-I had butterflies in my stomach before I gave that talk.

-I__________nervous too if I had been in you shoes.

A.was B.would be C.had been D.would have been


Helen borrowed my book the other day, promising__________it soon.

A.to return B.returned C.returning D.having returned


I was about to give up halfway when my teacher____________ to encourage me to carry on.

A.has come B.comes C.was coming D.came


-Do you still want to become a professional footballer?

-That ambition has never died. I'm still as__________ and determined to make it.

A.elegant B.embarrassed C.explicit D.enthusiastic


Bob often works but in the gym,so it is no wonder that he is____________.

A.in control B.in panic C.in shape D.in effect


The company is making a long-term__________to breaking into the American market.

A.complaint B.comment C.commitment D.contribution


There can be no doubt____________teachers love hardworking students.

A.where B.that C.which D.whether


It has rained cats and dogs for days.I hope it will___________next week.

A.step up B.make up C.take up D.clear up


I can still remember my childhood life,_________it was so long ago.

A.if only B.as though C.even though D.in case


He_________himself advanced English all by himself by the time he turned 18.

A.taught B.had taught C.has taught D.would teach


You could get into a situation_________you have to decide immediately.

A.what B.which C.where D.that



It is quite reasonable to blame traffic jams, the cost of gas and the great speed of modem life, but manners on the road are becoming horrible. Everybody knows that the nicest men would become fierce tigers behind the wheel. It is all right to have a tiger in a cage, but to have one in the driver's seat is another matter.

Road politeness is not only good manners, but good sense. It takes the most cool-headed drivers great patience to give up the desire to beat back when forced to face rude driving. On the other hand, a little politeness goes a long way towards reducing the possibility of quarrelling and fighting. A friendly nod or a wave of thanks in answer to an act of politeness helps to create an atmosphere of good will and becomes so necessary in modem traffic conditions. But such behaviors of politeness are by no means enough. Many drivers nowadays don't even seem able to recognize politeness when they see it.

However, misplaced politeness can also be dangerous. Typical examples are the driver who waves a child crossing the street at a wrong place into the path of oncoming cars that may not be able to stop in time. The same goes for encouraging old ladies to cross the road wherever and whenever they want to.  An experienced driver, whose manners are faultless, told me it would help if drivers learnt to correctly join in traffic stream without causing total blockages that give rise to unpleasant feelings. Unfortunately, modem drivers can't even learn to drive, let alone master the roadmanship. Years ago, experts warned us that the fast increase of the car ownership would demand more give-and-take from all road users. It is high time for all of us to take this message to heart.




1. 竞选职位;

2. 个人优势;

3. 当选设想。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




For many people of Asian descent(血统) living overseas, a Facebook group called Subtle Asian Traits has become one of the popular cultural 1. (phenomenon). Its jokes and memes - about life as a first-generation migrant - have made the page 2. (wild) popular. Almost a million people 3. (join) the group since it began. The posts, 4. can be made by anyone, have had conversations about cultural identity. It was founded by nine Chinese-Australian high school students living in Melbourne. Anne Gu, 18, one of the 5. (found), said they were delighted when the group hit 1,000 members but now it's gone crazily. “We didn't think at all that it would get this big, or so serious,” she said, 6. (refer) to its growth into 7. online community for people of Asian descent.

The posts span a range of topics, but they often focus on Asian culture 8. (experience) by the children of migrants. That's 9. most members are young people from Australia, the US, Canada and the UK, rather than those living in Asia.

Anne Gu believes that the page is so popular because it identifies just little things in our lives that no one talked 10. before.


    I started a company when I met with a major chance that was going to take our company to the next level. Then something _________ happened. I received an email from the investor that read, “We’re going to _______.”

I was crushed(崩溃). The next few days I thought about this _______ and realized just how _______ I truly was. I thought maybe it was time to count my _______ and get another “real job”. Luckily, I realized that having that thought meant I had a problem—my fear of _______ I was going to keep moving forward with my company I’d have to _______ this fear of being rejected again. So, I _______ Google to help solve my problem and I found a game. The _______ of the game is to help you get over your fear of rejection by ________ seeking out rejection. I loved it. I ________ I would try it to help me remove this fear.

