Prague is cracking! My sister was right. It really is one of Europe's most popular tourist attractions, which has beautiful old buildings. So far, my favorite place is Prague Castle. I think it is the largest ancient castle in the world. Prague also has a lot of cultural events, like the World Dance Festival. I went to a ballet(芭蕾舞剧) just last night.


I've come to Shanghai at the right time. It was exciting! There are many tourists there. It has some wonderful buildings from the 1930s. Yesterday was the Dragon Boat Festival. I went on a night cruise(乘船游览) of the Huangpu River last night. I met some great people on the boat, mostly foreigners, like me.


Buenos Aires is a fun city. I'm staying near the mile-long shopping street called Calle Florida. It is a great place to meet people and watch dancers perform the tango. Buenos Aires is the birthplace of the tango.

I also spent a day in the suburb of Tigre. It's about 30 km from the capital, and you can get there quickly by train. However, I chose to take a boat on the canals of the Parana Delta.


1.What can be learned according to Lily?

A.Prague is a modern city.

B.Prague is worth visiting.

C.Prague is most famous for its ballet.

D.Prague is the largest ancient castle in the world.

2.Both Stan and Melinda__________.

A.took a boat trip. B.saw a lot of old buildings

C.went to a festival D.travelled by train

3.The passage is probably taken out of__________.

A.a history book B.a news report

C.a travel website D.a personal diary


假定你是李华,你所在的城市正在举办一场图书展销会(book fair),请你写封邮件邀请你校交换生Linda一同前往参加。内容要点如下:

1. 写信目的;

2. 图书展销会基本情况(时间、地点、图书种类、购书优惠等)。

注意:1. 字数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Linda,



Li Hua


假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。 每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

With the development of modern industry, the environment is becoming worse and worse. This is high time that we took action and we would have nowhere to live. As high school student, we can protect the environment by live a low-carbon life.

Firstly, we should turn on the lights when we are not using them to save the electricity. Secondly, when we went out, we should walk or ride bikes if possibly. If we travel to places far away, they can take public transport.

Finally, it’s also a good idea reuse things in our daily life, such as paper, bottles and cans.



At the beginning, written Chinese was a picture-based language. It dates back several thousand years 1. the use of animal bones and shells on which symbols 2. (a)arve) by ancient Chinese people. Some of the ancient symbols can still be seen in today's hanzi.

By the Shang Dynasty, these symbols 3. (become) a well-developed writing system. Over the years, the system developed into different forms, as it was a time when people were divided geographically, 4. (lead) to many varieties of dialects and characters. This, 5., changed under the rule of Emperor Qinshihuang of the Qin Dynasty.

Emperor Qinshihuang made the seven major states into one 6. (unite) country where the Chinese writing system began to develop in one direction. That writing system was of great 7. (important) in uniting the Chinese people and culture. Even today, no matter where Chinese people live or what dialect they speak, they can all still communicate 8. (easy) in writing.

Written Chinese has also become an important means by 9. China’s present is connected with its past. People in modern times can read the classic 10. (work) which were written by Chinese in ancient times. The high regard for the Chinese writing system can be seen in the development of Chinese characters as an art form, known as Chinese calligraphy, which has become an important part of Chinese culture.


    A big thought can be one of the ________ forces in the world. I was ________ with that idea all over again when I heard the story of Mary Crowe.

Young Mary was washing her father’s overalls one day when the big thought ________ her.

In her mind she saw herself ________ from college in cap and gown, accepting her diploma, ready to ________ a career.

Since Mary came from a low-income family, her dream seemed out of ________. There would never be enough money to send Mary to college. ________, no member of her family had ever gone to college. But Mary ________ that thought. In secondary school she studied hard, and spoke ________ of her dream to teachers and friends. When her ________ day at school came, her principal (校长) called her into his office.

“I have a(n) ________ for you,” he said.

It contained a scholarship to a nearby college. The power of a thought had ________ its first dividend (红利). But the scholarship could cover only part of her college ________. Mary took every part-time job she could find.

Mary’s dream came true when she graduated from college. Then she took a course in insurance. When she ________ herself to a local insurance company for a job, she was ________. She applied again. The answer was no. She kept going back until the manager ________ her.

Twenty-five years later Mary Crowe’s associates in that company ________ at a special dinner in her honour, recognizing her for her outstanding achievements as an insurance saleswoman.

“Each of us is constantly in a state of becoming,” she said, giving her formula (方法) for ________. “Through ________ and faith you can become what you think. Not that your life will be without problems, but along the way problems will be ________. Ask and believe; dream and believe; work and believe.”

1.A.safest B.strongest C.heaviest D.weakest

2.A.shocked B.familiar C.nervous D.impressed

3.A.seized B.greeted C.struck D.beat

4.A.graduating B.escaping C.driving D.judging

5.A.start B.finish C.abandon D.quit

6.A.control B.question C.sight D.thought

7.A.However B.Instead C.Therefore D.Besides

8.A.held on to B.took pride in C.made up for D.came up with

9.A.selfishly B.freely C.unwillingly D.jokingly

10.A.first B.formal D.unique B.envelope C.souvenir D.test

12.A.joined B.wasted C.consumed D.produced

13.A.expenses B.secrets C.incomes D.ambitions B.related C.accustomed D.presented

15.A.picked up B.put aside C.turned down D.taken in

16.A.believed B.praised C.accepted D.noticed

17.A.gathered B.declared C.resigned D.parted

18.A.reputation B.independence C.responsibility D.success

19.A.suspension B.enthusiasm C.politeness D.status

20.A.corrected B.overcome C.forgotten D.collected


    If you really want to get to know someone, travel with them. The following are some suggestions given by some people who have successfully traveled with friends.

