New Holland honeyeaters are experts at sounding the alarm when there's danger, according to new research from biologists at the Australian National University(ANU)and the University of Cambridge.

Study authors, Dr. Jessica McLachlan and Professor Rob Magrath, found honeyeaters can spread the word in the blink of an eye, using a two-stage alarm.

It's particularly effective when they are threatened by fast-moving birds of prey.

When a hawk is swooping down, its target has only a second to flee to cover-a split second can make the difference between life and death," Dr. McLachlan said.

But animals often signal urgent danger using repeated notes, which makes sure others hear the warning but it takes a long time to deliver."

So there's a problem. How to send a lightning-fast message in a long call?”

New Holland honeyeaters solve this problem elegantly. They "front-load" information about urgency into the first note of their alarm call, so other honeyeaters can respond quickly.

The clever honeyeaters follow this up with more notes to reinforce the message and signal how long to remain hidden.

They use a long call, with lots of notes, to make sure the message is heard," Professor Magrath said." And the more notes, the more urgent the danger."

But they also modify the first note to indicate if it's necessary to take immediate cover. So it's a two-part message that is quick, reliable and informative."

The technique is so effective the authors expect to see other species adopt it.

Many other species modify alarm calls as the threat increases, but there is surprisingly little known about how fast they convey the message," Professor Magrath said.

The researchers conducted their study in Canberra's National Botanic Gardens over a period of several years.

These birds live in the Gardens and are used to having people around. This helped us to record natural interactions with their predators(捕猎者),such as sparrow hawks and currawongs, and to video the honeyeaters' responses to different alarm calls," Professor Magrath said.

1.According to Dr. Jessica McLachlan,______

A.speed counts when it comes to honeyeaters' life or death

B.the second-part message in a honeyeater's call is more reliable

C.the message about where to take cover is conveyed very fast

D.the urgency degree relies on the first note in a honeyeater's call

2.What does"they"in Paragraph 12 refer to?

A.alarm calls B.modified notes

C.other species D.clever honeyeaters

3.The researchers' findings are mainly based on

A.the comparison between honeyeaters and other birds

B.the analysis of length of alarm calls made by honeyeaters

C.the record of the honeyeaters' response and signal transmission

D.the observation of birds in Canberra's National Botanic Gardens


    Since 1952,we've gathered three expert judges,who consider every illustrated children's book published that year in the United States.In 2017,we began partnering with the New York Public Library to administer the honor now called The New York Times/New York Public Library Best Illustrated Children's Books Award.

Here are some of the winners in 2019.

Small in the City

Sydney Smith knows that children are the best observers.In"Small in the City,"he shows us how a young child explores a city-it's unmistakably Torontowith deep knowledge of all its aspects.If we can find them and are lucky,there is shelter,kindness and hope.Smith presents an elegant urban winterscape precisely,yet with an astonishing looseness.

Neal Porter/Holiday House,$17.95;ages 4 to 8.


In a world without words,Christian Robinson 's"Another"provides the perfect balance of color,shape and texture to take the heroine and her cat companion on a determined and thoughtful voyage from her bed to a funhouse of possibility.The warmth of the color palette and her optimistic expression encourage young readers through a mysterious adventure to an alternate universe of light-filled passages.This is a science fiction picture book classic.

Simon&Schuster;$17.99;ages 4 to 8.

The Farmer

XimoAbadia has filled the pages of“The Farmer”with color.Rows and dots of red slash against yellow,blue drips and fills,while water vessels mirror the village topography.The farmer's red balloon pants and animal friends add playfulness to the seriousness of his task and the power of the landscape.We chose this book for how hard work,glaring sun and the search for water are presented through space designs that boldly stretch across the pages,reflecting and encouraging self-reliance and determination.

Holiday House,$17.99;ages 3 to 6.

