
I am majoring in international relations and my research is focusing on education programs 1. (support) by the Australian government. The Australian Government sponsors a number of programs as these programs 2. (think) to build relationships and understanding between the peoples of Australia and China. I find it so interesting to talk with Australian students currently 3. (study) in China and Chinese students 4. have returned to China after graduating from universities in Australia. I'm glad to find out these programs 5. (affect) them and their future career (职业) greatly since the programs started. I came to China to interview students of these programs to find out more about their in-country experiences. I am 6. strong believer in education as a tool for breaking down negative stereotypes (固化思维) and building bridges between different nations. China is an 7. (extreme) important relationship for Australia’s economic future, yet we have very different cultural and political systems. There is no more important time 8. right now for Australians to build an understanding of working and living in China. I came to Beijing just under two years ago to work with 9. (research) at Peking University. For me, I could not resist this opportunity 10. (experience) a day in the life of a Chinese employee and learn so much about Chinese culture.


    “There are two kinds of people in the world—people who love Peking Opera and people who don’t know they love Peking Opera yet,” said Wang Peiyu in the opening section of her latest 12-episode () online ________. “My job is to let the ________ know about Peking Opera and then fall in love with it.”

The weekly talk show sees Wang, who is one of the ________ Peking Opera artists in China, explain the traditional art form as well as ________ its appeal.

With a( an) ________ of various art forms, including singing, dancing, and martial arts (武术), Peking Opera, has a long history ________ back to the 19th century. In 2010 UNESCO ________ it an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (非物质文化遗产).

Like many traditional art forms, it is ________ by contemporary entertainment and is losing its audience, especially among the younger generation.

Wang is trying to change the ________. She has about 1.6 million followers on micro-blogging platform Sina Weibo and has built up a large fan base among young people with her ________ techniques and charm.

Each episode, about 30 minutes long, ________ Wang introduce her unique knowledge about Peking Opera with a particular ________ such as the making of a Peking Opera star, the ________ of preparing for a performance, and ________ stories about the age-old art. She uses ________ direct and humorous language to ________ the audience.

One fan ________: “All I knew about Peking Opera was the painted ________, but thanks to Wang’s show, I now know more about the art form and I look forward to watching a(an) ________ performance in the theatre.”

The 40-year-old Wang, a famous female performer who specializes in playing laosheng (old male) roles onstage, has been ________ with popularizing Peking Opera among younger people.

1.A.service B.show C.business D.advertisement

2.A.fans B.former C.students D.latter

3.A.hard-working B.best-selling C.warm-hearted D.strong-willed

4.A.display B.win C.change D.understand

5.A.competition B.classification C.combination D.explanation

6.A.dating B.expanding C.looking D.pulling

7.A.named B.declared C.gave D.found

8.A.influenced B.transformed C.challenged D.introduced

9.A.opera B.trend C.world D.performance

10.A.basic B.literary C.strange D.solid

11.A.sees B.notices C.develops D.expresses

12.A.note B.star C.theme D.guest

13.A.aim B.failure C.necessity D.process

14.A.amusing B.confusing C.demanding D.embarrassing

15.A.complex B.professional C.simple D.native

16.A.adapt to B.joke with C.argue with D.appeal to

17.A.consulted B.commented C.compromised D.commanded

18.A.mouth B.eyes C.noses D.faces

19.A.special B.on-line C.live D.academic

20.A.credited B.promoted C.paid D.equipped


    Criticism (批评) is harmful to healthy relationships. It’s okay to express disappointment if someone is behaving in a way that hurts you. 1. The following are some ways to catch criticism before it begins.

2. Before you criticize, pause and consider whether you really need to say anything at all. If someone did something to get on your nerves, would you really need to point it out? Sometimes, it’s best to let small rudeness go Take a few deep breaths and leave the room instead of criticizing.

Be realistic. Critical people often have very high expectations of those around them. Your tendency to criticize may come from expecting too much from others. Sometimes you may find yourself consistently annoyed or disappointed with others. 3.

Separate the individual from their actions. Critical people often focus on the negative aspects of a situation or a person, failing to see good qualities alongside negative ones. If you find yourself making assumptions about a person’s character, stop yourself. 4. We all behave poorly sometimes, but a single action is not a reflection of character.

Focus on positives. Oftentimes, being critical results from how you’re choosing to see a situation. 5. However, the vast majority of people have good qualities that outweigh the bad ones. Try to focus on a person’s positive qualities over their negative ones.

A.Never criticize others.

B.Think before you speak.

C.Everyone has drawbacks and imperfections.

D.It may be a good idea to adjust your expectations.

E.We should focus on other people’s disappointing actions.

F.Try to separate a disappointing action from the person doing the action.

G.Being overly critical, however, can cause tension in a relationship over time.


    It is believed that around half the US adult population will be obese (肥胖的) by 2030, while one in four will fall into the severely obese category. This is according to a new study led by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, which found that levels of obesity are increasing in every state. Indeed the predictions show that levels of severe obesity could be higher than 25 percent in half of states.

“Especially striking was our finding that among adults with very low income (less than $20,000 per year), severe obesity is predicted to be the most common in 44 states—almost everywhere in the US,” a researcher said.

The research was carried out to inform state policymakers—and perhaps help change the tendency. The study authors say the best form of attack is prevention. Limiting intake of sugar is stressed as one of the most effective and cost-effective methods for reducing obesity levels, and a tax likely to save more money than it costs.

Sugar (and the sugar industry) has come under fire for its role in promoting obesity. Indeed, one recent study published in September 2019 puts responsibility for today’s obesity epidemic (流行病) firmly on the shoulders of sugar, concluding high-sugar diets during childhood in the seventies and eighties could be behind the rise.

“We knew from previous work that obesity is increasing in the US, and that some states and demographic groups (人群) are at higher risk, but we were surprised that even the states with the lowest obesity will be above 35 percent in 2030—a level currently considered high, a researcher told Newsweek. What is clear is that we will not be able to treat our way out of this epidemic—achieving and keeping weight loss is difficult—so prevention efforts will be key to making progress in this area.”

1.What’s the most surprising finding in the study?

A.Over 25% of people will be seriously obese.

B.Levels of obesity are increasing in every state.