What came next was something I could have ________ imagined. As my rejection journey continued, I began to feel more and more ________ when asking for things, realizing I could focus on the ________ factors.

In the process of my rejection journey, here is what I learned about rejection. Avoiding it doesn’t ________ mean you avoid failure. Most people believe avoiding rejection is a good thing, ________ that’s not true. When we ________ away from rejection, we reject ourselves and our ideas before the world ever has a ________ to reject them. This is the ________ form of rejection and we are overlooked by the world. Therefore, the greatest lesson I’ve learned from rejection is no matter what, don’t be ________ by the world.

1.A.interesting B.unexpected C.strange D.different

2.A.invest B.quit C.fail D.lose

3.A.condition B.cause C.accident D.defeat

4.A.discouraged B.thankful C.fortunate D.considerate

5.A.losses B.investment C.money D.days

6.A.damage B.destruction C.rejection D.failure

7.A.oppose B.hate C.overcome D.reduce

8.A.turned to B.appealed to C.responded to D.led to

9.A.origin B.outcome C.rule D.purpose

10.A.consequently B.intentionally C.primitively D.accidentally

11.A.admitted B.suggested C.decided D.explained

12.A.never B.ever C.almost D.nearly

13.A.fearless B.powerful C.ashamed D.embarrassed

14.A.predictable B.controllable C.undesirable D.considerable

15.A.firmly B.frequently C.hopefully D.necessarily

16.A.and B.or C.however D.but

17.A.take B.give C.look D.shy

18.A.reason B.chance C.motivation D.inspiration

19.A.worst B.best C.common D.rare

20.A.conquered B.ignored C.judged D.cheated


    Countless parents have kids who just want to eat chickens pasta, or macaroni and cheese, and definitely without any vegetables. So what’s a parent to do?1.. We reached out to experts on healthy eating for kids, and they had a ton of great advice.

Make food interesting. Lori Day, an educational psychologist, thought that if kids found it interesting, they would be more likely to try it. So Day let her daughter shell peas, count them, sort them by size and play with them before putting them in the pot.2.. "Make food interesting if your child is naturally curious and is willing to engage,” Day said.

3.. Several parents talked about how bringing their children with them to the farmers market or the grocery store and having them help with the cooking can get them more excited and invested in what they are eating. Kids can be inspired to eat healthy when they are part of the meal, said Margaret McSweeney, host of the podcast Kitchen Chat. "A trip to the local farmers market can connect them with the source of food."

Give kids choices. Amy, an infant-child psychologist said that from a young age, parents should let their kids choose foods and snacks they like, within reason. “Give them more room to choose as they get older,n she added. And never get into a power struggle with your kids about eating, she said. 4.

Model healthy eating. Our kids can be influenced to make better choices if they watch us doing the same.

Pam Moore, founder of the blog, whatever, says her kids always see her and husband eating healthy.  5.. I often keep sliced veggies washed, sliced and ready to eat for snacks. Our children will ask for bites as time goes on, as they like to copy what we do," said Moore.

A.First, don't stress.

B.Inspire kids to eat healthy.

C.Get the kids to be involved.

D.Her daughter loved eating them raw or cooked.

E.Make sure you are not over controlling or overeducating them.

F.Both my husband and I typically add greens to our eggs at breakfast.

G.We talk about food colors and how it is healthiest to make meals with various colors.


    It turns out that overworking your brain with either physical or mental exercise may lower your ability to delay self-satisfaction. And that may set you up for poor choices in your self-care and finances.

A new study published Thursday in the journal Current Biology asked excellent endurance athletes to overtrain for three out of nine weeks, and compared them to a group who did a normal 9-week training program.

Not only did those overworked athletes perform worse on a cycling test at the end of the overtraining MRls(核磁共振) of their brains during behavioral tasks showed more exhaustion in the cognitive control part of the brain system. “Cognitive control in this situation is the capacity to maintain exercise despite things like muscle pain,” said study author Bastien Blain, a research associate at University College London. “And what we found is that there is an intelligence factor involved in exercising and it has a limited capacity. You cannot use it forever.”