Just Because

Isabellc Arsenault's richly graphic illustrations for"Just Because"perfectly mix the fanciful and the literal-just the way a child's imagination does.the judges felt.To paraphrase an old movie ad:After spending time with this beautifully designed book,you will believe that fish sing the blues and trees set their leaves on fire.

Candlewick,S17.99;ages 4 to 8.

1.If a child lacks independence,you can recommend_______

A.Small in the City B.Another

C.The Farmer D.Just Because

2.From the passage we can know,_______

A.the New York Public Library is a winner of 2019

B.Small in the City introduces the country life in a cautious way

C.Just Because by Isabelle Arsenault has been adapted into a movie

D.Christian Robinson encourages children to learn about the unknown world


    I come from a broken family that many would consider dysfunctional(失衡)at the very least: marriage, divorce,etc.After we grew up,my three siblings and I could go years_______speaking. And that is where this story _______

My sister Jeanne and I were born only 14 months_______.but by the time we were teenagers We had lost _______.  By age 19,I had moved away from our home in Wisconsin to live on my  father's horse farm in Virginia.We lived separate and our connection somehow ended.

Fast-forward about five years,I was 24 and on _______ with my fiance(未婚天)to New York City,a place I had never been to.

During a day of sightseeing,we were crossing a very _______ street loaded with people.I had laughed at something my fiance said,and I _______  heard my name yelled from somewhere around  me:"Cheryl! "I _______ in my steps in the middle of the road.Tears_______ in my eyes.I knew without a ____________that it was my sister Jeanne.I yelled back before even turning to look."Jeanne? It was her.

I later asked how she'd known it was me---she ____________ saw me!She said it was my ____________I wouldn't say my laugh is all that  ____________,but I guess to a family member it's infectious.It ____________your heart and resonates(共鸣)in your mind.

Since that time,my sister and I have never been____________.We both moved back to Wisconsin. We____________daily.Many years have passed,and we are now in our 50s.But our meeting ____________wasn't just a sign.I see it as more of a ____________ , a reminder not to lose touch with loved ones.It is too easy to remain ____________.After our sister-to-sister ____________,I don't plan to let that happen again. B.after C.without D.beyond

2.A.ends B.begins C.twists D.spreads

3.A.ago B.away C.ahead D.apart

4.A.heart B.home C.touch D.interest B.trip D.picnic

6.A.busy B.dark C.empty D.quiet

7.A.readily B.finally C.suddenly D.naturally

8.A.fell B.froze C.struggled D.hesitated

9.A.came about B.welled up C.ran away D.streamed back

10.A.word B.break D.doubt

11.A.never B.often C.seldom D.already

12.A.shape C.look D.laugh

13.A.clear B.pleasant C.bright D.unusual

14.A.hits B.lifts C.breaks D.cures

15.A.separated B.bothered C.suspected D.united mistake chance C.on schedule D.on purpose

18.A.change B.result C.lesson D.coincidence

19.A.lost B.touched C.broken D.loved B.theory C.miracle D.move


Unfortunately,____________we should expect gratitude,we often find the opposite.

A.what B.that D.where


Do you like your new place?

Yes,I do.But it's a little far from my college,and the traffic____________me.

A.killed B.has killed C.had killed killing


Can you tell me how to keep my appetite_____________?

Dividing one heavy meal into two smaller ones is helpful. ease peace check secret


Were all the articles of clothing for the models carried to the fashion show?

No,_______only some of them. is was C.they are D.they were


The company is running out of its fund__________and may soon be unable to pay its bills.

A.reserves B.sources C.incomes D.collections


I can't remember his name clearly.Is it Brain Johnson?

Yes,____________. name it B.that's the point C.that's it deserve it


It's a(n)_________choice between taking the job and staying out of work.Better not waste more time on it!

A.straight B.flexible C.intelligent D.important


You really did a good job,Robert!

I was just doing my job and anyone in my position___________the same like me.

