Enjoy Movies on TV

Monday, Feb. 10

The Secret Life of Pets

In this lively cartoon hit, a pampered dog reluctantly befriends his owner’ s new dog after the pair are caught by Animal Control and fall in love with a revengeful rabbit. 7:30 p. m., Channel FXM

Tuesday, Feb. 11

Spider-Man: Far From Home

Peter Parker joins his high school’ s field trip to Europe, which gives him a chance to spin webs on a variety of Old World landmarks. Tom Holland and Zendaya co-star.6:45 p.m., Channel Starz

Wednesday, Feb.12

Open Water

Delivering almost as many shark scares as Jaws, the movie, full of thrillers, follows a husband and wife on a scuba tour (潜水) who are accidentally left in predator-infested waters.8 p.m., Channel TCM

Thursday, Feb. 13


Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore co-star in a high-concept love story that has no right to succeed as a movie but does.8 p.m., Channel Epix

Friday, Feb.14


In perhaps the most romantic film ever, Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman play former lovers who meet again in Morocco.8 p.m., Channel TCM

Saturday, Feb. 15


In the big-screen adaptation of Alan Moore’s landmark graphic novel, some super-heroes who’ve helped the world survive the Cold War through 1985 now secretly unite to solve the murder of one of their own. 6:30 p.m., Channel IFC

1.Those who are fond of little pets can see______.

A.The Secret Life of Pets B.Spider-man: Far From Home

C.Open Water D.Ghost

2.Which of the following movies is your best choice if you like graphic novel?

A.Open Water. B.Ghost.

C.Casablanca. D.Watchman.

3.The passage is a______.

A.movie review B.movie advertisement

C.guide on movies on TV D.movie poster


假定你是李华,是新华中学的学生。外籍教师Ms. Hall将到你班教课。请你代表班级给她写封电子邮件,内容包括:

1. 表示欢迎;

2. 简要陈述你们班英语学习方面的问题;

3. 对英语课堂的期望。

注意:1. 词数100左右

2. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。

Dear Ms. Hall,



Li Hua






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

When I was studying in the UK, my school held a singing contest. I signed up although I really loved singing. I sang with a boy named as Steve. He’s one of my best friend. Unfortunately, I forgot the lyrics for a moment while they sang. I was standing onstage, look nervous. Not surprisingly, we lose the contest. I felt very sadly. Steve comforted me by saying, “There will be another chance.” One week late, at our school’s art festival, we sang a song together again. It was unforgettable and touching afternoon. I want to thank Steve, whom didn’t give up on me when I felt down.



Having a vegan diet might sound hard. However, in recent years, veganism (纯素食主义) has become one of 1. fastest-growing lifestyle trends in the world.

According to HuffPost, more than 3 million people in the United States are vegans. In the UK, about 542,000 people 2. (choose) veganism over the past decade.

What is driving this 3. (grow) in veganism? It is because people want to protect the environment. Producing meat and dairy products 4. (be) stressful for the environment. According to a study, global meat manufacturing causes about 18 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. This figure is 5. (high) than all the world’s cars, trains and planes combined. Another reason is 6. many of today’s young people believe it’s wrong to kill animals for food.

For many people, veganism 7. (simple) means eating no meat, cheese or eggs, but going animal-free also applies to fashion and manufacturing. Every year more than a billion animals are killed 8. (make) leather products from their skins. Now, many brands are looking for other materials .The sports brand Puma has made shoes out of pineapple leaves. Tesla is said to be removing animal-based leather 9. its seats.

So, if you’re interested in 10. (protect) the environment, you might want to give veganism a try.


    One day, my husband, David, and I were taking our dog Joey for his evening walk. We were on our way home, ________ toward a bridge, when I heard some loud noises ahead.

As we went near, I could see a(n) ________ sitting on the ground. It was a young man, crying and shouting, with his whole body shaking. I ________ and suddenly realized the ________ of the situation. High-speed trains ran over the bridge and it was a well-known spot for those who wanted to take their own ________.

David and I ________ glances. There was no one around. I knew I would never be able to ________ myself if his death was reported the next day and I’d done nothing. I moved ________ toward the man and asked him if I could sit down, and then ________ myself onto the ground opposite him. I tried a few ________ questions: “What’s your name? How old are you? What do you do?” His answers were ________. “Tommy. 23. Computers.”

“Are you OK?” I asked. “No, I’m not!” he ________ back. He lost control of his ________ —tears one moment; anger the next. I tried my best to make a ________. I even retold the story of Neil Laybourn, who had ________ a man down from Waterloo Bridge in London 10 years ago.

“They’re great friends now.” I said. “Who knows? That could be us.” I was saying anything to calm him down, to show him I was a person who cared, and his life still ________. Then I heard the sound of a train in the distance and knew this was it: the moment he could ________ himself out there.

Time slowed down. There was ________. I told him my name, Joey’s name, where I lived, how I was a mother of three. When the train passed, I let out a ________. By this time, Tommy’s cries were slowing down and he was stroking (抚摸) Joey. “He is a(n) ________ little thing, isn’t he?” he said.

1.A.running B.bending C.heading D.leading

2.A.object B.shadow C.body D.figure

3.A.froze B.yelled C.exploded D.hesitated

4.A.difficulty B.seriousness C.importance D.reality

5.A.life B.way C.time D.place

6.A.took B.shot C.stole D.exchanged

7.A.go with B.live with C.conflict with D.deal with

8.A.hopefully B.slowly C.casually D.quickly

9.A.applied B.landed C.dragged D.lowered

10.A.harsh B.tricky C.private D.gentle

11.A.single B.abundant C.simple D.honest

12.A.shouted B.whispered C.answered D.turned

13.A.emotions B.mind C.temper D.behaviours

14.A.contribution B.difference C.connection D.suggestion

15.A.brought B.reached C.forced D.talked

16.A.existed B.continued C.mattered D.suffered

17.A.throw B.push C.drop D.squeeze

18.A.everything B.nothing C.something D.anything

19.A.cry B.sound C.murmur D.sigh

20.A.brave B.sweet C.clumsy D.ugly


New Year’s resolutions you should be making about time management

You likely already have too many goals and too many disappointments from this past year. So as you look ahead to 2020, the idea of adding more seems kind of exciting but also a bit forbidding. That’s why as a time management coach, I recommend that you do the opposite: 1.

