
Paper-cutting is one of the most popular folk arts in China. Today, there is almost no limit1.the number of subject2.can be explored with paper cuts.

The first paper cuts3.(make) during the Han Dynasty. At one point in history, the art of paper-cutting was very4.(common) practiced in Chinese homes. In the higher social classes, a woman’s status could even be measured5.(base)on her paper-cutting skills.

When the techniques used in paper-cutting spread to different parts of the world, the art developed,6.(take)on different local colors. Thus, in China it is called Jian zhi7. in Japan monkiri is what people call paper-cutting8.in Mexico papel picado. In modern times, paper cuts are still widely used9.(decorate) doors and windows, particularly during the Chinese New Year. Small paper cuts can also be used to add a(n) 10.(person) touch to greeting cards and bookmarks.


    Zoe's start in this world was hard. Brian and Debi knew there was something wrong with their unborn daughter's________, but they didn’t ________ what they were dealing with until she was born . “Zoe is truly a miracle(奇迹) survivor, because her chances of________were very, very low when I was pregnant(怀孕的) with her. We didn't know what the________was going to be,”  Debi said.

When Zoe had the open heart ________, her heart was the size of her father's thumb(拇指). Within just a few years of recovery(康复),Zoe was________through life.

“It is something that my doctors have always________ me to do,________it has the aerobic(有氧的) activity that I ________,” Zoe said. “Every time I dance,I feel so________ to have survived such a disease.”

Dance has been a part of her life since she was just 3 years old, and after recently________high school on a high score, she________to take her talents to Georgetown University in the fall.

“I am really________to just explore different opportunities, "Zoe said. "It is going to be a big ________.”

As Brian and Debi watch their daughter take off, they are making________for the American Heart Association's Heart Walk, where they__________to encourage other parents to keep the faith. “We are just very________and very happy,” Debi said.

“I will walk for further________, to support survivors of the future and to give back to people that have________to my survival and life every single day,”Zoe said. Zoe has not only survived; but ________to grow.

1.A.eyes B.heart C.nose D.hands

2.A.know B.say C.do D.have

3.A.acceptance B.promotion C.satisfaction D.survival

4.A.result B.reason C.joy D.pride

5.A.training B.accident C.operation D.communication

6.A.running B.traveling C.walking D.dancing

7.A.encourage B.hired C.begged D.invited

8.A.unless B.although C.because D.while

9.A.need B.doubt C.show D.create

10.A.lonely B.lucky C.nervous D.surprised

11.A.failing B.teaching C.finishing D.finding

12.A.refuses B.fails C.remembers D.prepares

13.A.moved B.excited C.ashamed D.angry

14.A.pity B.change C.promise D.mistake

15.A.plans B.excuses C.rules D.chaos

16.A.regret B.forget C.hope D.seem

17.A.practical B.careful C.patient D.thankful

18.A.explanation B.information C.research D.appearance

19.A.attacked B.compared C.affected D.contributed

20.A.returns B.continues C.happens D.harms


    Until two weeks ago, sixth graders could be found playing football. Recess(课间休息)was a time to play, learn, and exercise. Then, football was banned for being “too dangerous”. Now you'll find us lying on the grass and wishing for something to fill our time with.

Football is a good source of exercise. The TIME for Kids article, “Fighting Fat in Kids,”talks about different ways to fight obesity(肥胖).1.We need football so we don't grow up to be unhealthy and get diseases like diabetes or heart disease.

2.With big teams it doesn't leave anyone out like other games Just picture it: Every child in sixth grade can be invited to play together! Whether you are a great player or a beginner, there is always a place for you on the team!

Some people think football is only for boys.3.Out of 25 kids, including boys and girls, all will say they want to play football. Even my mom and sister love to play. This shows that football is a valuable part of recess and should not be banned.

Football helps us learn important things.4.Sometimes during the game both teams argue because they think they should get the point. This gives kids a chance to work out their problems on their own and make a solution.

