civilization.

D.It can arouse the interest of Mexicans in archaeology.

4.What will archaeologists do next according to the last paragraph?

A.Dig wells under the Kukulkan.

B.Move the findings to another cave.

C.Find the cause of groundwater disappearance.

D.Try to find another cave under the pyramid of Kukulkan.


    Back when the Mississippi River flowed wild, its ever-changing waters moved soil across the North American continent. It picked up sand and dirt in the north and brought it to the southern areas of what we now call the state of Louisiana. Thousands of years later, man-made barriers called levees (防洪堤) and flood-control systems control the powerful river. But Louisiana officials are making plans to use the Mississippi River’s ancient power to build new land as a way to ease the threat of rising seas.

Engineers hope to remake the destroyed low-lying lands by copying nature—digging into the levees and redirecting the water. The water holds a lot of small dirt sediments (沉淀物). The sediments can flow into coastal basins.

Some critics question whether the idea presents its own environmental risks. But if it does work, the project would rebuild an important protection against storm waves. It would also help the land provide new living areas for birds and fish that depend on wetlands.

Saltwater is destroying the coast. Pathways cut for oil and gas development, boat travel and logging have worsened the problem. The state estimates that it has lost about 518,000 hectares of land since 1932. If nothing is done, more than twice that much land could disappear over the next 50 years.

Experts and officials have discussed the idea of using the river to rebuild the coast for many years. But it was not until money became available from the 2010 BP oil spill that the plan began to really take shape. In 2010, an explosion killed 11 people on an oil rig (石油钻塔) off the Gulf Coast that energy company BP operated. Millions of gallons of oil then flowed into the water over the next three months.

One year later, the United States government ruled that BP was responsible for the accident,

The company was ordered to pay billions of dollars for the damage. Louisiana is putting much of its share of the money toward coastal restoration.

1.What advantage will the new land bring?

A.Preventing severe drought.

B.Creating habitats for animals.

C.Controlling the powerful river.

D.Increasing the northern farm land.

2.What can cause the coast to disappear faster?

A.Energy changes.

B.Destroyed levees.

C.Man-made disasters.

D.Man-made water protection systems.

3.What made the plan of rebuilding the coast land come into effect?

A.The restoration of an oil rig.

B.The payment of compensation by BP.

C.The strong demand from oil companies.

D.The special support from some local critics.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Use Nature Power to Stop Soil Losing

B.Let the River Go Back to Its Original State

C.Fight Coastal Destruction by Copying Nature

D.Remove the Man-Made Barriers from the River


    I feel ashamed to admit this, but in much of my past life, I pretended I knew what was going on when I didn’t, for fear of being “caught out”. In the school cafeteria, when people talked about TV shows, which I didn’t have the channels for, or on MSN Messenger, when I read unfamiliar song lyrics my friends had shared, I felt upset and I’d pretend to be calm and recognize what they were talking about, like everyone else.

I did this, as I didn’t want to be seen not to understand some things that people, I respected were good at. I thought that if I didn’t know what was going on, it betrayed a moral failing and exposed me as a boy who was deeply uncool and actually, a bit stupid.

And so I nodded along silently. I prayed I wouldn’t be found out what I really was, or I would feel embarrassed. I would follow up each incident with some diligent homework on the subject, trying to disguise myself. Unsurprisingly, it all became far too much and recently I’ve found myself overwhelmed by the number of things I didn’t know about. From politics to pop culture—even Micro Electro Mechanical Systems. I just felt exhausted by it all.

And so I made a decision. I decided to stop nodding frequently at the pub while crazily searching the relative information under the table. Instead, now I’m embracing saying what is really true when I don’t know what the other person is talking about. Instead of hurrying to make up some funny opinion about a show I’ve never seen, I’ll say something like: “I’ve heard of that show but I haven’t watched it yet” Saying “I don’t know” is such a simple thing. I’m sorry that it took me so long to start saying that. I’ve changed my attitude towards something I don’t know in life. I’ll never get caught in an embarrassing lie again.

1.What does the author tell us in paragraph 1?

A.His fear of making mistakes. B.The ways to make friends in the past.

C.School activities he and his friends loved. D.His sense of shame about lying in the past.

2.How did the author feel when he didn’t know about the topic m conversation?

A.Confused. B.Anxious and awkward.

C.Unconcerned. D.Calm and relaxed

3.What does the underlined word “disguise” in paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.Hide. B.Beat.

C.Expose. D.Fool.

4.What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A.To show disadvantages of being ignored.

B.To show some embarrassing learning experiences.

C.To tell us what to do with the case of being “caught out”.

D.To tell us how saying “I don’t know” changed his life attitude.


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1.What can the “Facial” experience gift help you do?

A.Build up your muscles. B.Have a new look.

C.Relax your body completely. D.Reduce blood pressure.

2.Who may prefer the experience gift “Massage”?

A.Artists who want to meditate in nature.

B.Elderly women who want to live longer.