C.poor adults are more likely to be severely obese.

D.Half of the US adults will be overweight by 2030.

2.What is the best way to solve the problem according to the passage?

A.To reduce the tax. B.To limit intake of sugar.

C.To reduce obesity level. D.To inform policymakers.

3.What does the underlined word “fire” actually refer to in paragraph 4?

A.Blame from researchers. B.Rapid chemical change.

C.Current obesity epidemic. D.High-sugar diets.

4.What’s the main idea of the last two paragraphs?

A.Obesity is increasing everywhere in the US.

B.All states in America are at the same level of obesity.

C.Maintaining weight loss is a good way to deal with obesity.

D.Diets with less sugar are vital to preventing the problem of obesity.


    Researchers have found, for the first time plants letting out sounds when they are stressed. According to a study a team of scientists recorded tomato and tobacco (烟草) plants producing sound frequencies which humans cannot hear in stressful situations—such as when they experienced a lack of water or their stems () were cut.

Previous research has shown that plants respond to stress by producing several visual and chemical signals. For example, stressed plants may differ in color and shape compared to unstressed plants. Meanwhile, some are also known to let out things in response to drought (干旱) or being eaten.

The latest study, meanwhile, is the first to identify plants making sounds which can be detected over a distance. The team detected the tomato plants made 35 sounds an hour on average when they were exposed to drought conditions, while the tobacco plants produced 11. When the stems of the plants were cut, the tomato plants made 25 sounds an hour on average and the tobacco plants produced 15. As a comparison, unstressed plants made less than one sound per hour on average, according to the study.

The team say that while they only tested tomato and tobacco, it’s possible that other plants could also produce sounds, adding that the latest findings could have an influence on agriculture. “Plant sound production could offer a new way for monitoring crops water state—a question of key importance in agriculture”, the authors wrote in the study more precise irrigation can save up to 50 percent of the water cost and increase the production.

“In times when more and more areas are exposed to drought due to climate change, while human population and consumption keep increasing, effective water use becomes even more important for food security”, they said “Our results, showing the ability to distinguish between drought-stressed and control plants on the basis of plant sounds, open a new direction in the field of precision agriculture.”

1.Which of the following best describes plants’ response to stress in the study?

A.Sing. B.Laugh.

C.Cry. D.Sigh.

2.What can we know from the first 3 paragraphs?

A.Humans can hear the sound produced by plants.

B.Stressed and unstressed plants look the same.

C.Plants in stressful situations make the fewest sounds.

D.Stressed tomato plants make more sounds than tobacco.

3.How can the study help agriculture?

A.Lower the cost. B.Better the quality.

C.Monitor climate change. D.Control the pests.

4.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

A.Science. B.Health.

C.Education. D.Culture.


    I used to be the most determined resolution-maker. Even as a child, I was always goal-centered and loved the feeling of accomplishing things, and every January 1st, I would sit down and write out my resolutions (目标) for the upcoming year. And what resolutions they were! I always picked big goals, like: In the New Year, I will lose 50 pounds! And run a marathon! And study scripture (圣经) every day!

The problem? I’d start out strong, but by February or March, I’d be out of willpower and I’d slide quietly back into my old habits. Every winter, I’d feel guilty and ashamed, looking back at all of the amazing things... I think one of my biggest problems with New Years resolutions was wanting to “dream big” but not having the skills and ability to do those things.

Now I take the opposite approach I’m all about the little goals. First, little goals are easy to set. Instead of saying I’m going to run a marathon, I’ve decided I’m going to run 20 minutes three days a week. Second, little goals are easier to accomplish. Every time I check one of my mini goals off my list, I feel a burst of pride and accomplishment. It’s a great feeling, and I don’t have to wait until the end of the year to enjoy it!

The other great thing about making small goals instead of resolutions is that you can build small goals on top of each other, adding the achievements together. For instance, recently I decided to make sure I ate five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. After a few months, this became a solid habit.

1.Why did the author feel guilty and ashamed?

A.Because she picked big goals as her resolutions.

B.Because she failed to accomplish her resolutions.

C.Because she was looking back at the amazing things.

D.Because she loved the feeling of accomplishing things.

2.How did she change her new year’s resolutions?

A.She put all of her goals together.

B.She checked mini goals off her list.

C.She set small goals instead of big ones.

D.She didn’t make resolutions any more.

3.What did the author want to say in the last paragraph?

A.Small goals are easy to set.

B.Making resolutions is not reasonable.

C.Eating fruits and vegetable is a good habit.

D.Small goal can contribute to big achievements.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Setting Small Goals Not Big Ones B.Combining Big and Small Goals

C.Making New Year’s Resolutions D.Setting and Achieving My Goals


    Los Angeles is a relatively new and spreading city, which means there’s a big canvas (画布) for architects of many styles to put their 3D stamps on the city. For architecture fans, here are some must-see spots.

Watts Towers

Designed and constructed by Italian-born Simon Rodia over the course of three decades, the 17 towers—the tallest is 100 feet high—consist of metal and found objects such as broken glass, pottery chips (陶器碎片), seashells, etc. You can take a guided tour of this place, learning about the history of this attractive project. 1727 E. 107th St., LA.

Getty Center

Architect Richard Meier’s shining city on a hill took 16,000 tons of marble to build but today it’s a wonder, housing the Getty’s main art collection and offering unbelievable views of Los Angeles. 1200 Getty Center Dr., LA.

Sturges House

Frank Lloyd Wright designed nine different structures throughout Southern California. This was Wright’s first turn away from the textile (纺织) block buildings he’d been designing in California and toward stressing natural factors of the structure to mix with the natural surroundings. 449 N. Skyewiay Rd., LA.

Walt Disney Concert Hall

Frank Gehry has lived in Los Angele s for decade s and hi s world has been se en throughout the city. This one, the Walt Disney Concert Hall, is his most luxurious (奢侈的) building in Southern California. You need not sit through a symphony performance to get a glance at the interior(内饰). The concert hall offers free self-guided audio tours recorded by actor John Litligow. 111 S. Grand Ave., LA.

1.Where should you go to visit Watts Towers?

A.1200 Getty Center Dr., LA. B.1727 E. 107th St., LA.

C.449 N. S kyewiay Rd., LA. D.111  S. Grand Ave., LA.