A.might do B.could do C.should have done D.would have done


____________the physical responses are a sense of comfort and a rush of relaxation.

A.Accompanied B.Being accompanied C.Accompanying D.To accompany


We have to get the economy under control or it will____________eat us up.

A.literally B.normally C.primitively D.originally


The designers are over the moon.What's up?

They've reached an agreement on_________the bonuses are to be divided later.

A.why C.where D.when


Optimism is the essential ingredient of top performers,__________we assume separates the high achievers from the rest. B.who C.which D.that


Many migrating birds wing their way over and through the city,_____some surprising natural scenery.

A.created B.creating C.having created create


The regulations_____________anyone in our school with nobody an exception.

A.go for for C.turn to D.belong to


The naughty boy was so curious that he________his neck to see what was going on.

A.fastened B.stretched D.strengthened



Who is in control of your life? Who is pulling your strings? For the majority of us, it’s other people --- society, colleagues, friends, or our family. We learned this way of operating when we were very young, of course. We were brainwashed. We discovered that feeling important and feeling accepted was a nice experience and so we learned to do everything we could to make other people like us. As Oscar Wilde puts it, “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry(模仿), their passions a quotation.”

When people tell us how wonderful we are, it makes us feel good. We long for this good feeling like a drug we are addicted to it and seek it out wherever we can. Therefore, we are so eager for the approval of others that we live unhappy and limited lives, failing to do the things we really want to. Just as drug addicts and alcoholics live worsened lives to keep getting their drug, we worsen our own existence to get our own constant drug of approval.

But, just as with any drug, there is a price to pay. The price of the approval drug is freedom --- the freedom to be ourselves. The truth is that we cannot control what other people think. Everyone has a different way of thinking, and people change their opinions all the time. Moreover, people have their own business, and in the end, they’re more interested in themselves than in you.

The person who tries to please everyone will only end up getting exhausted and probably pleasing no one in the process.

So how can we take back control? I think there’s only one way --- make a conscious decision to stop caring what other people think. We should guide ourselves by means of a set of values --- not values imposed(强加) from the outside by others, but values which come from within. If we are driven by these values and not by the changing opinions and value systems of others, we will live a more authentic, effective, purposeful and happy life.











参考词汇:助教 teaching assistant

Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m glad to see your advertisement on the Internet.







Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



DC-based chef Jose Andres announced his plans, to use 1.(temporary) empty stadiums for charity purposes, back in March 2.the coronavirus pandemic started to accelerate. 3.(feed) the many people who found 4.(they) in need because of the national lockdown, Andres and his charity organization called World Central Kitchen needed 5. big kitchen.The national park baseball stadium in Washington DC was just about right. US people 6.(use) stadiums before. They are an important part of the community 7. emergency times. And tens of thousands of meals are going to be produced. Meat, vegetables, rice and fruits, cooked food is packed into 8.(contain) and Ubereats drivers deliver them to their destination, hospitals, nursing homes, low-income homes and areas where 9.(home) people congregate (聚集). Despite the size of the operation, everyone 10.(involve) stays safe because of temperature check and security measures.


    When Blake guided his dogsled past me towards the starting slide, Thor, his black lead dog roared at Kenai fiercely. I _______ to pat Kenai. We’d trained two years for this moment. “I know, boy. You’re _______, aren’t you?”

It was our _______ next. My dogs howled and jumped, _______ to begin. My heart beat so _______ that I almost didn’t hear the beginning of countdown (倒计时). Before I could yell “Hike!”

Kenai leaped forward and the rest of the dogs _______ after. As soon as Kenai caught the scent of another team, he raced to close the gap with his tail up. He _______ seemed to grin (咧嘴笑) each time we passed the sled.

We flew down the hill. Then we _______ a corner. I leaned to keep the sled steady. My smart dog saw Blake’s team _______ I did. His tail flew up. We inched closer. On the next hill, Kenai drew even with Blake’s sled. Blake glanced ________ his shoulder, and then shouted to his team. I jumped off and raced alongside the sled, still holding on. “See you at the finish.” I yelled to Blake.