Talk money ahead of time.

When you’re traveling with friends, the topic of money will certainly come up. 1. Talking about expenses early on will help your friends understand what can be done and what can’t be done.

Create a group itinerary (行程表).

When traveling in a group, a lot of time can be wasted trying to figure out what to do once you get there—if this hasn’t been discussed ahead of time. Have everyone write down what they’d like to accomplish on the trip before departure. 2.

Choose a trip leader.

If you’ll be traveling in a group with many friends, it can be hard to keep everyone motivated. 3. He or she can set departure times and let everyone know the basic plan.


Once you’ve nominated (任命) a leader, using a travel folder to collect all tickets, maps and other important documents can help streamline the process of group travel, as well.

Power down.

Nothing is more likely to cause unhappiness than when one person is trying to have a conversation with someone who’s busy showing off the trip on social media. 5. If you spend the time with your face buried in your phone, your companions will rightly think your phone is more interesting than their company.

A. Set specific free time.

B. Gather your important documents.

C. Be open about expenses before even booking the tickets.

D. A leader can be the key decision maker of the group for the trip.

E. This wish list will let everyone feel their desires have been heard.

F. If you do decide to split up, use a communication app to stay in touch.

G. Put all social media activity on hold, and live in the moment with your friends.


    Experts note that an unhealthy lifestyle can put you at great risk of heart disease and stroke. So doctors urge us to eat healthy foods, get exercise, stop smoking and limit our alcohol intake. But there is something else you can do. And it is free and easy. Smile!

Dr. Chockalingam, a heart disease specialist in Columbia, advises his patients to smile. He says a smile may be one way to help your heart. “When we smile, the brain wiring changes. The chemicals that are released are more positive.” He says smiling is the first step in fighting physical and emotional stress and its sometimes harmful effects on human health. This is not just New Age advice. Several studies support his opinion.

When you feel stressed or under pressure, your body releases many natural hormones (荷尔蒙) including adrenaline and cortisol. Adrenaline increases your heart rate and blood pressure. Cortisol is the body’s main stress hormone. It increases sugar in the bloodstream. If you are truly in danger, these hormones can help you. They are part of what we call our fight-or-flight response.

However, when we are stressed for a long period, these stress hormones are ever-present in our bodies. And that, medical researchers warn, may lead to health problems.

Researchers say the connection between stress and heart disease is still unclear. However, they claim that when people are stressed for long periods of time, they may have an unhealthy lifestyle, which can lead to health problems.

Dr. Chockalingam says a smile may be one way to help. He tells his patients to smile 20 times an hour. To some, that might seem like a lot of smiling. Or some might even feel foolish ... smiling for seemingly no reason. But a smile does not involve drugs. It is not invasive like a surgical operation. It is free and it has no bad side effects.

“Once people smile, they are relaxing. This relaxation directly lowers blood pressure, improves sugar levels in the blood. If we are smiling, we are breaking that link between stress and health.” And it just may provide a little extra protection to everyone’s heart health.

1.Which of the following agrees with Dr. Chockalingam’s opinion?

A.Smile has the same effects as laughter.

B.Smile can be used to take the place of medicine.

C.Smile is better than any healthy lifestyle to health.

D.Smile can make our body produce beneficial chemicals.

2.What can we know about the mentioned stress hormones?

A.They can lower our blood pressure.

B.They will surely lead to heart diseases.

C.They can benefit us when we are in danger.

D.They will make us live an unhealthy lifestyle.

3.Why does Dr. Chockalingam think smiling is helpful to our health?

A.It can make us relax. B.It increases sugar levels.

C.It has little bad side effects. D.It can happen for no reason.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.A Thorough Analysis of the Causes of Heart Diseases

B.One Thing You Can Do Right Now to Help Your Heart

C.One Thing That Is Closely Connected with Stress Hormones

D.The Clear Connection Between Unhealthy Lifestyles and Heart Diseases


    Have you ever heard a rumor spread around by students at your school? Rumors, like fake news, can often misinform individuals and lead them to believe false information.

In an attempt to settle this problem, the country of Singapore has passed a bill that bans companies and individuals from publishing false information online.

This law, known as The Protection From Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Bill, has caused a public outcry (强烈的抗议), as the government has been given the power to remove content that it considers inaccurate or against the public’s interest.

Since Singapore’s citizens are part of different racial and religious groups, the government fears that rumors or fake news can increase tensions within an already small country.

With the new law coming into effect, Singapore’s government now has the authority to monitor news sites, social media platforms, and other databases of information to determine whether the content is falsified. The government can order for the removal of fake news, and publishers of this information can receive prison time and fines up to one million Singapore dollars!

Critics fear that the bill threatens their freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Since national issues and world news are generally discussed on online platforms, many are concerned that this new bill will prevent individuals from talking freely and having healthy conversations.

Several companies, including Google, Facebook, and Twitter, have offices situated in Singapore, meaning that the new law will affect their company operations. Social media companies in Singapore could face a decline in activity, as users may fear posting their opinions and being punished by the government.