C.Businessmen who want to get rid of pressure.

D.Actresses who want to have a fresh appearance.

3.Which of the following can best improve mental health?

A.Facial. B.Massage.

C.Personal training session. D.Private meditation session.



D-daughter                  M-mommy

D:"Mommy,are you leaving home again?"

M:"Yes,honey.Mommy is going to fight a monster!"

D:"A monster?Is it scarier than a big roaring tiger?Oh my!”

M:"Well...yes!A lot scarier!It's called Virus.Many people are working hard to defeat the monster."

D:"Who are they?”

M:"They're the scientists who are working on new medicines to cure the ill and the construction workers who are building new hospitals for patients as fast as possible.They are the delivery people who are delivering masks to everyone in need,risking being caught by the virus monsters,too...They are all ordinary people,including volunteers,but now they are also powerful soldiers;they are the bravest fighters and they are heroes!"

D:"They are so brave!But mommy,are you scared?"

M: Yes,everyone is scared.Mommy's too.But if no one goes to fight the monster,there will be more monsters,and the monsters will be even more aggressive,and they may defeat us all.”

D:"But mommy...I don't want you to leave me.”

M:"Baby,mommy doesn't want to leave you either.Sweetie,do you know what"to be brave" means?To be brave is to do the right thing even if you are really scared.?

D:"Mommy,I'll be brave,too.I want to be a doctor when I grow up,and I will fight the monsters together with you.”








3. 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;







“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight...” That is the signal for half a dozen people braving a humid morning at Kamezuka park in Tokyo to bend, stretch, jump, and run on the spot. The group's personal trainer is a portable radio fixed on the top of a children's slide. A male voice’s simple instructions, issued to a lively piano accompaniment, have become a necessity of daily life in Japan since the broadcasts, known as Rajio Tais(radio calisthenics, first hit the airwaves almost a century ago.)

In 2003,the most recent year for which data is available, 27 million people said they took part in morning calisthenics more than twice a week, whether at work, at home in front of the TV or with Neighbors in the local park. Children perform Rajio Taiso before school sports days or during special summer holiday sessions ,earning credits that can be exchanged for snacks, stationery and other gifts.

Regular participants cover a broad cross-section of Japanese society: construction, factory and office workers including the 10,000 employees of the Tokyo metropolitan government, who are encouraged to leave their desks and start moving at 3 p.m. every weekday.

There are two standard routines-the second slightly more challenging than the first-each involving arm rotations, forward bends, straddle jumps and other aerobic exercises designed to move every muscle and leave participants slightly out of breath. In 1999,a routine was added for people who use wheelchairs or have other mobility issues.

“Studies show that people who exercise this way for just a few minutes a day have improved bone density, reduced risk of suffering a stroke or heart attack, and are generally in better physical shape than other people their age who don't exercise,” says Yasuo Fukusnl, secretary general of the Japan Radio Taiso Federation.

“There has never been any pressure to modernise the programme, because people have grown up with it and know it off by heart,” adds Fukushi, who believes the routine helps explain the impressive lifespan of Japanese people.

“We even do this when it rains,” says Tomomi Okamoto, a company director who joins the Kamezuka park sessions in all weathers. “It gets the blood pumping and I always feel much better afterwards. It's a great way to start the day,” she says. “But it's not just about the exercise- it is a way of communicating with your neighbors and getting to know people.”


●Radio calisthenics have won a 1. in Japanese daily life.


●Children performing radio calisthenics to earn credits in 3. for gifts.

●Adults from all walks of life encouraged to participate 4..

Different routines


●Two standard routines 5. various aerobic exercises, leaving performers a bit 6.

●In 1999,an extra one was designed for those 7. challenged.

Potential benefits


●Compared with those who don't exercise,people who keep exercising per day are in better 8.,with bones and hearts strengthened.

●People who make it a habit to exercise are likely to have their lifespan 9.

●Some individuals consider Radio calisthenics an exercise as well as a way of 10.





    In 2010, after six years of training and further six years on the wards, I resigned from my job as a junior doctor. My parents still haven’t forgiven me.

Last year, the General Medical Council wrote to me to say they were taking my name off the medical register. It wasn’t exactly a huge shock, as I hadn’t practiced medicine in half a decade.

It was, however, excellent news for my spare room, as I cleared out box after box of old paperwork, tearing files up fast. One thing I did rescue from the jaws of death was my training portfolio (档案袋). All doctors are recommended to log their clinical experience, in what’s known as reflective practice. On looking through this portfolio for the first time in years, my reflective practice seemed to involve going up to my hospital on-call room and writing down anything remotely interesting that had happened that day.

Among the funny and the dull, I was reminded of the long hours and the huge impact being a. junior doctor had on my life. Reading back, it felt extreme and unreasonable in terms of what was expected of me, but at the time I’d just accepted it as part of the job. There were points where I wouldn’t have stepped back if an entry read “had to eat a helicopter today”.