Please allow football again at recess.5.We will get more exercise, we will build community, and we will learn important skills. These are lessons we need, and as long as we are careful, we can be safe. Please take the football ban away and let us play again.

A. In fact, that's not true.

B. We will be healthier, stronger kids if you do.

C. For example, we can learn to solve problems.

D. Football is a game that everyone can participate in.

E. These are the basic football rules for school children.

F.One of the reasons kids get fat is because they don't get enough exercise.

G. Football is a dangerous sport with injuries happening frequently to the head.


    Would you give your Social Security (安全) Number to the worker at the supermarket? Of course not, right? Yet, if you're like most people, you wouldn't hesitate to give out a different, but equally important number to the same person.

Experts now say that your cellphone number may be more pivotal than any other personal information in the eyes of spammers(垃圾邮件发送者) and identity thieves. In other words, you should guard that cellphone number with your life.

Today, your cellphone number will likely be with you for a very long time. That means if spammers get your cellphone number, it will be much harder to get rid of them. It also means that over the years, your cellphone number will be linked to a lot of personal information from contact lists to bank card numbers, all information that hackers would love to get their hands on.

A few years ago, German security researcher Karsten Nohl showed what he could get using only a person's cellphone number. Califomia Congressman(国会议员) Ted Lieu was given a new cellphone for a day and Nohl was given that cellphone number. Using just that number, Nohl was able to find Lieu's location and movements throughout Los Angeles, read his emails and text messages, and record phone calls between Lieu and his team. And Nohl did all of this from his office in Berlin using just a cellphone number.

Still think it's a good idea to post your number on the Internet?

When you sign up for an account(账户)online, you usually provide your email address and a password. But if you forget that password, many of these companies will send you a password retrieval code(检索码)to your cellphone. Let's say you post something for sale online and you include your name, email, and cellphone number. You've now given a potential(潜在的))thief everything he needs to hack into any of your online accounts. Therefore, it just makes sense to protect yourself by guarding that number as closely as you would guard any other personal information.

1.What does the underlined word "pivotal" in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?

A.Accessible B.Familiar

C.Important D.Manageable.

2.What does the third paragraph mainly talk about?

A.Why people should protect their cellphone numbers.

B.Why people seldom change their numbers.

C.How to protect our personal information.

D.How to get rid of spammers.

3.What did Karsten Nohl's show intend to prove?

A.Nohl is a real expert in hacking.

B.It's necessary to fight against hackers.

C.Lieu's new cellphone has powerful functions.

D.It's easy to hack information through cellphone numbers.

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.It's a good idea to sell something online.

B.It's necessary to register several accounts online.

C.It's common for people to forget their passwords.

D.It's risky to post your cellphone number online.


    In Woods Chan's class at a High School in California, students chat with each other in Spanish.Arabic(阿拉伯语) and Mam, a Mayan language from Guatemala. The students have only been in the US for a few weeks or months. Many students were from different countries last year. Woods Chan became concerned when she started hearing the Spanish-speaking students laugh when their classmates spoke Mam or Arabic.

Woods Chan came up with an idea. She asked her students to take turns teaching a little bit of their home language each day. Students taught their peers(同伴) how to count from 1 to 10, how to introduce themselves and how to say basic phrases or words like, ""Cool. "Then, they recorded themselves saying those phrases in short videos and wrote vocabulary words on the whiteboard.

Woods Chan saw the difference in her students. She said they grew more confident after seeing their own language on the whiteboard and hearing it in the videos. They started making friends with each other across cultural lines. Other students who were not in that class would come in and see something written in Mam on the whiteboard and say, "Hey, that's Mam! I speak Mam!”

The project also helped students understand their peers better. Orlando, a 17-year-old student from El Salvador, said he never knew Arabic or Mam even existed before he came to the US and heard his classmates talk. Now, he thinks it would be good for all students in his school to learn a little of their peers' home language. "When I first got here,”he said in Spanish, “I thought, ‘No one talks like me. I'm the only one,’ and I felt alone. Now, I don't feel so bad anymore.”