In other words, your brain will burn out and affect your body’s ability to exercise. But that’s not all. Overworking that part of the brain also reduced the athletes’ abilities to resist temptation of an immediate reward, “For example, they were asked whether they preferred $10 now or $50 in six months,” Blain said. “And those who overtrained were more likely to choose the immediate reward, which is interesting. It could provide a mechanism to explain why some athletes are using drugs to improve their performance.”

One caution about the exercise study is that it only looked at endurance athletes, said. Dr. Marc-Andre Cornier, who is associate director of Colorado University’s Anschutz Health and Wellness Center. “This is potentially very important for the higher end athlete who is overdoing it,” Cormier said. “But does this have anything to do with the average Joe going to the gym? You can’t conclude that from this study.”

1.What does the underlined word “it” in the third paragraph refer to?

A.The brain system. B.A limited capacity.

C.An intelligence factor. D.The cognitive control.

2.Why did overworked athletes tend to choose the immediate reward?

A.Because they were too eager to succeed.

B.Because all parts of their brain burned out.

C.Because overtraining led to their bad decisions.

D.Because they took drugs to improve their performance.

3.What is the passage mainly about?

A.A study about self-satisfaction.

B.Negative effects of too much exercise.

C.The relation between brain and exercise.

D.Poor choices in people’s self care and finances.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A.There is a limit to the brain.

B.Higher end athletes have great potential.

C.Top athletes may suffer from overtraining.

D.Delaying self-satisfaction results in better performance.


    The amount of time young children in the United States spend with mobile screens might raise some eyebrows, as a new report found it has tripled in just four years.

Children 8 and younger spent about 15 minutes a day staring at a mobile screen in 2013 and now they spend 48 minutes a day, according to the report by Common Sense Media, a nonprofit organization focused on helping children, parents, and educators navigate the world of media and technology.

The report, released on Thursday, also found that 42% of children 8 and younger now have their own tablet devices, a sharp increase from 7% four years ago and less than 1% in 2011.

Children spending more time on mobile devices comes as no shock to Douglas Gentile, a psychology professor at Iowa State University who was not involved in the new report but has studied the effects of media use on children.

“On the one hand, it's not surprising because it's what we look around ourselves and can see.I can see it at the airport, for example, I can see it at restaurants and I can even see it in my own home where my younger daughter watches almost no television, but she'll watch lots of TV shows on her phone, "Gentile said.

“On the other hand, it's been getting harder for parents to really monitor a lot of what their kids are seeing and doing.At the same time, they're relying on the seeming benefit of being able to quiet the kid at a restaurant with a device,” he said. “We may be building a bit of a Frankenstein’s monster, because we re using that power for our benefit, not for the child’s benefit.”

These changing patterns in how children interact with media appear to be great, said James Steyer, chief executive officer and founder of Common Sense Media.in an email to CNN. “One of the most shocking findings is that mobile devices are now as popular in the home as TVs-98% of households with kids under 8 have a mobile device,” he said. “The ubiquity of mobile is changing childhood.”

1.The writer uses figures in the second paragraph to_________.

A.prove the reliability of the report.

B.praise the efforts made by Common Sense Media.

C.indicate the popular use of mobile devices nowadays.

D.illustrate the increase of time children spend on mobile devices.

2.According to Douglas Gentile, parents_________.

A.can totally control children's use of mobile devices .

B.always use mobile devices in favor of their children.

C.partly cause children's increasing use of mobile devices.

D.often discourage their children from using mobile devices.

3.The underlined word in the last paragraph most probably means “_________”.

A.rare use. B.important role.

C.obvious benefit D.common existence


    With TV shows like ''Sex and The City” and "Baywatch" making the leap to the big screen, fans of 90s sitcom "Friends" had been hoping and praying that a movie would be on the way.

Sadly, Jennifer Aniston - who played Rachel Green throughout the sitcom's 10 seasons - has now flattened hopes of a restart. In an interview with Variety, the 50-year-old actress said that although there was some interest in a movie, producers wouldn't allow it.