Around the same time that I was reliving all this through my diaries, junior doctors in the here and now were coming under fire from politicians. I couldn’t help but feel doctors were struggling to get their side of the story across (probably because they were at work the whole time) and it struck me that the public weren’t hearing the truth about what it actually means to be a doctor. Rather than shrugging my shoulders and ignoring the evidence, I decided I had to do something to redress the balance.

So here they are: the diaries I kept during my time in the NHS, verruca’s and all. What it’s like working on the front line, the consequences in my personal life, and how, one terrible day, it all became too much for me. (Sorry for the spoiler of my book beforehand, but you still watched Titanic knowing how that was going to play out.)

Along the way, I’ll help you out with the medical terminology and provide a bit of context about what each job involved. Unlike being a junior doctor, I won’t just drop you in the deep end and expect you to know exactly what you’re doing.

1.Which of the following can be put in the blank in Paragraph 2?

A.But I found it a hard job to pick up my practice of medicine.

B.But I found it an easy task to turn over a new leaf in the long term.

C.But I found it a simple act to get involved in self-reflection as a junior doctor.

D.But I found it a big deal on an emotional level to permanently close this chapter of my life.

2.The author cleared out box after box of old paperwork so fast because        .

A.he was disappointed at being dismissed from the NHS

B.being removed from his position served his purpose

C.being rescued from the jaws of death discouraged him

D.he had promised to keep his patients' personal information secret

3.The phrase “had to eat a helicopter today” in Paragraph 4 indicates that a junior doctor has to        .

A.work hard for promotion B.equip himself with practical skills

C.look through all the portfolios D.live up to some extreme expectations

4.Which of the following best explains “redress the balance” underlined in Paragraph 5?

A.Argue with politicians. B.Tell the full story of doctors.

C.Collect more solid evidence. D.Win the support of the public.

5.What does the author intend to do by writing this article?

A.Reveal what it means to be a junior doctor.

B.Inform readers of some medical knowledge.

C.Give some background information on a book.

D.Encourage more people to practice medicine.

6.What attitude does the author hold towards the NHS?

A.Critical. B.Appreciative

C.Ambiguous. D.Doubtful.


    Although Facebook offers various privacy settings that can be improved, there is no way to guarantee that your photos will not be seen by people you didn't intend to share with. While the risk of sexual predators stalking(跟踪)children after seeing their Facebook photos is small, it cannot be completely discounted. Posting photos of your children also sets a bad example to them about privacy and opens them up to other dangers, such as identity theft.

Exposure to Sexual Predators

Posting photos of your children on Facebook could bring them to the attention of sexual predators, even if you set the privacy settings so that only friends and family are able to see the photos. Well-meaning relatives can republish the photos, with less strict privacy settings. This practice can be dangerous if there are easily recognizable landmarks or information that can pinpoint the location of the child in the photo. Many Facebook games and apps encourage you to increase the size of your friend list, but doing so can expose your personal information to unwanted strangers. This information, in tune with status updates revealing your whereabouts and photos of your children, can make it all too easy for someone to stalk your family.

Set a Bad Example

Young children should be taught from an early age about the dangers of revealing too much information to strangers. With smartphones and other electronic devices making it easy to post photos online, it is important that children understand the dangers of uploading the wrong kind of pictures. If you upload lots of photos of your children to Facebook. they may draw the conclusion that there is nothing wrong with sharing images online. For example, many parents post photos of their children in the bath or in their swimwear. Unless children are taught boundaries about sharing personal photos such as these, it can have a negative effect on them later in life.

Identity Theft

After you post photos of your children online on sites such as Facebook, you no longer have any control over what the images are used for. Even with strict privacy settings these photos can be viewed, downloaded, modified and uploaded elsewhere by other people if they are determined enough. Photos of your child could be used for advertising, as many website owners use photos they find on the Internet to promote their sites. Someone could even use photos of your child to create a fake profile on a teen site with the intention of getting close to other teens.

Open Children To Bullying&Intimidation(恐吓)

While posting embarrassing photos of your children on Facebook might seem like harmless fun, it can expose them to bullying and intimidation. If someone distributes these photos to online forums and websites as a joke it can cause a lot of emotional trauma for your child. In some severe cases, teens have committed suicide after threats and bullying online.

1.Paragraph I is to tell readers that_____

A.the sense of identity can be built by sharing online

B.you're likely to be stalked with your photos posted

C.posting children's picture online has become a trend

D.uploading children's photos may invite potential trouble

2.What does the author advise people to do?

A.Set the privacy settings before uploading photos.

B.Teach children to post conservative photos online.

C.Claim controls over children's photos posted online.

D.Avoid circulating children's photos containing privacy online.

3.What does the underlined word"trauma"in the last paragraph mean?

A.gain B.change

C.injury D.loss

4.What's the best title of the passage?

A.Posting children's photos online-a Pandora's Box

B.Posting children's photos online-a Herculean task

C.Posting children's photos online-a good Samaritan

D.Posting children's photos online-a God's Eye View


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