Others are concerned that the law does not clearly state what a “false statement” is. Such an ambiguity might allow the government to misuse their power, even though the intention is to curtail the mow of false information and rumors throughout Singapore.

This law does give rise to several concerns related to freedom and privacy and it will be interesting to see what Singapore’s government will do to deal with this problem.

1.Why are some people against the bill?

A.They think the bill can’t get rid of fake news.

B.They belong to different racial and religious groups.

C.They think their freedom of speech may be harmed.

D.They don’t want to increase tensions in their country.

2.What does the government have the right to do under the new law?

A.Punish publishers of fake news.

B.Monitor telephone conversations.

C.Prohibit certain people from going online.

D.Fine fake-news makers any amount of money.

3.How will the new law affect social media companies in Singapore?

A.Their users’ privacy may be disturbed.

B.Their income will increase very slowly.

C.Their illegal activities will come to light.

D.Their social media may become less active.

4.What does the underlined word in paragraph 8 probably mean?

A.prove B.accelerate

C.promote D.decrease


    A few years ago, my husband Charlie and I had marital problems. Growing family responsibilities and financial worries took a toll on us and we began arguing frequently, often late into the night.

However, neither of us could take the step that would end our eleven-year marriage and bring heartbreak to our three young children. Deep down we knew we still loved each other, so we determined to work it out. Through countless discussions, we began to close the gulf. The more honest we were, the closer we became.

When I felt we were reaching solid ground, I asked my husband to give me an “eternity (永恒) ring”. It was not so much the ring I wanted; it was the reassurance (保证) I thought it would bring.

We went shopping on a beautiful summer day. We walked hand in hand along a row of jeweler’s shops. Finally I found a ring I liked. While waiting for it to be adjusted, the jeweler took my left hand and glanced at my engagement ring. “May I clean it for you?” he asked. “It really doesn’t sparkle like it used to.” Charlie said as I slipped the ring off my finger. A few minutes later the jeweler was back. The ring shone like new!

On the drive home, I didn’t take my eyes off it. I forgot all about the eternity ring. I just couldn’t believe how this old ring suddenly sparkled the way it had the day Charlie gave it to me. I had taken it for granted these past years, but with a little polish it could still make my heart beat fast.

And that’s the way it is with a marriage. You have to work at keeping it polished and new, or else the grime (污垢) of the passing years will hide the joy. I put my hand on the seat between us and spread my fingers. Charlie covered my hand with his. I felt I was lucky to be able to see the sparkle in something gold when I thought I needed something new.

1.Why did the author and her husband decide to solve the problems?

A.They were a famous couple. B.They didn’t want to divorce.

C.The problems were not serious. D.They had experience in doing so.

2.What does the underlined part in paragraph 3 probably mean? of trouble B.arriving at a square

C.wealthy and generous good relationship

3.Why did the author forget all about the eternity ring on their way back home?

A.Her husband kept it for her. B.They didn’t actually pay for it.

C.The old ring’s light attracted her attention. D.The couple were talking all the way merrily.

4.What does the author mainly want to express in the last paragraph?

A.We tend to prefer new objects to old ones.

B.One should remain thankful for what he has got.

C.Marriage should be constantly polished.

D.We should try to rediscover the true value of old objects.


    Butterfly Garden (Permanent Exhibit)

Walk among the free-flying residents of this warm conservatory. It is a wonderful opportunity to get close to a variety of living butterflies from New England and across the globe. The “Emergence Box” offers a window into the butterfly behavior. Look inside to see hanging chrysalids (蝶蛹) transform into adult butterflies. Tickets are required and visitors should reserve at least two weeks in advance.

A Bird’s World (Permanent Exhibit)

This exhibit features the Museum’s extraordinary collection of birds, displaying over 300 species found in New England. Here, you can learn to interpret the bird language taking place just outside your window at home.

Test your observation skills and see if you can get past different birds without them alerting (发信号) other animals to your presence. Learn to identify birds from a distance by recognizing unique flight patterns. Practice your flying technique in the Bird Walk.

Hall of Human Life (Permanent Exhibit)

Should you have your baby’s DNA sequenced? What keeps you awake? Step inside the Hall of Human Life, the Museum’s new biology exhibition, and encounter such far-reaching questions on an amazing journey inside the human body. Through digital media and personal interaction, you become “part of the story’, as you contribute your own data in a process of learning and discovery.

BODY WORLDS & The Cycle of Life (Temporary Exhibit Now Open!)

BODY WORLDS comes to the Museum of Science with a new chapter, Gunther von Hagens’ BODY WORLDS & The Cycle of Life. Don’t miss this truly unique opportunity to look within yourself and gain a whole new perspective on what it means to be alive. More than one hundred preserved human specimens reveal the wonders of human development and show how poor health, good health, and lifestyle choices can shape your body.

1.Which exhibit do you need to book in advance?

A.Butterfly Garden B.A Bird’s World

C.Hall of Human Life D.BODY WORLDS & The Cycle of Life

2.What can you do in A Bird’s World?

A.Improve your own flying technique.

B.Communicate with birds in body language.

C.Watch digital media showing birds’ history.

D.See different birds from all over the world.

3.What is special about BODY WORLDS & The Cycle of Life?

A.It is related to human body.

B.It lasts for only a limited time.