Knowledge of other languages can help Woods Chan's students beyond the classroom, too.Languages like Mam are becoming more and more common in the US. Some Oakland graduates have gone on to become Mam-English interpreters(口译员)to help fill a lack of interpreters in all kinds of settings.

1.What made Woods Chan think of the idea?

A.Her students making fun of another's language

B.Her students hardly using their home language.

C.Her students being interested in learning a new language.

D.Her students having difficulty communicating with each other.

2.What was the students feeling of seeing their home language written on the board?

A.Angry but accepting. B.Excited and proud.

C.puzzled but supportive. D.Relaxed and creative.

3.What effect did Woods Chan's project have on Orlando?

A.It made him feel less alone at school.

B.It encouraged him to get a job as an interpreter.

C.It helped him understand his home language better.

D.It enabled him to work better in foreign language classes.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.School is not the only place to learn.

B.All her students are language teachers.

C.She responds to her students' needs quickly.

D.Language is not a barrier to communication


    Tom liked to make up stories about the giants that threatened(威胁)the peace of his own land ,but he knew that the real giant in his life was Janice. Of course, it wasn't only Tom and his best friend John that Janice was after. She had two friends, Wilma and Bobby, who were almost as big as she was,and the three of them would wander around the playground, grabbing up rocks, running through jump ropes, and laughing while second graders screamed. They would even stand outside the girls' room every morning and make the little girls give them their milk money before they'd let them go to the bathroom.

Belle, Johns little sister, unfortunately, was a slow learner. Her daddy had brought her a package of Twinkies, and she was so proud that as soon as she got on the school bus, she forgot every-thing she knew and yelled to another first grader, "Guess what I got in my lunch today, Billy?”


“Twinkies!”she shouted so loud that you could have heard her in the back seat even if you were deaf in both ears. Out of the corner of his eye, John thought he saw Janice brighten up.

When they sat down, Belle was still talking about her Twinkies loudly. "My daddy brought them to me from Washington.”

John threw another look at the back seat. “You better shut up about those Twinkies”he said in her ear. “You just jealous(嫉妒的) because Daddy did bring you none.” “OK.” He turned to Tom to say, “warned her,didn’t I ? and Tom nodded back.

Neither of them was too surprised to see Belle come screaming toward them at rest time. “She stole my Twinkies!”John sighed. “Belle, didn't I tell you?”

1.From the first paragraph, what do you know?

A.Tom liked to be a writer.

B.Janice was a real giant in their lives.

C.Wilma and Bobby were almost as big as Janice.

D.Tom and John would wander around the playground.

2.How did Belle feel when she received the Twinkies?

A.Bored B.Helpless

C.Admired D.Happy

3.When John let Belle shut up about those Twinkies, he wanted________

A.to represent her. B.to protect her.

C.to attack her. D.to impress her.

4.According to the passage, who might steal Belle’s Twinkies?

A.Janice B.Bill

C.John D.Tom


What to do, where to go

Take your kids for a walk on science's wild side. These festivals are full of video games, cutting-edge(尖端) tech and fun!

Festival of Learning   16-20 June

Come and join Bournemouth University as we celebrate the joy of knowledge at our Festival of Learning. We'll be sharing our learning and knowledge through 80+ free events that explore our scientific research. Come along, get inspired and learn something new with hands-on sessions, workshops, talks and exhibitions for all ages!

Summer Science Exhibition   2-8 July

Royal Society invites you to its annual exhibition, showing the UK's most cutting-edge scientific research. From the very first3 D model of the Milky Way, to using quantum physics(量子物理学)in solving mental health problems, this is your chance to meet the extraordinary scientists carrying out research that is likely to change our lives. Alongside a host of exhibitions, you can also attend one of 30 talks, family shows and workshops. Join our journey of discovery this July. Evening opening--Tuesday 3 July, adults only.

Power Up   3-19 August

Get your game face on and play awesome games from the past 40 years, from Pong and Pacman to Minecraft and Mario at the Museum of Science and Industry. Whether you're a family dropping in for a 90-minute session or a gamer at an adult-only evening session, test yourself to the limit. Book before 21 June for 20% off selected tickets.