Asked if her former castmates Courteney Cox (Monica Geller), Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe Buffay), Matt LeBlanc (Joey Tribbiani), Matthew Perry (Chandler Bing) and David Schwimmer (Ross Geller) would be open to repeating their roles, she continued, "It depends. I mean, we haven't all sat in a room. But would we have loved to have done something together? Yeah. It would have been fun. We could have redesigned it for a couple of episodes. But whatever. Maybe it's better this way, but we'll never know.”

Aniston said she was surprised that fans are still watching reruns of the show on Netflix, 25 years after it first premiered. “It's a phenomenon that I am amazed by. To have a whole new generation of children adoring the show as much as they did back in the day when it was airing for the first time is incredible.”

Aniston's comments come just months after Adam Sandler, her co-star in the new Netflix comedy “Murder Mystery,” called on her and the cast of “Friends” to “make a movie”. “‘Friends' was a powerhouse,” he told People in June.

Marta Kauffman- who co-created the show with David Crane - has said in the past that a restart ran the risk of ruining the show's heart. “One, the show is about a time in your life when your friends are your family. It's not that time anymore,” she told Rolling Stone magazine in 2013. “All we'd be doing is putting those six actors back together, but the heart of the show would be gone. Two, I don't know what good it does us. The show is doing just fine, people love it. A reunion could only disappoint.”

1.Jennifer Aniston was amazed mainly because_____ .

A."Friends” are still being shown on Netflix

B.producers wouldn't allow the reunion of "Friends”

C.even today's young people like "Friends" so much

D.fans of 90s “Friends” expect its movie to be on the way

2. “The heart” of “Friends” mentioned by Marta Kauffman may indicate_____ .

A.the happy time of the old generation

B.the important roles of friends in modem times

C.the value of friendship in young adults’ life back then

D.the balance between friends and families 25 years ago

3.We can conclude from the passage that       .

A.a "Friends" movie may never happen

B.Variety is pushing "Friends" to be filmed

C.actors of "Friends" all hope to see a reunion

D.Jennifer shows high expectation on filming "Friends"


假定你是李华,原定今年 6 月去纽约旅游并约定探访朋友 Taylor,现因故推迟。请你给Taylor 写信,包含以下要点:

1. 写信目的;

2. 推迟的原因;

3. 告知新计划。

注意:1. 词数 100 左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

This year I experienced one of the long holidays in my life. I had to stay at home to avoid being infected by coronavirus, kind of virus that resulted in a serious lung disease. The disease break out in January, taking tens of thousands of life worldwide.

As for a high school student, I didn’t just stay at home eating, sleeping or play computer games. Instead, we kept studying under my teachers’ guidance, but I’ve made great progress these days. I hope to study in Zhongshan University in the future, and that’s how I’m working so hardly now.


阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Different countries have wildly different forms of greeting.

In the USA, when you pass by someone you know, a nod is acceptable, and you usually shake hands with someone you first meet. But in Latin countries, a firm handshake1.(consider) rude. In my home country, Mauritius, when people meet, they usually kiss each other 2. the cheeks. This is also common in France, 3. the act is called faire la bise. However, this is not 4.universal rule.

During my first week in the USA, I kissed every single girl I met. My friends had to tell me that that was inappropriate,5.(leave) me in great embarrassment. What is common here, however, is for friends6.(hug) each other – something I was not used to. Hugs always make me 7.(frighten) because I don’t really like that. This may seem strange since even kissing 8.(stranger) is normal in my country. Now that I think about it, I hate cheek-kissing as well.

Wouldn’t it be 9.(enjoy) to have a greeting code that is 10.(wide) acceptable? I’m not saying we should start doing that, but we can surely do something to avoid misunderstanding.


    More than two decades after it went missing, a ceremonial crown has found its way home to Ethiopia. The country’s prime minister, Abiy Ahmed, expressed his _______ to the Dutch officials who helped with its_______ – and to the man who_______ it, Sirak Asfaw, who went to the Netherlands in the 1970s for political reasons.