C.It is the most visited exhibition in the world.

D.It has something to do with the growth of life.


假定你是中学生李华,你的笔友Peter 来信询问你最近的学习情况,请你给他写封回信,内容包括:






Dear Peter,



Li Hua








Hope everything goes well with you. In terms of your unhealth lifestyle, I'm writing to give you some suggestion.

First of all, green and nutritious foods are necessary to our daily life, without that we can't build a healthy body. However, it's time that you can eat more fruits and vegetables rather than fast food. Drinking water instead of coke cola is wise choice. Second, you're supposed to cut down the time spending on the electronic products, which it is beneficial to your eyes and brain.

The last point to bear in mind is that early to bed or early to rise will make a man healthy, wealthy and wisely. Hope my advice can benefit you.



Thanks to the Chinese government scholarship, I was able to come to China and realize my dream as1. international student. In my two years of Master's study, I collected a bunch of wonderful memories.

One of them was joining a hiking marathon or climbing to the top of a mountain. I did not win the marathon, 2. the sight of the beautiful landscapes along the way was enough for me. In China, I found that hiking was one of the best leisure 3.(activity) of Chinese people.

The visit 4. Zijin Mountain last year was the most challenging yet very memorable to me because of the bad weather in winter and the long hours of journey5.  ( reach) the top. The temperature at that time reached a freezing point. My hands were stone cold and my face6.  (go) very pale. When we reached the top, it was just so 7.(attract). The sunset view was the best of all. One of my friends took a photo of 8.(I) and my Chinese friend as if we were sharing the sun with our hands. We stayed on top for a while, until we felt that we should be leaving before we would 9. (total) freeze to death.

I believe that 10. (climb) mountains gives someone a sense of direction and a motivation to reach your goal no matter how hard or unimaginable it could be.


    When Addisyn Goss met a homeless man two years ago, she learned that he had been in such a bad situation for many years. His stories of _________inspired the now 10-year-old girl to take action, and she________ the “Snuggle Sacks” campaign around Flint, Michigan.

“She immediately wanted to do something to ________ ,” said Addisyn's mom, Stacy Daul. “_________ is something we see on the way to the grocery store, so it really has a painful effect on the kids, who have never expected someone around them should live such a _________life.” Addisyn's sister and brother, Sheridan and Jaxson, also help__________the movement. Together they've _______about 1, 700 survival kits(救生包) to people_________. The Snuggle Sacks include snacks and warm _________for men, women and children sleeping outside.

Their efforts have _________and as Stacy said, “The donations have kept coming ... we are so _________of her!” Two years later, Addisyn_________ about 100 bags per month and delivers them_________ to individuals living on the streets or to homeless shelters.

“When people come up _________ to get a Snuggle Sack, it makes me happy,” Addisyn said. “They love _______the socks right away, and I can see they are smiling ________ they live a hard life. It gives me hope that I am helping.”

For people like Addisyn, age is no ________ to having a positive effect on their communities. Having been   ______ by circumstances in their own livesthey have  _________great responsibilities in the society. Their actions continue to help so many others, and _________in the community.

1.A.struggle B.hardwork C.success D.failure

2.A.left B.attended C.started D.witnessed

3.A.hide C.donate

4.A.homelessness B.unemployment C.starvation D.traffic

5.A.admirable B.normal C.formal D.terrible

6.A.cancel B.advertise D.change

7.A.showed B.sold C.threw D.delivered need place peace danger

9.A.coats B.coverings D.scarfs

10.A.taken measures B.taken apart C.taken notes D.taken effect

11.A.fond B.independent C.proud D.tired

12.A.receives B.orders C.sends D.donates public person order place

14.A.excitedly B.anxiously C.indifferently D.generally

15.A.turning on B.focusing on C.putting on D.reflecting on

16.A.ever since B.even though C.only if though

17.A.reason B.standard C.stage D.barrier

18.A.raised B.forced C.attracted D.inspired

19.A.abandoned B.accepted C.shouldered D.completed

20.A.make a mess B.make a difference C.take the lead D.take an interest


    Learning how to use new words well will make it easier to learn a language and make you more knowledgeable.

1.If you're committed to building your vocabulary, set a goal for yourself. Try to learn three new words a day and use them in your speech and writing. With great efforts, you can learn several thousand new words that you will remember and use.

Write more. 2.Actively exercising your writing muscles will keep your vocabulary strong. Write letters to old friends and use lots of specific details.3.   If you typically avoid writing group emails or participating in group discussions, change your habits and write more.

Use flash cards or post--it notes around your house. To learn new words, try some simple memorization techniques. Hang post-it notes with meanings of some words you hope to memorize in the kitchen, so you can study it while making your morning cup.4. Even if you're watching TV, keep some flash cards with you and study.

Use accurate adjectives and precise nouns. The best writers aim to keep it short and accurate. Take out the dictionaries and choose the most accurate words possible in your sentences. 5.A word is a useful addition to your vocabulary if it reduces the number of the words in a sentence.

A. Have a goal.

B. Set an example.

C. Don't use three words when one will do.

D. You can start keeping a diary or start a blog.

E. Consider taking on more writing tasks at work.

F. Stick a new word to each house plant so you can study while watering.

G. It pays to create a good habit of guessing what the writer is trying to say.


    We know that reading is good for children. Now, a new study suggests that just being around books has its benefits. A team of researchers in Australia finds that growing up with a large library at home improves literacy (读写能力)number-sense, and even technological skills in later life. It appeared in the journal Social Science Research.