But suddenly our sled hit a branch. The runners caught and fell ________ the trail and down a steep bank. I lost my ________, with the whole mess sliding. After a sudden cry, the dogs and sled finally came to ________. I struggled through the deep snow to Kenai. I reached him and pulled him up the hill. Then I ________. The snow under him was bright red. He was hurt! “Kenai! No!” My voice came out a howl. Kenai struggled to stand. He looked at me, his blue eyes ________ to keep on. He would do it too. He would run us all the way to the finish, no matter ________ it took. For one frozen moment I saw myself on the winner’s stand. I saw the miles of trail we’d run. I saw the ________ I’d made on my shelf for the medal. But then I saw Kenai, my devoted friend. No, there was something I wanted ________ winning. I gently ________ Kenai in a blanket and backed onto the trail.

Of course, Blake won, but I didn’t feel sorry for myself for I had the prize that really ________.

I smiled as I felt a warm tongue on my cheek.

1.A.handed out B.bent back C.turned up D.knelt down

2.A.ready B.annoyed C.nervous D.helpful

3.A.chance C.turn D.line

4.A.ambitious B.eager C.delighted D.hopeful

5.A.heavily B.quickly C.gently D.wildly

6.A.charged B.pulled C.jumped D.barked

7.A.still B.mostly C.just D.even

8.A.rounded B.arrived C.cut D.drove

9.A.after B.when D.before B.over D.on

11.A.down B.away D.across

12.A.hold B.way C.temper D.sight end B.a close C.a stop D.a finish

14.A.quitted B.stopped C.froze D.sighed

15.A.begging B.suggesting C.persuading D.requesting B.what C.who D.which B.board

18.A.more than B.less than C.rather than D.other than

19.A.brought up B.put up C.wrapped up D.took up

20.A.valued B.cherished C.counted D.deserved


    For decades developed countries have poured large quantities of dollars into developing countries through foreign aid. Some people think that aid from developed countries to developing countries is not having the desired effect. 1.. They argue that foreign aid makes developing countries lazy to develop for themselves. They also argue that a lot of these aids have conditions attached, which enables developed countries to reap (收获) from developing countries more than they sow. As a Hungarian economist once said, “Aid money is money taken from the poor in developed countries and given to the rich in developing countries.”

2.. In their opinion, even though foreign aid isn’t having the desired result, it is better than not providing aid at all. “Over half of the world’s population lives in less developed countries.”

Many of them are rather poor. “3.,” said one volunteer in Africa. They argue that most 5developing countries still need aid before they move away from dependency to self-reliance.

4.. However, it is also true that there are certain things which foreign aid can’t do. Experience has shown that foreign aid can’t solve every economic problem of a developing country. It can’t bring about instant progress. 5.. If we really want to help those less developed countries, we need to seriously consider the types of aid we are sending over there.

A.I do believe that no one should be doing nothing

B.Foreign aid may not produce large economic benefits

C.Many other people, however, are against the arguments above

D.Thus, foreign aid is of little importance in promoting development

E.It is true that aid plays an economically useful role in poor countries

F.A country’s economic development depends, eventually, upon its own people

G.In certain cases, foreign aid to developing countries is causing more harm than good


    Intelligent people are more likely to trust others, while those who score lower on measures of intelligence are less likely to do so. Oxford university researchers based their findings on an analysis of the General Social Survey.

The authors say one explanation could be that more intelligent individuals are better at judging characters and may spend more time building relationships with people they can trust. Another reason could be that smarter people are better at weighing up situations and assessing whether or not the other person will keep his or her side of a bargain.

“Intelligence is shown to be linked with trusting others,”said the study’s lead author, Noah Carl of Oxford University. “This finding supports what other researchers have argued, namely that being a good judge of characters is a distinct part of human intelligence.”