Sirak played a big role in the_______ journey of the fancy crown. He used to host different people from Ethiopia in his Dutch house. In 1998, one of the_______ asked him to look after a crown. But after _______ it was of Ethiopian origin, he refused to give it back and _______ it should be sent back to Ethiopia.

However, he didn’t _______ the authorities in power in Ethiopia at the time so he kept it at home. “To_______ such a treasure then was very hard to do,” he said. “I ended up in such a(n)__________ situation, not knowing who to tell or what to do with this________ artwork.”

It was not until the reform-minded Abiy Ahmed took office in 2018 that Sirak________ decided to come forward. He________ Arthur Brand, a famous Dutch specialist in the recovery of stolen art, and   Brand, who has described the __________ as “one of the most exciting finds of my career,” then ________ Sirak to give it to local authorities.

So the________ reached out to the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the ministry helped them work out the________ of returning the artwork to Ethiopia – where it hadn’t been seen since early 1990s. ________, after 21 years hidden in a Dutch________, the crown is now back in Ethiopia. This is the amazing achievement of returning the treasure to its________ place.

1.A.wish B.preference C.appreciation D.enthusiasm

2.A.return B.search C.development D.protection

3.A.repair B.made C.found D.bought

4.A.short B.unusual C.dangerous D.pleasant

5.A.experts B.officials C.ministers D.guests

6.A.admitting B.suggesting C.announcing D.realizing

7.A.advised B.insisted C.concluded D.imagined

8.A.trust B.respect C.urge D.disappoint

9.A.take away B.hand over C.take possession of D.make use of

10.A.risky B.awkward C.unique D.unstable

11.A.precious B.foreign C.unknown D.illegal

12.A.randomly B.unwillingly C.eventually D.hesitantly

13.A.interviewed B.praised C.recognized D.consulted

14.A.reform B.incident C.crown D.leader

15.A.trained B.ordered C.allowed D.encouraged

16.A.pair B.police C.specialists D.authorities

17.A.costs B.details C.challenges D.advantages

18.A.Gradually B.Ridiculously C.Thankfully D.Undoubtedly

19.A.hotel B.office C.museum D.apartment

20.A.right B.strange C.public D.hiding


    Cold showers are common practice in many countries and have been around for much longer before we were spoiled with in-home water heaters. Many health benefits are associated with taking cold showers, the most popular one being improved circulation (血液循环). Cold water hitting the body causes blood to move closer to the inner organs to keep them warm.1.

Also, those who take a cold shower in the morning are most likely to be more energetic than people who take a hot shower. 2.  This, in turn, increases your oxygen intake and heart rate, leading to improved awareness and a more energetic state.

Besides, as you take a cold shower, your body struggles to stay warm by increasing its metabolic (新陈代谢) rate.3. These cells are responsible for protecting your body and increasing your immune system, making you less likely to be affected by disease.

Additionally, as the cold water shocks the nervous system, the nerves send a signal to the brain and activate the part of the brain responsible for releasing hormones that reduce depression.

4. Having a shower with cold water will close pores (毛孔) in your skin and also make your hair appear smooth, shiny and healthy.

5. Turn that tap to cold every now and then, boost your health, and save some pennies on the heating bill in the process.

A.So, what are you waiting for?

B.Do you believe in these benefits of cold showers?

C.That act increases the overall blood circulation in your body.

D.Lots of white blood cells will soon disappear from your body after that.

E.This results in the body producing more white blood cells as it thinks it’s under attack.

F.A less obvious benefit of cold showers may be discovered when you look in the mirror.

G.The sudden touch of cold water will surprise the body, leaving you taking a deep breath.


    As the coronavirus spreads, remote work arrangements preserve continuity and allow people to stay busy doing something familiar during a time of crisis. At first glance, telecommuting (远程办公) might not seem so bad.

While it works well for some, it doesn’t for everyone. Working remotely has widespread negative consequences, including people spending time working that they might otherwise have spent with family or friends – because they can easily cross their work-life boundaries, they end up working longer hours.