The researchers were exploring the advantages of scholarly culture. They were interested in a curious observation that some call the “radiation effect”. “Radiation effect is a situation where children grow up around books, but they don't read books. But somehow books benefit them, even though they don't read them as much as their parents wish them to.” Joanna Sikora, a sociologist in Australia. Joana and her colleagues analysed data collected between 2011 and 2015 by the Organization for Economic Development. The survey assessed the literacy, numeracy(计算能力), and technological competency of more than 160 ,000 adults from 31 countries. And it included a question about how many books participants had in their homes during adolescence. “What we were able to make clear was that people growing up around books had better literacy, numeracy and digital problem-solving skills than people who had fewer books growing up but had similar education levels, similar jobs, and even similar adult habits in terms of reading or working at various numeracy-improving activities.”

In fact, teens who only made it through high school but were raised in a bookish environment did as well in adulthood as college graduates who grew up in a house without books. Now, how might mere exposure lead to intellectual improvement? “If we grow up in a house, in a home where parents enjoy bookswhere books are given as birthday presents and valued, this is something that becomes a part of our identity and gives us this lifelong urge to always come close to books and read more than we would.”

So keep shelves piled with books. Your kids will not only be grateful, they’ll be more likely to be able to spell grateful correctly as well.

1.What's “radiation effect” according to the passage?

A.The terrible effect of radiation on the persons and things.

B.The good influence of bookish environment on adolescents.

C.The beneficial effect of reading books on adolescents.

D.The bad effect of the environment without books on adolescents.

2.How does the exposure to books improve intellect?

A.Books bring a sense of identity and eagerness to read more.

B.Books helps to provide a chance to come close to the society.

C.Books are always given to adolescents as valuable presents.

D.Books will offer the teens an urge to make great achievements.

3.What's the author's attitude towards bookish environment?

A.opposed. B.neutral.

C.unclear. D.supportive.

4.What may the author probably be from?

A.A travel brochure. B.A biology textbook.

C.A science magazine. D.A history discovery.


    The 2020 summer Olympics will be held in Tokyo next year. Japan has made 5,000 medals for the winners. But this Olympic medals are more special than most----they are made entirely out of recycled electronics.

One new focus of the Tokyo Olympics is to make them “sustainable”----to avoid using too many natural resources, so that the games are environmentally friendly. As part of this goal, the organizers decided to make all of the Olympic medals out of metal recycled from old electronics. They needed gold for first place medals, silver for second, and bronze for third. You might not know it, but almost all electronics are made with small amounts of “precious” metals, like gold and silver. But collecting enough of these metals to make 5,000 medals is a huge challenge. That's because the amount of metal in each device is tiny. It would take about 20,000 cell phones to get just 2. 2 pounds (1kilogram) of gold.

Beginning in April 2017, organizers placed collection boxes around the country, and asked people to turn in their old electronic devices for the Olympic medals. Soon people began to fill up the boxes, turning in smart phones, digital cameras and laptops. By the end, 1,621 local governments had helped out with the collection process. The Japanese mobile phone company NTT Docomo collected 6.21 million used cell phones. In all, around 158,000,000 pounds (71,667,660 kilograms) of electronics were collected.

Then came the job of breaking those phones down into smaller pieces. This is a difficult job. It's also dangerous, because some of the metals and other things that go into electronics aren't safe for people to touch or breathe. That's why it's not a good idea to try something like this at home. Once the devices were broken down, the metals had to be carefully separated out. By the end of March, the organizers had hit their targets. The opening ceremony for the 2020 summer Olympics will take place in Tokyo on July 24,020.

1.What's special about the 2020 summer Olympics medals?

A.Shape. B.Material.

C.Meaning. D.Weight.

2.Why is it a challenge to collect enough metals for medals?

A.The Japanese people are unwilling to help.

B.Companies are recycling metals for profit.

C.The amount of metal in each device is small.

D.The amount of device with metals is limited.

3.What do the figures in paragraph 3 suggest?

A.The number of the used electronics is too large to deal with.

B.People in Japan are eager to get rid of their used electronics.

C.People in Japan are in great favor of the collecting process.

D.A number of metals are wasted to produce electronics in Japan.

4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.The job of breaking down phones into pieces is tough.

B.The targets of collecting metals are hard to achieve.

C.The metals in the devices are easy to separate out.

D.The opening for the 2020 summer Olympics falls in June.


    Jamie Whitmore, 43, isn't used to slowing down. The professional athlete who became a gold medalist of Olympics for the disabled has never met a challenge she couldn't overcome, whether it was a mountain bike race-or cancer.

One morning in 2007, Whitmore found her leg muscles were tight when trying for a jog. Thinking she’d pushed herself too hard in the last race, she ignored the pain. Later at a sports camp in Arizona, she realized something was wrong. “Once I got on my bike I was so painful that it was hard to pick my legs up. I flew back home to go to a hospital.” What doctors found shocked them all: Whitmore had a soft tissue tumor (肿瘤)that started in the bone, and the tumor was wrapped around her nerve of waist, touching several vital organs.