Norwich Science Festival   19-27 October

Celebrate the wonderful world of experiments, discoveries and exploration at Norwich Science Festival. Enjoy inspirational exhibitions hands-on family activities, inspiring talks and cutting-edge discoveries. A festival for all age groups and all levels of knowledge.

1.Which event should you attend if you're a game lover?

A.Power Up. B.Festival of Learning.

C.Norwich Science Festival D.Summer Science Exhibition

2.What can you do if you take part in the event held in October?

A.Attend workshops B.Do hands-on activities

C.Go to evening sessions D.Watch fun family shows

3.What do the four events have in common?

A.They offer discounts to tour groups. B.They require early booking.

C.They are intended for kids. D.They are science-themed.



1.This is the reason. He gave the reason for his being late.


2.Look at the boy and his dog. I meet them every day on my way to school.


3.My hometown has taken on a new look. I spent most of my childhood there.


4.We visited the lady yesterday. She taught us Chinese when we were in primary school.


5.I disliked the way. He solved the problem in the way.




1.-Are you familiar with the music?

- Yes. There was a time _____ this kind of music was quite popular.

2.This activity was warmly welcomed by students, all of _____ considered it helped to arouse their learning interest.

3.The moment when you are feeling sad, read what you wrote previously, _____ will help uplift your spirits.

4.The band (乐队) was very popular ten years ago, most of _____ members were in their twenties.

5.I would like to buy the same book _____ she is reading.








Last month, my parents and I was invited to my uncle’s home in America. My uncle, who moves to America when I was five, has been living there for nearly twenty years. She met us in the airport. I was exciting when I set my foot on the land of America. In following days, we visited to some places of interest and took photo in front of the Statue of Liberty. We all enjoyed visiting the Museum of Natural History so it enriched our knowledge great. For me, this is one of the most rewarding trips which I have ever made in my life and I look forward to going there again.



The Great Wall of China 1. (list) in the World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in 1987. Just 2. a huge dragon, it winds up and down across deserts, grasslands and mountains, 3. (cover) thousands of kilometers from the east to the west of China.

In ancient China, many people built walls around their states to protect their land. It was Emperor Qin Shihuang who had the walls 4. (join) up. The project cost much money and hundreds of thousands of people worked on 5. wall. On top of it, it is wide enough for four horses or ten men 6. (walk) side by side. Along the wall are watchtowers, in 7. soldiers used to keep watch. With a history of more than 2,000 years, some of the sections of the Great Wall are now in ruins or even disappeared. However, it is still one of the most 8. (attract) spots around the world because of its wonderful buildings and historical 9. (important). Many of the tourists have come to know the famous Chinese saying --- “He who does not reach the Great Wall 10. (be) not a true man.”


    Jim and his brother lived on the 80th level. When coming home one day, to their ____, the lifts were not working and they had to ____the stairs.

After reaching the 20th level, breathless and tired, they decided to ____ their bags and come back for them the next day. They climbed ____. When they got to the 40th level, Jim’s brother started to ____. However, they ____ to climb the flights of steps, arguing all the way to the 60th floor.

They then ____ that they only had 20 levels more to climb and decided to stop arguing and continue climbing ____. They reached their home at long last. Each stood calmly before the door and waited for the other to ____ the door. And they realized that the ____ were in their bags which were left on the 20th floor.

This story is a reflection(反映) of our life. When ____, many of us are asked to do as our parents and teachers expect. We ____ get to do the things that we really like and love and are under too much pressure ____ by the age of 20, we get tired and decide to ____ this load(负担).

Once ____ the pressure, we work harder to realize our dreams. But by the time we reach 40 years old, we find it ____ to realize them and begin to feel unsatisfied and complain, and ____ them. Reaching 60, we realize that we have _____cause for complaint any more, and we begin to walk the final stage with ____.