Know less

It’s okay not to be up-to-date on everything. To cut down on these distractions, you might turn off social media notifications on your phone. 2. Unsubscribe from notification emails or newsletters you don’t read regularly.

Resolution: I resolve to be less aware of “interesting” things so I can be interested in and present for the people around me.

Care less

This one may sound a bit unfeeling.You may want to be a kind and thoughtful person for your friends and family and to serve your clients well. 3. What that means is that you say “No” a lot.

Here is a way:

I am at the service of my customers Monday through Friday, during the day. 4. Being able to unplug from work in my personal time increases my ability to serve my clients well when I’m in the office.

Resolution: 5. Consequently, I can match my time with my highest priorities and take better care of the people closest to me.

Is it easy to do less? No. But will it lead you to the best outcomes in the end? Yes. You’ll thank yourself for it at the end of 2020.

A.Resolve to do less.

B.Contact people face to face.

C.I have to manage my time strategically.

D.But I don’t feel the need to be available 24/7.

E.Alternatively, you could offload the apps altogether.

F.I resolve to care less about what others want me to do.

G.But you can’t care about everyone who wants your attention professionally.


    Back in the early 2000s, lots of people couldn’t have imagined life without alarm clocks, CD players, calendars, cameras, or lots of other devices. But along came the iPhone and other smartphones, and they took over the functions of dozens of things we used to think were essential.

The smartphone story could even be a model for fighting climate change; not because smartphones use a small part of the energy of all the things they replace—although they do—but because they represent a different approach to design in general. And that approach is to focus on function rather than form. That requires focusing on understanding the underlying problem, and then engineering a wide range of potential solutions. This approach could revolutionize how we think about energy efficiency.

Traditionally, improvements in energy efficiency have mostly focused on individual devices, which can be quite fruitful. But focusing on individual devices is like if Apple had spent effort inventing a better alarm clock, a better CD player, a better calendar, and a better camera. Now with an iPhone, we don’t need the standalone devices at all, because it can function as all of them.

So when it comes to using energy efficiently, rather than just installing a more efficient heater, some people have focused instead on the desired function: staying warm. They designed and coated their house so well that they could get rid of their heater altogether, letting them heat their house with 99% less energy.

In the same way, rather than just making cars more efficient, what if we focus on the desired function—getting where we want when we want—and create an efficient transportation system where we can drive less or get rid of our personal cars entirely?

The most energy efficient car or heater is no car, or no heater, while still being able to get around and stay warm. In other words, it’s not thinking efficient, it’s thinking different.

1.What makes the iPhone a good example of environmental protection?

A.Perfecting individual devices.

B.Combining possible functions.

C.Adopting a minimalist design.

D.Reducing the energy consumption.

2.According to the passage, what is the core of improving energy efficiency?

A.Using recyclable materials.

B.Revolutionizing technologies.

C.Figuring out various solutions.

D.Concentrating on the essential needs.

3.What does the author think of traditional practices in energy improvements?

A.Out-of-date. B.Ineffective.

C.Adequate. D.Successful.

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Think out of the box. B.Differences make it unique.

C.Be economical with energy. D.Step out of the comfort zone.


    Anyone who commutes (通勤) by car knows that traffic jams are an unavoidable part of life. But humans are not alone in facing potential backups.

Ants also commute—between their nest and sources of food. The survival of their colonies depends on doing this efficiently.

When humans commute, there’s a point at which cars become dense (稠密) enough to slow down the flow of traffic, causing jam. Motsch, a mathematician in Arizona State University, and his colleagues wanted to know if ants on the move could also get stuck. So they regulated traffic density by constructing bridges of various widths between a colony of Argentine ants and a source of food. Then they waited and watched. “The goal was to try to find out at what point they are going to have a traffic jam.” said Sebastien Motsch.

But it appears that that never happened. They always managed to avoid traffic jam. The flow of ants did increase at the beginning as ants started to fill the bridge and then levelled off at high densities. But it never slowed down or stopped, even when the bridge was nearly filled with ants.

The researchers then took a closer look at how the behaviour of individual ants impacted traffic as a whole. And they found that when ants sense overcrowding, they adjust their speeds and avoid entering high-density areas, which prevents jams. These behaviours may be promoted by pheromones, chemicals that tell other ants where a trail is. The ants also manage to avoid colliding (碰撞) with each other at high densities, which could really slow them down. The study is in the journal eLife.

Can ants help us solve our own traffic problems? Not likely, says Motsch. That’s because when it comes to getting from point A to point B as fast as possible, human drivers put their own goals first. Individual ants have to be more cooperative in order to feed the colony. But the research could be useful in improving traffic flow for self-driving cars, which can be designed to be less like selfish humans—and more like ants.

1.What does the underlined word “this” in para.2 refer to?

A.Surviving. B.Commuting.

C.Finding food. D.Avoiding jams.

2.How did the researchers control the traffic density of the commuting ants?

A.By finding out the dense points. B.Through closer observation.

C.By controlling the widths of their path. D.By regulating their numbers.

3.According to the research, ants can avoid traffic jams mainly because ________.

A.they follow a special route.

B.they level off at high densities.

C.they never stop or slow down on the way.

D.they depend on their natural chemicals to adjust their speeds.

4.What is the best title of the passage?

A.Traffic jams. B.Unavoidable? Not for ants!