After the surgery, Whitmore had to learn to walk again with the help of a physical doctor. She also started radiation treatment, but four months later, doctors had worse news: A scan had shown the cancer was back. “This time it was more aggressive. Doctors took the rest of my nerve in the waist, and removed some cancer from my tail bone. ” Whitmore developed sepsis(败血症) from the surgery and endured a two-month recovery. “My scans were coming back clear of cancer, but now I had all of these other complications(并发症).”

Today, Whitmore is a mother and cancer-free. She has won a gold medal in the Paralympics, and has set two world records. Whitmore has some advice for others with limitations: Never let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do. You have to find out yourself. Some doctors told me I would never ride anything more than a stationary bike. And yet I rode my mountain bike 104 miles climbing from 9,000 feet to 14,000 feet. You just can't give up.”

1.What's Whitmore's first reaction to her leg pain?

A.She was very scared. B.She thought nothing of it.

C.She related it to cancer. D.She thought of muscle tumor.

2.What does the author intend to tell us in Paragraph 3?

A.What Whitmore has suffered. B.How Whitmore reacted to cancer.

C.What Whitmore planned to perform. D.How Whitmore thought of the treatment.

3.Who does the underlined part in paragraph 4 refer to?

A.People living with cancers. B.Students short of virtues.

C.Students without good luck. D.People living with disabilities.

4.Which one of the following best describes Whitmore?

A.Humorous and unhealthy. B.Outgoing and honest.

C.Strong minded and optimistic. D.Determined and naughty.



This application provides for users apps that are free and highly discounted daily. By using this app, you only need to submit some information when registering. After filling it upyou are eligible to have access to a list of recommended downloads.


Based on bank nature, this app has been a good one in that regard. They have a banking license and allow you to open a current account through your phone for just some minutes. You are even liable to earn interest on the money held in your account through this app. The app will notice you with alerts when you spend money as it will help you outline what you have spent in categories like shopping, bill, foods and many more.

Campus Special

This app is greatly used by students as it enables them to have great deals on food stores and restaurants around the school. It also gives you the opportunity to order food from your hostel through your phone on pick-up delivery. The good thing about this app is that it enables you to get more rewards when you often use it. Those rewards can be used at your usual local food stores.

ATM Locator

This is another interesting app that can assist you in financial needs. When you are hooked up in an area that is not familiar to you and you are interested in getting some cash, instead of moving up and down in searching for the nearest place to withdraw some cash, this app should give you comfort in doing that. It helps you to find cash points that are very near to you, and it will display them on the map for you to check through.

1.Which app can serve as a warning if you spend money?

A.Campus Special. B.ATM locator.

C.AppsFire. D.Starling.

2.What's special about Campus Special?

A.Its rewards enable you to save some money.

B.It offers you the biggest discounts for deals on food.

C.It allows you to do your banking without going out.

D.It enables you to spend less on eating in campus canteen.

3.In which situation can you make use of the app ATM locator?

A.When you have no bank cards on you.

B.When you can't find the nearest cash machine.

C.When you are unfamiliar with the local campus.

D.When you are busy with some banking business.


学校正在组织科技创新大赛,你想为日常生活中某件物品(如钢笔、书包、鞋子……)设计添加新功能来参赛。请以“My Magic_______”为题写一篇英语短文,介绍你的创意。












注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

My mother asked me go to the store to buy some bread and milk. She gave her five dollars. When I got to a store, I found that the bread and milk cost almost six dollars. I knew that I needed one more dollars. I didn’t wanted to walk all the way home without the bread and milk. I looked such lost that the shopkeeper asked me what were wrong. I explained my problem to him. “Don’t worry,” the shopkeeper said, smile. “You can have both things for five dollars today.” I walked home happy. I told my mother that of my adventure.



The bicycle is 1. most popular means of transport in China. People ride it for various 2.(purpose) such as going to and from school and work. Bicycles are very cheap and easy 3. (buy) in China.

There are many advantages of riding a bicycle. Firstly, compared with cars 4. are powered by gas, bicycles can do good to 5. (save) energy and reducing the air pollution. Taking up less space, a bicycle can also 6. (lighten) the traffic jams. Most importantly, people can keep 7. (health) by riding a bicycle regularly. view, the future of the bicycle will be bright 9. some city governments have built special paths for bicycle riders and 10. (provide)“public bicycles” to travel round the city center free of charge. Bicycles will be popular again in China.


    Snowy was a beautiful little horse. Since she was born she has wanted to be a show jumping horse. Every day she would ______her mum to allow her to ______. Finally, her mum decided that she was ______ enough and they went into the jumping arena(竞技场).

Snowy was very ______, but when she saw how _____ the jumps were, she started shaking. “I can’t jump that high. It’s good idea that we ______,” she said. Her mum said, “I wouldn’t expect you to ________ that high. There’s a log(原木) on the ground. Why don’t you start jumping over that?” Snowy gathered(积聚) her ______, walked to the log and then ______ to jump over it.

“I did it!” she shouted happily. Soon Snowy developed good ______ in jumping over logs.

____, her mum said, “You can’t just jump over logs ______ you want to be a show jumper.

____ the low jump over there.”

Again, Snowy was ______, but she tried it and found she could do it. As time went on, Snowy progressed to taller jumps, until finally she ______ the arena and looked at the tallest jumps.

Over the past few weeks, something had ______. These jumps seemed much less ______ to Snowy. She jumped over them easily. Her mum looked with ______ at her and said, “This is what happens when you start ______ and build your way up.”