So follow your dreams and ____ for them carefully, never complain and lose your key, and your dreams will come true one day.

1.A.shame B.surprise C.happiness D.disappointment

2.A.clean B.replace C.fix D.climb

3.A.pack B.leave C.carry D.find

4.A.over B.down C.on D.out

5.A.rest B.complain C.work D.explain

6.A.continued B.refused C.forgot D.demanded

7.A.realized B.advised C.hoped D.agreed

8.A.in order B.in peace C.in turn D.in time

9.A.lock B.answer C.close D.open

10.A.tickets B.books C.keys D.phones

11.A.lonely B.sick C.successful D.young

12.A.always B.rarely C.again D.finally

13.A.only if B.so that C.even if D.as if

14.A.take up B.set up C.give up D.put up

15.A.free of B.tired of C.worried about D.concerned about

16.A.hard B.interesting C.strange D.easy

17.A.accept B.avoid C.share D.lose

18.A.much B.all C.little D.some

19.A.regret B.pleasure C.fear D.danger

20.A.look B.ask C.wait D.prepare


    A Canadian University is trying a new way to help reduce students' exam-time stress: dogs.

Dalhousie University is filling a room on campus with dogs from Dec.4 through Dec.6 for students to visit and play with the animals between exams. The pet room will be open for two hours(9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.) on the first two days and for five hours (9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.; 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.) on the third day. The dogs will be provided by Therapeutic Paws of Canada, a non-profit organization that trains animals to help people with practical needs.

Dalhousie’s student union posted an advertisement for the pet room on its Facebook page and within 24 hours, it was shared nearly 2,000 times. Hundreds of students expressed their excitement over the pet room on the Facebook.

Athea Costello wrote, ''This is the best idea ever! ''

Michelle Presse wrote, ''Thank you! I'm so excited. I already feel less stressed now. ''

Alumni complained the pet room wasn't offered when they attended this university (this is the first time the school is offering it).

''I think it should be open to alumni. Although we have already finished the exams and graduated, we are still stressed, '' Lola Doucet wrote.

Some dog owners offered up their own pets for the students, but the student union said only trained dogs are allowed to participate.

Dogs have been helping students at a number of U.S. universities, as well.

From Kent State University in Ohio to Macalester College in Minnesota, more and more dogs are around campus during exams to help students relax.

Richelle Reid, a law librarian who started Emory's pet therapy program said, ''it has had positive effects, helping them to just have a moment to clear their minds and not have to think about studies, not to have to think about books. ''

At Harvard Medical School and Yale Law School, students can ''rent'' pets for some alone time.

1.When could a student visit the pet room?

A.At 11:30 a.m. on Dec. 6

B.At 8:00 a.m. on Dec. 5

C.At 3:00 p.m. on Dec. 6

D.At 3:00 p.m. on Dec. 5

2.From the comments on the blog, we can know ____.

A.someone has already felt the effects of animals

B.many students knew nothing about the new way

C.the university offered the pet room every year

D.some students complained the pet room was useless

3.The pets mainly help the students _____.

A.have a richer college life

B.prepare for the exams better

C.learn a skill for the future

D.relax from the study stress

4.Alumni (underlined in Para. 6) refer to those ____.

A.who have graduated from college

B.who will take exams in a few days

C.who love pets very much

D.who feel extremely stressed


    If you think about World Heritage Sites, you probably think of places connected with ancient art and culture, historic buildings and monuments. And of course, many of these are on the World Heritage List (WHL)(世界遗产名录). But the WHL contains a lot of sites that are not so obvious. Let's look at a few of them.

Robben Island in South Africa

This island was used through the centuries as a prison, hospital and military base. But it's probably most famous as a maximum-security prison for political prisoners in the twentieth century. Nelson Mandela was one of its most famous residents. The WHL says it represents ''the triumph of democracy(民主))and freedom over oppression and racism''.

Borders of France and Spain

This is an area of great natural beauty and the mountains have many interesting geological formations. But it is also an area of small farms. People there still use a type of agriculture that used to be common in mountainous areas of Europe in the 17th century but that has almost completely disappeared in modern times.