C.Survival of an ant colony. D.Difference between human and ants.


    I was 16 years old the day I skipped school for the first time. It was easily done: Both my parents left for work before my school bus arrived, so when it showed up at my house on that cold winter morning, I simply did not get on. The perfect crime!

And what did I do with myself on that glorious stolen day, with no adult in charge and no limits on my activities? Did I get high? Hit the mall for a shoplifting extravaganza (狂欢)?

Nope. I built a warm fire in the wood stove, prepared a bowl of popcorn, grabbed a blanket, and read. I was thrilled and transported by a book—it was Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises—and I just needed to be alone with it for a little while. I ached to know what would happen to Jake Barnes and Lady Brett Ashley and Robert Cohn. I couldn’t bear the thought of sitting in a classroom taking another biology exam when I could be traveling through Spain in the 1920s with a bunch of expatriates (异乡客).

I spent that day lost in words. Time fell away, as the room around me turned to mist, and my role –as a daughter, sister, teenager, and student— in the world no longer had any meaning. I had accidentally come across the key to perfect happiness: I had become completely absorbed by something I loved.

Looking back on it now, I can see that some subtle things were happening to my mind and to my life while I was in that state of absorption. Hemingway’s language was quietly braiding itself into my imagination. I was downloading information about how to create simple and elegant sentences, a good and solid plot. In other words, I was learning how to write. Without realizing it, I was hot on the trail of my own fate. Writing now absorbs me the way reading once did and happiness is their generous side effect.

1.Why did the author skip school on that day?

A.Because her parents left home early.

B.Because it was a cold winter morning.

C.Because she was fascinated by a novel.

D.Because she hated to take the biology exam.

2.What did the author think is the source of true joy?

A.Reading by the fire. B.Travelling in Spain.

C.Breaking the regulations. D.Being occupied by one’s passion.

3.Which can best replace the underlined phrase “braiding itself into” in the last paragraph?

A.Entering. B.Destroying.

C.Mending. D.Blocking.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A.I was tired of my real-life roles.

B.I learnt how to write on the internet.

C.Hemingway’s style influenced me a lot.

D.Becoming a writer was my childhood dream.


    Each year the Hay Festival attracts some of the world’s leading writers, artists and thinkers, to talk, share their thoughts and ideas and meet audiences. Ensuring guests are warmly received and well looked after during their stay has always been a top mission and one of the Festival’s key jobs.

All events management student volunteers need to be attentive and helpful. In return, they get the chance to meet some amazing, creative people, and experience the daily running of a fast-moving international festival, where time-keeping is important and, above all, performers and audience leave having had a thoroughly enjoyable, stimulating (启发性的) and thought-inspiring day.

We require volunteers in two areas:

Events Management

Events management student volunteers help out with a wide range of duties including meeting and greeting authors, assisting with book signings, accompanying artists to events, stage management assistance and manning reception desks.

Creative Workshops

Creative workshops student volunteers assist authors, illustrators and workshop leaders in the setting up and running of workshops. These roles may interest those who have a particular interest in visual arts and/or illustration.


The 2020 festival dates are Thursday 21 May–Sunday 31 May. Applicants will need to be available for the duration of the festival.

Who can apply?

We are looking for 24 young people between the ages of 18 and 25, who can demonstrate a passion for the arts and interest in events management.

Please send a CV and a short covering letter to ellen@hayfestival.com (for Events Management), or adrian@hayfestival.org (for Creative Workshops).

The closing date for both applications is 28 February 2020, and we will let applicants know whether they’ve been successful as early as possible in March 2020. Please indicate which role you are applying for or express a preference. If shortlisted (入围), you’ll need to be available for a short Skype interview.

1.What is the priority of the Hay Festival’s duty?

A.To meet creative people. B.To exchange ideas.

C.To receive more visitors. D.To serve guests well.

2.What must be mentioned in the application letter?

A.Available Time. B.The desired role.

C.A covering letter. D.Personal interests.

3.What is the deadline for the application?

A.20 March, 2020. B.21 May, 2020.

C.28 February,2020. D.31 May, 2020.



It was an ordinary day for Shawn Turner and his kids as they were driving home along Military Trail on the morning of February 23. However, all this was about to change when his 9 -year -old son Timmy suddenly yelled from the backseat. He alerted him that  there  was a car floating in the canal they were passing by.

Shawn immediately pulled off onto the shoulder near the Boca Raton canal. The 33 - year-old dad rushed out of his vehicle and saw a woman behind the wheel in the sinking car. Knowing that there was no time to waste, Shawn quickly took off his sweatpants and jumped into the water.

He swam up to the window and confirmed that the woman, later identified as Molly Pedrone, was unconscious. She was still buckled (弯曲) in as her white Kia Soul filled with water. A woman also jumped in to assist with the rescue.

He shot his hand through the cracked window to roll it all the way down and launched his  body halfway across the front seat. Shawn struggled to unbuckle Molly’s seatbelt. Just then, a man later identified as Adam Gunn dived into the water and quickly swam towards the driver’s side window.

By then, the car was close to being fully submerged. Shawn climbed inside to free Molly. Shawn lifted Molly out of her seat so that Adam could pull her through the driver’s side window. Because of his weight, the car started sinking faster. His 14-year-old son, who was filming the rescue, yelled in panic,“Dad, jump out! Get out!  ”

Just as the car’s entire front was underwater,  Shawn’s head emerged from the surface. He, the woman, and Adam carried Molly to the shore. As they were bringing her to the bank, Molly opened her eyes, looking confused.

“I told her to relax, that she was in an accident and that her car went into the water,”

Shawn said.

However, Molly had no recollection of the whole rescue, it was when she got in the hospital that she understood everything that had happened.