So never be afraid of ______ in life, but start small and keep trying. Then you’ll be able to do anything.

1.A.ask B.warn C.force D.advise

2.A.sing C.jump

3.A.old B.fat C.clever D.careful

4.A.moved B.bored C.satisfied D.excited

5.A.deep B.high C.long D.far

6.A.wait B.leave C.stay D.settle

7.A.see B.stop C.start D.arrive

8.A.speed B.power C.doubt D.courage

9.A.managed B.expected C.agreed D.happened

10.A.habits B.skills C.senses D.styles

11.A.Suddenly B.Immediately C.However D.Besides

12.A.although B.unless C.until D.if

13.A.Remember B.Try C.Carry D.Study

14.A.nervous B.happy C.upset D.serious

15.A.missed B.liked C.entered D.needed

16.A.appeared B.changed C.begun D.continued

17.A.dangerous B.important C.familiar D.terrible

18.A.pride B.anger C.patience D.kindness

19.A.early B.young C.small

20.A.failures B.worries C.uncertainties D.difficulties


Be at your best!

What does your brain need to work well? Here are some things it needs.

Good food

Experts say that breakfast is much more important than any other meal. 1.. So don’t miss breakfast — especially before an exam! But you need to eat a good breakfast — junk food won’t work.

A regular supply of energy

Your brain needs a regular supply of energy, so you need to eat carbohydrates. They’re found in bread, rice, pasta and beans. 2.. They work more quickly than bread and rice, so they give you a short burst (爆发) of energy, but afterwards you feel more tired.

A continuous supply of oxygen (氧气)

Your brain needs oxygen, which it gets from exercise. 3.. You also need a good supply of iron because iron helps your blood to carry oxygen round your body.


4.. Not getting enough water will stop your brain from working well. And remember, water isn’t as expensive as sweet drinks!


Your brain needs several hours’ sleep, so it can ‘update’ itself, just like a computer. Experts say that when you study for a test or an exam, you should get some sleep as quickly as possible after you’ve finished studying. This helps you to remember what you’ve learnt.

A. A short break

B. A good night’s sleep

C. It works best in the morning

D. Exercise improves your memory too

E. Water is much better than sweet drinks

F. Your brain works better when you have eaten

G. Chocolate, biscuits and sweets are not good for your brain


    Back in April 1939 and armed with $5,000 provided by the Rockefeller Foundation, Columbia University Teachers College professor Frank Cyr took a tour of ten states to make a research about school transportation problems. What he found was that many students had no dependable way to get to school and the ones who did often traveled in unsafe buses in the over 100,000 school areas.

Seeing a need to fix this problem, Cyr organized a meeting- one that would change the future of school buses forever. School officials and transportation experts met to set much-needed standards for buses, including those for color, height and width as well as safety rules that hadn’t been set before or that were different in every state.

There were many different bus colors in the US before this meeting; several areas even planned to have red, white and blue buses as a way of encouraging students to love their country. Cyr presented his new choices to education officials, a reported “50 shades(色度) changing from lemon yellow to deep orange-red”. The matter was settled quickly. Yellow, or “National School Bus Glossy Yellow”, was chosen because it was quite striking, making the school bus easy to be seen. Besides, it made the bold(黑体的), black writing on the side of each bus clear. (The bold, black writing gives information about each school area, telling students which school bus they could take during early morning and late afternoon hours.) Thirty-five states made the changes quickly, and every state was on board by 1974.

Being recognized as the “father of the yellow school bus”, Frank Cyr has surely influenced your life if you ever rode a school bus or saw that noticeable color pulling up to your stop on a dusky morning.

1.What did Frank Cyr find about the school buses in the US?

A.Funny. B.Surprising.

C.Disappointing. D.Reliable.

2.What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?

A.Who attended the meeting. B.Why the meeting was held.

C.What was settled in the meeting. D.What was discussed in the meeting.

3.What does the underlined word “striking” in the Paragraph 3 mean?

A.Soft. B.Bright.

C.Natural. D.Beautiful.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Why school buses in the US are yellow.

B.How school buses developed in the US.

C.How students in the US recognized school buses.

D.Why there are school buses for students in the US.


    When we are young we are taught that it’s wrong to lie and we should always tell the truth. Unfortunately, most children lie even if they’re told not to. Research carried out at the Institute of Child Study at Toronto Univercity has shown that this might not be such a bad thing. Apparently (显然地), children who tell lies when they’re two years old have a good chance of becoming successful adults (成年人).

According to the research, at the age of two, 20 per cent of children lie. At the age of three, 50 per cent lie, and at four almost 90 per cent lie. By the age of 12 almost every child tells lies.

Lying needs much brain work, and the better the lie is, the more work the brain has to do. By training the brain early, researchers believe children will be able to think more clearly when they are adults.

Recent research, carried out by the Science Museum in London, has shown some interesting facts about the way we lie as adults. According to the research, the average British man tells three lies every day; that’s over 1,000 lies a year. However, the average woman apparently only lies twice a day.

Most people think women are better liars (说谎者) than men although in fact they tell fewer lies. Popular women’s lies include ‘Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine’, ‘I don’t know where it is, I haven’t touched it’, and ‘It wasn’t that expensive’.