2.What is special about Sturges House?

A.It is made up of 9 structures. B.It is a textile block building.

C.It fits in well with its environment. D.It is a luxurious building.

3.Who designed Walt Disney Concert Hall?

A.Simon Rodia. B.Richard Meier.

C.John Lithgow. D.Frank Gehry.


假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter给你写信,询问你今年春节因新冠病毒肺炎( novel corona-virus)影响而延长的假期是如何度过的。请你给他回信。内容包括:






Dear Peter,



Li Hua








Today, if you look at people around, you'll find many of them can be seen play with their cellphones.

Reasons behind this phenomenon is varous. First, haring an easy way to text messages and games, people tend to get addict to cellphones. Beside, cellphones can be a perfect way to kill time. Although using in many ways, cellphones can lead to a series consequences. For instance, students my possible have difficulty concentrating on their schoolwork, that can result in declining grades.

My suggestions on this are as the follows, People should not use cellphones whenever driving. And schools should take actions to ban their use by students.



In the early years of the Qing Dynasty. Nanhu Lake was a scenic wonderland in Yunnan Province.

In order to get an1.(office) rank, a scholar named Yang studied hard on an island in the middle of the lake. with one stone bridge linked the bank. His wife sent2.(meal) to him every day. She usually made chicken soup with some rice noodle, meat and vegetables. Because of the great distance. when she get there, the food3.(become) cold and unappetizing.

One day, she cooked the food in a heated earthen pot. And she was so surprised4.(find) that the food was will hot when she got to the island. After5.careful study, she found two secrets; there was thick chicken oil on the surface of the soup and the earthen pot did not6.(ready) conduct heat. As a result, the heat of the soup7.(preserve) well.

Since then, the scholar became8.(healthy) and more hardworking. Finally he succeeded in a government ?. He treated his fellow scholars9.the nice noodles with chicken soup. They praised it repeatedly and asked10.the splendid meal was. Thinking of he stone bridge she crossed every day, the wife blurted out (脱口而出) "crossing-over bridge rice noodles".


    A teenager who once became homeless graduated at the top of his class in Houston, Texas this weekend. Derrick Ngo.18, had a_______childhood, growing up without a father and finding his mother in and out of prison through the years.

Ahead of his________. Ngo had been to 12 different school, At 15, be started to________on his own with some help from his mother, but it was barely enough that he________homeless about two yean later. Ngo________his childhood to VOA."We often didn't have that much food. We didn't have that much money. We didn't have a_________source of income and that was one of my biggest________in growing up - that Lack of parental________."

Determined to change his future, Ngo_________all his frustrations (沮丧) into his studies-efforts that________landed him as the top student of his class at Energy Institute High School. "I________that if I didn't use schoold, education and the resources that were________to me, then there would be no way that I would get out of the________I was in," he said.

In December, Ngo learned that he had been________by Harvard, where he will be attending this fall. It was ,at frst, a _________…I just got into Harvard. My heart was________." he said. He was very excited. The young man_________his success to discipline(自制力)and laser-like (激光一样的)________on end goals. "With a dream in your heart, you will have a clear_______that you're working towards. Although it's not real yet, is________that is going to be real one day."

1.A.happy . B.boring C.troubled D.bright

2.A.failure B.difficulty C.independence D.achievement

3.A.live B.work C.learn D.train

4.A.got up B.grew up C.broke up D.ended up

5.A.recorded B.repeated C.recalled D.recommended

6.A.new B.stable C.spare D.balanced

7.A.desires B.features C.struggles D.advantage

8.A.pressure B.guidance C.training D.introduction

9.A.added B.counted C.combined D.directed

10.A.firstly B.slightly C.eventually D.unexpectedly

11.A.bet B.heard C.wondered D.remembered

12.A.donated B.available C.designed D.affordable

13.A.trap B.truth C.danger D.circle

14.A.told B.invited C.dismissed D.accepted

15.A.gift B.pity C.shock D.sympathy

16.A.rising B.racing C.beating D.sinking

17.A.owes B.devotes C.applies D.contributes

18.A.care B.focus C.confidence D.appreciation

19.A.goal B.way C.plan D.position

20.A.nothing B.anything C.everything D.something


    People all over the world have some strange hobbies, and one of the most unusual in Britain is "trainspotting".   1..You'll see the grown.ups standing around a railway stations and other places where trains pass by, and you'll see them taking photos and exchanging notes with each other. So, what are they doing?

2. - the numbers on the front of the trains, or the make and model of the "locomotive (火车头)" -the part of the train which pulls all the other part. In the same way that some people collect toys or stamps, these men collect and exchange all kinds of details about trains and railways.

The idea goes back as far as 1942. That year, a young man named Ian Allan was working at Waterloo railway station in London.3., and quite a lot of the questions he received were very similar. He found himself getting a little annoyed at sending the sine replies to the same questions .so he had a word with him boss. He asked if he could write a brochure giving the answers to the most frequently asked questions. His boss said if he wanted to waste his time on such a project, that'OK.4..So he did. The brochure he wrote was the earliest version of the FAQs (常见问题) you see on websites nowadays.

The first 2,000 copies were all sold in days, and by the 1950s, a million copies of British Railways Locomotives were selling every year. Ian Allan went to become a successful publisher, and got an Order of the British Empire(OBE,大英帝国勋章) from the Queen in 1995.5..

A.But he should do it in his own time

B.The young man spent much time on it

C.They're looking for the trains they've taken

D.Well, they're collecting information about trains

E.It's usually men over the age of 40, but not always

F.He died in 2015, but his trainspotting hobby lives on

G.It was his job to answer letters from people about trains


    The United States space agency, NASA. says its Mars exploration vehicle recently recorded a high level of methane (甲烷) gas on the planet. The discovery is exciting because the presence of methane gas could support the case for life on Mars.

NASA's Curiosity vehicle recently recoded the largest level of methane ever measured during its seven-year Mars mission.

Methane has no color or smell. A special instrument on Curiosity's Man Science Laboratory recorded the increased gas level. The device measures levels of chemical elements and gases in the Marian atmosphere. In addition to methane, the instrument can record levels of water and carbon dioxide.