     The attack rendered her unconscious, and that’s when her car came crashing into the  canal.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________                                 

Molly and Shawn met on Tuesday, and she says she couldn’t thank him enough and everyone involved in for what they did for her.                                           ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________                                                      










Wu Yu, a nurse in the 1.(three) medical team dispatched to Wuhan from Xiangya Hospital, Hunan, didn’t expect her wish would come true so soon.

On the eve of International Women’s Day, she made a special wish during 2. on - camera interview 3. Argentinian superstar footballer Lionel Messi could  send her 8 - year-old son a jersey.

I believe a jersey from Messi would definitely encourage my boy 4. (become) a member of the national youth training team,” the mother said. That night, the official Weibo account of Argentina’s national football team 5. (respond): “Hello, nurse mother! After hearing your wish, we are going to send you a No. 10 Messi jersey. We hope your son can have a 6. (bright) future after wearing his idol’s shirt!  ”

Coming out of the hospital after a night shift, Wu received the good news the next morning.  “I didn’t 7. (real) expect this wish to come true because I just wanted to encourage my son,” she said. One of the 8. (reason) she had requested to join the fight against coronavirus in Wuhan is that she wanted to set a good example 9. son at the age of 8, 10. (tell) him that no difficulty can stop people from chasing their dreams.


    I was 17 years old. Along with a dozen other boys I had made a long trip to Iowa in order to see a college that I was thinking of __________. While  the trip had been _________ for  the most part, now that I was there I was feeling depressed, alone, and isolated. I was missing my _____ and I was also missing the Appalachian mountains and the forests of my home. I loved _____ the leaves turned  a thousand  shades of green in the Spring and then _________ a sea of red, gold, and orange in the Fall.

Here in Iowa everything was __________. The grass looked burnt and brown. All that I could _____ was a mixture  of corn, mud, and pigs. I walked outside  the dormitory  of the  college and sat on an old stump. I closed my eyes and ________ being back home again. When I finally opened them,  however, I saw  something  that touched my _________. It was  a  Prairie  Sunset. It seemed to ________  the sky  from  horizon  to  horizon.  Gold,  red,  purple  and  pink  clouds  all ______ together in a picture painted by Heaven’s own hand. It was so huge that it took my breath  away. It made our  mountain  sunsets  seem _________ by comparison.  I realized  that this place too had its own special beauty. This place too was a part of nature’s __________ .

Over the years to come I learned something else. Each of us has a special beauty ______ .

Each of us has our own ________ talents and abilities.

1.A.assisting B.attending C.visiting D.quitting

2.A.fun B.hard C.novel D.tiresome

3.A.chance B.school C.family D.goal

4.A.when B.how C.why D.whether

5.A.became B.flooded C.drew D.surrounded

6.A.easy B.beautiful C.flat D.rough

7.A.hear B.touch C.taste D.smell

8.A.cared about B.prepared for C.dreamed of D.thought over

9.A.body B.soul C.face D.pain

10.A.fill B.cover C.separate D.block

11.A.folded B.sank C.escaped D.flowed

12.A.tiny B.pale C.splendid D.weak

13.A.change B.punishment C.creation D.reflection

14.A.as well B.in addition C.for sure D.in between

15.A.extra B.unique C.possible D.reasonable


    If you look around the streets of London, you’ll see the many methods people use to move around. 1. Now there’s a new addition: electric, or e-scooters (滑板车).

This traditional children’s vehicle has become more complicated over the years. And now,  with the addition of a small electric motor, it’s become a cheap and easy mode of transport.  Scooting around town can be fun and doesn’t involve much effort. 2. But considering accidents involving an electric scooter in the UK, questions are being asked about their safety and whether traffic laws should be changed.

Many e -scooter riders in the UK broke the law. Some have been seen on pavements, others on the road jumping red traffic lights, adding to the frustration of motorists stuck in jams. In the  UK, the law states that riding one on the public highway or pavement is forbidden. But, despite this, it seems the increasing popularity of e-scooters means they can be seen everywhere. 3.

The UK government is looking at how safely they can be used on the road and is ‘reviewing’   the law. But its transport minister, Michael Ellis, has told the BBC that: “Micromobility products are appearing in countries across the globe and are an exciting innovation for which we know there is demand. 4.

5. Despite the fact that some of them can exceed 30mph, they sometimes only have one brake and no lights. However confident the rider may be, larger vehicles on the road make them unprotected. So it seems more work needs to be done to give e -scooters a safe and legal space to travel in.

A.The roads are already crowded.

B.We are mainly after economic benefits.

C.People seldom see e-scooter accidents in the UK.

D.However, safety must always be our top priority.

E.And now users are calling on regulations to be changed.

F.There’s no doubt there are dangers in riding a two-wheeled scooter.

G.It’s no wonder they’re becoming increasingly popular in cities around the world.


    The ocean covers over 70 percent of the surface of Earth today, but over 3 billion years ago the entire planet may have been covered in water. To investigate what our planet was like billions of years ago, a team of researchers turned to indirect methods of analysis at a geological site in the Australian Outback known as Panorama(全景画) in the Pilbara Craton. Today, the region is 100 kilometers inland, but 3.2 billion years ago, it was deep underwater.

In fact, there were also once ancient hydrothermal vents (热水口) there where seawater bubbled up through the ocean floor. “There are no samples of really ancient ocean water lying around, but we do have rocks that interacted with that seawater and remembered that interaction,”  lead author Benjamin Johnson, an assistant professor at Iowa State University, said in a statement.

The researchers collected over 100 of these rock  samples and found something peculiar in them: a slightly higher amount of a particular isotope (同位素) of oxygen. The vast majority of oxygen on Earth is Oxygen-16 and contains eight protons (质子) and eight neutrons. However, about 0.20 percent is Oxygen-18.

Samples from Australia show the region’s ancient water contained more Oxygen-18 than present times. Since continents are covered in clay-rich soil that is efficient at trapping Oxygen-18, the team suggests that without continents covered in soil, more Oxygen-18 would have been present in the ocean. Their discovery indeed suggests there wasn’t much dry land available 3.24 billion years ago.