The city of Brasilia, Brazil

Brasilia is a capital city that was created from nothing in 1956. The WHL calls it ''a landmark in the history of town planning''. The different areas of the city and the buildings themselves were all designed at the same time carefully. Every part of the city shows the ideas of the planners and architects.

Simien National Park, Ethiopia

Simien National Park was one of the first sites to be listed in 1978. It is one of the highest mountain areas in Africa, and the WHL calls it ''one of the most spectacular landscapes in the world''. It is also important for its wildlife. The population of some rare animals is getting smaller and smaller.

1.Which of the following sites was listed on the WHL for its political symbol?

A.Robben Island in South Africa. B.The city of Brasilia, Brazil.

C.Borders of France and Spain. D.Simien National Park, Ethiopia.

2.The WHL has listed Borders of France and Spain probably because____.

A.people there still use a type of agriculture that is common in Europe in modern times

B.this is an area of great natural beauty

C.the mountains there have many interesting geological formations

D.it shows us past European society by the type of agriculture

3.Which of the following sites is famous for the wonderful plan of buildings?

A.Robben Island in South Africa. B.Borders of France and Spain.

C.The city of Brasilia, Brazil D.Simien National Park, Ethiopia.

4.The passage mainly talks about____.

A.the remains of ancient cultures on the WHL

B.some of the less well-known sites on the WHL

C.the household heritage sites on the WHL

D.important places of art and culture


    Earthquake rescue robots have experienced their final tests in Beijing. Their designers say that with these robots, rescue workers will be able to have more time to save more lives during an earthquake.

This robot looking like a helicopter(直升机) is called the flying robot . It's about 3 meters long, and it took about 4 years to develop the model. Its main functions(作用)are to collect information from the air, and send goods of up to 30 kilos to people trapped by an earthquake. It has a high-definition 360-degree panoramic(全景的) camera. It can work day and night and is also able to send the latest pictures from the quake area.

Dr. Qi Juntong, a researcher at Chinese Academy of Science, said, ''Unlike other automatic machines, the most important feature of this flying robot is that it doesn't need a distant control. We just set the destination information on it, and then it takes off, and lands by itself. It flies as high as 3,000 meters, and as fast as 100 kilometers per hour. ''

This robot has another different function --- it can change as the environment changes. Its main job is to search for any signs of life in places where human rescuers are unable to go. As well as a detector(探测器)that finds victims and detects poisonous gas, a camera is placed in the 3-meter-long robot, which can work in the dark. Another use for the rescuers is the supply bot, with its 10-meter-long pipe, people who are trapped in the ruins will be able to get supplies including oxygen and liquids.

Experts have said that the robots will enter production and serve as part of the national earthquake rescue team as soon as next year.

1.What can we learn about from the passage?

A.It hasn't been put into production so far.

B.It is a machine with a length of 10 meters.

C.It is a machine carried by a helicopter.

D.It weighs about 30 kilos.

2.Dr. Qi Juntong thinks this robot is different from the others mainly because ___.

A.it has more functions

B.it has a more advanced camera

C.it can change as the environment changes

D.it can work by itself once given the information

3.The underlined word ''which'' in Paragraph 4 refers to___.

A.a camera B.a detector C.a rescuer D.a doctor

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.The appearance of the robot. B.An introduction to the robot.

C.The reason for making the robot. D.Some information about earthquakes.


    Norman Borlaug, who is making a difference, is known around the world. He is often described as the man who has saved more lives than any other person in history. Norman Borlaug is considered the father of what has been called the Green Revolution. His ideas about agriculture increased the crop production and ended hunger in many nations. Mr. Borlaug continues to be a leader among agricultural researchers.

Norman Borlaug was born in 1914 on a farm in the American state of Iowa. In the middle of the 20th century, the world population was expanding faster than the food production. Experts said many people in developing countries would face starvation (饥饿).