Nearly all the methane gas found in Earth's atmosphere is produced by living thing. It usually comes from animal and plant life. But it can also be formed by geological(地质的) processes, such as interactions. between rocks and water.

It was not the first time Curiosity had found methane gas in the Martian atmosphere. About a year ago, NASA announced that Curiosity had discovered sharp seasonal increases in the gas. This time, NASA said the measured methane gas level was clearly larger than any others observed in the past. "It's exciting because microbial (微生物的) life is an important source of methane on Earth," NASA said in a statement announcing the discovery.

However, Curiosity's team carried out a follow-up methane experiment that showed a sharp drop in levels of the gas. That number was "close to the background levels Curiosity sees all the time." NASA said. The rise and fall of the methane gas levels left NASA scientists with more questions than answers.

"The methane mystery continues," said Ashwin Vasavada. Curiosity's project scientist, "We're more motivated than ever to keep measuring and put our brains together to figure out how methane behaves in the Marian atmosphere."

1.What do we know about methane go?

A.It is a must to living things. B.It can be found everywhere.

C.It smells like carbon dioxide. D.It's mainly from biological activity.

2.What do the explorations on Mans tell us?

A.Humans have known much about Mars.

B.There will be more methane gas on Mars.

C.There is no progress in the 7 year's research.

D.The level of methane gas on Mars is not stable.

3.What does the discovery mean in NASA's view?

A.There may exist life on Mars.

B.Methane gas on Mars has a sudden increase.

C.The mystery about Mars will be solved soon.

D.They're known how methane as is formed on Mans.

4.How do the NASA's scientists feel about their future exploration?

A.Aimless. B.Confident.

C.Stressed. D.Serious.


    Sea otters (海獭) are pretty small compared to other marine mammals (哺乳动物).which means that, despite their fur coats, they tend to lose het quickly, and need lots of energy to keep up their body temperature.

"So they need to eat 25 percent of their body weight each day," says Sarah McKay Strobel, a sensory ecologist at UC Santa Cruz. "But in order to eat that much food, that means sea otters need to find all that food. " She studied the otter's senses, to solve the mystery of how they're such efficient food catchers. Vision isn't reliable, she says- it's pretty dark and muddy underwater, and crabs and other smaller animals tend to hide. Hearing is also tough for otters, in the noisy underwater environment. And sniffing's no good either. "When they're underwater they're holding their breath."

What's left is touch. So Strobel measured the sensitivity of the otters' paws and whiskers (). She blindfolded an otter named Selka, then presented it with plastic plates carved with tiny grooves (沟槽). Selka's job was to select the plate with two-millimerter grooves, which she'd been trained to associate with tasty food, instead of plates with differently sized grooves.

Tums out, Selka could tell just a quarter millimeter difference in the grooves' with with her paws - above and below water - and hall a millimeter difference with her whiskers. "The fact that she was able to perform so well while moving extremely quickly I think is really interesting and suggests that sea otters have very quick decision-making abilities and very quick sensory processing abilities, which makes sense when you think about the type of lifestyle they lead and how quickly they need to find food."

For the record, humans can feel the difference too, but it takes us 30 times longer, which might make sense. After all, we live in environments where touch is less important in a hunt than sight and sound.

1.Why do sea otters eat much food?

A.To swim faster. B.To stay warm.

C.To keep their fur thick. D.To satisfy their good appetite.

2.What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?

A.An introduction to Selka. B.The use of plastic plates.

C.An experiment on Selka. D.The function of otters' touch.

3.What did Strobel find about sea otters' senses?

A.Hearing is useless. B.Touch is the most elective.

C.They have no vision. D.Their smell works very well.

4.What can we learn from the text?

A.Sea otters have enough food to eat.

B.Humans are more sensitive than sea otters.

C.Sea otters respond very quickly in hunting.

D.Sea otters' whiskers work better than paws.


    A young female athlete in the Philippines recently won multiple gold medals for her school during a provincial sports despite not having proper running shoes.

Rhea Ballos, an 11-year old student of Salvacion Elementary School in Balasan, Iloilo, was only wearing bandages around her feet when she competed at the Iloilo Schools Sports Meet.

Facebook user Valenzuela posted images of the girl with her feet wrapped in brown plaster (石膏) bandages bearing the famous Nike logo. Ballos even wrote the word "NIKE" on the sides of her "shoes" to complete the "Nike running shoes" look. The bandages were tightly wrapped around her feet, creating a thin protective layer against the track.

While she was virtually (实质上) barefoot during the races, she was still able to defeat her opponents (对手) who all wore proper footwear intended for running. According to the post, Ballos bagged the top awards in the 400-meter dash, the 800-meter run, and the 1500-meter run in the inter-school sporting event held in Iloil, central Philippines.

When images of her "Nike" footwear were spread widely, Filipinos on social media showered her with praises for her dedication and character. Many noted that instead of wallowing in self-pity. she was even able to make light of the situation by drawing the Nike logo on her "running shoes."

Some of the commenters of Valenzuela's post expressed how the girl deserved to be recognized by Nike and that the brand should actually give her a new pair of real Nike shoes. It did not take long for Jeffery Cariaso, a famous coach, to take notice of Ballos' outstanding performance. He immediately made an effort to get in touch with the young track runner to help her.

1.In fact, Ballos "shoes" are        .

A.an ad B.a bargain

C.a copy D.a substitute

2.Which of the following is closest in meaning to "wallowing in" in paragraph 5?

A.Being lost in. B.Being proud of.

C.Making use of. D.Giving ignorance to.

3.What made Cariaso offer to help Ballos?

A.Her super power. B.Her determination.

C.Her attitude to the event. D.Commenters' suggestions.

4.Which can be the best title for the passage?

A.A Lucky Runner B.A Pair of "Nike" Shoes

C.A Creative Brand D.An Eye-catching Game


    How to spend a holiday without sending your savings into a nosedive? Take a look at these heavenly and affordable hideaways in Bahamas.

Pigeon Cay Beach Club, Cat Island

Pigeon Cay Beach Club is located on the largely undeveloped Cat Island, where it's possible to wander the very beautiful coastline for miles without spotting a soul - or a boat, dock (码头) or Jet Ski. TVs. AC, and Wi-Fi are all happily off-duty, leaving guests to explore the island by bike, canoe. or kayak (皮艇) (all free to use) or quietly drop by the honor-system beach bar.