“There’s nothing in what we’ve done that says you can’t have tiny, micro -continents sticking out of the oceans,” added co-author Boswell Wing. “We just don’t think there were global-scale formations of continental soils like we have today.” The researchers don’t know when and how  continents began to emerge out of the ocean but they plan to investigate “younger” rock formations to piece together a more precise timeline.

1.Where is the research site?

A.In a region deep underwater.

B.In a region off Australia.

C.In a region inland Australia.

D.In a region outside the Pilbara Craton.

2.What do the underlined words “interact with” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.Have an effect on each other. B.Have a one-way effect.

C.Have a mysterious effect. D.Have a negative effect.

3.What’s the researchers’ conclusion after analyzing samples from Australia?

A.Modern earth must have been a water world.

B.Modern earth must have been a continental world.

C.Ancient earth may have been a water world.

D.Ancient earth may have been a continental world.

4.What’s the researchers’ next focus of the study?

A.To research continental soils’ formations.

B.To research the ocean’s formations.

C.To research “older” rock formations.

D.To research “younger” rock formations.


    Turtles may be cute, but they are also slow and clumsy, which doesn’t really help them when they are trying to cross train tracks. Luckily, for the turtles in Japan’s Hyōgo Prefecture, railway operators and a local aquarium teamed up to find a solution.

Between 2002 and 2014,  disruptions (中断) of train operation caused by turtles were reported 13 times, with many more probably going unreported. That is why, in 2015, West Japan  Railway Co. and Suma Aqualife Park in Kobe joint forces to prevent tragic turtle deaths on the  tracks and unnecessary train delay. After running a series of tests and experiments, they came up with a U-shaped ditch (沟渠 ) that collects the turtles, preventing them from getting stuck between the metal tracks and getting crushed to death.

Tests showed that turtles trying to cross the train tracks often fall into the space between them, which leaves them with no other option than to walk between them. Sadly, this causes some of them to get stuck between the metal tracks at junctions(交叉口), and they unavoidably get crushed to death when the points blades(叶片)move.

“The turtles are basically just going about their daily business and have to cross the lines to  get to a pond,” a railway spokesperson said. “When the points blades move, unfortunately they  get squashed between them and die. They can cause long delays to operations so we consulted with a turtle specialist to find the best way to help them.”

The U -shaped concrete ditches installed at several critical points along the train lines near the city of Kobe catch the turtles at danger of getting stuck between the tracks. They allow the turtles to get past the junctions safely. 10 turtles were reportedly saved in the first month since the U-shaped ditch was put to use in November 2015.

1.What’s the best title of the text?

A.An Important Invention in Japan

B.The U-shaped Concrete Ditches

C.Turtles Crossing Train Tracks in Danger

D.Japan’s Clever Solution to Help Turtles Cross Train Tracks

2.What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?

A.Why the U-shaped ditch is invented.

B.The turtles’ terrible conditions.

C.The train delay caused by turtles.

D.How the turtles go through the tracks.

3.What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.The turtles. B.The trains.

C.The train tracks. D.The points blades.

4.What can we infer about the ditches?

A.They are installed on the railway tracks.

B.They can prevent turtles from escaping.

C.They are easy to trap the turtles.

D.They are helpful for turtles to cross train tracks.


    Myles Kerr knew that being a Marine (水兵)  comes with a lot of responsibility, but despite the huge weight he has on his shoulders, he has not forgotten  the essence of being a public servant — that of being human.

Seven years ago, a photo  of a Marine and a young boy running a marathon  immediately went viral after it was shared on social media. But what seemed like a simple image packed  a much deeper backstory. This story happened in 2013, but its relevance is still as powerful as ever.

The  pair  were  running  The  Jeff  Drench  Memorial  5K in Charlevoix,  Michigan  when Myles Kerr  came across Brandon  Fuchs, a 9-year old boy struggling to keep up with the rest of  his  group.  Brandon,  exhausted and  out  of  breath,  asked the  Marine: “Will  you  run with me?”

People  who had their  eyes on the  prize  would  have refused,  but the 19 -year -old  was different.  Being  a  Marine,  he knew  exactly  what  he  should  do. Kerr  put aside  his  goal  of beating his mates and instead slowed down to accompany the struggling boy to the finish line.

Because he chose to help the boy, the Marine ended up with the slowest time in his age group, according to the 5K results online.

Though  he might  have  lost  the race, the Marine  won over people’s  hearts. His  act of kindness was celebrated on social media.

Kerr  didn’t  expect  that  his  simple  gesture   would  attract   so  much attention.  He responded  to a tweet  praising  his  actions  saying, “I  was  just  doing  what  any man would  do, but thank you! ”   He also tweeted that he received gifts from the Fuchs family for helping out Brandon.

To Kerr, being a Marine was more than just being trained for combat —  it also required learning how to be kind and compassionate towards the citizens they serve.

1.What was Myles Kerr  seven years ago?

A.A marine. B.A public servant.

C.A marathon runner. D.A Michigan citizen.

2.What is Myles Kerr’s original goal to participate in the marathon?

A.To win over people’s hearts. B.To accompany the boy.

C.To get the best score in his age group. D.To build up his body.

3.Which of the following best describe Myles Kerr?

A.Kind and unselfish. B.Enthusiastic and generous.

C.Responsible and proud. D.Stubborn and helpful.

4.What does the story mainly convey?

A.Being a Marine bears a lot.

B.Kindness matters more than prizes.

C.Being a Marine means a public servant.

D.Good actions spread quickly.


    The Future Leaders is a year-round leadership development programme that is changing lives for a diverse range of young people in New Zealand. It is part-time, designed for young people  aged 16 -25. You’ll meet amazing  people, and attend the national event Festival  for the Future. You’ll get access to coaching and mentoring (指导), workshops to help you develop ideas and skills for the future,  and make a difference in your community.