Norman Borlaug was an agricultural researcher at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center in Mexico. He developed methods of growing wheat that increased the amount harvested by three times. He later repeated this success in India, Pakistan and Africa.

His methods of farming saved millions of people who would have starved to death. Norman Borlaug was given the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in 1970.

Norman Borlaug is still urging experts to think about the needs of people around the world. His latest concern is a disease in wheat called UG99. He says it has the power to destroy most of the wheat being grown around the world. He says reductions in agricultural programs have made it harder to take action against such threats.

Mr. Borlaug's granddaughter Julie works at the center named after him at Texas A&M University in Dallas. She says his worry about food problems rises from the belief that hunger is unacceptable. She says Norman Borlaug still believes it is our responsibility as human beings to feed one another.

1.Norman Borlaug was ____ years old when he was given the Nobel Prize.

A.99 B.94 C.65 D.56

2.In the passage, the writer tries to ____.

A.express his respect for Norman Borlaug

B.describe Norman Borlaug and his research

C.show an interest in Norman Borlaug's research

D.introduce Norman Borlaug's own life in America

3.Which of the following statements about UG99 is TRUE?

A.UG99 is a modern software virus.

B.UG99 is a virus that appeared in 1999.

C.UG99 caused increase in agricultural output.

D.UG99 is a disease that does great harm to the wheat.



1.What did the speaker want to do as a teenager?

A.Study whatever he wanted.

B.Take a part-time job.

C.Drop out of school.

2.What did the father do after hearing the son’s plan?

A.He took his son to the factory.

B.He called his son’s teacher.

C.He bought his son many books.

3.What did the speaker think of the local factory later?

A.It was terrible.

B.It was fun.

C.It was quiet.

4.What does the speaker do now?

A.He teaches language.

B.He works at the United Nations.

C.He studies at a famous college.



1.What is the woman’s telephone number?




2.Where did the man store the telephone number?

A.In his cell phone. B.In his notebook. C.In his head.

3.How many telephone numbers can the man remember?

A.About 456. B.About 81. C.About 100.

4.How can the man remember so many numbers?

A.He has a trick to remember the numbers.

B.He calls the numbers very often.

C.He arranges every number in order.



1.Why does the woman complain about the hotel room?

A.It was dirty.

B.It faced a noisy street.

C.She had to wait for two hours to move in.

2.What made the woman angry the most?

A.The noise. B.The food. C.The staff.



1.How often does the woman eat out?

A.Only once a week.

B.About three times a week.

C.Almost five times a week.

2.What kind of food does the woman like the most?

A.Home-cooked food.

B.Restaurant food.

C.Food the man makes for her.

3.What does the woman say about business meals?

A.They are very expensive.

B.They make everyone more relaxed.

C.They don’t usually end in a deal.



1.Why does the woman tell the man to put the bread back?

A.It tastes bad.

B.It is cheaply made.

C.It is cheaper in another store.

2.What does the man usually buy at the shop near his house?

A.Peanut butter. B.Bread. C.Olive oil.


Where did the man’s brother say he would meet the man?

A.At the café. B.In the baggage area. C.At the gate.


Who is the man?

A.A salesman. B.A repairman. C.A mailman.


Why is the man moving to London?

A.He has gotten a job there.

B.He runs a company there.

C.He prefers to live in a big city.


When did the woman arrive?

A.6 o’clock. B.7 o’clock. C.8 o’clock.


What is on sale at the shop?

A.Hats. B.Shirts. C.Jackets.