In addition, the study shows that individuals who are more trusting are also happier with their lives and have higher levels of physical health. The Oxford researchers found, however, that the links between trust and health, and between trust and happiness, are not explained by intelligence. The findings confirmed that trust is a valuable resource for an individual, and is not simply a measure of intelligence.

The authors say the research is significant because the study of social trust could have far-reaching implications for public welfare, as social trust contributes to the success of important social institutions, such as welfare systems and financial markets.

According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, trust is in increasingly short supply in the current generation. This decline threatens world leaders’ability to handle some of today’s key challenges like global warming, and the political systems. There are good reasons to think that governments should try to develop more trust in society.

“Distrust usually causes friction in personal relationships, careers and politics among people,” says Stephen Covey. Although the majority of people say that trust can never be restored once it’s broken, Stephen feels it can be brought back. “It’s not easy, and it takes time, but you do it through your behavior, not just things you say.”

1.It can be concluded from the analysis of the General Social Survey that ______.

A.intelligent individuals spend less time on interpersonal relationships

B.judgment of characters determines the level of intelligence

C.intelligence accounts for the connection between trust and health

D.intelligent people tend to show more trust in others

2.What does the underlined phrase in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.make the best of a situation.

B.stick to one’s promise as agreed.

C.figure out the true value of a bargain.

D.make an assessment of a deal

3.According to the research, higher level of social trust is _______.

A.a contributing factor to successful public institutions

B.a basic step to deal with global warming

C.a decisive basis for stable political systems

D.a complete solution to interpersonal conflicts

4.When it comes to rebuilding trust, Stephen is most likely to agree that _____.

A.behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his image

B.actions always speak louder than words

C.behavior is largely determined by mind

D.action is the proper fruit of knowledge


    One afternoon while preparing dinner in her kitchen, Anne Peters, a 32-year-old American housewife, suddenly had severe pains in her chest accompanied by shortness of breath. Frightened by the thought that she was having a heart attack, Anne screamed for help. Her husband immediately rushed Anne to a nearby hospital where her pains were diagnosed (诊断) as having been caused by panic, and not a heart attack.

More and more Americans nowadays are having panic attacks like the one experienced by Anne Peters. Studies discover that approximately 1.2 million adult individuals are currently suffering from severe and recurrent (重复发作) panic attacks.

There have been a lot of explanations as to the causes of panic attacks. Many claim that psychological stress could be a logical cause, but as yet, no evidence has been found to support this theory. Recent reports have shown there are at least three signs that indicate a person is suffering from a panic attack rather than a heart attack. The first is age. People between the ages of 20 and 30 are more often victims of panic attacks. The second is sex. More women suffer from recurrent panic attacks than men. The third is the variety of symptoms. A heart attack victim often experiences only pain and shortness of breath while a panic attack victim usually suffers more symptoms than the two mentioned.

It is generally agreed that a panic attack does not directly endanger a person’s life. All the same, it can negatively affect a person’s life by making him or her so afraid of having a panic attack in at a public place that he or she may refuse to leave home. Dr. Crocker’s advice to anyone who thinks he is suffering from a panic attack is to consult a doctor for a medical examination to rule out the possibilities of physical illness first. Once it has been confirmed that he or she is, in fact, suffering from a panic attack, the victim should turn to psychologists and doctors.

1.What happened to Anne?

A.Her heart failed. B.She hurt her chest.

C.She had a panic attack. D.Her breath stopped.

2.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?

A.Panic attacks go hand in hand with heart attacks.

B.Old people are more likely to have panic attacks.

C.Panic attacks involve a wider range of symptoms.

D.It is psychological stress that causes panic attacks.

3.What is Dr. Crocker’s advice to victims of panic attack?

A.To have a thorough medical check.

B.To rule out the possibilities of illness.

C.To examine the symptoms on their own.