Are  you aged 16-25? Do you want to be inspired, build your connections and skills for the future? Apply now. Two great ways you can apply to take part.

Option 1 — applying as a Catalyst (a person that causes a change) is the best way to boost your capability. The key difference  between this  and the wider  ‘Future  Leaders’  option,  is that you’ll attend all three national hui (including Festival for the Future),  get access to one- on-one support through mentoring and coaching, and take more of a leadership role working with other Catalysts to develop and lead a project in your community.

Whilst there’s no cost to you, if you’re offered  a place as a Catalyst it’s the equivalent of receiving a $5,000 scholarship  to  support  your  training  and  development.  Spaces  are strictly limited to 4 Catalysts per community.

Option 2 — applying as a Future  Leader is the lighter way to experience the programme.

Whilst  you won’t  attend all  three national  hui or get one -on -one  coaching  and mentoring, you’ll still make  awesome connections, be inspired and build your leadership skills. You’ll get the chance to attend Festival for the Future in Wellington, attend local events and workshops, and get involved in the project in your community.

Whilst there’s no cost to you, if you’re offered a place as a Future  Leaders, it’s the equivalent  of  receiving  a  $1,000 scholarship  to  support  your  training  and  development. Spaces are limited.

1.What’s the purpose of the text?

A.To introduce a programme  to all ages.

B.To show young people how to apply for the Future Leaders.

C.To list two application positions.

D.To encourage people to be future leaders.

2.What can we know about the Future Leaders programme?

A.It can equip you with leadership skills.

B.It’s designed for successful young people.

C.It supplies activities to help the community.

D.It requires you to take part all year round.

3.What’s the similarity that lies in Option 1 and Option 2?

A.You will attend all three national hui.

B.You can receive no scholarship.

C.The two options are both free of charge.

D.There are a rang of spaces to choose from.


因为新冠疫情(the COVID-19 epidemic)的原因,今年全国高考的时间被迫推迟一个月。假如你是李华,请给英国好友Peter写一封回信,说说你针对高考推迟所采取的应对措施。


Dear Peter,

Glad to hear from you and thank you for your concern about my study.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How about the epidemic situation in your country? Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua








It happened many years ago where my mother took me to Mountain Tai for a trip. We climbed Mount Tai next morning after our arrival in Taian. It was a little cool at first and as time goes by, the high temperature made me uncomfortable and thirsty. As a result, I really wanted to give up. Just then, I saw a disabled man climbing hardly though his face was covered with sweats. Seeing his eyes fill with faith, I felt moved because the man with disability still kept fighting. Finally, he succeeded in getting to the top. My mother smiled on me proudly. Every time we face with difficulty, don’t give up easily.



Recently a new type of reusable mask developed by a Ningbo-based company 1.(enter)the market. Unlike surgical masks, this new product, uses a nanomaterial membrane (纳米膜), rather than the 2.(type) melt-blown fabric, to filter (过滤) bacteria and viruses.

Laboratory tests and 3.third party report show that the mask has achieved the same quality standards of the N95 mask, which can filter 95 percent of tiny objects with a diameter of at least 75 nanometers. The masks are also comfortable, easy to breathe 4.. What’s better, depending on the user's setting and wear time, the mask can 5.(use)up to 20 times.

The mask can also resist repeated sterilization (杀菌) with boiling water, disinfectant,6.alcohol, meaning that people only need to change the filter after wearing it for 12 hours and wash it regularly in hot water at a temperature between 56 and 707.(degree) Celsius for long-term use.

The mask is currently divided into two grades 8.(price) at 6 yuan ($0.89) and 9 yuan,9.(respective). Both are equipped with two replaceable filters. Besides, compared with adult masks, the masks made especially for children are 10.(skin-friendly).


    Walking out of the forest, I thought to myself what if we didn’t put out the fire? I ended up asking this thought as a _______ to my friends. Without saying anything, Elias went about ten yards back to the small fire that we had  _______. It was at this point where Elias went from calm, to _______. He shouted, “It’s on fire!”

My heart was _______ out of my chest when we got to the fire — it had enlarged into a _______ with a 15-foot diameter (直径). A pond about ten feet away, was our only _______. My quick thinking told me to_______into the pond and splash (泼洒) water onto the fire closest to the pond. Micah, took a bucket, and then filled it with _______, to fight the fire that was spreading out of our_______.

Elias and I got the fire, nearest to the water, under control. Micah, ________, could not rest. Although he ran back and forth, it only kept ________.It suddenly________to us that we could use the wet grass in the pond to________put out the fire. Therefore, with ________ in hand, we went into the fire, and ________ back to get more even though we were ________ Finally, our teamwork ________, as there was only ________left on a charred (烧焦的) battlefield. We stayed for another 30 minutes to________it starting again.

Our journey now came to an end and the battleground would soon become ________and beautiful as time passed.

1.A.secret B.question C.joke D.choice

2.A.saved B.put C.lit D.collected

3.A.cautious B.delighted C.curious D.terrified

4.A.speeding B.beating C.knocking D.pushing

5.A.circle B.way C.place D.hole

6.A.excuse B.request C.option D.duty

7.A.jump B.grow C.dig D.break

8.A.sand B.power C.strength D.water

9.A.mind B.order C.reach D.sight

10.A.however B.therefore C.otherwise D.moreover

11.A.stopping B.growing C.making D.changing

12.A.turned B.referred C.occurred D.added

13.A.roughly B.repeatedly C.regularly D.thoroughly

14.A.grass B.water C.fire D.air

15.A.drove B.dashed C.escaped D.withdrew

16.A.exhausted B.amazed C.disappointed D.interested

17.A.laid off B.gave off C.paid off D.put off

18.A.flame B.smoke C.noise D.light

19.A.leave B.observe C.keep D.prevent

20.A.old B.common C.quiet D.green


Benefits of Deep Cleaning Your Home

The researchers have discovered an average of 7,000 different types of bacteria per household.