Marmi, my big sister, was eagerly looking for a pup(小狗) to look after and love all her life, so she would ask Mummy many times for a pup of her own, but the answer was always no. You see, my mum is not very fond of dogs, never has been, and always says they're too big a responsibility. She's just not a dog person. Well, that didn't stop my sister from looking or hoping for a dog. She used to search online for her favourite breed(品种). Until one day Marni found some Cavapoo pups advertised for sale. She immediately showed Mummy and begged to go and see them. Not sure how my sister persuaded her, but to our surprise, Mummy said we could go and have a look at them but not to get high hopes. Marni rushed everyone in the car before Mummy changed her mind. Off we sped to the advertised breeder's house which luckily wasn't too far. We got to the house and I bet I could hear my sister's heart dancing with excitement. As we rang the doorbell, we could hear cute little barks coming from inside. We went in and saw lots of little black pups excitedly jumping around. There were other people there too, so we needed to choose one fast if you know what I mean. It was rather crowded but the breeder let us hold and cuddle(搂抱) the pups. The breeder handed a little confident pup to Marni. The little pup seemed an old friend with my sister. But after a lot of cuddles, Mummy said we had to go and would have to think about it.






Paragraph 1:

As we were walking towards the door, the little pup followed my sister out.


Paragraph 2:

The little pup made a mess(杂乱) of our home.







1): 宣传中国、了解世界;





Dear Tom,

I am glad to know that the activity about Colorful World Cultures will be held in our school.


Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua



My name is Ma Lili, a 1. (survive) from the Tangshan earthquake in 1976. Many strange things happened before the earthquake, but we didn't take it2. (serious). In fifteen seconds, a large city lay in 3. (ruin). The number of people killed or badly 4.(injure) reached more than 240,000. My family and I 5. (bury) under the building. Luckily, soldiers came to our rescue in time. It was reported that Tangshan was the centre of the earthquake and tens of thousands of people died, 6. shocked the world! At that time, some people7. (think) Tangshan would disappear from the world. 8., Tangshan soon began to breathe again. We all devoted 9. (us) to rebuilding it and the city now is becoming even 10. (beautiful) than before.


It was his wife's laughter that Matt missed the most.

Before she died, his wife asked him to find someone else to share his____with, but he didn't. And days moved __

One day his phone rang and the___ of his daughter, Patricia, appeared on the screen. “She wants my_____again,” Matt thought.”Hi, Dad, one of my co-workers has offered me a____for free, could you help take it to my home?”

Half an hour later Matt____ at her co-worker's house. A woman, Lisa,_____at the front door with Patricia and explained, “I'm getting rid of my table, and she needs_____.” “The table I'm getting looks almost____,” Patricia said.”You know she takes so good care of everything.

His daughter's___of the woman made Matt study her immediately.”She didn't look bad. ___, she was quite beautiful.” Matt thought. “Well, Patricia, as long as it won't collapse(坍塌) while you're eating, I'd say you've got a pretty good deal.” Matt said___

Lisa said, “In fact,____ what Patricia has told me about how much her husband eats, that could become a problem.” and laughed.

Lisa's____reminded him of his wife and at the same time he noticed his daughter's____smile. “Has she set me up(介绍某人相亲)?”he thought _____ he gave his daughter an asking look. Patricia's widening smile was his __

“Matt, 1 asked Patricia for only one small favor___ this table,” Lisa said as she looked at Matt.”That I would be able to borrow her___ to help me assemble(组装) my new table.”“

“I'd be happy to!” Matt answered. And he ___it.

1.A.money B.life C.story D.house

2.A.on B.off C.in D.out

3.A.address B.information C.smile D.name

4.A.offer B.truck C.phone D.help

5.A.cupboard B.table C.chair D.car

6.A.arrived B.drove C.came D.rushed

7.A.begged B.lay C.greeted D.sat

8.A.nothing B.one C.another D.anything

9.A.old B.fashionable C.new D.popular

10.A.evidence B.encouragement C.praise D.mercy'

11.A.Besides B.Therefore C.Anyway D.Actually

12.A.coldly B.jokingly C.excitedly D.nervously

13.A.from B.in C.on D.for

14.A.expression B.appearance C.breath D.laughter

15.A.knowing B.hating C.upsetting D.discouraging

16.A.unless B.if C.as D.though

17.A.doubt B.answer C.concern D.question

18.A.in return for B.in place of C.in search of D.in need of

19.A.mom B.co-worker C.friend D.dad

20.A.refused B.designed C.meant D.planned


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