D.To seek psychological and medical help.


    Two things changed my life: my mother and a white, plastic, daisy bike basket. I have thought long and hard about it and it’s true. I would be a different person if my mom hadn’t turned a silly bicycle accessory (配件) into a life lesson I carry with me today.

It was summer and, one day, my mother drove me to the bike shop to get a tire fixed — and there it was in the window. White, shiny, plastic and decorated with daisies, the basket seemed so appealing and I knew I had to have it.

“Mom, please can I please, please get it? I’ll do extra chores for as long as you say. I’ll do anything, but I need that basket. Please, Mom. Please?”

“You know,” she said, gently rubbing my back while we both stared at what I believed was the coolest thing ever, “If you save up, you could buy this yourself.”

“By the time I make enough it’ll be gone!’

“Maybe Roger here could hold it for you,” She smiled at Roger, the bike guy.

“For that long? He can’t hold it for that long, Mom. Someone else will buy it. Please, Mom, please?”

“There might be another choice,” she said. My mother bought the beautiful basket and put it safely out of reach in some hiding place I couldn’t find. Each week I eagerly counted my growing nest egg earned by extra work here and there (washing the car, helping my mother make dinner, delivering milk around the neighborhood). And then, weeks later maybe, I counted, re-counted and jumped for joy. Oh, happy day! I made it! I finally had the exact amount we’d agreed upon.

Days later, the unthinkable happened. A neighborhood girl I’d played with millions of times appeared with the exact same basket fixed to her shiny, new bike that already had all the bells and whistles. I rode my bike fast home to tell my mother about this disaster, this horrible turn of events.

And then came the lesson I’ve taken with me through my life: “Honey, your basket is extra-special,” Mom said, gently wiping away my hot tears. “Your basket is special because you paid for it yourself.”

1.In Paragraph 1, the writer shows a sense of _________.

A.loneliness B.gratitude C.brightness D.regret

2.The writer finally got the basket she desired by _________.

A.waiting and sharing B.crying and begging

C.working and saving D.borrowing and returning

3.What lesson did the mother want to teach her children?

A.The fruit of one’s labor tastes sweeter. B.After rain comes fair weather.

C.Hard work leads to success. D.Tolerance and patience bring happiness.



1.Why is it difficult for many people to make good coffee in the morning?

A.They have the wrong kind of machine.

B.They are too sleepy.

C.They have little time.

2.What is true about the Morning Miracle?

A.Its coffee is better than Starbucks’.

B.It takes half the time as other machines.

C.It can be controlled with your voice.

3.How much does the Morning Miracle cost including shipping?

A.$114. B.$99. C.$84.

4.Where does the talk take place?

A.On the phone. B.On TV. C.On the radio.



1.Why is the woman frustrated?

A.The man is rude to her.

B.The restaurant is missing many items.

C.The man told her to hold for too long.

2.Which of the following is NOT included in the Greek Salad?

A.Cheese. B.Lettuce. C.Olives.

3.What does the woman order in the end?

A.Pizza. B.Salad. C.None.



1.Which collisions happened much more often?

A.Those between cyclists and people crossing the street.

B.Those between people crossing the street and motor vehicles.

C.Those between motor vehicles and bicycles.

2.Where were the 15 people on foot killed?

A.On the main roads.

B.At the intersections.

C.On sidewalks and other off-road areas.

3.Who was the main victim of the accidents?

A.People on foot. B.Cyclists. C.Car drivers.



1.What did the man think of the ending of the play?

A.It was a surprise.

B.It was too good to be true.

C.It was a mixture of happiness and sadness.

2.What did the producers do?

A.They put huge amount of money into the play.

B.They did a good job on a modest investment.

C.They invited the speakers to write reviews.

3.What does the man say about the play’s fate?

A.It might be a hit.

B.It will only be shown in small theaters.

C.It’s good but won’t be reviewed well.


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