One study shows the dirtiest objects in the home found over 340 different bacteria on 30 different objects. So what actually are the benefits of deep cleaning? Let’s find out!

1.Dust can cause sore eyes, coughing, hay fever (花粉病) and asthma (哮喘) attacks.2.For instance, dust can be found behind cabinets, on top of doors, windows and so on. Deep cleaning involves cleaning those places to wipe out the dust particles around them. With the absence of dust particles in the air, it will help improve the air quality in your home significantly.

Remove harmful bacteria and viruses.3.Some bacteria divide every 20 minutes with the right temperature and nutrients. Places like the kitchen, living room, and especially toilets contain the most bacteria and viruses. Quick wipe downs are quick and convenient but it’s ineffective, only a deep clean can eliminate the majority of bacteria and viruses laying around.

Reduce stress. People might find it odd how deep cleaning can actually reduce stress levels in the house. It may not be obvious but when conducting deep cleaning, you will be moving, rearranging and organizing household items. 4.You may even need a helping hand with getting rid of the large amount of clutter (杂乱物) around the house.

So, by deep cleaning your house every so often, you can get rid of clutter and the trouble of misplacing items around the house.5.

A.Separate dust particles.

B.Better indoor air quality.

C.Dirty homes are shelters for bacteria and viruses.

D.Dirty and messy homes are linked to many illnesses and infections.

E.There are more dust particles lying around your home than you know.

F.You will meet useless items by accident laying around for who knows how long.

G.You will even be awarded extra living space from removing all that dust-collecting items.


    “Are personal sad stories a must to win talent shows?” “Shouldn’t talent be judged on the basis of itself without needing a sad story of struggle to win?” These are questions Sanya Malhotra posed on a recent Facebook post.

This morning I came across this interesting post by Sanya Malhotra. She revealed that she loved dancing and dreamt of becoming an actress, but got defeated in “Dance India Dance” because her background story wasn’t sad and inspiring enough. That’s when she started doubting her artistic gift.

This really set me thinking. Why are people attracted to sob stories? Why do we always appreciate only those people who have achieved something after going through a lot of hardships?  Why does the headline of a newspaper “Taxi-driver’s Son Stands First In UPSC Exam” find more readers? I think it is because most people, who are in a similar situation, find it comforting that someone has succeeded with so many hardships. I know it is really very difficult for people with financial, health, or family problems to overcome obstacles and succeed. I really feel proud of them and I am often touched and inspired by their stories.

Now come back to what Sanya has said. I think this is a talent show rather than a story-telling competition. When it comes to a competition of singing or dancing or any fine arts, all the competitors should be judged without any bias (偏见). No one should lose because they don’t have a sad story of struggle to tell. It’s very unfair. They can be given opportunities otherwise, but should not be judged because of their stories.

Maybe, the TV channels do it to attract more viewers, because the most important element of any reality show is these touching stories. But as Sanya has said, it’s unfair to those who haven't such a story and are equally talented.

1.What do we know about Sanya Malhotra?

A.She entered a talent show. B.She won “Dance India Dance”.

C.She had a sad story to tell. D.She was rejected in a film.

2.From the second paragraph, we can infer that Sanya Malhotra________.

A.experienced many hardships B.is a famous actress in Indian

C.has a great gift for gymnastics D.used to be confident in her artistic talent

3.Which of the following headlines appeals to the readers most according to the passage?

A.A Millionaire Donated Money To Harvard University.

B.A Gifted Indian Teenager Won “Dance India Dance”.

C.An Armless Girl Was Admitted To Harvard University.

D.A Freshman Paid Off Loans By Getting A Part-time Job.

4.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A.Winners Should Be Determined By Public Judges

B.Sanya Malhotra Displayed A Great Artistic Gift

C.Competitors Should Not Be Judged By Sob Stories

D.Talent Shows Competitors Can Tell Their Stories


    California’s Yosemite National Park is home to many stunning waterfalls. However, from mid-to-late February each year, the unlikely star of the preserve is Horsetail Fall-a small waterfall that forms over the eastern edge of the park’s famous vertical rock formation, El Capitan, every winter. That’s because, during the two-week-period, the temporary1,000-foot fall frequently transforms into a red “firefall” for about ten minutes a day during sunset.

For the phenomenon to occur, several conditions need to coincide. There must be enough snow and snow must be melted to form the waterfall. During drought years, Horsetail Fall is reduced to a trickle flowing slowly in drops or does not appear at all. Additionally, the skies have to be entirely clear. Even a slight mist is enough to ruin the illusion (错觉) of fire falling down the cliffs. Finally, the sun has to strike the water from the right angle to set the waterfall “burning” brightly.

The “firefall” has been popular with professional and amateur photographers since the 1940s.However, in recent years, thanks to social media, its fame has risen to new heights, with thousands of people flocking to the national park each February. In 2019, over 2,200 people crowded into the small viewing areas on February 22, the best day to see the light show last year. However, the visitors not only stepped on sensitive vegetation but also left behind large amounts of rubbish.

To prevent a repeat of the unfortunate incident, in 2020, the park service closed two of the ideal viewing areas. The only one open required a 1.5-mile-long hike. However, the 3-mile round-trip, as well as a warning by the officials that a dry spell turned the fall into a trickle, leaving the possibility of a “firefall” in doubt, didn’t not seem to have deterred fans. Hundreds of people made their way to Horsetail Fall to catch a glimpse of the light show. Hopefully, Horsetail Fall enthusiasts would be more respectful of the natural environment this time.

1.When can the “firefall” be seen?

A.About at dawn.