People who telecommute may also have trouble freeing themselves from work and from the technology that enables it, which contributes to the harmful consequences of reducing face-to-face time and personal interactions. When humans rely on technology, we may forget how essential these interactions are to human happiness.

As a university professor, my days consist of social interactions with students and colleagues. I generally find those conversations and the resulting relationships inspiring and rewarding. The coronavirus situation means that countless teachers like me face the possibility of standing in front of a camera instead of a classroom. I’d prefer doing that to canceling class, but I can’t help wondering whether my job, along with so many others, is about to experience a great and potentially permanent change.

I wonder how many faculty members might be laid off if the university decides teaching remotely is good enough, or how many people will be let go when their bosses realize they don’t need to show up every day, or even at all. Finally, here’s the most important question: whether people believe their firsthand, lived experiences can be replaced – and not just during a pandemic (大流行病).

The coronavirus will accelerate our rush into the arms of technology. Ironically, our faith in  technology may end up speeding up our own obsolescence (过时).

1.According to the text, what may telecommuting result in?

A.Shortened working hours.

B.Loss of personal freedom.

C.Increased family happiness.

D.Fewer personal interactions.

2.Which is true about the author?

A.She loves teaching in front of a camera.

B.She enjoys popularity among her students.

C.She considers social interactions to be beneficial.

D.She’s concerned about the spread of coronavirus.

3.What does the author intend to express in Paragraph 5?

A.Anxiety over the future.

B.Expectation of education.

C.Views on unemployment.

D.Love for lived experience.

4.Which section of a website is the passage probably from?

A.Fashion. B.Opinion.

C.Health. D.Events.


    Life expectancy in the United States has been in decline for the first time in decades, and public health officials have identified a series of potential causes, including inaccessible health care, rising drug addiction and rates of mental health disorders, and socio-economic factors. Now, a study led by the Yale School of Medicine has attempted to find out the relative impact of two factors most often linked to life expectancy – race and education – by looking at data about 5,114 black and white participants in four U.S. cities.

The lives and deaths among this group of people – who took part in the study approximately 30 years ago when they were in their early 20s – show that the level of education, and not race, is the best predictor of who will live the longest.

Among the 5,114 people followed in the study, 395 had died. These deaths were occurring in working-age people, often with children, before the age of 60. The rates of death among participants in this group did clearly show racial differences, with approximately 9% of blacks dying at an early age compared to 6% of whites. There were also differences in causes of death by race. For instance, black men were significantly more likely to die of murder and white men from AIDS. The most common causes of death across all groups over time were cardiovascular disease and cancer.

But there were also obvious differences in rates of death by education level. Approximately 13% of participants with a high school degree or less education died compared with only approximately 5% of college graduates.

Strikingly, when looking at race and education at the same time, the researchers found that differences related to race almost disappeared: 13.5% of black subjects and 13.2% of white subjects with a high school degree or less died during the course of the study. By contrast, 5.9% of black subjects and 4.3% of whites with college degrees had died.

Therefore, improving overall quality of education is something tangible that can help reverse (扭转)this troubling trend in reduction of life expectancy among middle-aged adults.

1.What can we learn about the participants in the study?

A.The whites are more aggressive.

B.The whites got higher education.

C.More blacks than whites died young.

D.More whites than blacks died of cancer.

2.Compared with education, the influence of race on death rates is         .

A.significant B.unnoticeable

C.growing D.long-lasting

3.What does the underlined word “tangible” probably mean?

A.Realistic. B.Creative.

C.Challenging. D.Temporary.

4.What can be inferred from the research findings

A.People can get smart through learning.

B.One should not discriminate other races.

C.People don’t enjoy equal rights for education.

D.One can live longer by getting more education.


    Hot dogs, peanuts, an orderly green field: Sal Miyake loves everything about her first baseball game– a love shared by author Scott Simon as a kid at Wrigley Field in Chicago, Illinois.

Sal is the main character in Simon’s first kids novel, Sunnyside Plaza. To create her world, Simon made use of his job at a halfway house when he was 19 years old. He cared for adults with mental disabilities. Working the evening shift, he made sure they brushed their teeth and took their medicine before bedtime.