Unique Village, Eleuthera

This 14-room hotel stands proud over the quiet Poponi Bench, which is rarely crowded despite being well-known for is pretty pink sands. Unique Village has a casual open-air restaurant and an outdoor pool, and its spacious (宽敞的). air-conditioned rooms have simple sand bright island decoration, free Wi-Fi, and outdoor balcony- all facing the ocean.

Stella Maris Resort Club, Long Island

If you're looking for casual, cheerful, and cheap, the beachfront Stella Maris Resort Club more than fits the bill. The large, family-owned complex on beautiful and remote Long Island is a bargain for is competitive rates, free activities, and accommodations that can suit larger parties (there are 27 hotel rooms, cottages. houses). One of the highlights of the resort (度假胜地) is its range of activities, many of which are free, including day rips, boating. nature walks, caving, kayaking. and wine parties.

St Francis Resort, Stocking Island

Stocking Island is just about as remote as you can get. The island is only accessible by boat, and has little human development; no cars, no roads, and about two dozen residents. The quiet and homey St Francis Resort fits right in with its surroundings, offering eight spacious rooms overlooking the ocean, two beaches, and free kayak. In-room breakfast, Wi-Fi, and transport from George Town are all free.

1.Which is the best choice if you want to have a quiet drink?

A.Pigeon Cay Beach Club. B.Unique Village.

C.Stclla Maris Resort Club. D.St Francis Resort.

2.What may attract you mot in Stella Maris Resort Club?

A.Unique sands. B.An outdoor pool.

C.Diverse activities. D.A quiet beach bar.

3.What do Unique Village and St Francis Resort have in common?

A.Limited development. B.Free Internet access.

C.An outdoor restaurant. D.Means of being reached.




删除:把多余的词用斜线( \)划掉。


注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Keeping hands clean is one of the most basic ways of prevent illness. Yesterday, I teach my three-year-old sister how to wash hands proper. Firstly, I asked her to wet her hand under running water and apply soap to them. Before, she rubbed hands well with soap for at least twenty seconds, I told to her to wash off all of the soap. Lastly, I gave him a clean towel to dry her hands. She very glad and showed me her clean hands. Looked at her smiling face, I felt such happy that I gave her a new storybook.



I haven't seen Mr Jenkins since I left school, but I often think about him. I wasn't very good 1.most school subjects before I met Mr Jenkins. I suppose I was a bit lazy, especially in maths. The only thing I can remember from school maths is2.the angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees! But when I was 15 and went into Mr Jenkins' class, I really became3.(interest) in a subject for the first time.

Before Mr Jenkins taught me, science had4.(simple) been a subject full of strange words to me. I had no idea what hydrogen was, and I didn't really want to know, either I found it all so5.(bore) and difficult. But Mr Jenkins made everything interesting. He used to explain things which seemed difficult with lots of practical6.(example) and in simple language. One day, he took us outside and we7.(build) a rocket! I remember that he let me pour some fuel into the rocket, and then another student lit8.match to set it off. It was great fun.

I know that I wasn’t a9.(will) student, but I wasn't slow to learn new things, The problems was that I lacked10.(confident) confident in myself. Mr. Jenkins made me feel that I had my own strengths.


    Lehrner always wanted to design roller coasters. Even as a(n)_______, though, she knew that there had to be more to it than just hopping on board. “I started_______how I would prepare, ”she says. She looked to science and math and_______advanced classes in algebra and geometry in middle school and high school. Then she took even more_______math and a high-level physics course.

She also_______theme parks as often as she could and researched the_______of those coasters online. When it came time for_______, she went to the Colorado School of Mines in Golden,where she_______a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering.

Now Lehrner works with amusement parks to design and_______new coasters. These new coasters they design are________made of wood, except for a metal________on which the cars run. The basic design has been around for more than a century. Still, Lehrner notes each new one is different. “ A lot of the same________and concepts are used when I design new coasters. But they ________with the terrain(地势) and design. That tells us what the limits will be- -how tight the bends and how________the hills are. ”

Some parks________their coasters to be as scary as possible. That means big________and quick turns and lots of inversions. Lehrner is________at making twisted wood coasters. The coasters she  ________make you feel as if you're going________than you really are, because the tracks are lower to the ground. “We also try to build rides that are fun for the whole________ children as well as their parents, ”she said.

1.A.kid B.genius C.teacher D.inventor

2.A.going over B.thinking about C.writing down D.dreaming of

3.A.brought B.researched C.gave D.took

4.A.classical B.ancient C.advanced D.practical

5.A.created B.visited C.managed D.sponsored

6.A.makers B.parks C.themes D.players

7.A.vacation B.college C.graduation D.decision

8.A.missed B.bought C.got D.refused

9.A.discover B.learn C.purchase D.build

10.A.carefully B.completely C.largely D.possibly

11.A.track B.frame C.fence D.cover

12.A.metals B.plans C.colors D.components

13.A.agree B.change C.compare D.deal

14.A.beautiful B.dangerous C.high D.much

15.A.imagine B.consider C.hate D.want

16.A.steps B.seats C.drops D.carriages

17.A.expert B.amazed C.pleased D.excited

18.A.rides B.enjoys C.studies D.designs

19.A.faster B.slower C.farther D.crazier

20.A.place B.family C.world D.society


    Why are some people successful and others aren't? What's the secret of success?1.

Many of Gladwell's ideas appear in his social psychology bestsellr Outliers.2.Gladwell thinks that this is just an excuse for not trying...and if you really want to be good at something. you have to work at it.“Practice isn’t the thing you do once you re good." Gladwell writes.“It's the thing you do that makes you good."

Central to the book is the“10.000-hour rule". It means that if you want to be among the best in the world, you need to practise something for 10.000 hours.3.For example, the Beatles played live in Hamburg more than 1.200 times between 1960 and 1964. which is more than 10,000 hours of playing time. And when Microsoft chairman Bill Gates was 13, he was given access to a high school computer (one of the few available in the country) allowing him to practise computer programming for more than (Yes, you guessed it) 10, 000 hours.