B.Exactly at noon.

C.Just before dusk.

D.Late at night.

2.Which of the following conditions must be met for the “firefall” to be visible?

A.The temperatures have to be warm enough.

B.Horsetail Fall must be reduced to a trickle.

C.There has to be enough slight fog in the sky.

D.The waterfall must be frozen down the cliff.

3.What do we know from Paragraph 3?

A.The “firefall” was discovered by a photographer.

B.The viewing areas were equipped with telescopes.

C.Social media offer new tools to view the “firefall”.

D.The tourists caused the environmental pollution.

4.What does the underlined word “deterred” in the last paragraph mean?

A.Disapproved. B.Discouraged.

C.Disturbed. D.Distinguished.


    Peter and Cheryl Pitzer met in 1999. After training together, they fell in love and finally married in 2011. The Pitzers have been using their professional aviation skills to help people around the world regain sight. They are both volunteers for Orbis, a non-profit organization that turns airplanes into teaching hospitals and brings eye care and ophthalmology (眼科学) training to places around the world. The organization’s Flying Eye Hospital that the Pitzers fly together is an ophthalmic teaching hospital on board an MD-10 aircraft.

The Pitzers flew their first flight together with Orbis in November, a journey that took them from Dubai to Saudi Arabia and finally to Ghana, a country in West Africa. The couple stayed an extra week after landing the plane in order to be on the ground to help other Orbis volunteers treat people in need, and to train medical staff in the community. “There was a woman named Mary. When we met her on Monday she was almost completely blind and when we left she could see,” recalled Peter.

“They also did surgeries in the local hospitals with the local doctors and their equipment, and they provide continuing education afterwards,” Cheryl said of the team’s work in Ghana.“The idea is to leave the knowledge behind so that people will have access to proper eye care after the plane is gone.”

The couple say they are grateful to share an occupation that they love-one they can do together and that allows them to give back. “It's awesome to see so many people in poverty regain sight. Our work is worth it,” said Peter. “Cheryl and I have a great personal and working relationship. It's just an interesting and incredible way to give back.”

Cheryl noted the intense (紧张的) planning and coordination it takes to fly a major plane carrying a teaching hospital to remote locations. She said she and her husband have an advantage with that complex task because they “understand each other.”

1.What are Peter and Cheryl Pitzer by trade?

A.They are doctors. B.They are pilots.

C.They are physicians. D.They are teachers.

2.What do we know about Flying Eye Hospital?

A.It is a mobile teaching hospital.

B.It is a modern general hospital.

C.It is a private hospital in Dubai.

D.It is a famous hospital in Africa.

3.Flying Eye Hospital is intended for__________.

A.the wealthy B.the poor

C.the disabled D.the wounded

4.What does Peter think of his volunteer work?

A.It is tiring. B.It is boring.

C.It is rewarding. D.It is upsetting.



The spring semester is here, and we’re excited to welcome both returning and new students to campus. The start of a new semester is an exciting time of the year. It’s the perfect time to step out of your comfort zone, meet new people, and create memorable new experiences.

During the first four weeks of the semester, Wisconsin Welcome offers events for students to meet new friends and find community. We've highlighted just a few of the events offered below:

MSC Comeback Carnival — Thursday, January 23

Ready to get involved in a multicultural student organization? Want to catch up with friends over some free food and fun activities? Stop by the MSC to meet with over 45 multicultural student organizations, have fun, and connect with new and old friends! -6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, MSC Lounge on the 2nd Floor of the Red Gym.

Public Service Fair — Wednesday, January 29

The Morgridge Center for Public Service hosts two Public Service Fairs per year. The fairs draw hundreds of students eager to learn about work and internship (实习) opportunities with local and national organizations. -3:00 pm to 6:00 pm, Gordon Dining &Event Center.

Winter Carnival — Tuesday, February 4 to Sunday, February 9

The Wisconsin Union's Winter Carnival is a long-standing tradition. It challenges you to embrace the cold, snow and play crazily! When you need to warm up a bit, head indoors for hot chocolate and food specials! -Memorial Union.

Spring Student Organization Fair — Tuesday, February 11

The Student Organization Fair is a great opportunity to explore your hobbies and meet different student organizations on campus. Stop by, meet new people, and maybe join a new student organization! - 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm, Kohl Center.

These are just a few of the many events you can check out during Wisconsin Welcome. Go to www.go.wisc.edu/welcome for more events and information, and use WiWelcome on social to stay connected.

We hope you have a great semester!

1.If you want to improve your foreign languages, which event are you expected to join in?

A.MSC Comeback Carnival.

B.Public Service Fair.

C.Winter Carnival.

D.Spring Student Organization Fair.

2.Public Service Fairs will help students ___________.

A.make friends B.develop hobbies

C.find jobs D.purchase textbooks

3.Which of the following is true of the Wisconsin Union’s Winter Carnival?

A.It has a quite short history.

B.It will be held in the open air.

C.It will take place on Monday.

D.It will offer free hot chocolate.


假如你是李华,你的英国朋友Mike发来邮件,说因为新冠肺炎(COVID-19) 居家自我隔离(self-isolation),情绪低落。为此,他向你寻求建议。请用英语给他回一封邮件,内容包括:

1. 表示理解;

2. 你的看法和建议;

3. 表达信心。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Mike,



Li Hua






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Hello, everyone! I’m delighted to recommend my favorite book: Journey to the West to you, what is one of the four greatest Chinese classical novel. It was very popular with us Chinese people. The novel, wrote by Wu Cheng’en, is based Xuan Zangs journey to India. The story focuses on Monkey King called Sun Wukong, who helps her master Xuan Zang get over various difficulties on the journey. Because foreigners like you may find it difficulty to read the original classic, so I advise that you read some simplified versions. Some versions coming with many pictures and they are easy for you to understand. Hopefully you will fall in love with a great work.


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