Some people say you can lie as long as it’s a white lie. A white lie is a lie told to avoid hurting someone’s feelings. One of the most common lies for both men and women is ‘It’s just what I’ve always wanted’, said after opening a present from their partner.

1.What will happen to young children who lie?

A.They will possibly do wrong later.

B.They’re likely to succeed in the future.

C.They will keep lying when they grow up.

D.They may have a good chance of losing others’ trust.

2.What do the numbers in Para. 2 show about children?

A.Older children tell bigger lies than younger ones.

B.As they grow, they often lie about their age.

C.The older they are, the more likely they lie.

D.It’s quite natural for them to tell lies.

3.What did the research by the Science Museum find out?

A.Men lie more than women. B.Women are better liars than men.

C.Women’s lies are usually not serious. D.Men sometimes have to lie to women.

4.What’s the true feeling behind the underlined part in the last paragraph?

A.You know me so well. B.I don’t like the present.

C.You are good at picking presents. D.I haven’t received a present I really like.


In the summer of 1885, nine-year-old Joseph Meister was very ill. He had been wounded by a sick dog that had rabies(狂犬病), a very dangerous disease. His parents were told that there was probably only one man who could save Joseph’s life——Louis Pasteur.

When Pasteur was a young boy in France, he spent many hours every day with the chemist (药剂师) who lived in his small town. At that time, the chemist had to make all the medicines himself. Young Louis enjoyed watching the chemist as he worked and helped those people who came to him each day.

As a school boy, Pasteur worked slowly and carefully. At first, his teachers thought that young Louis might be a slow learner. Through elementary school, high school, and college, Pasteur worked in the same thoughtful way. Then he became a college professor and a scientist , and he continued to work very carefully.

Pasteur was studying about the germs(细菌)that cause rabies when Joseph Meister became ill.In fact, Pasteur believed he had a medical treatment for rabies, but he had never given it to a person before. At first, Pasteur was afraid to treat Joseph, but the poor child was dying. Pasteur gave Joseph an inoculation(预防接种)every day for ten days. Slowly, the child became better.

During his lifetime, Pasteur studied germs and learned how they cause diseases in animals and people. He developed vaccinations(疫苗)that prevent many of these diseases. On September 28,1895, Louis Pasteur passed away, at the age of 72. The work of this great man has been of great help to modern medicine.

1.The story of Joseph Meister is given to __________. the author’s sadness

B.introduce the subject of the text some common diseases in 1885

D.warn children to stay away from dogs

2.According to the text, young Louis _________.

A.was once badly hurt by a dog

B.was very interested in medicine

C.made a living by working for a chemist

D.had been thought of by his teachers

3.We can learn from Paragraph 3 that Louis Pasteur __________.

A.was always patient B.was clever but proud

C.was a slow learner D.was a humorous professor

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A.Germs and diseases

B.Rabies: a terrible disease

C.The earliest chemist in France

D.Louis Pasteur: a great scientist


    Kenya’s long-distance runners are among the best in the world. Is their food and daily routine (常规) a key to the secret of their success? We spent a week at a training camp with ten top athletes (运动员) to find out. This is what we discovered.

They eat five times a day:

08:00      Breakfast

10:00      Mid-morning snack

13:00      Lunch

16:00      Afternoon snack

19:00      Supper

The Kenyan runners’ food is based on bread, rice, potatoes, porridge, cabbage, beans and ugali (balls of cornmeal). Ugali is usually eaten with vegetables.

Meat is eaten in fairly small amounts, just four times a week. The athletes drink a lot of tea with milk and sugar. They get all the vitamins (维生素) they need from their food — they never take vitamin pills.

They usually train as a group twice a day. The first run is at 6 o’clock in the morning and the afternoon run is at 5 o’clock. They run 10 to 15 kilometres in the morning and 6 to 8 kilometres in the afternoon. Once a week, the two 1,500-metre runners in the group run shorter distances at higher speeds.

An amazing part of the Kenyan food is its richness in carbohydrates (碳水化合物). Every 24 hours, they have about 600 grams of carbohydrates to give them energy for their training. They only eat a little fat, most of it coming from the milk they have in their tea. They drink about a litre () of water every day. Surprisingly, they drink more than a litre of tea every day, too. They always eat soon after training.

Rest and sleep are also an important part of the athletes’ programme. They are always in bed early and they always get a good night’s sleep.

1.Why did the author go to the training camp?

A.To improve his running. B.To report who are the best runners.

C.To learn from the athletes’ good habits. D.To find out why the athletes do so well.

2.What do we know about the first group run of the day?

A.It starts at midmorning. B.It happens before breakfast.

C.It is shorter than the second run. D.It is led by two 1,500-metre runners.

3.What surprised the author about the athletes?

A.They drink a lot of tea. B.They eat five times a day.

C.They never take vitamin pills. D.They take in a lot of milk and sugar.







参考词汇:专栏 column   中国画 Chinese painting

Dear editor,



Li Hua








Different experiences give people different feelings. I once studied in the USA as a exchange student. Upon arrival, I felt everything was interesting. But a few week later, I began to miss my home very much. As my American classmates were general polite, they kept me at a distance. What was bad, I met with some problems in my studies. The worst one was that I couldn't make sense of any jokes telling by the teacher! I was really upset, but I know I couldn't give up! After one struggle term, I finally got used to my new life. I am grateful for that I have had a chance experience difficulties and overcome them.


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