“All my life I’ve wanted to write about that experience,” said Simon, a journalist who hosts Weekend Edition Saturday for a radio station. He said the job changed his life.

Like Simon’s long-ago clients, Sal lives in a home for adults with mental challenges. It’s called Sunnyside Plaza. Sal is kind and hard-working, and she helps the cook in the kitchen every day. She is also very observant. Sal may not be able to read, but she notices details that others often miss. When some of her Sunnyside friends begin to die, Sal tries to figure out why. Because of her disability, people don’t always take her seriously, but others help, sometimes in surprising ways.

At the halfway house, “I enjoyed getting to know people who at first sight seemed a world away from me,” said Simon. “Then I realized how much we had in common. We talked and joked. I liked spending time with them.” One of Simon’s favorite memories: taking 12 of the residents to a Chicago Cubs baseball game, where their amazement mirrors Sal’s in the book.

Simon based Sal on several people he knew, and he did additional research to make sure her voice and viewpoint are believable. “I wanted to get all this right,” said Simon. “The books you read when you’re young really stay with you.” For him, this meant the classics his mother guided him to, including his favorites Black Beauty by Anna Sewell and A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.

1.What do we know about Sal Miyake from the text?

A.She resembles Simon in personality.

B.She is an imaginary person in a fiction.

C.She loves playing baseball with Simon.

D.She works in Sunnyside Plaza as Simon did.

2.What does Simon think of his job at the halfway house?

A.A means of earning his living.

B.A chance to make foreign friends.

C.A platform to improve his baseball skills.

D.An experience influencing his life greatly.

3.What can be learned about the novel Sunnyside Plaza?

A.It reflects Simon’s working experience.

B.Its main character was based on Simon.

C.It was written in memory of Simon’s mother.

D.It has encouraged thousands of disabled men.

4.Which can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Classics Reading Makes a Great Writer

B.Working Experiences Change Your View

C.Life-changing Job Inspires First Kids Novel

D.Helping the Disabled Brings You Happiness


    Which country can you travel to in 2020 that will allow you to go for longer, enjoy a higher standard, and save more money? The following destinations offer accommodation, transportation, and food for less.

Kyrgyzstan, $25/day

Kyrgyzstan is the choice for most travelers interested in trying out Central Asia, and most well-suited to travelers of all budgets. Food is cheap, so is getting around using the minibuses. You can find hostels and local home stays for less than $10. Meals cost $4 – $8 per day.

Romania, $33/day

If you are planning a European trip that’s affordable and a little bit off the beaten path, Romania is perfect for you. Unlike other popular places, many charming towns here remain unknown to most foreigners. You can also take free walking tours in the numerous historical sites. Hostels run $10 – $15 per night, food is hearty and delicious, and the public transportation is reliable and affordable. Meals cost $10 – $15 per day.

Arizona & Utah, $55/day

For an American Southwest road trip, you’ll spend an average of $110/day when you are solo. If you have just one other person, you’d be able to split the costs almost perfectly in half. If you have two other people along, take it down to one third and so on. The more the merrier.

South Africa, $40/day

Any hostels in South Africa are in beautiful settings and each has a unique personality, and affordable too. Food can get expensive. To save money, cook your own food. Grocery stores are plentiful and have reasonable prices. By at least cooking your own breakfast, you can save a lot of money. The best (and possibly cheapest) way to get around the country is to rent a car and share with 3 other people. Meals cost $12 – $15 per day.

1.What makes Romania different from the other places?

A.Nice hostels.

B.Delicious food.

C.Less-visited towns.

D.Cheap transportation.

2.What may the author recommend for travelling in South Africa?

A.Drive your own cars.

B.Cook your own lunches.

C.Stay in excellent hotels.

D.Find unique travel partners.

3.What feature do the four destinations share?

A.They’re famous for historical places.

B.They’re the best places for travelling.

C.They have convenient public transportation.

D.They’re good travel choices for saving money.



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提示词:模拟法庭 moot court

Legal Awareness Week was opened in our school. A series of activities were carried out.






3.  疫情给你带来的思考。



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Dear Jim,



Li Hua


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