The interesting thing is that success has nothing to do with intelligence.4.He's got an IQ of between 195 and 210 (Albert Einstein's IQ was estimated to have been between 160 and 180). As a boy at school, Langan was able to take an exam in a foreign language he d never studied and pass it after just skim-reading a text book for three minutes. However, Langan never graduated from university and worked in labour-intensive jobs his whole life. This proves that intelligence alone will not lead to success- you need hard work, support, finance and opportunities. Gladwell adds,“No onenot rock stars, not professional athletes, not software billionaires, and not even geniusesever makes it alone."

5.Even after you've put in your 10.000 hours of practice, you still need one other key ingredient - - luck. So, you could be the most amazing guitarist in the world. but unless you re lucky enough to play in front of a record company executive who sees a way of exploiting that talent, you aren't going to be seeing your name in lights.

A.It isn't just a question of time and support.

B.Author Malcolm Gladwell thinks he knows.

C.That's equal to three hours a day for 10 years.

D.Of course, many people argue that you can create your own“'luck".

E.The popular view is that some of us are born talented and others aren't.

F.Take the example of Christopher Langan, who's mentioned in the book.

G.Someone who's willing to practise something for 10.000 hours is probably active.


    The okapi is a mammal living above the equator in one of the most biodiverse areas in central Africa. The animal was unknown to the western world until the beginning of the 20th century, and is often described as half-zebra, half-giraffe, as if it were a mixed-breed creature from a Greek legend. Yes its image is prevalent in the Democratic Republic of Congo-the only country in the world where it is found living in the world. The okapi is to Congo what the giant panda is to China or the kangaroo to Australia.

Although the okapi has striped markings resembling those of zebras’, it is most closely related to the giraffe. It has a long neck, and large, flexible ears. The face and throat are greyish white. The coat is a chocolate to reddish brown, much in contrast with the white horizontal stripes and rings on the legs and white ankles. Overall, the okapi can be easily distinguished form its nearest relative. It is much smaller (about the size of a horse) and shares more external similarities with the deer than with the giraffe. While both sexes possess horns in the giraffe, only males bear horns in the okapi.

The West got its first whiff of the okapi in 1890 when Welsh Journalist Henry Morton Stanley had puzzled over a strange “African donkey” in his book. Other Europeans in Africa had also heard of an animal that they came to call the “African unicorn.” Explorers may have seen the fleeting view of the striped backside as the animal fled through the bushes, leading to speculation that the okapi was some sort of rainforest zebra. Some even believed that the okapi was a new species of zebra. It was only later, when okapi skeleton was analyzed, that naturalists realized they had a giraffe on their hands.

In 1987, the Okapi Wildlife Reserve was established in eastern Congo to protect this rare mammal. But decades of political turbulence has seen much of the Congo’s natural resources spin out of the government’s control, and okapi numbers have fallen by 50 percent since 1995. Today, only 10,000 remain.

1.Which of the following is a picture of an okapi?

A. B.

C. D.

2.Which of the following descriptions is true about the okapi?

A.It is an important symbol of Congo.

B.It has been well protected since 1987.

C.It is a mystical creature from a Greek legend

D.It is more closely related to the zebra than the giraffe.

3.What does the underlined word“whiff”most likely mean in Paragraph 3?

A.Firm belief. B.Kind intention.

C.Strong dislike. D.Slight trace.

4.What can be inferred about Henry Morton Stanley?

A.He was the first Europeans to analyze okapi skeleton.

B.He had found many new species of animals in Africa.

C.He did not know the“African donkey"in his book was the okapi.

D.He had seen the backside of an okapi dashing through the bushes.


    When you think of a national park, you generally picture fresh air and wild animals, right? Well, now you're going to have to add tea shops and something called "the Tube" to your definition, because London, England has signed up to be the first "National Park City."

London was established by the Romans around 2.000 years ago and has been continually inhabited (居住于) since then. In all that time, however, nobody had the idea to replace all the parks with big box stores or high buildings, which means London already has a much lower urban density (密度)than most of the worlds cities. Nowadays about a third of the city is green space,

In July 2019, London announced its willingness to become the world's first National Park City. Now the city is moving toward the goal of achieving 50% green space by the year 2050 by connecting and expanding public parks, greening up unused parking lots and the private yards of existing and new houses, fixing some green roofs on existing buildings and even cutting holes in fences for wildlife to pass through.

"Inspired by the aims and values of our precious rural national parks, the London National Park City is basically about making life better in the capital through both small everyday things and long-term strategic thinking." Daniel Raven-Ellison, who began the campaign to make London a National Park City six years ago said in a press release. "We’ ve been doing that in London for centuries, which is why London is so green and diverse.”

London will have a much easier job achieving this type of green transformation than more densely-urbanized cities like Paris and New York, which have 10% and 27% greenspace respectively. But that doesn't mean it's not possible--- the National Park City Foundation hopes to employ 25 more cities in addition to London by the year 2025. Glasgow. Scotland and Newcastle upon Tyne in northeast England are both currently considering becoming National Park Cities.

1.What makes London more likely to become a national park city than other cities?

A.Its smaller population. B.Its less dense urbanization.

C.Its citizens' great support. D.The government's efforts.

2.Where can we find the data on London's measures to achieve its goal?

A.In Paragraph 1. B.In Paragraph 2.

C.In Paragraph 3. D.In Paragraph 4.

3.What is Daniel Raven-Ellison trying to talk about in the fourth paragraph?

A.The significance of London's campaign.

B.The effects of national parks on London.

C.The resources of London's green space.

D.The strategic thinking of London for long.

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.Trying to be a national park city is turning new trend.

B.National park cities are springing up around the world.

C.It is so easy for London to become a national park city.

D.National park cities are making improvements to our life.


    My violin is like a soul mate that whispers words of wisdom to me. Together, we’ve gone through both tears and happiness.

About 12 years ago, I made acquaintance with it following an order from my mom. Many hours of boredom were spent practicing it. And to make things worse, the disappointment in my teacher’s eyes as I played the wrong notes was like an invisible hammer, striking on my heart. One day, I finally decided: I hate it!

By chance, things changed when I was seven. I was at home lying on the sofa, wondering how those famous violinists dealt with this terrible dilemma. I searched online for the E-minor Concerto, a well-known violin work by German composer Felix Mendelssohn, and listened to it.

A beautiful and mysterious sound came from the violin as the bow moved across it. It was like the music slid over the flowers, rose up, and started to fill the air. The violin’s voice woke up the sun, made the trees green, and freshened the air. As the music changed, the sky turned back to gray. A gloomy shade covered the grass as all the sunshine disappeared. I could hear children crying and men shouting. It was like an invisible claw had grabbed my heart tightly, making it unable to beat.

That glorious day set off my passion and interest in violin I grabbed mine and never let it go. Before the memories faded, I stared at my instrument. Without hesitating, I picked it up, rosined(用松香擦) the bow, and began to play. Peace filled my heart.

My violin has been by my side for 12 years. When I feel happy, an energetic tune makes it even better; when I’m deep in sorrow, a peaceful tune washes it away, when I’m walking on air, feeling especially pleased with my achievements, solemn(庄严的) tunes calm me down. Gradually, it has become a part of my life.

My violin, shall I compare you to a summer’s day?

1.What further contributed to the author’s dislike of violin-playing?

A.Orders from mum. B.Boredom of practice.

C.Loss of passion for violin. D.Disappointment in the teacher’s eyes.

2.What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?

A.The author’s feeling was continuously influenced by the music.

B.The weather actually changed because of the tune.

C.The sudden change made the author’s heart unable to beat.

D.The scenery outside the room was quite attractive.

3.Why did the author pick up the violin again?

A.The invisible hammer and claw are gone.

B.The beautiful imagination changed his attitude.

C.A famous tune aroused his interest and passion.

D.He was crazy about Felix Mendelssohn’s works.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.Deep love for music B.My dislike and like of violin

C.An inspiring story of violin D.Musical soul mate—violin


This is What a REAL Silver Dollar Looks Like

If you trust in the yen, the euro,

and the dollar...stop reading.

Because this is a story about

the sliver coin EVERYBODY wants.

You read the headlines.You know that troubled economic times have put global currency on a rollercoaster(过山车) ride.But millions have found a smarter way to build long­term value with high­grade collectable silver.And right now, those people are lining up to secure some of the last 2012 US.Mint Silver Eagles, America's Newest Silver Eagle Dollars. Today, you can graduate to the front of that line.Buy now and you can own these brilliant uncirculated Silver Dollars for only $38.95!

You Can't Afford to Lose

Why are we releasing(发行) this silver dollar for such a remarkable price? Because we want to introduce you to what hundreds of thousands of smart collectors and satisfied customers have known since 1984—New York Mint is the place to find the world's finest high­grade coins.That's why we're offering you this Brilliant Uncirculated 2012 US.Silver Eagle for as little as $37.45(plus s/h)

Timing is Everything

Our advice? Keep this to yourself.Because the more people who know about this offer, the worse it is for you.Demand for Silver Eagles in 2011 broke records.Experts predict that 2012 Silver Eagles may break them all over again.Due to rapid changes in the price of silver, prices may be higher or lower and are subject to(……影响) change without notice.Supplies are limited.Call immediately to add these Silver Eagles to your holdings before it's too late.

Offer Limited to 40 per household

2012 American Silver Eagle Coin

Your cost 1­4 Coins $38.95 eachs/h

5­9 Coins $38.45 eachs/h

10­19 Coins $37.95 eachs/h

20­40 Coins $37.45 eachs/h

Note$10 s/h(shipping and handling) for each purchase

For fastest service, call toll­free 24 hours a day


Offer Code(代码) ASE177­04
Please mention this code when you call.

New York Mint

14101 Southcross Drive W., Dept.ASE177­04

Burnsville, Minnesota 55337


1.What is stressed in the ad?

A.The coin is of high quality and worth collecting.

B.The coin can be circulated as a currency.

C.Limited supplies guarantee a stable price of the coin.

D.Demand for the coin is bound to break records.

2.If you buy six 2012 US.Mint Silver Eagles by post, you should pay at least ________.

A.$230.7 B.$233.7 C.$240.7 D.$243.7

3.The ad strongly encourages people to purchase the silver coins by ________.

A.shopping online

B.making a phone call

C.lining up in front of the stores

D.writing to the company



1. 表达对他的谢意;

2. 阐明其行为的意义和影响;

3. 提醒他注意自身防护。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


Dear Simon,


Students’ Union







1. 每处错误及其修改均限一词。

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处)不计分。

Once I was asked to coach a community basketball team. Though have many good players, the team never won the game. I quickly found out what they could not win for the first time I watched them play their game. Everyone desires to be a star. I pointed out that somebody would be a star if they didn't show the team spirit and support each other. Evident they began to realize their mistake. In the following practices, every team member would pass the ball to other members who were in a better position score points. When they finally won a game, they all learnt the strengths of teamwork.



At the age of 8, I was allowed to walk from my home to the downtown library, 1.(house) above the police station. I was instantly addicted, as with a membership card I could enjoy2.range of books. While studying English literature at university, I began to collect books to build my own library. Until one day, I realized all my books3.(become) part of the house, like wallpaper.

I became a teacher-librarian at my old high school, 4.I first learned literature after retirement.5.was the position that restarted my6.(affect) for libraries. 7.(spark) my teenage audience’s love of books, I bought almost every type of book that they wanted to read. I also bought sofas and comfortable chairs, 8.(turn) the library into an inclusive public space, safe for everyone.

In doing so, I realized that the library isn’t just a place to do research. They are, 9.(actual), places that offer an opportunity to engage10.the past, present and future and help us adjust to the world. Their doors must be kept open to everyone — for free!


    2-year-old Truett Palmer was born in Missouri, with a genetic disorder and an inborn (先天的)_________disease. He has_________from more than a dozen surgeries, including three open heart surgeries and a heart transplant. One thing Truett_________during his most recent hospital stay was weekly visits from a therapy dog named Zuri. The dog was a Goldendoodle with curly hair and it was just kind of_________. Truett has sensory issues and he_________anyone touching his feet, but with Zuri, he would just run his feet through her fur. When Truett was with Zuri, it seemed the world didn't_________.

After Truett left the hospital, his mom Danielle began_________getting a Goldendoole for him, but found the breed (品种) especially_________. “Financially, going through a transplant and hospital stay, it wasn’t going to work out in our_________,” she said. Danielle____________Truett’s story and dream on Facebook, hoping there would be a miracle.

In Seattle, Gray, a nursing student, lived alone on several acres surrounded only by her dogs. One of Gray’s beloved dog just had puppies and she’d love to____________one child with special needs a(n)____________friend in time for Christmas. When she____________Truett’s story, she knew he would be the new____________of the puppy. “He’s got____________more than I could possibly imagine. Seeing how strong he is and how positive his family is about that all, I am deeply moved.” Gray said.

Following a(n)____________effort by Gray and the Palmer family to transport Zeda____________state lines, the Goldendoodle puppy was in Truett's arms just in time for Christmas morning. “He was so excited,” Danielle said. “You could just see the____________on his face the moment she’s placed on his lap. He’s just so happy and____________her his baby. They’re just best friends.”

Truett is now on the road to good health and____________to his transplanted heart well. Danielle says she hopes their story will encourage others to consider organ donation.

1.A.lung B.heart C.kidney D.eye

2.A.experienced B.undergone C.resulted D.suffered

3.A.took part in B.turned down C.look forward to D.dealt with

4.A.different B.patient C.gentle D.helpful

5.A.dislikes B.enjoys C.disapproves D.keeps

6.A.appear B.exist C.change D.stop

7.A.planning B.arranging C.considering D.permitting

8.A.expensive B.affordable C.economic D.modest

9.A.schedule B.hospital C.background D.budget

10.A.reported B.focused C.posted D.found

11.A.gift B.sell C.buy D.meet

12.A.novel B.furry C.old D.certain

13.A.took down B.looked for C.compared with D.came across

14.A.shelter B.guide C.owner D.employee

15.A.along B.through C.away D.down

16.A.worried B.accepted C.thrilled D.combined

17.A.on B.beneath C.into D.across

18.A.shock B.disgust C.joy D.sorrow

19.A.told B.called C.explained D.claimed

20.A.adjusting B.devoting C.referring D.using


    Nowadays, money has become intangible (不易度量的). Household shopping is done online pocket money is stored in an electronic wallet rather than a piggy bank. Children rarely see their parents handling cash and they are spending online, too.1.

The answer is GoHenry, an app with separate versions for parents and children, now available both in America and Britain.2.To use the app, parents need to sign up with their own bank accounts and pay a monthly fee for their kids. They can see what the child has bought and choose where the card can be used: in shops, online or at ATMs. They can also schedule pocket money and set tasks.3.

Children get debit cards (借记卡) carved with their name.4.For example, they can decide to save ten dollars for a friend's birthday in four weeks' time. The app tells them how much to save each week to meet the goal.

Similar to a fitness app, GoHenry gives children feedback on their financial management and motivates them to spend better and save. A big benefit of such an app is that it inspires family conversations about money.

GoHenry has gained popularity since it entered the market. Parents sign up for different purposes. Some regard the subscription as an investment in their children’s future.5.Others uses it as a way for their children to learn to budget.

A.Some say they’ve been in debt and want their children to avoid that mistake when they grow up.

B.They can set a goal at the age of 12 to have $ 2,000 to buy a car at 18.

C.They can put money in saving pots, view their spending and balances, and set saving targets.

D.How, then, can children learn money’s value and gain money-management skills?

E.When those are marked as done, the child is paid the agreed amount.

F.The app helps children form good financial habits through real-world money management.

G.Though they no longer touch or hold money, they can still be taught to handle it well.


    Two years ago, aerospace manufacturer SpaceX shocked the world by landing its reusable booster (助推器) engine — the biggest and most costly part of the rocket used to power spacecraft into low orbit — on an autonomous drone ship in the Atlantic Ocean. Now, California-based startup Rocket Lab, has come up with an even more courageous idea: using parachutes and helicopters to capture the returning booster, or first stage as it is often called, in the air!

Rocket Lab’s decision to avoid the propulsive or vertical (垂直的) landing used by SpaceX comes from its business model to keep its Electron rockets small and cost-effective. Standing just 57 feet tall, they are designed to deliver smaller payloads (有效载重) of about 500 pounds for only $5 million a launch. In contrast, the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket measuring 229 feet tall can lift up to 50,000 pounds, costs about $62 million a mission. “We’re not in the business of building medium-sized launch vehicles but small ones for customers to get on orbit frequently.” said Rocket Lab CEO Peter Beck.

Similar to other rockets, the Electron divides into two once it reaches outer space. While the top part, carrying the load, continues on to its final destination, the booster engine falls back to Earth The company intends to fix a ballute — a parachute-like braking device — to quickly slow down the booster's supersonic speed (超声速) upon its return into the atmosphere. Once it slows down to a reasonable pace, a helicopter will grab the rocket from midair and put it onto an awaiting ship to transport to the company's headquarters. Beck said: “The grand goal here is that if we can capture the vehicle in wonderful condition, in theory, we should be able to put it back on the pad, charge the batteries up, and go again.”

The idea, still in the concept stage, will become one step closer to becoming a reality during Electron’s next launch, scheduled for sometime in 3 years, “Engineers will carefully monitor the first stage as it returns, testing its ability to guide its landing with the best way to slow down its speed,” said Beck.

1.We can infer from the first two paragraphs that ___________.

A.with a height of 229 feet, the Space X Falcon 9 rocket can deliver a load of 50,000 tons

B.small launch vehicles are designed by Rocket Lab to make its boosters economical

C.Space X once successfully captured its rocket before it landed on a ship in the Atlantic Ocean

D.an autonomous drone ship is used by Rocket Lab to transport the first stage

2.What distinguishes the Electron from other rockets?

A.It will be equipped with a ballute to reduce its landing speed.

B.Its booster engine falls back to the earth with the load.

C.It divides into two the instant it enters outer space.

D.It is loaded on a helicopter heading for the company’s headquarters.

3.What will Rocket Lab’s following research focus on?

A.How to capture the booster engine without damaging its function.

B.When to slow down the first stage as it returns.

C.How to cut the cost of each launch mission by calculation.

D.How to make its rockets smaller and more reusable.

4.In which column can you find this article in a piece of newspaper?

A.Books & Art. B.Business.

C.Science Fiction. D.Technology.


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